Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 May 1967, p. 16

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“It fell because no provision was made for agriculture,” charged David Crone of the Re- search Division of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, To- ronto. "And in essence the same thing is going on in Canada to- day.” He was addressing some 40} York County farmers who parâ€"i ticipated in yesterday's (Wed- nesday) mammoth safari to Otâ€" tawa to obtain a “coherent, comâ€" prehensive, long range program for all of agriculture. We want to get from the government something better than the hap- hazard mishmash of plans and programs that we have right now." Mr. Crone stated it was time the farmers stopped “subsidizâ€" ing the rest of Canada and re- ceived some subsidizing them- selves. Right now Canada has the cheapest food cost of any country in the world outside of the United States.” 3y FRED SIMPSON (he fall of the Roman Empire was linked last week to the failure of that day‘s government to recognize the plight of the farmers. He also pointed out that 68 percent of the net farm income in Britain was subsidized; 36.9 per cent in the United States. “In Canada." he said, “it has never been higher than 2.5 per- cent. And if you look at it this way we do have the cheapest food in the world.” Citing the 1961 census, Mr. Crone noted that 78 percent of the farmers in Ontario had a labor income of $2,000 or less. only $4.95 KIN GSDALE ANIMAL HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER TEMPLE 3-5401 Hungry moths can‘t ruin winter garments when they're stored throughout the summer in our insured cold storage vaults. We furnish the Hamper . . . you fill it; full, return it to us. We take the garments. clean and press them and vault store them on hangers. In the Fall we return everything clean, refreshed and ready to use. Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News YONGE & LEVENDALE - RICHMOND HILL “The Liberal” is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readl Maple please phone Mrs. Janet Myers, 832-1423; in Edgelcy and Concord, Mrs. Elsie Leyzac, 889-4017 Shown planning strategy for the big “March to Ottawa” of Ontario farmers which took place yesterday (Wednesday) are David Crone (left), of the Ontario Federation of Agriculture, Toronto, and James F arris, chairman of the York County Farmers’ marching committee. Scene was Victoria Square Community Hall last week at a rallying meeting. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 25, 1967 Plus Regular Cleaning Price Farmers Storm Ottawa "Only 12 percent had a laborlthe minister did not know what income of over $3,000; anotherwas in the policy when he an- 5.32 percent an income of overlnounced it to the house. It was $5,000. The 5 percent bracketlput together for him at the last represents only a very fewlminute by the bureaucrats in farmers of the grand total and the dairy commission.” “5’5 a Dre“), desperate State in He listed some of the im- 0111‘ affluent 5°Ci€ty When fal'm‘ provements the farmers want in ers are not getting more than‘the dairy policy. this.” . ‘ _ _ I . They include $5 a hundred- .L‘h' Clone Sald that the effl' weight, after the export subsidy A... .n. .: .u...:n..u.....‘ 1..."! «Imam-o» Mr. Crone said that the effi- ciency of agriculture had almost reached its highest point and that “subsidies are more than ever necessary although I rea- lize that farmers in the past have been reluctant to accept subsidies. But it has to come.” Mr. Crone also accused Fed- eral Agriculture Minister Joe Greene of not knowing what he was getting into when he an- nounced the revised dairy pol- ticy. “If he had known," he said. “he would have given us $5 milk right from the start. He did not, however, have the bene- fit of hindsight and so he went ahead at the end of March and announced the 1967-68 dairy policy.” Mr. Crone said one of the? criticisms of the policy was that it was too late for anyone to do any planning to meet it. “The rest of the criticisms”, he said, “are of the policy itself. It does not provide the $5 a hundredweight the farmers need to produce industrial milk. The level is instead $4.75. less! 11 cents for an export subsidy.”i Mr. Crone said producers! shipping any part of their milk‘ to the bottle trade were “sud-l denly and without any warning cut off from a subsidy on their industrial shipments. Quotas were frozen at last year's pro- duction levels. victimizing the producer who had expanded his herd. The policy continued to; discriminate against cream l shippers. ‘ {It has since become obvious LET US SUPPLY THE EXTRA CLOSET FOR WINTER WEAR STORAGE Smart householders don‘t home-store their woolens . . . they use BARTH'S Hamper Storage Service. (‘crgficd Mas/tr Dryc/cantr Sanftone Pointing out that the farmers need to be notified of an ef- fective government program lplanned ahead for at least five "years, Mr. Crone said that “all we have got instead in the past is a series of ad hoc plans and interim solutions. Almost in- {variably, they have been too lilittle and too late to deal ade- quately with the farmers’ prob- lems. is removed; industrial subsidies to be restored for fluid ship- pars; the quota structure chang- ed to encourage herd enlarge- ment; and a skim milk subsidy for cream shippers. 0 an adequate provision for those movingI off farms and those remaining; a stronger ‘policy and action against cor- porate encroachment into agri- culture; the government to pay 'the cost of the cheap food pro- gram; advance notice of change in government programs affect- ing farmers; the government’s plans for land use; the plans for import regulations and equalization subsidies. Other specific requests of the farmers: O a realistic minimum level of income for agriculture; an aggressive program of export marketing; a standard of living equal to comparable managers in industry. Participating in the meeting was Frank Brumwell, Victoria Square, and Jim Farris, chair- man of the committee in charge of organizing the march to‘Ot- ta\\a and President of the York County Federation of Agricul- ture. was Frank Brumwell, Victoria Mrs. J. Mchnald was hostess Square, and Jim Farris, chair- to the WMS and WA of St. An- nian of the committee in cliarge’dre\\"s Presbyterian Church at of organizing the march tolOt-‘their regular monthly meeting, tawa and President of the York May 17. President Mrs. E. Ma- County Federation of Agricul- gee Sr. was in charge of the ture. meeting. The York County farmers The topic was "The Church travelled to Ottawa in buses. Today and Tomorrow". Mrs. A. York County farmers attend-iand her friend Cathy Whelan ing the meeting were members‘of Windsor returned on Moth- of the Farmer’s Union; York er’s Day from a week‘s visit to County Federation of Agricul- Expo. They stayed with Lou- ture, and the York Milk Produc- ise’s cousin and his family, Mr. ers. The meeting was held May and Mrs. Jean Paul Pouliot of 18 at the Victoria Square Com- Montreal and I‘GPOI‘t that they munity Hall. had a marvellous time. Participating in the meetingl‘St. Andrew’s WMS And WA by g Lawn Boy AS LOW AS $85.00 CHECK THESE FEATI'RES 9002 YONGE STRE ET FINGER-n? FINGER-TIP "Mm"? STARTING HANDLING (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) SURF MARINE Many Other Features 0 Finger tip wheel height adjustment 0 Spring steel blade 0 Two speed throttle 2 Year Warranty People And Events i In Maple District PHONE Mrs. Campbell was born in Glasgow and came to Canada in 1907, when she and her hus- band settled in Winnipeg. In 1960 Mrs. Campbell left Winni- peg and came to live with her daughter and her husband, Rev. and Mrs. J. Cooper. Mrs. Dorothy Shaw and child- ren Bill 17, Shirley 14 and Sandra 3. are the new residents at 60 Lancer Dr. Mrs. Shaw and family have moved from Woodbridge. Other new resi- dents are her sister and family,’ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Milne and daughter Sherry, who is nearly 'four. The Milnes have also lmoved from Woodbridge and (live at 15 Clemson. A warm welcome is extended to these new Maple families. _ come out and support the team. that it takes a great many hours5 of work by the librarians. This is what the librarians are work- ing on now. With a terrific ef- fort to process these new books, the staff hope to have the newi library ready for business by; August 29. Girls’ Softball Don‘t forget the opening of} the Maple girls’ softball league.| First game is here in Maple a-l gainst Scarboro on May 30, with‘ starting time at 7.30 pm. Do Mrs. Elizabeth Campbell. the mother of Mrs. J. Cooper, RR 1 Maple, celebrated her 90th birthday, May 16, and congrat- ulations are sent to her from the community. Professor Norman E. Wagner was guest minister at Zion Luâ€" theran Church on Mother‘s Day. Mr. Wagner was formerly pastor at Zion Lutheran and is now a professor of Hebrew at Water- loo University, Kitchener. Mrs. Cooper had some friends in for tea to celebrate her moth- er's birthday. professor of Hebrew at Water- loo University, Kitchener. cess a non-fiction book for the He and Mrs. Wagner and shelves and about half that time children were entertained after to process a fiction book. the service at a congregational In order to have the shelves luncheon held at the church. ready with at least a minimum * =3 * ,number of books it is obvious Mrs. Dorothy Shaw and child. that it takes a great many hours ren Bill 17, Shirley 14 and of work by the librarians. This Sandra 3, are the new residentslis what the librarians are work- at 60 Lancer Dr. Mrs. Shaw ring 011 110W. With a terrific ef- and family have moved from ‘fort to process these new DOORS. Woodbridge. Other new resi-‘the staff hope to have the new dents are her sister and familyHHbraI‘y ready for business by It takes 45 minutes to pro- She captured a first in the flower arrangement and also in the wood collection class. Her second prize ribbon was for her entry of a Centennial doll, and her third prize was for her Cen- tennial scrapbook. Congratula- tions to Debbie for this very fine showing. Birthday greetings to several Maple children. Josie Gomer, Sonia King, Sandra Skidmore, Lisa Knight and Laura Roberts were among those celebrating their big day with parties. Sonia King. Sandra Skidmore, Lisa Knight and Laura Roberts were among those celebrating their big day with parties. 9:: >2< * 9; Christopher Plunket-t, seven- year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Plunkett, 22 Goodman Cres.. was winner of a reclining lounge chair in the Mother’s Day color- ing contest sponsored by the merchants of Richmond Heights Centre, Richmond Hill. Christ- opher deserves credit for this very exciting win. QUEENSVILLE: Mrs. J. L. Smith, wife of York County Clerk Jack Smith. was last 'week’s winner of the Trip to Expo contest sponsored by New- market merchants. Mrs. Smith, who successfully unscrambled the name of a merchant from :among the sponsoring advertise- ments, now is eligible for the grand prize of an allâ€"expense paid trip for two to Expo ’67 this summer. >r w: * w: AURORA: Geoffrey Nauvmm.Lâ€"n4 "a... m...“-.: -_--. England, ‘ Neighborhood Notes Mr. and Mrs. Dave Fraser acâ€" companied the Festival Choir of Vaughan which left for Expo May 20. They will no doubt have many Interesting things to relate on their return. >2< >t< >i< >k Sorry to hear that William McConnell of Vaughan Rd is in hospital. Following an accident on his way to work May 13 when he was involved in a traffic mis- hap with a tractorâ€"trailer, he 'two months. >1< ’i‘ it * 1k Happy birthday to Pat Wright daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,Wright of Lawrie Rd. who cele- brated her 4th birthday May 17. May 17 found Jean Gilbert {being honored by another shower. This time it was a kitchen and pantry shower given at the home of Mrs. Gordon Woods. Dufferin St. by Mrs. Karyn ‘Day. 1 ,, 1 ,1 We understand that Ada Garâ€" nier. one of the leaders of a Maple Cub Pack, is a patient in York Central Hospital. Best wishes are sent to Ada from ev- eryone. We hope that by the time this appears she will be at home again. Debbie Bartlett, 13 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Bartlett, RR 2 Maple, who is a student at Roselawn Public School, won two firsts, a second and a third in various entries at Richmond Hill Spring Fair. Louise Spencer of Jackson St. and her friend Cathy Whelan of Windsor returned on Moth- er’s Day from a week‘s visit to Expo. They stayed with Lou- ise’s cousin and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Paul Pouliot of 889-4391 its readers in Maple, Concord and Edgeley district; In 'I‘HORNHILL is the date of the annual St. ,Andrew's Strawberry Festival. [This year it will be held June I ‘ Of interest to the community 14 in Maple Community Hall. Library News Many residents are wonder- ]ing about the opening date of the new library building. The building itself is completed and the furniture and shelves have arrived. This new library has a book capacity of 12,000 books. There are presently 500 borrow- ers and the present stock of books is approximately 2,000. Sutherland, Mrs. J. Hynd and Mrs. E. Bryce formed the study committee. They led discussions on several topics: "The Apart- ment Dweller". “The Young", “The Family Man” and “The “The Family Older Person among the sponsoring advertise- Sorry to hear that Wimafn ments, now is eligible for the McConnell 0f Vaughan Rd 15 1“ grand prize of an all-expense hospital. paid trip for two to Expo ’67 Following an accident on his this summer. .way to work May 13 when he * * * * lwas involved in a traffic mis- AURORA; Geoffrey Englandfhap with a tractor-trailer, he Newmarket, was named presi- was admitted to Toronto Genâ€" dent of Aurora and District eral Hospital in serious condi- Labor Council at a meeting last tion with two broken legs and week at the Union HalliAlso'orVushed ribs: ‘ named were. John Campbell and We hope to hear of his re- Roy Dowling, viceâ€"presidents; covery to good health in short Wally Sparks, secretary; Charles order. Wilkinson, treasurer; Louise! * * * * Craig, member of the executive board; Ray Lavoie, sergeant at arms. MARKHAM VILLAGE: Two men were arrested near the sceng of an attempted robbery at the Wellington7Way Stereb Store here. Both were from To- ronto. A third man escaped. POPULAR MF 10 Variable Speed DRIVE Step up to the MF 10 and see how it can make play of your lawn work, See how its dependable 10 hp engine gives you the pow- er to do it. Check the Sporty stick-shift that takes you through four on the floor . . . plus reverse. Then see the Masseyâ€" Ferguson Variable Speed Drive that lets you select five speeds in each gear \x' i t h 0 Lil clutching or throttling. You‘ll like the 31F 10! Now Opened . . . We are specializing in the vulcanizing' of rubber boots, fittings for children’s shoes, also carry men’s and ladies’ dress and casual shoes. All Kinds of Leather Repairs 0u2"§e§:fi"i%‘oiiz PHONE 832-2442 9002 YONGE STREET Garden Tractors LOW MAPLE Come in and see a demonstration of the Massey-l“erguson Riding Tractors Today SELLING AS LOOK LITTLE TO THESE NEW LAWN TRACTORS SURF MARINE At your Massey-Ferguson Dealer Big Lawns MASSEY-FERGUSON in each gear clutching or You'll like the As$26O. r LL and REPAIRS MAPLE PLAZA Phone 889-4391 made by Mr. and Mrs. Bryon Camp of‘ John C016; ang High D1“..|ca1{es for the occasion unde‘z Lawrie Rd., celebrated their Celebrated his birthday May 14 the able eye of Tawny Owl Mrs sixth wedding anniversary on‘and also paid tribute to his wife Joan MacDonald. Suggests Name For New Vaughan School May 13. Following a delightful dinner at the Beverley Hills Motor Hotel with friends, they went night-clubbing. The Camps have two children, Michael 2152 and Sharry, age SHOE STORE NEW MF 12 Hydra Speed DRIVE Take hold of the handiest handle yet for non-stop, clutchless speed control. Try the Massey-Ferguson Hydra Speed Drive on the new MF 12. Discover how you can stop start . . . back up . . . go forward . . . all without shifting . . . without clutching. On the go, you can speed up . . . slow down . . . speed up at any speed from 0 to 9 mph. That's‘ the MP 12 Hydra Speed plus a pouerl'ul 12 hp engine. . Judy Trudgett, a grade 7 pupil at Kleinburg Public School, sub- mitted the winning entry in a contest to name the new senior public school at Kleinburg, Vaughan Township. The contest was open to all pupils in the township’s public schools and a large number of entries were received. As a result of Judy's submission, the new school will be named the Mackenzie Senior Public School, with the permission of A. A. (Lex) Mackenzie. MLA for York North. Both Mr. Mackenzie’s parents attended school in the Kleinburg area, and at their son's request the name will honor not only his contribution to the district during his years of service to his constituents and to the province, but the many contributions of the Mackenzie family to the township. In the above picture Vaughan Township Public School Board Ross Jolliffe pins 3. centennial pin on Judy’s dress as part of her prize. She also was presented with a collection of Centennial coins embedded in lucitc. Elders Mills area The Voice Of Concord Judy is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon W. Trudgett of the 'l'HURNHlLl Jean received many lovely gifts from the guests among whom were Mrs. N. Taylor, Mrs. D. Day. Mrs. T. McClymont, Mrs. J. Boron, the bride-toâ€"be‘s sister, Linda, Vicki Watt, and Judy Hallawell. ~ ‘IIN THE MATTER of the Estate 0 0 C 7 Iof JOHN E. DOWNING. late of woe f oncord . . . [TAKE OTICE th t 11 '- two months. for Mothers Day “lth a dlrmerlsons haying claims aagaailnst ptehle * ’1‘ * "‘ at the Beverley Hill’s Motor _ ’ Happy birthday to Pat Wright‘Hotel. :Efigtgigg Egoljtot‘zemfifi; daughter of M11. and lVII’S. Roy; ’5 * * ’”' :day of April’ 1967, are required Wright of Lawrie Rd. who celefi Was glad to hear that Eric-to send details of the same, to. brated her 4th birthday May 17. Granger is home from hospital gether with due proof thereof * * and feeling much better. to the undersigned executors. May 17 found Jean Gilbert} >3 * >:< on or before the 14th day of being honored by another} Many happy returns to B111 June, 1967. After that date the shower. [Lacey‘ Lawrie Rd who “gem-at. executors will proceed to dis- This time it was a kitchenled a birthday Ma;- 17_ itribute the assets of the estate and pantry shower given at the‘ Also a happy birthday to‘among the_ parties entitled home of Mrs. Gordon \VoodsJBill‘s daughter Debbie whose thereto, havmg regard only 10 Dufferin St. by Mrs, Karyn‘six birthday “as May 13_ isuch claims of. which they shall nnv an”... n. 12......,..;... then have notice. This time it was a kitchen and pantry shower given at the home of Mrs. Gordon Woods, Dufferin St. by Mrs. Karyn Day. Your money has earned this high rate of interest on Savings Deposit Receipt Accounts at Guaranty Trust for years. So what’s new? We've added a new type of Savings Account and lowered the minimum balance on Savings Deposit Receipt Accounts. Details below. New customers opening Savings 0r Chequng accounts during May will receive interest for the full month of May. Federally incorpmated and supervised. Capital and Resem $26,000,000. Deposits in onus: of 34003001100 K. BROWN, Manager, 44 Yonge St. South, Richmond Hill - 884-1188 What’s new about 41/2%? Guaranty Trust The Guides and Brownies are very busy these days preparing for their mother and daughter banquet May 31. The Court of Honor and some of the older Brownies are meet- ing at Mrs. Elsie Leyzac’s home‘ May 27 at 8.30 am to make cup! cakes for the occasion under1 Also a happy birthday to Bill‘s daughter Debbie whose six birthday was May 18. Guides 8.: Brownies Was glad to hear that Eric Granger is home from hospital and feeling fnuch better. COMPANY OF CANADA (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Interest calculated on the daily balance. Minimum balance has now been reduced to $3,000. No chequing privileges but with- drawals can be made any time. The highest true interest paid on any savings account in Canada. Savings Deposit Receipts A new type of account with interest paid every six months on the minimum monthly balance. No chequing privileges but with- drawals can be made any time. Savings accounts Chequing accounts Interest paid every six months on the mini- mum balance. Cheques returned on request. i‘of May, 1967. ELIZABETH G E O R G I N A DOWNING a n d LESTER DOWNING, Executors, by their Solicitors. NEWMAN. CAMP- BELL & FULLERTON, 7 Queen Street East, Toronto 1, Ontario. The Liberal Help Wanted Columns Dated at Toronto this 12th day PHONE 884-1105-6 FOR FAST COUR’l‘EO US SERVICE Some White Pine 2x8‘s . . . . .. 22c per ft. 2x10‘s 271.3(- per ft. YOU REQUIRE HELP ZxS‘s . . . . .. 22c per f1 leO‘s 2713(- per ft Pine Log Siding WHENEVER TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS â€"-- use ~â€" NOTICE 11c per ft 889-1019

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