Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Feb 1967, p. 13

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Thornhill Secondary is hold- ing its Sweetheart Swirl Valen- tine Dance February 3 at the school. Music will be by tho Quiet Jungle. The dance is aponsored by the GAA and the girls ask the boys in this one. Congratulations to Peggy An- derson and Bob Arend oi Thornhill who placed third in Mr. and Mrs. Michael Harâ€" rington were in 1mm recently from Waterloo and visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. Har- rington and Mr. and Mrs. K. Duncan of Thornhill. Get well greetings are extend- ed in Mrs. R. M. McLean (Mar- garet). King High Drive, Con- cord. who in recovering in York Central Hospital from a recent operation. Mrs. McLean is well known in area residents as a lalented staff writer of “The Liberal" and former Thornhill correspondent. February is Heart Month and tion. the need for heart re- Thornhill team captains and 593”" if 9‘ the ”tmOSthimpmg' , . . ance. rimary researc nee s \lioiunteer cani’asseis Win he “hare. to investigate the control 1mg 0" resuients “”9" m’siof coronary heart disease. tech- month for funds to assist the niques of cardiac surgeons. de- Ontario Heart Foundation. ’vices by which their surgery is Diseases of heart and blood‘made posible. the flow of blood vessels are the chief cause nf;lhrough arteries and malfprmed death in this country. account-heart in babies Plan to attend the forthcoming production of “Pirates of Penz- ance" by Gilbert and Sullivan February 7 in Thornhill Second- ary School Auditorium. The nperetta is being presented by the Oshawa Choral Society un- der the direction of Hugh Mar- tin and will be accompanied by a full orchestra. The society is made up of excellent perform- ers and the show promises to be outstanding. This same group of singers will be performing at Expo '67 later this year. John Honsberger QC. Elgin Street. was recently elected president of the County of York Law Association. Mr. Hons- herger is a former chairman of the York Central District High School Board. Diseases of heart and blood vessels are the chief cause of death in this country. account- ing for 50% of all fatalities. With these facts facing the na- Tickets are $1.50 for adults and $1.00 for students and may be obtained at the door. January 20 Richvale Ready-Mix 0. New- market 0 January 21 Richvale Ready-Mix 2. Sutton Chris Sutton and Jim McIn- lnsh handled the scoring with assists going to Neville Le Page and Mr. McIntosh. January 28 Richvale Ready-Mix 0, Barrie 4 Tough luck. again! losh handled the scoring with assists going to Neville Le Page and Mr. McIntosh. January 28 Rlohvale Ready- Mix 0, Barrie 4 Tough luck again! a a a a PEEWEES Thornhlll North End Cleaners 7. Newmarket 7 Goals and assists. Mark Gain, three goals; Mark Woolnough two ael Coyne. one goal. three as- sists: Paul de Marco, one goal, two assists: Michael Be1nardi and Rick Hopper single assists January 21 North End Cleaners 8. South Shorez Goals and assists. Mark Wool~ noueh. two goals. three assists; Paul De Marco. two goals. two- “Mark Woolnough, goals and one assist; Mich~' lMartin. single assists. Another good one with only January 28 {five penalties chalked up to the North End Cleaners 7. Barrie Z‘Thornhill Midgets. Wray Wind- The Cleaners wrapped up sor chalked up the first goal as- their 16 game schedule in the‘sisted by Vince De Marco and iNorth York league \xith this deâ€" Mike Burkart. Ch1is Sills drove feat over Bairie Their iecnrd home the lone goal after a spec- too“ is 13 wins. tho losses. and tacular breakauav iome tie ‘January 29 } Scming and assisting: Michael? Wilsons Esso 0. Barrie 4 Coyne. two goals. three assistsfl This was the last game of the two goals: regular season' series against 'Paul De Marco, one goal, two Barrie‘s AA team. Wilsons E550 assists; Hugh Matheson, one'did very well in the league goal. one assist; Mark Gain onetstanding as they tied with the goal one assist. Single assists Woodbridge for the first spot 'John Regan and Ricky Hodge. ‘in the '3” series. Playoffs be- January 20 {gin next; week. 1 Wilsons £550 3. Newmarket 3 1 * * * * Wilson Esso Club came £10m THORNHILL CHURCH LEA- behind to tie the fast. hard-l GUE hitting contest against the “A"TlKES minor Newmarket squad. Wras' Thornhill Presbyterian 3. Socially Speaking DRY CLEANING IN BY 10 A.M. â€" OUT BY 5 RM NO PARKING PROBLEMS" You‘ll Like Our SAME DAY SERVICE Quick Service AND Top Quality Workmanship Thornhill and District News THE THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE ON PHONE 889-3190 assists; Mark Gain, two goals. I- one assist; Michael Coyne, one goal, two assists; Bernard Souche. one goal; John Regan 2 two assists: Rick Hopper, Rick 1- Hodge Hugh Matheson and Jim! h Maxtin. single assists. e January 28 ,North End Cleaners 7. Barrie 2 I Congratulations to Sally (Brown, Brooke Street. on suc- ‘cessfully passing her senior Iswimming badge tests last week. \zUlUltl'ADl Unuun l - A The engagement has been an- nounced of Miss Wendy Kath-‘ 135A HENDERSON A‘ leen Mason RN. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Mason.i V 198 Centre Street. to Chrism- neighborhood'Notes pher William McDonnell. son Mrs R Nichols ”f Morgan of Thomas E. McDonnell and Avenue has returned home af1er the late Mrs McDonnell. of Tn- enjoying the F101ida sunshine rnntn The marriage will take?“r txvo weeks Place In the fall. i Friends and neighbors nn Miss Helen Smith. Cavalier Crescent, enjoyed last weekend skiing at Hidden Valley. Miss Mason graduated from?Mor the Women‘s College Hospital that School Of Nursing in 1964. reco Please give generously when your canvasser calls. the air rally held last weekend at Toronto Airways. A more detailed account on this event will appear in next week‘s col- umn. Avenue. and Miss Pat Finerty. Thornridge Drive. spent an en- joyable weekend skiing in Col~ lingwood. 2 pm in Holy Trinity Church Hall for the pur. pose of organizing a perm- anent committee in oper- ate successful blood donor clinics in Thornhlll. Chair- man Fred Cann will be. in the chair. This announcement ls made in order that regular and potential donors may note same on their calen- dars. An organization meeting will he held February 5 at 2 pm in Holy Triniiy The Red Cross Society Ontario Division. announces that blood clinics will he held April 3. August 30 and December 13 in 1967. w‘.“ Miss Cin_d_\[7_PerAry. #Arnoldfhas 9724 YONGE ST. fiaflgfiitfiffi “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. .10 Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190 has driven some children to and from school for several days. but he cannot be expected to continue this indefinitely. The sidewalk on the west side of Yonge from Langstaff Public School north to Highway 7 has not been plowed since the rec- ent heavy [all of snow. The children must therefore walk at the edge of the travelled por- tion of the highway or scramble over mounds of deep snow. in- cluding a small mountain near the cemetery entrance. Such] feats af agility always carry the danger of slipping off into the roadway. Centennial Roselawn Public School H and S is preparing for a Centen- nial card party March 3 from 8 to 10 pm. It is at Centennial project to raise money for the Vaughan Festival Choir. Euchre and bridge will be played and Andrea and Kim Derry. Sandra Brettell. Debbie Nelson. Terry Neal. Debbie Ellis, Cynthia Draper. Mark Hutcheson, Mar- garet Rogers. Janice Gould, Barbara Grimesl Joan Baker, Sandra Gibson and Gail Hussey. Enlisted Julian Thatcher. son of Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Thatcher of Emmanuel Church, has joined the Canadian Army and left for Camp Borden Monday. Accident Fortunately no one was in- jured in an accident involving a school bus and a car on Garden Avenue, Friday afternoon. Driv- er of the car was Don I‘arquhar- son of Thornhill. a student at the school. Driver of the Garo- way Bus Lines bus was John R. Robb of King City. No charges were laid relating to the acci. dent, but damage to the two ve- hicles was approximately $300. Roselawn Public School H and S is preparing for a Centen- nial card party March 3 from 8 to 10 pm. It is a Centennial project to raise money for the Vaughan Festival Choir. Euchre and bridge will be played and Friends and neighbors on Morgan Avenue are glad to hear that little Christopher Mark is recovered and home again after his stay in Branson Hospital. They are also happy to learn that Sharon George, who spent a week at Branson Hospital, is also improving and able to be home. Several parents of first and by calling Mrs. Woods at 884â€" second grade children living on 2479 or Mrs. Walker 889-7422. Church Street have kept their The choir is composed of 250 children home from school be- children in grades 6. 7 and 8. cause it would be very danger- from every school in Vaughan ous for the youngsters to walk Township. Ch arles Howitt along the east side of Yonge School is represented by Bay- Street. Rev. Thomas M. Watson mond Coker, Corrinne Daley. has driven some children to and Andrea and Kim Derry. Sandra from school for several days, Brettell, Debbie Nelson. Terry but he cannot be expected to Neal, Debbie Ellis, Cynthia continue this indefinitely. The Draper. Mark Hutcheson, Mar- sidewalk on the west side of garet Rogers. Janice Gould. u‘ufiq‘l, 4v; unvllvuanlvA uu oLvu Birthday congratulations are nue Februar , y 10 at 8 pm. New extended to Jane Garnet, Glen- members are welcome. cameron Avenue, who was 17 F. Hiner Glencameron Aveâ€" years 01d January 30" to Betty one. had an eve operation last L0“ Lockharl. Morgan Avenue. week at Central Hospital, To- Wh” “19mm“ her birthdayiromo. Best wishes from the January 27; to Steve Jerosky'-‘mmmunitv are extended to him Clark Avenue on February 1:45}. a cornplete recoverv. and m Cathy Carter of Morgan A former Doncaster resident. Avenue. who was nine years OldrTed Watts Glencameron Ave- February 2' nue. is recovering from surgery Mrs. Vi Heer. Morgan Ave- at Branson Hospital. His friends nue. has returned home after wish him well. Windsor. Ross Johnson and Mike Burkart did the scoring. Assists went to Chris Sills and Peter Law. and De Marco. January 21 Wilsons 15550 2. South Shore 1 Yonge Street Dangerous CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR 136A HENDERSON AVE. - PHONE 889-5205 84 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 DONCASTER NEWS LANGSTAFF NEWS Julian Thatcher. son of Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Thatcher of Emmanuel Church. has joined the Canadian Army and left for Camp Borden Monday. tickets at $1 can he purchased surgery at Branson Hospital last week. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to Mr. and Mrs. M. Park. Morgan Avenue. whose son-in-law P. Brody of Bedford Park Avenue, Toronto, died suddenly from a heart at- tack. Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson and children of Morgan Avenue are enjoying a month in Florida. The February meeting of the Doncaster Community Club will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Bragan, 104 Glencameron Ave- nue, February 10 at 8 pm. New members are welcome. F. Hiner. Glencameron Ave- nue. had an eye operation last week at Central Hospital, To- ronto. Best wishes from the community are extended to him for a complete recovery. A former Doncaster resident. Ted Watts. Glencameron Ave- nue. is recovering from surgery Thornhill United 1; St. Edward’s Cubs 2, St. Luke’s 0; St. Ed- ward’s Eagles 0, Holy Trinity 0. Thornhill Presbyterian 2, Thornhill United Wolves 2; St. Edward’s Tigers 4. St. Luke's 4; Holy Trinity Rockets 2. Holy Trinity Terrors 4: St. Edward‘s Lions 1; Thornhill United Bears Standings: Rosebuds emerged as winners of the first series. Tippy Tulips 7: Poppies 5; Pet- unias 5: Sweet Peas, 2 Camellias 2; Rosebuds 0. High triple (flat). Mary Red- man. 589; Marian Duncan 556; Myrle Porter 556; Nancy North- orp 518. High single (hep) Myrle Por- ter 277: Marian Duncan 340; Nancy Northorp 227. St. Luke's 3, Thbrnhill United 1; St. Edward's 11, Holy Trinity PEEWEES High triple (hdcp) Nelia Wright 626; Myrle Porter 622; Lilias Deska 592; high single (fiat) Myrle Porter 255; Mary Redman 221; Marian Duncan 221; Nancy Northorp 203. Over 200, Mary Redman 221; Jean Simpson 221. Jean Marchi- oris, 221. 226. 232. High aver- age. Mary Redman 203: Fren Clark 175; Marian Duncan 174. ATOMS Thornhill Presbylerian O. Holy Trinity Rams 5; St. Edward‘s Hawks 8. Thornhlil United 1: St. Edward's Jets 1. St. Luke's 2. MIDGETS Thornhill Mixed Bowling Lea- gue Team standings: Cy Ball 28: Ray Teeter 17: Harold Hingley 31: Denny Stewart .33: Reg Ed- wards 17; Erma Palmer 21. Men: High triple (flat) George Sabo 638; high triple thcp) Cy Ball 668; high single (flat) Cy Ball 263 (hep) 275. BA NTAMS St. Edward's 2. Thornhill United 0; Holy Trinity 3. Thorn- hill Presbyterian 2. BOWLING Ladies Afternoon Bowling Club Women, high triple (flat) 620, (hdcp) 647. Peggy Ross: high single (flat) Jane Ball 243 (hcdp) 249. Over 200. Eva Hingley 200; Beryl Iverson 213: Peggy Ross 230; Jane Ball 243. Over 200. Cy Ball 263. 202 Res: Sparkes 232; Reg Bayliss 201, 217; Ken Poole 234. 221; Bill Garnet 208; Roger Ball 234: Walt Hughes 216; George Sabo 215. 236. The Parish Guild of Emman- luel Anglican Church, MacKay Drive. announced its May Fair will be held April 29. instead of in May, as there will be a great number of Centennial events during that month. February 24 is the date of 1Emmanuel's card party at the church. There will he progres- sive euchre. bridge. cribbage or your favorite game. Refresh- ments will be sold. Tickets for $1 may be obtained at the door or by calling Mrs. Dorothy Ever- ton. 7 MacKay Drive, 889-5022 or your correspondent at 889- 3806. Scouts nnd Cubs Coker 815 (325), Charlie JonesE 754. For January 17: Silver dollar winners. Agnes Tripp 797, John Hills 773 (30?! flat. High ladies. Barb Henton 785 (318). Eleanor Tripp 733. High men's. LenI JCoker 765 (300‘, Leo Vass 753.‘ For January 24; Silver dollar winners. Norma Brittell 839 I304). Ed Frick 779 (322). High. ladies, Agnes Tripp 817. Clonie Jones 780. High men‘s, Len Coker 797 (358). Ross Tripp 758. League standings in the third week of the second series are: Pinheads 14, Markers 14, GFUIT 14, Dibbs 12, Kegglers 12, Goof-offs 11, 39'ers 5, Our The children of Thornhill Nursery School accompanied by teachers Mrs. C. Broderick. Mrs. P. Cumming and Mrs. H. Rivet, and a few mothers attended a very interesting field trip to North York Public Library Jan- uary 18. The children enjoyed stories and two short movies under the supervision of two helpful and interested librar- ians. Senior Citizens Thornhm Nursery School Thirty-eight senior citizens‘used in cookies. travelled by bus January 25 to“ At the close of the afternoon the Christie Brown Biscuitlmembers were taken to the cat- Company. 2150 Lakeshore Blvd.§eteria where they were served It was a beautiful balmy day for‘an attractive assortment of the trip with tempel‘atureslcookies with tea and coffee. The around 60 degrees and everyone‘guides joined the group and hill Br collect Vivian Cruise Woodli Prep ‘ to tak‘ enjoyed the drive along theianswered questions. The sen-tunderx lakeshore. Members were wel-lior citizens all spoke highly of earned by a company official and‘the clean well organized plant taken on a tour of the spotless- and were especially grateful to 1y clean plant by four friendly‘the friendly personnel who and informative guides. 'kindly escorted them on the in- The group observed the mak-‘teresting tour. ing of soda crackers and were Brownies and Guides fascinated to watch the process. Volunte :5 to give leadership many ing hz ticles. clothe: mals goods, antiqul ords. Roselawn Home and Schoolmoosevelt Drive. Mr. Kerrigan Association will hold a cardlpassed away Sunday in Kalam- party at the school March Bazoo, Michigan. Our deepest from 8 to 10 pm. There will be sympathy goes to his wife euchre. bridge. etc. and lots of Gladys and son Andrew. prizes and refreshments. All Canvassing for the Heart proceeds will be turned over to Fund will be carried out in this the Festival Choir which is district February 12. going to Expo ’67 in May. Tic- Bowling kets are only $1 and may be ob- Scores in the Richvale East tained by calling Mrs. Kay Bowling League for January 10 Woods at 884-2479 or Mrs. Betty were: Silver dollar winners, Walker at 889-7422 or at the Clonie Jones 771, Peter Nye 793. door. High ladies, Barb Henton 742. Church News Agnes Tripp 727. High men, Len February 4 has been chosen by lst Langstaff Cubs and Scouts for their bottle drive. The area covered will be Lang- staff on the west side of Yonge, Roosevelt and all streets north as far as Edgar Avenue. Place your bottles on the porch where they can be seen or call Les Walters at 889-3331. Library Opening lst, Richvale Scouts are in urgent need .of~a_,5mutmaster. Anyone interested in working with these boys is asked to con- tact John Hills of 109 16th Ave- nue. 88943870. We are very sorry to hear of the resignation of A] James who has done a tremend- ous job as Scoutmaster. The Cubs and Scouts of the Ist Richvale group extend thanks to all the residents of this area who contributed to their bottle drive, and to M. Blair, manager of the Dominion Store, who paid them the re- fund money. We hope to see a good turn- out when Richvale Library open its doors to the public for the first time. As time goes on, the library board will be able to meet the needs of the readers as they learn what the reading public in the community deâ€" sires. Mrs. Alice Burnett; will he the very able librarian. Friday. the library will be open from 12:30 to 5 pm and on Saturday from 10 am to 12:30 noon. Now that cold weather has resumed the need for shovellers and rink {leaders is back with us again. Any- one who can devote a little time to these chores to pro- vide skating facilities for the youngsters of this area is asked to phone Mrs. G. Cook at 889-4553. Socials We were sorry to learn of the death of Terry Kerrigan. who was formerly a resident of Happy birthday wishes go to Miss Kelly Lee Ireland who will celebrate her first birthday Feb- ruary 1‘ A large family celebra- tion was planned, but her father. Hal Ireland is still very ill from injuries received in a recent car accident, so those plans had to be cancelled. Although members of the Newmarket Police Association still do not know what they are going to be paid for their services in 1966. they had al- ready submitted their 1967 de- mands. The association's contract for last year is still before an ar- bitration board. and it is not known when the decision will be available. Newmarket Police Ask: Substantial '67 Raise‘ Demands for this year call for a salary of $7,000 a year for a first class constable. The rate paid in 1965 was $5,100. The association is also asking for a total of 12 paid statutory holidays â€"â€" in 1965 they re- ceived eight. Three weeks holi- days after {our years service is also part of the proposed new schedule. Last year the request was for three weeks after five years‘ service and the 1965 contract called for three weeks after 10 years‘. Tots And Senior Citizens Take Trips Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 RICHVALE NEWS learn of the The 4th Thornhill Brownies. irrigam who with their leaders. enjoyed a resident of horsedrawn sleigh ride at Pion- â€" eer Village, Steeles Avenue and Asliane Street January 21. Hot gchocolate and cookies were en- . «fjoyed. alice Flour was first sifted in a huge vat and then yeast and shorten- ing were added to make an en- ormous quantity of batter. Other highlights of the after- noon were seeing the making of triangle biscuits. chocolate chip and cream filled cookies. choco- late wafers and two new cook- ies, heyday and spring blossom, in huge quantities. Everyone was impressed to see how care- fully the sultana raisins were washed and sorted before being used in cookies. ‘on the sudden passing of her husband January 28. The late ‘Frank Karman has lived on ‘Crestwnnd Road about 20 years 'and was well-known for his stone masonry, having done a number of store fronts in Wil- lowdale. He is survived by his wife. daughter Anne and son Robert and eight grandsons. Mr. Karman rested at the R. 5. Kane Funeral Home. Yonge Street. Willowdale and service was held in St. Paschal’s Baylon Roman Catholic Church Tuesday, fol- lowed by interment in Holy Cross Cemetery, Langstaff. Pall- bearers were neighbors, Peter Zepp. Allan Fitchett, Eddy Rog- ers. Fred St. John. Tom Brad- beer and Don McCartie. Socials Canvassing for the Heart Fund will be carried out in this district February 12. Bowling Scores in the Richvale East Bowling League for January 10 were: Silver dollar winners, Clonie Jones 771, Peter Nye 793. High ladies, Barb Henton 742. Agnes Tripp 727. High men. Len Coker 815 (325), Charlie Jones 754. League standings in the third week of the second series are: Pinheads 14, Markers 14. GFUIT 14, Dibbs 12, Kezglers 12. Goof-offs 11, 39'ers 5, Our Team 2. I Frank Karman The league will hold a valen- tine dance February 11 at the Lions Hall, Richmond Hill. Tic- kets will be $1.50 per person and may be obtained from Ron Bromley at 889-6406 or at the door, Members and friends of the Falcnnbridge Nickel Mines Socâ€" ial Club enjoyed an evening of bowling Saturday night. A speedy recovery is wished for Paul Rogers, Sam Postar and the Palin boys. Happy birthday good wishes are extended to Peter Webster. PINDER BROS. LTD. STEEL LINTELS l BEAMS Sympathy is extended to Mrs F. Karman. 155 Crestwood Road Crestwood Rd. News STEEL FABRICA TING Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-3344 Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 . N- r'"" l Preparations for the fun {all‘lbe served and a hal 1to take P1809 February 18 arela Centennial projec iunderway. The (air will featureigested projects or many interesting booths includ- will be .3; install ing handicrafts of knitted ar- bells [bl paving the ticles. sewlng, sachets. doll The Couples' clul clothes, paintings. stuffed ani- Eaton Memorial Ch mals etc., candy and baked Clair Avenue West goods, 3 white elephant table of mg the annual scho antiques. books. jewelery, rec- and grooms, Detai ords. sports equipment etc, tration forms may There will also be a hot dog by calling the chm stand, tea room and perhaps 3 Guides and Br movie and discoteque. parade Februarv 1! tn Brownie and Guide groups in the Langstaff area are urgently needed. Instruction is provided and anyone interested in young girls is all that is required. Please come to the rescue of many young girls in this area who want to become Guides and Brownies but are denied this desire owing to the lack of lead- ership. Anyone interested is asked to call Mrs. D. Moore at 889-174]. Two Brownies of 2nd Thorn- hill Brownies recently won their collector's badge. They are Vivian Markovich and Cindy Woodland Public School has a multiple of school clubs oper- ating in the senior school. They ir elude art. drama, music. crafts, home economics. science, boy's gym and a newspaper club. Woodland Home. and School The cedar sign located at the front of the school was made by the boys from the senior auxil- iary class. This was made for Markham TSA No. I as a Cen- tennial project. a more regular approach to learning. Easter exams will be eliminated this year and instead there will be three spaced half hour term tests in each subject, These will contribute between 60 and 70% of the Easter mark. The remaining 30 to 40% will be derived from day to day classroom effort and by the completion of assignments and class projects. In June it will be necessary to have final ex- aminations. However they will count about 50% toward the re- port mark. Term tests and day effort will contribute a large portion of the final mark. Holy Trinity Anglican I A new method of grading pupils in the senior school (grades '7 and 8) has been adopt- ed this year in order to lessen the pressures and to encourage Arctic Eskimo Sunday will be held February 26. A large map will be placed in the parish hall showing the location of Copper- mine in the Diocese of the Arcâ€" tic and paintings of Arctic life will be on display. Archdeacon J. R. Sperry, Bishop of the Arc- tic, will speak to the congrega- tion on the work of the church in Coppermine which Holy Trinity is helping to support through Canadian Outreach Project. Coppermine is 2,567 miles away. Gift day for the new Allen Organ will be held February 12 to enable the church congrega- tion to make a special contribu- tion to its Centennial project. The new sacristy for the work of the Altar Guild is now being completed. Further contribu- tions may be made in envelopes Established 1871 ECONOMICAI Vancouver . Edmonton - Winnipeg . London - Hamflton a Toronto 0 Montreal - Moncton ° Halifax THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill Ontario Thursdax. Feb. 1967 MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY STRONG= RELIABLE The Economical Mutual Insurance Company has provided its Policy- holders with the best in Security and Protection for more than 95 years. Willowdale Richmond Hill â€" Barrnw Insurance Services Ltd‘ 884-1551 illowdaie â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 221-16 [HOME Head Office - Kitchener, Ontario designated “Sacristy Fund". The annual pancake supper will take place Shrove Tuesday. February 7 between the hours of 5.30 and 7 pm in the parish hall. Plan to take the family. United Church The minister‘s communicants class for young people will com- mence February 12 at 6.30 pm. The adult class meets at 8 pm. A portable Communion set \\ as a recent gift to me church from Mrs. H. J. Veals in loving n emory of her late husband ReV. Howard Veals. The annual congregational meeting will take place Febru- ary 5 at 7.30 pm. Dessert will be served and a ballot taken on at Centennial project. Two sug- gested projects on the ballot will be la) installing carillon bells Ibl paving the parking lot. The Couples‘ club of Timothy Eaton Memorial Church. 230 St. Clalr Avenue West. is sponsor- ing the annual school [or brides and grooms. Details and regis- tration forms may be obtained by calling the church omce. Guides? and Brownies will parade February 19 at 7.30 pm and Scouts and Cubs February 26. - STATE FARM & MUTUAL 5â€"7 Amomm: msuuuct column! ‘ Canadian Head Office - Toronto”. Home â€" Business â€" Auto 145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 223-4700 '1' 3545* fon’tainebleau TOWNE & COUNTRYE SQUARE Bar, Stage and Spotlighting System NOW OPEN FOR RESERVATION FOR: Banquets. Wedding Receptions. Sales or Board Meetings. Luncheons. Fashion Shows. YONGE ST. AT STEELES featuring Toronto’s Most Modern Banquet Room. Capacity: 50 - 400 Guests BUSINESS ALL-CANADIAN Teas or Stags Iumxummmumuxmummur numnuumluuuu\uumuuuuuulxuu\mmmmuuuu“nuuuuuu \‘f VW<§§®I N10” « ‘4 If you are NEW-TO-TOWN or have just moved into a new home would like to call on you with ‘housewarming gifts’ and information about your new location. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the Women from Thornhill and district will meet Febâ€" ruary 10 at 2 pm in Holy Trlnity Church. Brooke Street. to become a link in the golden chain of prayer on the Women's World Day of Prayer. This year the program. which will be followed. was prepared by the late Queen Salote of the Tonga Islands. The queen led her subjects in the annual observance In other years. Prayers ol’ thanks will be offered for creative men and women. doctors. nurses. builders of peace and good- will. leaders. and for the beauties of the world. Special hymns will be sung. Call her at 889-4735 RICHMOND HILL LIBERAL World Day Of Prayer Thornhill’s Own, . . . Assets Exceed $26,000,000 . Ottawa numu‘mtuuumumuuuuumul 223-4701

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