Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Mar 1967, p. 6

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VIKING upright freezer. 3 piece Chesterfield suite. Both in good condition. 889-3438. c1w38 VIKING upright freezer, 12 cu. ft.. excellent condition, $85. 889- 3000. c1w38 ture in perfect condition. 884- 6181. c1w37 WOODS freezer. 22 cubic feet. new. $175 or best offer. 884- 4956. *1w38 CONTENTS of 4 rooms of furni- GAS stove, with minute minder, $30. Gas dryer. $110, 01' will ex- change for electric. 884-7937. COFFEE table. end tables, stepl design. walnut, arborite tops.| 884-7924. clwss! POTATOES ‘75 lb bags. $1.75! also bales of straw, C. Mashin-f ter. 884‘2549. *2w381 STEREO Hi Fi. Family sized tent 15x12. Gas space heater. 884-5796. *1w38 CHILDREN’S clothing sizes 10- 14. Brownie uniforms, pair of drapes. girl's bicycle. Reason- able. 884-4038. c1\\'38 FRIG $25, Maple table and 4 chairs, $25, suitable for rec room or cottage. 884-2736. 1 cook stove â€" Findlay, 1 home made electric broader, 833-5787 ' c1\\'38 Iii-CONDITIONED sod cutter with automatic cut-off. 640-2383. c1w38 2 cribs complete. $12 each. Metal utility table, $3. Bird cage and stand, $5, 296-1533. c1w38 FIVE formal dresses size 12 - 2 short. 3 long â€" worn once. Less than half price, $20. 884â€"5642. *lw38 VACUUM cleaner, Singer. Ex- cellent. Complete with all at.- tachments. Reasonable. 884-7252. HUS Ski snow scoot, 27 years old. Stevens semi-automatic, 22 rifle. 833-5117. c1w38 SAFE 5 years old, on casters, $75. Filing cabinet, $5. 884-6731. clw38 120 Bass Titano accordion medium size. exceptional condi- tion, 5 switches. 884-6941. SEVERAL automatic washers â€" dryers excellent condition reâ€" conditioned. guarameed. reason- able. Res. 889-2209. c2\\'37 WTA'TER’SO‘FTEXERS 'â€" Tâ€"VVO tires 600x13, used very little $15. 884-7949. c1w38 BABY carriage and stfoller, $50. 889-1530. c1\\'37 Fully automatic water condi- tioners and humidifiers. For in- formation call 884-4015 tfc35 Alfi'bn'iifiiiCTvSEiEi-T'sudsTei turn. will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. Carefully selected, dry. mostly Maple. $16 a single cord. (4' x 8' x 16") delivered. Alvin Baker 889-2436. tfclS CONTENTS. dining set 9 pieces cost $575, sell 8285. Spanish bedroom cost $675. sell $300. TV. Stereo. 9x12 rugs. dinette, Spanish den, bookcases. desk. modern bedroom cost $250, sell $125 all items in lovely condi- tion. Willowdale area. 222-6019. c4w38 21’? television, Console model, good condition. 884-7298. tfc34 GUITAR amp. Pro model, 100 watts, $200. 884-5543. c1\\'38 ALL parts for 1954 picâ€"kpr truck. 887-5686. c1w38 tfle'FREE to a good home 3 year ERKIâ€"‘fisâ€"of.aru~§iigs_â€"5Lii‘tmiold German} Shepherd, female. fol- overseas shipping andispayed. Good mth clu_ldren, domestic use, reasonable. cen_ must have home by Aprll lst. tral Van and Storage. tfc8 832'1482- clw38 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in- cluding new and rebuilt stand- ard portable and electric mod- ALUMINUM Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tf036 CONTENTS large home. beauti- ful furniture. Stereo. TV. 9x12. 12x18 gold nylon rugs. drapes, French Provincial 9 piece din- ing room. tables. lamps. 5 ori- ginal oil paintings, portable sew- ing machine. colonial (len. floral loose cushion Chesterfield, odd chairs. Must sell one week. 889- 6644. c6\\'38 :15. Special rental rates avai able to students. 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill CATCH READY BUYERS FAST! SELL YOUR DON'T NEEDS WITH A WANT AD! CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES. lst insertion .Tc each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. .70 per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March FIREPLACE LOGS L. H. SIMS 884-1745 22; U049, N clw38 c1\\‘38 c1w381 1 w E" JILL GODDARD for profes- 32- siona] Poodle clipping. 7783 ElYonge Street, Thornhill. 889- ~33606. tfc35 t'e‘IDON MILLS Country Club for ’_“_‘!pets. Professional clipping, '3_‘i,boarding. training. Puppies! Pick~up and delivery. Gordon di_ Garrett. 297-2591 tfc28 in- POODLES ,FOR EASTER I :35 Brack beauties. 8 weeks, white. {9: charmers. All registered. minia-l 'eeiturcs. First trim free. 884-7716. m * c2\\'37l 0 THREE LINES TO SERVE YOU. PHONE THE EXCLUSIVE WANT AD NUMBERS QUALITY Chesterfield ‘suites at bargain prices also odd an- tique chairs etc., Low prices. Aron’s Upholstery 8; Co. Maple Plaza. tfc34 Truckload lots $10. Phone Cad- illac Lumber, Maple, Ontario. 889-4973. c1w38 NEW and used appliance parts, wringer rolls, wood blocks, bear- ings, belts, stove elements, etc. Matll's TV,'45 Industrial Road. 884-7903. ' tfc36 Sales and Service Doors. windows. siding. Awn- ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558. c10w29 SINGER Auto-matic sewing machine cabinet model. Button- holes, blindhems and fancy stiches for embroidery. $75.00 cash or $7.00 per month. Dealer. Write Box 45 “The Liberal”. c2w38 TIRES for sale, taken off new cars. Fully guaranteed up to 40% off on some sizes. Sobie's Supertest. Don Mills. North of No. 7 Highway. *2w37 in good condition. Phone after 6. 832-2308. clw38 SPRING coat. yellow. size 16, pink evening dress 16-18, light green evening dress, size 16. 884- 4514. c1w38 2 small compressors. one with motor, for paint' spraying tires etc. Perfect condition, cheap. 884-1344. *1\\'38 LINED DRAPES Full length to order, also stock on hand. Lowest prices pos- ‘sible. 6 widths only $39.98. ‘ WYN-DOT LADIES WEAR Bayview Plaza 884-2214 i'l‘ILLERS, mowers, riders. en- {gines parts and service. Don’t ‘wait for the rush get your lawn and garden equipment ready for spring. We‘re ready to serve you. Carl Walker Sales and Ser- vice, Lawn and Garden Equip- ment, John Brumwell, Manager, Victoria Square. Phone 887- 5413. c1w38 PIANO â€"- Heintzman upright LIVING and dining room matching drapes. BA. 2-1954. ncw38 FREE to good home, 2 puppies, 2 months old. One male, one female. 832-1390. c1w38 Part Persian kittens, house broken. 889-3139. c1w38 SIAMESE kittens seal point males, show and pet stock. Also registered males at stud, blue point champion and seal point. 889-2581. c3w38 HAVE client wishing to invest in modern apartment building 12â€"24 suite units. Please write with details to Box 46 “The Liberal“. cl\\'38 I’l‘ pays to grow ‘cucumbers un- der contract. For Matthewsâ€" Wells- Co. Ltd. A guaranteed market is available to you. Con- tracts are being taken now for 1967. For further information, write or phone Frank Watts. 7059 Yonge St.. Willowdale. 889- 5494 tfc28 MALE beagle, rabies tag, No. 260150. Answers to Tupence, Richvale, Thornhill area. 889- 5617. c1w37 ORANGE cat. white under chin 1 year old, Crosby-Redford ParkYonge area, Tuesday, March 14. 884-1688. c1w38 WANTED all kinds of dead an- imals. For fast service call 884- 2538 or Zenith 3-2800. Licence No. 204-62. tfc31 PETS FOR SALE BUSINESS “PPORTUNITY ALUMINUM PRODUCTS DEAD STOCK FOR SALE EASTER GIFTS FIREWOOD LOST «:2 W38 CLERK-iypist, Scotia Plan Loan Department. Call Mr. Bracken- ridge, 889-4861. c1w38 “'°l'k- 889545?- Clw38lFULL time or part time faxi CLEANING woman u-amed,'dri\r'e1's. Call 889-1154. cl\\'38 once or twice per “'eek- can COOK wanted full time must 884-1322. C1W38 be experienced. References. 887- MATURE woman for snack bar, daily 1 - 10 pm. Also kitchen help. 889-4988. Honey Pot Ski Valley. Maple. cl\\‘38 HOUSEKEEPER, three or four days weekly. Small nursing home. Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889-7072. c1\\'38 REGISTERED nursing assistant or practical nurse wanted, full time at the Villa. Call Mrs. Mably 889-4931. c1w38 WOMAN for general office work required. Call 889-5445, Mr. King for appointment. GIRL Friday required for legal office. Experience preferred. Shorthand and typing essential. Apply in writing to Box 44 “The Liberal”. tfc38 STATE Registered Nurse or Registered Nursing Assistant, three nights weekly, 11.30 pm - 7.30 am. Small Nursing Home, Yonge Street, Thornhill 889- 7072. c1w38 WEEKIZY domestic help want-i, » __7 ‘C°‘3Pi¥‘“e,d’_ _ , ed. Phone 889-6984. Cl“':3_3iEXPERIENCED waitress wantâ€" GIRLS for light clean factory.ed, day Shift. 884-6161. clw38 work. 889-5467. c1w38IFULL time or part time taxi GOLDEN opportunity for young business men, age 11 to 14. Call 884-3102. 7 am to 7 pm. c1w38 HOUSEKEEPER for family in Thornhill, 2 children, live in. terms to be arranged. 889-6536 c3w38 PARENTS Increase the family budget with part time income. Pleasant pro- fitable work. Husband and wife work together. For interview call 889-6555. 02w38 'MALE clerks for a large North‘all day school. Transportation Metro construction company. 3"ailable. 389-4664. tfc12 For purchasing department, Top 0' THE HILL Nursery mBChEDiCa‘ Darts RHOWIedge “58' School St. Paul's Lutheran ful- .F°1‘ (‘OUStFUCtiON diViSiOTL Church. We still have vacancies “Nomings quantity take‘Off and for pre-school children. 884- costing experience helpful. Own 7692. (1“.33 transportation necessary. Reply stating experience, education. references. age and salary ex- pected to Box 31 “The Liberal". PERSONAL WAITRESS wanted full and part time. Good wages. 887-5411. tfc37 EXPERIENCED loader opera- tor. crawler type. References re- quired. Phone Frank Watts. 889- 5496. c3w37 DAVIDSON pressman’ wanted to learn large press. Morgan Davis Printing. 889-4846. EXPERIENCED receptionist - typist for Richmond Hill metal parts manufacturer. Shorthand necessary. Call office manager, 889-6227 for appointment. FEMALE STAFF Dishwasher, 2 short order cooks 3 to 11 shift, uniforms supplied, wages according to ex- perience. Must supply own transportation. For further in- formation phone 832-1555, Esso Service Centre, 400 Highway. MRS. ENTHUSIASM Like to tell other people about a good thing? Put your enthusi- asm to work. Earn good income part or full time. For interview call 889-6555. c2w38 DRAFTSMAN With minimum two year struc- lcural or mechanical handling experience required in a new plant just completed in the Steeles - Kennedy area. Must be able to prepare shop draw- ings and take off quantities for estimates with minimum super- vision. Call Mulder Canada) Ltd. 291-3778. cl\\‘33 FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi- tions, steady employment. bene- fits. Apply Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. Also part-time help. c6w36 FEMALE machine operators re- quired. no experience necessary. light work. good starting pa)‘ and benfits. Personnel required for both day shift 7.30 am â€" 4 pm and night shift 4 pm â€"â€" midnight. Apply in person at Newman-Green of Canada Ltd., 301 Markham Road between 1 ‘pm and 4 pm or telephone 889- \6258 for appointment. c1w38 BANK TELLER We require a young glrl, good appearance and pleasant per- sonality in small banking office. Experienced preferred but will train applicant with office experience. Apply in person ‘Canadian Imperial Bank of ICommerce, Maple, Ont. For ap- pointment phone 832-2216. TEXAS INSTRUMENTS NEEDS CUSTOMS & EXCISE CLERK The position assumes the re- sponsibility for preparation of an increasing volume of import and export documents and the completion of refund and duty drawback claims. Our growing international trade prefers a person of some experience in ‘this field and a proficiency in typing is necessary. It is truly a growth opportunity and either male or female applicants are 'im‘ited to respond. Write or ‘call Mrs. Joyce Moorhouse. 280 ‘Centre Street East. Richmond ‘Hill. 884-7481 or 889-7373. HELP WANTED \ HELP WANTED 23, 1967 c1w37 c1w38 c1xx‘38 C4\\'3§ Do ~\‘ou have a drinking prob- tfc38 tfc36 SERVICE station attendant, experienced only need apply, full and part time. Must have references. Good \vazes. 887- 5411. tfc37 MALE or female lounge steward for private club. Full time em- ployment. Apply Thornhill Country Club, after 4 pm, or telephone 889-4818. c2w38 COOK wanted, full time, must be experienced. References. 887- 5411. tf037 NURSES aid, 6.30 pm - 10.30 pm, three or four evenings weekly. Small nursing home, Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889- 7072. c1w38 WAITRESSES for evening shift. 6 pm to 2 am and 11 pm to 7 am. Uniforms supplied. Must have transportation. For further information phone 832-1555. Esso Service Centre, 400 Highâ€" way. tfcw34 ATTRACTIVE, ex 1) 9 Ti enced PBX Switchboard operator. Ex- cellent salary and benefits. III-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill 884-6782 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty leited. 222-2525. LUMBER SHIPPERS Opportunity for knowledgeable men to work every Saturday in lumberyard. Lansing Building Supply Ltd. 258 Sheppard Ave. East Willowdale USED tent trailer. 884-4261 Tthy 'o’r' rent, rush light. 889- 2783. c1w38 COMPLETE set of drums. 884- 2685. c1w38 WANTED to buy farm or gar- den tractor in any condition. Phone Newmarket 895-2638. Before 9 am or after 9 pm. HOUSEHOLD and miscellaneâ€" ous articles wanted for Thorn- hill Lions Auction Sale. For pickup call Thornhill Paint Sup- plies, 889-1169. c4w38 SOD, by the acre. 640-2383. clw MAN with pick-up truck will clean basements, yards, etc. 884-7610. c2w37 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Army. 889-7655. tfc29 STUDENT, experienced in ocul- ists office. dicta typist‘ recep- tionist requires employment evenings and/or Saturdays. 884- 4191. c1\\'38 AMBITIOUS student, 16, male, wants part time summer emâ€" ployment, reliable. 884-6479. cl\\’38 ROOM and board available, fem- ale. 884-3420. th‘38 LARGE attractive room with board, parking. 889-3270. c2w38 ROOM and board available or kitchen privileges, if desired for single middle aged lady. Rich- mond Hill. 884-5242. c1w38 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street, Thornhill. mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. tfc12 TOP 0' THE HILL Nursery'DAY care available. any age School St, Paul‘s Lutheran Paliser Cresc. 884â€"6778. *2w31 lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, 01‘ call EMS-8684. tfc17 Any person who witnessed the damaging of 1964 Pontiac at Lions Hall parking lot, Tuesday February 21, please call 884- 3160. c1w38 ROOM and BOARD Church. “’1; st§ll ll-ayg mange; EXY care availaâ€"ble, calnpany LAKEFRONT cottage. Georgian Bay. Toronto 85 miles, inside convenience. marina on beach. season, month or neck. 833-6373. EMPLOYMENT WANTED PART TIME C0 UNTER SALESMAN WITNESSES WANTED NURSERY SCHOOL WANTED COTTAGE TO RENT and c1w38 (-1\\'38 c1w38 c6w38 tfc25 '38l1961 Chev SELFâ€"CONTAINED apartment, 12 Richmond Street, Maple. 832- 2396. cl\\‘38 FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 884-1721. tfcls SOUTH ’ofiR’ifiamond Hill. 2 bedroom, $28 weekly, 1 child 635-5080 STORAGE space axvailhble, storâ€" age of any kind. 884-4110. ONE-bedroom furnished apart- ment, also two-bedroom unfurn- ished apartment. 889-1234. LARGE bed - sitting room. suit businessman, Yonge St. Thorn- hill, $15 weekly. 889-3698. FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Clark’s Drug store at Yonge. tfc24 LOVELY furnished apartment for one or two teachers or busi- ness adults. Parking. $90 monthly. Aurora. 727-5597. 1 and 2 bedroom apartmems, frig and stove. Rental includes heat, water and hydro. Well located near Yonge Street and Richmond Heights Shopping Plaza. Call 884-1066. c1w38 ROOM with kitchen. good for 2 people, separate entrance, $75 monthly, 237 Crosby. 884-5608. ncw37 for 0\\'r7173iye;1; 31d. Nbrth Téylo'r Mills. 884â€"7539. c1w37 ACCOUNTANT -â€" WORK FOR RENT? Accountant seeks selfâ€"contained 2â€"bed. or equivalent, economical. or willing to work for rental. Required immediately. Tele- phone 534â€"5650 Mr. Gruber. 1'8” ’832 2 bedroom house required, Thornhill area. Good tenants. 755-7048. c2w37‘ MINISTER and wife, no chil- dren. require 2 or 3 bedroom house, available anytime in June. 884-3843. c4w37 URGENT Respectable young man desires furnished housekeeping rooms or bachelor apartment. Thorn- hill area. 889-5798. c1w38 1965 Honda 590 Sport. red, 500 miles, lovingly cared for, $200. Also a young 1946 AJS 350. Phone Maple, 832-1506. c1w33 1959 Pontiac, automatic with radio, best offer, can be seen at Dan’s Esso, Bayview Ave. c1w38 We place special risks, terms arâ€" ranged. Call Mr. Tucker. 921- 2167 or 884-1010. tfc24 1961 Pontiac convertible, all power, excellent condition. Can be seen at Maple Motors. ’Phone 832-1381. c1w38 ’62 Morris Cooper. fully rebuilt 1961 Chev. 1/2 ton pick-up. 833- 6321 after 6 pm? *1w38 1960 DeSoto, 2 door, hardtop, in excellent shape. 884-5168. ' c1\\‘38 1959 Chev. $299, 1953 Mercury $275, 1953 Belair Chev. $199. 884-4110. *1w38 INTERNATIONAL t a n d e m dump, 42,000 gross weight. Cheap for quick sale. 773-4158. clw38 ’61 Pontiac Parisienne. hardtop, 283 Standard, radio. 67 plates. new trans.. clutch, brakes and more. Good body. $500. ’66 Suz- uki 150. 884-2705. Bill. "~=l\\'33 EXPERIENCED and reliable day care for preschoolers, large play area, hot lunches. 884-1884. c1\\'38 ’62 Morris Cooper, fully rebuilt engine and new parts. $350 cash 01' best offer. Ron. 832-1434. cl\\‘38 1960 Falcon 4 door. one owner, large engine. clean inside, some bodywork required. Ideal second car. Spare set of wheels and good tires. Private. $350 cash. 884-1661. c1w38 If you are looking for used trucks. parts, tires or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 Expert alterations and Restylinz 884-6869 TL'TOR required. for grade 8 subjects. Box 39. "The Liberal"- DESIGNING DRESSMAKING MODERN APARTMENTS DRESSMAKING ATTENTION TRUCKERS USED CARS AUTO INSURANCE DAY CARE TO RENT WANTED TO RENT DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670 TUITION c1w38 c4\\'38 c1w38 t£c37 c2w38 c1w38 tfc37 tfc37 Cleaned‘ repaired, replaced. 884-5660 after 6. *2w37 GENERAL CARPENTRY Recreation rooms and repairs. 884-2505. c4w35 MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS Transportation PLUMBING & HEATING Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884â€"1650. tfc24 R. E. Dunn. 884-2798 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework, Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tfc23 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Tl'enching. sewer 8; water linés. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 J. L. HOME IMPROVEMENTS Recreation rooms, garages, fencing, roofing, alterations and repairs. Metro licence. Phone 221-7311. c4w38 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and limestone Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J B. DeFerrari, Maple. 832-8876. tfc12 V......_r fl _ ‘ Chimneys built and repaired.lf;.;é; tools. chmâ€"{5: $445751 Free estimates. Expert work-i t manship. Phone Walker BHdiâ€"â€"â€"‘-"â€"'â€""â€""w Mitchell, 889-2526. tfcll} POETfi'iLE‘TYEWffl GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 GENERAL STONE WORK AND MASONRY Fireplaces. chimneys. patios, additions etc. Free designs and estimates. H. Schindler. 884- 7635. c2w37 CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations, garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 ANTENNA SERVICE TV towers, roof antennas, re- pairs, parts and installations. Math‘s TV 8; Radio Service 45 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884â€"7903. tfc37 CONCRETE: MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations 8; repairs, prompt service ALTERATIONS repairs, cus- tom building, residential and industrial. Registered 1949 No. 122739 Metro Lic. E. 76 Free estimates - advice. Phone even- ings. 832-1036 tfc32 WALKER 8: MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcll fifilE C‘UT’T’I‘fG Dead elms. poplars etc. Cut and r_enw\'ed. Reasonable rates. Ah'in Baker 839-2436. CARPENTER - BUILDER Recreation Rooms Kitchen Cabinets All renovations and additions. 'Stratten Const â€" 773-5474 tfc34 Plastering UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work Active Upholstery. 889-5345 Residence 241-1893 R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Renairs a Speciality Free Estimates Rec rooms. garages. custom kitchen. cabinet work. Bath rooms. porches stairs etc. Ex- pert \\'ork guaranteed. free esti- mates. GRAY BROS. CONSTRUCTION RICHMOND HILL 884-5670 30 Centre St. W. H’Anmsoxs CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions. additions, and repairs Kitchens 3 specialty. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 884-1245 CUSTOM BUILT IIOME'S ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS OFFICE REMODELLING 488-7521 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 PAINTING & PAPER HANGING EAVESTROL’GHING Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe SEPTIC TANKS PCMPED $25.00 CHIMNEYS STL’NDEN Richmond Hill - .3343 APRIL 1. SATURDAY â€" Pub- Thornhilldic auction of household furn- ishings from the estate of the Plastering.‘late R. T. Caldwell, at the resi- ality dence, Gorham St. E..Newmarâ€" es ket, consisting of refrigerator, 339.3135 stove, freezer, hiâ€"fi. television, tfc20 power mower, office desk, ,Y typewriter, filing cabinets, com- : bination desk, bedroom furn- LSTYLING iture, walnut upright secretary ure- LateSt bookcase, dressers, bureaus, ices. Guar- chairs, tables, Indian rugs, 7’x JpholsterY. 9' and 9’x21’, sewing cabinet, Boston rocker, arm chairs, 1893 vtsome needlepoint), dinner tfc17 dishes (Minton china, setting mEfifor 8}, oil paintings. kitchen -. utensfls, etc. The furniture 15 VS largely walnut, in good condi- iLLlVG {lion and antique. Portable TV ‘ ‘ on bl'aSS stand (new, Graetz 5‘ CUStom,Stereo. like new. in walnut. Ol'kA Bifth‘Applianc-es are good. Sale 1 S 910- bf" p,m. Executor, Grant Caldwell. - “'66 CSU- 99 Shanty Bay Rd. Barrie. Ont. Terms cash. Fred N. Smith. ‘RL'CTlox auctioneer. phone 895-6668. ILL Newmarket. ‘ i=2\\437 3 tfc43 tfc31 tfc13 111-34 tfc PAINTING Interior and exterior. 884-1311 KENNETH G. CROSBY DECORATING CONTRACTOR Excellent workmanship. reason- able prices. 384-2902. tfc38 HAILEYBURY BUILDING ENTERPRISES Repairs, Remodelling, Additions. Custom Built Homes. Free esti- mates. Phone 884â€"6196. tfc36 PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work. 24 In emergency calls, (work gum teed). t GERMAN RIDING SCHOOL MAGISCROFT is ready to start. Boxes and standing stalls available. We give instructions and train horses. For further information call Heide 884-2474. clw38 APRIL 1, SATURDAY â€" Aucâ€" tion sale of farm implements, about 12,000 bales of hay, quantity of grain, Case VAC tractor row crop, Case tractor model 200 with front end load- er, I.H.C. tractor, I.H.C. SF. 10 ft. combine two years old, like new. I.H.C. PTO manure spreader, also line of power im- plements. 400 gal. Dairy Kool milk tank in good condition. 4-35 1b. Surge Units, stable cleaner for 50 cows. At lot 8, Con. 3, Vaughan Township, property of W. J. Lawson, gVauglian Acres Limited. No re- serve, terms cash. sale 12.30 sharp. Alvin S. Farmer 8; EGordon Orr. Auctioneers, phone 887-5311. Owner and auction- eers not responsible in any ac- cidents occur on sale day, Fridges, stoves. air condition- ers, de-humidifiers. Reasonable rates. Gearings, 6309 Yonge Street, Willowdale. 223-2270. tfc32 Rug shampooers. floor mach; MARCH 28. TUESDAY â€"â€" Auc-itc tion Sale of farm machinerym] and equipment, some hay, an-fh‘ tiques. including picture frames,“ carpenter‘s tools, some mod-m em and some over 100 yearsll‘ old. There has not been a sale‘i on this farm in 90 years. The ; property of William Lewis, lot 34, con. 3, East Gwillimbury iT\vp., 3 miles north of Queens- ville. Farm sold. Fred NJ Smith, Auctioneer. c3w36; n-0-n-I - SALE REGISTERS APRIL 13. THURSDAY. Auc-' tion sale of farm stock 8.; imâ€" plements, household furniture. hay & grain. Cockshutt No. 30‘ Tractorlive P.T.O. George White threshing machine 28-46 with‘ all attachments, I.H.C. no 45’ baler, I.H.C. tractor mower. 3150} power and horsedrawn imple-‘I ments. Quantity of household; furniture, some antique articles.’ at lot 7 con. 4 Vaughan Town-g. ship, half mile east of highway 400 and quarter mile north of highway No. 'i. The property of Allan L. Smith. No reserve.‘ farm sold. terms cash. Owner and auctioneer not responsibleI 884-1105, 884-1106, 884-1983 ANY TIME FOKTXBL'E 'Tv RENTALS WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 TV RENTALS s? SERVICE )nee any accident on sale date. Sale R'ENTALL. 41 YONGE N WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL WALL WASHING 884-1311 TOOLS 8: EQUIPMENT BOARDING STABLES (Continued) Uvin S. )rdon O auctionee 'WANTED. Richmond Hill to Dupont and Spadina: working 1311.,hours 8.30 - 4.30. 884-1315 after Lfc38g6200 pm. c1w37 tfc38 c3\\'37 tfc43 tfc31 | râ€"â€" RICHILDACA Day Camp. Swim- Fon‘ming, fishing, canoeing, riding, son_1hiking, crafts. For photographic brochure phone 884-2844. tfc30 £n99> 3L1 Hill's ‘Peyton Place' These included the fact a father had been “carrying on" with his daughter in Richmond Hill, a brother with his sister, and that a parent had given his son a case of beer on his 16th birthday. The chief later acknowledged that he was an “outspoken” person at times and “that in being that way you risk making a mistake sometimes. But I have ifour children in this town and Chief Robbins said that this had occurred and that the state- ments were true. “In some cases," he said, “there is not enough evidence to prosecute but we still investi- gate the matter." The commission meeting got off to a somewhat agitated be- ginning as Chief Robbins at first hesitated to speak until he was informed whether it was an investigation or a hearing. “Is this a public inquiry." he said, “or do you just want the air cleared on this matter?" Chief Robbins said he was not trying to be evasive but didn’t want to put him- self in a difficult position by talking “if this is a hear- ing. If it is I would want the opportunity to bring witnesses.” He was criticiz- ed several times for appear- ing to fail to answer ques- tions fully. Mayor Broadhurst said the commission was just trying to establish some facts. I have too much at stake here to ever intentionally cast a slur on Richmond Hill. But if being honest is wrong,” he said. “well then I guess I’m wrong.” York Home TV â€" Appliances Credit Union background preferable, but not essential; knowledge of bookkeeping; ability to meet people; dedication to the Credit Union ideal; some evening and some day-time work; remuner- ation will grow with Credit Union; good prospects. Suit active retired person or married woman with grown-up family; preferably resident of Rich- mond Hill or immediate vicinity. Write with full particulars to: John Burton, Treasurer, Richmond Hill Community Credit Union Limited, Box 236, Richmond Hill, Ontario RICHMOND HILL COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED FOR OUR NEW SELECTION: Beatty Appliances, Black and Color Emerson and Motorola Televisions Manager Required Summer CAMPS See... PETER SMITH 290 BAYVIEW PLAZA MARLENE and JACK A'l‘ We also will stock Hardmn‘e PHONE 884-4165 (Part-time) by AURORA: Town council has given permission for Consoliâ€" dated Building Corporation to begin detailed preparations for its planned shopping mall in the north end of Aurora. Last year council approved the mall plan in principle and issued building permits to allow foot- ings to be poured. As yet no actual work on the footings has been done. but the company hopes to begin work on the 152,000-square-foot project this summer. A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of “The Liberal”, 63 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884- 1105. FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE 1200 sq. ft. Levendale Rd. John A. Griffin Const. 889-5469 or T. Murphy Real Estate 889-2951 884-5422 Richmond 3,900 sq. FACTORIES FOR RENT In Memoriam Verses and 5,900 sq. f t. Immediate Possession 487 -1591 Lawrence Construction Hill ft.

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