SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967 Lent. III 8 am. -â€" Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Holy Communion 2.30 pm. -â€" Confirmation Class 7 pm. â€"- Evening Prayer 11 am. â€" Subject: “The Good 9.45 am. â€"- Intermediaté and Shepherd" Senior Sunday School '7 pm. â€"â€" Guest Preacher: 11 am. â€" Nursery and up to 11 Evangelist H. G. Adams. former 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Priest and Monk. Prayer. Praise. Bible Study A Warm Welcome Extended For further Information call To All 889-2131 THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bnyview at Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. William E. Moore 884-4236 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1967 Lem. [II 8.00 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion 9.30 am. - Church School (7-13) 11 am. -â€" Morning Prayer and Litany Church School (2-6) and Nursery Care Wednesday, March 1 8 pm. - Holy Communion (said) Thursday 10 a.m. â€"- Holy Communion Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O‘Neil Honorary Assistant: The Rev. F. C. Jackson SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1967 Lent III 8.00 mm. â€"â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€"-â€" Morning Prayer (Church School for all ages and Nursery Care) 7 pm. â€" Evensong and Holy Baptism Wednesday 10 am. -â€" Holy Communion RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowshlp Church) 50 ergm sue» (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnot, DJ). SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1967 9.45 am. â€"~ Sunday School for (Chapel) 10.30 am. â€"- Morning Service The Rector 11.10 am. â€" Sunday School Organist: Howard Jerome ARCCO. ACCM Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. B. Ruin-w Howden,‘B.A., L.Th. Estelle Markham. ARCT.. EMT. Organist and Choir Director SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967 Third Sunday in Lent Aycuc Eskimo Sunday 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 11 am. - Morning Prayer The Bishop of the Arctic. The Rt. Rev. D. B. Marsh 7 pm. â€"â€" Evening Prayer Bishop Marsh will Address The Young People Tuesday 7 am. -â€" Holy Communion Wednesday 10.30 am. â€" Holy Communion 8 pm. â€"~ Lenten Discussion Program ST. STEPHEN’S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, M.A.. DD. 8 am. -- Holy Communion 11 am. â€"- Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 Main Street. Untonvmo Pastor Rev. E. W. R. Sawlor Sunday Services 10 am. - Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service 7.30 pm. â€" Evening Service Wednesday 8 11.111. Prayer and Bible Study Everyone is Welcome MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH Maple Community Centre Keele Street North. Maple Pastor: H. G. Wilson Sunday Services 9.45 am. Sunday School 11 am. Worship Service '7 pm. -â€" Evening Service "W511 ‘c‘éï¬amunuy Centre “09 17- 10"†We" RICHMOND HILL UNITED 123. Street North. Maple Re" MW?†J9hnswn' DD' 1‘31“? CHURCH Pastor: H. G. Wilson 033m“ M153 Cami warl. 1 (Yonge and Centre Streets) Sunny service! (lilhou- Lgiader: M55. Rkoin Sum} Ministers 9.45 am. Sunday School I O a‘m‘ Osmmg SOY; ‘38 h olz Rev. C. G. ngglnson 11 am. Worship Service '1 a'm' â€"' em“: “"5 1y 1c 0d: Rev. N. S. Gibson '7 pm. â€"-â€" Evening Service ‘11 “r _ Jumof c 00 an Organist. and Choir Leader Wednesday. 8 p.111. J3EE§_. 1 Gordon M. Fleming Home Bible Study and Prayer‘STJOHN’s BAPTIST CHURCH‘SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 25' 1957 Meeting 75 Oxforddsgtelft 9.45 am. â€"- Primary. Junior. WW‘.‘ Richmon Intermediate and Senior Church UNIONng'ggCgLuANCE (Convention of om. and Qua), School Main Street. Unlonvllle Chm†“4-6323 £11 am. â€"â€" Nursery and pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26. 1967; Kindergarten a". E. w‘ R Saw“, 9.45 am. -â€" Sunday School fox-.11 “n; _. Morning service Sand†Servwe. All Ages "Mlssion To Accomplish†7 pm. â€" Chapel Service ST. MATTHEW‘S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue B... If In“.-. nil-II IIA n“ . 11 am. â€" Worship: i? 1:. .. 3:322: Nursery and Crlbroom Facilities - - for Infants 7.30 pm. -- Evenmg Servtce . . Wednesday 8 pm- Parkmg Avaxlable 13-...-. .....a mm. mm." A Cordial Welcome to All MEAENTS 884-1456 Rector: Rev. E. H. Costinn Street. Thornhill. a.m. â€" Hnly Communion EVERYBODY IS WELCOME! HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORN HILL RICHMOND I-III.I. TV HOME EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvalo Rev. K. A. Thatcher 889-6789 Mrs. E. V. Collier ATCL Organist ANGLICAN ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH ALLIANCE BAPTIST all ages $11111. to I: Bayvlew Avenue 5., Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphlnee“ Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967‘ The Third Sunday in Lent 9.30 am. -â€"â€" Sunday Church School 11 em. â€"- The Service Cub, Scout. Guide Church Parade " Nursery Care Is Provided During the Service Midweek Lenten Services in Co- Operation with Christ The King Lutheran Church. Thornhill, are conducted by Pastors Weigâ€" el and Dauphinee each WednesJ day at 7.30 pm. LENTEN CROSS ROADS : Ihlvluuvnu llxuu ‘ 94 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 884-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1961 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"- Evening Service Tuesday 8.15 pm. - Prayer Meeting Friday 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples RICHVALE GOSPEL CHAPEL 24 Oak Avenue Sunday Services 9:30 am. Remembrance Ser- vice 11 em. m Bible Hour «S: Sun- day School iny. 13. 1.5 Mile West of Yonle Rev. Dilwyn T. Evans, Minister :SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967 9.45 am. â€" Church School Junior . Grades 4. 5 and 8 Senior - Grades 7. 8 and 9 11 am. -- Morning Worship Also - Nursery. Kindergarten. & Primary School - Grades 1. 2. 3 12.80 pm. - Presbyteens. Grades 10 and up 7 pm. â€"- Evening Worship 8.15 pm. - Young Peoples VISITORS WELCOME (2 Miles south of Maple) ‘ Meatings as Announced. pm] A. 5.3mm, pastor “Jesus Saves and There’s No Organist Mrs. J. Keffer ' Other WHY" For Information call the Pastor: 'Tï¬fï¬ï¬oxb‘ï¬ï¬lf" at 832-1327 {FREE METHODIST CHURCH §UFDAY' FEERQA’“: 36s 1967yCoruer of Elmwood and Ruggles 9.45 am. â€"- Sunday School 11 am. -â€" Worship Service (The Friendly Church) Thornhill - Langstaff - Richvale Arnold D. Welgel, B.A.. B.D.. Pastor 24 Orlon Crescent. Thornhill ‘ Phone: 889-7216 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967’ 9.30 am. - Church School 11.00 am. â€"-â€" The Service | 4 Thornhill Masonic Hall, Elgin LENTEN CROSS ROADS Feb. 22 â€"- Awake or Asleep March 1 â€"â€" Silent or Speaking VISITORS WELCOME -_V._,. . V w._.-_ .V_. .. .. ‘lavu v 9 BetIâ€"anVSheec. Thorï¬ï¬lâ€"l'lï¬ï¬‚ï¬lwanr â€"â€" Ages 3-4 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967; Wednesde 9:50 am. -â€"__Bib1e Sphpok ‘ 34 pm. â€" Ages 6-8 Our Banner" 7 pm. â€"â€" Message: “After This The Judgment" Special Music Mrs. D. Sweeney Midweek Hour Wednesday. 7.30 pm. Supervised Nursery at all Lord’s ’ Day Activities Nursery Available 1Church of the Light and Life Church School and Worship at3H°ur ' CKFH ‘ 5 13m. Sunday ST. ANDREW’S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ‘Maple, Ontario and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH 7th Concession, Vaughan. Rev. B. F. Andrew. Minister SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1967 10 am. â€" St. Andrew‘s Church 11 aim. â€"â€" Message “The Lord THORNHILL UNITED Rev. A. I. Higgins, B.A., 8.0. SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967 LANGSTAFF i BAPTIST CHURCH 15m. (Fellowship of Evangelical ‘111 l Baptist Churches in Canada) t 26 Church Street, Thornhlll { Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watsonmgso and Sunday School 11.15 am. -â€"- St. Paul‘s Church and Sunday School THORNHILL ’PRESB’YT’ERIAN CHURCH THORNHILL BAPTlST CHURCH (Convention of Out. 5: Que.) Stop 17. Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston. DD. Min. Organist: Miss Carol Ward Choir Leader: Mrs. Ron Slim 11 am. Morning Worship 10 am. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 a.rr â€" Junior School and Nursery Bible Class 11 am. â€" Morning Worship Cubs and Sean‘s Parade for Divine Worship 11 am. â€" Nursery Depar‘ment 2 pm. â€"â€" Communicant‘s Class PRESBYTERIAN ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. PAUL’S LUTHERAN CHURCH CHRiST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH LUTHERAN 'SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1961 10 am. -â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€" Evening Service Tuesday I815 p.m. â€"â€" Prayer Meeting Friday 8 pm. â€" Young Peoples The World Day of Prayer ser- vice was held in the chapel Feb- rualy 8 at 7:30 pm. The service was led by Kathy Wynne, as- sisted by Ruth Carter of the Anglican Girls' Auxiliary and Miss Micki Robinson from the Y teens. Mrs. N. S. Gibson was guest speaker for the service. 884-6629 SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1967 9.45 am. â€" Sunday School CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School ST. MATTHEW‘S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. 1". James Burn. BA. BB. Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26. 1967 11 am. â€"â€"- Worship Service Church School Infant Care 9.30 am. -â€" Ages 6-15 11 am. â€" Ages 3-5 Wednesday At Christmas time two inter- mediate girls, Brenda Ferzuson and Lin Masters presented four toys. handmade by their group. to patients in the pediatric ward of York Central Hespital as their Christmas project. ' SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1967: CALVARY CHURCH 9.50 am. â€"~ Sunday School RICHMOND HILL 11 am. -â€"~ Worship 94 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill 7.30 pm. Affiliated with the Pentecostal Home Missionary Service with, Assemblies of Canada Rev. Clifford West, Pastor of) 884-4387 the U. M. Church in Galt as' Pastor.- Rev. P. A. Sorensen speaker. Also Tesimonies and SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 26, 1967 Music by Members oi the Con- 10 am. â€"â€" Sunday School gl‘egaï¬on. ‘ Maybe you would like to join the fun every Wednesday night at 7:30. Vice Dr. Winnifred Bryce, Willow-‘ Ins u - ~ , ‘- , . . puatlonal Is a weaned Hodgson, Kettleby‘ The stoxy 11 am. â€"â€" Blble Hour 8: Sun- dale. expanded on the theme word to apply to the Swingingâ€, of “The Women of Samaria" _ 3: J- Tuesday 8 v-m- â€" Prayer meet- gym at .the WM" Day 0f xiri‘iéinï¬iriwi‘ékï¬? 333%? a“sOn§§â€$‘iï¬e' work engaging WomeX’l: 33:1 Egéznï¬ugeople‘s 533011551331: 1%hfrc? tefnding YIO r k gal-esp“??? $325112: ï¬fsmgfi?dcg;da . . - -- , 'fith annua meemgln lC' . . "" ‘ Meetmgs as Announced. 3“ ritlgfm “355101;â€3’ “ho Exes mond H111 United Church Jan- house, Umonvme was hgstess ‘to m "13- T- W†rem!“ 9 four women represemmg dzf- "Jesus Saves and There’s No l . “an, 24' ‘ Other Way†W†New 3‘ Wm?“ miâ€? mm Marquis is UCW presi- ferth areas-7 MFS: 5- “WWW, After the service. the girls went upstairs and the evening was closed with taps. This was a wonderful beginning for the Lenten season. Other Denominations 28 lEVENDALE ROAD RICI MAPLE UNWFEB EHURCH Keele Street South. Maple Minister Rev. Norman H. Boozer: Director of Music 1r. Hugh Armstrong A.R.T.C a.m. â€"â€" Sunday School Service of Worship Kindergarten and Nursery A Welcome To All Meet‘ngs as Announced. lctn‘cu nunaxuunxg “nu Dyleu mond resus Saves and There's No 1121 Ind1a. Dr. Bryce remmded “an, 24' ‘ he: sud-192% mm ‘21"; Mrs -~~â€"‘ â€"-Vâ€"'â€" â€" 111 e . res y 1‘13 ' RICHNIOND HILL Anglican Churches on Yonge dent of L“ METHOD‘ST CHURCH Street, Richmond 11111 and St. he? fil‘s' rner of Elmwood and Ruggles John Baptist, the Free Methm ed centr Pasmr dist. and the Penticostal 39d the Rev' Dav†Dy"! BA! 3†Church, that Christian women ï¬nd he 88445629 have a duty to send the “good Work 0f FDAY' FEPRUARX _26’_1957 news" out into the world. d?†w .1 u Mr. Howard Hunt 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Communion Service 7.30 pm. â€" Mr. J. Carter of the Canadian Sunday School Mission Wednesday â€"- 8 pm. Prayer Service and Bible Study Sunday Services 945 am. â€"â€" Bible School (Classes For All Ages! 11 am. - The Ministry of the Word '1 pm. â€"- Worship and Communion Wednesday 8 pm. -â€" Bible Study Mm: A. E. Atkinson.889-3364 Sec; R. Witty - 889-5057 DONCASâ€"i‘ER BIBLE‘éHAPEL 889-7221 Meetan every Saturday 80 Elgln Mills Rd. West 1/4 mile west of Yonge Street 9.15 a.m.â€"Sabbath School. 11 a.m.-â€"Worship Service. Three area municipalties will be affected by an increase in rates, announced this week by Bell Telephone Telephone Co. of Canada. Among the 22 centres includ- ed in Ontario and Quebec are Gormley. Kleinburg and Queensville all located in this county which will be subject to increases from 10 to 50 cents. 'GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH Rev. L. K. Sider, Pastor SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1967 9.50 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. w Worship 7.30 pm. Home Missionary Service with Rev. Clifford West. Pastor of the U. M. Church in Galt as speaker. Also Tesimonies and Music by Members of the Con- gregation. Wednesday. March 1 pm. â€"- Prayer Meeting EVERYONE WELCOME 8 break the ice by playing for laughs where they can be gotten â€" mostly in Act One. Instead of the air of gathering gloom this opening scene should have, we get little more than whodun. it-style clues. The result is that this horror story takes on some of the tone of a detective mys-i tery. Since the audience quick- ly knows \vhodunit. there is little tension. and Grand Guig- nol hedomes Petit Guignol. One other. minor. criticism; the play is set (from internal ev- idence) in 1937. in a cosy mid- dleclass world whose class structure is unimaginable to- day. Yet the two sub-plots and much of the atmosphere depend on making it real. Some of the players. notably Audrey Row- she is touching and credible. asl is her moment of fear. . In smaller roles, Mary Monks. a polished actress. has fun as the cook; George Young carica- tures a public school stick; Louise Monks gets hold of the character of the compliant maid easily and quietly. and keeps it up: George Truss stomps stolid- ly through the part of the Scot- and Yard inspector". and Iris Stringer makes a jolly nurse. The set (Kingsley Owenl and costuming (Val Haworth) do much to take us back a genera- tior in time. and the lighting (David Punter? nicely slides from sunlight to gloom. The best that can be said about Mary Basham, the prompter, is that she went unheard. World Day Of PrayerlFeeding And Clothing The Needy A‘ R“ United Churc"lNot Passeâ€"Speaker Tells UCW Effective in two weeks. the the increases. which apply to local wer‘ service only. will bring rates tian for the 22 exchanges into line 53 with those charged in compar- the able centres. the company said. was Other Ontario exchanges are: Belleville. Wabizion. Ajax-Pic- kering, Bala. Hespeler. Ridge- ville, Severn Bridge. Strathroy. Tottenham. Vineland, Cambell- ville and Milton. Quebec exchanges are: St. Henri de Ma5couche. T- no- home Heights. Aeroport begot- ville, Dunham. Rawdon and St. Alexandre. Aâ€"(ï¬wacn 0F énnxsr Concord Ave. and King High Drive I“Idol 0n Paradeâ€1 ’ CHILDREN “350 w SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH W. M. Mercer, Minister Movie Club 1 PM. “Flipper‘s New Adventure" Sat. Matinee plus OF A playgoer's test of “Night Must Fall". which the Curtain Club is presenting for the rest of this week. is whether it makes the flesh creep. It was mitten as a starring vehicle for the actor who played Dan, and Emlyn Williams the playwright knew exactly how to exploit the particular style of suave nasti~ ness that made Emlyn Williams the actor renowned in London in the 19305. Mrs. Marquis is UCW presi- dent of Toronto Conference. In her first year of ofï¬ce she visit- ed centres of service in her area and the information she gained fired her interest afresh in the work of the church. “Let us be done with fault-finding," she sand, “and be loyal to our church and the work of our hands." Mrs. Marquis recounted only a small portion of the work done by the volunteer. In 1966, in the Toronto area alone 1,200 women handled clothes at the depot for inadequately clothed people, and 1,600 women packed clothing for the desperately Audrey Rowlands Stars In Local Mystery-Drama At Curtain Club In presenting the report of the nomination committee, Mrs. G. Fish. Aurora. regretted there were three unfilled ofï¬ces Rev. Albion Wright conducted the installation of ofï¬cers. He is chairman of York Presbytery and has recently returned from a trip around the world. He reported visiting many missions. established schools and hospit- als that had resulted from "visions" of dedicated women. The devotional period was presented by Mrs. H. Sanders, Jackson‘s Point. Mrs. R. Mont- gomery. Uxbridge and Mrs. W. for the church. Each secretary in her report presented tangible proof that the UCW is deeply involved and working for the welfare of hu- mans and their many needs. Mrs. A. S. Elson, finance sec- 4 retary, reported that the 31- Stop location for York Presbyteria) of‘ $23,000 for its share of the 195 budget had been met pins the 1925 conference and presbyterial “Flue needs amounting to $638,67. plece This was due. she said, to the 193 ti tangible concern ef the women ch_m_a She asured the members that the allocation, always growing. was not a figure grabbed out of the air but was based on a reas- onable hope, through research by reliable concerned commit- tee members. The need grows and so must the giving. By JOHN KETTLE obligations of the LECTROHOME As Olivia. Mrs. Bramson‘s un- happy. repreSSed niece and companion. Audrey Rowlands gives the production‘s best per- formance. The character blos- soms as we watch. She acts with her whole body as well as her voice. She can be tense for long periods without slip- ping. and she is in character all the time she is on stage. Her control of her voice, from cry to whisper. is admirable. She almost saves Act One all on her own, with a single foreboding speech about the body in the wood. was react :rom we SCI'lpLUIESl and dramatized. Some of the work engaging UCW was also dramatized in a short skit when Mrs. A. J. Gardâ€" house, Unionville was hostess to four women representing dif- ferent areas. Mrs J. Crawford, Vandorf. told of the work with Indian girls in BC when they came to the city looking for work. Mrs. W. Schurman, Au- rora represented the Winnipeg group who work with latehkey children. These children with the housekey on a string about their neck or pinned to a coat are cared for by UCW while their mothers are at work. Mrs. L. Guild related the successful efforts at cooperation with theL negro community and the busi-j nessmen of Truro, NS to make' opportunities for young negroes seeking careers. This was spon~ sored by UCW and extended far beyond their orbit. Mrs. J. Flucker was able to give a per- sonal account of the work of their UCW at the blood clinic in King City. We would like to express our deepest appreciation to friends and relatives for their many cards and floral tributes during our recent bereavement of our son Kevin. Many thanks also to the staff of Sick Children's Hospital and the staff of the fourth floor of Princess Mar< garet Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Victor Zuck. the Pipher Funeral Home and Rev. William Moore for his consoling words. Our heartfelt thanks to every- one. Clifford and Shirley Ross and family. c1w34 In Memoriam Verses A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberalâ€, 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill. or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884- lands. have a fine feel for the gulf between master and serv- ant. and what spanned it: the others do not and one may judgethat the director does not either. David Pogson‘s performance as Dan is a strong one. He just naturally lacks menace â€" Em- lyn William‘s trump card â€"- but he switches from ingratiation to egomania and back again with enough bravura to make us be- lieve in this schizophrenic char- acter most of the time. Margaret Bergin. playing the other major role, Mrs. Bramson. tries to get most of her charac- terization out of a hectoring tone of voice and a mouth pul- led down in disapproval. When she gives herself up to her baby-faced Danny‘s blandishing she is touching and credible, as is her moment of fear. Mrs. S. Rumble, Headford, ex- tended the appreciation of the members to the hostess church and to all participants and to Mrs. W. Shillinglaw, Mount A1- bert, the president. The whole program was one to stimulate a feeling of rededi- cation to the “Mission of the Church in the World To-day". NEWMARKET: Council agreed last week to a proposal by Councillor Bruce Eves, to study the building of at Newmarket community centre in the future. Property of ‘6. Watson 445 Carrville Rd. West Stop 23 N Yonge St. - Richvale 1957 Chev. V2 ton pickup; 1 1925 Model T Ford Coach, an- tique; sectional Chesterfield; 9 piece dining room suite, 2 gate leg tables; desk: 1 Daveno bed; chinaware; glassware; silver- ware: 2 china dinnerware sets for 8; pictures; ornaments: 1 washing machine; cabbage slic- er; large gas grille; waffle mak- er; 5 roll makers; flat roll iron‘er; 15" rims and tires; 1 ladder; portable television; Lore seat style bed Chester- field, almost new; 22 light crystal chandelier; 1 picture. reproduction: highboy chest of drawers; hanging lamp; 1 pair large adjustable brass candel. abras. ~ SATURDAY. MARCH 4. 1967 AUCTION SALE Job lots and other items too numerous to mention Sale at 1.30 pm. Terms Cash ALVIN S. FARMER Auctioneer Phone 887-5311 "‘Rev. B. F. Andrew. CARD 0!“ THANKS Mrs. William Parnham and family of Richmond Street. Maple, wish to express grateful thanks to all their relatives. friends and neighbors for the many messages of sympathy and floral tributes. on the death of a dear husband and father. Wil- liam Parnham. Also special thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Tor- rance, the York Central Hos- pital. Vaughan Township Police and Fire Department, and the c1w34. Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson. Thornhill. announce the engage- ment of their daughter. Suzette to Mr. David Robert Tole. son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Tole of Oshawa, Ontario. c1w34 HERBERTnMr FILKUSâ€"John and Nellie are happy to announce the birth of their daughter. Suzanne Carol. February 15. 1967. at York Central Hospital. A sis- ter for Cathy Ann. c1w34 STEPHENSON~John and Pat are happy to announce the birth of their son, William David, February 14, 1967, at York Central Hospital. a brother for Ronny. c1w34 Re Pioneer Cemetery. Sherwood. On behalf of ourselves and all other descendants of “John and Anne Diceman“ we would like to take this opportunity to ex- press our thanks and gratitude to "Mr. Frank Robson. York County and Vaughan Township" for their co-operation in the ‘restoration of “Pioneer Ceme- tery". RYANâ€"Pat. Sherry and Stacey are proud to announce the ar- rival of their son and brother. Kenton Patrick. c1w34 CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS (Engagements Herbert happily announce the birth of a son on Thursday. February 16. 1967 at T0- ronto East General Hospital). A brother for Michael and Stephen. A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter 0! “The Liberalâ€, 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884- 1105. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Diceman and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Keffer. c1w34 ghuption â€" WEEK DAYS ~â€" Cont. from 7.30 pm. â€"- SAT. & SUN. â€" Cont from 6.30 pm â€" WEEK DAYS â€" â€" WEEK DAYS â€"â€" Cont. from 7.30 pm â€" SAT. 8: SUN. â€"â€" Cont. from 6.30 pm Cont. from 7 pm. â€" SATURDAY â€"- Cont. from 5 pm -â€" SUNDAY -â€" Com. from 2 pm. ï¬tttbg STARTS THURS.. FEB. 23rd STARTS THURS†FEB. 23rd STARTS THURS, FEB. 23rd S. 0? HWY. 7 . on... w gun. *â€" 1t‘ from 6.30 pm. A FIKWAY DRIVEâ€"IN ELES OFF HGODEINE 593-21“ THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Feb ODEON - 8‘ IDEATHS l l l l BREEDON. William Cliffordâ€" Suddenly. as the result of an accident on Saturday. Feb- ruary 18. 1967. William. dear. son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Breedon. Richmond Hill. brother of Richard. Donald. George. Rob- ert. May (Mrs. H. Robitaillet. June Mantle. Joy tMrs. S. Ware‘. Pat. Noreen ‘Ml‘s. M. Metaln. Linda. and uncle of Wayne. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St.‘ N.. Richmond Hill. was held on Tuesday. Inter- ment Mt. Pleasant Cemetery. c1w34 #Ikiit BRILLINGER. Raymond -â€" At the Princess Margaret Hos- pital. Toronto on Saturday. February 18. 1967. Raymond Brillinger of Markham. in his 70th year. beloved husband of 229 Lennox Ave... Service' l l t l *ttt .TODD. James G.â€"â€"lReth-ed T. Eaton Co.l â€"- At York Cen- tral Hospital. Richmond Hill. on Monday evening. February 20. 1967. James. beloved husâ€" band of the late Sarah Mc- Gibbon. in his 86th year. dear father of James and Marion. Resting at the Pipher Funeral Home. 126 Yonge St. N.. Rich- mond Hill. Service Thursday 1.30 pm. Interment St. John‘s Cemetery. Norway. c1_w3& l 'k it It i lHENSHAW. Charles A.â€"â€"At York County Hospital. New- market. on Monday. February 201)). 1987. Charles Henshaw, RR 3. King, Ontario. in his 79th year. husband of the late Lillie Boreham, dear father of Margaret er5. Harold Palinl. Burlington. Charles Jr. RR 3. King and Gertrude BRILLINGER. Raymond â€"- Al the Princess Margaret Hos- pital. Toronto on Saturday. February 18. 1967. Raymond Brillinger of Markham. in his 70th year. beloved husband of Myrtle M. Summel'feldt, dear father of Bert of Markham. and Irene (Mrs. Fred Hey- worthl. deceased; brother of Madaline (Mrs. Allan Meyer! of Scarborough and Russell of Richmond Hill. Servlce was held on Tuesday. Interment Lutheran Cemetery, Union- vllle. c1w34 HILL. Percy Williamâ€"At. his home. 248 Weldrick Rd.. Rich- mond Hill. on Sunday morn-' ing. February 19. 1967. Percy. beloved husband of Gwendo- len. and dear father of Paula. at home, Roy. Lorne. Irene IMrsi Fred Leech)‘ all of Rich- mond Hill. Elsie ers. Dixom, New Toronto. Bessie Mugford and Percy both of Toronto and Pearl IMrs. J. Stoccol of Alberta. In his 72nd year. Rested at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday. Inter- ment Aurora Cemetery. J. ‘ Oak Ridges. ncé4 'CARD 0!“ THANKS We wish to thank all our many friends and neighbors for their words of sympathy. beauti- ful flowers which helped us through these days of sorrow. ‘in the loss of our loving husband and father. Thanks also to Rev. Burn and the Pipher Funeral Home. Marieanne Schilx, Frank. Michael. Esther and Annette. c1w34 FOR. BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE Roof EU’ZABEIH TAYLOR PAUL NEWMAN BUBLIVES 'A truly adult love story! it is a huutiiui ï¬lm, ï¬naly made!" â€"Judllh Crul. N. 1. would hit TWO OUTSTANDING INTERNATIONAL HITS Hot Tin Richmond Hill and District Branch Red Cross Society “"5 XSW. BRILLIANT, alumnus FILM!!! MUNICIPAL OFFICES, 56 YONGE ST. N. Tuesday, February 28, 1967 ANNUAL MEETING 611a ONLY LIZ COULD PLAY THESE WOMEN! lOSEPfl E LEVINE um jastlnm'af'i" Adult Entertainment 201k Century-Fm mums m roxwtu‘s mnutnou n) clw34 litflflï¬f Stank Him GUINNESS MAX VON SWIM SEHIA BEflflEfl wife: .1 x VELL'S PMAVISIOH' can. DElUXE v ADULT ENTERTAINMENT ers. Arthur Kerri. Snowball, also survived by 10 grandchllv den and 6 great grandchildren and dear brother of Mrs. George Matthew. Toronto. Friends may call at the Thompson Funeral Home. 29 Victoria 81.. Aurora. Service in the Chapel on Thursday. February 23rd at 2 pm. Inter- ment St. John‘s Cemetery. Oak Ridges. nc34 FOR BIG BARGAINS" CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS x f ‘EUZABEIH TAYLOR' lAUBENCEHABVEY 3 EDDIE FISHER BUTTERFIELII in Colof loumal American 1967