SECOND SECTION VOL. 89. NO. 3]. Hey. they'll be lit Rii~li~ mond Hill Friday night. 7.30 pm, At the Legion Court. Who? Why all your favorite sports celebrities from proâ€" fessional hockey, baseball and football. Fellows like guest speaker Frank “King†Clancy. assist- ant coach and managcr or the NHL Toronto Maple Leafs. And Tim Horton. Iloir Ellis. Allan Stanley. Bobby Pul- ford. Pele Stemkowski. and Trainer Bobby Ilaggarl. They'll be there courtesy of the Richmond Masonic Lodge AF and AM who‘ll be throwing a big Sportsmen‘s Night event with 400 fathers and their children expected to hamper the elbow room at the Legion Court. News Director Ken Foss ï¬'IlllIIIIIIIIIIIIlIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII‘IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllIlIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIIlllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-P SPORTS RICHMOND HI of (.‘FGM. one of the promoâ€" ters of the night along with Doug Moore of Richmond Hill. expects it to be “the biggest dinner ever thrown in the town." A similar night was held lwo years ago and proved to be a great drawing card with expectation that Friday night's dinner will surpass it by far. .\|so on hand will he former (lrand Master of the (irand Lodge of Canada III the Province of Ontario .larnes Allan. MI.;\ for .\or< folk County. Mr. .\llan has served as provincial treas- urer in a number 01 Progres- sive Conservative Govern- rneiits. But don‘t go away. There's more guests to come. Slated to attend also will be colorful Wren Blair the LL. ONTARIO. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2. Clancy, Horton, Ell new general manager of the Minnesota North Star's who will be debuting in the ex- panded NHL in 1967-68. Wren was formerly con- nected with the Boston Bruins organization and at one time managed the Kings- ton Frontenacs in the de- funct Eastern Professional Hockey League. He'll undoubtedly be the most colorful. that's colorful. (l.\l in the NHL. Wren has been known to urge his co- horts on via hurling chairs. a pair of uranium-lined hints. and you name it. Also scheduled to appear barring unforeseen circum- stances are further stalwarts such as Jim Gregory, man- ager of the Toronto Junior "A‘ Marlboros; Television Hockey Night announcers Bill Hewitt and Brian Mcâ€" Farlane; Lord Athol Layton 1067 of wrestling infamy, 'I'oronto Argonaut General Manager and Coach Bob Shaw plus one player yet to be named: Bob Hunter. president of the Toronto Maple Leafs base- ball team alone with Trainer Bill Smith. Free gifts for the children will be the order of the night. To wit: ’l‘w'enty-four NIII. hockey sticks will be distri» buted all autographed by Maple Leaf players: another 12 autographed by the To- roiito Marlie-s: 130 miniature hockey sticks containing sig- iratures of individual Leafs: plus 100 fullâ€"color Maple Leaf Garden programs also bearing the names of the entire team and 500 free tic- kets to a Marlie game. Last. but not . . . as they say. will be the presence of a top-flight magician to @1213 lifthm'nl Lion Peewees Take First Game is And Others In T3170; Friday proy idc added entertainment. The food will be some- thing. too. Mr. Foss reports that a portion of it will comprise six big turkeys. four 11â€" pound boneleSs hams. etc. This has been donated free- ofâ€"charge by Dick Stanton of Twentieth Century Foods. .\Ir. Foss reports that mem- bers of the Masonic Lodge have been given first shot at the (locals but that any ll(‘- kcts left over may he pur- chased by the general public. If you're interested in Illâ€" qtriring about a possible tic- ket just call Ken Foss at. CFGAI. phone 889-4915. Tic- kets are $3.00 for father and two children â€"â€" girls are wel- come. All proceeds will go to charity projects carried on by the local lodge. Sticks 8. Equipment Late For Game ' HOW TO MAKE AN IMPRESSION Quebec International Tourney Sendym‘rmothes lichnroiid llill Lion l’ecwees got off to an .\'()\' ICES excellent start in their quest for the grand champ< rilaiiuari' 23. CFGM Countii ionship of the Quebec International 'l‘ournanieiit L'ellllzlgon 95“?“ 51'1“)“ ““(l‘ . . - . . . - . ,. ‘ - . Scorers were Dine .; ‘ a \in in when they (I t . e I) I n “U†. \itindii e L H. - e e“ ‘l â€)e’ce‘ Mallory. Jimmy Clement. Bill Quebec. 5â€"1. The Quebec boys scored the Amos. Ilal Murphy was assisted “1‘51 €031 shortly after T110 by Dunkley on the first goal, . . . . ‘ opening whistle. but from then Hopson by Bodnar on the sec- 3819 RICK Hampton, Brad on it was Richmond Hill all 0nd. Barry McKillop scoredi ‘a'nipbell. Stephenson. Cronk- the W831 Steve Brown scored the third from the point on aWHIg‘M “m3 two. 891:59lh‘ JOI‘â€: ‘t\\'0 big goals â€"â€" one from Den-pass from Barney Corless arid‘HallkmB hevin 31°h3g}10v C1?- ims Acomb and John Caven. Dunkley and Murphy clickedorient with two and Curtis. Craig the other from Cameron and‘for the fourth assisted by Dunk‘RlChaI‘dson and Mark Edwards Dunlop. Steve Gordon added 1053 shared the PGI‘IQCI goalkeepmg. a counter. assisted bv Mabley" Sunday. the tune changed as January 27. CFGM defeated ‘and Bolingbrokc. Dave Dunkâ€" the Legionnaires journeyed to Newmarket 9-3. This win gave ley got the fourth tally. assisted Barrio and “mo bombed 3.1. the local lads. the North York by Caven and Sanlon and Brian The Barrie Club is a really League championship unde- Dttnlop connected for the fifth. strong team 01' good skaters. l'eated. Scorers were .\lc. aided by Cameron aiid Brown. The tour] lads liiilllzrged 10 keep Kague with two. Merritt with The Lions trayelled to Quc- them bottled up for the first two. and Ilainpton. Curtis. Ber» bcc by train. Ica\ing the I'iiion pcl‘lorh but ran out of [99‘s in seth. Cronkwright and llaw'kiirs Station in Toronto Fridaytho second and third. Goal- with singletons. Assists were morning and arriving in Que- keeping duties were shared by credited to Mallory. Switzer bec City after midnight. about Johnson and Amos and both with two. Merritt. Clement. with four hours late. .turned in creditable perform-11““ Mclx'ague With two. Curtis. i Two carloatis of parents ances. This game ended Campbell and Hampton. put their boys on the train league play for this season. CFGM hopesvto begin OMHA and then head-cal east. One Of course Richmond Hill Playdowns against Barrie this: car was carrylng the sticks has drawn this strong team week With .home and home. and goalie equipment and from Barrie in the first games on Friday and Saturday.l arrived at the Coliseum 10 round of OMHA Playoffs. minutes after the game Friday they will play at rlllS was the feature game of the (lay. Stephenson. Dave Homeâ€. Mike Cronkwright and David Curtis. Active in the assist department 777.1 YONGE ST 'I‘IIIIRN'HILI. .\e\l LILK. Store For Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage Pick-up and Delivery 889-3621 ’Lake Simcoe Ice1 IIIIlIIIIi RESULTS ALLENCOU RT MEN ‘8 As se\ei'al fishermen who went sailing the waters of Lake Sinicoe aboard an ice cake last week can attest. ice conditions ion that lake are still not good. I'I‘here are still several miles of open water iii the centre of the , . lake although Boys A, singles. Brian Oliver. over with . MAJORS high average with 242 aiidlalso inches of ice. Friday five [001 Al Richardson emerged the the high triple at 320 t329t;l“_a‘,es were reported on the. I high man this week with a 924Frank Perusich 777 t285i; Rick.Open water triple including games of 318. Bunston 773 i264i; Gary Rich-i ' 371 and 235. Art Higgins _ , Best angling to date has been . ‘Ell‘dSOII 741 I270); and Brian Oli-‘fm. herring in areas such as was â€(In \mhl‘vm' 721 '324" Cook's Bav. Pefferlaw and Ath- aiï¬l £213]ng egsby Mptlllil ,Bogï¬lize Singles: JCI'I‘." MHCDOH‘dld 2:IU-ierley. although some whitefislil ' 1“ d1 "5 " The following qualified In the an dpike are also being taken,l Stan Shadoff 861; Tim Saul _ .~ . - .. 830; Roy Russell 830: Lou Stymbl round of the Ontario 1h the middle ‘of Janna,†an' aerial survey by Lake Simcoe, Louis 828; and Scott Parke 820.;Chf""‘l“°“5l“p' _ . . ‘ . In team action Bob's Delivery" Senior girls __. singles. Janet conservation officers counted ‘ MacDonald: doubles. Linda Gil- 1819 fish huts 011 Lake Slmcoeyi Service and Cardinal Insulation , . . . . took seven points beating Watt's bert and Kathy Smith. ‘39 on Lake Couchicmng and 32 Oll\'et':lon Georgian Bay. Real Estate arid Allencourtl Boys singles. Brian Electronics respectively. idoubles. Ricsy Bunston and Ian In 5-2 splits Richmond IriniCaineron: team. Rodger Ball,‘ took Allencourt IGA; Tom‘laii Murray. Jerry MacDonald.‘ Hughes over Turnbull Grocer- Frank PCI‘US‘ICII. and Bill Alex- ies; ABC Bowl defeated Allen-.andei; court Lanes and Richmond1 Auto Wreckers knocking over’ Manufacturing Life Insurance ABC MEN'S MAJORS After losing the first game to will officers by bowling the highest thrcc.ABC 2. Halls Fuel Oil came carry out a creel census during Conservation game total at 4,319. jback to win the last two plusiFebl-uary Gord Hobson and Ricliardsonltotals to give the team a POIHtiformer are tied for the high average score of 37. and March, as in seasons. All fishermen ion a certain section of the lake with a big 271. Sliadoff isf This is five points better tlian““.i11 be contacted each day. The third with 266 followed bylthe second place Tony‘s Essoidata sought includes the numâ€"J Higgins with 264: Saul 261, Vicwhich is continuing to keep Itlber of occupied huts, catch by' Reid 248; and Andy Kovacs 246.lclose by taking five points last’species and hours fished. Co- 'Standings: Cardinal lllSLlla-.\\'eok_ lopel‘ation of anglers in supplyâ€"i “0“ 611 Manufacturing Life 473‘ Standing: Hall's Fuel Oil 37§ling this information will be aD-i NIEHCOU‘I‘I Lanes ‘5: BODIS Deâ€Tony’s Esso 32: Team 6 31: F. preciated. ‘ livery berrice 44: Riclnnond‘Poweii Fencing 30; Allencourt. A regulation passed in 1965.‘ Auto WI‘CCI‘CI'S 39; ABC 30“" Lanes 271 ABC 2 251 Wilsoniin response to complaints from 36‘; Turnbull Groceries 35: TomNiblett Motors 23; RICIImOHdpermanent residents and cottage “Ligllfs g2? Richgnond 1““ 255mm 23: ABC 1 20; Chase andiowners about debris from fish. £11 ellfoull 119A 70:.‘Alle‘ICO‘lljt'T‘al’lol‘ Realtors 191 Michael’s huts being washed ashore durâ€" e‘ ionics 9. “ alts Real Eb'IGift 15; Donagliues BA 12. ing summer months, makes it: tate 17‘ 1 D. Groia bowled his best compulsory for anyone placing} ALLENCOURT YOUTH LEA-itriple of the year at 848 to hold or occupying a fish but on Lake GUE ldown the top spot this week. Simcoe or Lake Couchiching tol Seniors: The Smilers are onl'l‘wo other bowlers broke the have a registration number. in top of the league with 14 pointsJBOO mark. They were R. Marg- numerals no less shat 21/2†in Girls: Janet MacDonald leadSierum and B. Julian with 819 height on the outside of the but. the higli average with 206 andh‘espectively. Other triples: J.iThiS registration number may also bowling the high triplelDavie. 784; J. McLean 780; B. be obtained on application'to, with 714 (257). Singles were by‘COSlOff 770: T. Saul 767: F. the District Forester’s office, Kathy Smith 220; Linda Gilber-tPrice 760: B. Chapman 749: J. Department of Lands and Forâ€" 215. Faber 736‘: and A. Kovacs 736. ests. RR 2 Maple. I l ,'l l l I MN_. 2>‘aieâ€01//ak(25.4mm: V8, AUTOMATIC. RADIO. WHITE-WALLS. POWER WINDOWS. POWER STEERING. POWER BRAKES PLUS TAX LIC. ll60078 FULL PRICE $2995 18 Other Buick and Pontiac Sedans. Convertibles and Hardtops to choose from PONTIAC BUICK LTD. I‘IBIRD" is coming to Skyline Feb. 23 Richmond Hill 889-5443 Still Is Not Safe Spar! fi'orhaytshraebe thOZseiil’;By Fred Simpson spots Gift Of Ability . The gift of ability is a very nice thing.r to have. but. like anything else in sents its problems. You reach a point where you have to try and accur- ately assess that ability. about it and concentrate on something else. Just about at that stage now is 18-year-old Doug Acomb. of 362 Sugar Maple Lane. Pleasantville who is in his first full year as a centreman with the Toron- to Marlboros of the Junior : OHA circuit. “B†hockey the past two seasons with North York and York Steel. is one of the few (can’t think of any others offhand) to em- erge from the Richmond Hill minor hockey system into Junior “A†“I had my mind made up to forget all about it if I didn’t make the Marlies this season,†said Doug who combines business with pleasure by attending Richmond Hill High School which he hopes will eventually lead to a business administrative career. “If you can’t; make Junior “A†by 18.†be con- tinued. “I don’t think there’s too much chance for you. Now I don’t-know, it depends on how I go next season. It should be the key.†This season could in actuality be the key as Doug -â€" who started out riding the bench â€"â€" got to play a regular shift due to injuries. He responded accordingly and to date has contributed greatly to the Marlies’ grip on first place. He has something like 11 goals and 12 assists. DOUG ACOMB i \‘4 Doubtful Beginning Doug was less sure about his chances even on the bench when he reported to the large Marlie camp at the beginning of the season. “I had played a few games for the team last year.†he said, “but you don’t get that much chance to show. When I was out there I concentrated mainly on stopping the other guy from scoring. If he scored on me I’d be out of there in no time.†When the time came to select the Marlies’ players Doug waited, waited, and waited as the var- ious boys were signed up. "I thought it was all over.†he said. “but Coach Gus Bodnar finally signed me up. I was the last one." Pliew. But Doug has been going good and he credits it to a lot of iceâ€"time as well as confidence. “I‘ve got the confidence otit there. the feel. and it's a big help. You need the confidence." There's no doubt that Doug shifts the good life that comes with playingr in the NHL and will likely give it the big try. Things for Doug â€"â€" and other youngsters â€" look bright with the big NHL expan- sion coming tip in 1967-68. “The expansion will give more players the opportunity to show their abilities,†said Doug. “Some players develop slower than others. With more spots available. they’ll get that extra oppor- tunity." Doug.r would like to stay with the Maple Leafs' organization "because I was born in Toronto and besides I think they treat their players as good or better than airy of the other clubs." .VHL Or Nothing Illtl one tiring for s'iirc. It‘s XIII. or nothiiic for it'ontiniicd on Page I0) Pay as you play Hockey SHINNY BE GINS AGAIN DOUBLE RINK ARENAS 82.00 â€" Play all day 8 to 4 pm. PUBLIC SKATING Jane St. at Hwy. t l . Saturdays S-II! p.m. Sunday 5 2-1.30 had started. The team had had to purchase a supply I of new sticks and borrow pads and stick for their goalie. The other car was delayed even more. by the bad weather and arrived at Richmond Hill from 8 to 9.30 pm and Sunday at Barrie from 2 to 3.30 pm. If a third game is neces- sary. its location will be determined after the sec- General Meeting of Richmond Hill Minor Ball this wobbly world, it pre-. Whether to go on or forget' Doug; who'iplayed J unior' end game. The Legioniiarrcs are deter- O 3 3 Wed. Feb. 8th. Time 8 p.m. the scene of victory five 0..â€099099 minutes after the game . . .. _ ' ended. turned to go down fighting and . Legion Ha†. In preparation for their “I†shoot the works m these MD. the Lions Parked up No contests. these boys have been. All interested people are. welcome \ictories earlier in the week ‘l-vll()\\ll before to come up w ith . I) ‘ _ _ Monday night they defeated the I)lg ones. “Illcl‘leVEr team 9 resent Executive Meets 4 pm. to 8 pm. is eliminated will drop back to Q compete for the championship â€"â€"â€"vâ€" of the North York League. In this one Dunklcy scored at BANTAMS â€5:26 of the first period on a O woe is me! It is not bad. ‘pass from Acomb and Sanloii.len0ugh that the North End‘ ‘Sanlon scored at 3:02 of theiCleaners are playing theirl second from Mabley. At 7.41iworst hockey of the season withl Cameron was assisted by Dun-lonly one win in the last five; lop on his counter and at ll:32lstarts â€" but they have drawn; .Gordon was assisted by WaynelBarrie in the first round of. ilâ€"Iai‘rison. At 14.54 Dunkley'gothMHA playoffs. This schedule‘ this second goal of the game gets underway Thursday. . 'aided by Acomb and Sanlon. l Last Friday night Newmarket‘ In the third period Binkley bounced the Hillers 4-0 and on was aided by Mabley on a goa135unday. the Georgetown boys. at 6:18 and Steve Brown fin-iblanked them 3â€"0. ished the scoring at; 8:51 on a It's not just a lack of scoring :pass from Dunlop and Cam-mower. but a lack of self con-3 lSouth Shore 5-0 and Wednesâ€" day defeated Newmarket 7-0 in the game originally scheduled {for Friday night. I I The 1987 Canadian BUILT SHOW Meet BiII Verity and see the 12-foot sloop he sailed across the Atlantic. Get aboard a 45-foot house boat. Inspect luxury cruisers. eron. ‘fidence and desire. according _ . _ . . >.< a: >:< lto Coach Ken Ham. Aladdin. See miniature subs, speed boats and warships in action. ' JUVENILES had a lamp, Cinderella a fairyl See the latest in boats and marine equipment. ’ Last Saturday night Suï¬-godmother, but all. Richmond iMarine Juveniles were in Whit-iH111 has 15. 15 boys who produce [d - th (except by to participate ni that town’stll‘ttl? magic 0" the ice. I S d “Minor Hockey Nightâ€. Whitby’ Sink. swim or float. the ban-‘ u" ays) tams must meet this first clial-i‘ lenge head on and maybe â€" just maybe â€"- they will sur- prise everyone and skate and play the way everyone has been: telling them they can. won 6-3. Even though Whitby outplayed the locals in every department, management and fans complimented our boys on playing a good game and said that the score did not indicate the balance of play. 1 Greg Sephton, Rod Chapman and Bruce Shilton scored for Surf Marine. Shilton scored: the second goal on a penalty .shot and deked the Whitby‘ goalkeeper in great style. This drew the applause of the fansl At the end of the game the Whitby players and manage- ment presented each player“ than:alarmsi U S E D c A R S iatseiinday. the juveniles jOILl'll-il eyed to Barrie to play a regular-i 1 “‘m N°"â€â€˜ “k Lem" game‘ ALL RECONDITIONED & PRICED TO SELL I966 AMBASSADOR I966 CLASSIC and won by a score of 6â€"2 to; end the first phase of the sched-‘ ule. By defeating Barrie the juveniles qualified themselves for two home games and one _ 990 Sedan. Cabalero Tan. automatic company Demo transmission. V8 engine. power s eer- . . ‘ . . . . 4. inc; power brakes. radio. whitewall I door sedan in Snow cap.“ hite. “w ith tiEes. individual seats. Many more black interior. automatic transmis- extras Balance of new car war- sion. reclining seats. whitewall. tires, A - 232 6 cylinder engine. Low mileage. {at Barrie in OMHA Playdowns. ginstead of one home game if. r'rntv. ,. ‘ ‘ Several to choose from. Lic. H55735 ithey Iiad 10st. Coach Bill Points .says. “We went to Barrie with 52216. I965 RAMBLER two litres plus Jimmy Brass aS‘ la spare forward. with our ton- lgues in our cheeks and our Classic 660 Sedan. in Cortez Aqua with matching interior. economy l' with three speed automatic. care- ihearts in our months, because ‘five players are still sidelined fully driven by one owner. Priced to sell. WEEK DAYS-12 noon to 10:30 pm. EXHIBITION PARK SATURDAYSâ€"10130 am. to 10:30 p.rn. TORONTO Auuusâ€"si .25 - STUDENTSâ€"75¢ - CHILDREN-25¢ SELECT USED CARS Lic. H5005II $2695. I965 AMBASSADOR 990 Sedan, Strato Blue, matching in- terior. automatic. V8 engine, power steering. power brakes. radio. white- walls. wheel discs. Individual reclin- ing seats. many more extras. A spot- less one-owner car. Lic. HSTIEIIS. $2195. I965 RAMBLER AMERICAN 220 4-Door Sedan. beautiful Frost White, with contrasting black in- terior. Fully guaranteed automobile. Ideal family car. Lic. H55966 51595. I964 RAMBLER Classic sedan. Brisbane Blue. in im- with injuries and other ill- nesses. It is hoped that Keith Russell, Wayne Harrington. Dennis Tomcheski, Steve Black and Wayne O'Brien will be ready for the playoffs. Injur-l ies and other illnesses havei never been so prevalent in my: six years of coaching in thei Hill. I have not been able to lice a team of regulars so far this year." The Barrie game saw Ilariey LGordon perform the hat trick lwith three goals, Bruce Shilton :register two and Greg Sephtori lone. In the assist department Rod Chapman and Scpliton each 'had two and Roy McBrien one. ‘ Next Friday night at the local iarena at 9.30 pm the juveniles twill play Barrie in the first of la three-game OMHA playoff iseries. February 5 «Sunday; .the juveniles return to Barrie to play the second game at 3.30 pm. which promises to be a real good hockey game. 1 Players and parents have ‘ decided to travel to Barrie by bus. There is room for fans on this vehicle and if you decide to come along and support the club. please phone Bill Points at 884- Lic. â€37109 $1695. I964 CHEVELLE MALIBU 2-Door Hardtop. Flamingo Red w ith matching interior. automatic, radio. whitewalls and wheel discs. Won’t last long at this price. Lic. H559973 51695. I962 FALCON 2-door deluxe sedan in Mist Blue with 1944 or Marsh .imos at 884- aculate condition. Low mileage. matchingr interior. I0“ mlledge h"- 4545- Drive this one. fully reconditioned. '. . -" ‘ I.ic. 3:032†MlDt-‘E'I‘S LIL. think Irresda) lichmond Illll Leg- 195 ion Bantams defeated South 5 . Q Shore 5-2. Billy Wright was the big gun. scoring three goals. He was helped by Johnny Dunkâ€" ley and Wilson Ross on the first, scored the second unas- sisted and was assisted by Mur- phy on the third. Dunkley was aided by Wright on his counter and Greg Bodnar by Chris. Hop- son and Wayne Pollard on his. Wednesday at Alliston the midgets repeated their “'lllll‘ll; tactics anti rat-ken up a 4-0 "i~ lot" In; s ‘tlltili‘ . . . .ilt'll .n; Slew Johnson and Li'llh IAC EASY TO CARRY TERMS BAKER’S 6* SERVICE “'0. 9144 YONGE ST., RICHVALE 889-1189