Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 25 May 1967, p. 6

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6 CLASSIFIED ADV CASH RATES, lst insertio charge $1.00. wording unchanged. .7c COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge 81.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge Per insertion of 500 IN ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- CARDS OF THANKS. sertlon Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not lat days. us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 an ARTICLES FOR SALE stake TRAIEER, 4'x8’ es $50. 884â€"1919. c1\v47 THISTLE carriage, blue, pram type, like new. 884-4691, c1w47 BLACK loam or top loam. good for gardening, flowers, lawns, Etc. Apply 773-5412. tfc42 PIANO, apartment size. good condition. Phone after 5. 884- 2684. c2w46 TT'PEWRITER, Eaton, portalâ€"bi? new condition, $35. 889-1349. clw47 TECO Master Suburban 4 cycle sit-down lawn mower, $75. 887- 5278. clw47 5 piece dinette set. grey and yellow. good condition, $25. 884-1037. ch47 WASHER artâ€"d dryer. Inglis. matching pair, $125. 832-1057. ‘» c1w-i7 ‘GAS dryer. $75. Ailâ€"comlimâ€"H, like new, 889-7035 anytime. clw47‘ Second and subsequent insertions if Send ads by mail and enclose payinth or telephone ' WHEAT straw, hay, alfalfa andlother light duties in retail store. " HELP WANTED - HELP WANTE 'Continuedl ERTISING RATES .7c each word, minimum D .WAREHOCSEMAN - driver. 400‘ ,7, __ _, __,VW, ‘and No. 7 area, over 25. 884-1WOAIAN" or college girl to care 4779. After 6. clw47‘for 6 children. .3 to H. from mggfibidmgll for 19577IJune_21 to 30. 884-6627. c1_w47 tandem clump. minimum age 26.1Y0L'NG man. 18 years or older. ‘good wages. 889-3612. c1w47 to. be trained as machinist, ,) . i w 'amga’fol, Richmond Hill Tool & Die. 300 3- pet how- 0m” “ Enford Road. 889-6557. clwâ€"l I] per word. min. charge .90c. )IEMORIA 315. DE! TIIS. I general housework. south 0f “72.7,, V, L 1,, 7 v7- SLSO Maple. Call 83242303 LN“ GENERAL cafeteria help. 4â€"12 pm shift good wages. No experi- LICENSED generali mechanic. ence necessary 889_4264_ NW“; er ma“ 9'30 3'“ °“ “‘dm’s' Apply in P9150" tonnsel‘vifgi clw-liil Manager. Canadian Me. i N»;- ~-- ‘ Vmis. .LL‘LL (I you will receive an invoice. yonge Street North, C1“ 47 EXPERIENCED service bunion ‘attendant. Call Murray Stephen- son 2236034 or 889-6648. WOODWORKERS for chesterg Ifield frame manufacturers. vici-I Ch” mu. D0“>n°\ 1e“, alea‘ 63033,.1407'OIALE Bookkeeper required ._ L_V- -- costing to trial balance. typing to do dustiii: and helpful. Apply ence. education. references. age .and salary to Box 4. “The Lib- iei‘al". c3w46 FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi- Jtions. steady employment. bene- fits. Apply Lamb the Mover. (‘lW473889-4911. Also partâ€"time help. ’ c6w42 FEM A’LE CASHIER 6 FOR SALE NEW laid eggs, Richmondâ€"Hill. 77 Martin Ross Road- 884-6367. tt‘c43i W “The Lib- c1w47 timothy, baled. 887-5648. *3w46irart time. Box 21, BABE carriage. $5. 884-3751. [Raj ' ‘ clw47§YOUNG woman as clerkftypist ‘ - - . - -â€" for Richmond Hill manu actur- géfifififmm’ g00d concilfxgjing company. Previous invoicing *'â€"- â€"â€"» -- _ . experience necessary. Mr. Park. %0\\gl alld4vell.1 r .ieasonab 9. 84â€"18 1. t w ,Wlfijâ€"MAN TRAIPER .â€" ulfiity 66"” gOOdInterested in accounting L‘Ell'Cel‘.i condition with licence. $60. BBQ-humor position. Open immedi_iFu” or 3806' “1“.” ately or witllin next 2 months. CRIVB. mattress, brand new. $5. 889-6219. c1w47 Mrs- Rowley. North Rd- Lakei PRESS-BRAKE OPERATOR ,Stather. Canadian Tire Store. Wllcorx alter 5- Cl“4_(_5,Ii‘irst class. New local iiIdustl‘Y-fRichmond Hill. 884-1196. ELECTRIC guitar and ampli-lToronto rates without Torontoi gin-47 fier. Nearly new. Phone afteridriving. Box 19, “The LiberalfiiREAL ESTA-{E (great. {61. men .4130 9‘“ 884'4500' “l‘lflf , cunlor women, free extensive train- ‘WRINGER washer, excelleiithAlTRESS full or part timfiins’, program. spec1al assistance icondition. antique record playelalalso cook. full time - 5 daylto new starters. top commis- part time. experienced cashier-clerk required for im- mediate opening. Apply Mr. 3884-7197. c1w471week. including weekends. Must‘sjons and draws Call Tuia JAMBULANCE stretcher Peplhave own transportation. 297-:l‘Realty Limited, 232-2525. _ feet for first aid room in sinallinm' » “l‘fll UCZJ N in Oak Ridges for oc- WAITRESSES for evening shift. ‘business. $100. 884-8912. clw47iWOMA 6 pm to 2 aln and 11 pm to i 3icasional afternoon and evening. stating experi- - 1 TO RENT iMISCELLANEOUS FURNISHED and unfurnished PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. .l'ooms. 884-1721, tfc19 W '.:“":*; ~~â€" . "'“i Jones D. Stewart ’ATIRACT l'\ E bed-sitting IOOIII,‘ ‘ 884_2201 {suit business lady. Concord area: ’889â€"6103. c2w46 _ Tll’O-l'oOni‘apartnielit. unfurn- tfc43 PAINTING it PAPER HANGING ishcd. 41 l'onge 51.. Aurora. ._ , "516095. aw“). R, 77E;__ounn. 884-11795; tlc lPASTURE‘LKNDTIoTS'fiiEi'd “IMF”? & “an0 {of Came Rogei Ploul.\ # telephone â€" . good water and shade. 8844650 M- 9,4 884-7900. chi-47‘--- ‘T , , L}; (SMALL Erefieslimentâ€"‘bdoth: BAKER” BACKHOE EXCAVATING ’I'renchiiig. sewer is; water lines. ‘footings. 889-3604. tch lJunc to September. 7713-5374. clwé? EEL‘RNISHED ‘i-oon'iiaikiiig" id'â€" ‘cdities. 16 Lorne. 1st house east \Of Clark's Drug store at Yonge. PERRI - STYLE custom uphol; isterilig. 884-6885 or Markham tl‘c24i2 . V , tfc46 BRICK farmhouse. Richmondi {‘8'} r .' - in“, all conveniences. duplexedfiARPEN I R\. deceiating and unto two 2_bedr00m apartments ipainting. Alterations. repairs and l - .7 ' w _.’ lsuit large family or 2 congenialllem.cation looms‘ 884 0009' lsmall families. reasonable rent.._._._. , 7 iTenant must have references RALPH ELMS DECORATING l tic-41 1 ‘Box 20. “The Liberal". cl\\'47-ior and exterior. Free estimates. V. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. i i llCSl WANTED ‘ TO RENT_ 12 or 3 bedroom house. in RiChâ€" ,mond Hill or vicinity. Call Mrs. ‘Hannam. 884-3159. c1w47i YCOUPLE. one child wants home Stonework. Fireplace. etc. V. iwithin 40 miles of Toronto. Rea-{Ostergaavd 16 Elizabeth St. S. ‘sonable. 636â€"830]. clw47 Richmond Hill. phone 884- {WOMAN with 2 children ties-5533» “C33 perately needs accommodation.‘CALL us for your sand, gravel. 1884-5411. c2w473fi11. top soil and limestone URdEfiT large {must p1.,3fe]._iPrompt delivery. Reasonable iably modernized farm home l‘a‘es' "‘ 3' DGFGH‘aM’ Maple‘ long lease. reasonable rent. 832-1832‘8876' thlz E. W. PAYNE le‘alllS. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. [889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 and be financially stable. Wi’iteTaiIItiiig. paper-hanging. inter: MASONRY CONTRACTORâ€"j MISCELLANEOUS (Continuch POST hole digging and fellâ€"cl f llg. 889-4432. tic-l3 PAINTING Interior and exterior. 884-1311. tic33 GENERAL CONTRACTING AND LANDSCAPING .l. \eltheel' and Sons. Phone King City. 833-6378 or Bolton 857-1811. cZUwA‘.’ KENNETH G. (nosey:â€" DECORATING CONTRACTOR Excellent workmanship. reasonâ€" able prices. 884-2902. tt'c38 iVO‘OD’woRkiNG’sfPfiNTING ‘Kitcheii cabinets. vanities. rec. 94-3785 at MacLeans Furnituremrooms. furniture repair. refin- Private. 884-5044. ‘ishing. Free estimates. 88-1-1215. ‘ c-tw-ib' ‘ IS YOUR DRIVEWAY )IUDDY‘.‘ Cover it with limestone. 1884-7768. Free Estimates. Call tic-45 RUBBER STAMPS iDownsvicw Printing and Litho- ‘graphing. 145 Sheppard Avenue East. Suite 4. Willowdaie. 223â€" '9838. tic-15 i G.ROCCA :- Tile Contractor - General } Repairs 1 RRl. Maple. Ont. 832-1375. WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL WALL WASHING . 884-1311 tchIS PLUMBING I Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 iRepairs and new work. 24 hours 0 To order Want Ads ° To receive help in writing Want Ads ' For information about Want Ads inn 884-005 1 __L ,.,.-,_ L ' USED CARS SALE REGISTERS 1960 Pontiac. Best offer. 889-‘MAY 26. rRI‘DTr Evenhi" 1 ‘7 cl\\'47",Auction Sale of choice lidusc- 1958 Cadillac convertible, red1h°1d furniture. bedroom den, and white. All power. radio. likejla‘m. garden suites. 40 Sq- NS» new 8844391: C1“.4-7ibi'oadloom electrical appliances. .1957 Chevrolet. rusted body. ‘iilisfms‘PTI‘ms' gliss‘me’ (my ‘excellent mechanical condition.‘ ab‘ .blaéware‘ l)‘.cmros' omu‘ 8100. 8897010. C1“Vfi‘mcnts. antiques. effects. garden I, 7 Ag 5 ,tools. riding rotary, mower. 1908_ PINmOUIll- 300d l'lmnmg Harden tractor with attachments condition. 375. Call after 6. 88-1- power recl and hand mowers: ‘ _v>___kc1\v47 various other miscellaneous ar- -59 Mercury 1;, to” picbupffi‘ticles etc. Property of W. H. good condition 8300. or best ofâ€"ZCLARK' 16 Elgin Slmm- Village fer. 88443526 Cmaâ€"t-i‘of Thornhill. Sale starts at 7.00 1963 noniia‘c‘uniant‘afi{anp.25, ‘Eggmggigggm â€" Ԥ"",“ full ower. V- . In" " -‘ t I o _ pm or), p 8 $ 7‘30 mvnlisold. See Posters for full list- i N clw~ii ings 1964 GMC 3.1 ton curb side van. Ken and Clark Prentice ‘Excellent condition. 884â€"79335 Auctioneers Ia‘fteLo; f 7 war» _ Markham 640-3686. 1960 Dodge Pheonix V8 auto- 02“"16 matic. radio. good condition. * * * * “W47 MAY 27. SATURDAYâ€"Auction _ ~ 7 ,x . ‘ . . _ . y .- 1909 Memo“ llcensed. new tires“ Sa e 'IhOinhill Lions yearly am ition New furniture ood ‘e -- new hatterv. $85 1' no ~ g '-l ' . ‘ g .5 k t I 0 41°“ 0‘ iond hand furniture. Dishes fer. Must sell. 88-1-2902. clyi'47 and what have you. In the \,n_ lage of Thornhill. Sale at 12 top condition. radio. 27.000 o‘clock sharp. Alvin S. Farmer [111168. $1.195. 832-1080. clw47 Auctioneer, Gorinley. c1w~l7 '1960 Pontiac convertible. , , is * I * , icylinder. automatic, good con- MAX 27‘ SATURDAX' _ Au“ idmon' 8843093. c1w47it10n sale of choice household 1- - ...... ,furniture. electrical appliances. _ -.-‘suites. dishes, antiques, utensils. 83ffl993glassware, garden builders. A AW_ _7_ w "1“‘47 handyman's tools. miscellaneous i1958 Ford standard. 3 cy'liildei‘.larti01€S, effects. etc. The PI‘OIJ- ‘good condition. no plates. $60.61‘ties 01" HESSELL. JACQUES. gash, 889.6331, c1\\-461l\lURCHIE. ’I‘HELFALL. WIN- l1957 Meteor. \8‘ automaticpNETOY & OTHERS‘ at Pren- ypowersteermg$135? Phone 773_.tlces New Idea Farm, lot 21, ‘884â€"5090 after 6 pm. 11964 Ford custom 6â€"standard.‘ . excellent 1 evenings. , condition. _ MAN’S bicycle. G.E. fan â€"â€" I 1966 IUEICkv-uâ€"Djaii‘ifireififjâ€"th ,lspeed in good condition, radiant; 1966 Ford 1'2 to“ Make ofierdlieating panels. 1 beige, 1 coral: 884-2833, C1w47 â€" 36" x 30". 889-1597. c1w47‘ (EEC 1/2 ton pick up truck, per. CONTENTS of large home in feet condition, forced to 5911‘ Richmond Hill. lnost items reâ€" cheap, fully licensed, 334-1344'icently purchased. 889-6644. *lw47i c5w44‘ KITTOâ€"IVIAâ€"T‘Iâ€"C washer. suds re-iPOTATOE(S. 75 lb bag. $1.75, turn, will deliver and guaranteeltable 01' Seed- C- mashintel'~' one year. Ken Clark 889_5226'|eorner of Gamble Road and; th14vBatllu1'Sl'. 884-2549. tfc43 CRATES of all sizes, suita_bl_e' ALUMINUM PRODUCTS for overseas shipping and? Sales and Service domesuc user Teasonable- cen'fDoors. windows. siding awnâ€", tral Van and Storage- tfc8 ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558., ALUMINUM 1 “C4” SIX black highobacked chairs. woven seats. Adjustable dress form, size 10 to 20. Baby bas-l sinette on stand with casters, lbath, and lounge. 884-4330. ‘ Doors, windows. awnings. and}. railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 KITCHEN cabinet, double sink and LazyI Susan, suitable for cottage. good condition. Reason: _ . _ _, ., _,_,,- flfl‘ able. 884-7216. c1w47 THE VILLAGE HOUSE OLDER model Norge refrigera- ANTIQUES ‘ tor. perfect running condition,lW6 bu)" and 59“ 200d USEd fur-i ideal for basement or cottage, Imme- ass. 832-1518. CI\\'47 7729 YONGE STREET BICYCLE, CCM, boy'sâ€"2‘3", new THORNH’LL 8894734 . tires. good condition. $15. 2 “C47? HALLI’CRAETERSfiiodei 53‘; .110. amateur radio reeeiverx. icovering 5 ham. bands and 3‘ spare wheels to fit Oldsmobile.‘ $7. 884-6984. clw47 ,M TWO stoves, Inglis electric and, . Findlay coal and wood cook-short wave bands. complete with! stove. 884-8145 after 5 pm model R 48 speaker. Cest $300| Chyfliapproximately 7 years ago. Used. orien‘i‘u'o‘ahfii-esse. nu. mgggg We: ask“ 51°0'c,§.?f7'1 ror and single bed, $40. 334-‘___._._.__ 3884 after 6 and weekends. ‘- DRIVEWAY GRAVEL l N- c1w47‘Sand, crushed stone and lime-, WOODEN classic mantel, colon_,st0lie. Delivered in small quanti- ial style, carved. with stonejties. Also lawn and garden fer- from, like new 884.2977. tilizer. Delivered and/or applied cud-{flop dressing and loam. Call C. “« L. K tt. 884â€"3 89. tfc40 HOBBY cart. modified 4’SLI‘0ke £6 0 baby sitting. Must have experi-‘am. Uniforms supplied. Illustj2660' “A? 01W46‘ Cllâ€"IMNETS ‘5402. Cl“,w‘con. 8, Markham Twp. on Hwy. l1969 A‘Wi‘i_i~- ’ w __ No. 48. 11-2 miles north of Markâ€" ~ . ubtm 000 but)”. VGlliham Village. This is an extra lemergency calls. iwork guaran- 'freight depot. Maple. Keele &i l1161. iStuart Enamelled Products. 1021 ence, caring for children. Apply [have transportation. For further POst Office Box 151, Oak Ridgeswinformation phone 832-1555. c1w'47jEsso Service Centre. 400 High- i\i'a.\‘. tfcw34 ERPERIENCED require smaHLChimneys built and repaired. lliouse. anywhere between 1Thornliill and Aurora. 889â€"5170im‘?n5mp' 1 Mitchell. 889-2526. Phone Walker and Service Station Attendant lCOMPETENT typist: female. ‘Must be neat and courteous. l‘full or part time able to cut and References required. Applyirnn off price list stencils and Dan‘s Esso Service. 66 Bayviewlorganize and look after litera- South. Richmond Hill. c1w47‘tu1‘e mailings with minimum of HARDWARE clerk, experiencelsuperfislon‘. filease state backâ€" preferred. for hardware storei‘grfiund .m fn'ft lettm to nglg‘ in north Metro. Permanent posi-i Tle Libeldl ‘ c “46 tion for right man. References LADY with office and sales exâ€" required. state salary desired. perience, looking for a career Box 22. “The Liberal". c1w47 not just a job. age 25-35. Free TRUCK driver and Generate travel. to be trained for a <’ood worker â€"- man witlr know- new 9051110" “'lth gro‘lmg m' fed e of ardening etc Mustitemahom"1 Company located in g g - 3 ' ‘North Willowdale. Telephone have chauffeurs licence andl good driving record. 884~3089.l889'4434‘ “W47 of Richmond Hill re- c1w-17 iTOWN . ".â€"iquii‘es male clerk in the Clerk en in . . . 223111.235 tgajttggg \evegmgj'l‘reasurer 5 Dept. Office admin- shifts New CNR Expres‘g‘istration and municipal account- ing experience an asset. Please ‘i‘eply. giving resume to: Deputy Clerk Treasurer. 56 {Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. ‘ c1w47 .‘CREDIT â€" Femalflf you have gauge steel fabricating Shop, had experience in a credit deâ€" . , ‘partment or have an aptitude Stead) employment Applyifor figures with previous office Highway 7. If interested. please contact Mrs. Jean Millin. 244â€" c1w47 POWER brake operator capablé of doing own set ups in light .. . h - lexpei‘ience. Are willing and able girlssltirl Road' Rmhmonillifilé to assure responsibility with ___.;______ ‘loads of initiative you are eli- REQUIRED experienced ShOlT-ggible to train as assistant to our hand typist for large firm in credit manager. Richmond Hill. Top salary. must SNARON TOOLS or be accurate typist and between CANADA LTD the ages of 21 and 35. Write 8‘89_7501 ‘ giving complete details to box‘ c2\\ 46 8. “The Liberal". c2w46 ___.,-,.VL . V.‘ 'L _ _ 1 EARN MON E1 FAST Dishwasher, 2 short orderfSai‘ah Coventry. world‘s largest ifine fashion jewelry company, cooks 3 to 11 shift. uniforms COTTAGE FIREPLACES excellent condition, 395 884_,Limited quantity. large Frank-j lin cast iron units - very prac-. engine. Sturdy tubular frame, cm.“ tical stove fireplace combina ‘ BOY'S bicycle, age 10-15. hit; .10., Fil~e-G10 Centre. 46‘ gut. 103d9d “'llh 3FC93501'195- Steeles Avenue West. Willow-‘ luee-speed, new tires. 884-idaia 839-3133, c2w46 3.915199? 4 Pl"- ““"47"__"BTRN'S’\LEM KITCHEN unit with wishiâ€"n’é‘ G d‘U ‘d F: - . machine and sink combined. 00 sc umnme Chests. chairs. brass beds. pine cage. Reasonable. 222-3246. ,arinoircs in the rough. dough box. Some fine Victorian pieces clw-lT NEW and Used appliance parts- lll(llld0(.l. Man) otlicis. . .l ii'i'lnger rolls. wood blocks. bear- THE VILLAGE "OLSE "185. belts. stove elements. etc.' 7739 YONGE ST" Maui‘s Tv, 45 Industrial Road. THORNIIILL 889-4734 834-7903. “€36 Open 7 days MOVING â€" household furni- IUPB. natural gas stoy'e. Large - oven, glass door. 2 refrigerators. one with cross the top freezer and automatic defrost, bedroom furniture, studio couch etc. 884- clw47 (300’ West of Bayviewl E A BEAUMT'Imâ€"FUL ZIG ZA‘G _ Open week-days - 1 pm - 9 pm GER including cabinet for igylSats 8; Sundays - 10 am - 6 pm. $71.00 repossessed balance tori~ 22045915 310311)! $209) or take over pay- ments of $7.00 per month. Binds-CONTENTS 0f home - most ‘hems. makes buttonlioles plus items recently purchased. 9‘ hundreds of decorative stitches Piece ContempOl‘al‘." dining 1‘00!“ etc. all without attachments. suite. 9'x12. 12‘x18’ beige rugs \our old machine accepted as with pads. Spanish den set con- down payment. Dealer. Write sisting of Chesterfield. ‘2. chairs. liox 16 "The Liberal". cZw-fi ottoman in black logo hide. “SP‘Efi:fi;H“ "- matching tables. lamps. drapes. SPRING PAle SALE Spanish bedroom. dinette with 6 chairs. portable sewing machine. WHITE ONLY . . Exterior gloss white oil paint. poltable n ‘ Slerm' can for apâ€" $5.65 gallon. Exterior and inâ€" pmmmem gag-6019' 6““ terior latex paint. $4.39 gallon. 'â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" BUTLER AND BAIRD LL’M- ‘ BER LTD.. PETS FOR SALE ‘ 191 You e St. N h. w‘ 3 “" REGISTERED daschund male Richmond Hill. 334.1135 889_35063pup. 8844691. e1w47‘ tfc44'PART Persian kittens, free to‘ M good home. 889-5133. clw-t'l‘; TYPEWRITERS M ADDING MACHINES PUPPIES. part collie. 9 weeks‘ old. male and female. 52. 884-; Sales Service Rentals 5200. cm.“ Authorized Dealer h. All popular makes for sale in-‘JILL GODDARD for PFOfeS' .ciuding new and rebuilt standfsional Poodle clipping. 7783 'l'iiornhill, 889- .ard portable and electric modâ€" To”? sues“ _ .els. Special rental rates aiail- ,_d_»‘ #5:? ‘Abie to students. DON MILLS Country Club for suit summer cottage: also bird c1 w 47 , 'TOP'QUA'IIITT‘CANAISIXN‘ l TENT TRAILERS McKENZIES’ Sales. rentals. supplies 235 No. 7 Highway East. i ttc42‘ L. H. SIMS pets. Professional clipping. x8 Baker Ave. boarding. training. Puppies Richmond Hill 884-1745 Pick-lip .iiiri‘ (‘lf‘ll\(?j}, Gordon “C49 tial'ieti. 297-3307. ichS supplied. wages according to ex-‘h?We Openjngs in Thomhmi perienca Must supply mm Richmond Hill. Maple, King. transpomationl For further in_ Willowdale and outlying areas for demonstrators and man- agel’s. $300 kit furnished free to demonstrators. No deliveries, and no collections. Earn $40 to $60 weekly part-time. and $75 formation phone 832-1555. Esso Service Centre. 400 Highway. tfc38 ACCOUNTING clerk .â€" female. for varied work in cost account- ing section. Must be interested in figures. typing all asset. preâ€" vious office experience a must SNAP-0N TOOLS OF CANADA LTD. 889-7501 lll's. (’lw47 interview. call at 884-5575. personal Hel'l'idee. EMPLOYMENT WANTED ‘ PRACTI CAlfiiui‘SI'nwgfhouSe: keeping or cook. Experienced. References. 773-4213. c1w47 RELIABLE family man seeks employment. Anything consid- (thy-iii MALE clerk for Metro con- struction company. permanent position. invoicing. quantity take off. typing and costing ex- perience helpful. Apply iii writ- ing stating age. experience eduâ€" cation. references and salary to K. J. Beamish, Construction EI‘Ed- Phone 773-5455. nc1w47- Company Ltd. 7901 Bayi'iew EXPERIENCED typist would Ave.. Thornhill Ontario. c3w46‘11ke part_time office work from may ‘1 to 5 pm. Phone 884-4166. Permanent position now open mornings. 02w46‘ for a groundsman to assist with YOUNG MEN, 15.19, looking grasscutting. grounds‘ maintenv ance. snow shovelling. rinks. etc. Room and board provided. Temporary board available for groundsman to live out. Apply; for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Arm). 889-7655. tfe29 GIRL 17 w good studéiii'. cap: able. for summer camp or pri- “ ~' '- St. Andrew; . . 2:11:11: 0T3:le Oman; vale family. experienced. good .phmfc '7..- 4.,” ‘ 0‘”; with children. 889-1597. clw~l7 ‘ ~I' .â€" . ~. I BL‘SINESS administration grad- uate from Ryel‘son Polytechnic Institute would like employ- ment in the Richmond I'llll area. Experience offered â€" 3 years YOUNG MAN 17-20 interested in learning the dl'ycleanlng trade and starting work as a di'ycleaning machine operator. N .’ “ ' - :‘al'\ but . . n\(l).l\'t9\::nel:1€L:t niglai‘abbli; and Personnel adlllllllsli'allOIl. 2 ‘ . ‘ .' . . vears rod uci control. I vear mechanically inclined. blCSd." ‘ p ‘ office department management. and 2 years general Office: A resume will be sent to interested companies. Write Box 24 "The Liberal". c1w47 year round employment. good working conditions. 5 day week plus every other Saturday morning. Apply in person to Barth‘s Cleaner. 198 Yonge St.‘ N. clyi‘47“ MAINTENANCE MAN AND 1 CLEANING } Insurance office in Thornhill re- qu1res caretaker. 4 to 5 hours per day. capable of deln: minor repairs. lawn maintenance etc, Reference to applicant hung in area Submit lcliel ouillnzli; 329 m- perlence Clv to I) Brno. York Insurance Co. 76051 \iingc V ’l'liOi'nhil.. 47 COTTAGE TO RENT 3 bedroom cottade. Parry Sound. lakefront. 884-4835. L'liHT LAKEFRONT cottage, Bancroft arczi quiet sale sandy beam lll:l(lf‘ conicnmnces small - inout'i has: and lake-limit fish- .ll: imafl rcklg. 834-1010 {51" .I. k» ‘ to $125 full~tiine. Excellent op-‘ portuliity for advancement. For; tic \l" Exam-Tr 'mmle 815 -_‘r”~-H. . i ‘teedi. tfc38 Free estimates. Expert work-ROYAL LAfibsEAPING ANDll‘ed'blaCk carpet, need i GADENING tfCUlFree estimates or grass cutting. 1964 Volkswagen. gas Heater. lgOOd Shape' many "9“ Partsngood lot, some near new. Sale caSh-‘at 1:00 pm. No reserves. Terms ‘384'3713' “"47 cash. See sale posters for full evenings. c1w47 listings. ‘SMALL house for July and GENERAL contracting. altera-ilandscaping and tree removal. radio. very good condition. Best lien & Clarke Prentice, iAugust while own home iSitions and addition& homes‘ 0H 884-8574 _ offer. please call 773-5989 after Auctioneers 11)“an references supplied 884_ fices. factories. Custom carpen-1 A~__ in _ tic-lo b Pm- c1w47 Markham. Out. ,6754. cm,“ try of all descriptions. LeleSEpTIC TANKS 1965 Honda 90. only 985 mile-. Phone “0‘36” 1 , Webb 889-2'46. 1,2 or .3 bedroom house, anywhere 0 ‘north of Finch to Newmarket or Markham. Required by end of CARPENTRY WORK. additions. renovations, garages. recreation August. Adults. References. rooms” me floors- N0 j°b {0° ‘lphone 889_6028 after 6- “C42 small. Free estimates. T. Price , , 889-3653. tfc28 iRELIABLE couple, 4 children ~â€"~â€"7 iurgently require house prefer, CUSTOM ‘ably farm house. Write Mr. and‘Kitchen cabinets. counter tops. :Mrs. Earl Roberts, 98 Tyndallivanities, rec. rooms. furniture 1Ave. Toronto 3. civiv47;repair, refinishing, restore an. 2 or 3 bedroom house or apart-i iment by June 15. Have 3 school 1 .age children, responsible people! tfc39 ANTENNA SERVICE {band a good handyman. callllndustrial Road. Richmond Hill.l after 6 pm. 884-5411. c1w47f884â€"7903. ALTERATIONS repairs, tom building, residential alid industrial. Registered 1949 No. 122739 Metro Lic. E. 76 Free , .estimates - advice. Phone even- 114 ROSEVIGW ings. 832-1036 1‘ GARDENING GRASS CUTTING Tom Mashinter, Avenue. 334_7573 ’ CONCRETET’MASONRY ‘ m.“ CARPENTRY CONTRACTORS J HANS’EN‘S Lâ€"ANDSCAPING Funding altel‘a‘lo“s.& “99mm ‘Clean-u s and com 1 - l - prompt Serme scapiilg.pSandy 10am? 58:21 1:23 WAl-Kfiilot & MITCHELL l$24. 3 yd. load $15. Phone after; 889:?ng V V tfc” 15, all day weekends, 889-1236. TREE CUTTING ’ tt'c42 Dead elms, poplars etc. THORNHILL . iAny landscape gardening, hedge rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. Jclipping stonework, roekeries.' “('13 lpatios etc. Rookery by loads‘HARRIS‘ONsâ€"CU’STOMF‘ ,Free estimates. A. Hartwick CARPENTRY , 1889‘6338’ mm, “W46 Custom built homes. renova-l CULTIVATION lions. additions. and repairs Rotovating. Seeding and sodding Kitchens a specialty. Morris or soil prepared for you. try our Harrison. 864-2838, tfc45 “all mower for a neat job of Plasterins gl'ass and weed cutting on clean lots. 884-2337, Thornhi‘ll _ R. CLARK “CM Plain aiid Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tchlO ‘RE-CPl-IOLSTERY and remod- elling of all types of furniture. ‘ _~ ~ European craftsmanship. Large 'IRLClx for hire. small movin: collection of fabrics aiid vinyls. JODS- A150 51113“ qlliilltlt." Of Reasonable prices. Also Jabo ‘Sand and gl‘an-‘L EVemngs alld floor covering. the only carpet- week-ends. 884-2157. c2w47 ing that main- “Pal-sl peters RENTALL, 41 yoggfâ€"N. Upholstcring. 884-2189. c3w46 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT RENTALS Rug shampooers, floor macli- Rgmfifs tines,tools,chatrs. 884-6761. jLa‘m mowers and garden “C31 equipment repaired and sharp- PORTABLE TV RENTALS lened. New 4-cycle mowers WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 3856.50 and up. Thompson Repair Service 105 Hwy. 7 East 889-2973 tfc43 tfc39 l CUSTOM BCILT IIOME'S ‘ ADDITIONS BOARDING RENovATioxs 7 OFFICE REAIODELLING MVVRVSâ€" Rec rooms. garages. custom HORSES board‘gdf-ZO mm_ {1:6,}, kitchen. cabinet work. Bath Richmond Hill. excellent board- "00"” WWII“ "“115 9"" 5-" ing faculties Box stalls. $45 a no” “Ol'k gu‘lra'llppd' he“ 9g" month 888-1715 c1w~tT”l1‘l°~‘ GRAY BROS. ('ONSI‘RI CTION RICHMOND HILL 884-5670 30 Centre St. W. A. EMSLEY AND SONS Horses boarded on scenic farm. l'l\ er through pasture. box stalls $35. pr. mill Free pick-up, phone collect Sutton 722-5826, 01va ill-"14 SEPTIC TANKS PL'MPED $25.00 TRAVEL i TOURS. cruises, rail and bus tickets. reservations and individ-‘ -ual travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-7096. 1 tic-17 Summer CAMPS __W RICHILDACA Day Camp. 9' im- niin;. tlsumg. canoeilicj. :Idm: ilktn; t'l'éil'n I-l» plioiugi'nn‘il- i;‘.:.;2i'v Silt. Sewers cleaned “ithout diggin: 0r tearing up pipe (.. STLXDEN Ills Rll‘l‘llll'llld Hill WOODWORKING ‘ tiques. Rudolf Tobien. 839-1922.‘ cus-i tfc3 pumped and repaired. Tile Beds. like new condition, windshield, THORNHILL SANITARY CONTRACTORS RRI. Thornhill. 889-1555 ‘ tfc45 i l ‘ COTTAGES FOR SALE STURGEON LAKE. on the Trent Waterway. Beautiful 3- bedroom cottage with carport. lcan supply references. anywhereiTV towers. roof antennas. re-lPanelled “311$ acoustic ceilings- W195, _€‘-‘C€‘“°"l COIKHHOH. ASk- .in the area of Thornhill. Rich-lpail‘s. parts and installationsgtlled “00m bathmom hOt water mg pr"? 31‘150- Phone after 6' mond Hill or Aurora etc. Hus-IMath's TV & Radio Service. 45*)“ tap- All new mOdel‘n film" Pm- 884‘3751A ishings. Safe. sandy beach. only tfc37189 miles from Merl'o- 334'5322 Special risks written. ‘after 5 pm, or weekends. clw47 l l WANTED $75. cash. 884-1919. c1w47 i‘TRICYCLES I2) for 4 & 3 year- ‘olds. Small bike for 7 year-old. 3884-5478. c1w47 JDEAD or crippled farm animals ipicked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. .Cut and removed. Reasonable Ed Peconi 8.- Son. Woodville.‘ Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. tfc4~t l BUSINESS ‘ OPPORTUNITY 7_ IT pays to grow cucumbers illi- dei' contract. For Matthew's- Wells Co. Ltd. A guaranteed market is available to you. Con- tracts are being taken now for 1967. For further information. ‘wi‘ile or phone Frank Watts. 7059 Yongc 81., Willow dale. 889- 5494. ll-('\\4T §9éT§;3“”UB§ ‘15’ Petei‘boro boat with 12 hp. Elgin motor. after 6 pm. 889» 6087. Clix-l? ‘OUTBOARD motor. 15 h.p. elec- tric start, A-l condition. 3150. 884-2192. c1w47 1 DAY CARE THORNHILL care, near Yonge. mornings, daily or weekly board. any age. 889-6509. e4w44 MAPLE. Dufferin Street. daily or weekly. loving care. large lwell~fenccd area on farm. 832- 22453. ('1w47 MUSIC .1 Y. LUCIC .\.R.C.T.'l‘. .\.ll.C. ’I'P, Piano and theory. .\lu<ic- ians" Sci”)le 384-23l0. tfc40 GLENN SAWYCH Accordion Musicians School. 884-2310. llcvil) l NURSERY . SCHOOL The Four Winds Nursery School i7951 Yonge Street. Thornhill. mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. tfcIZ -« w 7 PERSONAL Drofwni ham .3 dmiiszJTITriii- 10m if «n \\ van Help “VHF Rm '54 Richmond l'l H, .411 E)! 6-3681. trclT J c2w~16 a x Call 884-6177 evenings only ‘ . a”, ,. ‘ . c1\\'47iMAY 31- WEDNESDAI. _ ,, _ Important auction sale of house- 1963 Impala convertible. auto-hold furniture. some near new, "13th “'ansmisslom POWCI‘ {OP-lsonie antiques. articles. linens, .ASleg $1200 884-5271 after 6- bedding. dishes, glassware. etc. t‘1\\'47 also a number of handyman's 1962 Corvaii~ )ionza defu‘fi tools etc. at Lot No. 18. Con- ;bllckCt seats. radio, white with‘cession 4. Pickering Township. red interior. Please call after 6.1011 the Old 4th Concession, East 727-6527 Aurora, “(-44 off the Brock Road. Sale at 1.30 .1962 Chev. II Nova cOIivei‘tible.lp‘m Terms caSh‘ No. reserve' approximately 45‘000 originaliHouse sold. James Smith. clerk, Ken & Clarke Prentice. Auc- ‘tionccrs. RR No. 2 Markham. - phone 640-3686. c2w46 clw4i at. it it! )1! MAY 31, WEDNESDAY. Special V Financing Auction Sale of antique furni- tor autos alid insurance. 921-ture and dishes. the property 2167, 889-7800. Mr. Tucker. of J, w, Campbell. Richmond tfc46lHill, plus other consignments 1959 Chev. Gainedâ€"flier, Iz,to be held at Stouffville Sale ton pick-nip; 1963 GM i._, ton Barn, Stouffville, Ontario. All AUTO INSURANCE tfc32iOUTBOA'RD mom.) 5 £0 {0 hp. pick-up, long box, fully equip.iitems to be sold without reserve. Ped. Both in excellent condition.‘ThiS Sale Will be antiques only: King cm 833.5198. after 530' lthei'eforc. we would ask you not “W47 to bring children to the sale ‘30 that no items got broken. The sale barn will be open Tuesday evening from 7 pm to 10 pnl for inspection. Wednesday after- noon. The sale will start at 7:30 pm. Terms cash. no reserve. Frank Bennett aiid Norm Faulk- ner sales managers and auction- eers. c2w47 ATTENTION ‘ MECHANICS ‘1957 Dodge sedan. automatic? lBest reasonable offer. Please 'call 884-5534, after 6 pm. nclw-l'l' ATTENTION TRCCKERS ‘ If you are looking for used trucks. parts. tires or aceessord‘ * * * * ies. see the truck wrecker flt'stJJUNE 3, SATURDAY. â€"â€" Auc- iMoore Truck Parts 8; Sales. Old tion sale, of household furni- iNo. 11 Highway. Holland Land-,ture. dining dinette suites. elec- ‘ing. 895-4666. tfc34‘iric appliances. dishes. utensils. lantiqiies. glassware. pictures. .â€" ‘ornaments, English ridilng 521d- dle. habits. gar en too 5, mis- B.QOߤg_EQ§,EQIccllaneous articles etc. Property ROOM and breakfast for ulIi-lof c, A, iJoci PATTERSON. versity student working at Dun- iCumbel-iand valley Falvmn at lill) ObserVatOl'." fl‘OlTl June 130 Lot 35 Con. 3 Markham Twp. [m sep‘embe“ 4855300 ‘Gormlcyi ‘4 mile south of 01““ Gormley Rd. Sale at 1 pm, m Terms cash. No reserve. farm sold. See sale bills for full list- ings etc. .las. Smith lclerki. ., -. _ A L. . Ken & Clarke Prentice. SEWING lessons. 81 per hour. Auctioneers 3344670. «In 47 Markham Phone 640-3686. ‘_____._â€"___ c2w47 , BABY SITTING DRESSMAKING ~â€"â€"â€".â€"â€"â€".â€"â€".-â€"â€"'STOCFFVILLE: Contributions BABY “mil. requ‘red “'é‘“ ow" to the civic square fund. the transpPrlatlon' Jexpenenced” village's official Centennial proâ€" iMrS‘ bmlth‘ BBQâ€"3746' aw“ ject have reached 312587.34. l ‘The project wlill‘featiture repose- ‘ Ttion of the e oc ower o e l LOST old fire hall, which has already BINDER, French'received a substantial reinforc- containing course. on Crosby or Bayview ed concrete’base. Ave. Call 834-6984. clw47 "‘ ‘ “ *1 BRADFORD: Council last week â€" agreed to donate 32.500 to the Transportation lcampaign for a new Adult -- Training Centre sponsored by WANTED ride from Richmondmen-market and District Assam. m“ 10 Dal'bal‘ 108d. Rexdale-fation for the Mentally Retarded. 5 dais \‘reckly- slal‘llllg July 10.,The association's objective is Phone 834-6363. After 5. c2u46 530.000. “““"““““" I E TEACHER women: I l I U For part time position teaching trainable retarded children at Thornhaven School, 317 Centre St. East, Richmond Hill, Ont. Willingness to take a 5 week summer training course mandatoryl Application in writing should be mailed on or I before May Elst. to: ' ' Richmond Hill Retarded Children‘s Education I Authority. 321 Enford Road. Richmond Hill I Attention: l'). (1 Montgomery. I Secretary /'|‘I'ea<iirei' :

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