says 2 % Tnmt ng ï¬we care Of‘yourckï¬hes U)y0ur itlolhes looking new longer. Only Sanitone dryclean- ing restores both the original bright- ness and original feel of the fabric. 8 HOUR SERVICE â€" AMPLE PARKING YONGE & LEVENDALE RICHMOND HILL SANITONE I W m I Sanltone ‘ (â€Med Mast†Drydcancr WOâ€QOMOOMOOO““OO<OOMO“OOGOOmé This offer is limited to: Mondays. Tuesdays. Wednesdays and Thursdays and EXPIRES FEB. 14th A ° ' A VAVAV 51190101 VAVAV AV VA Av VA 7367 |967 Centennial Offer |867 l967 FREE PERMANENT! Miss Carol BEAUTY SALON PHONE NOW FOR APPOINTMENT . . You pay only for shampoo, set and cut 70 YONGE ST. S., RICHMOND HILL OPPOSITE THE ODEON THEATRE BOD) 884-4784 Asked about the deficit, Peter Smith, who has been chairman of the board's finance committee for the past year, said there were two alternatives, either to raise the mill rate or to go after the province for additional grants. “Our basis of assessment is un- balanced. We have a high resi- .dential percentage but do not lenjoy the percentage of indus- trial assessment we need. We (Continued from Page ll raised the mill rate this year be held until after the auditor‘s wit-h regret and we cannot go too report is made. he was told that far in this direction, so we will the date is set by the Depart- continue to press the province ment of Education. “Then I for more help. We are not the think you should take the mat- only board with the same prob- ter up with the department and lem," he stated. have it changed. Make a note of The board employs 42 teach- that Mr. Secretary,†he said. ers to teach 1070 children at have it changed. Make a note of that Mr. Secretary,†he said. Another ratepayer asked why amalgamation with the Thorn- hill Board is desirable. Mr. Tay- lor noted that a larger unit is always more efficient. “With a larger number of pupils, teach- ers and classrooms, we could provide ancillary services neither board can afford alone. In the past we have had super- visors of music, physical educa- tion and the primary division. but we have had to drop them. because we could not afford them. With a bigger organization we can cut costs by bulk buying jof supplies, also,†he said. Asked about the deficit, Peter Smith, who has been chairman of the board's finance committee for the past year, said there were two alternatives, either to raise The board employs 42 teach-i ers to teach 1070 children at a total cost of instruction of $186,689, Trustee Sam Neill re- ported in answer to a question from another ratepayer. Mini- mum salary is $4.000 and the highest salary $7,100. Business Administrator Jack Matthews \reported that $60,000 to $65,000 ‘in assessment had been picked up since September, in answer to another questioner. >:= >:< a: =.< In addressing the meeting after his nomination, Mr. Logan felt the board needed a trouble- shooter, a member who will in- vestigate and report. “If elected I will be digging up every skeleton I can,†he promised. People who have worked with me will tell you I am a perpet- ual snooper,†he added. . Hill Separate School Trustees How to start the New Year right is demonstrated by these members of St. Matthew’s United Church Couples Club, as they gather around the table for a midnight buffet. The party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Graeme Bales, Vaughan Road, with Mr. and Mrs. G. Mitchell and Mr. and Mrs. R. Monohan acting as co-hosts. Left to right. back to camera. Jean Burn, Rev. James Burn, Howard McKay, Hilda Martin. Fred Martin and Olive Wylie. 6 BINGO â€" THURSDAY night 8, . pm. sharp, jackpot; â€" 4 spec- . ial and 25 regular games. Our . Lady Queen of The World Hall. . East side of Bay-view at Crosby 5 A\'e., Richmond Hill. 1fc27 After the election Mr. Logan returned to questioning the trustees, particularly on the amount paid to teachers and re- ported demands for increases and fringe benefits they will be seeking in 1967. Chairman Taylor reportedith.eir that salary negotiations have 3111: not yet begun and that he could Jure< not hazard a guess at what the 001113 teachers will be asking. “Salary 531 t negotiations are a lengthy and GOUF delicate process and I would not West like to say anything Which might _M1 jeopardize their successful conâ€" Wlth clusion, he stated. “Our board turn. has always made an effort to Ml give the teachers the best salary €erec and the best working conditions June possible, in order to provide the 91‘3“ best education to the children s1ble of the ratepayers You can’t pronuffe vide good education if you don’t‘ A1 pay good salaries." Mr. Taylor;tal 3 went on to point out that Cath-i T“ olic teachers have been subsidizâ€"Hu’m ing the Catholic ratepayers‘mVO] through the years by accepting Th lower salaries than those paid a cal in the public school system.“urc “They have every right to de- Duff mand the best standard of liv- Lam ‘ing possible, although they may was be trying to improve this stand- $300 ard too rapidly for the average Catholic ratepayerâ€, he conâ€" cluded. ‘ ' Haw was JANUARY 7, SATURDAY. 2 pm at R.H.H.S. Library Club pre- sents film Runaway Railway also serial part 4. Admission season ticket or 30 cents. c1w27 JANUARY 18 to 30 â€" King- crafts, King City Centennial Ex- hibitions by the Art Institute of Ontario: "Texture and Color Handweaving 1965†â€"g“Ontario Ceramics.†Monday to Thursâ€" day, Saturday and Sunday. 2 - 4 pm. Friday. 8 - 10 pm. Admis- ision tree. Everyone welcome. Celebrate The New Year EPolice Accident Report An inquest will be held into'Yonge Street at Markham Road. the death of two men, who were In an accident at Yonge Street proper left turn after his car killed December 30 when their and Crosby Avenue January 2~was in collision with a vehicle car smashed into the CNR Over- at 5.25 pm. Theodore McCluske5'.ld1'iven by Charles A. Hill, 41 pass abutment on Don Mills 18, of 334 Kerswell Drive. was‘Vaughan Road. Road. near Newmarket. How: ever, Chief Fred Mason. Whit-l ’ " ’ ' †‘ ' “ mile l Richmond Hi" Lions Club Bl MONDAY, JANUARY 9 charged with making an im- Killed in the early-evening‘ collision were the driver. James Francis Dowling, 26. Toronto. and his passenger, Albert 1n- garra. 43. of Gormley. both of whom were employed with a‘ Toronto meat packing firm. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Neal both suf- fered bruised ribs and chest in- juries, while Terry received lac- erations to her forehead and pos- sible concussion, and both boys suffered fractured right wrists. Police and ambulance attendâ€" ants had to use crowbars to re- move the bodies from the car, which was believed to have hit the abutment head-on, and was nearly cut in half by the impact. A Langstal‘f family of five was treated for injuries at York Central Hospital following an accident at Jane Street and the Maple Sideroad Saturday afterâ€" noon. Mi'. and Mrs. Sandy Neal. and Mr. Gough has been charged with making an improper left turn. Police said part of the car engine was found in the back seat. Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Neal, and their three children, Terry, 13; Bill, 9; and John, 12. were in- jured when their car was in collision with a garbage dispo- sal truck, driven by Thomas F. Gough, of S. L. Wright and Sons, Weston. All were released from hospi- tal after treatment. Two other accidents in Vaug- han Township New Year‘s Day involved lone drivers. The first one occurred when a car driven by James E. Aylett, Aurora, skidded into a ditch on Dufferin Street in front of the Lands and Forests building, and was damaged to the extent of $300. A few hours later, Penny Hawksworth, 18, of RR 1, Maple, was the driver of a car, which went out of control on Conces- sion 5, south of Teston, and hit a hydro pole. Miss Hawksworth was remov- ed to York Central Hospital for treatment of a concussion. Markham Township Police re- ported three accidents, in which only single cars were involved. Her car completely In the first one. Charles L. Hunt. Scarboro, and his passen- ger, Susan Greenhough, Union- ville, were taken to hospital for treatment of injuries, after the Hunt car went off the road and hit a tree. The accident occurred on Con- cession 9 and 17th Avenue, De- cember 30. New Year's Day, a car driven by Mrs. Mildred Brillinger, Gormley, skidded out of control on Concession 3 and ran into some guide posts, causing about $150 damage. Mrs. Brillinger suffered a bruised shoulder. The following day. a car driven by Millar Christina. Scarboro, went out of control on Concession 5 at 16th Avenue, ‘and struck a pole. A three-car collision in Rich- mond Hill January 2, caused an estimated $365 damage. Involved were cars driven by Roberto Lucci, 35, 102 Cartiel Crescent; Bryan J. Larocque, 19 Thornhill; and Robert Thomas Cubitt, 40, 28 Rockport Cres- To Hold Inquest Into Car Deaths Damage to the car was $1,000 accide 1960 model, was recked. (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) KLEENEX â€" Size 200’s â€" Save 13c PEAS. CORN. BEANS, PEAS 0R (‘ARRO'I‘S Del Monte Vegetables Champion DOG FOOD DR. BALLARD‘S â€" Save 11c MORLEY'S FIRST GRADE BLADE AND SHORT RIB BONELESS SHOULDER POT ROAST R. J. LUCAS & ARTHL’RS SMALL LINK No. 1 Large Firm Red Slicing TOMATOES 29¢ LB. FACIAL TISSUE 4 Pkgs. 69¢ 15 Oz. Tins 15 Oz. Tins 55¢ ? IUTTER Imprint 63¢ w h I s e H d [0 R a te s muuuullumuuuuuuul1qumuulumumuuuumuuuuuuuum y Markham. Township Went UP January I Inaugural Jan.9 â€" No Local Increase “Markham.’l.‘9!‘_'n.5““’ Richmond Hill Hydro is going to have to pay more for its wholesale power in 1967. Pro- vincial ofï¬cials have informed the local commission that whole- sale costs will go up approxi- mately $7,500 during the com- ing year. Richmond Hill's wholesale bill was $575,000 in 1966. This will mark the first wholesale increase Richmond Hill has had since 1961. However there will be no increase in the rates to the consumer. Any provincial increase will be ab- sorbed by the commission. A total of 49 local residents took advantage of hydro's sec- ond annual electric blanket of- fer. Anyone purchasing an electric clothes dryer during the fall from the appliance dealer been selected at press time. 3631:: [ï¬gglï¬gt 1:563:21):st ee‘ nuummumnmmumnuu\tumumnmuuuuumlmmmummm‘ Only a total of 45 tenants PICKERING: Township council have applied for a refund underhnembers are all “burned up" the commission‘s deposit l‘efund‘becauSe of holes burned in the plan which came into effect amped bi‘oadloom carpet in the new November 1. Under the neWlmunicipal building. They blame plan tenant consumers in allylpeople who sit in the chambers category, domestic, commermal on court days and smoke during or_industria1 who have had acourt recess periods although satisfactory pay record for the smoking is prohibited there by period Of one year is eligible order of the fire marshal's de- for a refund. Property owners partment do not pay a deposit. Domestic _V_____._____._ tenants pay a deposit of $15 g-mumumln“munuum“nmummuuummmnummmmmm while commercial users pay $25. R . ] fl Anyone wishing further in- formation on this refund plan is asked to phone Hydro Sec- lretary Brydon Ellis at 884-4466. ROASTS SAUSAGE 49¢â€:- I‘HE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thur $1.00 3-LB. BAG CARRO'I'S BINGO Lions Hall STARTING TIME: 8 PM. Bradford No. 1 the ‘aler free red broadloom carpet in the new‘to Donald Wayne Jackson of El municipal building. They blameICentro. California. The wedding people who sit in the chambers‘formally scheduled in Sacred on court days and smoke during Heart Church. Bmwley Cali- court recess periods althoughlfornia will take place at Our smoking is prohibited there by Lady Queen of The World on order of the fire marshal's de- Saturday January 7 at 12 o'clock partment. noon 1:“I“Illllllllllllllllllilllllll“lilllllllllllllllllllll“l“lll“l\I“1Illlll“111ml“11“\\l“\1lllllllillllllllmlllllllllhllllll““lllllllllllllllllllllllllmlg‘ mmuuuu\\mmuumuuuuumunIunmmuuulummuuuuuulu: Markham T o w n s h i 1) Council will hold its inaug- ural meeting January 9 at 11 am at the Buttonville municipal ofï¬ces. After the swearing-in ceremonies and the invoca- tion. members will adjourn for lunch. and then will return to the council cham- bers in the afternoon for their initial meeting of the year. Council. which will sit for two years. will only have one new face. Elect- ed in December to fill the position of deputy-reeve va- cated by Cleary Palmer. who died Tuesday. was S. J. Gadsby, chairman of the planning board. Clergyman for the morn- ing ceremony had still not been selected at press time. DEL MONTE & LI’L ABNER FACELLE MODERNE (‘ADBURY‘S -â€" Reg Super Value BACON 1 Lb. Pkg. 19¢ Chocolate Biscuits Richmond Inn WWW/W? W} ORANGE DRINK YONGE STREET. RICHMOND HILL 884-1101 - 889-1921 TOILET TISSUE LUCAS & ARTHURS RINDLESS 4-Roll Pkg. Motor Hotel 48 Oz. Tins Pkgs Mushrooms 49¢ LB. Blade Bone Removed Lb. . $1.00 39c Snow White Ontario To Wed On Saturday Mr. and Mrs. William Hender- son are happy to announce the forthcoming wedding of their daughter Jessie Mary Henderson JESSIE HENDERSON January