Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 2 Feb 1967, p. 16

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mmtmnulmummmmmnumuml-P Wu\uuumummmmmummmumum HI Planning Board Considering Appealing Decision Okaying ’lrailer Gas Storage Chairman Harry Sayers said the Doaru nau uuuucu, uubcu mm w w -W WW been very concerned with the company’s mten- followmg gases would be stored: Oxygen, Acet- tions of storing the gas cylinders on a “trailer” ylene. Nitrogen, Argon. and Helium. instead of in a permanent structure. “Safety measures.” it read. “as per National “This is one of the reasons." he said. “we Fire Protection Association standards will be recommend that the application be refused.” provided by Supreme Welding Supplies Limited Other board members observed that a trailer for the storing of these cylinders in an industrial could be moved and could violate zoning bylaws by zone.” Ill“lIllll“llllll“llIllll\\1““ll\\l\\\\\lll\lllllll\ll\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\llll\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\l“ll\l\l\\\\\l\llllllllllllllllllllllllll(“llmullllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll(lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI!“llllllllllllllllllllllIlll\lill“\lllmlllllmllllllll Willll“ll\l\\\l\\\\\\\l\l\\\l\\\\\\W\\\\\\l\\\\\l\l % 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontazio, Thuxsdav Peb.1967 us\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\mumummummmmmum\muumuuumufumumlmuuuuumuuuuummummumxn.numumunuuuummlnu|nn\\I\munnnumunmmmum ,uuumm\umuuuuumummlummummuummumt{mumau\nm1\xm\\uu\\\\mm\\\\A - _- . A _' . 204 Per Cent Increase In Dollar Sales For York County Realtors Dollar sales (or Y_0!‘k County and District Real Estate Board have increased by 204 per cent in the past year, retiring presi- dent, L. A. Neill, Thornhili. told the annual brokers meeting of the 'board January 18 at Sum- mit View Gardens Restaurant, Jefferson Succeeding Mr. Neill is Wil-E liam Hobson, of Keith Real Es» late. Langstaff. ‘ Mi. Neill said that sales end-'3 ing Dec-embel. 1966. “ele $1â€" 712, 855, compared “1th $494 100 ihe p1 evxous yea). “We shouldn’ t: complain too much “ith a gain like that.” ,he said. Multiple listings were also up considerably, doubling from 141 to 282. while 5.9 per cent more sales were reported. Active membership “as up from 31 to 36, with associate members up to 193 from 138. giving a total membership of 229. A motion by Mr. Neil] 10‘ make all offers to purchase on‘ multiple listings binding for at least 12 hours. was withdrawn when it was pointed out that all offers lo purchase were reâ€" vocable unless under seal. Other motions carried were: that appointments to the ethics- and arbitration and membership committees be changed from past presidents only to include active broker members as well. The president should have the power to appoint a member of the directorate to each com- mittee, with the member acting as liaison to the board of direc- tors. .Anolher proposal by Ml: Neill. which would change the present method of charging $1 per member per month for mul- tiple listings to a flat rate of $10, payable in advance. was deferred for the time being. Richmond Hill Plannil a committee of adjustme Supreme Welding Supplies cylinders at the rear of its ham Road. The board, which h committee refuse the am with the town solicitor b decision It has 14 dayS'to appeal and sucn a. nun: will probably result in an OMB hearing into the application. The action came last week as the board was notified of the committee‘s decision which noted the application had received fire hazard clearance from Richmond Hill Fire Chief Alf Stone and Richmond Hill Public School Board Trustee Larry Schell. The company is located in the area of Walter Scott Public School. Planning Consultant Max Bacon noted one of the main concerns â€"â€" the fire hazard posed by the storage â€"- had been absolved by the okay from the fire chief and Mr. Schell. 1 LAJ At 7120 Yonge St. THE ”GATEWAY" T0 COUGAR COUGAR V 8 2 DH. HARDTDPS WITH RADIO COUNTRY! board, which had recommended the : refuse the application, will consult town solicitor before making a final Consultant Max Bacon noted one :oncerns â€"â€"- the fire hazard posed 2 â€"- had been absolved by the okay chief and Mr. Schell. Harry Sayers said the board had 1cerned with the company’s inten- 10- Hm gas cvlinders on a “trailer” i, grrrr. wow! 3lemming: Board may appeal iustment decision to allow Lpplies Limited to store gas of its property at 293 Mark- '01 THINK Mr. Neill said the change was impression they made on the suggested as a means of eli- local board level. and it was the minating the sales tax, as was public that wanted charged by the present method; * * * * n ,, 1,, A_ .I:......4-.... nun“... Mr. Neil], who was presenied M with an inscribed plaque and N gavel by incoming president,0 William Hobson. on behalf of in {he board, thanked the members for their support in the past year. “I couldn’t have done it in otherwise,” he said. c; He also thanked Mrs. H. G. J1 Cruse for her work as secretary. J; Mr. Hobson paid 11'ibute to‘: Mr. Neill. not only for his work 1 as pLesident during the past1 yxeal but {01 his effo1ts on be- half of 1he boa1d since joining five ieais ago R W Telford, regional vice:-I mesident who conducted thei installation of the office1s saidi he felt the boa1d had “gained a g1eat deal of statme in the lpast year." meal and such a moxe an OVIB healing into The real estate man was now recognized as a selious business- man whose advice and help here sought in the development of the community a change that had come about due to the numâ€" \ber of dedicated men and women :who had \‘LOIKEd to make it so, flhe said. Mr. Telford said that most of the work had been done at the MORGAN DAVIS 889-4846 nmmumuuuumuuummunummr.nuuunuummmumumw mumum“mummuuummImmuumuu“mumuummuuumu PRINTING! Named to the various com-l mittees were: Ethics and Arbiâ€"lK tration, L. A Neill liaison; Jack Jeffrey.chai1mau:Helb Sillsl Jack Blytl1,director:s Bylaws Robert Shea. Fred Cook Don Chai'lebois: Zoning and Legisla- tion. Leslie O'Hagan. liaison: Harvey White, chairman: Pub- licity, Public Relations and Pro- ;gramming, Charles Boyd, liaison; Sworn in as_ directors were Mr. Hobson, Tom Murphy. Mr Neill, 7 Robert Shea, Leslie O’Hagan. George W. Prue, Norâ€" man Smith and Charles E. Boyd. being 1) building vuuunubu. Planning Assistant Earl Newhail said Texas Instruments had storage facilities on a trailer- like body but that the area concerned was fenced in. A -_ .- u v. I‘I LL , _'J_,; .Lcuuvu u.- Coundflor Lok Ilancey dkhft er theidea of the cyfinders being stored in the area of a schooL ,. , .. . .I‘ l‘ , L‘.:L. oynvu. . Mr. Sayers said “this is something of a fait accompli because they’ve been doing it at another location already.” wt 1 Auvuenu“ u..- -ww “My main objection." said member Howard Whillans. “is the use of the trailer in place of a permanent building. As far as the safety factor is concerned, I’m not qualified to say. I hare to depend on more qualified people." The board has also discovered that the Word “trailer" is not contained in its present zoning bylaws although it will be in the future one. It was decided to go ahead with an appeal if the solicitor advises it. In its original application before the com- mittee of adjustment, Supreme Welding Supplies Limited, noted that “50 to 100 cylinders of the following gases would be stored: Oxygen, Acet- ylene. Nitrogen, Argon. and Helium. xvi-,1 ()ur town shares advances in technology and a standard of living unparal- leled throughout the history of mankind. Business and industry has grown at a fantastic rate, and the Hydroâ€"Electric Commission, through constant research and expert planning, is proud to serve these industries and the community with uninterrupted supplies of the essential require- ments. The most modern equipment is always ready to provide prompt sex-Vice. placed too close to adjacent lot lines or Your hydro shares in the vitality of the present . . . you and your neighbors searching for even better things from life inspire our community to look toward an even better future . . . with more exciting challenges. You then can be confident that the requirements of all the community will be met for many years to come. RICHMOND HILL IS A GOOD PLACE TO LIV} receive our prompt attention. Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric Commission Chairman Sam Cook Commissioner William Wagner Mayor Thomas Broadhurst 1967 FOR INFORMATION CALL 884-4466 56 YONGE STREET NORTH ALL RESIDENTS CAN PLAN FOR A BRIGHT TOMORROW IN RICHMOND HILL Harry Sadler. chairman; Prop- eny Acquisition, Norm Smith, Norm Black; Educational, Stand- ard Forms and Multiple List- ings, George W. Prue, liaison; Gordon Smith. chairman: Joe Zipfl Rae Ciouther Larry IDoble, Lil Rush. Mr. Hobson said it was the intention of the board to estab- lish a library of zoning bylaws maps and other pertinent data, at 31 Yonge Street North in Richmond Hill He said also, the board was looking for a permanent home and it would be the job of the members of the property vaui- sition committee to assess any property that might be consid- ered suitable for purchase. MEMBERS Sec.~Treas. A. B. Ellis Supt Peggy Anderson. 17. of 214 Cedar Avenue. Richmond Hill. who last year became the young- est girl in Canada to receive her private pilot's licence. may soon become the youngest com- mercial pilot in the country. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson, who operate the restaurant at Buttonville‘ Ainport, Peggy recently passed‘ her commercial flight test with the Department of Transport, and is at present building up flying time towards her licence. Last week. the grade 12 Bay- view Secondary School student placed third in an air rally at RannviHP sunusored by To- Last week, the grade 1‘ View Secondary School 5 placed third in an air 12 Buttonville. sponsored t ronto Airways Limited why. an annual evenL v stricted to non-comr rally. an annual evenL was re striated to non-commercial pilots. with less than 100 hours flying time. Competitors took off from the airport at 9.30 am, circled Musâ€" koka and Peterhoro Airports, Competitors look off from the airport at 9.30 am. circled Musâ€" koka and Peterboro Airports, Where spotters were stationed. and returned about noon. Youngest Pilot nu... . .w- ._ Only seconds divided Ron Rich of Toronto. and Dr. Peter Levers of Newmarket, who were first and second at touch down. Both were flying Cessna 1725. Miss Anderson was flying Cessna 150. Clause Huberty and Kenneth Barnes, both of Toronto, who tied for third with Miss Ander- son, were in Piper Cherokees. NEED GOOD WORKERS? GET ’EM FAST BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS PEGGY ANDERSON our inquiries will Horwood The 520/ 1 0 520-550/12 500â€"520/1 3 590-600/13 640~650ll3 700/13 soo-szo/M 695/14 (650/14) 735/14 (700/14) 775/”. (750/14) 825/14 (800/14) ass/I4 (850/14) 885/14 (900/174; 560/590/15 735/15(640/151 775/15 (670/15) 815/15 (710/15) 845/151760/15) 885/15 (820/15) Chev., Pontiac, Ford, Dodge, Plymouth CLUTCH JOBS 7. .50 Chev v.,Pontiac, $3 Fo r,d Doged Here’s a "Once-a-Year" opportunity to get in on a great fire buy! A genuine clearance of SAFETY ”99” HiGH TRACT30N TIRES . . . and apart from being he {eff-overs of last FoH’s produciion, these great. fires are identicu‘ to those ihot wiH oppeor 'm our new 1967 Spring and Summer catalogâ€"of appreciably higher list prices. But right now they're being cleared SHOP WITH CREDIT CARD CONVENIENCE TURN mnIcArons & raungn GUIDES flflfl SIZE Reg 24.55 23.80 26.85 26.45 28.15 29.25 25.60 28.60 30.35 32.65 36.65 39.85 28.60 30.35 32.65 36.65 39.85 . Cuhflog Price TIRE u Taugh, flexible, un- \ breakable white vinyl / Unaffected by heat never turns yellow Smart design. WINDSHIELD WASHER Includes Vz-ga). un- breakab‘e, clear-view p l a s t i c container; pressure dome foot control; bras; nozzlés and jets and hose. 2.35 front, with amber lens facing driver. Works in coniunction with car's directional sig- nals. 12 Volt. Pair. LARGE. Pay Only SMALL SPLASH GUARDS Complete With Parts 8. Labour TIRE (MOST MODELS) Unlimitéd Road PAIR Reg 3.35 ST 'ru 27.60 27.05 29.80 31.65 32.90 32.20 34:15 36.75 41.20 44.85 49.90 32.20 34.15 36.75 41.20 44.85 49.90 . Catalog Price TIRE CHOOSE AND CHARGE WITH OUR EASY CREDIT CARD SYSTEM + Free 30 Day Charge + No Down Payment Ideal chores Sets I assorted Lights instantly Brass pen cilg flame burner is adjust able for Home and heat Complete with l4-oz. dis. posoble cylinder. RIVET TOOL KIT Pay OMy TIRE PROPANE TORCH POPULAR ”MASTERCRAFT” Hazard Insurance ALL-PURPOSE at iremendous savings. 50, be an opporiunisr - buy a Safety "99" or this specia! no-trade price and get another for ius’t ONE DOLLAR MORE. Sfore and Warehouse stocks are limiied . . . better make a beeline {or your nearest Canadian Tire Store. This great Sale will be in effect untif stock of each size is depleted. EASY TERMS EXTRA! FREE IN§fXLLXTION Use the Cash 30"": Coupons For ‘ ! Cash a!!! Carry .49 .19 EXTRA CYLINDER $1.69

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