Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Apr 1967, p. 9

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The next activity of this 561* vice club will be the giant fire- works display on Victoria Day Plans are already underway for this annual display. A hit-and-run accident last week on Highway 48 has re- sulted in a Stoufi'ville woman being charged with three in- fractions under the Highway Traffic Act. According to OPP. Oak Ridg- es the accident occurred just after a car driven by Beverly 'Linda Woolhead, 19, of 150 Main Street. Stouffville, had entered a curve in the road in the southbound lane. The Lions are now meeting in the Richvale Community Hall, Spruce Avenue. which they have repaired and refurb- ished. It was announced that the hall is now ready for rentals. with John Bailey at 889-3820 and Fred Iris at 889-2091. Coxworthy, Lion Tamer Al I Blow, Directors (one year) John Bailey. Bill Jordan, (two years) Bill Roots, Fred Iris. New members inducted into the club were: Stan Judd, John Kupchanko, Ed Malbon. Monday evening Richvale Lions Club elected the follow- ing officers for the coming sea- son: President Cliff Nunn, lst Vice-President, Ken Hough, 2nd Vice-President Wally French, 3rd Vice-President Clare Green- field, Secretary George Bowden. Treasurer Al O'Brien, Tail Twisters John Farrow and Brent The car. driven by Eugene which also has plants in Scar- Donald Weaver, 21. of Cobo- boro, Burlington. London and conk. Ontario, was eastbound on the Provinces of Quebec and the highway when the truck, Newfoundland. driven by Wesley Simon Baker, _â€"*â€"â€" 55, of RR 3_ Newmarket, col. KING CITY: A well known resi- lided with it while attempting'dent 0f the township and author to make a left turn onto the of books for adolescents. Fred highway from Mount Albert‘Swayze of Concession 3, died Road. lsuddenb' \April 7. He is sur- - vived by his wife. the former Beulah Garland. and children - lNansi (Mrs. L. B. Glick, Madi- RefurbIShEd NOW son. Wisconcin), Jonathon of lOttawa, Joanna (Mrs. Knowles n__ A! n:_L_._|A | :‘__.of Toronto) and Kenneth. A northbound car swerved into the same lane, sideswiping the Woolhead vehicle and kept on going. The car, 'however, was later located on a service station lot in Stouffville. Marian Gray, RR 2, Stouff- ville, has been charged with careless driving, failing to re- main and failing to share half the road. Three people suffered lacera- tions in a car-truck collision at the intersection of Highway 48 and Mount Albert Slderoad April 16. Mrs. Wilford gave an impres- sive talk entitled “Pray, Pay and Participate" which was fol- lowed by a question period. Den Of Richvale Lions Citizenship and education were the theme of the April 11 meeting of the WI held at the home of Mrs. N. Bell with Mrs. R. G. Britnell as convener. Roll call was answered by naming a means of self education. The best angle to approach any an- gle is to try. was the answer given by Mrs. C. Wilford. Dance numbers were per- formed by the Murray Athol ancers. a Scottish group un- der the direction of Evelyn Murray and by the Slovak Zemplin Dancers. directed ‘by John Nov'ak. ‘ These groups are part of the National Folk Art Council. Reeve Rumble presented Mrs. John McCague. treasurer of the park boards with a cheque for $1.105. a grant from the Pro- vincial Department of Agri~ culture. Vocal selections by George Littlechild of the Irish Choral Society of Toronto were also much enjoyed. WI MC for the evening was Lion Lawson Mumberson, past dep- uty district governor who in- troduced the head table guests Mrs. L. Hart. president of the WI (whose group catered the dinner without profit); York County Warden Floyd Perkins and Mrs. Perkins. Markham Township Reeve Stewart Rum- ble and Mrs. Rumble. Lion Pres- ident Fraser Gee and Mrs. Gee. Deputy District Governor Alf Hill and Mrs. Hill, Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Binnington. Mr. Perrin and Mrs. Mumberson. Guest speaker was J. G. Per- UF- A- rin of the Centennial Commis- welcom‘ sion who gave an informative The talk on the work done in the UCW “ past year and the many features M’s- S that will be part of Centennial 13“ “'9‘ celebrations throughout the “’35 tall country. Mr. Perrin was intro- Mrs' J0 duced by Lion Anthony Roman. the bus mu.‘ Centennial Dinner An election of officers will SW1 The Centennial project of be held, names to be announced.the Victoria Square District Lions later. Hostesses were Mrs. C.| Club was moved a step closer Walker, Miss Mary Muirhead ex“ to realization Thursday evening and Mrs. V. Weedon. She of last week when 200 people Church News attended a Centennial dinner Rev. Martin Jenkinson B held in the community hall. BD. has accepted a call to be Proceeds from the dinner. plus come minister of the Victoria 9°” donations from the Lions Club Square-Headford Charge 35 0f 21:; will retire the debt on the com- July 1. wer munity hall. the Lions project Sunday, April 23 at 11.30 am 5 for the year. the servnce will _be conducted by F2: SOIT A. this Lâ€" ‘ VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE ER. 2, Gormley â€" Telephone 887-5421 OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT REPORT CI? is a subsidiary of Cana- dian International Paper Co., which also has plants in Scar- boro, Burlington. London and the Provinces of Quebec and Newfoundland. j‘New Container Plant §For Markham Village AURORA: Town council will advertise for a new clerk and deputy clerk in the wake of a new policy of splitting the clerk-treasurer's duties into two senior positions. Clerk-Treas- urer Bill Johnson will become the new treasurer. Deputy- Clerk Doug Gosbee leaves this month to join King Township’s staff. CHAIN SAWS LAWN MOWERS SALES - SERVICE RENTALS Any girl 16 years of age or under as of July 15. who is interested in baseball. please come to the Victoria Square Cummunity Centre Park for practice on April 23, at 1.30 pm. If tra sportation is needed call 884- 065. Construction of Markham Vil- lage‘s largest plant, a $800,000 building for CIP Containers Ltd., will get underway next September. The building, a fully-integrat- ed corrugated container plant, will be situated on 15 acres of land on the north side of Bul- lock Drive, and will employ 200 people when it reaches full production. Master Jim Kerswill of Rich- mond Hill spent last weekend with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Nelson and Shirley. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tatton have returned home after spending two weeks with Frank Tahton and family in Winnipeg while Mrs. F. Tatton was in hos- pital. Birthday greetings to Cecil Nichols for April 20: to Kris Mikkelsen. four years old on the same date; Clarence Steck- ley, Freddie Walker and Trean- or Canning who all celebrate April 22 and to Garnet Francy and Mrs. H. Barber whose big day is April 23. A speedy recovery is wished for Sherry and Shelly Brum- well. twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Denton Brumwell who underwent tonsilectomies last week at York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill. Besides the two drivers. Douglas Shanon. 38, of RR 2, Markham, a passenger in the car. also received slight injur- mes. Mr. Baker was charged with making an improper turn wivh- in an intersection. A meeting has been an- nounced for April 24 at 8 pm in the community hall for all who are interested in playing base- ball for the coming season. Neighborhood Notes The student minister at the Victoria Square charge. Graham Scott and Mrs. Scott are plan- ning to be at home to their friends from the present Vic- toria Square charge on April 30 from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 pm. Their home is at Apart~ ment 2411. 65 Broadway Av- enue. Toronto 12. Baseball 41 Yonge St. N. - 884-6761 Richmond Hill Res. 884-4013 The April meeting of the UCW was held at the home of Mrs. S. DeFoe Wednesday of last week. The worship service was taken by Mrs. DeFoe and Mrs. Joyce and was followed by the business and afternoon tea. RENTALI. Rev. Martin Jenkinson BA. BD. has accepted a call to be- come minister of the Victoria Square-Headford Charge as of July 1. Sunday, April 23 at 11.30 am the service will be conducted by Dr. A. F. Binning’con. All are welcome. Banns were read this week at church for William Thomas Mills and Sandra Tooley, who will be married at the church on April 29, at 2 pm. Graham Scott, who has serv- ed as student on the Victoria Square Charge for the past two years will be graduating this June and will receive a new appointment. On April 30, Mr. and Mrs. Scott have invited friends from the present charge to attend an open .house at their home. YCHA Benefit Nets $150 Mrs. A. Robinson convened the event; Mrs. A. W. Miller and Mrs. Reg Allen were in charge of the gift sale. and bake table delicacies were sold by Mrs. John Brown. Mrs. Norman Reid, On Friday evening of last week when the Buttonville Branch of the YCHA held a benefit euchre and sale of gifts and baking at Buttonville Hall, net receipts were $150. This weekend the Unionville Skating Carnival will be held on Friday. Saturday and Sunday and mothers are in a mad whirl putting costumes together and driving shuttle service to and from practices. Among the local skaters are Kathy and Lorna Cox. daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Cox. UCW members of Brown's Corners Church catered by spe- cial request last Friday evening when the Scarboro Senior Bowl- ing Club ‘held their annual ban- quet at the Toronto Firefight- ers’ Club on Esna Park Drive. Last year, bowling club mem- bers were so pleased with their roast beef dinner served by the ladies that they asked for a repeat performance. There were 31 tables of play- ers for the euchre game, and winners were Mrs. Laura Hodg- son, Mrs. Beverley Carson, Mrs. N. Rogers, Mrs. Inez Botham; William Swain, Joe Robinson, Alvin Klinck and A. Wood. Lucky Draw prizes went to Mrs. E. Hardwick and Mrs. Reg. A1- len, Mrs. A. Patton and Mrs. George Tooley. Freezeout winners were Mrs. Beverley Carson, Mrs. Judy Wales. Mr. E. Best and Mrs. H. Leusby. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Miller entertained their Mingay grand- children last weekend. Paul Jr., Andrew, Martha and Philip, whose parents are presently in Europe. BD. to the Victoria Square Charge (including Headiord). Mr. Jenkinson has been the minister of the King City charge for 22 years, and is well known in this area. Presbytery comâ€" mittee has also approved the purchase of a manse for Brown's Corners. The Charles Hoopers return- ed home Friday from a Mediter- ranean cruise which took them to many interesting places. Mrs. Jean Cook spent last weekend at Owen Sound with her family. Sunday was the quarterly communion service and recep- tion of Brown‘s Corners Church. and Mr. and Mrs. Terry Besley were received on transfer from St. Matthew‘s. Richmond Hill East. Mr. Besley is Mrs. Harv- ey Brown‘s brother. On April 30 there will be a baptismal service and Dr. Bin- nington would like to hear from interested parents. York Presbytery Executive Committee has approved the call of Rev. Christopher Dugan, BA, BD. to Brown‘s Corners Church, and Rev. Martin Jenkinson. BA, On Sunday the first warm sunny day brought the season's first stream of heavy traffic ~â€" complete with motorcycles, and swish new boats being toted to the lake. With the Don Valley Parkway extension soon to be opened to Sheppard Avenue we should see some monumental traffic jams this year. Neighborhood Notes To Vancouver via Banff and beautiful Lake Louise by luxurious Trailways lavatory-equipped coach. Departing May 26. Overnight stops at first class hotels with 5 relaxing carefree days in Vancouver. Aurora Separate Schools Teachers Required Button Ville Enjoy A 20-Day Western Adventure CONTACT MRS. CHAMBERS THORNHILL SENIOR CITIZENS Basic Range â€"- Level 1 â€"- $4,500 Credit to maximum for past experience Bela-ted anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Doner, who celebrated their 59th wed- ding anniversary Saturday. We wish a speedy recovery to Lloyd Doner, who is convales- cent after a case of mumps. Mrs. Bruce Steckley returned home Wednesday after spending some time in York Central Hos- pital. Reception A community presentation was held in honor of Gloria and David Sykes Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rus- sell Heise. Mr. and Mrs. Sykes returned to Pittsfield, where they have taken up residence. Sunday. Neighborhood Notes Mrs. E. Milsted and Charleen are spending a few weeks with her brother, Eldon Gooding and Mrs. Gooding in Richmond Hill. Mrs. Milsted is recuperating from a broken knee cartilege. Eighty guests attended the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. David Sykes at Morgan Hall. Markham Saturday even- ing. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tatton. Out-of-town guests came from Owen Sound, Toronto and Pitts- field, Massachusetts. There is a busy time ahead for this community: On April 2]. the 40th anniversary party of Buttonville W1 will take the form of a luncheon and program at the hall. 1 pm for 150 guests. On April 24, the whole commun- ity is invited to a Centennial program sponsored by the WI at the "hall, 8 pm. Bill Suther- land will give an illustrated address on the evolution of machinery over the century; refreshments will be served. Come and meet your neighbors. On May 7, and Sunday evening May 14 Brown‘s Corners Church will celebrate its 125th anni- versary with special programs. Calling All Girls - For Baseball With The Sick Girls 16 years and under in- terested in playing baseball are invited to be on hand at the On April 28 the Markham UCW Bowlers will sponsor a game, Mrs. HarVey Cox was hostess and invite anyone interested. April 5. when Brown‘s Corners Tw0 weeks ago. when WI UCW met at her home. Con- sponsored a game for the can- venors were Miss M. Rodick, cer society net receipts were Miss Rhea Scott and Mrs. A. F. just over $76. Binnington. Tw0 weeks ago. when WI sponsored a game for the can- cer society net receipts were just over $76. Coming Events Mrs. George Kelly, Mrs. S. Victoria Square Community“ Scarlet, and others. Park for practice on April 23‘ Another Euchre at 1.30 pm. For information or The WI euchre series ended transportation please call Mrs. with March, but still the players {Arnold Mortson. 884-3065. play on at Buttonville Hall. 'Mrs. Harvey Cox Entertain; Community Happenings 485-6447 CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED GORMLEY NEWS Telephone 887-5445 Thirty - five young people responded to the challenging ad- dress delivered by Miss Annie Yeo of Nigeria. Miss Yeo is recuperating from a broken ankle and remained seated while speaking. This did not hinder her from giving the message in her usual forceful manner. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cassel and Blanche of Preston had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Henderson. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Heise 'of Scarboro spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillin- ger and family. Among former attendants of the United Missionary Church who were present Sunday morn- ing were: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Millen of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sider and Miss Buela Heise of Stouffville and Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Jones of Willowdale. Miss Shirley Bitner of Delhi, India. visited with friends in this area last week. Miss Bitner is sharing in the missionary con- vention at the People’s Church. Church News Mrs. Henry Pieterse conduct- ed the meeting with Mrs. Har- old Steffler. secretary. Miss Mary Rodick was in charge of the Easter devotional service‘ and Mrs. G. Burton of Headford was guest soloist. playing her own guitar accompaniment. A panel discussion on “The Challenge of New Ideas" was introduced by Mrs. A. F. Bin- nington, with panelists Mrs. Pieterse, Mrs. Steffler. Mrs. W. W. Miller and Mrs. William Rodick. During business several events were listed at .which members will cater: April 29, a wedding at the church; May 8, CGIT banquet; May 20, a wedding re- ception, and June 5-9 luncheons at the church for the Maple Leaf School, which will be held at Leitchcroft Farms. Mrs. Norman Johnston and Christopher left Monday night by train for a month‘s vacation in the Canadian West. Please Contact: Larry Todman, Aurora 727â€"5782 Toronto 222-7485 Cathy, Keith and Richard Burton entertained at a joint birthday party April 15. At Sunday morning service Graham Scott spoke briefly. quoting from an authoritive source that suicide, homicide and accidental death is only part of the toll taken by the drug LSD. for death is only one aspect. Mental disturbances re- sult, often needing years of psychiatric treatment, causing depression, fear leaving the vic- tim in an unreal world alien- ated from society. ment with this drug is like play- ing Russian roulette with one’s identity and potential.“ .. . I To experi- Square practice If tr: call 884- i I‘Durin Made Mrs. Keswick staff 01 Richmor Alt last with Mr. Browning we can sing. “The year’s at the Spring” and Saturday's warmth sent the children of the com- munity out with sleeping bags and cook-out breakfast, but they managed to turn up for church and Sunday school. An inter faith gathering of more than 1000 women met in Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Rackham and Jay were guests in the Calder-Guild home en route from Egypt to their home in Saskatchewan. Mr. Rackham has terminated his service with UFO and plans to continue his work in Canada. Rev. J. B. Spenceley. Dunâ€" das. was a guest in the home of Mrs. W. Wellman during the week of the ninth. Mr. Stan. Kiffer, North Bay visited with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Leek during the week. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BUY DIRECT FROM THE PRODUCER TO THE CONSUMER All IN CELEBRATION OF OUR . .. \1/ 41M CHICKENS Ib- 25¢ (FRIDAY ONLY) Loin Ends of PORK Sunnybrook Markeis GRADE 'A' FRYING SLICED COOKED HAM MARGARINE 3m89¢ 5580 YONG! STREET CORRESPONDENT: MRS. LOREN GUILD RR. 2, Gormley Thone 884-3040 HOMO MILK AT FINCH â€" WILlOWDAlE offer the following ‘eath shuking' ANNIVERSARY SPECIALS 5580 Yonge Street at Finch Only 21/2 lbs. Average HEADFORD NEWS 3 Qt. Jug 59¢ Plus Deposit TULIP ‘During March VON March was a busy month for VON nurses, it was reported at the April 5 monthly board meeting held in the municipal offices with 12 members in at- tendance. The nurses made 304 calls as compared to 167 in March 1966. If transportation is needed call 884â€"3065. Mrs. Margaret Blackwood of Keswick has been added to the staff of full time nurses of Richmond‘ Hill Victorian Order of Nurses. Of these calls. 86 were in Richmond Hill, 47 in Markham, 65 in Vaughan Township and 106 in the new extended area. Any girl 16 years and under as of July 15 interested in baseball please come to Victoria Square Community Park for practice on April 23, 1.30 pm. Mrs. W. Shillinglaw, Mt. Al- bert and Mrs. L. Guild repre- sented York Presbyterial, Un- ited Church. Total 304 Calls THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill; Ontario, Thursday, April 20. 1967 SUNNYBROOK SMOKED PICNIC HAMS 24 oz. Loaf HAMBURGER & WIENER BUNS WHITE BREAD W 10¢ (THURSDAY ONLY) CANADA’S FINEST RED & BLUE BRAND BEEF SUNNYBROOK'S 25¢ pkg. MEAT and CHICKEN 0 LUNCHEON LOAF MACARONI and CHEESE 0 SALAD LOAF PICKLE and PIMENTO 0 DUTCH LOAF ROAST PORK & DRESSING 0 BOLOGNA HEAD CHEESE 0 DELICATESSEN LOAF ARLIC BOLOGNA 4 6 oz. pkgs. or 29¢ each RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Yonge & Levendale - Richmond Hill ALL YOU HAVE TO DO IS CASH YOUR FAMILY ALLOWANCE CHEQUE AT ANY MEMBER STORE AND FILL IN A COUPON FOR LUCKY DRAW. MAPLE LEAF & SCHNEIDERS COOKED MEATS T-BONE, SIRLOIN PORTERHOUSE WING, ROUND, RIB FLAG POLES INTEGRATED STRUCTURES AND ENGINEERING LTD. Also “Do-It-Yourself” Hardware Kits STEEL OR ALUMINUM SUPPLIED AND INSTALLED BOLTON â€" 857-1863 CHICKEN LEGS & BREASTS Sunnybrook White Sliced (SATURDAY ONLY) SIDE BACON SORRY NO PHONE CALLS m53¢ BREAD N0. 1 SLICED Full 24 oz. Loaf $.69"

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