Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Apr 1967, p. 3

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OMING "-BINGO â€"- THURSDAY night 8 pm. sharp, jackpot: ~ 4 spec- ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall. East side of Bayview at Crosby Ave. Richmond Hill. tt’c39 APRIL 20. TUESDAY 7â€" 8 pin. Horticultural Soeiety in high school auditorium. New memâ€" bers welcome. Admission free. clw42 v k I; a APRIL 21. FRIDAY. Dinner and Dance. Lions Hall, Richmond Hill. York Centre New Demo- cratic Party. Guest speaker Hon- ourable T. C. Douglas. 'l'ickcts 884-1203. Offers 2nd 8: 3rd Mtge $1,500 - $20,000, up to 15 yrs, low cost, fast courteous service. today. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd. 62 Richmond St W., Toronto 1. 366-9586 evgs. 239-4913 c3w40. lSpring Fair and Bazaar. Em- lmanuel Church. MacKay Drive. The Helpful Company: VENTS APRIL 22. SATURDAY. Rum- mage Sale: sponsored by the L'CW Forest GrOve United Church. to be held at Common-l it.\' Hall 5090 Yonge St. Willow-' dale at 1 pm. c1w42 it 1 APRIL 28. FRIDAY. 8 pm. Card Party. Bridge and Euchre. Rose- lawn School. sponsored by 1st ‘Richvale Scout Group Commit- tee. Tickets $1. Call 839-3870 or 389-7422. clw-I‘J APRIL 29.5A’1‘L‘RI)AY. 1.30 pm 45 Legion Court. North Yonge St. Rummage Sale. clw~t2 VK)tH APRIL 29. SATURDAY. 2-4 pm Richvale. Tea room etc. c2w41 >2< *k n =3 MAY 13. SATURDAY. Centenâ€" nial Concert by Festival Choir and Richmond Hill Symphony Church} . ‘ '. Willowdale. Tickets $1. for in-: Come In, telephone 01 writetformation can Mm 832-2281. I â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_â€"â€"‘« Orchestra. People's FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Saundersl c5w4l [Council Approves New Flasher Centre Street- Beaverton Road Richmond Hill Council ap- oroved a flasher-signal Monday on Centre Street East at Beaver- ton Road to complement, the one already there. ‘ Deci~ion came in the wake of a letter from Mrs. A. Drew, of 337 Centre Street East. urg- ing council not to chanue the stop sign at Centre and Beaver- ton. "\\‘e Inc on Centre Street." \Il‘s, Drew writes. “directly at Sussex and we can see the cars as they approach Beaverton. We feel it would be most highly :taneerous to even consider this move." Nlrs. Diew goes on to say that it “the sign was taken from Centre Street and it be made a throuin street to Bayview speeding, would be worse as it is a long straight stretch of road from Newkirk lo Bayview Avenue. "As it is now Centre is un- safe and I know from talking to other home owners along dhis street they feel the samefl ‘No sign is needed on Beavertoni as the traffic has to slow down ion approaching Rockport Cres- lcent." i ‘ Councillor Ivan Mansbridgei .â€" who had originally requestedi ,the stop sign change at Centre a said he appreciated Mist :yDrew's feelings and went on to‘ say that “thought should be given to placing a flasher stopl sign on Centre. - 'l‘llE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April in. 1067 3 Liye Entertainment NEW EXCITING . . . OlD TYME COUNTRY & WESTERN "SOUNDS" BY “Perhaps in cmnnnttec." re- torted .\1r. Broadiiurst. “but not in council.“ The mayor added that ‘in my opinion you llll‘llll lime less accidents or might have more with flashers. I don't tlnnk the) do an awful lot except to add to the expense of signs." Councillor Haneey thought the flashers did time a good etâ€" tect on traffic. There were also suggestions considered to erecting school crossing signs at Beau‘rton and Centre L Mrs. Henry Bow To Head Liberal Women An organizational meeting for the York North and Centre Women‘s Liberal Association was held last Wednesday after» noon. April 12. at the home of Mrs. Frank Plaxton. John Street, Thornhill. The new organization will serve both the provincial and federal ridings of York North and York Centre, including the Townships of Markham and Vaughan. the Town of Rich- mond Hill south to Highway 401. east to Markham Village and west to the Village of Woodbridge. Elected to the executive were the following: Past President. “The Time Twisters ” (SATURDAY NIGHT ONLY) FREE: Favours The Coach Room Time: 8.30 pm. to 11.30 pm. ‘_ 1y-II-II-‘i-\v-U-it-l-1l-|l-li-4-|l-lI-l|-|1-ll-il-ll-l‘ RICHMOND HILL LIONS (‘Ll‘R 'BIIVCECD BIGGER PRIZES Monday, April 24 Lions Hall 51 NO'S CALLED ‘ __ Starting Time I 8.00 pm. $325. JACKPOT C hampions Perform Featured at the Unionville Ice Show April ‘31. 22 and 23 will be Mary Jane Oke and Victor Irving. above. 1967 junior pair champions of Canada. Other highlights of the program will be Wayne King. member of the Canadian Olympic team performing on the trampoline. a spectacular burlesque number on ice, a girl shot from a cannon and trapeze artists performing on swings. Tickets are available at the Unionville Arena or by calling 884-1529. BAB Y 0% OFF REYNOLDS SHOE CLUB With the purchase of 12 pairs of shoes the thirteenth pair FREE to each Family i Reynolds' Shoe House FREE PARKIN G REAR 0F . STORE. ENTER OFF RICHMOND STREET PHONE 884-4II4 RICHMOND HILL Yes.. BONUS SPECIAL ON ALL FAMILY FOOTWEAR THIS OFFER IS GOOD APRIL 20th TO 23rd ONLY FREE HOME FITTINGS BY APPOINTMENT \Henderson Avenue School StudentsButWhoPays? Markham Township's linger- that you have no right to \\ith- ing problem, how to safely ac- hold the permits." the letter commodate the nearly 1.000 read. If Hengran didn't get children attending Henderson them soon. it would sustain Avenue and Woodland Schools heavy financial damage. as they pour down Henderson‘ Council has contended that Avenue to and from school. was‘the sewage plant put in by the given its annual airing at a developers is still not operating meeting of council Monday‘properly, and has had its soli- ‘afternoon. citor studying the agreement Concern for the children’s between the township and Esafety was expresed by TSA 1 Hengran. in a letter to council, in which lit stated it would like a meeting ing report of the solicitor. to see what could be done about * * "r' * it. Council gave first and second I Councillor Allan Sumner said reading to a bylaw calling for that fourâ€"foot sidewalks in the the payment of $6,500 in lieu of .area would be “absolutely use- taxes by the City of Toronto â€" Iless,” while Councillor Charles the same amount as last year -â€" 1513 ‘Hoover thought a service road for the Langstafi jail farm prop- , might be necessary. ‘erty. but got stopped when it \ONGE 3 “I think there's 0111.v one‘tried to put through the third Tanswer." said Engineer Dusan reading. .Miklas. “We‘ll have to build 3 And the man who stopped it sidewalk from Steeles Avenue was Councillor Charles Hoover. to John Street." who usually vetoes any propos- The main problem. so far as ed council spending. ‘council was concerned. however. "In view of what the assess- was who would Pat" IVOI‘ It Bad ment commissioner in Toronto who would look after it. wants to assess farm lands. 1 Council agreed to meet with more we get more.“ said Mr. the school board in the neariioover, future. Last a if t :- STREET NORTH December. the York ’County commissioner proposed COUIICII 1113)" 118‘? W €859 up that term lands be assessed on . it's on an easement agreement it their market value. made regarding a deVelopmem Said Reeve Rumble; "In view in Baythorn Village. lot council‘s resolve to hold the Ernest Goodman. Toronto tax line, we're on rather weak. solicitor for the builders. said‘groundf' his company had purchased the How-even it “as the reeves 10“ from WWII-WY SUdelSlO“ vote that broke the tie when the and had registered an agree- motion to consider a third read- ment with the subdtVider show- ing of the bylaw was lost, .ing a five-foot easement on both r; a a Time at Bart/i Cr sides of two lots. Council also: Approved road However. 19 days later- the accounts for March in the township solicitor had register- amount of 346‘73050 and ments of 10 feet each. One house was already under-‘ way and encroached on the NEWMARKET: easement. Mr. Goodman said. week turned down a resolution of $83,741.87. Need Long Sidewalk For The letter was tabled, pend-t 8d an agreement Showmg 9359' general account in the amount Council last‘ “But by the same token." he Mrs. Frank Plaxton. Thornhill; said. “sontethinq should be President Mrs. H. Bow. Grand- done on Crosby Avenue as there Vie“ AVCHUR Highland Park: are no stop signs there. [L's a 1st. Vice-President Mrs. Mrs. D. Simmar Situation" llcCutcheon. Bayview Glen: 2nd Councillor Lois Hancey. chair-l \IICC'PI‘PSIdent 311‘5- JaCk sellae' titan of the fire. ambulance by- 91.1.9“ Gl‘aITdVIEW AVEITUC- HIST" laws and traffic committee. stat- land Park: 41“ Vice‘Pl‘eSidem ed there were other intersec- “15- G. C- 13- McHardy. Bes- [ions to consider also “and we sarion Road. Willowdale: Treas- sliould look at the town as alum" MYS~ 13- A- L391)» BayVie‘V ‘wholef‘ Glen- She felt it was improper toi 3“.“ Wk 0'? a Particular spot WHITCHURCH: Chinchilla of without conSIdering others thattthe Caress Chinchilla Ranch of lmerit'the same aetion- lW‘hitchurch took the highest MEI-lo“ Thomas Bl'oathFStiawards at the recent national wasn't sure} flasher signs Werelshow of the National Chinchilla. that effective but felt that thelBl-eeders of Canada at London,‘ councilâ€"in approving a flasherl * .2 - for Centre. was coming to aiAURORA: A former mayor of snap decrslon without givinglAurora and active member of thought to the whole matter. the community for many years. Councillor William LazenbylFrank R. Underhill. died at l ! The Red Lion Dining Room EVERY SUNDAY FROM 5 PAL '1‘0 9 PM. Children Half Price PHONE FOR RESERVATION - SST-1101 t.-..-..-......-.....-.,-..-..-..-..-..-.....-..-..-..-..-..g Richmond Inn Motor Hotel Now Fully Licensed -t'-|-n-tI-I -..-..-..-..-n YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL lsaid considerable thought liad‘York County Hospital April igone into the matter. He was 74 years old. l l l i CONTADINA Fancy Quality Yellow Cling 1 PEACH HALVES l 28 Oz. Tin 39¢ BETTY CROCKER’S - 9 Varieties - Reg. 49C 1 LAYER CAKES films79¢ WHYTE'S EXTRA LEAN â€" Reg. $1.9?) CANNED HAMS l'/2 Lb. Tin $1.49 CRISCO ALL VEGETABLE SHORTENING 1 Lb. Pkgs. 79¢ SQUIRREL Family Size Smooth - 15c Off Label PEANUT BUTTER DECORATOR FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY PLEATING SERVICE AVAILABLE AT SMALL ADDITIONAL CHARGE ,‘ ‘1 let us HELP YOU with your Spring Cleaning ‘ REMEMBER. OL R SANI'I‘ONE CERTIFIED DRAPERY CLEANING MAKES DRA- PERIES LOOK BRIGHTER, FEEL FRESHER AND LAST LONGERI Drapery Cleaning Services 3 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU BETTER RICHMOND HILL Yonge 8; Levendale SST-4411 AURORA 2113 Yonge St. South ~9III __)_ ‘u‘ NEWMARKET 8:! Davis [Rh 9 893-33” He said his company would like permission to continue the houses as they are. Engineer lliklas said the sew- ers were already in and the only difficulty that would come is it'- and when they might have to be repaired. "Shouldn't you go back and see \Vinipe) 1'“ asked Deputy- reeve S. .I. Gadsby. \l'asn‘t it the easement» mentioned in the agreement of sale?” .\lr. Goodman said that when he searched the title. there was no notice of the easements. Reeve Stewart Rumble said he didn‘t see why the matter couldn't be resohed. but felt a counter agreement would be needed so the township could come in close to the houses and work if necessary. Said Councillor Charles Hoover: “There appears to be some responsibility on \I'impey‘s part for not catching it." “With all due respect. I think it‘s the municipality that erred," said Mr. Goodman. Council referred the matter to the engineer. Council had turthei lezal solicitations tron: Heneran De- ielopments asking that they be allowed building permits to: their 102 lot: 1n Varle) \‘111:.;c "It is cu; considered opinion to request the federal governâ€" ment to alloeate February 15 ~â€" the anniversary of Canada‘s new t‘lag â€"- as Flag Day in Canada and make it a statutory holiday. NEWMARKET: Employment op- portunities were up during the {NHL month. with 93 clients as- >l\l(’(l in finding jobs and 23 more reconunended tor addi- tional training it was reported b) Newmarket Canada Man- power Centre last \\eek. Eni- ployers seeking future hiin school graduates. are urged to list their requirements as soon as possible. NORTH GWILLIAIBL’RY: Pro- tests have been received over council‘s recent action in pOst- mg "no parking" sign on the south side ol‘ Church Street. Keswick. to clear a route for the fire department truck. As the latter uses the north side of the street. the ban is hard to understand. George Snelling of Simcoe Plumbing Supplies. told council. His store and others are on the :outh side. making loadin: and unloading ditt‘icult. Police Committee Chaicnian Jim Poyntz. said an .-o;i ..iit:ee " Ill look 2 to tilt‘ :tiatte: In in :t‘.cu:it;:iic no ‘..t kc”; piste lwr'ri .sxtiert. Prince Edward Island FLUFFY WHITE POTATOES CHASE & SAN BORN FRESHLY GROUND COFFEE 1 Lb. Pkg. 15¢ JAY’S FANCY QUALITY TOMATO JUICE 2 48 oz. Tins 59¢ ROSE SWEET MIXED. Mustard. Relish & \Vat'er Mix & Match PICKLES 16 oz. Jars .00 OLD SOUTH FLORIDA FROZEN ORANGE JUICE 6 6 oz. Tins 25 Lb. Bag 50 Lb. Bag $1.29 Florida No. I Seedless Grapefruit torso Prince Wales FLORIDA JUICE Large Size I25's FRESH "A" GRADE OVEN READY â€"- 3 LB. AVG. CHICKENS Lucas 8: Arthurs SUPER VALUE BACON (RINDLESS SIDE) I Lb. COPACO SMOKED BONELESS EASY TO CARVE

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