Following Sunday school Mrs. Len Kirk on behalf of the church presented Mr. and Mrs. Bert Middleton with an en- graved silver tray and silver candy dish. and daughters Greta and Nancy with gold crosses. The Middletons are leaving the community and they \Vill surely be missed. Mr. Middleton has been associated with the Sun- day school since 1922. New Arrival I would like to announce thatf The Child 3150 has a new for our little famin is now conflprivacy and a peer group- He plate, as Gordon and I have a needs companionship of his own lovely baby girl born on Stage. “In fact moms are out and Patrick’s Day. Needless to saylbrothers and sisters are in." Dr. we are floating on “CloudTRich reported. referring to ex- Nine". Thank you everyone forï¬perimenls conducted with young your kind wishes monkeys There is also a need Church News ‘Communion “as observed at Can'ville United Church on Palm Sunday. Don Reid was recejved into the Carrville conâ€" gtegation on profession of faith and Mr. and Mrs. George Vietch by transfer of member- ship. Referring to such programs inas psychiatrist to the juvenile Toronto, Etobicoke and North courts and lectured for the Uni- York, the speaker stated that rersity of London. children treated in such classes cost much less than they do in AT THISTLETOWN residential institutions. Classes Dl‘. Rich came 10 Canada on a for these children contain six to.rcsearcll gram but Stayed to be- eight, never more than 10, and come director of Canada‘s first in Britain special schools have hospital for emotionally dis- been set up. A population 01‘ turbed children at Thistleton'n. 6.000 would support a spec-tattle is now chairman of the Uni- class and the county’s popula-W’EI‘Slt)’ of Toronto‘s committee tion of 130,000 would support on post-graduate training in 10 schools. Half the childreniChild Psychiatry, consultant treated in these classes, it islto the Big Sisters‘ Counselling found. do not have to go to Service and to St. John’s Train- ;ing School. He is married and I lihas three children. "I have been told there are residential centres. no special classes for disturbed' Dr. Rich trained in general children in the schools of York‘medicine in England. While County.†Dr. John Rich. MDhlhere he “orked in mental hos- PhD. psychiatrist, commentedlpitals. an observation ward, a at the annual meeting of thefchildren‘s clinic and prisons. York County Branch. CanadianHe obtained his MD in phyclio- Mental Health Association in;logical medicine and later was Bayview Secondary School given a PhD for research into March 14. ‘iuvenile delinaumwv 1â€"1:: 201911 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 23, 1967 CARRVILLE Correspondent: Mrs. Gordon Read Phone 889-4001 Chatting prior to last week’s annual meeting of the York County Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Aesociation are (left to right) Executive Secl'etary-Treasurel‘ Mrs. Faye O'Callâ€" aghan. President Glen Ferguson. Guest Speaker Dr. John Rich. MD. PhD. and. Executive Director Don Sinclair of the Ontario Division. who introduced Dr. Rich. Special Classes Cost less - - Dr. Ric/1 {that those who are most in needlforbidden. There should be a 1of treatment don’t get it. lmargin for waste and'routines V §which will relax the children. MUST FEEL WANTED ‘The program must be satisfying 335‘“ "eqmrement {01' a d'is‘ with the adults showing toler- turbed child is to belong. to feel\ahce- of Symptoms and giving wanted the speaker stated. If themnwndhional acceptance with youngster doesn’t belong andh.00m allowed for regression. feel wanted, he has to be con- Dr. Rich was introduced by Vinced he is wanted. They neediDonald Sinclair of the Ontario fathers and mothers. but they division and thalfked by Dr. don't need temporary motherslpaul Perry of the psychiatric and fathers. he asserted. Theytwjhg of York County Hospital, are hungry for Permaan and:Newmarket. Rev. Father F. C. want to put down roots. at cenâ€"gRobinson of Om. Lady Queen “9 doesn’t Offer “"5- ‘of the World Roman Catholic The Child a15° has a need for:Church pronounced the invoca- prn'acy and a peer group. Heitiom on post-graduate training in IMPROVEMEM‘ NOTED Child Psychiatry, consultant] However. things are improv- to the Big Sisters’ Counselling 111%. he added. “We do know a Service and to St. John’s Trainâ€"[great deal, but we don‘t know ing School. He is married and‘neal‘ly enough. Last .Veal‘ a great has three Children. deal was learned about cerebral Noting that there isa short-ï¬amage techniques for instance. age of every possible kind of Yet n0b0d)’ is .Vet in the posi- treatment, Dr. Rich pointed out tion to tell you that this or that that the tendency in treatment is the Propel“ Way to treat a centres is to choose the children disturbed child." who are going to respond toi He noth that the outlook is treatment because tangible re-i'fOI‘ a better supply or trained sults are wanted. “Where doesistaff- our responsibility lie â€" with} Prime requisite of a residenâ€" the six or seven patients wholtial centre is a friendly house. will not respond or with the 30 "a property that smiles.“ which ‘who will respond?" he queriedJaVOidS social shock. Where adding that the usual result is action is invited rather than that those who are most in needifol'bidden. There should be a of treatment don’t get it. lmargin for waste and'routines ‘ §which will relax the children. AT THISTLE’I‘OWN Dr. Rich came to Canada on a research grant but stayed to be- come director of Canada‘s first hospital for emotionally dis- turbed children at Thistletou'n. pitals. an observation ward, a} Y ‘ children's clinic and prisons.} GREAT DISCREPARUES He obtained his MD in phycho-f Dealing with the \‘ariqus logical medicine and later waspmthods of treatment. Dr. Rlch given a PhD for research into drew a gasp and a laugh from juvenile delinquency_ He actedghis audience when he sald. “we andikEâ€"ELECT GLEN FERGUSON Dr. Glen Ferguson of King City ex- will head the York County ung‘Branch for another year as pre- iecdlsident. with R. C. Aiken of deal was learned-about cerebral H9 3150 said that a COHCEI‘tEd damage techniques for instance. Effort “‘ill be made this year Yet nobody is yet in the posi_;under the direction of Mrs. J. S. tion to tell you that this or that‘spillette 0f Aurm‘a to establish is the proper way to treat a‘further chapters throughout the disturbed child.†)country. He noted that the outlook is: A Dl‘Oject 0f a series of lec- for a better supply of tl-ainedttures with grade 12 students staff, ihas proved very successful and Prime requisite of a I-esjden_§\x‘ill be continued. Several young tial centre is a friende bonsajpeople who had heard these “a property that smiles." whichflectures assisted at last year’s avoids social Shock where‘summer camp and it was grati- action is invited rather thanifying that three of the student forbidden. There should be a‘counsellors have applied or are margin for waste and‘rmitines m trainmg‘ for child care work. methods Vof treatment. 111 his l'emal‘ks MYâ€" FBI‘EUSOH dre“v a gasp and a laugh from commented on the successful his audience when he said. “\ve?5umme1‘ “"113 1191‘] in 1966 don’t know what the hell “.envhich will be continued in 1967. are doing and .we don‘t know‘The branch feels it should go Whether it is working Until we}one step further and establish a can agree exactly what we a1~e'residential assessment and treat- doing and can have a follo“‘_up.‘nlent centre for disturbed chil- \\'e won’t know†he contendedgdl‘en- He. (11‘0th 5‘ letter from notng that there are great dis- Dr. Perry which stated that out crepancies in the methods and§°f 313 new “3595 admin“ to practically none of them spell‘YOl'k county Hospital Psycma‘ out what their philosophy citric “mg in 19$“ 151 were 0f treating kids is. ‘children from five to 15 years. ‘In 1966 the total was 403 with IMPROVEMENT NOTED ‘257 children, an increase from However. things are improv- 48% to 64%. It is forecast that mg, he added. “we do know avthis trend will continue until great deal, but we don’t know the adult portion becomes neg- nearlv enough. Last vear a groahligible. “a property that smiles." which avoids social shock, where action is invited rather than to continue education. not mere schooling, but broad education, “you can‘t learn everything from books,†he added. COFFEE PARTY Mrs. Floyd Perkins 01‘ Rich- mond Hill wife of the 1967 county warden and Mrs. Jesse Bryson of Vaughan Township presided over the coffee party which preceded the annual meeting with the CWL at Our Lady Queen 01‘ the World Cliuvch providing the refresh- ments. “THE LIBERA L" to choose from in than in all other York County \veeklies People who buy through classified ads have MORE ADS Stouffville and T. D, Manning of Aurora as vice-presidents Mrs. D. J. O’Callaghan of Stouff- ville will continue as the execu- live secretary-treasurer. Photo by Stuart’s Studio) SUMMER CAMPS Yonge at Stee|es AURORA: Reversing a decision made on a one-vote margin re- cently, town council has voted to pay salary increases to former members of the police department. One constable and three dispatchers who served part of 1966 will receive a total of about $1,000. Council was told legal precedent would supâ€" port the claim for back pay. Negotiations for the 1966 in- creases vwere not completed un- til recently. Called "Project ’67â€, the func- tion will be held at the Lions Hall Centre Street East, start- ing with a reception at 6.30 pm. with dinner at 7.30. Dancing will follow until 1 o’clock. New Democratic Party Nation- al Leader Tommy Douglas MP. will be the guest of honor at the York Centre Provincial NDP Association dinner and dance April 21 in Richmond Hill. Four Richmond Hill residents were injured when the car in which they were riding was in collision with another vehicle on Highway 7 near Thornhill. March 18. about 7.20 pm. Malcolm Rex Elms, 18, 01' 434 Marybay Crescent, suffered head injuries, while three pas- sengers in his car, Brighette Klausner. 18. of 98 Lucas Street; Joanne Doris, 18, of 114 Wright Street; and Doris Green- field 17. of 60 LaVerock Avenue, also suffered varied injuries. Damage to the cars amounted to $900. In an accident March 17 on Highway 7 near Langstaff. another Richmond Hill resident, William Thomas Hassel. of 260 Anzac Road. received injuries to his head when the car he. was driving was in collision with a car driven by Barry Williams Kelly, 25. 01' 21 Garden Avenue, Langstafi'. Mr. Kelly suffered a lacerâ€" aled scalp. while two of his pas- ated seal sengers. Paulette lowdale. Driver of the other car was Delores Marie Lindsay, Mark- ham Village. NDP Leader Here Dama mated a TOMMY DOUGLAS MP age Paula Knisley Knisley. 2, hot received facial :e to the cars t $1,700. OAK RID( 'Phone 223-3195 E his pas , 24, am :11 of Wil injuries was esti EES acer- pas- and Wil- LEPORT DETACHMENT March 18 on Highway 400 lnear Highway 7. Dennis Barry Edwards. 25,-of Aurora. suffered ‘a head injury when the car he1 . . _ porting actress. most promlsmg 'was driving was in collision with a car driven by Oliver Mace. of Barrie. l Damage amounted to $300. 1 That same day. two people iwere injured in an accident on Highway 11 at Langstat't‘. which lcaused an estimated $435 dam- age to two cars. ‘ Keith Leeson, 3. and Mike Leeson. 5,_ both- of Agincourt. suffered head injuries and were itreated at York Central Hos- :pital. ' . Ross Robertson ‘ Iâ€"Indh "Out Flew the Web and Float-[and ed Wide" by Martin Hunter wasgrai chosen from four new Canadian‘awa p1a)s to represent the Central the Ontario Drama League at the.Rob Dominion Drama Festival in St.‘fun: John's. Newfoundland. May 2210nt to 27. Presented by the North-;tion ern Area of CODL. the play in-,mei cluded members of the Curtain ’1‘ Club. Newmarket Drama Club. Bar Stout't'ville Drama Club and Auâ€"‘ely rora Drama Workshop. and wasltain also awarded the prizes for best in visual presentation. best sup": new talent. and a special grant from the Ontario Government for further study. Dr. Robertson Davies, noted Canadian scholar and author: was the adjudicator for the: week-long regional festival held: last week at Hart House The-: atre. The announcement was; made at the awards ceremony on Saturday evening. Katherinei received the l Wavr: ’T‘vnnlnr l‘nu has“ The boys were passengers m a car driven by Catherine White, of Agincourt. Driver of the other car was Frank Mount, of Fort William. Richmond Heights Centre ‘25:: WALLPAPERS WIDE SELECTION OF PATTERNS KNAPP'S PAINT SERVICE LTD. Pre - Easter . . ‘. CHOOSE FROM OVER ONE 1,500 ROLLS Choose from at Regular Price 20% TOP QUALITY SA VE Canadian scholar and author was the adjudicator for the week-long regional festival held last week at Hart House The- atre. The announcement was made at the awards ceremony on Saturday evening. Katherine Ross Robertson received the Hugh anrs Trophy for best visual presentation for her set design, Muriel Cuttel, playing the part of Grandma Morton reâ€" ceived the L. C. Tobias award for the best supporting actress. Local Actors To Compete At Dominion Drama Festival 78 standard colors South Block of Pre- Dusted on MOORE'S Interior or Exterior and Terry Tweed. playing her Leu'is as Willy Morton; Robert granddaughter Cassandra wanghomson as Mord'y: Mary Monks awarded the Mirvish Trophy for as Antonia: Tony Hiscoke, stage the most promising new talent.;1nanager; David Punter. light- Robert Thomson “as grantedFing: Carole Macanuel, proper- Iunds for further study by theg’ties: Sue Sweeny and Flavia Ontario Department of Educa-1Redelmeier, furniture; and Mar- tion for his part as Mordy Zim-,ion Postlethwaite, costumes. merman. Prior to the Newfoundland trip, The play was directed by Ron;“0ut Flew the Web" may be Hartmann and produced by Cic-gseen at Hart House. April 13-15. ely Thomson. Among the Ctir-iThe play will also go on to play tain Club members taking part at Expo ’67 following the New- in the production were Davidft‘oundland competition. and Terry Tweed. playing her granddaughter Cassandra was awarded the Mirvish Trophy for the most promising new talent. Robert Thomson was granted funds for further study by the Ontario Department of Educa- tion for his part as Mordy Zim~ met-man. Young man with accounting experience to act as accountant and assistant to the superin- tendent of York Manor. Must be efficient, accurâ€" ate and capable of handling bookkeeping, payroll and preparing financial statements. Applicant must be pleasant and able to work with senior citizens. r Good salary and employee benefits. Appli- cations to be mailed to L. B. Gohn, Superintend- ent of York Manor, Newmarket, Ontario. before April Telephone 895-5181. ' HELP WANTED 2 PAINTS York Manor. Newmarket 884-2819 LIMITED QUANTITIES Richmond Hill