'6 CLASSIFIED AD CASH RATES. lst insertio charge $1.00. wording unchanged. .7c 'ERTISING RATES 11 .7c each word, minimum Second and subsequent insertions if per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE We per word; mill. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra ICARDS 0F THANKS. sertion IN ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per charge per insertion of 500 MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. in- $1.50 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the -week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 an enclose payment or telephone (1 you will receive an invoice. W ARTICLES FOR SALE GIRL’S 1%†bike, new ccï¬iition. 889-5885. clw41 3,000’ of mahogany casing at 4 cents per foot. 889-3821. clw41 BABY carriage in excellent con- dition, 884-2560. W c1w4l 31" GAS range, Viking, best offer, 884-5151. c1w41 ISABY carriage and bassinet Phone 884-4327. c1w41 31 REMINGTON. 12 gauge sllot- gun, Skeet barrel with compen- sator, 889-4039. c1w41 FRENCH style baby carriage, excellent condition. 884-6307. clw41 TENT. 9' x 13’ witll dining area, sewn-in floor throughout. 884- 1320. clw41 MAN’S Harris tweed sport jac- ket, size 38, $10. 884-5178. ch-il TRAIEER.1litch~and_car rack for Volkswagen. Phone 'after 6 pm. 884-7852. c1w41 I2Thouse trailer. CEO one sum- mer only, $590 for quick sale. 884-7096. *lw41 TRUCK tires 900 x 20, FE- stone, new. used. $65. 223-1879 after 6 pm. clw41 USED stove alld~frig, suit cot- tage, make offer. 884-2272. clw41 3 vinyl folding doors, 612’ x 3’, $10. 125’ of live rubber hose. $3. 884-8336. c1w4l 2 single beds, Davenport and swing set. $5 eacll. 884-3119. clw41 PHILIPS HI-FI rale and rec- ord player. full console. 3 bands FM and Stereo. 889-5541. _ c1w4I DOUBLE bed, cllrome IiitZIien set Witll buffet, end tables. chairs aild other household items. 884-2213. *1w41 CHESTERFIELD and chair, dill- ette suite 6 piece. TV and bed. Excellent condition. 884-1043. c1w41 CEMENT blocks, some new and some used, about 750. Reason- able, 85 Edgar Ave., Richvale. ‘ clw41 THREE piece bedroom suit-e, mattress in good condition, ideal for summer cottage. 884-3273. c1w41 WATE sienna? 7 electric timer. Good condition. $75 or best offer. 249-9870. clw4l RESâ€"HOD (IT-5:6 5â€"8 p o rt . L ow mileage. clean. aiid well caredCHES-Irâ€"Of drawers, electricl for. $275. or best offer. 884- 1018. __ c1w41 COLOUR RCTITFTVTMITR sell before Saturday. Inoving North, good buy. 884-4651 after 6. Ag» *1w41 WATER SOFTENERS Fully automatic water condi- tioners and humidifiers. For in- formation can 534.4015. “935114 h.p. motor, doors etc. 7275 x“. AUTOMATIC washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee ELECTRIC. portable tape re†one year. ken Clark 889-5226. “0rd†501“ 5‘33" brand “9Ԡ_ tfcl4 CRATES of all sizes, suitable for overseas shipping and domestic use. reasonable. Cen- tral Van and Storage. trc8 Doors, windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. Phone l automatic FOR SA LE complete, x 22‘ $250. 889-2731. clw41 LARGE boatllouse. Central Van and Storage. 884â€"1146. c1w41 MANURE, half-ton loads. Deliv- ered, $8 per load. 884-7888. c2w41 CONTINENTAL bed, head- ‘board, 36â€; good condition. $20. 1884-7944. clw41 BABY carriage. walker aild car seat, all ill good condition. $20. 884-6026. clw41 RABBIT cages ailTiï¬eâ€"Criii‘i feeders. Will sell best offer. Phone 223â€"1879 after 6 pill. ' clw41 COMPLETE three - bedroom household furniture for sale, whole or in part. 884-5019. 1 c1w41 HEAVY duty stove, double bed ‘and mattress, dresser, railgette. carriage, crib. 55 Chev standard .delivery. power R-boy 200, lawn .mower. 884-3125. *1w41 LARGE size tricycle, suitable :4-6 years. good condition. also Ewanted. set of balance wheels {for 2 wheeler. 884-6317 after 15 pm. c1w41 4 excellent 675 x 15 tires, almost new battery, 1955 Chev. motor 1111 good condition, Chev. Cusâ€" ‘tOlll, push button radio. Excel- Ilel‘lt condition. 773-5256. c1w41 JHOMEMADE camping trailer, HO car racing set, like new; new lEldon test track racing set; H0 I‘trains. 884-6160 evenings. clw41 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS- Sales and Service iDoors. windows, siding awn- ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558. tfc40 :NEW and used appliance parts, lwriilger rolls. wood blocks, bear- iillgs, belts, stove elements. etc. ‘Math‘s TV, 45 Industrial Road, 884-7903. tfc36 QUALITY Chesterfield suites at bargain prices also odd an- tique cllairs etc., Low prices. Aron’s Upholstery 8: Co. Maple Plaza. tfc34 USED bath tub $10; aluminum basement windows, 2’ x 4’, slid- lers. $3 each; oil heater $12; hand basin, porcelain $6. 889- 1285 after 6 pm. c1w41 AUTOMATIC Polaroid land camera with flash. $60. Kelvina- tor, frig. 8 cubic feet, $40. 2 aluminum storms and screens, ‘24†x 54†$5, each. 834-4364. c1w41 motor, good condition. White ,bathroom sink, pair beige and :turquoise drapes. Power lawn- "mO\ver, refrigerator. All reasonâ€" ‘able. 884-5679. c1w41 lDRESSER, chest Of drawerâ€"s, idouble bed with mattress, kit- cllen cabinet, cllesterfield, "kitchen table, carpenters bench, 19008. ncw41 $75. regular 8110. Combination radio and record player. needs repairs. make nice cabinet. $10. 884-1919. *111'41 ACCORDION iao"s.;ss’fiiein§. oratorâ€"freezer automatic defrost. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 13. 1967 HELP WANTED , HELP WANTED . SHAMPOO girIâ€"aIIâ€"d‘aTi‘i-ii , , 'ComiPUed’ _ HAIRDRESSER required. 727-. days. 884â€"6151. clw41 ‘ BUTTONVILLE Airport reâ€" 4930' A339"? CW“ quires lady to operate snack bar. ONE car cleanup man and one lot man for used cars. Phone 759-8496. clw-ll _ I mm“ time. must 839‘110‘3~ Mr' POI‘mSk" “2“41’ . RO'OM to rent. 384-54824. TO RENT tic-ll ROTOMTloAi-enL‘saslogcsf'Ti c1 \1 41 _anUHliSIIecl Fï¬NISHED’T-md rooms. 884-1721. A. MILLS 8; SON LTD. lfC19 â€" James D. Stewart 884-2201 PAINTING & PAPER 11013 be experienced. References. 887-‘BUTTONYILLVE AirpOi't Snack Egeonggï¬ 5151c: E‘éiilflbllg‘ 5‘01“ P E D "-53:13? r. ‘5411. tfc37 Bar. requires help capable of ‘ ‘ ' (“38 \‘flV-huuml ~195- 7 it . . , , “ . ,sllort order work. 759-8496. L_ _ . . v _ .1 .. PLUMBING 8; HEATING ifï¬isnï¬fiilinaifnéigeni‘fiis 01“4l;6*“°“‘.“°“5° a““ garage for Roger Prouix - Telephone - Batllurst. 222-4691: cl\\'4l MAINTENANCE MAN Li‘l‘ft'ciuiqjcmg‘fka 884-16-{gfl_ A 777711124 DRIVERS and helpers p311 Protestant children's home close If: . ;,.i.w:'__ . __ ‘ BAKER‘S BACKHOE - ti f movin firm Ca‘“ 384_ to Richmond Hill. 889-5421. lFURNISHED room In qtiiet EXCAVATING ‘11122’ or g ' clwn' clw411homc. suit lady. Meals optional. KGIRLâ€"‘to operate shirt Illac'lliilc. :Good hours. Apply 832â€"1326. RECEIVER for steel \i'ai‘ellOIFel Knowledge of steel an asset; iRUSSelsteel Ltd. 223-2220. Mr.‘ c 1 1141 884-5714. 1. Single bedroom. gentleman preferred. Richmond Hill. Phone 884-1428. c1w4l £__- _ __ _ _ . _lffjljBoyd. c1w41= EMECHANIC 0" servme .StanonlDENTAL assistant for local. attendant. Fully experienced. . . 'dentist. experience not necesâ€" iApply Shell Station. heele and will train. write Box 56 _ Isar, No. 7 Highway. \ c1w41 clw‘u 1"The Liberal". SUMMER employment for stu- BOOKKEEPER wanted for part time work. Jupiter Welding and Fabricating, 319 Eilford Road.l . . I 384'5331' ‘1“411ment call, 884-8171. ch411 JANITOR required for LocalmIDDmgedâ€"M‘ . housekeeper, Country Chlb' MUSt be “enablelwanted. 5 days weekly. from 12i Jan,d have “ferences‘ For ap‘ito 7 pill. Two meals and good‘ pOlIlllllel'll, C1\V41' cl“.4l _ .pay. r . . T. ‘11 am ess experienced wanted for Local 'GARDENER' in Country Club. Full or partâ€"tiinelflower beds and hedges. for prid- anfi mu“ be over 21- For 313' vate garden ill Willowdalc. Tor pointment call 884-8171. c1w4135tan immediatem 2233331 __.__ _ ., _ , GENERAL cafeteria help want-1 clw41 led, female, 4 pm - 12. No ex-l ldent with office experience at; local country club. For appoint-{CLEAN >ONE bedroom apartment. fur-l inisllcd. complete with trig and stove. 889-1234. tfc4l. I lZ-bedroom apartment. available lMay 1. Adults only. 884-6148» clw41 ‘ comfortable room for, one or two. near Yonge. private: entrance and bath. 884-6396. ‘ c11v41 lBED sitting rOOlil-"alldi kitchen, >partly furnished. private en-. ,trailce. Call after 5. 889-2992.‘ I SMALL apartment centrally I located in Maple. suitable for 1‘ U. _.or 2 persons must be abstainers. footings. 889â€"3604. ICARPENTRY. (rezoning ti‘Cz Excellent workmanship. reasonâ€" 32 and painting. Alterations. repairs and h. recreation rooms. 884-5009. tic-ll RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. ‘lor and exterior. paper-hanging. inter- Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. ETWT’PAYNE tfc31 Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 MASONR'I'TCONTRTIETOR’ chvniStoilework. Fireplace. etc. V. Hill. phone IOsteI‘gaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Richmond .5688. 884- tfc23 J. L. HOME IMPROVEMENTS MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOI'S PITUMBING - HEATING ' To order Want Ads 0 To receiic help in writing Want Ads 0 For information about Want Ads Phone 884-1105 ’7‘ “T‘D'A Y‘CARE ‘ USED‘CARS lCOlltllllled‘ , V - ----‘ - -__»- â€".- .. ..V,_,_. _, - . P-A-INT-l-VG~â€"â€"~- -- \»\\ >:anlAcd.ï¬884-7764.V clrw4l DAY care a\ ailablc. North Tay- lntcriol‘ and exterior. 88-1â€"1211]. 1961 Vau’ma†dell'xe‘ g°°d Minis'VEE'iwg' €11“ “1.58 9110Hllo£._8§9£B§-‘ wing} DAY care. Pcmberton Road alld GEXERAL'CARPEXTRY ’â€" .1961 GMC :1, to“ pick up‘ long Batllurst. 884-7179. after 5. Recreation room and I'L‘llilll“, “'lde FUNâ€"88443230 ('1“'41,'__ . __,~,. I ~._. __21“ 884-2505. reunioo-CART. homemade, 4â€"cyclc WILL gil'e day ("are 10 1 0" ‘3 Clw411‘lllfal‘lls. 6-12 months old. 889- â€"IIAILEYEURY.BL[LDINGA “lO‘OlN 540- 88931“- ENTERPRISES Repairs. Remodelling, .'\(l(lllltlll. Custom Built Homes. Free esii- 1'953Apm-d 5,8,101ï¬gvagon, $100 lfcllll Call 88-1-5670. mates. Phone 88-1â€"6196. KENNETH†CfCROSBY able prices. 884-2902. Ill-:18 WINDOWS CLEANED _ RESIDENTIAL WALL WASHING 884-1311 “PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work, 24 hours emergency calls. lwork guaran- teedl. ll'c38 European craftsmanship. large collection of fabrics and vinyls. lequipmeilt repaired and sharp-‘19s)? FARGO mowers eqllllJPed TON 1151131.? wanted; 884-7664. V 1958 Mercury. 4 door. \78, radiâ€"o, Trenclling. sewer & water lines. DECORATING CONTRACTOR 5299. 1953 BC] Ail. Chev. sedan. “v.38 condition. A ,'., Best offer. 889-2295. 1955 Do-dge. running order. Ncwl plates. I059 Simca Sedan. 15â€".000 Illiles.l ___ ._ L. _ .\-l RE-UPHOLSTERY and re-lnod- “DI-k 3150' 8893142 FREE ESTIMATES elling of all types of furniture. tfc31, IQGOTMOI'I'is‘MiIlor iil good Hill-:19. 884-2168. ‘llll'lg, order. 389-3321. 1960 Pontiac, 2 door. Good con-l 16602. £11141 COTTAGE TO RENT 1.- -__. ._ .. _ ,3 or 4-bedroom cottage Oil lake. :saie beach wanted for August 5- clw-ll Needs plates. $753LAKEFRONT cotiaE?Geâ€"or7iian AW >__V_A fili‘jllBay. Toronto 85 miles, iilside 1957 Ford \‘8. automatic, ill fairiconvenience. marina on beach. no licence platesseason. month or week. 833-6373. c1w41 c4“ 40 c1w41 clw4l‘ -5, 88-1-4110. "11141 855. Phone 832-2070. clw-IIl MUSIC J. v. LUCIC. A.R.C'.TL'1‘."A.R?CL CHIS bOinT.P.. Piano and theory. Music- - Clll'411ians’ Schools. 884-2310. tfc40 GLENN SAWYCH AccordiOn illechailically. il dition. One owner. Best offer.lMuSicianvs School, 384.231Q greasonablc prices. Peter‘s Upliol- {3119193846829 .1 0284.0: “C40 [Sta-ing, 884-2139, [fr-391965 Galaxie 500 hardtop, power *‘ï¬Ã©mfls â€"*'â€" ‘equlpped, In excellent condition.i . jLawn mowers alld garden ï¬lii'wishanglj' 6,1311; Transportation I .,_ ' . - ___.â€" _ .. Ian?“ bopgckgmiiDAY care available, fenced in iyard. Call 884-7598. clw41 cl\\'41|Râ€"IDEâ€"wailted from Crosby aHd with helper springs. 884â€"1320. 339-2973 “REGIONSâ€"1059 rordTr’aiiZiYonge 10 College and Y0“? by tfc39 lane. All parts for sale. After‘8 O'CIOCk- Returning 5 pill. 884- ' DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS i . , - 14 V - ' perlence necessal'y- 889'4264- lMust be over 25. experienced.{83:,(l):gE STREET 1 Recreation rooms. gal‘agES-lSESéS-O 31:3“11p 4 C) de _yw C1“'401Apply ill person. Crawford Oil-l . lfencing, roofing, alterations alldl Thompson Repair Service MAN WANTED ltarlo Salld&GI‘aV81Ltd-.1VIaDl€-l300 “L “N Ideal for lawyelxorlrepairs. Metro licence. Phone 105 Hwy 7 East I TWP or MARKHAM WATER! c3w41§msurance agent- Cfl“ Ml‘- Ru‘9-1221-7311. c-lwss1 ' -‘ WORKS DEPT- lEXPERIENCED stellographer.‘884‘1188’ . .. - (NMCXEL us for \‘Oiir saleWl.‘ jApply in person at The Engin- shorthand required. Government FURNISHED 1'00111- COOkillg fa‘ m]. [0p 501i and limestone‘ ieering Office. Buttonville. ioffice. State experience and give Clmmsv 16 home- ISt house 93“ Prompt delivery. Reasonable.- ‘ cl\\41.refcrences. Write, Box 47. "The 0f Clark‘s Drug 510â€? at Yonge- rates. .1. B. DeFerrari, Maple. YEtï¬d.nEiriï¬festâ€"gdâ€"i-ï¬Liberal». Chi-4p 7 V V _ “C24 832-8876. tfch TWO Weinlarailer pilpsn‘regi; 1career of men‘s wear, mercllan- FULL 8.- part time counter girls AVAILABLE for May 1- baChQ' cï¬IMNEYs M‘tel'ed- 339'5521- “W40 !dising. Apply ill person only tolrequired for evening work 111 'Elk's Men‘s Alld Boys’ Wear, drive-in theatre concession. Ap- Richmond Heigllts Celltre. ;ply Odeon Parkway Drive-1n clw41‘Theatre. Essna Park Drive. One north of Steeles East Off Experienced salesmen required‘W‘mdbme Avenue' “2“40 for office in Tllorllllll. Call Mr. REAL ESTATE career for men Keffer, 222-5481 or 889-3816. or women, free extensive train- HAROLD KEFFER REALTOR ing progranl, special assistance c1w41 to new starters, top commis- 'â€"'â€"-â€"“-â€".â€" sions aild draws. Call Tula FURNITURE packer and driver . _ _ combined. Good working condi- Realty lelwd' 222 2025‘ tions, steady employment, bene-t___â€"_____V._tf_(.32_a Lamb the Bloven IOI‘ evening Slllft. 889-4911. Also part-time help. 6 pm to 2 am and 11 pm to 7* c6w35 am. Uniforms supplied. Must. RICHMOND HEL Jaycees re- lwllere around Richmond Hill. 4. quire female help with foodiglsfgllgitrlgille 85:8,: . ' '. , . _i ‘ a o " concessmn for Centennial cam “my. new“: ,van. Between 10 am to 6 pm. 'May lst 2nd alld 3rd. Reply P.0. :LOCAL BOX365, Richmond Hill. c2w40 FICE 0F LARGE METROPOLI- PHYSIO - THERAPIST, also TAN NEWSPAPER REQUIRES DIETITIAN re uired for Ionu‘iloUNG MAN 13'†To WORK . .q . a IN NEWLY OPENED OFFICE. term care facility. Part time 01 . . . Must be neat ambitious and full time. Hours of duty fleXIble . ’ . for both positions, Richmond able to meet the pubhc' G°°d , . .. , .. rate Of pay, 3 weeks’ vacation _Hill area. WIIte Box 48, Tile and an employee benefits. “her?â€- C3“'4° . ' PHONE 884-4408 FEMALE STAFF , c1w41 Dishwasher- 2 short Ol‘del‘ CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT cooks 3 to 11 shift, uniforms . , 0F LARGE METROPOLITAN .supplled, wages according to ex- NEWSPAPER R E Q U I R E S Pel‘iwce- Must Suppl-V °“'n{SALEs REPRESENTATIVE. transportation. For further in- Must be neat. ambitious and formation phone 832â€"1555, Esso able able to meet people_ Good lsalal‘y “Th 3 weeks’ vacation, all Service Centre, 400 Highway. ilemployee benefits, regularly ifc38 {scheduled increases. Car proâ€" ‘ HOUSEKEEPING HELP ‘ Private hospital. Baywiew andil’lded- Age ZI-25- John Avenue. Thornhill area;- PHONE 334-4408 requires female cook 3-11.30 pm, i, cl\\'41 40 hour week, rotation of week- iWQMAN wanted for 51111-1 de- endS- A180 general 11919. Clean- lpartment to learn shirt pressing, ing and waitress duties. GOOdJaundering and packaging. Mr. renumeration, hospital benefits. Wimbs, Wimbridge Cleaners Call Mrs. LOdge 839-1125 be' Ltd. 9724 Yonge Street. tfc41 . ' | Seine: 9'4‘30 pm for appfxl‘gtl'iDRIVERS wanted, must have ' C iclean record for progressive taxi BANK TELLER ,conlpany. $100 per week guaran- We require a young girl. good‘teed against commission- Apply appearance and Pleasant per- 8344111 01‘ 250 Yonge SEN-‘3 ‘...w l ‘sonaliiy ill small banking office. NOI‘lh- RICllmOlld Hill- Experieilced preferred but will - ,train applicant with office experience. Apply ill person 'Canadiail Inlperial Bank of EMPLOYMENT Commerce. Maple. Oilt. For ap- ALUMINUM †______ Hoover upright vacuum. car pmmmem phone 832-2216 I. 3 . luggage rack. runs, drapes.‘ _N,,_ , __, m , _. 1.,“ b . - , 7 ; p 7“ C" ' ’ lamps. .llclillac dillller “are . TOWNSHIP Of Markham I‘c- E‘XPERIE‘ALLD E u r 0 p e a n ll'c36 folding tables. 889-5787. Cl\\'41 quires female for Water Billing AUTCMA’I‘I Cï¬wasllersf‘Sm cral models. excellent condition. re- conditioned, guaranteed. Rea- sonable 889-2209. c2w ' FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected. dry. mostly Maple. $16 a single cord. (4' x 8’ x 16"l delivered. Alvin Baker 889-2436. tfcl3 CONTENTS large home. beam \ful furniture, Stereo. TV. 9x12, 12x18 gold nylon rugs. drapes. French Provincial 9 piece din-‘ ,. ing roonl. tables. lamps. o ori- giiial oil paintings. portable sew- Ing machine. colonial deli. floral Ioose cushion Chesterfield. odd 7 'chairs. Must sell one 11 eek 889â€" 8644. 1'6“ 38 :CONTEN'I‘S. dining set 9 pieces cost $575. sell 3285. Spanish bedroom cost $675. sell S300. TV. Stereo. 9x12 rugs. dinette. Spanish den. bookcases. desk. modern bedroom cost $250. sell 8125 all items ill lovely condi- tion. Willowdale area_ 22.3-6019. Pro-season sale ends April lsi. interested in full-tinle summer c~N38 open weekdays 1 pm to 9 pnl.'employmellt, part time weekend ’ DRIVEWAY GRAvEL ,Sand, crushed stone aild liille- stone. Delivered in small quanti- 4Oities. Also lawn and garden fer-:Commencing salary $2,646 per‘ tilizer. Delivered and/or applied Top dressing and loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc40 GOLFERS & CURLERS Have a sweater made in Lady lGalt Citation yarn. Bulk without \weight. Machine washable, usually sold at 89c our price 79c . ank. Wyn-Dot Ladies‘ Wear Bayview Plaza 88-1-2214 «21141 CANADIAN MADE’ 7 ' TENT TRAILERS Ride - Llie â€"â€" Iroquois â€"- Hdip. lop. McKENZIE‘S Illeaied show RoomI Sales. Rentals. Supplies _ 235 No. 7 Highway East 300' West of Bayvien cleaning woman, references. 88-1-6653 after 4 p111. clw41 A capable man, flO‘OI‘S. walls, general cleaning. 884-4736. 111141 RELIABLE cleaning woman de- sires work 9 to 4, Bayview Steeles area. Call after 6, 884- 8924. c1w41 MAN with half-ton truck will do odd jobs of moving, cleanâ€" ing basements. etc. 884-7888. c2w41 looking :Departinent. Grade 12 educa- Ition, accounting machine ex- :perience and ledger card post-, |ing preferred. but not essential.- annum. Apply in person to: Municipal Offces. North of Highway 7 on Don Mills Road E. A. Barton, Treasurer. ‘ c1w41 ‘ ! MANAGEMENT TRAINEE {Immediate opening for ambiti-l ious. neat, alert young man, in- terested in management career YOUNG MEN. 16-19. ,‘\\'llll expanding international Can you help us. Call Salvation company. Salary position with Al'llll'. 889-7655. “€29 liberal benefits. 1m Olves public Y6L-NG_maIL' agedâ€"33“..ams "OmacL “39 21’23 Pl‘eliel'l‘ed- \iork Friday nights and Satur- Ca" “Nessaâ€- mllea‘r’e mm" da)5. Allulliilg (‘Oll>l(l€l'(‘d. 884- burseillent. Laurciltide t‘iilan- 6946 (_qu 70-19 _ o. _ phone ENPERILNL L1) sieilogiapllc‘I MW“ desires part-lime position, two days \Ieekly. in Richmond Ilill. 884â€"3915. (‘3'1140 COUNTRY CLUBS. energetic young man seeks summer em- ployment until return to hotel school this Fall. 9 years hotel restaurant experience lEurope. clal Corporation Limited. \"Onge $1.. Willoudale. 889-7561. iCOL‘NTRY Fair Drive 111 Res- taurant offers the following job opportunities for male and felli- lale students 18 yrs, or older “mas ‘gaggdagggggwday 1" aï¬cggfmï¬s “at†summeg vacation-lush- Canada). win. Box 55. ADD‘NG MACHINES - - We requn'e 10 fema e stu entsl.The Liberal.._ 02W“) 5 l to be employed as car hostesses,l 3 ‘35 service Rentals 6 male students to be employedl All p gamma? Dfalerl i I as counter men. Apply at the: ° “ 31‘ ma es 01' 539 3' Countrv Fair Drive-1n 300 Yonve . . l . " eluding new and rebmlt stand- Summer St. N, Richmond Hm .just x, of , portable and electric mod- ' Shop ' a - s- -‘1 ‘ . ping Centiel -at. Apil 10 Spec“! rental “3‘95 3‘31l‘ W‘Avggjprnfloilm between I pill and 3 pill. The . . to SIUdEI'lS- LAKEFRONI' slimmer cottage Country Fair still '11:.- a ten The Four Winds Nlll'SClW School L. H. SIMS named for 111011111 of Jnlx with openings 1'01 married '~O:11ell 795! longs Sti'eci. 1'1101'1111111. ‘1 Baker Ave. sandy lli‘flt’ll. \LIIIEIIJlE‘ for cil.l- ulsllillg full or p..." “.2110 c111â€" ‘1;o:;.ill:s and aileszmons and 13‘ Ill-Ill 884-1715 (Iron 1; llCdrnu-nc mrlnm illiimll- pfiuilleui Plea-'9 axilllj \Liiii'r- 221 (7:11 sa'mm ljiln\l‘luj',3' on , \ llc491ng rte-11rd 889-1608, (1 s 41 .da} 1 lo 3 [1111. Li ‘ 4‘. a1 a1 41119. BBQ-UIOI. 1111.1 6" for work. Anything considered; 1101‘ apartment. ill quiet building.l ‘Elderly person preferred. Ell-1 quire 884-4952, 62 Hunt Avenue. c1w41 l 9 WANTED TO RENT APARTMENT RICHMOND HILL floor. Ground couple (onlyl. References. Pleas iwrite Box 51, “The Liberal". ncw241 ihave transportation. For furtherl$150 monthlyâ€"IOTllouse â€"â€" any-‘ 15 or 6 roonls. 884-1919. 2 or 3 bedroom house. young I‘dren. Have references. Call 773-: 14337. Free estimates. Imanship. :hIitCllell. 889-2526. Expert Phone Walker lChimneys built alld repaired. SHETLAND she'ép Til-)8. 1‘8ng l2992. ‘19617 Bicyliilch'ChI-ysler scdan.| “-Ork-l'miniati.lre colliesl puppies £01" and tfc11112 in. beagle dogs, 5 weeks old,‘750- 3324153- GENERAL contracting, alteraâ€"lmale- 310- {6111310, $5-_P19«’15_€ 1961 Rambler Classic, new tires Phone after 0 0 CIOCk- 713-4373-3p1us extra. snow tires. good run-' tions and additions, homes, Of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- *â€" try of all descriptions. LeslGROOMING and trimming all, Webb 889-2546. CARPENTRY WORK' additions. blonds and blacks. 884-4726. Tile Contractor CIRCULATION OF-executive and family of 2 cllilâ€" _ . CUSTOM G. ROCCA Repairs 1375 onemedmom renovations. garages, recreation, apartment. by responsible adult moms- “19 “0913- N0 jOb POOIJILL GODDARD for e small. Free estimates. T. Price sional 889-3653. tfc28 General c1w4l RR. 1. Maple. Oilt. Phone 832- boarding. c2\\ 40 lroonl house, North Central, $80‘l‘epair, refinishing. restore an- to $85 monthly. 691-9609. clw41 PROFESSIONAL couple deSire 3666. HOUSE - RICHMOND HILL Wanted by reliable couple. Will1 “The Liberalâ€. quired by 2 adults. Availablei illlolltllly rent. 884-2402 after 6‘ ;pm. ___a_ cer with family of three would town he works for. 884-6379. ‘67. Best of references if rc- quircd. Will pay $125 per month. Box 58. “The Liberal". c1w4l AUSTRALIAN veterinarian. bachelor. just arrived. seeks ac- jalllmOdation. or share apart- ment. 889-4851. *lw41 .YOUNG couple requires one or two bedroom apartment. Rich- illolld Hill area. Call 832-8881. ‘ c‘Zu-ll WANTED 4-d1'awer filing cabinet. 889- 2807. lSQUARE dining room table, any condition. will re-finish. 832- 2648. ,USED white cast iron bathtub. in good condition. Phone 775-. nclw-ll, lIVOODEN kitchen set. table- j3600 after 6. a) .311d 4 chairs. record player, wheel girl‘s bike. 884-4532. clw41 WANTED to buy farm or gar- (lcn tractor III 311} condition. Phone Newillai‘kci 895-2638. Before 9 am 01' aflcs‘ 9 p111 clinilél HOUSEHOLD and miscellane- 0115 articles named for Thorn- llill Lion.- .\ucliml Sale. For pickup call Thorulllll Paint Sup- plies. 889-1169. (-411.33 RIDING STABLES GERMAN RIDING SCHOOL ‘ ‘ MAGISCROFT Horses boarded. We give ill-l ‘structions to beginners and ad- vanced riders. Call 884-6975. | c4w39 i LIVESTOCK FOR S-\LIL WELSH .12.. (‘7.1Ilfl 1 ~14... iol‘. :zandlorl h; cilild'en.‘TZT-Vl’l‘i 15.; , tâ€. like house to buy or rent in the clw-tl‘ ELDERLY couple wish to renti ‘ h . 2 bedroom apt. ill private homeicut and removed. Reasonable‘spemal talent you'd like t or small aPt- blds- by July lstrates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. ltiques. Rudolf Tobien. 889-1922. tfc39 ANTENNA SERVICE house or maisonette to rent as TV towers. roof antennas. soon as possible. Call Hudson 9-,pairs. re- parts and installations. clw‘lllMath’s TV a.- Radio Service. 45 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. keep in good order. ReferencesALTERATIONS ‘sale. 895-8281. *2w41 profes- Poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge Street, 'l‘hornhill. 889â€" 3606. tfc35 DON MILLS Country Club for .pets. Professional clipping. trainzilg. Puppies. Pick-up and delivery. Gordon ,Garrett. 297-2597. tfc28 â€"woo])wo‘1'{K1NGH POODLES. liliniaturefi‘crgister- Clll4ljl§itchen cabinets. counter tops. RELIABLE couple wish 2 bedeanitics, rec. rooms, furniture ed. 8 weeks. black or white, Rotllara line. first trim free. .3100 value. clearing at 875. 88-1- l7716. c2w40 ROOM and BOARD EROOM available with board. lparking. 889-3270. c1w41 . l . 01‘141‘Iliilg order. tfc3lbl‘eeds. Regd. Cocker puppiesdloes Oldsmobile Dynamatic 88 c4lf‘3910ne owner. private. 727-6013. 1 I l .Plaza. 633-6605 after 6 pm. ;, clw41 pill or weekends. Call 889-1650- cl\\'4l DEAD STOCK 839' WANTED all kinds of deadâ€"an- can be seen at Joe's Supertcst.‘, Bayvicwâ€"hlarkllain Road. __-' Chm} inlals. For fast service call 834- 1965 13-[011 pickup. custom cab, 2538 or Zenith 3-2800. Licence chrome grille aild bumpers, No. 204-62. tfc3l radio. excellent condition, $1.-1 c1w4l $350. 38+3109. ‘TOURS, cruises, rail aridâ€"Tbu's um.“ tickets. reservations and Ind1v1d- ual travel, call A. H. Creighton , I Travel Agency. 889-7096. clw4l 10.000 miles. Fully equipped. clw41 Eï¬blï¬ier. askingâ€"sodofunlli trade for ton pick-up ill good condition. 727-6923. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY < . . , K [’1‘ pays to grow cucumbers un- Aumla' -1 My.-. {13:1 der contract. ,For Matthews- SPRING SPECIAL wens Co_ Ltd, A guaranteed 1960 FOI‘d COHVel‘tlble- 35’†C‘ll- market is available to you. Conâ€" glue UC- NO- 9703L. Call be tracts are being taken now for seen atz~Maple Motor and Mar- 1967, For furtller information, ille BP Station. 44 Maple Sideâ€" 11 File or phone Frank Watts, road West. ilcw41'7059 Yonge St, Willowdale. 889- tl‘c28 SITTING CHILD wanted to sleep over from Monday to Friday, Rich- vale area. 889-6515. c1w41 1W 1., 1962 Pontiac. maroon. auton'la-p’w4 tic transmission, new paint job, bumpers and tires. fully equip-i ped. Can be seen at Bayview‘ *1w41 PRIVATE 1966 Galaxie 500, 2 door hardtop, automatic and power steering. all accessories 8843903. tfc37lAVAILABLE now for gentle-linciuded. Dark blue, A-1 con- , .s. \ fillan, abstainer in Elgiil Millsdition. 884-6635. anytime. lDRESSMAKING and don; "Coalrb- cus'le. aild Newkii‘k area. quiet c1w41‘1cmthes 884_2369 01w,“ â€"--- -â€"--â€" -~-â€"1_7‘_;-_h;- __ ,__. . furnished. Please write Box 59.ltonl building. residential andihoma 8846550. nCZW‘ll industrial. Registered 1949 No. SMALL house or apartment rte-[122739 Mam LIC- E- 76 Fl'ee‘ estimates - advice. Phone even- end of May, $115 maximumjings- 8324036 CONCRETEfMA c2w4l CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS RICHMOND HILL police offi- Building. alterations & repairs. WALKER & prompt service 889â€"2526 TREE CUTTING MITCHELL tt'cll Dead elins. poplars etc. clw-Il stainer, Richmond Hill or *111'41 THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE JOB! Why? Because he reads about it ill the Want Ads. If you’re looking for a job there's no ‘better place to look than in the iClassified section Of jLIBERALâ€. Anti if you have a lem. If so AA can help. Write, o tell‘Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call‘ about EM.6-8684. tfcl3 just call 884-1105 and place your prospective employers HARRISONS CL'STOM .°“" ad' CARPENTRY ___â€"___ Custom built homes. i'ellova-. tions, additions. and repairs & Kitchens a specially. Morris Harrison. 884â€"2838. tfc-lS __.,i.. L- -c - V V . â€"â€"~â€"*" ~ 7 . RENTALL, 41 YONG-E N. Plastering . Thommn Rug sllalllpoocrs. floor mach R‘ (LARK incs. tools. clluii‘s. 88-1-6761. Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality 488-7521 Free Estimates I'PI-IOLSTERI' 889- 3185 tic-:10 “W41 RLcm‘ERING - RESTYLING 10f all types of furniture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar- clw41 :ailteed work. Active Upholster 1 889-5345 Residence 241-1893 tic-17‘ CUSTOM BL’ILT IIOME'S , Y- tic-31 PORTABLE TV RENTALS \VEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND IIILL '1‘\' 884-7456 tic-l3 TV RENTALS 8; SERVICE Fridges, Stoves. air .‘ers, de-humidifiers. Reasonable Gearings. 6309 Yonge ; rates. ‘Street, \Villowdale. 223-2270. tfc32 ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS V OFHCE REMODELLING LAWN cutting and garden main- Rec rooms. garages. custom tenants 839.1909, c3114] kitchen. cabinet work. Bath " ’i’ï¬Tnéï¬â€™NmLLfl ' ’" rooms. porches stairs etc. Ev- V i _ D ' . .Wk DCI'I "work guaranteed, free esli- 3.â€) ldll(>Cdplll,. Oi smile w )1 . .mm. 10p soil 01‘ rocker} stone h} .‘ H. . . . . the load Free estimates. .0"“ 8m“ ‘ “\“R†“0" l'ii’li'inltk 1589-6338. 1441-40 RICHMOND 1111.1. 88-1-5670 30 Centre St. W. VSEPTIC’TINKS PL‘MPED $25.00 lit-34 8311- Scuei's cleaned without digginz or tearing up pipe ('. .Vl‘l'Nlll-N 131.3 Richmond Hill 11 or MIKE'S Laildsrapiilg and Gal- dening Service Planting palm. ualknais illailicnallcc 1ndu~- --.s*_ mail, residential. Free csllillatcs, 833-1105. c3u-ll lBOATS - MOTORS i16' fibreglass convertible top. 35 hp. Westbend Chrysler au- tomatic start. Like new and 1trailer. 727-6013. clw4l Summer R11 ViillfDiiLfAHDH} t'a 1=p \ '1 :,- '1‘1:._ '~ 51.; .iilocw; (1111: r ix. 1‘ (".l,'- l'ii _ 131,11' i_,..iil.r‘ n.1,? 2433 11114. 1, E. 9-. 11-pin condition-l WANTED by gentleman. ab-jlf you are looking [0,. used _ V ‘ e“',trucks. parts, tires or accessor-i tfc32 Fr.‘:l“3' 3239632?“ “mud†‘ies. see the truck wrecker first.l _._.7â€"â€". 1‘1 3 '. (- ‘ . SONRY ’ l ATTENTION TRUCKERS SEWING lessons, 51 per hour. 1884-4670. c111'4l CUSTOM SIGNS Moore Truck Parts 8; Sales. Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- ing. 895-4666. tfc34 STORES - PLAZAS FACTORIES "The‘Do you have a drinking prob-i Elgee Products LIMITED 382 Enford Road, Richmond Hill, Ontario 884-8139 tfc17 CONSULTâ€"THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS FOR BIG BARGAINS Wanted! PARTS COUNTER MAN for ('ANADIAN TIRE STORE I I Must be public oriented. aggressn'e. willing to Work. L'sual company benefits. Part time con- sidcrcd. Experience an asset. Apply .llr. Amodeo. Parts Manager ACCOUNTING - BOOKKEEPING ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Geared to the needs of small and medium sized businesses PROMPT SERVII‘E _ REASONABLE RATES 884-4881 D R A FT S M A N WHY COMMUTE T0 TORONTO? A permanent position with good Opportun- ities for advancement exists at our modern plant in Markham for an intermediate or senior drafts- man. Experience on electrO-mechanical equip- ment such as, low voltage switchboards, busways, or other electrical distribution assemblies, would be an asset. PleaSe apply in person or telephone filliployee Relations Manager. 297-2100 Amalgamalcd Electric ('Oi‘poralion Ltd. I‘lllllflt‘lx “ll 0. .\lal'l~.l2;iili j