Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Jan 1967, p. 6

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-vu.yuu_v The Four Winds Nursery School portunitie 7951 Yonge Street, Thornhill.tering tln mornings and afternoons andlview ap; all day school. Transportation‘Manager: available. 889-4664. tic12116+ Em 2.000 new and used glazed sash rolled roofing â€" $1.50 per roll. QUANTITY DISCOUNTS Rec. Rooms, Garages. Home Building Projects. Alterations. 12 mile east of Yonge St. South off Markham Rd. Open Sat. until 5:00 pm. 889-3942 Cedar Ave. Richmond Hill New and Used Lumber, Plyâ€" woods Plumbing, Doors & Elec. trical Supplies. 25 ton used pipe and steel 3" and 4" (cast) soil pipe Oil Tanks, Steel Sash. Fluorescence Light. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill ‘Vinyl asbestos floor tile 9" x9"; First Line .080 guage, 5 populax' colors, while they last, 9'2c each. Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd. 19] Yonge St. N. t[c26 FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected. dry, mostly Maple. $16 a single cord. 14‘ x 8’ x 16”) delivered. Alvin Baker 889-2436. tfc13 PART TIME 0] Telephone Cam‘z mond Hill area. 5 mission â€" hours 7.00 - 8.00 pm. 1; 223-0320. cwww PRACTICAL nurses part time, WWW) day shift and also 11.30 pm to press and motor, new rollers, 7.30 am. Nursing Home, Yonge type, cabinets, slug cutter, ink, Street, Thornhill. 889-7072. paper. 12" cutter. Ready for clw27 bUSiness, $600. First come takes!COUPLE for cleaning main atkAfter 4-30. 83445317. C1\\'27§lodgeA dav wm-k Fxnmfipmmd ALUMINUM PEOD‘UE’TS STATE registered Sales and Service time. 11.30 pm to 7 Doors, windOWS, siding. Callfng Home, Yonge S York Aluminum. 884-4558. lhlll' 389-7072- .uu Pauuxe nag, plus tut trailer, SALESLADY for variety store, consulel‘ all offers. 884-8175. Jpart time immediately. Bayview clw27IVai'iely. Bayx'iew Plan. 884â€" QUANTITY of MEIâ€"1187;611:5335 “”27 fella & Timothy Mixtures, SOCjMAINTENANCl‘Zjian. involves pen bnle, Thus. McGriskimljaniLor \vork. Richmond Hill, Unlonwlle, 0m. Phone 887-5561JPermanent job. Give full details *1w27!to Box 5, "The Liberal”. clw27 M _ V--- tfclSIapprentice, partitiirheuor full 1965 SKI-DO used in excellent time. Good Salary. Call 889-6648. condition equipped with cover ““727 and saddle bag. plus tilt trailer,tSALESLADY for variety store, consider all offel‘S. 834-8175. Ipart time immediatplv anvinu' r‘lnrJWUUD, 6 year seasoned oak, $20; 1 year seasoned maple $18; 3 year seasoned elm $14. Per single cord. 773-5368. FIEEWOOD, 6 ALUMINUM ‘ for Rich qurs, windows. awningS, and SOCieU’- raxlings. Ron Woods. 884-1514..384‘3°65 CRATEsjf’filâ€"sizhgi‘sfifigifelsurance ofiicé lonatetiili {1301:5- for overseas shipping and hill. Experienced preferred. 889- domestic use, reasonable. (3911- 4933- C1“'27 tral Van alig_Sip£:ig_§. thB'PARTT’I‘lME seci'etary-treasurer ALUMINUM {for Richmond Hill Agricultural lcr.’ one-um. clw27 YOUNG lETes for light factory sary, uniforrii suppliedrForiirriâ€" LARGE packing case, easily eon- work in plastics plant. Apply formation phone 832'1555- I verted to garden house, play- Cadillac Lumber, Maple. Ask for “624 house or for picket fencings. M"- J09 Véix- 01W27 â€"CARRIER BKY 0R GIRLâ€" kchvm WOMAN for housework. Monday “The Liberal" requires a car- AUTOMATIC washer, sudâ€"57¢; to Friday 9 to 4, Saturdays, 9 tier for an established paper turn, will deliver and gual'aiiteelto 12. $45 weekly. 773-5193. route in King City. Must be one year. Ken Clark 889-5226.! cl\\'27 reliable and responsible. Please tremlfib‘fic’y‘fiist realiggfibfigjappiy Sam Cook. 884-1105. BEAUTIFUL mahogany table 5’ x 15" suit living room, hall, re- creation room, study. What of- fer? 884-1207. c1w27 01' able. 889-51781 able. 889-5181. c1\\'27 8 MM Camera with zoom lens. screen. film splicer, 2â€"light light bar. 889-7090 after 5. chv27 For large or small areas. 884- 7768. mm DRY hard wood cut 16" for fire- place Delivexed single cmd lots} 884-4519. trcls‘ DINING room table, 6 upholster- ed chairs. light oak, very reason- STRAW Good clean straw. 884-7 768 21” Television Console, excel- lent condition. 884-7298. ttc9 CLEAN straw. 884-2538 tfc20 SNOW tires, new, 750x145. $30. 884- 6013 evenings. L1“ 27 SPECIAL PiFfiiiTAâ€"SE: METRO WEEETUKG' AND LUMBER c0. NURSERY SCHOOL 6 â€"THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, January 5, 1967 “Sell The Old And Bring In The New . . . With Liberal Action Want Ads” sertion 811.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am_on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. CASH RATES. lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. 5000111 and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, .71: per word. min. charge .900. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word: min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS OF THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- Canvasser for Rich- rea. salary plus com- hours 2 - 4 pm and pm. Call Mrs. Croft. LIMESTONE OPPORTUNITY CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 884-1745121313? clw27 c10w19] PRACTICAL cl“ tfc tfc36 MATURE responsible ..... u LLEAELUICU nulac, pull. time. 11.30 pm to 7.30 am. Nurs- Call ing Home, Yonge Street, Thorn- hill. 889-7072. c1w27 4â€"9 N~LVALH' huuu curate t\ pist tfc23 RICHMOND HILL 1 SALES OPPORTUNITY iDavid McLean Ltd. Realtors are increasing their Richmond Hill office staff and have openings for 2 salesmen or salesladies. Our successful long established company offers unequalled opq 1164 a year. If you are willing to work hard 5 evenings a week. age 21 to 35 and have a car. we will pay you to learn our business. Call 727-9459 Aurora. *1u‘27 SALARY $4. PER HOUR Part Time 6.30 pm. â€" 10.30 pm. We offer you an education in the sales field. Our training program gives you an oppor- tunity of earning, over $10,000 sive company. Phone H. D. I son. 487-1131., COMMERCIAL CREDIT CORPORATION CLERK typist finance office Steeles, good c CLERK Men 6, 5 and 2 years. 5 day week. Ironing and light housev keeping. Own transportation or live in. Evenings. 889-4283. MATURE “oman 1equi1ed £01 light housekeeping 1esidentia1, evenings and weekends free, mother must work. 833-5061. in. . --> r--~ _ â€"' 1Manage1 Allelicoun IGA Rici1- ‘YOUNG MENâ€" 16 19- Flookmg' HARE mond Hill ““27 £01 11011;. Anything consideried ( â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"¢ w â€"â€"â€" Can you help us. Call SalvationlCustOm l COOKS A v 889-4869 tfc 2tions, ad. F01 childr'ens residence, full L o Kitchens time and \1 eekend relief, good LADY experienced sec1etary, Harrison. wages, pleasant su1roundings excellent typist sho1',thand h. Phone 8895779 01“,” dicta, gene1a1 office loutine, Plastering 4-1,, seeks a1t-time osition. 222- MATURE wonlan 1equi‘1ed £01 7851 p p 91“27:Plain and 1' "Lt L ........... CASHIER Must have some office experi- ence. full time. Apply in person, Manager Allencourt IGA. Rich- mond Hill. c1w27 COUPLE for cleaning main lodge, day work. Experienced dining room waitress. Transpor- tation required. 889-4988. MAiums responsible woman required by children’s residence for night duties, 8.30 pm to 8 am. 889- 5779. c-1w27 LICENSED mechanic 01 3 year appientice, part time 01 full {CLEANING woman. "II‘IIUISday or Friday, 9 to 4 pm Uplands and Yonge, Thomhill. 889-6904. (-1w27 Duvvubno wanted, \vednesday 7 pm, at Allencourt Bowling A1- leys. Phone Mrs. Groom. 884- 4540. c1w27 889-7457. c2w21 HOUSEKEEPER, 3 days weekly, ‘Nursing Home, YonEze Street. Thornhill. 889-7072. clw27 BOWLERS wanted,_Wédnesday EXPERIENCED c szah i 137; woman, Centre Street area. 884- 2976. clw27 CAPABLE cleaning woman {vim car 3 days weekly, light duties. 889-7457 d1 .ues for new the business appointment '1': M venin . THREE LINES T0 Iypist required by in- Call Arnold Mortson, c1w27 t required for new a near Yonge and opportunity for ac- to join a progres- . Phone H. D. Nel- MCC people en- CREATIVE drama for young For inter- people 6 to 16. Spring term com- call Sales mencing January 14. For infor- @301: 8879-.mation call 884-1910, evenings. 811 nurse, part as: c1\\'27 c1w27 clw AVAILKBIE for all elementary subjects; grade 9 - 12 French, New Math. Teacher. 884-5079. ROOM and board near Yonge Street South. private phone if desired. 884â€"1509. *1w27 ROOM and band availableâ€"f0} one or two gentlemen. 773-5770. c1w27 Rug ines FATHER and son require room and board in congenial home atmosphere. Any acceptable sit- uation considered. Please phone A. Smoke 884-1880. *1w27 LUMBER SHIPPER Man required with knowledge of construction material to handle doors, trim, plywood, lumber etc. Must be energetic, accurate, and able to take responsibility, good wages steady employment, ad- vancement opportunities, all benefits. Lansing Building Supply Ltd. 258 Sheppard Ave. East, Wil-l lowdale. clw26 EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER TYPIST Required for local golf club. year round employment. Transâ€" portation necessary. Apply in person to Richmond Hill G011“ and Country Club, Bathurst St. Richmond Hill, or phone 884â€"! 8171. c1w271 PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 - 889-3756 PRESSMAN Heidelberg Pressman wanted for old established job printing shop, must be reliable, steady work. Apply Sam Cook, “The Liberal”. Phone 884â€"1105. REAL ESTATE career {or men or women. free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call‘ Tula Realty leited. 222-2525. DISHWASHER, middle - aged man or woman. experienced with dislnvashing machine. Apply in lperson Yangtze Pagoda Restaur- ant. 01' call 889â€"3036 or 884- 4278‘ ask for Mr. Hein. tfc27 WAITRESSES wanted, 3-11 pm shift. Esso Service Centre, High- way 400. Experience not neces- sary, unifqrm supplied. For inâ€" formation phone 832-1555. RENTALL. 41‘ PART-TIME TELLER Friday evening and Saturday mornings. Experienced prefer- red. Call Mr. Rice 884-1188 Guaranty Trust Company. EXPERIENCED waitress, Threel Coins Restaurant, 36B Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. Apply in. ‘ person. tfc21. i' EXPERIENCED WAITRESS lWanted for restaurant in Thorn-l hill. $1.25 per hour. Apply 7584 Yonge St. Thornhill. Peter‘s Res- taurant. 889-0027. c1w26 INSPECTORS (male). for white goods manufacturing. State ex- perience and salary expected. Box 600, Woodbridge. c2w26 FULLTIME help. female, in the snack bar from 9 to 5.30 13.111. Apply to Mrs. Purvis, GEM: \Store Snack Bar, 7171 Yongej St. c3w25 - MALE sales representative wanted for large nation-wide moving company. Apply in per- son, Central Van 8: Storage, 28‘- lndustrial Road. Richmond Hill. tfc4 l EMPLOYMENT 3;: WANTED l CLERK typET£6 work in Ricâ€"11: mond Hill, 5 day week. Write Box 4, "The Liberal". c1w27 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT lContinued) GENERAL Cafeteria help Day wmk' good “ages. 889- 4264. shampooers tools. chairs HELP WAUNTED ,ngLLANEOUS; USED CARS TUITION SERVE YOU 0 PHONE THE ACTION CLASSIFIED NUMBERS 8 YONGE N7 floor mach 884-6761. c2w27 tfc43 tfc31 nc3w25 for white State ex- expected. c2w26 05 ALTERATIONS iepaiis, cusâ€" ms“ 18 tom building Registered and bond ded company. Flee esti- °r men mates - advice. Phone evenings. 123,11}: 832â€"1036. tfc27‘ c1w27 tf025 clu'27 IT pays to gfow cucumbers tin-‘77". der contract. A guaranteed mar- ket is available to you. Con- tracts are being taken now for[ DEAD STOCK 1967. For further informatiou.!W.ANTED all kinds of dead an- write or phone Frank Watts,‘imals. For fast service call 884- .7059 Yonse SL, Willowdaie. 889â€" 2538 or Zenith 3-2800. Licence 5494. tfc23,.\'o. 204-62. mm PRINTING broker‘s opportun- ity. 1250 Multi and office space in printing plant. Dufferin and Highway 7. 889-6503. c1w27 884-1 of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 Residence 241-1893 ;| HARRISONS CUSTOM . CARPENTRY iCustom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs Kitchens a specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Plastering 71‘hornl‘1ill l TREE CUTTING Dead elms, poplars etc. Cut and removed. Reasonable rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. CARPENTRY WORK. additions, renovations. garages, recreation rooms tile floors. No job too small Free estimates. T. Price 889- 3653. tfc28 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations & repairs, prompt service Additions & Rcifivéubh‘s“ "ALL FOR RENT GRAY BROS. CONSTRUCTION Available {01' weddings ban? Custom work. plans and Spechquets, meetings. Catering. Vic- fications. For free estimates, call'toria Square Community Hall. 884-5670 01' 877-4788. tfcl7 337-5409 for l‘ateS- “”27 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Plaster repairs, ceramic tile)FURNISHED room, 0001(ng fa- bathrooms and floors. Years of'cilities,‘ '19. Lulrne, 15: ho“? east experience in repair \\'ork.,°f Clalkes Dlug store at onge. George. 884-7045. “€245 M, , _‘ ”WW", ,, Additions 8: RenoVatibhs HALL FOR RENT GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, homes. of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfcs‘ Chimneys built and repaired.‘ Free estimates. Expert work-l manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfcll CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill top soil and limestone Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfc12 MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework Fireplace etc. V. Ostergaazd, 16 Elizabeth St S. Richmond Hill phone 884- 5688. tic-23 E. W. PAYNE Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902, BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8: water lines, footings. 889~3604. tfc2 PLUMBING & HEATTNG‘ Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone 334-1650. tfcl SNOW Elfinâ€"1Q and ge'neral haulage. reasonable rates. Call 884-4287. c1w27 Interior Na WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcll Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe PLASTERING & TILE WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL FLOORS CLEANED 884-1311 » SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 PLUMBING- HEATING A. \IILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-220! PAINTING {PAPER HANGING Dunn. 884-2798. WALL‘ WASHING 884-1311 LET DON D0 m‘ DON BUTLER TV 884-3500 STL’NDEN CHIMNEYS' PAINTING and exterior. 884-1311. tf622 Richmond Hill tfc23..\'0 tfcl7 tfc13 tf022 tfc3l tfc33 tfc24 tfc49 DRESSMAKING lst. CLASS Dresses, suits, coats. Expert alâ€" teration and restyling. 884- 6869. c2w27 tfc43 lCLIPPING and g1ooming â€" all ib1eeds â€" by professional. F1ee lpick up and delive1y.Go1don Ganett 297- 2597 tfc22 [JILL GODDARD for proâ€"fess; ‘sional Poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- 3606. th35 l Yonge Street. Licen'sed 711me 889-3877. c1w27 PAY Bare available, close to RELIABLE dax care given at mv home. 884- 3553. c1\\27 GERMAN, Shepherd puppies 225-6024. c1w21 BOWLERS wanted for mixed league at Allencourt Lanes, Thugsdays 9 pm. Phone 884-2884. CIDW27 DO vou have a dlinking plobâ€" lem. If so AA can help White Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMGâ€" 8684 tfc17 ANYONE \\ 15111110 to b0\\l on an afternoon league or an evening mixed league. Call Allencouit Lanes. 8846511. c10w27 Electric, 5-room town house, 2’ bedrooms, 1% baths, finished recreation room. 741- 0609. I tfc LARGE furnished room and kitchenette on second floor. Parking, Langstaff near Yonge. Business person. 889-4190. ONE bedroom 7 and bachelor apartment. 884-3345 â€" 402 Markham Road. clw27 Street, suit business person. 88?)- 3606. tfc27 gED-sitting room, on Yonge room, suit business girls. 884- 3639 after 5. c1w27 FURNISHED rec room and He'd- PETS FOR SALE } 2 bedroom apéi'tmaft availabhe February 1. $130 monthly. No children. 834-6148. c1w27,-_..-_ n. y..¢,u5u..-\.up u. iPANELLED office space, fluor- their daughter Linda to Mr. Wil- escent light, heated. Telephone liam Howard Ross, son of Mr, 884â€"1064 01‘ 884-1733. C1W27 & Mrs. A. Ross of Aurora. Wed- LARGE furnished bedroom at ding to take Place July 2, 1967- Concord. Board if required. 8893 _ * ClW27 1826‘01W’27l >.< )0: g HOUSEKEEPING " room, suit lady. Parking. Duncan Road. 889â€"4246. c1w26 FURNISHED and unturnisTed rooms. 889-1766. tfc19 1965 PARISIENNE l PRIVATE SALE 1 Two-door vinyl hardtop. V8. power steering and brakes. White walls. custom radio. ex- cellent condition. $2,295. Phone 889-6511. c1w27 We place special risks, terms ar- ranged. Call Mr. Tucker. 921- ‘2167 or 884-1010. tfc24 ‘ ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you are looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first; Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old1 No. 11 Highway, Holland Landâ€"l ing. 895-4666. tfc34s 1963 Ford 300, rebuilt engine, good tires‘ body and interior. 8844221 after 6 pm. cl\\'27 lvw. 1951, fully reEBndiuonedZ lgood body. Evenings. 884-6386. I clw27 ISOS‘C black evening sfiilzt 0:" dress. size 201,2. 884-5912 after 5. c1w27 RDA RDINC 1962 Pontiac, 4-door. automatic radio, 6 wheels, 2 snow tires Private. 833-6334, after 6 pm. chZ'i 1962 Pontiac, 2-door Strato Chief. gearshift. Z'adio. One owner, private. 782-8658, even~ ings. c1w27 1952 Ford, dump. A-l $400 or trade for best pickup. 884-2459. c1w27 LOW tluck good condition be cash offer takes 832â€" 2381. 1960 Auétin, A40, excellent con dition, evenings. 884-6386. DAY CARE PERSONAL RICHMOND? HILL AUTO INSURANCE TO RENT LOST 01“'27 JENSENâ€"In loving memory of c1w27 c2w27 c1\\'27 c1w27 tf¢34WVILSON-WiIliam and June are â€"â€"I happy to announce the birth I of their twin daughters, Donya V8 and Michelle at York Central k ‘ Hospital on December 26, a 95- 1966. clw27 av- _ a dear father and grandad, .: Nels Jensen who passed away 1 Januaiy 6,1958. ;His smiling may and pleasant l face ‘Are a pleasure to recall: ‘IHe had a kindly word for each And died beloved by all. Some day we hope to meet him, Some day, we known not when, To clasp his hand in the better land, Never to part again. Ever remembered by his daughter Shirley. son-in-law Ray and grandsons Danny and Nor- man Stunden. c1w27 PRATTâ€"In loving memory of Frank Ellis Pratt who passed away January 7. 1963. M12 and Mrs. J. A. Spencer of Maple are pleased to announce 1the [mthcoming mauiage of thei1 daughte1 Helene Ma1ie to 1B1uce William Buchanan, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. Buchanan of Richmond Hill. The marriage will take place on Saturday, Feb- ruary 4. 1967 at 11 am at Our Lady Queen of the World Church. Bayview Ave., Rich- mond Hill. c1wZ7l ? EJ‘Tm’thrnming fliatrriagw In memoriam ' Mr. A. A. Jacob, 33 Arnold Street, Richmond Hill is pleased Ito announce the engagement of his daughter Ellen, to Mr. Die- ter Schwarz, son of Mr. O. Sch- warz, of Kiel, Germany. Wed- ding to take place in February. clw27 Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Houston. 90 Birch Avenue RR2 Maple, are happy to announce the en- gagement of their daughter Penny Jane to Mr. Robert Mar- tin son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Martin, Willowdale. clw27 Mr. and Mrs. William Gray of Richmond Hill are pleased to an- nounce the engagement of their daughter Gladys Dorothy to Eli Leonard Critchly of Toronto, son of Mr. and Mrs. Critchly of Gambo, Newfoundland. c1w27‘ faithful husband, one of the best. ay God grant him eternal rest. Ever remembered by wife Audrey and family. c1w27 Y ML and MIs Joe Carnell of 112 Oxfoxd Street Richmond Hill {ale pleased to announce the en- gagement of their daughter‘ Vel- ette to John Bowerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Dan Bower- man of 4 Wellington St. W. Aur- ora. c1w27 Mr. and Mrs. W. Bounds of Richmond Hill take pleasure in announcing the engagement of their daughter Linda to Mr. Wil- liam Howard Ross. son of Mr. DUCEâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Doug“ ‘ ”’ "‘ * * las Duce December 27, 1966‘PA11MER3 Cleaw‘ J. at North Western Hospital, a\ Michaels Hospxtal daughter. c1w27 gry 31,1967» C1933 @ngagements DI VINCENZOâ€"Andy and San- dra (nee Hillaby) wish to an~ nounce the birth of their daughter Lisa Nicole, 6 lbs 103/102. December 30. 1966 at York Central Hospital. clw27 LADY will Ebysit. Markham and Palmer vicinity, 884-5198. c1w27 MALE orange and white cat. Elm“ 00d and La“ lence area. 884- 5757 c1\\27 HORSES boarded, Thornhil] area. Box stalls. 889-2531. c1w27 BABY SITTING BOARDING STABLES iBirths WANTED FOUND Mere words are inadequate to express our gratitude to each and everyone who has helped ‘us through these days of sorrow with beautiful flowers, words of sympathy. and deeds .of kind- ness. A very special thanks to Rev. A. W. Jones, Dr. R. Johns,’ Branson Hospital and R. S. Kane Funeral Home. ‘ Mrs. Robert W. Johnston and family cl\\'27. 884-1105, 884-1106, 884-1983 ANYTIME. CARDS 0F THANKS ROBINSON, William Garfieldâ€" Suddenly at Langsbaff on Sunday, January 1, 1967. Gar- field Robinson, beloved hus- band of Elsie Keen of 6075 Yonge St., Willowdale, dear father of Elsie (Mrs. A. Brown". Streetsville, and John. Richmond Hill: brother of Flossie, Ettie Iona and William. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge StJ‘ N., Richmond Hill. Service; was held Wednesday after-" noon. Interment Prospect1 Cemetery. ' c1w27 l A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal”, 63 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill. or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884- 1105. SIMPSON'S DRY GOODS Cronin and Melissa Matsalla; son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Palmer of Hamilton; broth- er of Mrs. W, Dyer of New York, John of Waterdown, Mrs. J. Osbaldeston and Fran- ces. Friends may call at the Rosarâ€"Vlorrison F u n e r a l Home. 467 Sherbourne Street, after 7 pm. Wednesday until 9.15 am. Saturday. Requiem‘ Mass in St. Margaret’s Church at 10 o’clock. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery. Parking ad~ jacent to funeral home. BABY. Jeannine â€" At St. J05- ephs Hospital Toronto on December 27 1966 Jeannine Couture late of 4 Lafayette Place, Thornhill (in her 35th year), dear wife of Rene dear mothel of Pie1",1e Marc, Suzanne, John and Jacque- line. dear daughter of M1.‘ and M1.s Jules Coutu1e of Montreal Selvice was held on December 29 at St. Luke‘s Roman Catholic Chmch,l Thornhill fOI Requiem Mass. Interment Holy Cioss Ceme- te1y. cl\\'27. ary 3, 1967, Cleary Palmer, beloved husband of Patricia Doyle and dear father of Patricia (Mrs. F. Matsalla), Paul, Catherine (Mrs. R. Cro- nin), Callista (Sister Anthony Marie, IBVM), Herbert, James and Cleary Jr. Grandfather of William, Paul and Sean In Memoriam Verses ANE. Ralph Edward â€" Passed peacefully away at Riverdalc Hospital on Fri, Dec. 30, 1966. Ralph Edward Lane, be- loved husband of Edith Board- man of 479 St. Clarens Ave.. Toronto and dear father of Edward, Richmond Hill and grandfather of Pat. Crema~ tion. clw27 12 Yonge St. S. %eath5 Tomorrow's consumer demands tomorrow's markets and the technology to adapt to tomorrow's challenges. These are the keys to industrial leadership. Manufacturers of TEX*MADE Products Tomorrow is our Guideline on Janu- c1w27 DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED At St cl\\'27 Gar- hus- 6075 dear GOALS AND GUIDELINES LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-884-il05 APPLY: H. C. T. Crisp‘ Clerk, :I‘mvnship of Markham Excellent Working conditions with usual fringe benefits. CLOSING DATE OF APPLICATION JAN. 16th, 1967 The person selected will be one who is able to type. prepare notices of hearings, report to the Committee upon applications and keep accurate records of decisions etc. Preferably one with Committee of Adjustment or Planning Depart- ment experience. REQUIRED BY COMMITTEE OF ADJUSTMENT TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM to supply three (3) 1967 two (2) door automobiles and to take in trade three (3) 1966 two (2) door automobiles. Bidders must use Township specifications and tender forms. ' Tender forms may be received from F. G. Jack- man, Deputy-Clerk. Lowest or any Tender not necessarily accepted. J. M MCDONALD, Secretary, Board of Commissioners of Police, Township of Vaughan, ‘ Maple, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN TENDER FOR POLICE CARS Sealed tende1',s clea1ly ma1ked as to contents, will be 1eceived b\ the unde1sig'ned until 4:00 o’clock P.M., FRIDAY, JANUARY 13th, 1967 56 Yonge 884-4466 FOR OFFICIAL FORMS AND INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL POLICE DEPARTMENT MUST BE INTERESTED IN OUTSIDE WORK AND BE ADAPTABLE TO WORKING ABOVE GROUND. REQUIRES A YOUNG MAN AS A LINE MAN LEARNER. FULL TRAINING PROGRAM AND BEN- EFITS. Applications “ill be received by signed for the position of constable. RICHMOND HILL HYDRO SECRETARY Richmond Hill Hydro )nge St. N. .u um. R. P. ROBBINS, Chief of P i. 2, Gormley, Ontario. Richmond Hill Cu ‘lavt’v-t Al Horwood. Superintendent olice FURTHER the under:

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