BINGO â€"â€" THURSDAY night 8 pm. sharp, jackpot; â€"â€" 4 spec- ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall. East side of Bayview at Crosby Ave.. Richmond Hill. tic-39 MAY 13, SATURDAY. Centen- nial Concert by Festival Choir and Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra, People’s Church, Willowdale. Tickets $1, for in- formation call Mrs. Saunders 832-2281. c5w41 NEED GOOD WORKERS? GET ’EM FAST BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS TO FARMERS 8. GARDENERS NOTICE OF APPLICATION BY THE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM FOR APPROVAL OF A BY-LAW IMPOSING A WATERWORKS RATE Fertilizers for field and garden Headquarters for builders' supplies: Lime, Cement and Plasters and Tile Feed 189 Centre St. E. Phone 884-1313 Richr A good supply of Field and Garden. Seeds and Seed Grain Rodney and Garry Seed Oats and York Seed Barley TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1. The council of the Corporation of the Townâ€" ship of Markham has applied to the Ontario Mun- icipal Board for approval of a 12 inch watermain that has been constructed on Bayview Avenue from the south limit of Creswicke Road northerly to the south limit of Lot 22, Registered Plan 3805, a distance of 4,242 lineal feet, at a cost of $40,- 096.20 and intends to charge part of the cost of the work as a water works rate for a period of 20 years upon lands that abut on the street or streets on which the watermains have been constructed. OMING -VENTI ‘3. Part of the annual payments is to be raised by an annual frontage rate of $0.407 per fooi. 3. In addition to the said rates hereinbefore im- posed there is hereby imposed upon the owners and occupants of lands described in paragraph 4 of this notice a water works rate sufficient to pay for two and one half per cent of the capital cost of the existing water works authorized under By- laws numbers 1670. 1877. 2008. a mill rate of two mills on the assessed value of the lands described in paragraph 4. Lions Hall 4. The lands in respect of which such owners or occupants are deemed to derive benefit from the project are described as follows, namely: All and singular that certain parcel or tract of land and premises lying and being in the Township of Markham in the County of York and being composed of all lots numbers 37 to 42 inclusive in the First Concession of the Township of Markham and all of the west half of lots numbers 12 to 20 inclusive in the Second Concession of the said Township. 0. Any ratepayer may. within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice. send by prepaid pOSt to the Clerk of the Township of Markham at the address given below. a notice in writing stating his objection to such approval or to the imposition of the special rate. 6. The Ontario Municipal Board may approve. the said special rate pursuant to the statute and may approve of the said works, but before doing so it may appoint a time and place for a public hearing when any objection will be considered, but notice of such hearing will be given only to those persons who have given notice of objection as provided for above. NOTE: In the Notice of Application for the subject project published in October 1965, refâ€" erence was made to Registered Plan 3806: this was an error and should have read Registered Plan 3805. 52 NO'S CALLED Dated at the Township of Markham this 11th day of April, 1967. RAMER FUELS BIGGER PRIZES ‘econd publication BINGO RICHMOND Monday, May Coal H. C. T. Crisp. Clerk. Township of Markham RR. ‘2, Gormley. Ontario. this 27th day of April. 1967 lQuiz High School Bd., Tax Crisis ‘Conï¬nued From Pagell councillors that only four month’s salaries at the higher rate were included in this year‘s budget. “The salary increase on our pres- ent offer is a quarter of a million dollars,†he said. “Only one third of this is payable in 1967 but in 1968 the whole will be payable.“ Mr. Chapman also pointed out that in spite of increased pro- vincial grants on capital con- struction. debenture payments on the new Thornlea School which is to be built this year, win add $50000 to next yeaï¬s budget. “The board can see assured increases of $200,000 next year," Mr. Chapman said. but added that he felt the board would Richmond Hill S350. JACKPOT Starting Time 8.00 p.m. Fuel Oil 1 Similarly, participating boardslber of the provincial leglslature, lpaid about $3.25 per student for may again seek the nomination. .guidance counselling, although} A release from the associa- elementary school boards paid tion pl‘eSident A1 HEWitt April ionly for children in grades 7 17 had indicated that Mr. Macâ€" ‘and 8. As it had been found kenzie would not seek a seventh that attendance counselling for term. Since that time how- high school students takes twice‘ever, a group of Mr. Mackenzie's as much time as for elementary supporters called a meeting at pupils, the elementary boards his home in an endeavor to have pay $1 per pupil for this serv- him change his mind. At press ice and the high school board time the outcome of the meet- $2 per pupil in its system. ing was not known. u." - i -u. .. welcome some direction from the councils as to whether the reserve should be set at half a mill per year or what. Reeve Plaxton suggested however that in trying to provide a cushion for next year, they perhaps were not doing residents of the mu- nicipality any favor. “Per- haps next year will be a crisis year," he said, “1 don’t know, but I think per- haps a crisis is the only thing that will bring action from the senior levels of government. The day has to come when someone has to say ‘We would like to do it but we just haven't got the money’. There is going to have to be a ceiling put on it somewhere. We sug- gest a half mill or last year's surplus,†he conclud- ed. Richmond Hill‘s MayOr Thom- as Broadhurst, who chaired the meeting. suggested that the board discuss this item and ad- vise the councils if they could reduce it. Although the topic of the re- serve fund was reverted to more than once. the balance of the meeting was devoted to ques- tioning individual items in the high school board budget. The $101,800 item for auxili-E ary services (psychological, gujd-f ance and attendance counsel-[ ling) came under close quesâ€"‘ tioning from Reeve Plaxton who‘. noted that sums were included' in the public school board bud- get for these and wanted to be sure there was no duplication of services. 3 ‘ work done on it by your school ‘ justified.†.. ... -... ..... --____. Y" in“ r“ Markham Township Council- lor Allan Sumner's only criti~ cism of the budget was that it idid not go into quite enough detail. Just another page could have provided enough explana- tion to have avoided such a meeting, he felt. On atmotion of Mr. Gadsby 'it was agreed that councils and. .school boards should meet three times a year, once for a budgetg :meeting and twice for general discussion. Mr. Sumner’s amâ€" ‘endment for only two meetings a year 1“The budget is done now. what else is there to disâ€"' :cuss‘."’) was defeated. . Mrs. Margaret Southwell of the high school board insisted. that three meetings a year were justified. “You can’t be at all our meetings when we go into ithis budget,†she said. “If you want to have some idea of what is behind the budget and the board, three meetings would be In the meantime, three other residents of Vaughan Township have indicated that they will definitely seek the nomination at the May 3 convention at Rich- }mond Hill High School. One of these is Lorne Wells. CA, a long time resident of Maple. Well known for his par- ticipation in community affairs. The'Wells family has been ac- tive in the political life of the area 101‘ many years. Lorne’s grandfather, William James Wells was reeve of King Town- ship and member of York County Council. His father, Arthur J. Wells, served as re- turning ofï¬cer [or the old pro- vincial riding of York North from the early 1930’s until his death in 1963. Lorne Wells entered municipal politics as a candidate for Vaughan Township School Area Board, heading the polls in his first campaign in 1962 and again in 1964. Accepting chairman- ship of the_b_oard inflJanuary It was explained that the shared services which are of- fered by the York South Re- gional Education Committee are contracted to participating boards on a per pupil basis. Al- though he was recalling the fig- ures from memory. Mr. Chap- man estimated that some 19000 public. separate and secondary students were benefitting from psychological services and their boards were paying approxi- mately $4.25 per student. ' Mr. Bailey supported this, 1965, he ‘noting too that municipalities his retii had a responsibility to keep the 1966. school board informed of pend- Mr. We ing developments, intimating as a merr that councils had much more ship Plai lgresponsibility on the acquisition he was a of school sites. “Our townshipithis year is making plans for the future‘Richmom this year and would have no ob-V1938 and ‘jection to letting the highlthe RCA school board know where we‘received are heading." he stated. to mur-‘ered aux murs of approval from board associate: _members. ' and Com Mrs. Southwell further sug- gested that one of the three meetings should include a tour of one of the composite schools. “A good idea if in return the board members will take a trip over Vaughan’s roads,†quipped Mr. Broad‘hurst. in reply. Although the motion to have three meetings was carried, no date was set up for the next meeting, nor was anyone given the re- sponsibility of calling it. DAYLIGHT SAVING Whereas the Town Council. by resolution has authorized me to issue a proclamation l'e- questing the citizens to observe a period of Day- light Saving for the current year, commencing at 2 o’clock am. on Sunday, April 30. To carry out this request of the Town Coun- cil it will be necessary that all clocks and watches'be advanced one hour at 2 o’clock am. on Sunday, April 30. The Town Council most respectfully asks the hearty co-operation of all citizens in making a success of this movement for the public benefit. Proclaimed pursuant to the instructions of the Town Council. R. Lynett Clerk APRIL 30th GOD SAVE THE QUEEN RICHMOND HILL PROCLAMATION The York Centre Conserva- tive Association was thrown into something of a turmoil early this week when it appeared that veteran legislator Lex Macken- zie, 81. the oldest living mem- ber of the provincial legislature, Mackenzie May Seek 7th Termi Tory Nominees Put In Quandary? Lorne Wells entered municipal politics as a candidate for Vaughan Township School Area Board, heading the polls in his first campaign in 1962 and again in 1964. Accepting chairman- ship of the board in January 1965, he held this position until his retirement in December, 1966. Mr. Wells is presently serving as a member of Vaughan Town- ship Planning Board to which he was appointed in January of this year. He graduated from‘ Richmond Hill High School in 1 1938 and served overseas with; the RCAF during the war. He‘ received his degree as a chart-_ ered accountant in 1951 and isi associated with Tinkham, Wells‘ and Company of Toronto, ‘5 Having served as chairman of finance for the Maple Commun- ity Centre and as district chair- man of the York Central Hos- pital building campaign, Mr. Wells has maintained an active interest in public affairs. He is presently a trustee of Maple United Church. coach for the Maple Minor Hockey League, chairman of finance for lst Maple Scout Troop and a chart- er member and past president of Maple Lions Club. He mar- Abel Lee is shown above with some of his interesting wood constructions, a collection of which is currently on View at the Ruthe Calverley Gallery, 50 Yonge Street South. Using the patterns and textures of woods as a painter uses oil colors, Mr. Lee creates fascinating compositions which may express an emotion, an idea or just a pleasant abstract ar- rangement. This is the first public showing of the pieces although Mr. Lee has had many one man shows of his monotypes in Sweden, Canada and the Netherland Antilles and has had work in group shows also in Estonia and the U.S. A native of Estonia, he now lives and has a studio in Maple. Thomas Broadhurst Mayor. Unique Art Form 012 Display ried Marjorie Bailey of Maple in 1948 and they have three children, Lorie, 15. Grant, 13, and George. 8 years old. Warren Bryce. manager of York Fire and Casualty Compâ€" any. Thornhill, former member of Vaughan Township Council has also indicated that he will seek the Conservative nomina- tion. Third to declare himself defi- nitely in the running is David K. Fraser of Concord. A lawyer, Mr. Fraser was elected to Vaughan Township Council last December in his first venture into politics. Mr. Fraser made clear, however, that if Lex Mackenzie does seek the nomi- nation, he will withdraw. Also rumoured as candidates are Ken Doyle of Thornlea Road in Markham Township, a former member of Vaughan Township Council during the 1950’s and former Markham Township Reeve Charles Hoop- er of. Buttonville. “muml“ll\ll\\\l\llll\\\ill\\\l\l\l\“N\\l\\l\\\\\\\\lll\l\ll\|!\\\l\ll“\l\\\l Don’t Take Cars T0 Caravan Show numumuuuuuuuuummuumunImuummmuuumumuuum Morley Hall, a resident of Richmond Hill since 1930. \\ ho has successfully managed his own grocery business since 1942. has now joined the sales staff of Emerald Isle Real Estate, Ltd. 18A Yonge Street North. His son, Warren Hall. has taken over management of the popu- lar Morley's Foodland. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hall live on Church Street South. providing complete hed care 889-7072 Richmond Hill Police Chief R. P. Robbins has urged local citizens to leave their cars at home during the Centennial Caravan visit here May 1 to 3, and to use public transportation. More than 20,000 people are expected to flow through Richmond Hill dur- ing the period the caravan is on display at Richmond Heights Centre. Chief Robbins said local police would be reinforced with extra men from the OPP at Oak Ridges, and from Vaughan and. Mark- ham Townships. He said cars would be towed away found in “no parking" areas near the centre. MORLEY HALL Joins Realty Firm Nursing Homes ONE SEMI-PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION AVAILABLE Licensed Nursmg Home AUSTRALIAN FANCY CANNED Peaches, Pears, Apricots'& Fruit Salad CHRISTIE’S BUTTERMATE SLICED ROSE PURE JAMS and JELLIES 3 9 oz. Jars GOLD SEAL FINEST QUALHW FLORIDA GREEN JUMBO - Size 24’s California NEW LEAN MINCED ROUND STEAK or ROAST .v.-Av\,..., “1.4-15‘ AUSTRAL BRAND FRUITS CHUNK LIGHT TUNA 3 61/2 oz. Tins CELERY WHITE BREAD Dr. Thomas S. Summers Chiropractor Extends Welcome to Residents of Richmond Hill To Attend His Open House 24 oz. loaves Open House Saturday, April 29 BETWEEN 1 - 5 PM. 80 Yonge St. South Richmond Hill 14 oz. Tins 29 Yonge St. S. â€"- Richmond Hill 884-6011 $1.00 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, April $1.00 ROASTS 7 9 g: LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 C LARK’S AYLMER FANCY CANNED Peas, Corn. Cut Wax & Cut Green Beans DEL MONTE FANCY ASSORTED VARIETIES â€"- Mix & Match Florida Tomatoes 25;! LB.‘ All JUICES & DRINKS OlD TYME COUNTRY 8 WESTERN California Fresh Crisp Green HEAD PORK and BEANS z 20 oz. Tins NEW EXCITING . . MAPLE LEAF Sliced Or by the Piece Richmond Inn “The Time Twisters†(FRIDAY NIGHT ONLY) Live Entertainment VEGETABLES The Coach Room YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL BOLOGNA Large Heads 24's Motor Hotel 14 oz. Tins LETTUCE Time: 9.00 pm. to 1.00 am. 48 oz. Tins FREE: Favour’s Now Fully Licensed Vine-Ripened Large Slicing "SOUNDS " 39¢ Lb. $1.00 $1.00 1967