Mrs. R. Brumwell, Mrs. G. Joyce, Mrs. J. McCague. Mrs. H. Hill, and Mrs. L. Hart at- tended the Women's Institute District Annual‘held in the Em- manuel Anglican Church, Rich~ vale on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Rummy Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Binning- ton had Mother‘s Day dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. Wedding anniversary gx'eelâ€" ings to Mr. and Mrs. Graham Scot-t, one year, May 28: Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hart, 23 years, May 31. Special Birthday greetings to Mrs. Fennel]. who on May 26 will be celebrating her 94th. birthday. Congratulations Mrs. Fennell! The Gormley-Headford-\'ic- toria Square Branch of the YCHA will meet on May 29. at 8:15 pm at the home of Mrs. Lawson Mumberson. All ladies are invited to attend. Neighborhood Notes Anyone with good used clothâ€" lng is requested to leave it at the church as soon as possible. The Overseas Clothing Depot. 100 Simcoe St., Toronto is very short for overseas shipment. A bale will be sent from here as soon as enough clothing is available. Hospital Auxiliary It was decided to? hold an- other turkey dinner in the fall -â€" on November 8. Bale A film with a record. "The Long Road" was shown and was very much enjoyed. It told of the work among the _Indians. The May meeting of the UCW was held on Wednesday even- ing of last week in the Sunday school room with 18 ladies pre- sent. The Worship service was con- ducted by Mrs. Earl Empring- ham, assisted by Mrs. John Mc- Cague and Mrs. W. Sandie. Following the buffet supper catered by the WI, the business pant of the meeting was held. It was ladies and horticulâ€" tural night at the regular meet- ing of the Victoria Square Lions held on Tuesday evening of last week. The guest speaker was Lion Douglas Boyd of Richmond Hill, who gave a very interesting il- lustrated talk on horticulture. UCW Lions St. John's Anglican Church..' Her chapel length veil fell from Jefferson, was decorated withfa pearl tiara and she carried a baskets of yellow and white bouquet of yellow roses and daisies and chrysanthemums for white shasta daisies. the April 1 wedding of Jean Karen Wood of Montreal was Lacey to Robert Doig. Rev. E.?tlie maid of honor and Marilyn C. Gerber officiated and was Sulek. Aurora and Jill Robertâ€" assisted by former rector, Rev. son. Toronto. were bridesmaids. Tom Robinson, now from Que- Nieces of the groom. Judith bec. The bride is the daughter Dick of Aurora and Debra Doig of Mrs. R. J. Lacey and the of RR 2 Maple, both five years late Mr. Lacey of Oak Ridges!old, were flower girls. The atâ€" and the groom is the son of‘tendants wore floor length Mrs. M. Doiz and the late Mr. dresses with empire waist line. Doig of Newmarket. iThe bodices were gold brocade Given in marriage by her brother, the bride wore a floor length, white empire waistline dress, with lace trim around the bodice and elbow length sleeves. VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS EDI-IE IIIBER'AE, Ric'hmon'd Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 25, 1967 greetings to Barry May 24; Colleen five years, May 24; CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gormley - Telephone 887-5421 Pretty Spring Wedding (Photo by Robert Corucs) JEAN LACEY IS BRIDE OF ROBERT DOIG The grade 8 pupils from this area have returned home after attending Expo last week. They report having a wonderful time. Custom made and expert instalâ€" lation of aluminum siding. railâ€" ing. awnings. windows and Mr. and Mrs. Dean Wellman and David of Omemee, had Sunday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols. ing. doors Joseph horns. it was a delight- The reception was held at ful wedding party and the hot Cousin's Fiesta Room, Aurora, turkey dinner was most invit- the bride's mother receiving ing on a cold wet day. On Sun- _ . guests in an antique white dress day morning there were wed- gigï¬ezf gfm‘glll‘: aigogngbrg‘géti: and .pink coat and a corsage ding flowers at the altar for fRR 2 M 1 b u ï¬ ensiof pink roses and carnat1ons. the church service“ 0 V 31’ e! 0,1 Ve y The groom‘s mother assisted, Recently a double shower old, “ere flower glrls- The 8" wearing a blue brocade dress was held at the church for Sat- tendants r. “ore .floory . lelllgth with matching coat and a cors- urday’s bride Ju‘ly Cough, and dresses Yum empire “am me‘ age of pink roses and carnations. Mrs- William Mills (Sandra The bodices were gold brocade T001937) who was married late falling into soft yellow crepe Following a wedding trip to in April. Friends from the skirts. They wore matching gold Quebec City and Montreal. Mr. neighboI-hood presented mis- rheadpieces, shoes, short white‘and Mrs. Robert Doig haveicenaneous gifts, gloves and carried bouquets of ‘taken up residence in Richmond‘iMi-s. Ellis Ashworth Karen W ood of Montreal was“ the maid of honor and Marilyn Sulek, Aurora and Jill Robert- son, Toronto. were bridesmaids. Saturday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Crampton of Caledon, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Doner and family and Kenneth Tillotson. Congratulations to Wayne Mortson in passing his history and political science course at McMaster University, Hamilton. Wayne will receive his BA de- gree May 26. A speedy recovery is wishedgg for Mrs. Annie Story who is ill\ A in the York County Hospita1,|: Newmarket. Her address is 1' Room 103. g “'9 rcpan' all makes Broken wrecns glaw~ lock. handle. hinges. closer. chain, elk“, OH" a Do It NOW! Messrs. Wayne and Bruce Mortson attended the Draper- Larke wedding held in the Huron College Chapel, Univer- sity of Western Ontario, London, on Saturday afternoon. The re- ception followed in the Holiday Inn. Bruce was the best man, and Wayne was one of the ush- ers. The groom “as a high school chum of the Mortson boys. welcomed another grandson last week. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Philip Rumney, a brother for Jean, Keith, Mark, Bruce, and Kathryn. orchid coloured daisies NEED GOOD WORKERS? GET ’EM FAST BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS doors & win repairet M. TANZOS OAK RIDGES. ONT HOME PRODUCTS SALES 8; SERVICE and have those doors & windows repaired. CALL 773-4285 x, WW‘""““"""“““V7 “ "‘ “" e g cm OF GLASS C EGARDEN CENTREé 'NC\. N "W The reception was held at Cousin's Fiesta Room, Aurora, the bride's mother receiving guests in an antique white dress and pink coat and a corsage of pink roses and carnations. The groom‘s mother assisted, wearing a blue brocade dress with matching coat and a cors-} age of pink roses and carnations.1 'v v w v v w \JVV \I‘0VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVWVWVW, WWW Hill The gx‘oom's brother George was best man and Allan Harri- son and Philip Lacey were ush- ers. WW. AWAWA N A A ANWMWMMW SALESMAN WANTED Salary and commission. new car supplied. Apply Sales Manager. Leslie Motor Products Real opportunity for a man who would like to make a career for himself in the automobile bus- iness with a strong company in an excellent location. Car sales experience not required. some type of sales experience preferred but not necessary. W e will train the right man. Applicants must be ambitious and willing to work hard. KING CITY Roses Our Specialty 114 CROSBY AVE. LESLIE'S in King All Kinds Of BOX PLANTS and GERANIUMS PEAT MOSS FERTILIZER SHRUBS BULBS EVERGREENS VINES Established GM Dealer )SS ‘ PLANTS ZER 0 TREES 0 ROSE BUSHES 0 SEEDS EENS 0 TOOLS 0 PLANT SOIL Phone 884-3933 Soil For All Different Plants Brovm’s Corners UCW cat- ered last Saturday, when a wed- ding reception was held at, the church following the marriage of Judy Ellen Gough, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Gough, Don Mills Road, and Harry Joseph Kortis. It was a delight- ful wedding party and the hot turkey dinner was most invit- ing on a cold wet day. On Sun- day morning there were wed- ding flowers at the altar for the church service.- Last week when Dr. and Mrs. A. F. Binning’con gave an illus- trated talk on their recent trip to the Holy Land at St. An- drew‘s United Church, Mark~ ham Village, the guest music- ian was Mrs. Jim Miller who is organist at St. Patrick's Church in the village. A truly ecumenical program. This is graduation week for Janet Craig who has been a student nurse at the Toronto General Hospital for the past three years. This week there will be a mother and daughter graduates’ tea which Mrs. Craig will attend with Janet, and ceremonies at Convocation Hall to which both Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig have been invited. ; Recent trips to Markham Township Council by Arnleigh Heights residents, who pro- tested what they termed “slum Qconditions†at business sites near their homes, appear to have born fruit. Knob Hill ‘Farms Market is looking con- ‘conditions" at business sites; We extend sincere sympathy 'near their homes, appear to=t0 her husband and members of have born fruit. Knob Hillher family. Dr. and Mrs. Fred "Farms Market is looking con-‘Mulholland. and their children. siderably tidier. and the con- The service was from the Og- glomeration of old truck-trail- den Funeral Home, Agincourt. ers and junk has disappeared We extend sympathy to Mrs. from the E550 Service Station William Champion and her lot at Lunar Crescent and family in the death of her Highway 7. mother. Did you check the fig- ‘Grade 8's See Expo ures when you received I There were ten Buttonville notice 0f the 00$ of W3“??- grade eighters attending Expo mains to be 10V|ed On your 1'last week with classmates from lot, you people who live Parkview School, Varley Vil- along Don Mills Road in '1age, this area?_ If you did, you Teachers and a few parents found I dlffel'ence M $100 chaperoned the group, and they between your calculation travelled by Rapido to Mon- and the anShip figures- treal, with bus service to and The extra _anwunt is a per- ltrom the train. It was cold fectly legitimate cost. for but a wonderful experience. connection of the mam to . Among the Buttonvillians your lot line plus cost of Jwere Susan VenuS, Linda Jones, mstallln: a meter- But {Irene Craigie. Kathy Stewart, due to a typographical er- ‘Stephen Bobbett. Bruce Wood. rot this was not shown in {Richard Lent, John Stephenson, the summation. iMichael Thomas and Paul Mrs. Wm. RodiCk spent SE\'-;Craigie. Grade 7's in TSA No. erai days last week at Burl-ing- 2 will go to Expo early in ten with her daughter, Grace. Juner 7 Buttonville Community Happenings Neighborhood Notes Friends in this neighborhood RICHMOND HILL 833-5301 Eggé Gordon Brown. who is Tyro Mrs. Francy WI Hostess leader assisted by Neil Arm- Mrs. Garnet Francy enter- strong, was MC for the occas- tained at her home and gave an ion, and Sigma-C leader Jack address on the Women’s Instiv Bishop whose assistant is Bob tute movement since its incepâ€" Baxter, provided the clown wholtion, when the local members made such an impreSSion. held their May meeting. - ~ vu’Ll'S. Aen buns. Ml‘s. unarles June- Hooper, past president of East Father And Son Banquet York District: Mrs. Garnet ACCOl‘d-ing to all reports, “It‘Francy, East York District rep- \\'as a real good dinnerâ€"witthresentative to FWIO, and Mrs. a clown.†when Brown‘s Cor-'Rose Brodie, Mrs, George nel‘S Signal-C and Tyr0 held Hooper was soloist and led 3 their father and son banquet at singsong during the program the church on Wednesday evenâ€" and Mrs, Donald Reesor was mg of last week. accomnanist. Teachers and a few parents chaperoned the group, and they travelled by Rapido to Mon- treal, with bus service to and from the train. It was cold but a wonderful experience. Among the Buttonvillians were Susan Venus, Linda Jones, Irene Craigie, Kathy Stewart, Stephen Bobbett, Bruce Wood. Richard Lent, John Stephenson, Michael Thomas and Paul Craigie. Grade 7’s in TSA No. 2 will go to Expo early in There were teh Buttonville grade eighters attending Expo last week with classmates from Parkview School, Varley Vil- lage. were sorry to learn of the death of Mrs. Ellis Ashworth who died late Saturday at her north Buttonville home following a lengthy illness. I The new Canadian Dairy Commission took its first step in furthering the development of a sound, efficient dairy industry in its stabilization program for the year starting April 1, 1967. I It is supporting market prices of major dairy products at levels which are equivalent to about 29 cents a hundred more than a year ago for manufacturing milk testing 3.5%. l The federal government is providing funds to the Commission for a subsidy to manufacturing milk and cream shippers equivalent to $1.21 a hundred for 3.5% milk. The rate last year was 85c. From the $1.21 there will be a holdback equivalent to 110 for export price equalization, with'any unused amount refunded at the end of the year. I Basis for the paymentwill be the volume of manufac- turing milk and cream required for the Canadian market, approximately the amount forwhich subsidies were paid WHAT'S THE NEW CANADIAN DAIRY COMMISSION DOING ABOUT FEDERAL GOVERNMENT PRICE SUPPORTS?" singsong during the program and Mrs. Donald Reesor was accompanist. Mrs. Francy WI Hostess Buttonville WI members at- tended the East York District Annual which was held Tlnu‘s- day of last week at Emmanuel Anglican Church. Richvale, with hastesses from Mark-Vaun WI. Tyros. who have had a mem- bership of 16 this year with 12 regular attendants, have com- pleted their meetings until next fall. Sigma-C‘s will continue until May 31. Last week Mr. Bishop’s group of nine boys competed in a bas- ketball game with boys from St. Matthew‘s United at Crosby Heights Public School in Richâ€" mond Hill. The score was nothing to boast about, but there was lots of fun. WI Members Attend District Annual Among those present were Mrs. George Kelly. Buttonville past president; Mrs. Russell Boyington, Mrs. James Rodick. Mrs. Ken Stots. Mrs. Charles Hooper, past president of East York District: Mrs. Garnet The dinner. needless to say. was from the skilled hands of UCW caterers. Rev. Dr. A. F. Binnington and Norman Reid. clerk of session, were special guests and spoke briefly. Other enttertainment included three movies. CANADIAN DAIRY COMMISSION OTTAWA HON. J. J. GREENE, MINISTER During business members voted $100 for assistance to branches in Northern Canada, as part of their Centennial pro- ject. They also agreed to beautify the grounds at But- tonville Hall, and will hold a tree planting and landscaping ceremony early this summer. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Rose Brodie, Mrs. Francy and Mrs. Loren Guild. Hostesses fér were Mrs. Rose Francy and Mrs. Mrs. John Wilkins gave a reading, and there were piano duets and solos by Barbara and Margaret Empringham, pupils of Mrs. S. J. English. Richmond Hill Community Credit Union Limited YOU ARE ELIGIBLE TO BECOME A MEMBER if you live in Richmond Hill or district (including Thornhill, Maple, Oak Ridges and Buttonville). Office Hours: 9 am. - 12 noon and 1 p.111. - 5 pm. Mondays to Fridays _ 7.30 - 9.00 Monday and Friday evenings. At the offices of Co-operators Insurance Association Richmond Heights Shopping Centre (North end, through the Mall, facing Traybom Drive) FOR 1966 WE PAID (One of 1 CAN YOU BEAT THIS? I After mid-May, when 1966-67 records are com- pleted, each registered producer will be informed of the volume for which he will be eligible for subsidy in 1967- 68. This will be based on the volume for which he received subsidy in 1966-67. The amount for the year will be broken down into monthly quotas, based on the normal percentage of milk and cream marketed each month. Those who received subsidy for less than 50,000 pounds (1,750 pounds butterfat) last year will be eligible for subsidy up to that amount this year. I This new program, in terms of price support and subsidies, represents an increase of 65c, or 16%, over the federal program for 196667. It is over a dollar, or 33%, higher than in 1965. I What's the new Dairy Commission doing to help improve the dairy industry? Quite a lot. And it's only the beginning. to manufacturing milk and cream shippers in 1966-67 Assets now $100,000 .500 Ontario Credit Unions with assets totalling $600 million) ON THE MINIMUM MONTHLY BALANCE ON SAVINGS. MOSTLY LIFE-INSURED YET WITHDRAWABLE ON DEMAND. 5% DIVIDEND LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-8844105 lAMB THE MOVER LTD. 127 BIRCH AVE. - THORNHILL PHONE 889-4911-2-3 Telephone: 884-8781 LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING Contact