14 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG We personally handle all sales bllls and advertlslngâ€" ï¬Ã©celyn, Laughlin, Franklin, Tucker & McBride . Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 112 Geneva Street. St. Catharines, Ont. - 684-1177 PHONE Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years Experience SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS VOLKSWAGEN SALES 8. SERVICE W.&P. MOTORS LTD. I78 YONGE ST. N. Richmond Hill 32 Yonge Street South Delicious piping hot. Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Efficientâ€"Tasty PHONE: 54531/ HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY 884-1812 A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 Telephone Aurora 727-9451 Member - Florists‘ Telegraph Delivery Association L. E. Clark & Associates PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 4531/2 YONGE STREET 225-4701 Alvin S. Farmer PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORfl FIND THE SERVICE YOU NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts 884-1136 ChineseFood I Auto Transmission TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. 485-1145 Automobiles Accountants ‘NE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Auctioneer 889-359] of Nova Scotia Building Aurora 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) 812 889-1812 AT ALL HOURS RICE’S FLOWERS “Flowers For All Occasions" Phones THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April ‘20. 1967 Flowers Mister 884-1137 NErnie Bic:ka I Chiropractic cor (1 H. D. Melsness, D.C. Corner Agency Limited Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Barrow. Insurance SerVIces Ltd. Toronto 15 Yonge Street N 884-1551 88 TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Dr. M. R. Buljubasic 889-6849 Arthur G. Broad Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST Open Evenings 78 YONGE ST. S.. RICHMOND HILL COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE X-RAY . Windhurst Gate 8.: Bayview block south Bayview Plaza) Phone 884-1075 Hair Styling & Beauty Salons NATION-WIDE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. LOWEST RATES AND TERMS FAST SERVICE SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Fire‘ Sun-e Hans H of mam: For Particulars Call Leno’s Machine Shop Phone 88415892 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 889-1974 Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. 21 Bedford Park Ave Richmond Hm Engineering 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario 15 Yonge Street N Richmond Hill 884-2441 LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. Richmond Hill Next to Woolworths CONTINENTAL HAIR STYLIST Yonge Street South Insurance By Appointment 884-4251 By Appointment STEAMFITTING WELDING Dental Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 2, Lowrle Building Auto and Liability 635-6158 884-1462 244-6573 363â€"3959 884-1219 Toronto Office-â€" 7 Queen St. E. Suite 151 Phone 363-5877 B.A. LLB. Barrister. Solicitor and Notary Public. 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontarin. 884-7891 ‘220 Bay Street. Suite 701 ‘Toronto 1, Ontario. '366-9411. T. C. Newman, (2.0. BARRISTER a; SOLICITOR Suite 2 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Thursday Afternoon 884-7561 I Music Teachers g TUNED a, Li REPAIRED 384-4413 889-7052 80 Richmond St. W. Suite 402 Toronto 1, Ontario 366-3156 BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 884-5829 Richmond Inn Block J. Y. LUCIC, VII'W WWW) l-Wo THE mum commms YOUR - LOCAL PIPER (formerly York om“ summes) We specialize in analyzing and inter- 16 Yonge Street North .preting thelimportagt national and internationa news. ur intention is RICHMOND HH‘L to bring the news into sharper focus. 884-4231 The Monitor has a world-wide staff of "$5729 correspondentsâ€"some of them rank , _ , among the world's ï¬nest. And tn: FUl'nHUI‘P- Office Supplies“ Monitor's incisive, provocatuve ed!- Social Stationery. Typewriterl torigls are follovgedniqstras clogely Furniture. Office Supplies Social Stationery. Typewrite: and Adder Sales and Rentals James H. Parker & Pearson Barrister. Solicitor & Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill, Ontario Office 884-1780 Residence 884-1863 By Appointment GLENN SAWYCH Barristers, Solicitors a. Notary Public 116 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-5701 884-1115 884-1116 “Checked†Elaectronimlly] GUESSWORK ELIMINATED Pyle Piano Sales | 43 Yonge St. N. (Legion Court) Nbrman A. Todd Plaxton & Mann H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. STUART P. PARKER, Q.C JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N. 884-4494 Office Supplies |‘ Lawlor, LeClaire & Bannon BARRISTER-SOLICITORS Edward D. Hill J. Rabinowitch PIANO THEORY MUSICIANS‘ SCHOOLS 884-2310 ACCORDION MU SlCIANS' SCHOOLS 884-2310 59 Yonze Street N.. Richmond Hill, Ontario Barrister. Notary THORNHILL 889-3165 Res. 884-2117 Pianos 884-3614 Legal Solicitor. Public Timmins " Optometrists A. W. Kitchen, CD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill I mum: mu unwvvpu In.“ a: mumâ€, ' by the men on Capitol Hill as they :are by the intelligent, concerned 3 adult on Main Street. Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information : 889- BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT PBISA Thu christian Selena Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked balaw. l circles. $ (US. funds). U1YEAR$24 months 12 Uzmrmtils“ a $ Why The Christian Science Monitor recommends you read your local newspaper WHY You SHUULB TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pio- fessional reputation as one of the world's ï¬nest newspapers. Try the Monitor; see ‘how it will take you above the average newspaper reader. Just ï¬ll out the coupon below. Coach Lines Ltd. Your Inca! neWspaper is a wide-range newspaper with many features. Its emphasis is on local_ news. It also reports the major national and inter- national news. Name street State 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 Sporting Goods Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION Telephone 833-5351 C.C.M & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods WINTER GARDEN Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop Transportation Langdon's aint-Wallpapet Trailways Of Canada Ltd. 9114 Yonge St. Richvale FREE DELIVERY INTERIORS LTD. 889-1059 By Appointment 884-3962 ZIP Code 889-7585 RUMBLE TRANSPORT Telephone 884-1432 . Office hours by appointment Dr. W. Allan Ripley fllllllllllllllll“Illll“llllllllllllllllmllmll[11111l1!“\“l\\111\ll\1\\llll\\\\l mumuuull1\l1l\nml1\luunnuuummumumuluumuumuum THORNHILL Veterinary Clinic Ontario Land Surveyors 4901A Yonge St. Willowadle 221-3485 George T. Yates, OLS Res. 24 Denver Cree" Willowdale VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL Local and Long Distance Hauling Richmond Hill Municipal Hall VETERINARY SURGEON Office alephone 147 Yonge St. N. £44432 . Richmond Hill P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Yates & Yates Telephone: 889-4851 Branch Offices Vancouver - Edmonton - Mnnipeg ' London - Hamilton - Toronto 0 Ottawa - Montreal 0 Moncton - Halifax 1&3†V. O. N. 8119 Yonge Street, THORN H ILL BRANCH NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE Veterinary Surveyors SERVING YORK COUNTY Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 884-4101 Established 1871 STRONG'RELIABLE HOME BUSINESS Richmond Hill â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 2221-1611 vAssets Exceed $26,000,000 Head Ofï¬ce - Kitchener. Ontario Much of the work is done by a voluntary staff and a real effort is made to match the need with qualified volunteers. Volunteers act as reception- ists. typists. baby sitters, drivers. sell used garments in the resale shop or make posters for the publicity chairman. All members on standing committees are volunteers also. A most interesting development is the resale shop. It specializes in selling “nearly new†child- ren’s clothing (in season). nursery furniture. (baby carriages, playpens. high chairs and children’s toys.) The primary purpose of the resale shop is to help the community. If your children have out- grown their clothes, toys and games, you may take these articles to the “Y†Resale Shop if they are in good condition. This will benefit the “Y†which gets (Continued from Page 2) There are many advantages in having such a central location. It encourages newwmers to seek it and thus find an avenue to meeting people and to avaï¬l themselves of opportunities for learning new ski s. 25% of the selling price while the owner gets 752’}. If the article is not sold within a season, the owner reclaims it. Community service is an integral part of “Y†thinking and so is World Service. The aim is to teach others locally, nationally and internationally how to learn to help themselves. PROGRAMS TO SUIT THE INDIVIDUAL NEED The winter program is just about over but it is interesting to note the variety and scope that was contained in it. Take-a-Break Clubs are for homemakers who find it difficult to get out because of small children at home. They are usually the first step in any com- munity that welcomes opportunities to learn creative crafts, to listen to speakers and hold discussions. In Richmond Hill, TAB is at Yonge Street, Thurs- day, 9.30 am to 11.30 am. Adult program classes come under a variety of heads. Miss Edna Izzard conducts the book study group. Militza Shepherd teaches batik on craft night. Mike Cummins teaches upholstery. Oil painting is taught by Langley Donges and Ruth Walker. Evelyn Ferguson instructs the millinery class. Other interesting crafts are: caning with Mrs. Bert Cook, making furniture with Roy Austin and rug hooking with Joyce Gamble. May Maitland teaches bridge. Rambling Around‘ Q Unionville has TAB at the Unionville Lutheran Church under Mrs. Gail Gage. If you are inter- ested in having a TAB in your neighborhood call 884-4811. Y-Teen clubs are for girls 12 to 14 years. These clubs are designedrfor girls who wish to meet friends and have fun. The program contains four main areas of interest, recreation, crafts, education and service! projects. ' Men and boys are welcome to join such activ- ities as bridge. caning, and upholstery. The materâ€" ials are not furnished for the craft classes. Swim- ming takes place at York Mills Pool. Mrs. Pat Bedâ€" ford helps the girls to slim and trim. Basketball is provided for business girls over 18 years under Carol Tanner. Bowling is at Allencourt Alleys. The spring program which is coming up offers outdoor sports, golf, summer swimming and a charm course. If you would like information about the spring pro- gram, I suggest you call Richmond Hill and District YWCA at 884-4811. Maple has established its own TAB group at: Maple United Church, Wednesday. 9.30 am to 11.30 am. Call Ann Soderberg‘, 832-2618. This TAB has 38 members. The junior m‘ogram includes swimming and children’s art. This is for boys and girls 7 to 13 years. All grades, crushed and round stone. Driveways spread at no extra charge. Small orders accepted. 268 Richmond St. York Centre Provincial Progressive Conservative Association SAND - GRAVEL - LOAM AND FILL Richmond Hill High School Wright Street NOMINATING CONVENTION 8 pm Wednesday, May 3 Please note change of date W. C. WOODS 884-3167 Richmond Hill Brown Owl. Mrs. J. A. Hornv ett. 422 S. Taylor Mills Drive welcomed Helen Pennyfather into the 15th Brownie Pack. 12th Brownie Pack. under Brown Owl. Mrs. Margaret King, welcomed Michelle Bas- ciano, Carol Cabrielli, Aniba 'Ludera and Debby Milanowski. The following girls were pre- sented with their first year pin. Rita Bernard. Kathy French and Joanne Wilson. Denise A1- lison, Aida Basciano. Cindy Dorwart. Colleen Farrell. Shar- on Lewis. Anne Sexton and Joanne Wilson have earned their golden bar and Aida Bas- ciani. Cindy Dorwart, Colleen Ferrell and Anne Sexton have earned their writer‘s badge. Pitt, with Commissioner Fack- ler as chairman. Fourteen members were present and many fund raising ideas were discussed. Mrs. Evelyn Lang was asked to assume the office of president. Mrs. Rita Smith who has given many years to the organization is retiring. There are openings for Guidâ€" ers in Richmond Hill East. This is a most rewarding job and there are few requirements. A love of girls a'nd‘a desire to see them grow into healthy, happy young women are ihe most important requirements. You gain far more than you give. If you are interested please contact Mrs. Fockler or any of the Guiders. llqu oclvluci l\cuuclcu Dawes Road was opened: Cancer Patient: north from the Danforth Road} in 1828 in lieu of the tnwnlineiDrugs between Scarbox'o and York, the. Dressings section of the townline between Home Visiting Dant‘orth Avenue and St. ClairNursing Services Avenue being very difficult offlousekeeping Service construction. {Home Nursing Services In the 1840's Clem Dau'estDiverslonal Programme kept a hotel on the northwestJPatient Transportation corner of Danforth Avenue and‘LodSe Accommm'llï¬ofl Dawes Road and perhaps the origin of the road name came] F" Farm" “tom'flu from the phrase “the road tot 884-4070 Da\\'95â€- (Mm Richmond Hill East District Guides and Brownies have wel- comed many new members in recent enrolments. Madame Commissioner. Mrs. Maude Fockler visited 7th Guides, un- der Captain Mrs. Kit Whaley. when the following Guides were enrolled: Diane Hutcheson, Mara Clifford. Wendy Finlayson, San- dra Finder. Judy Collins. Patti Biekit. Anne Worrell and Jo~ anne McKenzie. Peggy Grant was presented with her second class badge and her swimmer's badge. cookies on the weekend of April 22. Our mothers’ auxiliaries have not been idle this winter. Our Lady. Queen of the- World Mother‘s Auxiliary held an Easter egg sale and were very gratified with the response. They plan to hold a bake sale, the third Sunday of- each month at the church. Here‘s your chance to pick up Sunday dessert as well as helping your daughters in the Guide move- ment. St. Gabriel‘s Mothers‘ Aux- On April 12, the 8th Guides and the 15th Brownies visited Baker‘s Farm and saw how [maple syrup is made. All the ‘girls enjoyed themselves im- gmensely. Madame commissioner. with District Guider Mrs. Betty Walker. visited 8th Guides. when Capt. Mrs. Jackie Majury presented Judy Griffin, Angela Jacques. Mary Chris Roussel, Sherry McKerna. Ellen Barclay, and Linda French for enrol- ment. The lLth Brownies have sev- eral new members also. They are Valerie Milne, Janet Lind- ars, Glenda Bagg. Sandra Cart~ right, Bridget Harris. Cheryl Wilson, Laurie Clifford. Wendy Zipfl, Jaydean Stunden and Jo- anne Purvis. Captain of the 4th Guides, Mrs. Betty O'Rourke is very proud to announce that all the girls in her company have suc- cessfully completed the St. John AmbuLance First Aid Course. Congratulations! (Continued from Page 2) especially between 1821 and 1849. It led to the numerous flouramills. falling mill, saw mills, carding mills, paper mills and breweries which op- erated at that time on the banks of the Don. The upper section of this road was known locally as the “Independent Road†-- a road independent of the origi- nal survey roads -- and was opened at different periods. The section to the north limits of Lot 5 was bought in 1820. The section from this point to the Mill Road at Dunlaps was given in 1831, and the remainder bought in 1868. A very successful cookie day was held on March 18, and the girls will be delivering the BPCLtVL la '7. 0. lVlUl-ICUUI UL “13 Many Guides from our di5- . . lrict attended badge day omB??£§’Pfï¬Â£â€˜,.Ed“°a“°“- April 1 and were successful in!nmumnunuumunummummnnmummmummlmmumlm their tests ‘ .Y?."Â¥ :‘PCSFSS‘E‘I Lookâ€: (W P R I N T! N G! Flashback GUIDE AND BROWNIE NOTES MORGAN DAVIS 18 8 9 - 4 8 4 6 St. Gabriel‘s Mothers' Aux- iliary held several card parties in the past month. These card parties have been an informal way for our Brownie and Guide mothers to get to know each other. A meeting of the Richmond Hill East District group was held at the home of Mrs. Betty Pitt, with Commissioner Foek- ier as chairman. Fourteen members were present and many fund raising ideas were discussed. Mrs. Evelyn Lang was asked to assume the office of president. Mrs. Rita Smith who has given many years to the organization is retiring. Guiders. Guides and Brown- ies all join in wishing Captain Mrs. Whaley of‘ this. 7th comp. any, a very speedy recovery from her recent operation at York Central Hospital. We all miss her and hope to see her with us soon. AURORA: Aurora Public Schools will become a municipal inspectorate effective August 1. When an elementary school sys- tem has an enrolment of over 2,000 pupils, a municipal inspec. tor may be appointed and with an enrolment of 3,000, this step must be taken. There are now more than 2,200 pupils in the Aurora system. The present in- spector is W. J. McLeod, of the Department of Education. l“lIll]I“Illlll‘llllllllllllllmlll|llllllllllllllllllflmllllfllllllllllllllllm Richmond Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients THINK CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY