TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in eluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod els. Special rental rates avall able to students _ 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill 6 piece dining room suite. TV. Chesterfield and chair. bookcase bed. record player. baby's crib and mattress, all in excellent condition. To be sold before April 26. 884-1043. clw-lz TRADE l army 303. 1 this 7.5 millimeter. 1 semi auto 22 less clip, 1 single shot 12 guage. 1 completely sportize 303 with $60 for best high velocity rifle under .275 calibre. Or sell all 5 for $90. 8844941. clw42 stove. washing 'machine,’ book-[“‘ind0\vs; 3" x 10" x 20' joists; case, sewing machine. maliogany'some galvanized roofing also end tables‘ 1 drafting table‘ hot water reds and cabinets, other household effects. 884~ “ear 13' new! 389‘2453 after 6 pm- 5019. c1w42 cl “'42 M CONTENTS large home. beauti~ TOP QUALITY CANADIAN ful furniture. Stereo, TV". 9x12, TENT TRMLERS 12x18 gold nylon rugS. drapesï¬ MCKENZIES' French Provincial 9 piece dinl Sales. rentals. supplies ing i-omn‘ tables. lamps‘ 5 on; 235 No. 7 Highway East. ginal oil paintings, portable 59“; 1300‘ West of Bayviewl iflg machine. colonial den. floral 09"“ “’EER'daB'S ’ 1 13m ‘ 9 Pm loose cushion clmsterfield odd Sails & Sundays - 10 am - 6 mm chairs. Must sell one week. 889â€" 235'6915 6644. CGWSS tic-l2 3' x 16") delivereh. Alviï¬'aa‘ke? 889-2436. H013 H1333 TWO large pressure tanks; CUSTOM bum ban 3’ x 2‘, 4 some good doors, nearly new; 2’ stools. double bed and chest of 10" x 6’ 10" steel door; sump drawers. 2 easy chairs. frig, Whip: 2 qul Z‘picture urn-64%. c l “'42 ELECTRIC typewriter. billing machine. mangle ironer. electric loo-cup coffee urn. 2 cigarette machines, several other items. 889-5785. c l “'42 ’PLATE glass mirror $15, china cabinet. $10, electric fireplace $25. ice box $5, cooler $7. 889- 1957. c1w42 CHILD'S table and chairs with roeker, pedal car, rocking horse. double bed. chrome kitchen set, other furniture. 884-2213. TYRES for sale, taken off neg LUMBER â€"â€" used â€"â€" clean and dry. taken from house renova- tion. No nails. 2" x 6" 18'. 2" x 8" etc. Private. Reasonable ofâ€" fer accepted. 889â€"3142. clw42 AQUARIUMS: 25 and 15 gal†fully equipped with canopies. {ile heavy duty pump. 910.. also 2 five gal. and 1 thi-ee 884-6445. ELE_CTI‘}{1C » tybmvl'iterf FIREPLACE LOGS Carefully selected. dry. mosz Maple. $16 a single cord. ‘4‘ x GARDEN tractor with attach- ‘mems lsnow plow included). ~Collie female, 2 years old. 889- 6560. clw42 Bilâ€"NEIX Dualomatic washe}: dryer, good condition. Dryer :needs some repair. $50. 884 3616. c1w42‘ cars. fully guaranteed. save up to 35%. Sobie‘s Supertest, Don Mills, north of No. 7 Hwy. FURNITURE, suitable for cot~ tage, Quebec heater with oven, trig, tables, chairs. beds. etc. 889-6842. cl “'42 TUXEDO - Tails - Grey Flannel suit. men's size 38-40. excellent condition. good quality, reason- able. 884-6974. *1w42 AUTOMATIC washer. suds re-[ turn, will deliver and guarantee: one year.» Ken Clark 889-5226. “014 “C†4 burner propane gas, sfoxje: CRATES of all sizes, suitable Findlay. Good condition. 884- for overseas shipping and 8375. c1w42 domestic use reasonable. Cen- PMOWER Irwnâ€"m , n" ‘ ' . ‘ Oxxer, selfâ€" r0 - tral Van and Storage. tfc8 gnarl 93; um A man on" an?“ ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. “036 WATER SOFTENERS Fully automatic water condiv timers and humidifiers. For in- formation call 684-4016. tfc35 150â€8'inch cement blocks, 1 steel glazed sash. Phone 889- .4610 after 6 pm. c1w42 S7mDodge Toruueslite Transï¬g- sion. $25 rear end complete with springs $20. custom radio $10. 884-1941 BABY caI'iriia’ge, high chair playpen and crib. 889-2960. BEDVIIB" wide with mattress. 9 cubic foot. Frigidaire. 889-4116.. (‘1\\'42; bNE crib, coni'ï¬lete $12. Metal utility table, 296-1533. c1w42 WALNUT roofn divider with 2 globe lamps attached, as new. 884-7511 after 6. c1w42 MEIâ€")OUGKLL deep-well pump. 80 gallon tank. 889-2960. c1w42 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .71: each word. minimum charge $1.0m Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged. .7c per word. min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word: min. charge 31.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should‘be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and encl0se payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 20. 1967 L. H. SIMS 884-1745 H049 gallon *1w42 c1w42 c1w42 2w42 L. Knappelt. 884-3089. tfc40 TWIN spool bunk beds painted with chest and end table, paint- ed desk. odd chairs, floor pol~ isher. electrolux, round mahog~ any lamp table. 2 30" continental beds. record player, child's POWER lawn mower, self-prop- elled 2321 111).. 4 cycle. 20", Tom [Whirlwind $30. 884-4381. c1w42 SandV crushed stone and limeMn-uuwleuge Ul SCIWICC \\ Ul'h. l‘Llll stone. Dclivered'in small quantl-Ztlmei .gOOd wages and workmg ties. Also lawn and garden 1'e1‘-3§?1_]d.1t.-m_n_s' 8876411" Chm? tilizer. Delivered and/or appliedeUARANTY Trust Company Top dressing and loam. can cgrequires an experienced teller L. Knappett. 884-3089, tfc4oi-for Richmond Hill Office. Monâ€" TWIN spool- bunk beds-BEiï¬Ieâ€"diday t9 “(la-Y â€" 35 “0"? “Wk- with chest and end table, paint-tcall ML Bro‘m 0" Ml" Rlce 864' ml Anel- A.†“Imam n A _ “ . . A 1 1180. C1\\42 GOLFERS & CURLERS Have a sweater made in Lady Galt Citation yarn. Bulk without weight. Machine washable. usually sold at 89c our price 79c hank. SECONDHAND BETTY 9 Wellington St. West (at Yonge St.) Aurora â€"- 727-9373 Selling Everything Used Specials on LEM. Electric type- writers, Musical Instruments and FM. radios Open windows; 3" x 10" x 20' joists: some galvanized roofing also hot water rads and cabinets, nearly new, 889<2453 after 6 pm. c1w42 isher. electrolux, round 1nahog~lPHYSIO - THERAPIST. also any lamp table. 2 30" continentaliDlETITIAN l‘equil‘Ed [01' long beds. record player, child'slterm care facility. Part time or labie and chairs. apartment din-‘full time. Hours of duty flexible mg room suite, 889-3789, c1w42'for both positions, Richmond TWOâ€"“‘“â€"‘â€" *‘fâ€"f Hill area. Write Box 48, “The W Jï¬gsmerefit'fs. 3%; “mm we BEDROOM suite with box spring and mattress, 5 pee. kit- chen suite, 9' x 15' rug and un- derlay â€"-â€" all very little used. 88445181. *1w42 NEW and used appliance parts, wringer rolls. wood blocks, bear- ings. belts. stove elements. etc. Math‘s TV, 45 Industrial Road. 884-7903. tfc36 Pine. spruce and cedar â€"- $2 and up. Dig your own. H. Wood- cock. East of Newmarket on Davis Drive to the 7th. lst farm north. Mt, Albert 473-2823 Sat- urday and Sunday only. c1\\‘42 ALUMINUM PRODUCTSi Sales and Service Doors. windows. siding awn- ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558. tfc40 EVENING gown; ’pï¬ak. fï¬fl length, size 12. 884â€"2759 after 4. FIREWOOD Truckload lots $10. Phone Cad- illac Lumber, Maple, Ontario. 889â€"4973. c1w42 BLACK loam or top loam: goad for gardening flowers, lawns, etc. Apply 773-5412. tfc42 LLOYD baby céri'iage, excEITeHi condition. Reasonable. 884â€"3379. c1w42 18" lawn 1i16\\§§1:7§27"7ilawn mower. Good as new. only 2 years old. Recoil start. 884-7972. c1w42 MOTOR cycle, 1001c. $200 or best offer. 884-2436. *1w42 120 bass accordion, brand “a: Room air conditioner. 884-6304. *1u‘42 3 GOOD 775 x 15 tires. Chev custom radio. 55 Chev motor. real good. 773-5256. c1w42 MANURE, half-ton loads. Deliv- ered. $8 per load. 884-7888. INGLIS washer and dryeili matching pair, $150. 832-1057. c1w42 Lombardy Poplars. 6’ to 8'. Dig your own. $1.25. 221-0570. GARAGE, cgnï¬wlete, 131/3 X 22' 5250. 889-2731. c1w41 BROADLOOM, 15' x 10’-6â€. 587â€" 7615. c1w42 JUNIOR bet? Qith mattress, top condition. $15. 889-1842. c1w42 KARATE un3'f6'rm, $8. 889-3369. clw42 Monday â€" 11.30 to 5 Tuesday â€" 11.30 to 5 Wednesday â€"- Closed all day Thursday â€" 11.30 to 5 Friday â€"â€" 11.30 to 9 Saturday â€" 11.00 to 5 DRIVEWA Y GRA \‘EL EVERGREEN’ TREES Wyn-Dot Ladies‘ Wear FOR SALE Bayview Plaza 884-2214 TREES cZ\\'41 0W4? .‘ RESPONSIBLE c2w42 c2w41 eral duties, good home and isalâ€" ary. Wri‘te giving particulars to ,Box 62. “The Liberalâ€. (-1w42 DishWasher. 2 short order cooks 3 to 11 shift. uniforms supplied, wages acCording to exâ€" perience. Must supply own transportation. For further in- formation phone 832-1555. Esso Service Centre, 400 Highway. cooks 3 to 11 shift, uniforms supplied, wages according to ex- perience. Must supply own transportation. For further in- formation phone 832-1555, Esso Service centre, 400 Highway. information phone > 832-1555. Esso Service Centre, 40mm: way. tfcw34 CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT OF LARGE METROPOLITAN NEWSPAPER R E Q U I R E S tfc33 l SALES REPRESENTATIVE. THE COUNTRY Fair Drive IMMUSt be neat ambitious and hill Lions Auction Sale. For is opening next week. In addi-t‘able able to meet 990919- G°0d pickup call Harold Keffer, Real- tion to the staff already hiredealal‘y “'th 3 weeks’ vacation, all‘tor, 889â€"3816. we require: One woman for full time kitchen work. Two women [or part time kil- chen work. Two full time car hostesses. Three part time car hostesses. Apply any time at the Country Fair Drive In, 300 Yonge Street. North, Richmond Hill. clw42 ‘scheduled regularly Car pro- benefits. increases. rided. Age 21-25. PHONE 884-4408 clwfl employee METAL POIIISHERS ‘â€" 2 jobs â€" These are sit down in a department with good dust control. Excellent earning potâ€" pntial h-nm incentive svstem. WANTED to buy farm or garv en tractor in any condition. Phone Newmarket 895-2638. Before 9 am or after 9 pm. c6w38 HOUSEHOLD and miscellane- ous articles wanted for Thorn- c4w4‘2 jDEAD horses and cattle -â€" pick- ed up promptlyâ€"free of charge. Phone Zenith 32800, Ed Peconi 8; Son Ltd. License No. 302C435. tfc42 ‘RICHVALE Lions need items for their Rummage Sale May 2 iat the Richvale Community Hall. ‘Spruce Avenue, phone for pick- OPPORTUNITY NEWMARKET A new and exciting growth in- dustry in 1967 has attractive openings for experienced and qualified FURNACE OPERATORS FLOOR AND BENCH MOULDERS DIE CAST OPERATORS Non Ferrous experience prefer- red but not necessary. These are steady permanent positions at competitive wages. A full benefit programme is provided. Please write immediately giving details of qualifications and ex- perience torâ€"Box 60 "The Lib- MAN wanted for general garden work one day per week. Satur- days preferred. $1.25 to $1.50 pcr hour. 884-5489. c1w42 WOMEN, perferably with cars, as homemakers in Richmond Hill, Vaughan and Markham areas. Daily or live in. 895-8601. c1w42 for bakery. 5 days a week. Levendale Pastry Shop. 22 Lev- endale Road. Richmond Hill. SERVICE station attendant. Exâ€" perienced only. Must have full knowledge of service work. full time. good wages and working conditions. 887-5411. c1w42 BARTENDERS, steward and maintenance men. Meadowbrook Golf & Country Club. Call Mr. Biggerstaff, 297-1591. c1w42 . nomemaxers 1n mcnmonu WOMAN wanted forrshirt de- H111, Vayghan ï¬lm! Markham partment to learn shirt pressing, areas. Daxly or hve m. 895â€"8691. laundering and packaging. Mr. c1“42|w1mbs, Wimbridge Cleaners FULL and part time sales helplLtd. 9724 Yonge Street. tfc41 BINDERY GIRL ~ experienced. fulltime, tipping, stitching etc., north end, 22243857. GARDEN Centre requires man for selling and general assist- ance. Some gardening know- ledge helpful. 889-7645. clw42 HOUSEKEEPERâ€"i‘or family in Thornhill, own room. pleasant surroundings. Call 889-6697. COOK wanted, full time, mustIKEY PUUCh 0139â€th experi' be experienced. References. 887- 5411. tfc37 GIRL to operate shirt machine Good hours. Apply 832â€"1326. DISHWASHER randy may" é’téw’é ardess, Summit Golf Club, north of Richmond Hill. 88443189. FULL and ‘part time help (even- ings) for service station, experi- enced preferred. 884-1502. CHINA cabinet and 4 dining chairs, $50; two piece Chester- field suite, 550. TECO Gas heater, natural or propane. $35; 4 chrome kitchen chairs. $8; Linoleum 12' x 15’ $10. Call 884â€" 5472 after 5 pm. c1w42 BOY'S tweed jackets, girl’s spring coats. hats. suits. Brownie uniforms, YWCA Reâ€" sale Shop, rear 25 Yonge Street North. Open Thursday and Fri- day to 3:30 pm, Saturday morn- ing. c1w42 225â€"3383. c1w42 RELIABLE baby sitter in my home Monday to Friday. 884- 3616 after 5 pm. c1w42 2 pce. davenport. good tion. 8844035. 4’0†stove in gdBcféand'iti 884-3015. RUBBER stamps for every busi- ness, professional or personal use, ready-made or made-to« order, quality, value and prompt service guaranteed. Downsview Printing and Lithographing, 145 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 4. 223â€"9838. c1\\'42} CHESTERFIELD, 2 piece. suit cottage. 884â€"7964. L'1W42 GUITAR. good tone. suitable beâ€" ginner. $12. 889-5022. c1w42 HELP WANTED MACHINE MOULDERS (Permanent Moulds FEMALE STAFF FOR SALE . HELP WANTED ? HELP ‘ Continued) female for gen- condition. $20. c1w-12 c1w42 c1w42 c1w42 clw42 condi- c2w42 c1\\'42 c1\\'42[PeT30“ 1fc41 CLERK-Stenographer required for general office duties in our Richmond Hill office. Apply in writing to Office Supervisor, .York County Health Unit, New {market Ontario. C2W42 nus anampooers, nuur um.- AUTOï¬ï¬‚L‘iNSCREW ines. tools. chairs. 884-676;. c Man able to set up and operate. ______ .. __.__.‘ If you have had experience on PORTABLE TV RENTALS 5 Spindle Warner and Swasey.. WEEK 0R MONTH 6 Spindle Acme Gridley or 6: RICHMOND HILL TV Spindle Wickman, you may} 884-7456 qualify for this position and “0' could be our future foreman TV RENTALS 5-, SERYXCE of this 'department. Fridges stoves. air conditio SNAPâ€"0N TOOLS 0F ers. die-humidifiers. Reasonab CANADA. LTD ‘rates. Gearings. 6309 You 889-7501 Street. “illmrdaip. 2233-237 WAITRESSES for evening shift. 6pmt02amand11pmto7 am. Uniforms supplied. Must have transportation. For further information phone 832-1555. Esso Service Centre, 40‘0“Hig11‘-' way. tfcw34 METAL POLISHERS -â€" 2 jobs â€" These are sit down in a department with good dust control. Excellent earning pot- ential from incentive system. Must have ability to use abra- sive belts and able to use and recap as required abrasive pol- ishing cloth wheels. SNAP-ON TOOLS OF CANADA, LTD 889-7501 FEMALE teller for Thornhill bank, minimum $300 monthly or salary commensurate with experience. Only experienced teller need apply. 889-4961. DRIVERS wanted, ‘must have clean record for progressive taxi company. $100 per week guaran- teed against commission. Apply 8844111 or 250 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. c2\\'41 IBM â€" young lady with junior matriculation and minimum 3 years varied experience. SNAP-0N TOOLS OF CANADA. LTD 889-7501 enced preferred must have own transportation. phone 889â€"4975 Mr. Wenn, Cadillac Lumber. FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi- tions, steady employment. bene- fits. Apply Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. Also part-time help. c6w42 YOUNG lady required for local office. Must have good mathe- matical ability, typing and at least grade 11. Apply Mr. War- dleworth, phone 889-5416. REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ins program, special aSSistance to new starters, Lop commis- sions ' and draws. Call Tula Realty leited. 222-2525. 889â€"5486. (‘l\\’42 YOUNG man. for kitchen help, to be trained for shortorder cook, Apply at Pop's Tavern, 194 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, in Must be over 25, experienced. Apply in person, Crawford On- tario Sand & Gravel Mi, Maple. c3w41 REAL ESTATE Experienced salesman required for Thornhill office. Residential and Land Dept’s. Call Mr. Kei- 889-1105. Mr. Polanski. (aw-ll WANTED woman for work in greenhouse. Apply Mrs. R. Bull, Ridge Gardens. Oak Ridges. 773- 5031. c1w42 BODYMAN for new modern Richmond Hill shop. Excellent working conditions. Only solder used. 884-8187. c1\v42 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST Kluge uaruens. UabZ I‘UCIgCS. tlJflOvShea at c2“,42 5031. clw42Vâ€"4-WM # ewe r . r. l - I SUPPLY TEACHERS WANTED BODYMAN for new modern F0 0 . L d, l ‘a_ Richmond Hill shop. Excellentltior1 uslepgaieï¬ tslcilgllmunégk working conditions. Only solder Ridges required imme‘diately‘ used' 884'8187' CIW42 and also for September 1967 SECRETARY RECEPTIONIST qualified. $18 per day. L.P. $14 Accurate typing and Shorthand per day. Please telephone 773- essential. $75 weekly. 889-2094. 5398 or write R. E. Urquhart, EXPERIENCED woodworkers required by Oxford Phillips, 278 Newkirk Road, Richmond Hill. clw42 HOUSEKEEPER to live in with own room. Family of two girls, King City. Phone 833-5691 after 6 pm. clw42 CHARTERED bank in Thornhill requires male trainee for a carâ€" eer in banking. Usual fringe benefits. contact Mr. Collins. SALES ladies part-time for in- teresting new fabric mill outlet. 297-2392. Mr. Liss. clw42 DRIVER 21130 to work in food store. 5 day week. 833-5173. Evenings 889â€"3814. clw42 03132 car cleanup man and one lot man for used cars. Phone ONE car cleanup lot man for used 889-1105, Mr. Pol WANTED woman fer 889-3816 HAROLD KEFFER‘EXPERIENCED key ’puncher REALTOR clw42iand verifier seeks full time em- YOUNG lad), requ‘iR‘dâ€"f‘or locallployment. 884-3748. c1w42 DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS Continued) tfcw42 c2w42’viEï¬'l‘KLL, 41 {ONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach ines. tools. chairs. 884-6761. clw42 c1w42 c1w42 c2w42 tfc42 tfc25 MALE wanted for purchasing office of a large North Metro Construction Company 1â€" an as- sistant to purchasing agent with mechanical parts experience. Also a clerk with typing and Costing experience. Reply stat- ing age, experience, education references and salary expected {to Box 61 “The Liberal". TV RENTALS & SERVICE Fridges. st0\'es. air condition- ers. de-humidifiers. Reasonable rates. Gearings. 6309 Yonge Street. “'iHuu'dalP. 223-2270. tor, 889â€"3816. DEAD horses and cattle -â€" pick- ed up promptlyâ€"free of charge. Phone Zenith 32800, Ed Peconi & Son Ltd. License No. 302C65. tfc42 ï¬féï¬eï¬twï¬bï¬g‘nééd items for their Rummage Sale May 2 at the Richvale Community Hall. Spruce Avenue, phone for pick- up A. O’Brien 889-4428, evenâ€" ings only. c1w42 ‘ CUSTOM BUILT HOMES. ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS OFFICE REMODELLING Rec rooms. garages. custom kitchen. cabinet work. Bath rooms. porches stairs etc. Ex» pert work guaranteed. free esti- mates. GRAY BROS. CONSTRUCTION RICHMOND HILL 884-5670 L AVAILABLE occasional days for cooking, light housekeeping or practical nursing. 884-7810. YOUNG lady desires evening position. 884-7052. c1w42 IRONING done in my home. 85 cents 'per hour. Near Gem. 889- 5569. c1w42 YOUNG woman available to do complete set of books from be- ginning to financial statements, in own home. 833-6373. c1w42 YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Army. 889-7655. tf029 2 children‘s dressers. 1 adult’s desk. Reasonable. 889â€"4712. WOODBRIDGE THORNHILL AREA Educational assistant required for the craft program at Black Creek Pioneer Village, May, June, September, October. Transportation required to Jane Street and Steeles Avenue. Re- tired industrial art teacher pre- ferred. Apply Mr. T. Barber, Box 720, Woodbridge, Ontario. CLEANING woman available. 3 days weekly. 9 to 4. Own transportation. Please call 884- 4809. . c1w42 MAN with half-ton truck will do odd jobs of moving, clean- ing basements, etc. 884~7888. c2\\'41 GAS or propane refrigerator. in good working condition. 889- 6784. c1w42 LEAD singer for group. Must have good voice, age 1446. For interview, 889-3940. c1w42 c1“-42 5889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES COOK. Immediate opening for‘_.,,. . e ._ ._ __,, -4 , ,tfc'ig relief cook at the Loyal True‘ MASONRY CONTRACTOR Blue and Orange Home. 4 days‘:StoneWork. Fireplace, etc. V. weekly including Saturday andlostel'gaal'd, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Sunday. good wages and work- RiChmond Hill. phone 884- iflg conditions. Meals and uni-5688. tf023 forms supplied, option to liveimm- in- Apply in person to Miss Mc'iill. top soil and limestone Dfmald 3‘1 The H0me~ NO- lléPrompt delivery. Reasonable Highway. 2-4 pm or 6-3 Pm- IrateS. J. B. DeFeri-arii Mable. VERY heavy lawn roller. Call 884-1151. ‘ clw42 884â€"5738 HELP WANTED (Continued) YOUNG man living in Therm Hill Richmond Hill area, inter- ested in carpentry. to work in carpenter‘s shop. 225-6915. PO. Box 427, Oak Ridges, stat- ing qualifications. c2w42 I will pay $200 for a good small truck. 884-7664. c1w42 BROWNIE uniform, size 8 or 10 AVON CALLING Territories open in Richvale. Thornhill, Bayview Glen Estates and Steeles Ave area. For well groomed ladies who want to earn extra money in their own time for interview call Mrs. EMPLOYMENT WANTED TOOLS & EQUIPMENT WANTED clw42 c1\\‘42 c1w42 c1w42 0 llveECALL us for your sand. gravel. 55 MC“ fill. top soil and limestone 10- lléPrompt delivery. Reasonable Pm- Hates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. clw42:832â€"837s. tfch tic31 tfc43 tic-42 em) REPAIRS on all makes of motor - ‘f‘s' cycles, air cooled engines, rotary “th tillers. chain saws, lawn mow- nce- ers, washing machines and small {"39 appliances. 832-8966. clw42 884-1345 REPAIRS Lawn mowers and garden equipment repaired and sharp- ened. New 4-cycle mowers $56.50 and up. UPHOLSTERY RECOVERING â€" RESTYLING of all types of furniture. Latest fabrics, reasonable prices. Guar- anteed work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 Res‘ldence 241-1893 Thompson Repair Service 105 Hwy. 7 East 889-2973 ifc39 GRAY BROS. CONSTRUCTION RICHMOND HILL 884-5670 30 Centre St. W. CHIMNEYS Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell. 889-2526. tfcll Dead elms. poplars etc‘ Cut and removed. Reasonable rates. Alvin Baker 839â€"2436. Plastering GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 Kitchen cabinets. counter tops, vanities. rec. rooms. furniture repair. refinishing, restore an- tiques. Rudolf Tobien. 8894922. tfc39 TV towers. roof antennas. reâ€" pairs. parts and installations. Math’s TV’& Radio Service. 45 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884-7903. tfc37 ALTERATIONS repairs, cusâ€"jences re tom building, residential and 884-1777 industrial. Registered 1949 No. .â€" 122739 Metro Lic. E. 76 Free FURNIS estimates - advice. Phone even- ings. 832-1036 tfc32 ette on Langstaf narcnn R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering Repairs aSpeciaIity Free Estimates PAINTING & PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. 1 “mamaâ€"{namst Roger Proulx â€" Telephone 8844650. m MKL‘R'S‘lmcxm'orjw EXCAVATING CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building, alterations 8: repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcll Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc31 Drains. septic tanks of concrete work. CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations. garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimares. T. Price 889-3653. tf628 Custom built homes. renova- lions, additions, and repairs Kitchens a specially. Mon‘is Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 Trenching. sewer & water lines‘ footings. 889-3604. tfc2 CARPENTRY. decorating and painting. Alterations, repairs and recreation rooms. 884-5009. RALPH ELMS DECORATING CUSTOM WOODWORKING 488-7521 PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 HARRISONS CUSTOM (‘ARPENTRY ANTENNA SERVICE Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe ('. STCN'WEN SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 TREE CUTTING E. W. PAYNE Richmond Hill EELS-8684 889-3185 Thornllill All types tfc34 'GROOMXNG and trinï¬ï¬‚ihg all {breeds Regd. Cocker puppies, tfc17,blonds and blacks. 884-4726. ‘POODLES, miniature registerâ€" [35 ted, white beauties, 10 weeks, tfczogfh'st trim free. $75. 884-7716. ‘ c1w42 t£c4 tfc41 Ifcl3 VG GENERAL CONTRACTING e ~â€" AND LANDSCAPING HUI-1.]. Veltheel‘ and Sons. Phone ' "King City. 833-6378 or Bolton ‘ 857-181 1 . c20w42 ff PAUL’S SEPTlC SERVICE Tanks pumped. phone collect 773-4139 or 773-5062 Oak tfc Ridges. c2w42 PERCH fishing companion, first two Saturdays in May, occa- sional drinker. over 40. no charge. 884-2345. clw42 YONGE STREET OFFICE 300 sq. ft, ideal for lawyer or insurance agent. Call Mr. Rice. I884â€"1188. c1w41 Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or can DAY care available. one or two children. Walter Scott School area. 884â€"8023. c1w42 LOVING care given to children of any age. Large backyard. Near Richmond Heights Centre. Please call 884-7510. c1w42 daily for working mother. 773- 5638. c1w42 WILL mind child in my home SHETLAND sheep dog. regd. (miniature collies) puppies for sale. 895~8281. *2w41 DAY care availablre.7North Tay- 101' Mills. 884-7539. c1w41 DAY care available, fénced in yard. Call 8844598. c1w2 DON MILLS Country Club for pets. Professional clipping, boarding, training. Puppies. Pick-up and delivery. Gordon Garrett. 297-2597. tfc28 Adorable fluffy kittens. 884-5634. cl “'42 §HETLAND pony, 4 years old, western saddle and bridle. Best offer. Must sell. 884-2221. 2 kittens, free to good home. HOUSE - RICHMUN†“"41 Labrador Retriever 7 months, Wanted by reliable couple. Will all shots, to farm home only. keep in good order. References $15. After 4. 884-2759. c1w42;furnished. Please write Box 59, JILL 'GODD’ARD for praréél sional Poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- 3606. tfc35 PAINTING Interior and exterior. 8844311. tfc38 3. 1 bédroom apartments for rent, 180 Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill. 884-5932. c1w42 FURNISHED room. cooking fa-‘plugs. Very little rust. 884-2588. cilities. 16 Lorne. lst house east 02W42 of Clark's Drugstore at Yonge- 1958 blue Chev. 2 door sedan, tfc24‘6 standard, excellent running, FURNISHED apartment for one‘good b0dy, private. 884-1839 or or two teachers or business 222-3113- 01W42 adults- Parlfipg. $90 monthlngGA Sports car. hard‘fop. sotâ€"t Aurora 727-0097- 1f042}mn_ fanneau. radios heater. seat APARTMENT, two rooms. mod- em building, near Allencourt Plaza. $135. Call after 6. 884- 8808. *lw42 LARGE unfurnished 1 bedroom apartment. private entrance. Roseview Avenue, Adults only. 884-5552. ‘ clw42 FURNISHED and’ maxim-Taist rooms. 884â€"1721. Lfle ROOM to re}? wbum‘sui‘t young lady. 884-6968. c1w42 2 bedroom apartment, #3115315 May lst. Adults only. 884-6148. clw42 DUPLEX ‘2 bedrooms. weekly. parking. 635â€"5080 3 room basement with bathroom, new Avenue. 884â€"6431. FURNISHED room and kitchen- ette on second floor, parking. Langstaff near Yonge. Business person. 889-4190. c2w42 LARGE room and kitchen, un- furnished. Suit lady or young couple. Thorn-hill, 889-5785. c1w42 KENNETH G. CROSBY DECORATING CONTRACTOR Excellent workmanship, reason- able pl‘ices. 884-2902. tfc38 LIGHT housekeeping room. Suitable business lady. refer- ences required. Parking space. PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work. 24 hours emergency calls. (work guaran-' teed). t£c38 ROOM to rent. 884-5482. tfc41 PETS FOR SALE FREE WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL WALL WASHING 884-1311 PERSONAL DAY CARE T0 RENT (Continued) T0 GOOD HOME fluffy kittens. apartment 158 Maple * 1w42 c4w39 c1w42 c1w42 )rdom‘TWO business girls with pet tfc28.dachshund require unfurnished !two bedroom apartment or flat ' ' 'Iin Richmond Hill for May 1. 221~0394. c1w42 â€"â€"â€" 2 or 3 bedroom house, anywhere T33" north of Finch to Newmarket or 1W“ Markham. Required by end of :d in August. Adults. References. clw2'Phone 889-6028 after 6. tfc42 1 “'42 ‘ top. V8 automatic. Best offer. tfc38 Call 887-5363 aï¬ter 6. c1w42 $28 n hiking. crafts. For photogra 7 brochure phone 884-2344. 1 Summer CAMPS RICHIL’DACA Day Camp. SR1}? ming. fishing. canoeing, riding hiking. crafts. For photographh 1954 Ford Tudor, new battery, brakes. full pump and spark- HILL Ground floor, one-bedroom apartment, by responsible adult couple (only). References. Please write Box 51, “The Liberalâ€. ncw241 iIf you are looking for used D . trucks, parts, ï¬res or accessor- ies, see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old No. 11 Highway, Holland Land- APARTMENT - RICHMOND YORK University staff member, no children. wishes 2 or 3 bed- room bungalow. north or north west of City, within’ 20 miles. References. 635-2298. Before 5 or 636-9135 after 6. c1w42 WANTED space to rent in gar- age. 889-5628. c1w42 2 0173 bedroom h‘ousé or 2 bed- room apartment in Richmond Hill. 833-5370. c1w42 WOMAN with 2 children desper- ately needs accommodation. 884- 5411. cl\\‘42 2 or 3 bedroom house or “in- terized cottage required by June 16, preferably Oak Ridges, 773-5369. c1w42 SMALL house or apartment re- quired by 2 adults. Available end of May, $115 maximum monthly rent. 884-2402 after 6 pm. c2\}'§1 PROFESSIONAL middle-aged couple, require 2 or 3 bedroom home to rent by June 20. No children, references available. 889â€"3303. c2w42 6124. c1w42 17957’c'héx-f‘2'laéof s§t§mï¬i§¢w 1i? ensed, radio. Best offer. 884- 341 7. c1w42 {9621115uiï¬is'ofs‘fo'doï¬ï¬es on rebuilt motor. clean condition. 1957 Oldsmobile, 4 door, hard- top, automatic, power steering and brakes, radio, $150. 884- 6214. c1w42 VW wanted. 884-7664. ncw42 1961 GMC 34 ton pick up, long wide box. 884-3236. clw42 19E3a-Poxatiac' Laurentian. Besi offer over 5950. 884-3864 or 884- 1958 Ford, standard, radio, good condition, $150. 889â€"6331. 1963 Corvair convertible, 4- speed. black with white top. Excellent. condition. 884-2195. after 6 pm. c1w42 MGA Sports car. hardtop. soft Musician's School. 884-2310. top. tonneau, radio, heater, seatl mum belts. snow tires. newly painted.’ l mechanically sound, $700. 884- 1943. _ "Mg-5.4% ML 1957 Ford. V8. Rideau 500. rem ._._ _.,, 4, conditioned motor, 14.000 miles.T0URsy 0110565, 1‘31! and bus new generator, Beautiful bod57_;tickets, reservations and individ- whiteu‘alls, radio. $200 or best,1l81 tFaVeL 0311 A. H- Cl‘eighmn offal; 889-5022, c1\\~42|Travel Agency. 889-7096. clwn 2 or 3 bedroomihBï¬sérffa’dï¬lfs. 889-3315. c1w42 YOUNG couple requires one or two bedroom apartment. Rich- mond Hill area. Call 832-8881. c2w41 $400 or offer. 884-1341. *1w42 1960 Chev. Biscayne, standard, possession May lst, best offer. 884-3945. c1w42 steering, good body and tires. $175. 773-5402. c1w42 1962 Mercury Econoline, 6 cyl- inder, $495 or best offer. 773- 5021. clw42 1965 Galaxie 500 Convertible, power steering. power brakes. radio, whitewalls. etc. 24,000 miles. 884-6907 after six. c1w42 59 Oldsmobile 98. 4 door hard- top, rebuilt transmission. new brakes. good tires. Best offer. 884-5113. c1w42 MODEL A Ford motor, trans~21T pays to grow cucumbers un- mission, front end, rear end and der contract. For Matthews- wheels. Phone Moonstone 37w2. Wells Co. Ltd. A guaranteed c1w42 market is available to you. Con- 1957 omsmobne, 4 (1001-, hard. tracts are being taken now for top, automatic, power steering 1967. For further information, and brakes, radio, $150. 884- write 01‘ phone Frank Watts. 6214_ c1w42 7059 Yonge St.. Willowdale. 889- ___â€"________. 9 Mia; um": mnam. an." knumm 5494 “(f-«8 ing. 895-4666 O’N’Ei or ituir'oi bedroom furnished apartment. 884-7419. c1w42 1950 Willy‘s Panel, 1929 model A Coach body. Best offer. 884â€" 7509. c1w42 1957 Ford, V8. automatic 1961 Ford Galaxie, 2 door, hard- ‘The Liberal HOUSE - RICHMOND HILL ATTENTION TRUCKERS USED CARS WANTED TO RENT Phone nc2w41 c1w42 power Eï¬ï¬u 3 or 4-bedroom cottage on lake.’ n dap‘safe beach. Wanted for August “in: 5-19th. 384-2163 C1w42 tfc34 To receive help in wr Want Ads For information about Want Ads To order Want Ads GIRL‘S bicycle, lost from 21 Cartier Crescent. Please ’phone 884-7650. c1\v42 AVAILABLE in New Math Grades 6, 7 and 8. 884-1009. STAIiLION. ginger, 12.2 hands, 3 yrs. old $125. 884~2716. *1w42 GERMAN ’RIDING SCHOOL MAGISCROFT Horses boarded. We give in- structions to beginners and ad- vanced riders. Call 384-6975. c4u39 J. Y. LUCIC, A.R.C.T.T.’A’.R2c BABY sitting, evenings. re- quired by experienced reliable adult. 889-3505. c1w42 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street, Thornhill, mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. t£c12 Any landscaping or stone work. Top soil or rockery stone by the load. Free estimates. A. Hartwick. 839-6338. L-4w40 iflKE‘S LandsL-aplng anvdwdzn': dening Service. Planting, patio, walkways maintenance. Indusâ€" trial. residential. Free estimates: 832-1105. c3w4l MAINEâ€"artist‘s paradise. comâ€" plete privacy on 300’ ocean frontage, 3 bedrooms, all con- veniences, $90 weekly. 889-3729. c1u‘42 LAKEFRONT cottage. Georgian Bay. Toronto 85 miles. inside convenience, marina on beach, season, month or week. 833-6373? c4w40 T.P.. Piano and theory. Music- ians’ Schools. 884-2310. tfc40 GLENNâ€"SAWYEï¬ Accora’ioh Musician's School. 884-2310. HANSEN’S LANDSCAPING Clean-ups and complete land- scaping. Sandy loam, 5 yd. load. $24, 3 yd. load $15. Phone after 6, all day weekends, 889-1286. tfc42 LAWN cutting and garden main. tenance. 889-1909. c3w41 Lawn and garden equipment sales and service. John Pugh, R84 Stouffville. 888-1021. RIDING STABLES DRESSMAKING BABY SITTING 884-1105 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY STORES - PLAZAS FACTORIES Elgee Products LIMITED 382 Enford Road. Richmond Hill. Ontario SIGNS Summer Accommodation GARDENING LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ALLlS - CHALMERS NURSERY SCHOOL DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 8844670 COTTAGE TO RENT TUITION CUSTOM 884-8139 THORNHILL MUSIC LOST help in writing c1w42 N42 4w42