Moving? CENTRAL VAN 8. STORAGE TORONTO, N. TORONTO RICHMOND HILL 924-3669 889-5101 884-2613 or 884-1146 LOCAL 8: LONG DISTANCE MOVING FULLY INSURED 24 HOUR SERVICE MODERN HEATED WAREHOUSE 884-4425 889-7624 Storage? EXPERIENCE FOUR bedroom split level home. 2 bathrooms, kitchen, dining area and living-room Finished rec. room. well land- scaped log. Immaculate condi- tion, $27,500 -â€" cash to NBA 6% mortgage. Write Box 70 “The Liberal". clw43 \CHECK THESE FEATURES \ Full Price $22,900. \3 bedroom brick home with ‘paved drive and attached ‘garage, separate dining room, rec. room. and panâ€" }elled den. walking distance \from Yonge St. Completely ‘landscaped and fenced lot, For appointment to View call ‘Morley Hall. This home holds special ap-' peal to the family who wants \to be close to everything, ‘schools, shopping and trans- ‘portation. It has 3 bedrooms, garage and full basement. ESituated on a large lot. To ‘view call Beth Jones. 1 CHECK THE PRICE 1 ‘ FULL PRICE $13,900. Only $3,400 down. 'Clap-board bungalow on lot 130’.1 Living room 1'7‘x12‘. kitchen ‘12'x10' and 2 large bed- rooms. Don't miss this one.1 ‘Call Mrs. Jacobsen. ‘ \Oak Ridges west, 5 room} ‘aluminum siding home on large landscaped lot. Excel- lent buy. Just listed. I ‘have others also. Call H. Mashinter. $30,400, 7 room brick ranch bungalow with double gar- age, family room 17x14, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, large master bedroom, main floor laundry room, large lot, im- mediate pOSSession. Mr. Sun- ter, 884-7751. BEAUTIFUL LOT WITH ‘ STREAM 1 6 room bungalow. only'L year old, owner leaving the‘ country. 3 large bedrooms, garage and large balcony.‘ Full price $20,900 Don't delay. call June Locking. ONLY $14,500 FULL PRICE] COTTAGES AND LOTS Need a cottage or a lake from lot in beautiful Musâ€" koka‘.’ If Sb call Joe Bis- sonette. Solid brick detached 6 room} home, paved drive. aluminum ‘storms and screens, and‘ ‘many extras. Asking $20,J 900. To View call Rick Pill-i \age. ‘ BIRCHMOUNT-SHEPPARD AREA $28,900. immaculate 3 bed- room brick bungalow just right to move in and live, beautifully landscaped, walk- out from living room to sunâ€" deck with awning, finished lrec. room with open fire-- place. make an offer. Mr. Taylor, 884-7751. THORN HI LL For a Deal Worthwhile Call 18A YONGE STREET N., 889-5651 884-2377 EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE lTD. 4 bedroom solid brick bun- galow. close to public and separate schools. must be sold. Can Hugh Kerr. ‘ \King Township, building lot ‘in scenic area, $9.500. Mr. ‘Brown, 884-7751. Members or the Toroxito, York County and District Real Estate Boards WEST OF YONGE $29,900.00 attractive 4 bed- ‘room split level. living room, features wall to wall broad- loom and open fireplace, 2 bathrooms. attached garage. Mr. Crowther, 884-7751. CARRIES $125.00 M0. $14.900 5 blocks to Yonge. 3 bedroom bungalow, lot 50x 210, owner transferred. Mr. Crowther, 884-7751. CARLISLE “Look For The Sign Of The‘ Shamrock" ‘ PHOTO M.L.S. 884-7751 889 BEST BUY IN TOWN REAL ESTATE LTD 28 Yonge St. S. TRY AN OFFER IT’S A BEAUTY 10 ACRES “THE LIBERAL†REAL ESTATE PAGE ANEW WAY OF LIFE 889-7381 Beautiful landscaped -lot with trees,- bushes and garden area. Brick 1% storey, 7 rooms, 4 bedrooms, fireplace. Separate 1 car garage over- sized. Only $10,000 down, cash to one open mortgage at 61/2927. All in excellent .condition. Priced at $28,- 900.00. Act fast. Mr. Zipfl, 889-6254. RETIREMENT, 2.6 ACRES Country setting on ravine lot. Brick bungalow with two large bedrooms and two fireplaces, plus two car gar- age.‘ Located in the Village of Markham. Owner financ- ing makes this home espec- ially easy to buy. Call Norm Ashton, 889-1156. STREAM, BUSH, POND 30 acres, a wealth of living is in store for you in this suburban home site. With a magnificent setting of trees, stream, plus good pond. Properties like this sell fast. Call Norm Ashton, 889-1156. Smart little aluminum siding bungalow on a large lot. This is a very neat little five room home, extra deep lot. Let me show you this prop- erty. Mr. Murray, 8894156. BUY 6 room brick bungalow on a 50x150 foot lot, close to ev- erything and asking $20.- 500.00. Exclusive brick bungalow on the west side, 6 rooms plus rec. room and den, two car garage and many extras. 3 bedroom brick bungalow on half acre near the Mill pond, very spotless. Asking $23,900.00. Frank Zazzara, 889-1156. THORNHILL, 100x300 NORTH THORNHILL AREA LAND AND ACREAGE We have all various parcels of land from 21/9 acres to 50 acres. Some with stream pond, ravine, trees. All par- cels have good building sites. Mr. Unswol‘th, 889- 1156. AURORA AND DISTRICT $15,900.00 3 bedroom brick bungalow situated close to schools, etc. This ideal fam- ily home is dutch clean. May possession. $17,400.00 immaculate 2 storey 3 bedroom brick home, on nice lot fenced and land- scaped. Carries for $90.00 per month including taxes. $17.500.00 detached 3 bed- room brick . bungalow situ- ated on nice high lot. Close to all schools and shopping, etc., carries for $107.00 per month including taxes. $18,600.00 detached brick bungalow on large fenced lot. This immaculate home‘ is situated close to every-l thing. See this for value.‘ We have other real good homes for you to choose‘ from. Call Alex Allder,l 773-5141 or 889-7254. l Inspect this attractive 3 bed- room family home, close to schools and transportation, low financing 6%%. Large family room, open fireplace and den. Call Mrs. McChesv ney, 889-1156. $14,500.00 KING TWP. 3 bedroom aluminum siding bungalow, 1 mile west of Yonge. Full basement and forced air oil heat. Large living room and kitchen. Suit small family or young couple just starting out. Call Ken Villeneuve, 889-1156. RICHMOND HILL'S BEST $22,900.00 FULL PRICE Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Richmond Hill featuring large family size kitchen, master bedroom 14x 12 with his and her closets, nicely decorated throughout. Full basement. Conveniently located near schools, shop- ping and transportation. For details call Ruth Mabbett, 889.6253. BUSINESS CORNER 12 miles from Metro. Best location in the area. Service station with over 200,000 an- nual gallonage, restaurant and eight room apartment. Ideally suited for partner- ship or two family operation. $20,000.00 cash required to easy terms on one open mortgage. Call Ken Villen- euve, 889-1156. WEST SIDE RICHMOND HILL Beautifully decorated and maintained, 3 bedrobm bun- galow in prestige area, near all, conveniences: Walk~in from 2 car garage to finished recreation area, additional bedroom or den and 2 pc. powder room, walk-out from kitchen to balcony overlook- ing treed lawn and open countryside many extras. Owners Ieavmg country. Call Mrs Dunlop, 889-6254. Servicing Willowdnlc. Thomhill & Richmond Hill THORNHILL BEAUTY 8242 YON GE ST. 889-1156 6% NBA MORTGAGE RICHMOND HILL $26,900. - First time offered - solid brick bungalow with priv- ate garden, enclosing a swim- ming pool and cabana with a flagstone patio. Inside this home is decorated in soft pas- tels, with broadloom in the living and dining rooms, a Hollywood kitchen and 3 large bedrooms. A huge fieldstone fireplace takes up one wall of the panelled recreation room which supports a bar. This home has many extras. and may be financed to your down pay- ment. Please call Mrs. Barbâ€" ara Wright, 222-2548 or 884- 7915. 75 steps to Bayview city bus ~ an immaculate centre entrance detached brick bungalow with a private drive and fenced gar- den. This one owner home has 3 bedrooms,.1i\{ving and dining rooms, dry high basement, many personal touches. Don’t miss this opportunity to own a well-built and planned home. $21,900. full price. Further de- tails call Mrs. Barbara Wright, 222-2548 or 884-7915. guarauxu v1, vu'xâ€"luAu. D0 YOUR OWN DECORATING $21,900. - List price - owners have bought and will be mov- ing June 30th. Split level en- trance bungalow ,with a fire- place and family size kitchen. Situated on one of the nicest lots in King City â€" trees. shrubs, evergreens â€" a gardener's para- dise. Taxes $288. yearly. Call Mrs. Barbara Wright, 222-2548 or 884-7915. MEMBER TORONTO suuuuxco “MINDâ€"Ill vvcxl unu stove, dining nook. Two bathrooms, patio and brick barbecue. Attached garage. Near Yonge. This is a beautiful home. RICHVALE $3,000 down, 3 bedroom bungalow, large living room. Separate dining room. Modern garage. Lot 90’ x 244’, near Yonge Street. Spic and span! Asking $19,900. kitchen,‘ iMAY 6, SATURDAY â€"â€" Auction sale of 2 tractors, farm imple- ments, miscellaneous lots of an- tique tools, articles, etc. Also household furniture, dishes, lglassware, ornaments, effects etc, including very old and an- ltique pieces. Property of Douglas Hood, at lot 14, Con. *4, Markham Twp. on Don Mills ‘Road at Buttonville. Sale at 1:00 rpm. Terms cash. No reserves. Farm sold. See sale bills for full listings. James Smith, Clerk, Ken 8: Clarke Prentice. Auctionâ€" jeers, Markham, Ont. Phone: 640- 3686. c2w43 v . w _ . v . n v . _ . . ~ w v . . v “ w- wavv “Km†Near Yonge. This is a household - lglassware. ing June 30th. Split level en- beauufUI home' etc, includil trance bungalow \with a fire- , (tique pie( place and family size kitchen. RICE“ ALE 1Douglas H0 Si‘u‘?‘ed_°“ 0,“ 0f. the nicest $3,000 down, 3 bedroom‘4, Markham lots m ng Clty - tlees, Shrubs, bungalow large living.Road at But evergreens â€" a gardener‘s para- ’8 ‘ t d. . lp‘m- Terms dise. Taxes $288. yearly. Calliro O m' __ePala e _ l mmqu hum nnlrl $21,900. - List price - owners have bought and will be mov- 4683 Yonge St. 222-2548 2 short blocks to Yonge St. and shopping, 5 room very neat bungalow, big living room with open fireplace, L shaped dining room, with 2 bedrooms, modern kitchen aan finished recrea- tion room. 0n sewers, oil heat. Full price $19,900 with $5,300 down payment. Call Tom Mc- Keage. . KESWICK $3,000. DOWN ONE MORTGAGE BALANCE 5 room bungalow. aluminum siding, stone front, nice lot 50’x150‘. Call Tom McKeage, 884-7969. KESWICK $12,900 - 2 bedroom bungalow, modern kitchen. large living room, 3 pce. bath, oil furnace. sunroom with fire place, car- port, large nicely landscaped lot. $6300. 1 bedroom bungalow. 3 pce bath, modern kitchen, liv- ing room. utility room, large garage, lake privileges, R. BRUCE LOCKIE REAL ESTATE Keswick 476-5111. Toronto line 364-1627. c1w43 BONUS BRICK BUNGALOW $18,900 Aurora. A better way of life can be yours in this charm- ing bungalow located in a pre- ferred area of town. Well plan- ned throughout, this home has 3 large bedrooms. beautifully styled kitchen with huge ad- joining dining area, spacious living room. oil heating, storms and screens. Easy NHA financ- mg. OLDER GEM $14,800 Aurora. Here’s a family home for any pocketbook. This 2 storey older property has 3 bedrooms, separate dining room. spacious kitchen, oil heating. lovely deep garden. Reasonable downpayment with one mort- gage for balance. 727-4288 ROYAL TRUST $4,000 W. R. CASE REALTY LTD 96 Yonge St. Aurora AIM-IS RE'“IREMENT SPECIAL REAL ESTATE BOARD REAL ESTAT B K 5859 Yonge St. (Newtonbrook Plaza) Willowdale TO PLEASE .22l-55I5 SOLD BY DOWN PAYMENT OUR $26,900. 3-bedroom brick bungalow, combined living- dining room, stone fire- place (electric). Kitchen features builrt-in oven and, stove, dining nook. Two bathrooms, patio and brick barbecue. Attached garage. Near Yonge. This is a! beautiful home. ‘ †iHAROLDE E KEFFER§ iMUIiPHv Mrs. For dependable service list with us! All cash if required. Mortgages arranged. For de- tails call: Mrs. Mrs. ROYAL TRUST AURORA { Make us an offer on this 4 bed- room back split bungalow, Di 3 bedroom dwelling in Rich- baths, recreation room, carport mond Hill, Close to schools. with storage area on well land- landscaped Storms. 5L‘é% first scaped lot. Asking $21,500, car- mortgage. Price $161500. 889~ ties for $115 monthly PIT. Mayl3616. *2w42 1 possession _ “ ilâ€"A‘Iji‘ ACE: In Aurora Heights, on a fencelehfee bedroom frame, fun lot, paved drive. this very clean . 3_bedroom pungalow' 4 basement. completely redecomt~ c. . . . . bath. Hollywood kitchen. finish- :g'ch‘g‘i‘gcggg $511355†Pd; :lo‘fï¬lcg' migg'iglaysigegboowggz vate. 889-5531 between 2 and 4. . y, . , D mortgage. Carries $106 monthly! CZW42 P.I.T. 1*â€" PRIVATE SALE Featuring Outstanding Property Values Throughout York County REAL ESTATE DIVISION 4683 Yonge Street SELLING YOUR HOME? $23,900. - 6 rooms, garage, 5 .rooms in basement. Call Mr; ,Hudson. CALL ' ‘ 9 889-2951 - 884-5422 - 773-4302. “WOW $18,900 - 7 rooms, rec. mom ’200’ lot. Call Mrs. Hawkes ‘2 lots - $1,500 each. 1â€"5 acre ‘lot - $4200. Call Mr. Deb- ‘bert. ‘ REALTOR ‘889-2951 884-5422 773-4302 REAL ESTATE 4 Finch Avenue West, (Suite 1) 223-5040 RICHMOND HILL EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER 21 Yonge St. N.. Aurora 727-9413 Dorita Carter Jean Plaxton Barbara Wright 222-2548 223-5040 HOME OF YOUR OWN 889-3461 889-1210 884-7915 MAY 1. MONDAY â€" Auction Sale of 47 head of registered and grade Holsteins. 2 Jersey cows. 20 head of Angus and Hereford cattle. full line of' farm machinery. Diesel Case-O- Matic No. 800 tractor: MF No. 35 diesel tractor, 1600 hours, with loader; self-propelled com- bine, Case No. 600; milking equipment, bulk dairy tank, De Laval 400 gallon; quantity of hay and straw. Property of Mrs. W. Mae Stover, Rivalda Farm,_ Weston RR 2, Lot 2, Concession‘ 6, Township of Vaughan. 1 milei south of No. 7 Highway, first‘ road, west of 400 Highway. 12 pm. sharp. Alvin Farmer and Gordon Orr Auctioneers. I c1w43‘. MAY 13. SATURDAY â€" Auc-{I tion Sale of 2 trucks. Ford! tractor with loader conveyors,‘ feed mixer, hammer mill, scales“ heavy duty electric motors. feedi and grain merchants’ supplies,.I l tools, set of heavy weigh scales for weighing truckloads. miscel-f laneous articles, etc. Property; of the Estate of the late Ray-jl mond H. Brillinger, at 231 Mainl St. Markham. Ont‘. known at Brillinger's Elevator. Sale at 1:30 pm. Terms cash. No re-fl serve. Allen Meyers. Clerk. Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auc-l tioncers. Markham. Onl., phone ‘ Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684. tfc17 640-3686 LAKEFRONT rooftage. Georgian Bay, Toronto 85 miles, inside convenience, marina on beach, season, month or week. 833-6373. c4w40 MORTGAGE money available, first and second funds, immedi- ate inspection. Compass Realty, Ltd. 326 Adelaide, West. 363- 6369. c2w43 TV RENTALS & SERVICE Fridges, stoves, air condition- ers, de-humidifiers. Reasonable rates. Gearings, 6309 Yonge Street, Willowdale. 223-2270. tfc32 SALE REGISTERS MODERN watérf}o§t cottage, 2 bedrooms, safe sandy beach availableAugust. 884-6489. LAKEFRONT cottage, Bancroft area, quiet, safe sandy beach, inside conveniences, small - mouth bass and lake-trout fish- ing, boat. $65 weekly. 884-1919. tfcw43 I IT pays to grow cucumbers un-l der contract. For Matthews- Wells Co. Ltd. A guaranteed market is available to you. Con-tracts are being taken now for 1967. For further information, write or phone Frank watts, 7059 Yonge St., Willowdale. 889- 5494 tf028 Three bedroom frame, full basement. completely redecorat~ ed. Financing available if de- sired. $191500. No agents. Pri- vate. 889-5531 between 2 and 4. c2w42 RENTALL, 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY REAL ESTATE ! WANTED MORTGAGES TOOLS & EQUIPMENT PERSONAL COTTAGE TO RENT THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, April 27 rm m n1 c3w43 clw43 tfc31 “(:43 Electric Knives . . . . . . Reg. Electric Kettle . . . . . . . Reg. Electric Can Openers .. Re’g‘ Electric Steam Irons .. Reg‘ Electric Bake Fry Pans Reg‘ Mantel Radios . . . . . . . Reg Clock Radios . . . . . . . . Reg. Deluxe Hair Dryers .. Reg. Manual Rug Shampooers Reg‘ Electric Hand Mixer .. Reg. Portable TV ’3 . . . . . . Reg. SIGNS STORES - PLAZAS FACTORIES Elgee Products LIMITED 382 Buford Road. Richmond Hill. Ontario Thornhill Secondary School ~â€" required as soon as possible. Langstaff Secondary School â€"-â€" required for June or July. Clerk-Stenographer or Clerk-Typist for shared services section at Board Office (psychologists, guidance co-ordinator, and attendance counsellors serving several boards). Employment for 10 months of each year: half days from early May until June 30th this year; all day commencing about the third week of August. Challenging positions are open in the Board Office and in School Offices for those with Grade 12 education or better. Improved salary schedules, numerous fringe benefits: Assistant Secretary to Principal. Opportunity to qualify for a higher position. Applicants with- out school office experience will be considered for openings as Office Assistants. Year-round em- ployment. GEORGE W. TINDAL, Business Administrator, York Central District High School Board 59 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill - 884-4477 BAYVIEW AVE. & MARKHAM RD. AT ALLENCOURT SHOPPING CENTRE Bus. Phone 884-2612 - Res. 884-5747 Willing to start qualified experienced bookkeeper at $100 or more per week. ALLENCOURT ELECTRONICS Please apply at once to NAME BRAND APPLIANCES: Salary Range $3120 to $3640 Call: Mr. Brown or Mr. Rice 884-1180 GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY CUSTOM Secretarial Staff Write giving references and age to: BOX 64, THE LIBERAL 884-8139 Permanent Bookkeeper and General Office Worker And many small appliances to clear far below regular prices Requires an EXPERIENCED Teller TELLER Richmond Hill 36 Hour Week Reg. $139.95 Reg Reg‘ Reg Reg Reg FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE 1200 sq. ft. Levendale Rd. John A. Griffin Const. 889-5469 or 7 '1‘. Murphy Real Estate 889-2951 $34.95 Now $16.95 Now $17.95 Now $25.95 Now 39.95 Now $49.85 Now $59.95 Now $34.95 Now $12.95 Now $16.95 Now Now Now Now Now Now N ow Now ‘, 1967 884-5422 $19.95 I $11.95 I $11.95 $13.95 : $26.99 $23.95 I $29.95 I $22.95 '. S 7.95 $11.95 $99.00