ALTONA: Bobby Hull, Chicaâ€" go's “Golden Jet†will be at the annual “Hay Day" Show here June 16. Arriving at 2 pm he will remain until after four, so his young hockey fans can meet him. VkAVAVAVAVQVAVAVAVAVI‘VmWA «Va/Wm A AW†- .V‘ 1v 2'} Miles North of Ne\\‘market1Via‘or on the Sharon-Holland LandinglUtopia County Road Newmarket. Ontario ‘ ‘ Phone 895-2662 1 JUNE 28. Centennial Garden Party at Temperanceville Unit- cd Church. Cold ham, salads, Strawberries, home baking. Ad- mission: Adults, $2.00. Children under 12. $1.00. Come in Cen- tennial costume if you wish. JUNE 14, WEDNESDAY. St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church Strawberry Festival at Com- munity Hall, Maple, 5 to 8 pm. Adults $1.75. Children 75c. W I Samtone Ctryï¬cd Masm' Drydcancr BINGO â€"- THURSDAY night 8 pm. sharp, jackpot; â€" 4 spec- ial and 25 regular games. Our Lady Queen of The World Hall. East side of Bayview at Crosby Ave., Richmond Hill. tfc39 The Fine Madness SUN NORTH YORK DRIVE-IN THEATRE ‘5UN.. MON.. 8: TUES. MAY 28, 29 8: 30 A Patch of Blue SIDNEY POITIER SHELLEY WINTERS Rec. Adult Entertainment Color SEAN CONNERY JOANNE WOODWARD Rec. Adult Entertainment YONGE & LEVENDALE - RICHMOND HILL OPEN JUNE 4 â€"- 11 am. â€" SERVICE OF WORSHIP Guest Speaker: Prof. Allan Farris, M.A.,B.D.,M.Th. Knox College, Toronto 2.30 pm. -â€" CONVENTICLE (on the grounds) Guest Speaker: Rev. Neil G. Smith, M.A.,B.L.S.,D.D. Presbyterian College, Montreal JUNE 11 ._ 11 am. â€" SERVICE OF WORSHIP Quarterly Communion - Rev. J. N. Hepburn JUNE 18 â€" 11 am. â€" ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Guest Speaker: Rev. Eoin S. Mackay, MA. )lon JUNE 25 â€" 11 am. â€" SERVICE OF WORSHIP Made in Paris ’l‘hurs., Fri. & Sat. OMING -VENTI BARTH'S Color ANN MARGARET m. - Wed‘ ‘00 - 8.00 OFFER You THESE EXTRAS 7 pm. â€" TEEN & TWENTY CHAPEL Young People’s Service 150th Anniversary Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church Special Services Moderator East Toronto Presbytéi'y 7 pm. -â€" HYMN SING â€" Guest - Festival of Male Choir MAY 25. 26. Harper in Color PAUL NEWMAN WW .nAmmmnnmmm hour service (Mon. -Sat.) Dry cleaning done on premises . Prov. Government certified ' Free minor repairs ’ Ample parking Guest Speaker: To Be Announced LTD. ‘6. 27 Thurs. - Fri 7.00 - 9.00 luuluu Com_ A Concord resident suffered 3 pm. two broken legs and a crushed 5c_ chest when the vehicle he was “W47 driving was involved in a colli- son on May 15 on Highway 7, am“, near Jane Street. c1w47 For the past seven years he has been active in Volkswagen sales, both in Metro and in Maple. President Ted Wynnyk. of W&P Motors Ltd., of Rich- mond Hill, is pleased to an- nounce the appointment of N. W. Brunskill to his sales staff. Mr. Brunskill brings to his new duties over 20 years’ experience in the automotive field. a left turn in his tractor trailer from a side street when he was struck from behind by a car driven by Mr. McConnell. r Dai'hag'e to the t\vo vehicles amounted to $850. In another accident May 17, 10â€"year-old Lynn Wilcox, Thom- hill, suffered injuries to her legs when she was struck by a car on Highway 11 near the Farmers' Market in Thornhill. Driver of the car was James Victor Demitroff, of RR 2. According to the OPP, Nor- man Fallingham, of Varney. Ontario, had just completed William Joseph McConnell, 42, was taken to Toronto Gen- eral Hospital, where he was reported to be in serious condi- tion. New Salesman OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT Sat 6.00 REPORT He said the board reduced its'other 30, mill rate last year, because of a Fire coverge was provided sizeable surplus, the only boal‘dlthrough a joint agreement with in Markham and Vaughan Vaughan Township. Townships that was able to do The township ' had control so. However, rising educational over apartment building and costs would bring about an in- especially guarded against three crease. and four-bedroom apartments. The Thornhill district was “naturally a magnet†for Roman Catholics to set- tle there, because of the two Catholic high schools in the Steeles Avenue area, and it was “indefensible†that because of their exist- ence, the South Thornhill area should be burdened with this extra residential development. The board was against the building of apartments, but felt their proximity to the schools would enclose one on both sides, while the other one at Dudley Avenue, was unable to have any further additions be- Mr. Loughran, a separate school trustee for eight years, including two as chairman, said he was opposed to further resi- dential building in the area of any kind. Mr. Warnica, who said he * * * * wasn’t representing any group. Replying to some of - the but was just a “lowly citizen,†charges, Markham Planning Di- asked that the board reflect the rector Ian Keith said checks application in the same Way it had been made with the Town- did East York-Leaside one lastlship of Scarboro and North year on the basis that it was York and the City of Toronto, "ill-conceived.†and the average of 0.2 children (Continued From Page 1) cause of the size of the prop- “I hope I'm right,†Mr. Rob- erty. erts replied. Mr. Louglu‘an said there Mr. Warnica, who covered must also be a halt to further much of the same ground as residential development until Mrs. Smith, said that Metro’s proper recreational facilities, average was given as .4 child- which the township was lagging ren per suite, but as their build-l in, could be provided. ings included many bachelor Dr. Fotheringham criticized apartments, the average could- the extra traffic the apartments M; be compared with Thorn- would bring, and also the road hill’s. widening that would result. Be good to yourself. Enjoy the convenience of having “The Lib- eral†delivered to your home every Thursday. To start deliv- Stiff Opposition South Thornhill Bylaw} erts replied. Mr. Warnica, who covered much of the same ground as Mrs. Smith, said that Metro’s average was given as .4 child- ren per suite, but as their build- ings included many bachelor apartments, the average could- n’t be compared with Thom- hill’s. He said the 1,300 to 1,600 children who would come from the new apartments would be almost as many as the 1,900 in all of the TSA No. 1. Mr. Loughran said there must also be a halt to further residential development until proper recreational facilities, which the township was lagging in, could be provided. Dr. Foth‘eringham criticized the extra traffic the apartments would bring, and also the road widening that would result. Sewers, replacing septic tanks would add more than $300 to tax bills. and fire and pol-ice protection also would have to be increased. ery Mr. Ferguson suffered a brok- en collarbone, while Mr. Uez suffered facial injuries. as did a passenger, Joseph Jurkovic, 26. of Toronto. STOUFFVILLE: Lily Ing is making a satisfactory recovery in Sick Children’s Hespital. from a fractured skull suffered in a fall of six feet onto a cem- ent floor. She was rushed to the hospital by local Constable David Hadden in 20 minutes. Police said the accident oc- curred when a southbound car driven by Scott Ferguson, 24; Elizabeth Street, struck a north-I bound car in the north lane, driven by Albert Uez, 41, of Toronto, causing an estimated $4.500 damage. All three were treated at York Central Hospital. Three people, including 8 Richmond Hill resident, were injured in an accident May 20 on Highway 11 at the Bond Lake curve. Richmond Hill’s Volunteer Fire Brigade was a galloping concern at the turn of the century. They saved many priceless relics of the past from destruction by fire. so that we today can see them at the HEIR- LOOMS THROUGH THE CENTURY exhibit. nun.)ou . .L up... ‘4 just call 884-1105 tBHé'yJ ~ ’fï¬ï¬fï¬Ã© iv‘mm fléfKWx‘ï¬ié“ 7&534 ï¬amkgss; z: gyï¬etï¬r’ So far as recreational facil- ities were concerned, the tovm- ship had already acquired 25 acres of parkland from suite fees and planned to acquire an- other 30. Fire coverge was provided fees and planned to acquire 311- Mr. Soloway said the official other 30. plan of the township had been Fire coverge was provided approved by the Minister of through a iOint agreement With Municipal Affairs four months Vaughan Township. ago, and the bylaw merely impâ€" The township' had control lemented the plan, and so over apartment building and should also be approved. especially guarded against three The main objections to the and four-bedroom apartments. apartments had been predicted He said also seven stories had tax increase; there hadn't been been set as the height of the the “usual arguments†about buildings. overhanging. Mr. Keith said it would take about five years to develop the area. He also told Mr, Gain, who had complained about a flooding problem in his area, that the engineer had prepared a plan for storm drainage there which would overcome any fu- ture flooding. Earlier in the meeting, Mr. Keith said a population of 14,000 was proposed for the South Thornhill area, with a density of 17 people per acre. John MacKay, the first to de- MK: ii}. Dr. Foth‘eringham criticized the extra traffic the apartments would bring, and also the road widening that would result. Sewers, replacing septic tanks would add more than $300 to tax bills. and fire and pol-ice protection also would have to be increased. * >3 * >2< Replying to some of - the charges, Markham Planning Diâ€" rector Ian Keith said checks had been made with the Town- ship of Scarboro and North York and the City of Toronto, and the average of 0.2 children per suite arrived at, was con- sistent with most areas. It was wrong to “destroy the whole aspect of the area by crowding it up,†he said. Mr. Gariepy, speaking for his client, Mrs. Pillar, said she did not object to zoning in other parts of the township, but only wished to have her own property rezoned from R-2 to iR-S, so it could be divided into three lots. Mr. Mingay, in asking that the bylaw be approved, said he didn’t think anyone could “neg- lect the fact†that there were people, who for various reasons must locate in apartments and they had a right to be accom- modated. Sigma-C and Tuxis groups who spent Victoria Day David Duke, Gordon Derry, Mike Plummer, Barry Worsfold and their leader, Bryan Buchan. The boys were chosen from a group of 40 on the basis of their contribution to the and general abilities. While in Montreal they were guests of St. Mark’s Tuxis-Rangers. It was heig‘h, ho and off to the fair for the above members of St. Matthew’s United Church St. Matthew's Boys At Expo Mr. Taub said he felt the board should approve the by- law. Mr. Blake said the board would endeavor to give a decision at as “early at date as possible.†Mr. Hicks said the township had been very careful in its planning and preparation, and the testimony opposing the apartments, he felt, had been “based on considerations they couldn’t substantiate.†Also, the municipality wanted the apartments for the assess- ment they brought. scribe himself as a “lowly cit- izen,†said he opposed the re- zoning of his area from R-2 to R-3, which would allow a bigger density in the single family residential zone, because there was plenty of R-3 zoning avail- able for those who wanted it. There was a “natural reas- onableness inherent†in the de- velopment of land, Mr. Mingay said. Weekend at Expo. They are (left to right) McKenzie, Irv. Bursey, Gary Holicky, Craig Tomatoes 5 LEAN MINCED California ONTARIO Large Slicing Hothouse OLD SOUTH FLORIDA PURE â€" Mix & Match Orange Grapefruit Juice Juice CANADA PACKER’S LUNCH MEAT AYLMER FANCY Whole Kernel Corn BETTY CROCKER’S Raspberry, White & Confetti -- Reg. 61c Lions Hall ANGEL FOOD MIX I6 oz. Pkg. 55 NO’S CALLED BIGGER PRIZES BINGO CANNED KAM 2 12 oz. Tins RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB 48 oz. Tins 12 oz. Tins Monday, May 29 POTATOES 79c ;_ (Photo by Stuart's Studio) $1.00 $1.00 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. May S425. JACKPOT Starting Time 8.00 pm. group LUCAS & ARTHURS Oranges SUNKIST WHITE SWAN KADANA ROSE â€" 7 Varieties MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING 32 oz. Jar Richmond Inn Motor Hotel NEW EXCITING . . . Live Entertainment .a NI GH TL Y .a The COACH ROOM PUB ROOM RED LION LOUNGE TOILET TISSUE 2-Roll Pkg. 25¢ will be served from MONDAY 10 FRIDAY 12 O‘CLOCK TO 2.30 PM. BUSINESSMEN’S BUFFET YONGE STREET, RICHMOND HILL Butt Roasts 53¢ Lb. Shoulder Roasts 41¢ Lb. TEA BAGS Pkg. 100's 69¢ RELISHES 12 oz. Jars "Charter Knight†Booster Dinner at the Richmond Inn Banquet Room. Time 6:30 pm. Monday, May 29. Booster Club Members or Door Admission $5.00 per person. Reserve Now -â€" Limited no. of tickets DO YOU KNOW WHERE? YOU CAN GO TO . . . 0 Enjoy a full course gourmet meal: 0 Have Leo Caliill, head coach Argos. 1967 vintage (it's going to be a good year) as head speaker! 0 Become a Scout for Junior Football Players! 0 Replay last year’s Grey Cup final! 0 Mix with guys and gals helping to jell a football team! WHERE ELSE†To the Suburba Knights Now Fully Licensed SPECIAL large Size Wieners 2 Lb. Poly Bag IN $1.49 99¢ Eating 1967