6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. wording unchanged, .7c Second and subsequent insertions it per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 'or THANKS. IN ENGAGEMENTS. aertion MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. in- $1.50 Classiï¬ed advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- - days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. ARTICLES FOR SALE reasonable. 884-5359. c1w45 ,__,._____â€"â€"â€"â€",â€" REFRIGERATOR â€"- su1-table for summer cottage. 888-1070. ~' c1w45 BABY’S crib, like new, Harris, and mattress $30. 889-7103. c1w45 â€"HINA, Limoges France, 121 place setting dinner set. 884- 6928. c1w45 C-UTLERY, lamps, household goods, 167 Oxford Street, Rich- mond Hill. c1w45 GILERA motor cycle, 100 ccs. Will accept any reasonable of- fer. 884-2436. *1w45 LARGE crib complete, washing machine, dishes. 884-6160. 21†Admiral TV. Needs repairs, - FOR SALE NEW laid eggs, Richmond Hill. 884-6367. tfc43 21" CONSOLE TV in good con: dition. Rec room aluminum sash window, new. 884-1559. c1w45 'l‘HE LlBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. 'l‘hursday. May 11, 1967 Continued) SMALL coal and wood st0\e $20. 833-6671. c1w45 HAND lawn mower. Phone 884-! 3971. c1w45; lCR-IB andâ€"mattress in good con-l dition, $15. 884-3333. c1w45; ‘BOX trail-er, 4'x7‘. Phone 884- ,1946. c1w45 IBABY carriage and stroller. $30. ‘773-4205 evenings. c1w45 RUBBER raft with oars. seats and pump, like new. Cheap. 884-, 7311. c1w45 CHAIN saw, “Pioneerâ€, almoS't ,new. Cost $175, sell for 8100. 1884-4514. c1w45 CABIN trailers, white alumi- num, $595. full price. (8 leftl. Corner of No. 7 Highway and Leslie. c1w45 LKRIGErGeâ€"neral Electric range: $40 and kitchen table and 3 chairs $10. 884-5374. c1w45 NEWlQEFdionfwiIIâ€"éï¬iiï¬e at $200. 120 Bass. 884-6304. WALNUT iiï¬ished metalâ€"bed, mattress and spring. Full size. 884-4112. c1w45 WRINGER washing machine, Viking. Excellent condition, $60. 889-7990. c1w45 CAMPING trailer with lights and spare tire, suitable for small car. Excellent condition, $125. 889-7990. c1w45 01":1_5 1965 Honda 90, excellent condi- WHEEL chair, table board, tion, low mileage. 60 miles per crutches and two canes. hour. $230 full price or best ofâ€" Scarcely used. 773-5671. c1w45'fer. 884-7503. c1w45 floâ€"NDA â€"- sss Sport. Very 2 fridges. 2 ’I‘V’s. humidifier. well taken care of. One year old, billiard table. single continental $275. Call 884-3172. *2w45 bed, complete: 14‘ boat and trailer. 889-5541. c1w45 ZENITH table model radio, AM- FM, beautiful tone, almost new., Best offer. 884-7736. c1w45 FIRST class top soil. $5 per large truckload. Call Worldwide: Shipping. 884-1146. tfc431 BLACK loam or top loam, good for gardening, flowers, lawns, etc. Apply 773-5412. tfc42 LONG wedding gown. Size 11. In excellent condition. 884-6841. c1w45 14 cubic ft. upright Viscount. freezer, 1 year old, $175. 887-- 5695. c1w45 21†TV 35, Underwood electric typewriter, $100. 889-5728. ‘____ ____._W c1w45 LLOYD baby ‘carriage, cottage- ' ' " refrigerator. *2w45 stove with oven and broiler. Evenings after’ 8 pm. Phone 884-1052. GOLF CLUBS, "1965 Haig Ul- DEEP freezer, 22 cu. ft.. child’s spring horse and chrome rock- ing chair. double bed with mat- tress. 884-5927. c1w45 NEW window sash, glazed. Case- ment and double hung. Assorted sizes, half regular price. 883- 6850. c1w45 GOLF Clubs, some wooden shafts, good for beginner, com- plete with bag. Very reasonable. 884-2528. c1w45 CONTENTS of large home in Richmond Hill, most items re- cently purchased. 889-6644. c5w44 POTATOES, 75 lb bag, $1.75, table or seed. C. Mashinter, corner of Gamble Road and Bathurst. 884-2549. tfc43 c1w45 ‘ DAVENPORT. converts to bed,- with matching chair. Recliner. Hollywood divan. Combination TV and radio set. Child's horse. 1832-2622. FLOOR TILES Repeat of Special Purchase! First line vinyl asbestos 9x9 .080 guage. 6 colors only. Regular 12 cents special 919 cents each. BUTLER Si BAIRD LUMBER‘ LTD. 884â€"1125 - 889-3506 c1w45 c1w45 HELP WANTED LIGHT housekeeping, part time. small nursing home, Yonge Street. 889-7072. c1w45 PRACTICAL nurse, part timen days. small nursing home, Yonge Street. 889-7072. c1w45 l l CAPABLE cleaning woman re-l, quired once a week, $10. 884â€"‘ 7005. c1w45 COOK wanted, full time, must be experienced. References. 887- 5411. tfc37 WOMAN to work in dry clean- ing plant and serve counter. Good hours. 832-1061. tfc43 TAXI drivers, full aild part time, male or female. 889-1154. c1w45 MEN to work on new golf course, 7985 Bathurst Street. Thornhill. c 1w45 BOOKKEEPER with some tyâ€"‘p- FOR SALE l â€" 1 HELP WANTED - 1Contl‘nuedl WOMAN Saturdays. after 6. c2w44 GIRLS or w omen for light clean factory w ork. Phone 889-5467. c1w45 Maple. CLEANING woman for Thurs- days. Bayview-Steeles area. 889- 6107. c1w45 FULL TIME helper wanted for landscape gardener, no exper- ience necessary. 889-6841 after 7 pm. c1w44 PART time day care for 2 year old, vicinity Elgin Mills and Gamble Sideroad. 884-4884. c1w45 lo’i-‘lwiuseworh 9-4,ing girls. 884-7985. 832-2446 TEFâ€" 1 rooms. 884-1721. .business TO RENT fl‘MISCELLANEOUS’MI 2_furnished bedrooms fOr work- c1w44 trailgr. fully equipped. 895-9319. FURNISHE‘D‘ahd‘uniuï¬ï¬ï¬d tfc19 2 bedroom aparllnentfalglable June 1. 884-8808. ATTRACTIVE bed sitting roomâ€". lady preferred. 889- c1w45 fridge 6103. 2-bedroom apartment, eluded. 889-1234. C1\\451 c1w45 PLUMBING - HEATING A. )IILLS 8: SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 [Ic43 'PA’IN‘T‘TxTGâ€"RTP‘APER HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. PLUMBING &'â€"HE._ATING ‘Roger Pl‘oulx â€"- Telephone â€" 884-1650. lit-24 â€"8AR'ER‘S BACKHOE ‘ tlc , V‘elthcer and Sons. Phone 1.930 Mal-Limo _ I King City. 833-6378 or Bolton Fleetside. A4. 3 and stove. with water, light lll-lTl‘ellClllng, sewer 8.- water lines. 357-1811_ ' c1w451footings. 889-3604. EXCAVATING tfc2 l LARGE furnished room. private‘CARPENTRY. decorating and.DECORAT1NG CONTRACTOR . . l . . . . condition, 360. No pamtmg- A1t91‘3110115~ FePall‘S 311d Excellent workmanship, rcasonâ€" 334-3957 after 6. entrance, parking. 884-5269. elw45 5372. c1w45 Wednesdays. ' Gardens, dishwasher on Apply Summitview Restaurant. 884-1370. EXPERIENCED waitress Restaurant, Levendale‘ Richmond Hill. LICENSED general mechanic. l Apply in person to: Manager, Canadian Tire. Yonge Street North. references to Box 3 “The Lib- eralâ€. c2w4 O CLERK TYPIST 884-1109. hill, near Yonge. 12 to 5.30 pm.‘ Schoolchildren, mother works, Call 889-6801, after 6 pm. c1w45 MALE CLERK Full time, excellent salary and working conditions. Morley’s' Food Store, Yonge St. S. Rich- mond Hill. c1w43 FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi- tions, steady employment, bene- fits. Apply Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. Also part-time help. c6w42 REAL ESTATE career for men or women, free extensive train- ing program, special assistance ing required for golf club work. North east Toronto. Write Box; ‘_75, “The Liberalâ€. c1w45: ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sales and Service Doors. windows. siding awn- c1w45 ings. York Aluminum. 834-4558. tfc40 in". 8 irons, 3 woods, $270 NEW and used appliance parts, value for $150. Terms cash. 773- wringer rolls, wood blocks, bear-- 5590. 22†power lawn mower, like new, also block and tackle and 884-7903. c1w45 ings, belts, stove elements, etc. Math’s TV. 45 Industrial Road, tfc36 frame, must be sold, cheap. GARDEN tractor with plow, cul- 884-1344. RANGE, refrigerator, dryer, au- tomatic washer, all Frigidaire. Table saw, dresser‘ moving to able. 884-3796. c1w45 DOUBLE bed, spring and mat- apamtment. 884-1393. *1w45 tivator, mower, dozer blade, up- right freezer, 17 cu. ft., both good working condition, reason- c1w45 CHROME kitchen set, 2 antique “955 $20: dresser, “We†“"1" beds complete, 2 armchairs, Cogswell chair, end tables. 884- .382; c1w45 EITECTRIC lawn mowerâ€"witâ€"h. 10011; extension cord. Used one year. $35. Telephone 884-7129. c1w45, uMAN’S golf shoes, 12D. $5; solidi leather luggage set $25; man‘s car coat, lined. 44, $10; raincoat, new, 44, $5. 884-6110. clw45 CRIB $5, junior bed $15, high, chair, $3, jumping chair hobby horse, $10. 833-5109. » c1w45 board, 1.1; h.p. motor, roll of rub- ber matting, old doors, quantity window glass, small windows, free fire wood. 727-9008. c1w45 REFRIGERATOR-freezer, auto- matic defrost. bedroom suite, drapes, station wagon top car-‘ rier, single bed with box spring, triple chest, large picnic cooler. 889-5787. c1w45 BEATTY wringer washer â€" chrome tub. automatic timer, also golf clubs and bag â€"â€" No. 2 $211Woods, No. 3 and No. 7 Irons,, EPutter, steel shafts. 832-1403. ‘and 1 part-time 031‘ hostess. F01“1edger entries to trial balance. *1w45 CRAVEIIY rotary mower 30". tor, new motor with cultivator. 889-5898. c1w45 BABY’S crib, large size. com- plete; baby carriage; rollaway bed; reasonable. 884-4884. c1w45 AUTOMATIC-washel‘. suds_ re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. 7 tfcl4 CRATES of all sizes, suitable for overseas shipping and domestic use, reasonable. Cen- tral Van and Storage. tfc8 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tf036 WESTINGHOUSE Deluxe hair dryer, brand new. 6 Transistor ties 3 pairs for $1.00. Nylons lst Sony portable radio. clear flood-«quality. 3 pairs $100, Boucle light bulbs. 884-4912 for details. *lw'45 SPECIIAfâ€"hï¬â€˜â€œ. SPRING PAINT SALE WHITE ONLY Exterior gloss while oil paint. 85.65 gallon. Exterior and in- terior latex paint. $4.39 gallon. BUTLER AND BAIRD LUM- BER LTD.. 191 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. 884-1125 889-3506 tfc44 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer Il‘d portable and electric mod- .15. Special rental rates avail- a e to students. L. H. SIMS J8 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 “(49 WANTIQUES: CheSt of DrawersI _ one year old. Small garden trim-[Console Vim-01a made into bar, mond Hill. Jardiniere with base. Also arb- orite kitchen set. 3 metal fold- ing chairs. partable sewing imachinc. 884-5569. c1w45 LOVELY wool broadloonl blue. 35 sq. yards. or 445-7341. Top dressing and loam. Call C L. Knappett. 884-3089. WYN-DOT SPECIALS rubber padding " $400. 2 beige. 15 x 18 felt pad- dlng $150 each. 2 antique chairs. several pairs draw drapes. silk damask. open to offer. 445-54201 ‘ c1w45 l DRIVEWAY GRAVEL ' lSand, crushed stone and lime-' lstone. Delivered in small quanti- ties. Also lawn and garden fer- tilizer. Delivered and/or applied tfc40 lMOTHER‘S helper required. re-i sponsible girl. start now. top wages, Bayn'iew area. 889-6501. c1w45,I 889â€"7072. c1w45 MALE students for locker room stewards. Also man to take charge of shoe-shine depart: ment. Apply Thornhill Country Club. c1w45 PUNCH press operators wanted, male and female. Speedex Man- ufacting Ltd. Phone 889-7549. 385 Ohio Road. Richmond Hill. . c1w45 CAPABLE mother’s helper,- fond of children. for summerl holidays. Own room and board‘ plus $12.50 weekly. Time Offu 297-2239. c1w45. 2 REAL ESTATE SALESMEN‘ Excellent parking area, draw on commission earned. N. S. Smith' Real Estate Ltd., Richmond ; Heights Centre. 889-7624. 884- 4425. c1w45 THE Country Fair Drive-ln‘ Restaurant, requires 1 full time day shifts. Apply in person at, 300 Yonge Street North Rich- c1w451 MAN â€" part time, for Canine Control, afternoons only. lnust .have chauffeur's licence. or stu- dent after school hours. Apply 889-1081 or 887-5562 between 9 am and 7 pm. (-lw45 HOTEL STAFF Waitresses for lounge. switch- board operator for front desk. also maids, dishwashers. port- ters, llandymen. For appoint- ment. Call 884-1101. c1w45 FEMALE STAFF Dishwasher, 2 short order cooks 3 to 11 shift, uniforms supplied, wages according to ex- perience. Must supply own transportation. For further in- formation phone 832-1555, Esso Zippers. 7" - 10". 15c eaCh. Pan-ISen'ice Centre, 400 Highway. Shells. usually $2.98. â€" $1.98 Girdles 20% off. Visit the in-1 teresting store next door to the Red 8- 884-2214. While Bayview Plaza TENT TRAILERS )IcKENZIES' Sales. rentals. supplies "235 No. 7 Highway East. 1300‘ West of Bayview! (Cw-i4 TOP QL'ALITYWCANAVDIANI tfc38 MODERN NEW ' DUNLOP TIRE SALES AND SERVICE CENTRE Requires experienced truck lire servicemen for Richmond Hill location. Top wages. Initial sal- ary based on experience and ability. Excellent working con- ditions. Extensive company benefits. Call:-â€"- 261-3348 TORONTO .Open week-days - 1 pm - 9 pm to arrange for interview. c1w45 Sats 8; Sundays - 10 am - 6 pm 225-6915 | “C42 J Clerk 4 HIGH SCHOOL GRADS â€" Beginners â€" Twists 8.: Stenographers CONTENTS of home -â€" most'Like variety? Receptionist dut- items recently purchased. piece contemporary dining room All Popular makes for sale ln-‘suite, 9’x12. 12‘x18’ beige rugs, eluding new and rebuilt stand-[with pads, Spanish den set con-j sisting of Chesterfield. 2 chairs ottoman in black togo hide matching tables. lamps. drapes Spanish bedroom. dinette with 6 chairs. portable sewing machine portable TV. .\l(‘1‘(‘t‘l (‘all for an pulmmenl 333-6019. (.3 ‘ 44' 9 ies like greeting customers are lcombined with interesting gen- eral office work, work among congenial young men and ..women in modern neighbor- . hood offices. Good starting sal- .ary. many benefits. paid vaca- tions. .HOI'SFHOID FINANCE CORP 884-44113 (fl-143 a: 1° el- _ egience um’lecgssary Esso Service Centre, 400 High- smna exp 1‘ - way_ tfcw34 to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula, Realty Lllnited. 222-2525. l 11 817136968. - 8 pm daily. Apply L-a 1.061;], Service EIGHT Required by local chartered Beautiful bank. Experience preferred butlr00m brick house_ Rec WANTED in southeast Thorn-lHOUSE for rent, 113 Edgar hill, cleaning woman one day/Avenue, a week or two half days. 889-‘691-4970 after 6. 880 month. c1w45 Richvale. 2-bedroom apartment available WOMAN wanted as part timelJune lst. Adults only. 884-6148. clw45 ROOM T0 RENT S1W45‘WOULD suit young lady. 884- c1w45 cooking fa- Rofidglcilities, 16 Lorne. lst house eastj , ‘ c1w4o,of Clarkas Drug store at Yonge_,Dl,ains‘ Septic tanks. A“ Upes‘graphlng. 14o Sheppard Avenue tfc24 housekeeping room, 7(Bibusiness lady, no smoking. Ref- _ Clw4°|erence required. parking space. EXPERIENCED stenographer. Arnold Street. 884-1777. c1w45 stonework, Fireplace‘ etc, v_| shorthand required, government FURNISHED 1.00m and kitchen_ office. State experience and give ette on second floor. Parking not necessary. Phone Mr. Vllalesï¬replace paved drive. bl.oad_,832-8876. HOUSEKEEPER wanted. Thornâ€"lmonth. Mr. Opie. 339-5413. - _ TO RENT 1 Thedroom house, Richmond Hill or vicinity, responsible ten- ants. 884â€"8189. *2w‘44 WOMAN‘with 2 children des- perately needs accommodation. 884-5411. c1w45 3 bedroom house, reliable ten- ants, July 1 occupancy. 895-9319. c1w45 HOUSE to rent, 3 bedrooms, Richmond Hill area. 884-3784. c1w45 2â€"bedroom unfurnished house. lor duplex. Richmond Hill or was vicinity for June 30. Will lease. WAITRESSES 72.1- e\ ening shift. am. Uniforms supplied. ‘ A large steel company located South of Maple requires mature personnel for the following dut- ieszâ€"General clerk, competent typist, Key Punch operator. For interview call J. H. Boyd. 223- 2220 collect. c1w45 MALE and female help now being hired for part time even- ing work. Must be neat and en- joy meeting the public. Apply ferin Drive In any evening after! 7 pm. No phone calls please. c1“.“11101'th of Finch to New'market or _--- ,Markham. Required by end of MAINTENANCE man for i grounds and buildings. Perman- ent position, full employee bene- fits. Starting salary $1.94 hr. Re- ply stating age and qualifica- tions to Box 2, “The Liberal†*1w45 PART or full time female book- keeper for journals and general Minimum 15 hours per week. Hours of work may be arranged. Statement of experience requir- ed in reply. Write Box 74 “The, Liberal". c1w45 R EAL ESTATE Due to our office expanding we: - . . l have openings for salesmen In- our residential and land depart- hog' 832420]- ‘884-5634. Laureleaf 6 pnl to 2 am and 11 pm to 7 1 MustIRichmond Hill area. Clw45 bedroom apartment ill the by young 'have transportation. For further business couple for end of June.l 293-4060. c2w45 2 or 3 bedrobm house in or around Richmond Hill --â€" Thorn- hill district. 889-5807, evenings after 6 pm. c1w45 BUSINESS girl desires June to -2 or , . .couple with one child. As soonlhltdlens a Spéc‘alty' :as possible. Lease no objectionnHarl'lson- 384'2833' '638-0184 collect, after 7 pm. September one bedroom flat in older home, country setting but near city bus. Write Box '73 “The Liberal†>‘r'1w45 BUSINESS lady desires 3 or 4. room apartment in country home or farm, one pet. 537-2171 , ,Toronto, 8.30 - 4.30 Monday - In person, manager, Odeon Dufâ€"lFridav c1w45 2 or 3 bedroom house, anywhere August. Adults. References. Phone 889-6028 after 6. tfc42 3 bedroom house, for c2w44 QUIET couple, urgently require two or three bedroom house. preferably with refrigerator and stove. Newmarkel - Richmond Hill area. Call anytime Newmar- ket 895-8215. collect. c2w44 WANTED W ILLipa-ryA-Stlâ€"fol'vba by gro 11nd: c1w45 ments. Enquiries confidential. USED twin baby carriage. in Call Mr. Keffel' 889-3816 HAROLD KEFFER REALTOR BXBY c1w45 PRODUCTIONVfol'eman requir- ed to supervise female help on;8 lswitch assemblies. Mechanical lset-up experience an asset. Per- lmanent position. Apply Oak- :Hart Manufacturing (Canada) 16 pm. 889-1522. c1w45 TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM WATER POLLUTION I CONTROL ,Man required to assist with ‘maintenance and to be trained as a plant operator. Usual fringe benefits. Steady employment. Apply before May ltitll. engin- eering office. Butlonville. ('lw43 CREDIT department of national manufacturer requires young lady with previous credit ex- perience. loads of initiative. able and willing to assume re- sponsibility to train as assistant .to credit manager. SNAP-0N TOOLS OF I CANADA, LTD. 1 889-7503 l NURSERY I SCHOOL The Four WiEds Nursery School _7 BOY’S bicycle 24" also girl‘“ ILtd. telephone 921-5094, afterlbicycle 24". 334.5239, 3 l good condition. 884-1748. c1w45 ’Gi-and Plain07884-3814. c1w4o UNK beds, in goodâ€"condition. 84-7064. c1w45 WATER pressure system. 889- 1631. c1w45 B clw45 PURE bred male puppy for farm home. Write K. Millard, Maxwell, Ont. c1w45 15 to 18 foot plywood or cedar strip boat. 884-5479 anytime. c1w45 OUTBOARD motor. 5 Ioâ€"I'oâ€"h‘p. \Vill pay 875. also furniture sull- able for recreation room 884- 1919. ’ l\\ 43 HOUSEHOLD and miscellane- ous articles wanted for Thorn- hill Lions Auction Sale, For pickup call Harold Keffel‘. Real- tor. 889-3816. c4w42 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, c1w45‘0nt. Licence No. 3240 - 66. l tfc44 Summer CAMPS 7951 Yonge StrceL Thornhill. RICHILDACA Day Camp. Swim- mornlngs and afternoons all day. school atailahle mil-«164. l‘lanspoclazlon .llklng. mafi- lfrll l‘ll‘C'lllIE' phone 664-3644. and hung. ltshlng. r-anoclllg. I‘Ldllll For photograpnu' Lï¬lgï¬ll , recreation rooms. 884-5009. 1 lfc4] FTITL â€"â€" GRADING Light Excavating D. Simmer. Brookside Drive: lRichmond Hill. c1w45, :RALPH ELMS DECORATING lPainting, paper-hanging. inter-. ‘ior and exterior. Free estimates.‘ ‘Work guaranteed. 884-7902. ‘ ‘ tfc31 ‘ E. w: PAYNE l l of concrete work. ‘ 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES‘ tfc31 MASONRY CONTRACTORâ€" Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S., Richmond Hill, phone 884-1 Langstaff near Yonge. Business 5688- “C23 person. 889-4190. c1w45,CALL us for your sand, gravel. ri-HORNHILL gfill, top soil and limestone Yonge Street 3_bed_;Prompt delivery. Reasonable I.Oom‘jrates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. tfclz Cl“'43;loom. Large kitchen. $250 per‘ CITIthEYS Chimneys built and repaired. clw45‘Free estimates. Expert work- )mansllip. Phone Walker and, Mitchell. 889-2526. tfcll' GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of-l fices, factories. Custom carpen- .try of all descriptions. Les, ‘Webb 889-2546. tfc3‘ CARPENTRY WORK. additionshI renovations, garages, recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28. CUSTOM WOODWORKING Kitchen cabinets, counter tops, vanities, rec. rooms. furniturel repair, refinishing, restore an-' tiques. Rudolf Toblen. 889-1922., 1 tfc39“ ANTENNA SERVICE roof antennas. 'l'\’ towers. (Continuedl POST hole digging and fenc 889-4432. LET us clean your mg. tic-13 swimming 0 To 0 To 0 F01 Phone Want Want order Want Ads receive help in writing Ads ‘ information about Ads 884-1105 USEDâ€"CARS 7 PETS FOR SALE {958 Ford diiio‘nidtic. 3'40. 889-. 6331. c1w45 1958 Ford standard. good condi-l tion. 3100. 889-6331. c1w45 BLACK Labrador puppies for sale. 3.; bred. 833-5040. King City. c1w44 SIAMESEApurebredflilac and pool. Call Metro Mobile. 884-1 _.L.~...._.,L ,_ . . 7329 Cm†1955 Chev. 5100 0,. best offerdblue‘ p0111l. Phone evenings; "’PMVTIVGV 1834-5246 after 6 pm. c1w45 {533794896- _ W 7 7 hum-W. and exterior. 884431101953 Ford station “agoâ€. $100_‘PUP. male, while. 5 months old, tfc38 GENERAL CONTRACTINGâ€"- AND LANDSCAPING c20w42 KENNETH G. CROSBY able prices. 884-2902. SPRING CLEANING Upholstery. rugs and walls ex- Tpcrtly cleaned. Free estimatesl 887-5052. c1w45 IS YOUR DRIVEWAY MUDDY? Cover it with limestone. Call 884-7768. Free Estimates. tfc4 J â€"RU8DERâ€"STAMPS ‘Downsview Printing and Litho-. East, Suite 4. Willowdale. 223- 9838. tfc45 REPAIRS on all makes of motor cycles, air cooled engines, rotary tillers. chain saws, lawn mow- ers, washing machines and small appliances. 832-8966. clw44 G. ROCCA Tile Contractor - General Repairs RRI. Maple, Ont. 832-1375. c4w44 WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL WALL WASHING 884-1311 (ft-38 PLUMRING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work. 24 hours emergency calls. (work guaran- teedl. tfc38 GENERAL STONEWORK AND MASONRY Fireplaces, chimneys, patios, ad- ditions etc. Free designs and estimates, H. Schindler 884-7635. *4w43 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and repaired. Tile Beds. THORNHILL SANITARY CONTRACTORS RRl, Thornhill. 889-1555 ‘ tfc45 tfc38l 884-5670. c1w45j 1’95‘TiMcl‘cul'y7171onvpickup. 8 84- wants a good home in the coun- try. 884-7852. c1w45 1596. (.1“.451J1LL GODDARDâ€"for pi'ot‘CS- â€"â€" 7 â€"1, fTslonal Poodle clipping. 7783 4733 gillbetsltugfvflonge Street, Thornhill. 889- jiei. 833-5744. c1w‘45lifggVGmtâ€"lâ€"igcjg , v â€"_ _» . 1 ac’ an an Ioun .‘ 1909 Monls Oxfold:671n 1good years experience in running 1:11:25; deer. Must sell. $45. 889-4300. V " clw45 ‘1954 GMC 15.» ton pick-up. $100. DON‘MTSCOUIItliâ€"C’ï¬l‘bbfm. 1Also1 slngle axle horse [Fall-efl‘pets. Professional clipping, 332' 434- Ell‘40‘boarding, training. Puppies. j1964 Ford, 4-door. V8. radio. Pick-up and delivery. Gordon standard transmission. $895. 884- Garrett. 297-2597. tfc28 2273. c1w45 ‘1961 Cadillac “Fleetwood†â€" all accessories. Runs like a new ‘Cal‘. 889-5413. c1w45 1965 Chev. V-8. automatic, good 'condition. 884-2936. To be seen at 282 Markham Road. c1w45 1961 Corvail‘ Monza 2 door, 3' speed, new tires, radio. 884- 8181. c1w45 1953 Morris, good running con-1 dition. Best offer. 884-4779 after 6. c1w45 RARE long haired calico tor- toiseshell kitten female. one only. Housebroken. weaned, ex- cellent Mothers Day gift. $10. 884-6723 evenings. clw45 DAY CARE D_A_Y cal‘émeï¬ivefany age. over 3. 884-7668. c1w45 THORNHILL care, nearâ€"iï¬ge, mornings, daily or weekly board, any age. 889-6509. c4w'44 1966 Dodge Polara, V8, 4 door, original owner, 19.000 miles. 832-1403. *1w45 1| ‘1964 Mercury Meteor Conver-‘ tible, fully powered, $2,000. 88-}â€" 5876. c1w45 1962 Corvair Monza deluxe,“ bucket seats, radio, white with red interior. Please call after 6.? 727-6527 Aurora. tfc44‘ 1965 Hillman Minx Deluxe. ori- ginal owner, immaculate condi- after 5.30 pm. c1w45 1963 Corvair Convertihle, black, ,white top, four speed, radio. Excellent condition. 884-3463, evenings. 884-2195. c1w45 1961 Cadillac 4 door, extremely clean and well cared for. Can be seen by calling 884-4075 after ,6 pm. c1w45 CLEAN, 1959 Volkswagen De- ‘luxe in A-l running condition, ition, many extras, call 884-4210,: DAY care in my home. Crosby Heights School area. References available. 884-1550. c1w45 Rimâ€"oiâ€"g'laSsETMaT-Killon School, before Easter. Reward. 884-6914. c1w45 SMALL female tabby cafe months old. lost in the vicinity .Of Richmond Street. 884-2807. c1w45 SILVER cli‘é‘iiirhraiâ€"câ€"élet. git-fat sentimental value. Lost Rich- mond Hill High School. Reward. $5. 884-2682. *1w45 . TOOLS & ; EQUIPMENT I RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ‘RIE:UPHOLSTERY alIdâ€"remocl: reasonable price. 884-3079 aftel'l re-‘elling of all types of furniture. 4.30. 8325. Call 884-5694, anytime. ines, tools. chairs. 884-6761. *1w45 tICBI '63 Corvair. good condition, PORTABLE TV RENTALS radio. automatic transmission. WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL 'l'V Clw43 384-7456 tic-til ,pairS. parts and installations. EUI'OPCfaJl (‘I‘ill'tsnlanslllp- Large 1959 De'g,,,,,'p,,.edo.n’ef4 d001- .Malh~5 TV & Radio sew-“3“ 45 Couecuon 0f fabmcs and \m-V‘S' sedan. automatic. power steer- Industrial Road. Richmond Hill. Reasonable lJl'lCES- $150 JabO ing and radio 5150. 334.1513. , 884-7903. tlc37‘ ALTERATIONS repairs, cus- tom building, residential and1 industrial. Registered 1949 No. 122739 Metro Lic. E. 76 Free estimates - advice. Phone even- ings. 832-1036 tfc32 CONCRETE - MASONRY CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS Building. alterations 8: repairs, prompt service WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 tfcll floor covering, the only carpetâ€" ing that really wears. Peter’s Upholstering. 884-2189. c3w43 EMPLOYMENT WANTED CLEANING woman. 884-5473. a TREE CUTTING Dead ellns, poplars etc. and remOved. Reasonable Alvin Baker 889-2436. tfc13 Cut rates. CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- EXPERIENCED work Tuesday and Wednesday. p _ _._.__. c1w45 1962 Oldsmobile Starfire con- GRADE 10 girl seeking job as *lw45‘; y11957 Meteor V8 automatic.l ‘power steering, radio, tires and body. $175 or nearest offer. 773-5402. *1w45 1964 Ford Custom, 6 standard, radio, A-l condition, 27,000 desireslmiles, $1,275. 832-1080 after 5 m. c1w45 vertible. All equipped. Owner has new company car. No rea- ‘retarial work to September. 884- .5652. ing golf equipment. 895-2536. c5w'44,I clw‘45 311%?†5' helper’ Phone c3535 sonable cash offer refused. Call ' L. 1- _ _ ,773-4328 Oak Ridges. c1w45 COLLEGE student desn-es sec-Jmfa‘}, automatic disc ,brakes all round. Re-built motor, .or after 6 pm. 1964 Chevrolet Impala, Superl > ‘new‘ paint job. Best offer. or: . .A- g H _ g _ _ , I ma“ l'equn'es will trade for larger car or staâ€"‘ HARmsoxs CUSTOM lWOI‘k gmng 2011 16550115 01‘ 5811- tion wagon. 727-8098, weekendJâ€"HANS'ENS LANljs’C-A'plgg GARDENING FOUNDATION planting, North EOOd Metro. References. 225-0309. c1w45 CULTIVATION Rototilling -â€"â€" Plowing -â€" Discing Big or small â€" We do them all. 884-2337. tfc43 ALLIS - CHALMERS Lawn and garden equipment sales and service. John Pugh, 'RR4 Stouffville. 888-1021. *4w42 GRASS CUTTING Tom Mashinter, 114 Roseview lAvenue. 884-7573 tic-t4 Cl“"ï¬'lCleanâ€"ups and complete land- scaping. Sandy loam, 5 yd. load, 110115. additions. 3W1 l'ePBiI‘SlYOUNG MEN. 15:19: 1("’king‘Sport, automatic \78. ilnmaculate;$24, 3 yd. load $15. Phone after Plastering Thornhill l R. CLARK lPlain and Decorativ Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 , “020; 3 UPHOLSTERY f RECOVERING -â€" RESTYLING ‘of all types of furniture. Latest .fabrics. reasonable prices. Guar- ‘anlced work. Active Upholstery. 889-5345 ‘ Residence 241-1893 IfclT REPAIRS _ Lawn mowers and garden {equipment repaired and sharp- ,ened. New 4-cycle mowers 856.50 and up. l Thompson Repair Service '105 Hwy. 7 East 889-2973 1 tfc39 l CUSTOM BUILT HOME'S ' ADDITIONS RENOVATIONS OFFICE REMODELLING l Rec rooms. garages, custom, ‘kitchen, cabinet work. Bath rooms. porches stairs etc. Ex- Del‘t Work guaranteed. free esti- mates. GRAY BROS. (‘ONS'I‘RI'CI'ION RICHMOND HILL 884-5670 30 Centre St. W. Holt-l SEPTIC TANKS PL‘MI‘ED 835.00 | I t 1 l Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe (I SH NIH'N RSI-1‘15 Richmond Hill Morris‘for work. Anything considered.Icondition. tfc45,Can you help us. Call Salvationlires, Army. 889-7655. tfc29 GRADE 13 student. female. e Plastering, seeks summer job Monday to FRIVATE sale 1956 Chev. 1m_| l Friday. Some typing. Store ex- perience. Speaks German. 884- 2384. c2w45 CAPABLE girl with grade 12 desires position in Richmond Hill area. Experience in tele- phone work and clerical duties. Also some advertising and sales‘ experience, 884-3530 after 6.30 pm. c1w45 fl Transportation L-ADYTiSlIes ride to Fine-hiand Keele or Finch and Yonge alld return. 884-5198. c2w44 RIDE wanted, University of Toâ€" ronto area, arriving by 8.30, leaving after 4.30. 884-5563 after c1w45 ueen‘s 6. LADY wishes ride to Q Park. Leave Roseview Avenue area, approximately 7.30, return 5 pm. 884-4632. c1w45 REQUIRED daily from Bayview and Markham Rd. to Richvale. 3.30 - 9 am. 884-4909 after 5, ('lw43 WANTED from DIIl'l‘el'in and No. T ngilwdy lo Richy ale leav- ing 8.30 am. and relulninz 3 pm, 889-1621, (-17'43 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IT pays to grow cucumbers un-l der contract. For Matthew's- Wells Co. Ltd. A guaranteed market is available to you. Con- tracts are being taken now for 1967. For further information, write or phone Frank Watts, 7059 Yonge St.. Willowdale. 889- 5494. All interested people are invited to attend a meeting for growers both ne‘v and experi- enced. to be :leld at 1119 Fire Hall Mam \7I‘Pf’l “Prinmdal \la) "24.2‘. n 0 pm c.) ' 44 low mileage, new; radio, console. yellow,l =black interior $1,600 or best ol-‘ l fer. 884-6135. c1w45 lpala, 2 door hardtop, power :steering and power brakes.- :White with blue interior. Show, room condition. 884-8544. c1w45 PON’l‘lAC Parisienne. 1963 Sports hardtop. bucket seals. 327 engine. floor console auto- matic. power brakes and steer- ing. two-lone, excellent condi- tion. Reasonable. Private. 889- 5967. c1w45l ATTENTION TRUCKERS If you ale looking for used trucks, parts, tires or accessor- ies. see the truck wrecker first. Moore Truck Parts & Sales, Old, No. 11 Highway, Holland Land-> jing. 895-4666. tfc34l EROOM and BOARD! l ________â€" lELDERLY lady desires room jand board in quiet home. (Bun-l galowl. 889-1834. c1w45 AVVAILABLE for gentleman iinl‘ quiet home. Abstainel' only. Call e\ellin'Js, 884-6650. c1w45 ELDERLYWlady wants l'f)0lll>all(.l board In quiel home in Rich- mond Hill. 320 a week. “The box 72 “The Liberal". c1w45 BOATS - MOTORS . 196076 hnth-‘oufboardiio up“. motor. 3250. 884-6776. c1w45 11' Catamaran sailboat. com- plete. Reasonable. 832-8980, lafter 4 pm. c1w45 25 h.p. Evinrude outboard motor, with control and tank, also man-l Yual handle controls. Excellent‘ condition. 884-4620. *1w45 BABY SITTING nullitslc m lrmk aflel ti yea: (l ‘4'), .nrw mrl 884-5937. . Latin. 6, all day weekends, 889-1286. tfc42 ' g____â€"â€"_=.â€"_â€"â€"__= TUITION POOR GRADES? University student with experi- ence in tutoring, high school English. French, Geography, History. Biology. Call Valdi lnkcns 884-2858 after 6 pm. c1w45 fl MUSIC 37’Y7LL'CIC. A.R.C.T.T. A.R.C. T.P., Piano and theory. Music- ians‘ Schools. 884-2310. tfc40 GLENN SAWYCH Accordion Musicians School. 884-2310. tfc40 â€"__â€"â€"_â€"-_â€"_== DRESSMAKING ______â€"_ SEWING lessons. $1 per hour. 884-4670. c1w45 BOARDING STABLES A. EMSLEY AND SONS llorses boarded on scenic farm, l'lvel' lllI‘OUgll pasture. box stalls, $33. pr. Inlh, Free pick-up, phone collect Sutton 722-5826. (:4\\ 44 PERSONA_L_ Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EM.6-8684. tfc17 The ladies of the CWL of Our Lady Queen Of The World Church. Bayview Avenue, Rich- mond Hill, would like it to be known that the saleslady solicit- ing advertising for their Cen- tennial cook book was not a member of the CWL, but a paid employ cc of Gateway Publishing Now 177.11 kel, TEENACIERâ€"vethi‘fdâ€"fo' Vstllll- Company \llc.‘ V. 1‘ Hanna (‘lw-lï¬ K""V