SECOND SECTION tot. 80, .\'o. zlsf @iwuii 1 RESULTS 1 l ALLENCOL'RT 1'0L'TH LEA- GLYE Bantams: The Blazers the league with 10 points. Girls: Carol Mowatt has the high average with 188. High doubles, Janice Mansbridge 398 1243). Sandy Hoult 396 “2222'. Gale Amos 339 12091. .lanet Al- lison 338 (215i. Pat Lolimali 333 (184! and Carol Mmth 332 1192!. Boys: High average. Murray Hill. 173. High double, Murray Hill 462 1240I. Brian Stiver 436 I2211. Robbie Barker 349 118]). Danny Dengate 345 1180). John Anderson 340 11881 and Randy Nugent 328 ‘17:». ABC MEN'S MAJOR Richmond Inn is showing good form in leading the league with 14 points. followed by Team 6 alid F. Powell Fencing with 13 points each. The rest 01" the league reads: Allencourt Lanes 12. ABC 1 12. ABC 2 11.‘ Wilson-Niblett Motors 10. Chase‘ it Taylor Realtors 9. Michael's Gift 9. Donaehue‘s BA 9. Tony‘si E550 7 and Hairs Fuel on 7. l lead erts are having a real battle for. l I, B l W s V .. t ‘ e s c high average and are now tied; I e period thanks mainly to the el- with 249 B. Julian and T Saul Itorts off Dineen who stopped a a ' V. ‘ . .. ' ' _ . v . ' ‘ . N I every oray by the frustrated 3r; LEFLleie‘iyfld “1th 246 and 318‘ Winners at the eighth annual tourâ€"day Richmond Hill (urhng (,lub Shillelagh Bon- Imchmond Hmcm .. “ '“igbl’: wim'es “em T_ spiel are shown above l'EL‘QlYllIg‘ the Scott McCann Trophy as presented by Mr. McCalin himself. ‘ 11 was 24] m the third period Sun] 391. u_ Knuckey 343. 3_ Left to right are Mr. McCann. Irwin and Jean Coneybeare. of Thornliill. and Dave and Joyce as Willowdale struck at the 3:08 Julian 815. C. Hellmich 796. \V. Vincent 7'75. J. Moore 769. \7. \iil-to 760. B. Costofi‘ 756. B. Murray 753 and Z. Geson 752. sport spot: By Fred Simpson ‘ WE’LL SURVIVE! It’s pretty difficult to strike an optimistic note these days in this sin-ridden Peyton Place of a Rich- mond Hill. I'm sure we’ll all be destroyed. any moment now. Here you have all our youngsters turning to juvenile delinquency not to mention their parents. What are we all coming to‘.’ Just relax. It‘s not that bad at all. It's the old story about the “bad†getting into the news more often than the "good". And it's quite logical it you stop and think about it. People are more interested in the bad than the good. But not all the time so I talked to Recreation Administrator Al White the other day and he was spouting enthusiasm over the recently completed winter program for the youngsters in The Hill. Some 4.000 of them trundled into the local schools over the past 10 weeks and did such non- newsworthy stuff as play floor hockey, basketball. perform gymnastics, and just had fun . . . at the schools. The \veekly programs took place at Our Lady Help of Christians and St. Joseph's Separate Schools: Richmond Hill High School and Crosby Heights Public School. SCHOOLS L‘O-OPERA’I‘E “Very pleased with the program.“ states .â€"\1. “and especially with the co-oneration we received from the Schools. Don't say the schools aren’t co- operating‘. They provided us with facilities. no difficulties at all." It was the. second season of operation for the winter program. It finished the other night with special "open houses" at the various schools. Al was particularly enthusiastic about the co- operation of the young teenage instructors. "I was a little leery when I took on this iol» (his fulltinie one is welfare director) because I was new to it and just feeling my way. But 1 received tremendous coâ€"operation from the young people who took over and planned the various activities.†‘ It proved to Al .- if it needed proving â€" that “young people are responsible if you give them the responsibility." Some of these instructors included teenagers Cathy Bowman. Kathy Knott. Mitch Larke. Ken Hamilton. and Assistants Pat Madden. Bobby Cowar. Lorne Faulkner. Rick Masters. Wayne Zubek. Elaine Hassard. (‘hris Johnson. and Louise Robert- son. And 1101 to mention young Ann li‘irnian who attends university and guides the summer playâ€" ground destinies in the summertime. All youngsters acted responsibly as thousands more do and will be doing. They t‘ar outnumber the juvenile delin- tiuents. So let's not get too stll'IULlS aboui it :ill. l‘m not. But just in case I'm going home. grab my toothbrush. and get out of town while there‘s still time. it »:< s * STILL HORSELESS Jack Buxton and his still IIOI'SEIGSS North Sub- urbaKNIGHTS Juliior Football Club hopefuls of Richmond Hill met with executives of the Ontario Junior Football League the other day and came away with an “open door" appointment. This means. according to Jack. that “a franchise is indicated to the extent that a tentative schedule is being prepared to include our team proy'iding we return to the meeting with definite commitments in the form of a strong executive and money in the bank." The next meeting is slated for April 18 and :i. the meantime Jack has called an executhc inectinc for tonight i'l'hursdayl Io elect an exec-tulle. I‘ will be held in the Iichniond Illl‘ "oiiyci'ti m llw-ui, It's the niolicv purl that diI tut-.mliii on no it‘oiilinlied on I'dL't' 13) _______SPORTS Rlcniioyo lint, ONTARIO. ’rilcnsoAy'. Mania 2:}. 1967 r Elli: littoral End 01 Season For Dynesmen The titles decided to trowii on the Richmond Hill Dyiic: .lcwcllers last week as Willow- dale Rangers eliminated them troni the York Sinicoe Senior llockcy League playot'i's via a 3-2 win. The win gave them II](‘ l)(‘>1- ot-tlii'cc series by three games to two. The Rilllgt‘l‘s are now meeting the 'l'hornbill Toronto Shultons who shuttled the Aurora \lcr- chants lo the sidelines with a 6-" win. The l'inals is a best-ot- live series. it was strictly a case of buck- in! horseshocs aiid a spectacu- lar goaling effort by Rangers†answers but two for the Rangers who had three of their own for Rangers Whip Jewellers Shultons Bounce Aurora it was all the Silliltons In the sci-om Same as they led 3-0 at the end of the first period on a float by Bob Mitchell at 16:16 from Gary Stamp and one by Don: Carter at 18:18 from Bill 'Kli‘nltciili. 'I'hc Merchants scored at the ‘30 second mark of the second period to make it 2-1 but it \\il.the closest they were destined to gel the remainder 01 the coil- 10.51. Carin Sargent gel that one back for the Shultons at 1:36 from .lack Dilbkow ski and Gord Z\lorle_\. The final period saw Brian Bait scoring from D. Carter at 6:11 for Thornhill: Bill Monteith at 12:08 from Carter; and the Pat Dinecn that wrote finis I ‘1 . U . I ,_ _ for the Richmond Hill crew. hfhhc ‘ “melth ,abam "t 13'1‘ ‘ . . ‘trom Dubkowskl. l Dineen came up with all the . . . Murrell got one tor “illow- dale at 14:22 from Charlie Saito DOUBLE RINK ARENAS 32.00 â€" Play all day 8 to I p.iu. PUBLIC SKATING PUNCH IMLACH Pay as you play Hockey BEGINS .\(i.\l.V Jane St at 11w}. 7 Saturdays 8-10 .m. . 0 Sunday 5 2-1.30 pm. a Pedley ol' Agincourt. Entertainment was featured each night tollowing the matches and a dance closed proreed- lugs Saturday night. Dynes' Goalie John Bork ~ one and Dan “men†oi them a successful penalty shot effort by Roger Purdie in the final period which put the game out of reach. Earl Cairns opened the scor- , _ ing for the Rangers at the 15:33 Hare“ 28 Startmg at 9:10 mark of the first period assisted pm' by Dave Mac-Innis. ' W The third game of the finals between the Rangers and Shultons will be played in Richmond Hill Arena STORE Levelidale Rd.. Richmond March $10th, 4.30 - 6.00 p.m. I nothing to buy. I-lill. Thursday, (Photo by Stuart‘s Studior RICHMOND HILL MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION Registration Boys 7-16 as of January 1, 1967 Girls 8-15 as of Jilly 15. 1967 DATE: SATURDAY, MARCH 18 & :5 mark as Leo Fey slipped the puck past Bork aided by a pass from Gord Currie. The desperate Jewellers came right back with Ian Dcnike scoring from Clayton Cliaplnaii ‘at the 4:01 mark. Then came the filial blow. A penalty shot was called on Richmond Hill when one of the team‘s players grabbed the puck as it was drifting into the EIt's Tournament Time WOvices Win Napanee Cons’n - net. lM'd F. . h T Pui'die made no mistake as I‘IME: A.M. 3 P-M. l S I the drifted iii on Bork and fired 1 1 , . _ ‘the puck home from about 10 feet out. Next it was Acomb on a solo. The still-fighting Jewellers FEE 33-00 PER PLAYER mated in 3 Yea] Nadia-jack of a game and held irush at 7.28. At 11.17 Cronk-zremoved their goalie during the ‘1000 PER FAMILY Leaside to a $3“ tie in ah eth-bItion game At one iwright sank one with assists to‘last few seconds and it paid off ' ‘Brian “Tiger†Dunlop andlas Tom Kelly rapped the puck . ais ration forms must he si ned by arent or guardian ‘Brown. At 12:24. it was Cronk- home at the 19:44 mark from‘ Re†t g p Proof of age required from all NEW applicants point the local lads were dowli two goals but fought their way to a draw and in the final minute missed lwrigllt again, assisted by Br0\\'n..Denike and Chapman. a great opportunity to chalk up a win. McKeage got l‘Tlash" completed his hat trick.l Following a few more seconds I both goals with assists from Stephenson. Hawkins .31 13599 35mm“ by D‘hhop anShOf Panic it “'35 ah Over- ‘ and Merritt at. 14:91 Gregor “The Checker'i â€"» ‘ ' lBlnkley combined with Cam-l At Napanee Saturday the change later Dennis “The Rec-PTO“ and Gordon to score- local novices were stoned 6-0 ket" Acoinb bulged the twine ati _Ih the second Acomh “'35 as†‘by Lindsay in the first game 8:30. assisted by David "Digger‘H-“Sted by thhle-V ahd Camp of the Napanec ’l‘ournamcnt. Dunkley. Bfll‘de‘“ 100k adVamage 01' a This put them into the consola- In the second period Steve 1410115 131359 to get a second‘ tion series which they won and Brown was assisted by Steve goal- The 1003' boys Scored returned home with another "Flash" Cronkwriglit at 14.25 hgah‘ ht 8:4? 31‘0"“ Sinking trophy to add to their seasons and in the third Brown got his Ohe- 359519“ 13-" thkwright collection. second. combining‘uith Cronk- and at 1457 th‘ley “'35 35‘ The radio kids dct’eated Port wright. “151ml by cameron Bud Gordon- I-lopc 3-1. Hampton. Mclx’eagc Friday the Lions look on,Acomb hhthd 9119 h] at 1:27 and Clement getting the count- Camp Borden and handed them Of 1h“ tilll‘d- 3551516“ by Dlmk- ers. Goalie Mark Edwards a 13-2 defeat in a regular leagueHey ahd 301 his fourth 3031 Of earned an assist point with Cur- game. The Camp Borden boys the h'ght “SSISICd by Cave“- tis. Kiviniaki. Cronkwright and took the initiatixe and scored 53mm†me Lions “Shed Campbell also getting assists. at 1:23. Richmond Hill retal- Alhsmh [01'_“ regular league. Brockville was their oppon- iated at 4:32 when Cayen scorediga‘he- defehhhg their hOSIS 5‘0~i ent in the consolation finals unassisted. At 5:46 Steve Gor-iA.comb Opened the Scoring 35“ and went down to a 3-2 defeat. don was assisted by CameronlslSted by Linemate Tommy Sah'.’ ‘The goals were scored by and at 6.42 Scott “Scooter“i1°h- Steve Brown combined‘ :Stephenson who carried the‘Mabley received an assist from “hh thlop for a goal at 9310-1 lpuck the length of the ice; by Goalie Bobby Clement. {Continued On Page 12) l ‘Cronkwright from Curtis and i I Friday night, CFGM Country Gentlemen partic- l l l SERVICE MANAGER'S SPECIALS Does year car‘fee‘l WinterWeIIl? ’ FRONT END ALIGNMENT Need new shock absorbers? Or a com- Clement and Hampton. who. .banged the winning goal into 1the net. Sunday the Gentlemen incl V the Dul't'ield boys in what was ' ' a real rough game. ending in a 4â€"1 loss IOI‘ the locals. Graham plete brake overhaul? Callus soon for an was the marksman. unassisted. appointment. For a limited ill’l’le only The noyiccs will play the we‘llgiveyouaFREEfrontend alignment atoms Friday night and will With the purchase of either of these two services. FREE WITH EITHER SPECIAL COMPLETE BRAKE OVERHAUL meet Waterloo iii the Brampton Easter Tournament Saturday at -. 2 pm aiid 9 pin. it they will that round they will do again \1'edncsday and Friday , SAVE $9605.00 DEMONSTRATOR ALE I’EEWEISS 'l‘hursday last the Lion Pccâ€" - . wees travelled to \‘y'oodbridee " to play a regular league game Woodbridge was determined to win on home ice. but the Lions were ready {or them and handâ€" . ed them a 4-0 sliellaeking. Ross Cameron opened the scoring at 7:20 of the first period with assists from Greg Binkley and John "Boomer" Caven. A liiie WANT IT NOW? SHOCK ABSORBERS HOW T0 .114 [(1') :1 N IIIPREssmN SAVE Send your Clothes our. "mirror unplooll lien To Fully equipped and lull pouer ’12“th REBEL 350 '2 DOOR si’oit'rs suns A Don. Qii‘i‘i'fo' W“ “WWW iiiixsiéiiiiiii “vvlthssargtge' Iii-:Isi-LI. :70 4 DOOR \‘IiDAX Idowspeed. GUARANTEED 30,000 MILES “"†“"h’mah‘ ‘35 h“ 5 "-" orneter reads If your brakes are grabbing and .I55201 .\I.\I{Ll.\ ‘3 DUUII II.\RD'IUP IIXSTBACK Fully equipped anti lull power. 5 .Jlo'UTt) . Lit IT! 30.000 ormore. your shock absorb- ers may be worn to squealing. then It‘s time to let the speoahsts at Firestone give them a complete Overhaul. Us the danger Dom“ Right now. you canactually save REBEL 770 '2 noon II.\r.I)I’or Ha/e them checked today by the money 90 this SerV'Ce- ONE “5’3 V8. automatic. power ~ICCHII5’ Powci‘ experts at Firestone. If they need call. We ll be happy to give you all brakes and “10ҠL10 “3190 0 replacmg. we'll install a set of high: the details on Firestone s 8138031 8-point brake overhaul._ And, remember. the low cost Will also include a tree front end alignment! quality Monro-Matte Shock Ab- sorbers. And we'll align your car. free of charge. m. Stores 884-4401 sTATlON WAGON 4 DOOR REBEL Automatic. individual reclining seats Lic. X10029 $532. CARS 0X DISPLAY 23rd '10 27th WITH FIRESTONE 7773 \UNGE ST THURS-HILL \e\t LIL}. Store For Dry Cleaning REBEL 770 4 DOOR SEDAN Automatic. 6 cylinder. Strato Blue many extras. Lit. .158971 N0 OUTSIDE Shirt Laundry We. & Storage B A K E R l S Service _ I ‘ - Ltd. Pick-up and p h““""-" 9144 Yongc St. SSH-1 189 SSH-315231 will be interviewed by Bill Hewitt at MACS MILK No admission charge,