Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Apr 1967, p. 18

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18 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 20. 1967 Thornhill and District News “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest PHONE 889-3190 contributed by its readers in Our representative in Thornhill may be. reached by phoning 889-3190 the Thornhill area. is Mrs. Jo Cruise who Socially Speaking In Thornhill 180? authentic from 1873 read by Mrs. Fierhclâ€" Tickets are going rapidly fortlcr. and Mrs. Payne gave a sum- A lpringtime coffee party. sponsored by the Harmme group assisted by the Alpha. Op- helia and Bayvicw groups of‘ Anglican Church Women. is being held April 28 in Holy" Trinity Anglican Church Hall. Brooke Street. from 10-12 am. Tickets are 35c and may be ob- tained at the door. i A sale of home baking. attic} treasures. handicraft and sew- ing will take place. Mrs. Jean 1 Wilson will give a Tupperwareitl'ie youth orchestra performslary members. demonstration for those inter-i ested from 10.30 - 11 am. i Everyone is invited to attend, and baby sitting will be pro-. vided. ‘ it- s in no: The engagement has been an- nounced by Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Davis. Arnold Avenue. of their daughter Lauraine Alma Davis to Brian William Lucas of Rich-i mond Hill. son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Lucas. Marriage plans to be announced at a later date. * it >‘.- Congratuiations to Sandra Pilags. Proctor Avenue. for tak- ing second place honors for a ballet solo in the under 12 class at the Peel Music Festival last week. it Enjoy New Mexico and Califor- nia Vacation Mrs. J. T. Corkill and her have similar classes in the First Presbyterian Church in Bur- and Brigadier and Mrs. Douglas bank every Saturday morning that are very popular and have ‘also an active Petronella Club there. They are assisted by their son Duncan, 14 and daughter Penelope. 13. Mrs. Foster also leads the adult and boy choirs at the church. l The Fosters took their guests to visit Ports of Call, Chinatown Duncan and Penelope are bothl very active in the orchestra andl were anxious to Show the Cork-i ills the centre. i Mrs. Corkill reports that all} itheir former Thornhill friends;with fifty ladies in full periodJ were well and happy in their new surroundings. The Corkills. flew home via Chicago and‘ were away two weeks. 45 .3 )3. :2 Friends were sorry to learn of the recent death of Charles Byford of Toronto and formerly Thornhill. Mr. Byford was the father of Reg Byl‘ord. l‘ormcr Arnold Avenue resident. :sxxy A Maytime luncheon spon- sored by the UCW will take place May 2 at 1 pin in the United Church Hall. Guest speaker at the luncheon will be Dorothy Fleming of the Dorothy Fleming School of Beauty. Miss her. Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Parker Storms. the York Central Hospital Auxi-‘ liary White Rose Ball to be held May 26 at the inn On The Park. This promises to be the social event of the season. Dinner will be served at 8.30 pm following cocktails at 7.30 pm. Dress is optional and tickets are $20.00: $=ttill Second Reader love letters from the edition. mary of the work of the Wom- en's Institute. Mrs. Elaine Da- Costa. wearing a 1900 period wedding gown, entertained with a vocal selection. "Down Mem-l ory Lane." The evening closed‘ with selection played on an ori-i ginal Edison victrola and photo- iand the new music centre where a Couple. al'allable from auxili-‘graphs were taken Of the group. Hostesses for the memorable evening were Mrs. H. Thompâ€" It was Centennial night lastison. Mrs. S. Schoeler. Mrs. H. Thursday when the home ofl Mrs. John Honsberger. Elgin Street. was filled to capacity costumes. The occasion was the April ‘ meeting of Mrs. Eldon‘ Fierheller's unit of Thornhill; I ECW. Guests were welcomed on arâ€"‘ rival by outdoor lighting and lawn pOstcrs before being greet- cd by Mrs. Honsbergcr. dressed. in Charlottetown attire. along with her daughters. Janet and. Joan. .\ Canada birthday cake and coffee were enjoyed by everyone before they viewed two rooms full of family treasurers [from all the membersl. Mrs. B. Berry convened the program that fol- lowed: a devotional by Mrs. H.‘ Rogers. a pioneer roll call when‘ Rogers and Mrs. L. Denby. vs )L' as s2 A car wash by lst Thornhill Rangers is being held April 22 at Wilson's Esso Station com- mencing at 10.30 am. Please; assist these attractive youngi ladies by taking your car for the‘ best wash and shine in town. i a: s w s Dr. J. M. lan Glciii'oy of Thornhill Veterinary Clinic w as a judge at the Centennial Science Fair held March 29 to‘ 31 at Eaton‘s Yorkdalc. ‘ Dr. Glenroy has judged science fairs since 1960 and feels such fairs are fertile recruiting areas for iuture members of the medical. veterinary and other scientific professions. Science-minded high school students from 125 Metro and daughter Mary Rae. ldleswift Fleming will speak on potse,‘each member gave a brief [am-tarea schools had submitted en-. Drive. flew to Albuquerque. New: Mexico, and visited in California over the Easter vacation. i were guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Welt and their dangli- ters Elaine and Bonnie while in Albuquerque. The Welt family. are former Woodward Avenue‘ residents. i _ Friends in the area will be interested to hear news of the Welts. Mrs. Welt is attendingr the University of New Mexico to further her teaching studies and all the family enjoy living in New Mexico. i 'Mrs. Corkill and her daughter Visited the Atomic Research Centre at Los Alamos. a Pueblo Indian reservation close bv and attended a memorable Easter sunrise church service with the Wells. They spent four days in Albuquerque before boarding a train for San Bernardino where they visited old friends and en- Joyed a trip to Disneyland. Next stop OII their travels was Laguna Beach where Illey swam is not charity. It may be an in_ Mrs. A_ Bradley 01- Richmond Hockey Team ur future. Some- Hill, is staying with the child- lads are the OMHA “B” and‘tune of "79 Trombones". “‘BB" Grand Champions. ' in the Pacific Ocean and had glorious sunny weather. ! were in the centre of an art1 colony and were interested ini the art and curio shops there. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Foster of Eurbank were hosts to the Cork- ills for the latter part of their western visit. The Fosters arei well known to Thornhill resisi dents. They started the Scottisli‘ Country Dancing classes held in Thornhill United Church and the Petronella Club. They now Save with State Farm's low insurance rates for careful drivers. See me. FRASER DUNN; 145 ARNOLD avenue THORNHILL. ONTARIO l TELEPHONE ‘ Bus. 889-3288 i STATE FARM MUTUAL Amount: lNSURANCE covmuv Canadian Head Office - Toronto “All In- & mwun (re - . AWNINGS (Operating or Stationary-i DOOR CANOPIES Special - 15% Off AVAILABLE IN ANY COLOR Guaranteed Custom Installation FREE ESTIMATES CONVENIENT TERMS Weather â€" Lite Aluminum Products CALI. .\\‘\' 'i‘iui: 999-3s’s2 Ana-nu N0 Toll â€" ('nll (‘ollcct I fashion and beauty. An exhibition of spinning.[ . lpaintings, ceramics and antiques ship oratorical winner on “Pion-Ilaboratory animals and drama- Mrs. Corkill and Mary Rae will be on display, Tickets areteer Chores". The program con-‘tically demonstrated scientificl available now from any UCWL member. ##1## l The Willowdale Group of Art-l ists opened its annual showi April 14 in the North York Lib-. vary. Willowdale. The show willi run until May 13 and will be open to the public Tuesday to Friday from 9 am - 8.30 pm and Saturdays from 9 to 5 pm, The show will be closed Mondays. Mrs. M. .1. Walker. president of the Thornhill Cancer Society. would like to remind everyone that she will be glad to look after donations to the Canadian Cancer Society made in memory of a friend or relative. Mrs. Walker resides at 48 Longbridge Road and her telephone number is 889-3480. Remember this is month. A donation to the society vestment in yo They one will call on all residentsren. soon. Please be generous. l i: at.- 2: a: ‘ The Lions Club is looking for used furniture, house- hold articles and miscel- laneous items for its auc- tion sale to be held May 27 in the Dominion Store park- ing lot. Please call Harley‘s Drugs at. 889-1577. Thorn- liill Paint and Supply at 889-1169 or Harold chfcr at 889-3816 for pickup. r . Everyone loves a martli eras and one will be taking place in Thornhill April 23 at Reels ('ol- lcgc. Bayview Avenue. Games of chance. discothcque. cra/y photos. a bottle booth and bars set up for the evening of fun and dancing are a few of the things to look forward to. Adâ€" mission that includes refresh- inents is $3.30 per person. Pro- ceeds will {:0 towards the Jesu- its and their work. Roof-Tree Blessing Dr. and Mrs. W. 0. Moore Ede held a roof-tree blessing celeâ€" bration April 15 in their 125- yearâ€"old historical house that was moved October 5 to its new Site on Deanbank Road. iily history and a talk by Carolyn‘tries to this year's fair. Cunningham, Vaughan Towir Exhibits were working models or used‘ l tinued with a comedy skitwlaws and theories. Judges in-( “Maggie's Remedy," by Mrs. eluded chemists, zoologists. Honsberger, an elocution read-[atomic engineers and other. ing by Mrs. Helen Payne taken specialists. DONCASTER NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. M A! BARBOUR 136A HENDERSON AVE. â€" PHONE 889-5205 Mrs. M. Shaw. mother of Mrs. C. llowson. Morgan Ave- nue. flew back to lrcland April 10, after a very enjoyable visit in Canada. Site wa~ accomâ€" panied by her son. .1. Shaw. on lcaie lrom the RAF. Neighbors and friends of Mrs. bii'ley Monkman. formerly of Avenue, are sorry to S Morgan Ajax Hospital. line. in honor of her sister Linda. w ho will be married June 3 at 'l‘hornhill Presby- terian Church to William Pickâ€" ford. Banquet For champs Chris Sutton of Henderson A\enue and .\e\ille Lel’age of Giencainei‘oii lload. and their parents. attended a banquet at ("antler hear that she is in Pickeringâ€" the Ports of Call f0r the Richâ€" Interested visitors to this year's Health’s A’Poppin' show at i Thornhill Secondary School April 7 were some 25 exchange students from i the Province of Quebec who were spending the weekean as guests of York Central students. Above the camera caught. a quartet consisting of Nancy Berten Vaclion. Pierre Cote and Jacqueline Lerasseur as they paused during a stroll through the school to admire one of the amusing: posters put up to advertise the show. Exp/o d' Energie By JO CRL’ISE Explo ci' Energie it‘rcnch translation for Health‘s a Pop pin) was the theme of Thornhill Secondary School's 10th annual show held April 6 and 7. This‘ year‘s show was in keeping with Canada‘s Centennial celebra- tions and was performed against a most effective Canadiana. backdrop showing landmarks of. history and points of interestl of current affairs. l The show was bright. gay, noisy and fast moving from start} to finish. The youthful perâ€"i formers, full of enthusiasm, in-. fected the huge audience fromt the start. “The Thornhill Pavilion" opened proceedings with boys from the gymnastic team per- forming difficult feats on the parallel bars and box horse. Mike Turnpenny. Rick Magee. Chuck Gillmore and Bob Lca- men showed exceptional ability in individual pcrformai’ices on the. bars and led the team in box horse \atilts and handâ€" springs. Later in the show the team executed outstanding mat gymnastics and Mike Turnpenny received loud applause for his walk across the stage on hands. The "Elevenettes" from grade This Congratulations to Miss Mary boys, Parents, coach 311d manag-lskit. “Noah and the Ark”, thatl Public Speaking Competition. Birthday congratulations this week go to Ursula Legiehn, Clarke Avenue, April 21; Mor- 23; Tony Bryan. Henderson Avenue. who is celebrating his fifth birthday April :25. and to Paul Barrington. Clarke Avenue. who will be three April 27. Michael llalcy. Clarke Avenue is having a party for his 10th birthday. April 24, Parents of babies and pre- schoolers are reminded of the Well Baby Clinic .\pt‘li 26 at Thornhill L'nited Church. Dud- ley .\\enue. The clinic is sponâ€" sored by York County Health L'nit. Public Health Nurse M. Assas will be on hand to weigh the babies and give counselling. Dr. E. Paviiciitcr will be presâ€" ent to give immunization shots. There is no charge for these services. Hours are from 1.30 to 3 pm and volunteer helpers are from the Powell Road Home and School. Bridal Showers Mrs. W, Jones. 109 Clarke Avenue. April 17. entertained iArnott, Highland Park AvenuE, 65' enJOYEd a gala evening PI‘O-ifeatured Rick Magee, lon winning the York County VIdEd by Sponsor Stanley Sten'lBolton. Keith Burton and Jim cicwicz. He presented each‘ player with a personalized mini-[ ature trophy. April 27, Thornhill Hockey‘ iris Jeffrey. Glencameron Road.lClub is sponsoring a banquet ,who will be nine years old April for all the Vlllage 5 teams at Thornhill Secondary School. The many trophies won will be on display. Tickets are on sale now for fans who wish to at- tend, For“ further information call President .1. Loughran. llendcrson Avenue. '89-2234. Home and School .\pi'il 24 at 8 pm Henderson .\\cnue Home and School As- sociation w ill hold its annual meeting. Speaker will be \\'. \\"csll2ikc on “The Place of Music in the School". and the school's choir will be singing. This is the last general meetâ€" ing of the year. Parents are urged to attend. Fun Game . April 16. fathers of the Rich- vale Ready Mix Atoms. capâ€" tained by M. Clarke. played and won a fun game against their sons. One father had never had skates on before. and so was delegated to tend goal seated on a chair. The dads appeared in The house though not yetlat a shower in honor of Shir- outlandish uniforms. and also devoid of furnishings held its lfirst party. Plastering. new flooring and decorating have yet to be completed. Dr. and Mrs. Moore Edc. dressed in costumes of the period. received fifty invited Quests to share the occasion. Mrs. Ede luokcd charming in a 'o mutton sleeves and lace ber- tlizi collar and a white ringlet wit‘. Dr. Moore Ede was suitably attired It] a frock coat. stovcpipc -i‘ouscrs. a high starchcd collar. brocade vest and high silk hat. Rcv. If. R. llowdcn gene the blessing” for the house and Napâ€" ier Simpson. architect in charge of restoring the house. related a short history of the old home to the guests. Mr. and Mrs. C. Stow recordâ€" ed the event with their movie camera. The Stows have movies of the house front the time the Moore Ede‘s purchased. moved and restored it. Special guests who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Napier Simpâ€" son. Rev. and Mrs. H. R. Howâ€" den. Mr. and Mrs. Philip White- head. Mr. and Mrs. F, Ronnth~ waite. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Sumâ€" \L'l‘tt_)ll\' Siiowomlsilln: on tovn properly. cstlt‘Llh‘ll.‘ 1“ parks. will he haired h} a tit-tn council hyln" Council .‘iiccnl- ed a \tlllltlllllt‘f‘ "\‘t‘OdlilClltiil- 1].)“ that t'ic st‘lnv \(‘lll('l(“~ be blocked h) i‘i'cction oi tile signs ill the paiks. l t Aspinall Of Clarke Avenue. May April 11 a shower was held lcompleted inside and completer ley Tonks, who will marry Ken provided a nurse and stretcher who added to the merriment. Held at the Doublerinks this was an unforgettable evening by Miss E. Grey. Clarke Ave- for fathers and sons. The Thom/till Sports Scan: Douffant skirted gown with 16; NORTH END CLEANERS WIN Beili Lewis 7114. Elizabeth Groh ONTARIO CHAMPIONSHIP April 15 The Cleaners won their tit‘th trophy of the year last week as they downed Milton 4-2 and 3-2 to win the Ontario Cham- pionship for the Pcewee “B Division. Thornhill pointsctters in the I-‘l win were led by Mark Gain with two goals with Mark Wool- uough coming up with a goal and an assist. Assists went to Hugh Matheson with three and singles by Mark Woolnough. Michael Coyne and Paul De- :narco. Paul Demarco and John Re- gan led the way in the second game with two goals apiece with Michael Bernardi coming up with one. BOWLIVG Ladies Afternoon Bowling Club 37, Pop- Cu “(HP- Pc: u'u'is l nip» #3 P«‘.‘t~ 3.0. :41;ii:.l'Iw_~ . Si “was 4" li;'(l~ ".0 ll: ‘1 it‘l"'i‘ flu. .irns iitJJ} Sweet l‘m‘: ‘ .3 loan :itp‘ .Ilit‘l) I 1 3‘3», ‘1 Smith .3473. llt‘tE v ‘ :7: high 6 ‘l- -iii (569. Laura Schimkus 659. Itigh single ‘flatv Joy Pick- ihaill 243. Beth Lewis 2233. Mary chtnan 2‘39: high single hdcp Bctli Lewis 282. JO} Pickthall 274: Elizabeth Groli 260: liiih average. Mary ltcdinan 199. Marian Duncan 173. Fran Clark 170. Thornhill Mixed Bowling Lea- gue Standings: third series is Erma team with 31 points. Cy Ball 4-1. Denny Stewart 31. Reg Edâ€" wards 30. Ray Teeter 20. Harold Hingley 17. High triple tilati Roger Ball 744. lhcdpl George Sabo 748: high single 'flatl Roger Ball 302. 'IlCICp’ Walt Hughes 312. Over 300. Cy Ball 223: Reg Sparkcs 304: Bill Man/‘19s 307'. llarold 11in:le 216: Ken Poole Elli): Danny Stewart 30‘): ROZGI‘ li’ll "'U. Illâ€"i, ELI». \V'ilt litiliios "" LiC-il"(‘ Slim 273. 1371‘ \l‘t I‘;iI:iiC' 307: ‘l. '7 lg‘iiio (hit 1% mar \l .‘zics 384 ‘lel‘ G43: 1 1". an; c flit: .la. Brad- I‘t‘ "‘ lids) LN} livilmiti Mantle: 20.“. Li. Poole ‘10:}. of the Palmer‘s Winner it“) f‘ifv l Doug Dillane. Outstanding single performer: in the show was Sue LePage.= Sue. dressed in a Scout hat,i hunting boots and slicker andl armed with Expo signs and ban-t tiers sang her version of "Hello, Mudder". a letter from Expo. ‘ “The Pavilion of Mexico" fea- tured Rhea Miccuci in a brizht free exercise tiancc. “.\ Spanish Flea". Girls from grades 9 and 10 choreographed a Mexican folk (lance as a class squad pro. .iect entitled "Corrido" and Pat lx‘cnnady was a dclizht to watch in a graceful dance routine "The l..oIicly Bull". The Null Sct. .lcl'l Coleman on banjo. Julie Robinson guitar. Lorne Greenwood on bass and Jenny Summer and Heather Bar- rett singers. performed between acts and delighted the audience with sacral folk songs. The five performers are a talented and most. attractive group. "Charlie Brown's Centennial Project" or “Good Grief 3 Maple Tree” featured all the Peanuts characters. The skit was comical and well played by 10 young ladies dressed in clev- er costumes. “The US. Pavilion" acts were a salute to American show "biz". Lorraine Cole and Keith Bur- movie - The flick- " ton played two silent stars in a short skit. er lighting was most effective in this number. and dance routine. Cheryl Smith as a flapper of the 20‘s dancing to “Tap Your Toes". petite Jackie Lockei'bie‘s “Green : Onions” jazz dance and Lorraine ‘ ' Cole's acrobatic dance. "Charâ€" muinc". all (l0\€l'\(‘ special I mention. "Snore Wife and lllC Smei‘al Uwarts“ by Beatle John Lennon T'~ brought Disneyland vwith apolo- 3.105“ to the show. Bean was excellent an Old fairy tale classic. phanic's short layered tulle cos- tumc and silver hair-do added to the fun. The seven (lwai'ts danced in iiizenious costumes made with large black hats that coveer the heads and sliould- Faces the midseeâ€" ' ers of the little men. were painted on tions and men‘s plaid shirts tied around the hips completed the outfits. Entertaining between acts. ,lill Gosnell. Kathy Stewart and Pat Leitch each excelled in In. leidual Singingv performances. his , I Carol Reid and ‘ Janice Burnett in a snappy song 3 Stephanie '--. as the nar- rator of the mixed up version of Ste- Betty .\ni‘i Hawke was crow n- ed junior posture queen at thciwcll received and Paul Bennett and Ted Foxlcy shone Ll: Diet- cubaker and Pearson when they ‘cavorted well known recording by Little. The Bolshoi ballet from USSR contributed much hilarity in the closing ‘Masks and Wigs chorus line of glamorous ed young singer was a hit of;about in a boisterous Troika lnumber. The second half of the showdhe entire cast singing Health's opened with the girls gymnas-la Poppin's theme song. Mrs. B. O‘Shea. Miss P. Wiley. ance beam and parallel bars. Don MacViCal‘. Jay HOODGI‘ and Debbie French and Pat Kenâ€" James Gilchrist, physical edu- cation teachers. on stage by the cast and pre- sented with bouquets and bou- toniiiei‘Cs Richard Burton for their assist» once in producing the successlul show. opening night pert‘orinancc.‘ Pam Chambers and Judy Town- send were runners up. Adding an interesting note to the evening's entertainment was Jean Leveille, a visiting French student from Quebec City. who was called from the‘ audience by Ginny Yule to sing and play his guitar. This talent- the evening. he team performing on the bal- nady showed skill and grace on the balance beam and Ellen Suter. Lee Herron. Denise At- kins. Wendy Monroe. Lce and Lynn Goodchild performed (lif- ficult manoeuvres on the bars. Wendy Monroe was outstanding and the Goodchild twins cx- celled in a duct on the bars. Gord Salt and Ted clever Comic puppet act were especially popular with the very young members in the audience. “Puff the Magic Dragon" featured Pat Leitch as soloist with Sue Burridge. Anne Mathe- Her mother. vale Ready Mix Minor Atonin danced a kick and dance son. Rosemary Leek and Leigh These younglmarch routine to the rousing Bootham as the singing green dragon. Lorie Lee Herron The'was followed by an amusingidreSSEd in a tl‘aCk 0mm 991" formed callsthenics to the tune of “Winchester Cathedral". “The Canadian Pavilion’H Opened with a Centennial. march. followed by tvvo graceful} dancers Gwynn Leitch and Pam‘. Chambers, in navy blue leo‘l tards dancing to “Tonight” and‘ a current affairs skit “The Pub- lic Mouth". SHOPPING FOR A CAR? Big. small. sporty new. late model. used take your pick from the many cars ad\crtiscd in "The Liberal“ L'scd Cars Column . , Expo Accommodation Return transportation. accomâ€" modation in Montreal. contin» entai breakfast and passports: Choice of 4 or 5 day tours. June to Oct. Inquire: Expo 67 Package Tours. 665 St. Clair Ave. W.. Toronto 10. Out. Tel: 416. 531-0613 531-4351 SWEETHEAR'I' Regular “.10 and retain moisture ‘ SPRING SPRING SPRING OPENING ¢ ea. OPENING 9'49!“ ior$ SPECIAL SPECIAL ' SPECIAL With This Coupon With This (‘ouimn With This Coupon DUTCH Wood Windmills (HAND MADE) Reg. $8.99 SPRING SPRING SPRING ‘ OPENING .99 OPENING 5 OPENING Bugs . SPECIAL SPECIAL . SPECIAL 3:. With This Coupon With This ('Oupon With This Coupon FREE Linda Brain announccc the \(‘tlitll' posture queen llllzillst‘s Kalli) Duncan ll‘t‘llC Deni):- iutl Dorm lrnmo to the :atiiiiâ€" ?l‘t'f.‘ Pruicpai -Ilt.lll lelltlt‘il .ro'cnctl lune Dcnhj :i< tlic mil-l (ZUWH and all "we pre- ~("l'_‘il “iill iiiitttiiit‘is 0‘. rod roses. . .I Bloom This Year "'l‘li Pro 2.0 toward Timmy and the Crip- Foxley Pied couvulsed the audience with a contribute and fund. 'â€"-- _______________ i‘e ___.____._____â€"__-___._ r l I See our Complete Stock Of Evei'creens - Garden Tools - Lawn & Garden Products Sprayers - Seeds - Cut Flow ei's. Etc. "0‘th "t‘t 'i‘ii‘li'ii‘ii'l gilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ‘9 Thornhill Cemetery Company ANNUAL MEETING Public Library â€"â€" Colborne St. Thornhill WED, APRIL 26, 1967 . . . 8 RM. finillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllfi WE RENT... z 2 i 5 g 2 E g 2 g 5 E E Compressors Pumps Welders Air Tools Generators Breakers Vibrators Tam pet's OBEN - 889-7301 47 MAPLE AVE, THORNHILL, ONT. a iPhoto by Stuart's Studio; :loul'l'ai't |. w I 0 Children L'ndcr O Box Office. Opens 7:00 pm. Show starts at 7.30 p.m. I a 0 Saturday and Sunday show continuous 7.00 p.m. I ’ WEEK STARTING APRIL 19th | “BIG AS 'BEN I‘IUR’ â€" IF NOT BIGGER!" Starring in Free »- Electric ln-Car Heaters. e Great Bear Debate" was and the Rich lip sang to “ CHARLTON E l HESTON ' CID I 2 Smashing Hits In Color ZULU Starring number. Thornhill‘s SOPHIA LOREN ballerinas pranced The finale featured were brought by Linda Brain and I I ‘ Adult cccils from the show will Emel'lalnmem Child i‘cii's to and SIM) scholarship fund the Stanley l-lakcr and Michael Caine COUPONw CLIP & SAVE CLIP 8. SAVE , _ ___â€"â€"â€"â€"â€".___â€"â€".â€"-q grim..- . - -“‘-\““‘- Get one quart Of Benjamin Moore Inter- ior Paint for 25c and this coupon when you buy one gallon of Benjamin Moore Paint . . . Thornhill Paint Supplies Ltd. ‘7RhilifiiailliihWEEWIWWRLMMIM _..,.._,....‘....u.. .. .. son-“haunnuvur. I a OFF ALL 20% xxync BRAND PAINTS 10% OFF A LL WALLPAPER THORNHILL PAINT SUPPLIES 170. 7707 YONGE STREET - THORNHILL PHONE 889-1169 llours: 7.110 am. to 6 p.m. -â€" Thurs. and Fri. till 0.00 p.m. THORNHILL GARDEN CENTRE 7690 YONGE STREET, THORNHILL (ACROSS FROM DOMINION STORE) ROSES OPEN 8 A.M. - 7 RM. 7 DAYS A WEEK PEAT l ('L‘lllt‘ FEET To break up heavy soil GOLDEN PFI'I'ZER 18" - 21" Reg. $6.03 BLACK LOAM 0 For flower beds 0 Lawn dressing O O F e r i I I I z e r Sure way to a beautiful lawn (flL - 10-6-1 50 Lb. Bag Fertilizers SALE ENDS MONDAY. APRIL 21th DELIVERY ON ORDERS OVER $10.00 PHONE 889-34} 0

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