The program consisted of a film Point Zero Eight, recently shown on television and well received by the viewing audi- ence. Eight expert drivers were put through a series of turns, hazards and stops. both before and after consuming enough alcohol to raise their blood-alcohol level to .08. The results were startling and the number of driving and judg- ment errors increased consider- ably. Thanks \\'ere extended to Program Chairman Bevh Cook for providing a most interesting and revealing film. Rotarian Jack Hollowell re- ported that the Rotary sponsor- ed hockey team went right to the top this year in their divi- sion. Congratulations were exâ€" pressed by the club for their fine showing. The travelogue held April 13 featured Miss B. Stuart with her topic China. As usual 3 fine visual and oral description in- side China today was given and enjoyed by everyone in attend- ance. At the April 10 meeting of the Rotary Club a new member was inducted â€"â€" Ed Noakes of the Ontario Municipal Electric Association. Taking full advantage of his Canadian holiday. he and Jos- eph Ag: of Hillsview Drive, are currently on a trip to British Columbia and Alaska, and at last report were enjoying the ex- cellent skiing conditions at Banff. Rotary News Rehearsals are now Well underway for The Egg which opens May 19 at the Curtain Club. Directed by Dagmar Matyas the cast includes Kingsley Owen. Ron Solloway, Fred Ban- non. Patsy Higgs, Joy Madden. Helene Knight. Jennifer Mor- ton. George Young, Ruth Tavâ€" rogcs, Joanne Young. Lyle Nickle, Anita Steiner, Ron Scott, and Ernest Madden. Kingsley Owen has designed the set and the costume design- er is Bill Denison. Adrian. who has ‘had consider- able acting experience. was of- fered a part at Strail’ord but was unable to accept as he has 10 return to England on Oc- tober l to begin his studies at Cambridge University. Bingo! Mrs. C. E. Bag: of 486 Palmer Avenue was the lucky winner of the S375 jack- pot at the Richmond Hill Lions Bingo April 10. Mrs. Bagg, who was over- whelmed with her win, has no particular plans for the money. but will keep it in reserve for a rainy day. A recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ieuan Thomas, Boisdale Avenue. was their nephew. Adrian Edwards, from Buckinghan‘nshire. England, Estelle Markham .‘\.R.C.'l‘. â€"â€" R.M.T. PIANO and THEORY gut/6% Still time (o Enroll For Spring Term 125 LAVEROCK AVE n51 vï¬ccunn: pnzscmpnou sumo: 884-3787 PTICAI. The local horticultural society is planning a spring social on April 25 at 8 pm in Richmond Hill High School auditorium to Hvelcome their new members. At 7.30 pm a Masonic church parade for the Richmond, Fel- lowship and Robertson Lodges \will take place. The district jdeputy will be in attendance. A wedding of local interest took place Saturday at St. James The Apostle Anglican Church. Montreal. when Nicola Ann Turner became the bride of Bruce Appleby, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. Ker Appleby, Centre Street W est. The committee has planned a very pleasant eVening which will include a door prize and other awards. Members will re- ceive their Centennial year books and refreshments will be served. The theme. “A Garden Of Annuals" will cover the plan- ning. planting and care of many beautiful specimens. Three local horticulturalisls will form a panel - J. Jansen, Richview Nursery. will demonstrate the planting of newer varieties of annuals â€"-â€" S. J. Crag‘g’s topic \n‘ll cover his specialty â€"- the planting and care of mums, and C. L. Knappett, landscape gard- ener will speak on foundation plantings and borders. Following each speaker the audience is invited to ask ques- tions which will be answered by the panel. “Joseph Rabinowitch, a semi-professional among Toronto actors. is really a lawyer but stage struck: provided the highlights of the play when he reveals to the young engineer. con- vincingly done by Louie Thompson. what he has seen with his own eyes at death camps. Quite a strong scene between these two and another to follow where David Rowe as the owner of the business piles rationalization on top of rationalization to make it seem as if everything they do is for the eventual good of themselves, their busi- ness, their country and all ‘the race†. . . An excerpt from Gordon Sinclair's review of The Final Solution. currently playing at the Poor Alex in Toronto. Maid of Honor was Miss Suz-l anne Cavanagh of Hamiltonfl Miss Stephanie Turner and‘ Miss Nancy Appleby, sisters of the bride and groom, bridesâ€" maids. Larry Thomas of Richâ€" vale was the best man and ush- ers Don Campbell, Willowdale, and Alastair Sweeny, Richmond Hill. ‘ At the 11 am service on Sun- day next in the Richmond Hill United Church there will be a ceremony of Dedication m Mis- sion, and youth groups and ad- ults of the congregation will share in an experience of giv- ing and reâ€"dedication. Youth groups will make their special contribution to the missionary and maintenance fund. The play continues until April 22 and tickets may be obtained by calling 884-2117. Following the ceremony a re- ception was held at the Mount Stephen Club. All members of the youth groups are requested to be pres- ent for this special service. The appointment has been announced of H. C. Montgomery to the position of vice-president. Corporate Development and Supplier Relations. Canada C01- ors and Chemicals Limited. Mr. Montgomery, a former resident of Paliser Crescent. Richmond Hill, is a graduate of MeGill University with a BSc. in chemistry and joined the company in Montreal in 1952 as a technical sales representative. Game“ Uri Mrs. Hanna thanked Mrs. P. er the Plan' Kiliean for havmg arranged the care 0f many ‘pot luck supper. The door prize 3115- Thl‘ee‘was \\'on by Mrs, J. Dwyer and 51$ “'1†form Mrs. William Chirrey won the sen, Richview luvky draw. IODStE'at? we: The meeting closed with pray- Val‘letles 9f;er after which Mrs. J. Riswick, QFaS‘E’S tOPICi‘chairman for the election com- elal’ty â€"- thetmittee announced the following >f mums: aï¬dlofï¬cers for the coming season: adscape gard- President Mrs. Hanna, lst Vice- n fOLmdatlonllPresident Mrs. Killean, 2nd 81‘5- IVice-President Mrs. L. Wilson. Speaker the 3rd .Vice-President .Mrs. .B. 10 85k qlles‘ Dude-Reimerink, Treasurer Mrs. be answer“ L. Dickinson. Corresponding 'Secretary Mrs. D. Bransfield as planned a and Recording Secretary Mrs. ening which K. Dowden. Mrs. D. Bransfield read a‘ card of thanks from Mrs. Faye O’Callahan on behalf of the‘ Mental Health Association in! which they expressed their ap- preciation for the cookies sup- plied for their meeting and a note from Mrs. Anne Taylor on behalf of the ladies of St. Mat- thew’s Church who made a tour of the church building March 14. Mrs. P. McCarville asked for volunteers to help sort and The success of the Y’s Treas- ure and Trivia Sale held last week at the Lions Hall was due to the perfect weather, the wil- ling workers, the generous don- ors, the many patrons and all those who assisted in so many ways in this big effort to pro- vide funds for the continuance of the work of the Y in this area. Chairman Mrs. V. Hanna wel- comed 72 members and guests: to the recent meeting of the CWL _of Our Lady Queen of the World Church which began with a pot luck supper. The financial report on the sale of candy Easter eggs made and sold by the group was most encouraging. This project was undertaken to help with the exâ€" pense of furnishing the past- or’s study. The new pastor. John Lawr- ence, begins his ministry May 1. price articles for the rummage sale being held May 20. Mrs. Rita Smith was the lucky win- ner of the extra ticket to the CWL convention being held May 23-24 at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Howard Burkholder re- cently entertained a group of workers from St. John’s Bap- tist Church when they met to plan a daily vacation Bible school. The date set was the week of July 10-14 and the hours were 7 - 9 pm. plan a daily vacation Bible At St. Catharines_ Kennellcllarge to those school. The date set was theyClub Show held Apl‘ll 15, she dents of Ontario week of July 10-14 and thewon lst open class. best of \Vln- In extenuatng hours were 7 - 9 pm. ners class and best female in escorts wlll also Leaders and volunteers will breed. accommodation meet again to make arrangeâ€" . l. o l . . ments and plan the course to Congratulations to E. P. Item).l On Saturday l be undertaken. Starlight Crescent on attaining mem, Lois Mine; 0 o 0 his 93rd birthday, April 19 â€"â€" ridge and Flow Keep “Life in the Hill" and affectionately regarded as attended an lute YWCA The members of the various committees express sincere thanks to all for their wonder- ful support â€" and for a job well done. Members of St. John's Baptist Church Women‘s Circle held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Peter Axelson on Paliser Crescent South with a full at- tendance. Many local and out of town Two members of the OPP at art lovers sipped mulled wine‘Oak Ridges, Cpl. Carl Krueger and enjoyed the new works byiand Con. Harry Treijs, have Abel Lee at their initial show- returned home after spending ing on Sunday afternoon and several weeks in York County evening at the Ruthe Calver-‘Hospital. ley Art Gallery. 0 O 0 They will be on display for Fortune Cookie of Elmsmnlea, the next two weeks. ,a female boxer owned and bred 0 O O ‘by Miss Jean Grant, Yonge- Mrs. Howard Burkholder re-Jliurst Road, won lst open class cently entertained a group of and reserve winners class at workers from St. John’s Bap- Peterboro Kennel Club Show tist Church when they met to‘April 8. Keep “Life in the Hill" columns up to date with your news by calling the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-11056. or by drop- ping a line to 63 Yonge Street South. We‘ll be pleased to hear from you. â€" . Before coming to Richmond?! {Hill Mrs. StraSSer was with the f 'IMERS {North York Public Libraries 1 Don Mills Branch for six years : “the and before that had been em- 4 ployed in the Peterboro Public." ’ Library. She is a graduate of z 121‘ to the the School of Library Science, e RichmondJUniversity of Toronto. : Summers? While with the local library, e the cliiro-PMrs. Strasser established the 5 Peter R.‘Canadian section, where all < Entertaining this Saturday will be Mr. and Mrs. H. Goebel of 212 South Taylor Mills Drive, who will hold a dinner party for Mr. and Mrs. R. Reppert of Toronto, to celebrate the joint ganniversary of their arrival in {Canada on April 12, 1954. Co-hostesses at miscellaneous showers were Mrs. Wilton Young and daughter Sandy and Mrs. P. G. Savage and daughter Susan. Mrs. Frank Felling and Mrs. William Allen entertained in the United Church Hall, Kearney, and the nurses on the third floor at York Central Hos- pital held a personal shower for their colleague. Mrs. Jean Strasser of Willow- dale, who has served as a part time librarian with Richmond Hill Public Library since Sep- tember, 1966, has been engaged as chief librarian for the Mark- ham Village Public Library. She will commence her duties May Miss Linda Bennett RN, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Bennett, 123 Centre Street West, was feted at several show~ ers, prior to her marriage to Ivan Payne which takes place April 22 at Richmond Hill Unit~ ed Church. Member Library Staff Chief M'ham Librarian The subject, was Women â€" Past and Future, and speakers included Secretary of State Judy LaMarsh and the Honor- able Stanley J. Randall. minis- ter of Economics and Develop ment. The new library in Markham is the official Centennial pro- ject of that village and is al- ready a hive of activity. It is expected that under Mrs. Stras- ser‘sv direction the hours the library is open to the public will soon be increased. Mrs. John Postlethwaite, Pal- iser Crescent, attended the Cen- tennial Conference for Women held Tuesday by the Ontario Department of Economics and Development at the Royal York Hotel. Mrs. Postlethwaite is a fashion accessory coâ€"ordinator at Eat~ ons. Two members of the OPP at Oak Ridges, Cpl. Carl Krueger and Con. Harry Treijs, have returned home after spending several weeks in York County Hospital. “one of the grand old men of Richmond Hill†â€" always active with his interests. hobbies. col- lection of National Geographies, guns. nautical and scientific in- struments. This event is being celebrated quietly at his home with mem- bers of his family. llllulllIlllllflmIllllllmI‘llmlllilllllllllllllllmllllllmNRWHRRRRU The two couples who met on the boat from Germany, have met every year to honor this occasion and this year, to com- memorate Canada‘s Centennial, both families will plant a tree in their front garden nunmumnuuumuumuumumuulnnmnuulumuuummmuu Darlene Harcourt â€"â€" the former Ease of Richmond Hill -â€" has just completed her first screen role in the National Film Board pro- duction of “The Summer We moved to Elm Street". This half-hour color film will be seen on the CBC-TV netWork this Thursday (Ap- ril 20) at 10.30 pm. Although only nine years old, Darlene has already established herself as one of the top child mod- els in Toronto, for both fashion shows and televi- sion commercials. Among her recent com- mitments were photography work for use in the Centen- nial Caravans and a short film for Expo ’67. Darlene, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Harcourt. Lawnwood Court, is a pupil at MacKillop Public School. Young Actress Stars In Film Mr. and Mrs. E. J. H. Redel- imeier, Don Head Farms, enter- tained on Friday at a dinner iparty prior to attending the iRotary Fun Night at the Lions gHall. 1 With the assistance of the Sunnybrook Hospital staff, Aud- rie Apperley. Lillian Miller, Grace Linsdell. Frances Beau- llieu and Edith Titshall were ‘served coffee and cookies in er. Mitchell's hospital room. Through her excellent por- came to Canada 11 years ago. trayal of Cyrenne in The Rattle o O 0 Of A Simple Man, Wendy"1 Sympathy is extended to Mrs. Thatcher was offered, and has George Flagler, South Paliser accepted, a role in Billy Liar, Crescent, on the death of 1181' one of the plays being present-Mather, Ellsworth Finley, on ed this summer at the Play-iAprilï¬ at Bobcaygeon. house Theatre in Fredericton,| Mr. Finley. who owned sever- New Brunswick. 1a1 cottages in Bobcaygeon. was Although the association is 5“'3 almost 40 years old. it is only‘b?lc recently that it has attempted to N01 arouse and organize the citi-ihOS‘ zens of Canada in an all-outhI'l fight against mental illnessJ‘Vas With the development of pro-‘ly I vincial divisions and local branches there was an obviousiMA need for a symbol which wouldï¬va“ be both the touchstone and‘bee rallying point for volunteers, the both scientists and citizens. who Sch devote their time. interest and‘bid. dollars to this cause. \six- The White Cross became theifrm registered symbol of the CMHAOOO dents of Ontario. In extenuating circumstances escorts will also be given free accommodation. 0 O 0 On Saturday last, Edith Cle- ment, Lois Miller. Hazel Lough- ridge and Florence Campbell attended an interesting and in- formative presentation "Showâ€" Case†(a look at World Service at work) at the national ofï¬ce of the YWCA in Toronto, and en- joyed an Egyptian luncheon prepared by the Egyptian com- munity and featuring its nation- al delicacies. o O o . The ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 3’75, Royal Canadian Legion hospital visiting committee were the guests of their newly adopt» ed veteran. W. Mitchell. i After a short business meet< ling members enjoyed a trip to‘ ‘Florida via movies and also the glorious colors of Northern On- tario in the fall. Refreshments were served. The next regular meeting will be held May 8 at the home of Mrs. William Maitland. O O O A welcome addition of eight books was made Wednesday; night to the Canadiana section of Richmond Hill Public Lib- !rary. The presentation on be- half of Richmond Rose Chapter: VIODE was made by Regent iMrs. G. B. Hobson, assisted by {the chapter‘s Standard Bearer ‘Ml's. L. Davis and Centennial iConvenor Mrs. J. Kremmer. iReceiving the gift were Chairâ€"3 iman Alex Campbell of the libâ€"; llle I‘uuug illaaLclb 01 an ‘three lodges are members of the congregation of this church: Wor. Bro. Harold Sanderson. Lodge of Fellowship; Wor. Bro. E. D. Mano], Richmond Lodge; and Wor. Bro. William Barker, Robertson Lodge. R. Wor. Bro. Robert L. Brown, District Deputy Grand Master of Toronto District 5, will assist in the service. All Masons in the district and their families are invited to join this annual ser- vice of Worship. ' tï¬boings RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH By DIANNE ROBSON The April 5 meeting opened With the assistance of theirary board and ChietLibrarian§\V'it11 a singsong with Mrs. C. Sunnybrook Hospital staff, Aud- ; Colin Robertson. j Hall at the piano. Your continued support of the Canadian Cancer Society and your volunteer canvassers help to provide accommodation for patients at lodges in London‘ Hamilton and Toronto free of charge to those who are resi- The success of the White Rose Ball being held May 26 at the the Inn On The Park is now assured with all tickets sold for this gala fund raising event sponsored by the auxiliary of the York Central Hospital. Tickets, however, are still available for the draw for a magnificent color television and other valuable prizes and may be obtained from any auxiliary member. from Maurice Samson. who was their guide during their three- day Stay in Quebec City during the Winter Carnival. M. Samson recalled the mans" Enjoying the fun with the pleasant happenings of thatlhostess and guest of honor were period and reported he had beeanolece Foss. Sherry Robinson complimented on the fact thatland Diana Mock. the local group was the onlyl The girls. all pupils at Mac- one participating in the 0011- Killop Public School. presented seum programs. whose an~ Marcy with a gift along with nouncements were made both in their best wishes for her future French and in English lout \vestv Friday and Saturday sessions will cover the CMHA current program of action, progress to- ward co-ordination of communâ€" ity services and the associaâ€" tion’s role in providing services to troubled children. ?ZMN\NNM\.W . . .. ,. . .W..,’\€\H’\.‘W\_,Wï¬ WNW.W‘C\. .3) . The ladies’ auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion hospital Visiting committee were the guests of their newly adopt» ed veteran. W. Mitchell. Richmond Hill Senior Major-‘on Saturday fat the home of ettes recently received a letter Jeanette Proulx, Crosby Ave- Plans are also under way for the Fifth Ontario Division Men~ tarl Health Conference of the CMHA to be held at Kingston May 25 to 27. Three workshops on the planning, organization and operation of White Cross centres, industrial rehabilita- tion and volunteer visiting pro- grams ax-e scheduled for Thurs- day, May 25. The York County Branch of and is used extensively in pub- the Canadian Mental Health lic education work. In some Association is holding a tea and localities branch activities go display of crafts at the newiunder the name of White Cross public health building, 22 Pros- Study Groups. White Cross pect Avenue. Newmarket, April Committee, Volunteer Services 27 from 2 to 4 pm. Admission or Open Door Services. is 35 cents. ‘ White Cross Volunteers workâ€" -\ \\ \«NNN'foflx‘. pxmmammmmm'm’ï¬rammmmxmw†3i 2% GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE CMHA Tea And Craft Sale To Be Held At Newmarket, April 27 ‘ / ’\/' C 4 C '\/\I l (e Guides and Brownies will be out in full force on the west side of Richmond Hill this Saturday with Girl Guide cookies. in a blitz selling campaign. Proceeds of this able the important Guiding to be ca throughout the ye: BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES, TOURS AND CRUISES 85 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL For your convenience 2 lines to serve you 50 Yonge St. 8.. Richmond Hill Colour Creations - Wood Collage . . . to May 13th Hours: Daily 11 am. to 5 pm. - SUI 2 pm. to 9 pm. xxxxmm ."szmW’WWWW 9 works by . . . Ruthe Calverley Gallery No service charge, no booking fee his sale en- mt work of carried on year. abel lee Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Thomson. 125 Talmage Avenue. celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on April 16. They spent the day quietly visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Thomson were married in Ayr. Scotland. and came to Canada 11 years ago. Mr. Finley. who owned sever- al cottages in Bobcaygeon, was well known by many local resi- dents. who are regular vaca- tioners in that area. The St. Matthew's Players will present the play. Design For Murder, May 9 and 10 at Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church, Bayâ€" view and Crosby Avenues. Admission is $1 for adults and 75 cents {or students. Tick- ets may be obtained from Mrs. R. Renshaw. 884-5635 The Allenbrae Branch of YCHA held their April meeting at the home of Mrs. Blevin Jackson. na Newbold, Donna Shubaly and April 26 will be father and Karen Whillans received their daughter night. A lot of fun is grade 2 diplomas. planned. This is a year of sur- Joanne Laidman also comâ€" prises and more are planned peted in the Peel Music Festi~ for this evening. val on Friday and received a A family tea is also planned gold medal for her jazz routine. for May 6. Many months of hard work came to a climax last Tuesday when seven students of the Candee Turner Studio of Dance Arts, passed their Royal Acad- emy of Dancing ballet exams. Receiving their grade 1 dip- loma were Susan Mallory and Leslie MacGregor. while Joanne Laidman. Sandy MacBeth, Don- na Newbold, Donna Shubaly and Karen Whillans received their grade 2 diplomas. nue, for Marcy Bell, who. with her parents, will be leaving in May to take up residence in Calgary. Alberta. LAKE WlLCOX: Eighteen- month-old Randy Dowell was saved from poisoning by the fast action of provincial police. He swallowed some stove oil in the back kitchen of his home on the North Road and was sped to the hospital by Constable Rod Wright where a stomach pump was applied to remove the dead- ly oil. MARKHAM VILLAGE: Michael; Wade Construction Co. has been awarded the contract for the William.Armstrong Public School at $281,560. the lowest: bid. It will be erected on a‘. six-acre serviced site purchased. from Western Heritage for $333: zens will rally Cross to help of mental he; to victory. A is extended for April 27 tea a A swimming party was held 884-8192 Sunday 884-4066 an industrial accident April 7. Serving an apprenticeship as a tool and die maker at Dieomatic Metal Products Ltd., 2“ New- kil‘k Road, Paul had his right hand and arm crushed in a press. Amputation of the ï¬ng- ers and part of the hand and thumb was necessary. Nineteen-yearâ€"old Paul Han- na is making good progTess at York Central Hospital following an industrial accident April 7. Young Man Loses Hand In Industrial Mishap Paul is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent P. Hanna. 360 Markham Road. Three masonic lodges, Lodge of Fellowship and Richmond Lodge of Richmond Hill and Robertson Lodge. King City. will hold a joint church service at Richmond Hill United Church, Yonge and Centre Streets, April 23 at 7.30 pm. Masters Three Lodges Members RH United R. Wot. Bro. Robert L. Brown. District Deputy Grand Master of Toronto District 5. will assist in the service. All Masons in the district and their families are invited to join this annual ser- vice of worship. EG/r Doings The ruling masters of all three lodges are members of the congregation of this church: \Vor. Bro. Harold Sanderson, Lodge 0f Fellowship; Wor. Bro. E. D. Mano], Richmond Lodge; and Wor. Bro. William Barker, Robertson Lodge. Guests at the April 12 meet- ing were President Mrs. Frank Southwell and Social Convenor Mrs. Don Stephenson of the UCW. They spoke of the work of that organization to continue the series, "Getting to Know the Churchâ€. The girls found it very interesting and thanked their guests for coming to talk to them. @wawww,wwwwwwwww \4 ‘1 vv ‘4 WOMEN OF FASHION .. FOR INDIVIDUAL HAIR STYLES TO COMPLEMENT YOUR WARD- ROBE LET SHARON & DIANE OUR EXPERTS FIND THE MOST BECOMING HAIR STYLE FOR YOU . . . THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 20, 1967 FOR GO TO $10 PERMANENT WAVE - SPECIAL Value $12.50 3 T0 Limp Hillagp (Unit’wa You Are KEYNOTE SPEAKER NOMINATING CONVENTION To Hear Robert Nixon MLA York Centre Liberal Association Invited (Serving the municipalities of Woodbridge, Vaughan, Markham, Richmond Hill and the Village of Markham) Meet TUESDAY, APRIL 25 â€" 8 PM. BAYVIEW SECONDARY SCHOOL And Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario This Special Expires April 29th 53 YONGE STREET SOUTH RICHMOND HILL Jean Leaf, Buttonville, Secretary Z). ‘1)