Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Feb 1967, p. 6

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6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l'llul'sday. Feb. 23,1. 1067 ‘CATCH READY BUYERS FAST! SELL YOUR DON’T NEEDS WITH A WANT AD! ' THREE LINES TO SERVE YOI'. PHONE THE EXCLL’SIVE WANT AI) NUMBERS CLASSIFIED ADI CASH RATES. lst insertio charge $1.00. wording unchanged. .7c 'ER'I‘ISING RATES n .7c each word, minimum Second and subsequent insertions it per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE We per word: min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per inâ€" sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the .week as possible but not lat days. or than 9.30 aln on Wednes- Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone III: at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE (1 Hill. c3w29 NEW laid 884-6367. BABY carriage. bassinet. and jump chair. 884-4327. c1\\'34 21" television, Crin’solé'model, good condition. 884-7298. tfc34 COKE coolFupright. excellent condition, $40. 887-5545. c1w34 PIANO. apartment Size. Mason eggs. Richmon & RlSCh- $450 389-5213- ClW34iDoors. windows. siding. Awn-‘ I “1w34 QUALITY i playpen. child's feediiig table. jumping chair, gate, baby bas- ket. 884-3058. IIEOR SA LE ‘ 884-1105, 884-1106, 884-1983 ANY TIME j HELP WANTED I HELP WAN'I‘ED TO RENT {MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS ‘5'”)UFH'LLE“ A “0‘1" 0““ JIRESSIVIAKING _ of Prayer Service. intended to lSrl‘IAMPOOTElirlfloriallidai' Fri-l. . Tom‘lmod' I rFLRNISlll‘Zlfilidâ€"Inillii‘nishOdt PEUMBING - HEATING“ 7‘ 'C"'.‘.“””“d'. - “@357”ch “We “Nominations MOW“ I‘tl_aIysI.7884-61.:I. VII I Iclw‘ilI-l l\\() lot lllcil. l’lione BBQ-lldn. rooms. 684-173, It'c19 A. MILLS 6; SON LTD. GENERAL CARPENTRY Fast service. Ruggles Avenue. the globe. has created 3 gpm DRIVER wanted for light (loin-IE“; Pil‘fll‘i" I, A W” glilll‘S‘llFLRNlSlâ€"llil) room. central loc- James ":,_,“°“"”" “trillion mm“; and mlmll‘s' Fidel? LET‘S} Wong“ [he ChUWhQS i” this ery. Over 25. 889-7566. clw3~lrllEAL ES'l'A'l'li career for mcn‘nllon. 834.8958, cln34 834'~~°1 II. 4” Q4931}:- c21133 DESIGNING trillageII For the first tilllt‘. this ’ ATVT "" 7"" I." > ‘ ‘ v v .- - 9- ~ - - v - » . " V U . " I E .7 - "» Near to Catholic \\'omen‘< CLEANING \ 0man 1 UmeI or women free mien lie tiain 1.U.I\L”L . . . “cum I . .w. ,- CARPEN “all BULDER I .- . . . I _ I I I - , . l we]? in: Program. special assistance »-,\ S .D loom” ml .1011.) FLRNITL'RIS Recreation Rooms DREbeAknb nguc “85 mlvned to 10m in ,Call aftel 6 pm. 884-11-]. I0 IICI IaIICI I ) OIIIIII l\ltllm()ll(l lllll. 88-1â€"5280. (IMO- “ K I II K‘II C h I~ lurk-RATIOVS the Somme February 10 III I) ‘ - 3 l 5 ' 01 V l 5' 7". fl“ rÂ¥r~ *7 ‘e repair t rrt‘illisl 3 makes 101011 ‘a ines ‘ ‘ ‘ _ ‘ ‘ ~ '----â€"-~v--~-- -â€"--A-j:l sions and draw s. Call ‘l‘ula “‘0 leI'Q‘N“ almrlm“nt alall' f fl . ‘1 . 884_1~)1~ .1 V2 in mum-among and .Hdu- . 884-4610 Plll- They accepted and “‘01-- TWO full time taxi drivers. Ap- Rea“. Limited 33243521 able March 1. 884-3345. tl‘c33' “ 0‘ I if: ‘ Stratum Con‘st _ Iagséam' shipped with the Presbyterian, ply Richmond Hill Taxi- 884- ‘ rnzanonsmi’rn‘na‘amn. on; “‘“l‘l‘dfv’é‘P” “634 Um“ 3"" “"gma” “'°'“e“‘ ‘1144' __,..,LL .. _,f'1.\.\fl4.~(~5RRIERA Boy‘ 03’ Gnu:â€" ness lady only. Cooking optional II. L. D i ‘. 3-. . I T“ the fame “me B‘IPIIStS; U"- I I I_ .I . -- - I. I . ,i. . unn. 684-..lJb. tft I lied MISSIOllarv and Christian FEMALE bank cleik requlled “The LIDCIIIII” IIMIUII.“ a CI“. 384-0600 .ittei 6 pm. t-lw34..Lth‘mfl-(IIw-ISI "L‘Tno- women worshipped to etl( - ’ . » -).«_ ~ ’ 7w - - -- - i 4-7- _ I" ‘ - 5A A' ‘ l . . - g 19le Hit-3101113634316le ML "10" [or an “lubmhed pap” 2 bedmom apartmem [0 mm' ioger Proulx w l‘clcphone ~ - lReaSOIlS for tile split have not B l g;â€" ' "-3 -_ route in King City. Must be \Vcnmar Apartments. 165 (701- 83411530 “I.” -_-_ - I I,- - ILAIxLFRONT cottage. Ceoi‘g- been LOUNGE Stell'al‘d- lll‘rlle 01' [Cm‘ reliable and responsible. Please hournc. 884-6263. clw3~l .,,__ ' .f; 190-) HIGH ‘3 Cllllldel‘. standard. tan Bay. Toronto 85 miles. illâ€"l . - BAKER'S BACKIIOE 889-6913 after 5.30 pm. clw34 EXCAVATING ' iII 7m side convenience. marina on NEWMARKET; A mmI lake” 1964 Morris Cooper S. beach. season. month or weekdrom the Sermons on Science ale. Apply in person. 'I‘hornhl'll apply Sam Cook. 884-1105. Country Club. c1w‘34 l apartment available nc3wl8 1,, - lz-bodroon now. Adults only. no pets. 884â€" l‘adiO lRANGET'i‘E and oxen for an. (884-5929. clw34 WHEAT straw-flirty: allall‘a'i’hd timothy. baled. 887-3567. *1'4w34 BVITBTYA'caiiriageT-excellenl condi: tion. 773â€"5602. c1w3~l SAFEâ€"outside dnnénsion’s’f'Ii'" x 14“ x 25“ in good condition} 884-1658. c1w34 Ts ALUMINUM PRODUC Sales and Service ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558. c10w29 suites Chesterfield KITCHEN table. blue arborite. at bargain prices also Odd all- $10. Chesterfield $75. 889-3235. CHOICE HAY and chair, tique chairs etc.. I “W34 Aron's Upholstery 8; Co. Maplet Low prices. Plaza. tf034 Ally amount. deivered or froleUANTITY 0f hay. alifialfa and barn 889â€"1598. ANTIQUE dining-room on =1 2W33l gt natural oak. coffee table. 884-.‘ 1215. rill-33‘ ‘STRAw . Good clean straw. 884-7768. I tfc23 LIMESTONE ' v For large or small areas. 884- 7768. tfel9I AUTOMATIC washer. suds re-3 turn. will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226.‘ tfel‘lJ CRATES of all sizes, suitable‘ for oveI-Seas shipping and domestic use, reasonable. Cen- tral Van and Storage. tic8 l Timothy mixture. 50c per bale. 'I‘llos. McGl‘iskin. 13th Ave. 2 -I I v â€"--- q -- . - . .. L .. _ ,_ 'l‘rell ‘lllllg. 'ewel' & water line.'. . . . ' ' 333-63'3. ‘4 ' -' « ' - - WAITRESS' “a” 0“ 5”” “"le' “'~"‘”RE55ES ‘0" °"°“mf~" 51”“ °92.8:. ‘."“"’° lootith 8859-3604. tl'c‘2 hem goo“ wwmmhlfli A c “31 igl‘lC-TDLlllnlliniloll"l u1’3 “lo I"- Apph m person rhmnm” 6 l’m 1" 2 am and 11 Pm 10 7 ROOM or room and board avail- it} FT’DOV’ DO IT, ” ”' b I. '. . ..- . .I .men-S Grou) Stud»: -. millet": Country Club. 889-4818. c1w34 am, Uniforms Supplied 3111513,)“. m Canadian homeI 1.021501% 4 4 - - 1961 Comet. standard transmlsâ€" t ‘ l' “ 9“ “LCM‘ _‘. ’- DON BUTLER ’I‘V PERSONAL luncheon meeting at the ":‘llâ€" pAR'IxTIME female 117,313) Wroi- have transportation. For further (“‘34 sion. radio. iii excellent shape. able. 884-4947. n- _ _ _ .. .. .. . . . .- Vlllage Pizza bar. Clean and inform?!le 9mm? 8324.553APARTMENT167 Htwgles Ave..t 884-0000 ttcb’t; 509'); 8.843153 . TIE-.3: Do you ha\e a Pm}:_b-l'll)'ll:-x 5:32;“:alléveTOSClldlr le- personable. 884-3771. clw34 E850 SCI‘VICO Lentrc. 400 High- Richmond Hm $65 SCI. mom” L , ..-.I~I . - I I 1960 DeSoto. 2 door. hardtop. ]em. if so AA can help. Write Moody Institute of Scicnr l WOMXN*PetTuiTcdH fo'r'spring will; -m. -L.-- .. SHEET? immediate occupation. Phone 11313.1“ excelle'“ Shape. 3395- 334'rB0X 84. Richmond 11111, or call utilizes unusual and (h- c cleaning. occasional Saturday. MALE janitor fOI' Cl'elling Shitt- Markham 294-1246. t~iw34 i0: Xanézxtgfigll: 1.31.0; Ci'timateSI 77% _I I wfifl‘fiflEM-G-BGS-t- tt‘c17.5cience subjects to givt- t‘\ l- rl3§f13930 “3“34 F100“ “me” and general ETERNI’SEED'iBoniTooklnewt;twork guaranteed. 384-7902. 11965 Sunbeam Alpine CODVCrâ€"lANYONE wishing to ban! on anidence 0f “‘9 design and W"- V'W“A‘_ifi W-r#w eilities. l6 Lorne. lst house eastl of. Clark‘s Drug store at Yonge. l tit-24 duties. 6 days a week. Must have own transportation. Older gen- tleman preferred. Esso Service “C31 tible. 11000 miles. In excellent‘Iai’temoon league or an eveninngIse in nature, and its relation- ('1\l'34Imixed league. Call Allencourt‘smp 1" GOd-II III III II LFULLwtime driver wanted. Town rlnn Take~out Service. 884-2141. ‘ clw34 Icondition. 889-4345. :1865 PAINTING & PAPER -H-‘L-. .._, Triumph Spitfire. over-lLanes- 384'551L C10\\‘27l _.,,. WflLL vsa Centre. 400 Highway. Phone WW, W S 1,, . HANGING l .. . - r - â€" -- lNEWMARKE’I‘: Smok on r SUPERINTENDENT. experienc- 832-1555. tt'ew34lRESPEC’J'ABLE woman to share. Dahl. 884-1215 Idl‘lle‘ likejle“? SLJOO 01‘ bestlBOWLERS wanted for mixed-from Dixon penci] 33.: ed. part tilne. 44 suites 2 years MATURE “.OI‘TEII for a” timé apartment in Richmond Hill 1=lw323?“0"- 384â€"0246. After 6. ’eltt'3llleague at AllenCOUI't LBIIES.ID1-iveI is damaging stécks of 01d. 489-5304. From 5 t0 3 pm- receptionist work Hours 6_9 pm with woman who has 3 children. EI‘ WI‘PAYNE“# ‘1958 T Bird. 1960 Ford. bestlThUI‘Sdal'SQPm- Phone 884'2884'ivaluable lumber at Cash and _L___L~*__l££§i‘lor shift work. Doctors office. allel‘vflj~g_\,_r_ll"3}‘Drains. septic tanks. All typeSlOfler' can 13” 884‘8967 aftel‘I7-l clown Carry Lumber Ltd.. also on FOR product information or tocelm-a] Richmond Hill. Apply BRIGHT basement bachelor un- of concrete work. I 01W“. ""m'm .DaVlS Driver OffiCIals 0f “‘9 join our Beauty Counselor staff Box 26 “The Liberal" stating furnished. frig and stove. pal‘kâ€" 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATESIIQSB Pontiac. hardtop, 6 cylin-.‘ ICOHIPRDY charge‘l ill a leuel‘ 10 ealers, Nesbitt. 884-2237. experience and salary- expecied, ing. adult. $80. Sheppard and; tfc31der standard. best cash offer.r ‘ town council last week. The c2w33 c1w34 Yonge. 488-2578. ctw34I MASONRY C'ONTRACfOR I339-5541. #:1w34l I I m enlcompany Said the lumber. valu- ied at tip to $100,000, is being spoiled by an oily deposit from the Dixon plant‘s smokestack. CHARTERED bank Frliornthl requires experienced teller. Stonework. Fireplace. etc. \’.11966 Ford Fairlainefitltl. automa: SMALL apartment rend-311} Ostergaard. 15 Elizabeth St. S.‘tic. sedan. good condition. $725l located ill Maple. suitable for 1 MAN or woman to service cus- tomers with Watkins Products-.l <Continued from Page 3' jumper. carriage. Baby lounge. walker. toilet seat. gate. jum-p chair. baby butler. 884~5721. e1w34 ALUMINUM , Doors, windows. awnings. and‘ railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. ttc36 FIREWOOD- Truckload lots 310. Phone Cad-. illac Lumber, Maple. Ontario.i 889~4973. elw34 ..._.._ 7,; ._.,.._ ._A. . A r. HITCH tti‘aileri for 1965 Vali- ants and earlier models. Church Street North. Richmond: Hill. c1w34' t BEAUTIFUL oil paintings. oriâ€"' ginal autumn and winter landâ€" scapes. Large peony, 36” x 26". 889-2360. c1w34 WESTINGHOUSE \v r i n g e r washing machine. perfect run- ning order, $25. 884-1383. c1w34 HALL chair â€"- high backed Ed-t wardian style. upholstered in rose damask, $25. 884-1383. clw34 ONE tape recorder. Grundig, 4- track stereo, with many extras. Phone Stouffville 640-2814. clw34I H O U S E H O L D appliances.' fridge, stove. automatic washerz and dryer. Must sell. moving to apartment. 884-6429. c1w34 FULL sue doume bed and mm" 20% offâ€"ladies stretch slims.I tress, complete. Bathroom llalldl basin, taps and fittings. 2 doors. 2-aluminum self storing win-t claws, large. 884-2286 elw34l. N 5 piece bleached mahogany bed- room suite. twin beds. Living room furniture consisting of 2 piece sofa. 2 occasional chairs. corner cabinet etc. 889-1596. . cl\v3~l‘ l FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected. dry 889-2436. tt‘cl3 SPECIAL PURCHASE! Vinyl asbestos floor tile 9" x 9": First Lille .080 guage. 5 popular colors, while they last, 9‘2c each. Butler and Baird Lumber Ltd; 191 Yonge St. tfc26l â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- t LINED DEEREâ€"S . Full length to order, also stock on hand. Lowest prices pos~ sible. 6 widths only $39.98. WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR Bayvlew Plaza 884-2214 c4w32 TYPEWRITERS l ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes tor sale in- cluding new" and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates alall- able to students. L. H. SIMS 58 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill I 884-1745 tfc49 CONTENTS Large luxurious home. Will sell separately. Immediate posses- sion. Consisting of elegant French Provincial 9 piece din- ing room suite. imported fruit- wood: beautiful loose cushion 4- seater ehesterfield. Italian bro- cade with chair: 5 original Eur- opean oil paintings; crystal and marble lamps; TV: Zig-zag sew- ing machine: 9x12 alld 12x18.inarket is a\allable to you. Con- gold rugs: Oriental rug: wing- hack chairs; Pl‘miilcial coffee and end tables. marble tables; drapes 2i'"x03". eugellcnt 889â€" 6644.. 1884-5143 days. l1 year factory CJwRIlI 14 cu. ft. Viking Fridge 75lb freezer, best condition. Inglis 4 cycle dryer. new. 2 youth beds complete, very good. Large of- fice desk, good. 884-1626 nights. *1w34 CLEARANCE EE’IEIV‘COST Limited quantities. 2-piece ches- terfields: hall runners, first Iquality. various sizes. Terms toveral". 9 suit. \l'illowdale interiors. 5807 Yonge St. 221-4070. c1\\'34 24"A'Ir‘hor. electric stove. warranty. 1966 model. $100 cash. 1 new Philco 1 new ’23" Console TV. 1966 model.'Bank. 884-1119. one year factory warranty, $195 cash. 326 Paliser Crescent. After 6 pm or weekends. elw34 LADYS winter coat. size 16, gold with lynx fur, cheap. Boys suit, size 14. Boys grey Harris tweed jacket. and navy linen blazer. girls. size 5 coat set. Also spring coat size 3. all good con- dition. Must sell 222-7040 even- ings. clw34 DUE to removals. we have a houseful of furniture for sale. 2 chesterfield and chair suites. dinette suite. child‘s furniture, bedroom suites. Genuine. no dealers. After 6. 884-1010. c1w34 i._ . ‘..#_,fi___.~ excellent selection 12 - 20. 20% off ladies skirts. ViSlt the little shop with the big bargains. WYN - DOT The Ladies Shop. Bayview Plaza Richmond Hill. Ont. TU. 4-2214 c2w34 PONTING'S MUSIC CENTRE 97 DAVIS DRIVE (OPP. NEW- MARKET PLAZA To celebrate our 2lst year in I mestly the music business we are Of-illlg to learn. Maple. 816 a Single cord. '4‘ x fering at very special prices. A Barth. 8 x 16 l delivered. Alvin BakerIdilferent type of musical instru- Yonge St. N. meilt every month. FEB. sale on all cllord organs. MARCH sale on guitars and amps APRIL sale on drums. ITHESE ARE GENUINE EX-. CEPTIONAL VALUES. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR THAT CERTAIN TYPE OF INSTRU- MENT. VISIT US AND SAVE MONEY. BE SURE TO WATCH YOUR LOCAL NEWSPAPER F 0 R O U R MONTHLY SPECIALS. m Transportation WANTED. Downtown to Rich- vale. 5 pm. 8894-1-10. evenings. clw3-l RIDE wanted. arriving Bloor and Ba) \icinity. 9 am return- ing 3 pin. 884â€"5246 after 6. t‘lei-l NURSERY SCHOOL The Four Winds Nursery School 17951 Yonge Street. Thornllill. mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY lIT pays to grow cucumbers un- der contract. For Wells Co. Ltd. A tfc12 guaranteed ltraets are both: taken nor for 11967 For further intornlatlon \ll‘llt' or phone l-‘railk Watts. 7033) \ tutu; \l . \\ :llr» wiale 880- 349~i 10:8 c2w34 . Matthews- ;lIiles egg; PoIt'IIV'iotoria ScIIiIuaIpe. usual benefits. Call 889-5-t66.33IiIiI Ithe Flown of Richmond Hill.lOl'I\I2 gigzopiiI? Total abstaIiInIeg:jI}61§§m0nd 11111, phone “£5.16: iliwliélWIIIIe IIIe house SIISIaIIIed abUIIIITIIe letter was referred I0 me , mile, HIDDE,‘ W M_71_“34I . h“ 15”” 5“)"00 p.“ “Nil, and. up‘ OE'L.._~_._...'_...,...V_ :. “Seem; I . . .LIIIQGI Comet station wagon. 30.â€" 350 damage, bylaw committee for study. ‘* iMODERN room divider; with 31JUNIOR typist. temporary cm-‘I‘UIHIOI‘ Pall-110m “V110? 5 L- MODERN bungalow. finished WINDOWS CLEANED 000 miles. Aâ€"l. 88943541 or 222- About 3350 damage was done _ __I III M hanging lamPS. $25. Dining 13105701901 101‘ three week“. gell_‘IPo1rier.I 10901. Pal‘kllal‘ BlVdI-reereation room. Near l\larkllaln1 RESIDENTIAL ‘1522. clw'S-trto [no cars in an accident at room pull down light fixture. eral Office duties. 889-4923. “1119 d aIIJOI};I3LI(er Elsii‘szoad and Bayview. Careful tellw FLOORS CLEANED ‘{ggo‘mjd‘gOo'd'jgfidmgfi"MfirYonge Street and Maple Sideâ€" modern design. $25. 884-5186. 03‘132 SUPERINTENDENT Janis with references only. Phone‘ 884-1311 Lake best loam: 83443591: 1road February 19. about 12.30 Jaguar Sedan __ I“ I I? IWI CASHIER for full time employ-lPai-t-timc. for 38 suite apt. bldg. 33145322 ("1“34 I I I» I\ III I IIIIII __ otwg4lpm. CENTENNlAL bronze medal. ment. lRicllmond Hill. middle-aged cxv‘ ICALL us for your sand. gravel. 1'9'6'1‘1761.d"‘4 “(1061/ 6"‘C‘Tl‘ifiéi' IDl‘ll’el'S (If “'9 “"5 “ere Mark lions. 2 monarchs aild centen- Apply Maple I.G.A. lperienced couple preferredl :fill. top soil and limestone $499 1933 Bel ’ Mr) Chev' Lionel G. Hilleman, 2-16 South nial symbol 112" $2.25. 20 min Maple. Ont. .Write stating experience inI “7 Ipmmm delivery Reasonable $15995 8844110 ‘ C1w34 Taylor Mills Drive, and JosephI CUSTOM BUILT. FIN- - 50c, flag medal 50c. 884â€"2449. c2w33Imaintenance work. To Gamell} lrates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maplel .SiOl‘el’. Thomllill. ISHED IN FOREST *lw34 CA‘R’E'TAfififiS _ for SC'hOOISIlEnterprises Ltd. Box 66 Uxâ€" 332.8873 tfc12I1903 DOElge Custom Royal. 3II it! >2< a i< GREEN WITH GENUINE BABY’S crib. dresser, jolly in King Township, experienced bndge‘ C3W3zg3-bedroom bungalow in Rich- CfiiyjNgyg lspeed pubhbutton amomatlc' 311‘ Donald Barkley. Willowdale,‘ LEATHER UPHOLSTER'I lpower. radio. 884-1650. W I T H MAHOGANY .‘was charged by Vaughan Town-I and inexperienced. For further BOOKKEEPING machine Oper-lIIIOI‘ld Hill. 773-4252. e1w34lchimne.S built and repaired. I _ I I I I I particulars phone 833’5271- “013 experienced 0” NCR 3200 TORONTO business man desireleree eStimates. Expert work-l . “WMTmP Ponce “nth careless .drlv'l AUTO-“EOE clw34 or Burrough’s Sensimatic. MustIg bedroom house in rural areaI manshipI Phone Walker andlITANDEM International dumpling, as a result of an acoldent‘ ’ $2.000. Will take good car orlin front of 78 Steeles Avenue truck as trade. 773-lWest, February 19. c1w34l Police said the BarkleyI 1962 Ford Fanz'lageI WI auto_lvehicle collided with a parked ‘ be able to process accounts pay- .- Will decorate. 833-0300. c4w‘32 Mitchell, 889-2526. tfclleickflp URGENTLY needed 3 bedroom GENERAL contr’actiiig. altera- 4153, 1101156 TllOl‘llllill 01‘ Surrounding tions and additions. homes. of- TRUCK driver. steady employ- . ment. over 25. Usual company able and Sapable 0f finaChA‘nQ benefits 5 day Week ApplyIledger posting to and ll‘lCllldlng‘ l ' ‘trial balance. Snapâ€"on Tools of? $94.00 Down $19.47 per month ualitv Utilities Ltd. E. Abra» __ n. . _- . . .- . . . . _ I I _ - . ._ 38m junIOIII 884-3251I (IIIII34 Canada LtdI 389‘I001I c2w30 area. 889 320:9; I t1\\331:rcles. EaClOllIleSI custotnl :atpfgr mam radiOI SHOWSI 10“. mlle_IcarI owned by Guy Filling. Wll . LOW_RATE SCOTIA â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"«â€"â€". “*V‘.“ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".CENTRAL Rlchmond Hill. a 2‘ ‘5 0 a _ ‘FSWD ‘On' *‘ are excellent condition. Bestrlo‘male‘ . r PLAN FINANCING SECRETARY \l’lll l -t' 't') ‘ v ‘Webb 889-2046 th3 ° ' D a 11 at d at ; I . l e 9‘ 1.1L “‘9' I istorey fonrplex or house. Pos-t_fi__~_-vim W _ _ c.1511 Offel‘I 633-3569 CIW341 alnace has 63 m 9 I “‘Flter experience Reqmmd 101‘ E 0i session flexible. 884-5136 afterl HOME IMPROVEMENTS ~‘*‘â€"‘more than $000 1960 Zodiac, radio. snow tires, automatic. 6 cylinder. good conâ€"‘ scientific reports, tabulation. 1 etc. 2 days a week. ’l‘hornhill I‘ Folks Game A long Way To Deal I ‘TIpm. C“1W32lliitcllen cabinets. rec. rooms. WANTED , _ _ I II I . I .,. _ . \VOMTNiy-nh"zAchndfgfiwrdeg..brickwork, fireplaces. oil forced H- b f . _â€" - . VORTH YORK. F. d Y a l ~ ". ‘\" ' l -. y . _, . - I . _ (t ion. est 0 fer. 8841116 OI . . ie Dung, mad \ “le 30" 24 I leIIJI‘IIlé’II DAIILI housework wanted. 88I-t-rperately Needs aucmnmodatlomlall‘ furnaces. general Irepalrs. 83445149 cm“ New Democratic Party MLA _._. .. I. v I I I “ _ Ib‘ZIlt). alteiflljmv- _ ;‘ll‘_§f Mrs. Kay Sauve. 69 Peinberton‘QQOId flea” \l'OI‘klllilllSllIP-II C?” 1958 Ford amg‘ma‘fi'. Good ti“, 5 for the provincial riding of ’ JUAIOR PLR°03NEL 1IRONING done in my llOllle.lCl‘€‘5t'. N. Richmond Hill. r=l\\34.7tO-3833- (3011001. "’4ll'31I ' “ a e I Yorkâ€"View and a [Oriner mem- i .7 .yr- bl 'k le't -. 64.00 l‘le.. CARPENTRY w ORlx. additions. bafiml :93” He 1,03 ’le“ renovations. garages. recreation _â€" n I . I I rooms. tile floors. No job too 884 I018“ ., . _, ‘1“‘34I10r re-appOIntIment to the hon. .smallI Free estimatesI TI PricetGO Vauxhall \‘ictor, Price‘.’ Let'sough‘s planning board. The 53393553 trcggjdiscuss it. 53 Cal-iville Road,‘Iplanning board meets once a‘ lRiclivale. (second house westl. :week now and Mr. Young ex- ALTERATIONS clw34‘plained that he finds it im- ber of council for North York lYoung lady required for ltical.889_ 3100' Township. has declined to stand .9 -' . * , 7 batik. grade 12 minimum. cx-. i- _ I- i - --Câ€"\l-3%*COUPLE ““1‘1‘.°“e.bab«" dehlreh. jpeflence not 1160,3558” but mustfl’VOULD like office work to do reasonable unfurnished accent-l be sincere Toronto Dominionat home. Typing. filing. book- modatlon. Richmond IIill-WooIdI- c1“.34I}keeping etc. 884-6067. elw34jbr1dge area. 480â€"3o18. c2w33 MAN will do interior painting FAMILY. two children 13 and evenings and all day Tuesday.r14. seek 3 or 4 bedroom house 5517. FACTORIES FOR RENT Richmond Hill 3,900 sq. ft. STENOGRAPHER â€" One cap- repairs cus- i ‘ l able 0f handling dietaphone ~ 7 i ' 7 ~’ tom buildin residential and . _ _ 1, - - - machineI {or office locateleeasonable. 884-4076. c1w34.t01ent.$17a monthly maximum.IIIIdustIIIaII RiigIstered 1949 NOIIBLUE 1965 Envoy EpicI 1°“, pOSSIble to fill this demand onI G. Box. 53 Tiverton Dr., Ottawa llllS time. 3122739 Metro LicI EI 76 Freeinileage: under new car war-I estimates - advice. Phone even-J’ale Used 35 second C31“, 5900- ings. 832-1036 tfc32 884-759151-IIII I c1w‘34lNEWMARkET; David Lovemanp C'éfi'CR’ETE _ M'I'i’sbxny ‘ AUTO INSURANCE ‘41, has been charged by East. I - . . .‘ -. . . ._jGwillimbury IPOlice with driv- CARPENTR‘ CONTRACTORS we place Speual “éksl mum a1 ‘ing while his license was underl Keele Street and No. 7 Highway area. Permanent position. call Mr. Bishop. 889-1138. elw33 AVON CALLING World‘s largest cosmetic com- pany has opening in Richmond IRONING done in my home, , II near GEM store. 889-5569. 0- Om- , “2X33 c2w3-ll1 or 2 bedroom house or apart- ENGLISHMAN wishes fqu or ment. Richmond Hill to Aurora parbume job giving golf '165_ area. IPossesston March 1-10' Re~ SOHSI 884_5336’I («V34 spOiiSlble tenants. 832-1323 or 13,3ng . .- - - ., . .. - . . r‘~ a d. Call M'. TuC'e‘. 921-‘ . Hi” 3““ Thomhm for “911 EXPERIENCED tvpist will do 773'5924' 1“34lB“lld"]°'p.‘?';:;‘:t;:l§.: lepdus’é‘lliTeor 884-10110 k I tfc24lsuspen510n‘ Tl"? Charge Emsel gr m d lea-"lit ‘ t‘e- - ~ . 7 . V ' 1 _â€"â€"_~_-â€"'__â€"___ out of an acudent near oveg segtoatiies aanorpintzi-viewlerl'all tllgmg m he} mm home-186144- WALKER MITCHELL ‘1997 DOdges 4-d001'. llal'dtopv man‘s home. in which a nine‘l and (Ml‘s- 05”“ at 922'9437- ~- â€"*â€"~V “4 L “Ed _ __ .859?!“ Mm“ on? Ollnel" 1510.00 - originalll’ear-old boy was struck by a .v . . -' 3DAY work wanted 9-4 13211.4.L- â€"_-,;_-_.. . TREE CUTTWG miles, \8. automatic. 3 regular cal: The boo. who was treated a s , ft. ‘ (I‘lMlTl l‘ll Y $10 ‘DAY tare available all\' a e whitew ll ti e ‘7 now the wt} he 1 H , ~h7 .â€"\ fix" â€"7- iii-fl - lorilll â€" onge area. pel‘l - I " - _ . S « . 'a r s. - s ‘ ' S. for injuries a '01” gun y 05- I .MALP and female “01" “dmedldav 889-6808. c2\\33lAXlIlllIstei‘ Dr. 88-1-5200. clw34 . Dead ellm' .poplars Etc'. perfect condition. 889-2570 after 't.[ “a: {he accused‘s son. ‘ I d( te for part-time evening work. 3' __- . : --- _- â€"â€"_I- W» -i-_- -_ Cut and removed. Reasonable 530 I CIWM P1 d- »- "line r a relean and pleasant surmumfiMAN will do raperhangins-jDAl care available- 884-4032- rates. Allin Baker 839-2435. 7-7333}; A ,7. i ,,\.,I . . .. . I JingsI Good opportunity to meet painting. very reasonable. years I H tail tlcl3 1962 Mercury Monterey. 4 door. AURORAI Employees of cum“. Passessunl Do it now. 884- 1fc30 hardtop. automatic, power steer- ‘ing and brakes. radio. new tires. Body in excellent condition. ,of experience. 9902 AVAILABLEâ€"wegklyl'BPOOkside HARRISOXSPCUSTOM Road North of Richmond Hill. CARPENTRY Cut-Up Chicken have returned to their jobs. Settlement of the included a common la- the public. Must be neat and willing to work on weekends. 487-1591 fYOUNG. MEN. 16-18. looking lApply in person to Manager. 884-2459. tfcliiicU 10m bum homosI [.eno\a_ II _ "I _ I strike ‘Odeog; Dlllfferin Emmi-in Thea-lg” work’l AIm-thmcg Igogsideilng'JfiNOEY‘caAre given eliiild tiods. additions. and repairs mama“ MOJO. “3-3966. c1w34 bgréaég algfdhgféniliefi I “3' ‘ 0 [Hone ('3 5 [36359 a” you 19 p “5‘ a '3 W ‘m 'bv ex1erienced orandmotller.Kitchens a .pecialty. Morris VLâ€" .7 - - -- ----- ---â€" 0 -- 'l j _ I L (-lw34‘Arilly. 889-7655. tfc29 39433113 ° c1\..341Hal.l.-.SOHI 884;.333 “C45 ATTENTION TRL‘CKERS be a reduction in the \\01k awrence week from 45 to 40 hours. Ein- DRESS FINISIIER EXPERIENCED man with chaill AVAILABLE Field] spez’ikmgp'iastering ”T1161;’11‘h'ill if you are looking for used. loyees of Federal Farms LtdI For (113 cleaning plant: 8 am - saw. I Wanted "nee-cutting valid preferred Balm”.St and MapleI RI CLARK tiuItkIs. liglgbgrLEIIkCSwfié‘IIESECfFIZI; have also returned to “ID”; 3-30 DmIIMonday to today andlprumnfi- 884-6l30- 13- D0331. 34 Sideroad area. 884-7179. L‘l\\'34 Plain and Decorative Plasteringuf‘eIzofgeTIuck Parts & gales Om'imnding further negotiations _ ~ 3 v 1 ~ ‘ ~ - -I *3 \v' ,_. !_ _, W 77%,. 7. V _ I I.I . _1 ~ ~ - v I v. I am 1 elem 0mm bamldd" DAY care available. 2 yrs. and “993'” a Speu‘mty live. 11 Highway, Holland Land-l‘filh t’??...‘39‘"p”".{1 _. iilg. 895-4666. tfe34 Experienced Real Estate Salesmen required capable of handling small acl'eages, farms, com- Steady employment. good work-lGIRL Fride experienced gen. ins conditions, no experienceIeml Office routine excellent :necessary for right person will-IUDMI Seeks permanent pal-1- ADM." to Mr. Jat‘kiime- position. Own transporta- Bai'tll‘s Cleaners 108 “OIL 233_7851I cl\\'34l ._ I L -. this-3.EXPERIENCED" hind knlttcrr iTHE Dlfi‘tal'." Depal'llllom 0" requires work. Suppl) .\our own Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tt'c20 EPIIOLS'I'ERY RECOVERING I RESTYLING of all l_\l)(‘: of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- â€" ') over. meals. Richmond Hilll 125 Elnlwood 884-3684. clw‘li-l‘ rail-’or’inmfr’Linifmnbre. 'l'llorilllill area. 889-3648. club’4 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT DA v tare al'a ilabled North 'l'al - R'EN’EILL. 41 I'ON'GE’N._ ‘\'ork Central Hospital requires: “001 and pattern Price l)\ ‘10“ “ms Drile- 8845539 .nlmd \\ yk “.11... L’ u . . . 7 . . I I . . ,, , . - .. pllOlSICl). . . . .. . - MALE PORILR II ounce accord-mg ,0 .mm 834_ II clwdl ‘ U 8896345 1“: .hmmwum. “ourhqlach. nleltldl and industllal land and buildings, land FEMALESgél‘tgigsunhxl‘ 5-391 (.3...33rDAY mm amnamg. m cumin... Residence 34,4893 lites. tools. chairs. 884-61656} assembly and promotion. higher than usual com- PVE RWIIENCEI)“ elCCti‘Eignli‘Ich home“ imam 0“ [Oddlmh if“? ___ . .._._,. - _ L . -- __ mission, Jack \Villi‘dmfi. Sgll-O-l-Bl between A l ‘ fl - ._ . r - - . I A 7 -v _ v i v ~ v lfitsfuisl 1:121:33 EldllJlHl:il:§ilflet-Seeks Permanent P051110” Alsof‘ele‘l‘fl' 89.13185... mil)“ l[.\lLEYBL'RY BL‘ILDING PORT‘EfiédEOITXIIBKPfi‘I‘LS 9 and 13 “mm ' ‘ment phone ' ‘ illas small engine dipl01113.ItDAY or weekly care available. ENTERPRISES R‘I‘C‘LHOVI; iuL‘L TV [Dietary Supervisor. 884-1171 â€" ChallffeMS “Cent-"5* Rambler infants to pi‘e-schnOl 820. RlCll- tFornierIy Sentenllial Budding, ‘ 884-7456 J. RI energetic. Phone 88-1-2268. vale - Langstaff district. Close ll 1 . 1 '24 Enterprises) I 0C3- 2” C. “ nclill‘3ihto Yonge. 889-3877. Cl‘l'34'Repairs. Remodelling. Adcll- if”? ENERGETIC young ma“ mm" 1 Mom. Custom Built Homes. Tv RENTALS 8.: SERVICE ‘ ested in establishing a career (Free estimates. Phone 884-6196. FridgesI StoveSI air condition- as a shoe salesman with a pI‘oIm- ‘ 7 C2W34 III II n IdIfIIIrSI Reasonable ”‘°‘-“~ ‘*““"“‘«*"etâ€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"PETS FOR SALE * “ ANTED I at; MALE LABORATORY TECHNICIAN starting salary and benefits. POODLESI read“ 8 “.eeksI blackIACCORDIAN 34 size 120 has)“ . \II . ISIIIeeII quowdaIeI 2234270. Experience helpful but not nec-' ADDITIO. S Aged '21 to '26. Grade 12 minimum education. 889-5006. c2w3~lIlnot Hohner. 884â€"4035. clw‘34 tfc32 homeless orange male‘PIANO for church choir. in . lininiature. essary. Apply in person at) G.E._\l,. Shoe Department. TlTIIFREE- For metallurgical laboratory. RENOVATIONS . OFFICE REMODELLING 1 Experience desir- " Yonge St. Willowdale. eveningslkltlell- 10"95 10 be llel‘i 884‘:$U0(l CUlldlllOll-_ Rcabonabll Rec l'UOlIl>. garages. custom ' . 1. .g 'a A 1‘. in “Thin onlv to tbetween 6 and m pm. 4690. II I rlwai priced. 297-14II11.I I I clw'dl kitchen cabinet work. Bath LIVESTOCK able )Ul not exentl 1. pp g I «li‘li‘t .llLl. GODDARD for pi‘ot‘eS-lBABY'S playpen and Jolly :oonn. porches «as etc. Lv- FOR SALE . Quality Control Manager 1 . ' . .. . --- -' a . " W. »~ “'5 Id f‘eeesti- ‘ _.\[ T0 pIuI\11-IR I\_\]) 3003. Hollal Poodle illpptllg. 1.8.3 Julllpt‘l. ln 50ml LUlldlllUlL boll DUI \“'l\ 4‘“ 3m“ 777777 I N 7” r I ‘I Y MAN \onge Sir-eel. I'lorillllll. 889- 1050'. I I I IrIlw .14 .n..:r.-I I I I IV ATTENTION! r RATLLIFLS CANADA LTDI l’or (;.\l. dealer. lllu>l modem 5006. tit-335 D'IXIXG' mum ixlll'f‘. 8 Or 9 (’R‘\‘ Filo'mlgggxhlilf I“ ‘ 'l & D 1”“ annual Iselefl' _)_ . I . I S. l .Ih d H~” new premises north oi 'l'ornlltO. Dt).\‘7.\IlLLSrt'ouiit:_\ "Club for pieces, must be in e\cellcni Ctiil- filial; _II_'II ‘ ‘ CttlaIl'it‘t‘ llIUI'SG I‘alf’. Match .ID- _.)l .\l)llll I onge . l.. {It mon I ‘31-‘55 PO" 0011?! -\ll Ullllpi‘lll.‘ pets, l’:olessloiial clipping. (lillon Call alter‘ 5 Pill- 334' “it (‘Oilii‘e \‘t \I' Pallill'tmfllltiadlogt(Tltfilddlillhll ~ . .. H , -_ III III .7 u I. »â€" 1.3,; a - - - -. )' ge n r . “a I_ I II 7 I 7 _7. WM”. H, W,“ .. .. . . benefits, ideal \\t)ll\lll\ tondl bonding. llttllllIll:. PiIipplt.. ollllo I _ I tI_ 4 “3.34 Imle “est 0‘ “Inhvm 400 and I?K{xfim-scxRW\\NN\mmx\xx\WNmWWN\WWxxx;I mm" Sl‘ul‘el' N“ Ale LU'M.PICR‘UP 3"“ dollW‘A “Dido” \I'AVTED lo' 0' cotta-e in r r ' \\h ’"a 1’: mile‘ no‘tll Of \laple Road' (/7 ’l ..x.. r-.. ..â€".-- .. . ‘ ‘. :‘. m b ‘- - «z I. lbmgel‘uél' In?“ 1 , md Valle” ~9"-‘"9' “Llallnitcnurcli or Markham lowIzl- :IE‘LP‘IrILEDIWIa 00 4I6_832_]5HI (“34 r; r (1056‘ t "3‘: S‘ l, ship, Price must be reasonable, ‘ " ' ; n /‘ ‘0“39 3‘ 01‘“ “me- i tWill do repairs. 190-1 Gerrard‘ .2 g . ewmar *et ' 1 ~ . ‘ - . . n x - ‘ Street Ea t. "10101110. («iv-04 . . . . ~ . . . 2 895-2371 or Toronto EMA-1868lR0031 and BOARDI 3 Summer :5 A pOSltlon ex1sts ill the board office £01 a p10â€" 01w34'LARGE attra ‘tive room withr ' .- - ' WW ,A-fl _ . . ‘ 89_3.,-0 I r CAMPS ;~ fluent twist. 7; RICHMOND HILL boald alallable 3 -‘ - TUITION ‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".â€" r . - . . -- 5:, SALES OPPORTUNITY CN34lTYPIVG d I m M 195-011-; RICHILDACA Day Camp. Swim-( Recent experlence on electric typewriter Is ,fi . r ~ g 3.. . .I . . . . David McLean Ltd, Realtors are.EXCELLENT board. shared; “50 ~ H03”; S‘S‘iludf Coursesp hung. falling- canoemg. “de- l essential. ;, increasing their Richmond Hillroom, gentleman only. 34 Rose-l'qteno Emerpfjses 'Don Mimi .ilklng. crafts. For photographic: I I I9, office staff and have openings‘lview Ave. Richmond Hill. lhIIIBqOS ‘ cI.I.‘3.2I brOCllure P0009 334‘-844- “930 / Please forward application to the: for 2 salesmen or salesladles.. ttt'3lr ' ' t . . .. - . ” ‘Our successful long E‘Siill)ll§ll€dl BL‘SIKEDS ADHIA [PTRATOR‘ . . 1 v ‘V , . . . Icompani otters unequalled oo- fl ‘ i Sewers cleaned LOb'lV AI), Aurora and DISH-[u High School Board. .‘portunltles tor new ncopir en» ' ‘ ‘ " . i _g,,. TELLS . without diggin: . - .- - L I - . I. - ~ .- . listing UP bu>lnes< l-‘n. llllt" r l \\’.\.\' lliD all kinds of (lt‘nfl an "r warm: up pips l..\D\ S \-.:I:.<lrlIatcll (when enâ€" j ll“.\ 10- “I”? i ll.‘- \IeH Rilnolntulem M'lli Km“ stint) hm. s3 Tilt) ~C‘t’0lid :nrrl- ‘ras Fri: t.1~ -("- vr’ *nl 33J 1"3‘C5l 0” “3"” LU“ Tehmm‘ 'llt'l. 333-3 til Ha on" \I‘ \lt‘li t-gn 630 mm 7’ l.\ D » ‘ nu le- :I’H- IVER C/rm'i .l-SHHH l. v'l‘l11 r ('. S'l'l SHIN lit in Richmond Heleht. (‘elllrc I llh‘t l; tn»... 8:14-13:11 -7 _‘.‘.4’\. t: 2; .\. .' '-l «l; mu; sat-134.3 kirhmund Hill lie lard. 8772-1131. cliliH It‘;‘~‘:"g‘:\\\‘~\\\\‘~'\S3‘-\Ԥ\">“ ::>.’~\.‘~'\.\'\j\.\\WESNY-wv

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