14 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June 1. 1967 Map Maple please phone Mrs. Janet Myers, 832-1423; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Elsie Leyz People And Events In Maple Barry and Keith Boeckner..'eral Assembly was held. its meetings for the year with sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eai‘l‘ ’5 i’ * a cook-out at Boyd Conserva- Boeckner, Keele Street South.‘ Sincere sympathy is extended tion Park May 27. The 16 childâ€"’ both graduated from Waterloo to all the family of the late Wil- ren enjoyed a tour of the nature Lutheran University at the con- liam “Scotty†Ingram. Mr. trail. races and games. Prizes vocation May 22 held in liitch- Ingram passed away last Fri- were won by Anne Sinclair and ener Memorial Arena. Barryday. The funeral was held at Cathy Dalton. received a Bachelor of Divinity St. Andrew‘s Presbyterian, Accompanying the group were degree, while Keith got his Church May 29. ileaders Mrs. J. llynd and Mrs. Bachelor of Arts degree my ’i‘ “ * iD. Creighton. and two mothers. honors French and Spanish. I Maple residents who acted as Mrs. L. Cooper and Mrs. M. Barry graduated with the chaperones to the Vaughan Fes- White. tival Choir at Expo were Marion Lions Barbecue .HOlmesv AUdl'e)’ HOfland- Sheila The animal Lions Club chickâ€" Ansell and Beryl Ward. on barbecue will be held at ’k * Shur Gain Farm June 22. This Fl"€‘.\'eal"01d Diana Gillhiilll- year the Lions Club are trying} Maple Avenuei 1185 been 3 a new approach by canvassing Patient at 510k Children's HOS-‘the town with tickets on June vital for the past two and als. This advance sale of tick- half Weeks. She has had t\l'0.ets will enable them to have a operations on her legs and isibetter idea 01' how many neople. doing Very well. She likelyito prepare for at the barbecue. : would appreciate cards fromiGirls Softball any Maple residents. highest academic standing in the seminary course and re- ceived three awards in recogni- tion of this. The Herbert Kolils Memorial Prize and the Mariel Rahn Kalbfleisch Award were both for this highest academic standing while the Twin Cities Kiwanis Prize was for Syste- matic Theology. Keith’s engagement has been announced to Joan Polfiiss of Walkerton. The wedding is to take place in Walkerton. June Rely Keffer. Maple Ave., cele- brated his 75th birthday May 19. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Lange. former pastor at Zion Lutheran 4: >3 of Bertha Ingram. is a patienliis tonight I'l'liursdayl in :\gili-. at York Central Hospital. Sheicourt against Scarboro, is doing my well and basil The next game is Tuesday“ wishes are sent to her. . Another Maple resident who'then next Thursday they play Chm‘Ch and fa'hhyv came from is now home from hospital isiWillowdale in Willowdale. watcrloo t0 “'ISh Mr- Keffe" Elva Bone. Maple Avenue. She' Flo‘s Gl'ill made a much many happy returns or the day- has been a patient at Torontopreciaied contribution to Oh the Sunday Pf that “991" General Hospital. Best wishes'cost of their uniforms and and daughter tha (Mrs- A†are sent to her. Lions Club has undertaken Moore) and her husband of King Jhn Canning who works in‘ had-a family dinner toycelebl'ate- the IGA. came home last week- as well as a contribution toward The†Children Da‘m’ Anah- end from York Central Hospitaljtheir other season's expenses. Janice and Timothy were all and is reported to be doing very‘FeSï¬val Choir present. Also present were Mr. we“. the the and children Ronnie, Anita and Patricia of Bradford. ill i It * and M†Kehehs Other “We Rene McKee. Keele Streetbeigdxiif eClholii‘miif elm- Jea" Gilbert on May 24. Alan Wraml‘s class. paid a selllce 'fO. Perfect Love" and of white divinity daisies and h :i‘lgned 9-11)}? o Pm Thiufd‘ii' June 30' 1967’.-f01 daughters and thElI‘ 1'ilmiliIES: North came home a couple of Vaughan went “tn the Chen. tol Many of the guests were girls‘Visit to Mark Dean's iarni last “Love Divine" accompanied by coral cal-nations. Their head- (5 ‘ e DUE ldoe 01 BIOCix C . Plan 0644_, having Jean and Jesse Brysoni RUth weeks ago and is also doing very Expo last week lwho went to Thornhill Second-Tuesday and then went on for 8D. H. Ross at the organ. dresses were matching floral abOUt 000 feet frontage on Clal’ldge Dl'lVei by a and Charles Grubbe and Child- well. Your cores'pondem asked arr School with Judith anditom‘ 0f the House of ConCOI‘d- l Given In marriage by nmgbands holding short tulle veils. E depth of about 120 feet. ren Brian and Ellen of RR 3 s * t * three of the choir memberg. Jeaï¬- _ ‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllimill“llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllibl-other, Robert C. Evans. thel David Cooper. brother of the . . . . ng and Mary and Allah 0†Congratulations to Fred and Janet Scott, Railway Street; Ghldes and Browmes bride wore an empire-line fu11-‘groom. was best man. Both the g condltlons 0f sale may be Obtamed by caumg 2 Mamie Reeves W119 \Vel‘e made.Helen Johnson. Maple Avenue grandparents again May 20 and Donald Sinclair. . . When the†50“ Gordon's “'ife Crescent to write their impres- A: eéwml’lg ahdd minoriglenJeanette had a baby girl. Mir-lsions of Expo‘ “’39 en “’35 la 3' 35’ anda Jaye at York Central. - i r ‘ " Thompson and family. Weltonl is >2: - Donald Iepmb' “HS “1†~ . - . . . : . be the most memorable thing Stieet. on the holiday weekend. anday greetings from the that mum happen to me Festi_ Ray was greatly honored. Mav connnunm. are sent to Mrs i . v v. . r 3 . . ‘ - ‘ aval Choir of Vaughan Town- 19 “hen he “as a“‘“d9d theBert Lund who will be 82. June ship The most interesting Chant Medal of the Royal As- -) Since November “1.; Lund . . . . ~ - . . “ * A -- )aVilions are ill Russian. I.“ tronom‘cal somety °f cahddd at has been living with her daugh» I Goodman i >.< . . > Britain. '3' Bell Telephone. its 3611813} assembly "1 Mom" ter Mrs. Harold Stephenson..i4i Le Labvrjnth 15) Western real. This medal, which hasmanmly Street iCanada - ~ 11“ been given for elght years’l * * h * i "The. Russian avilion has was awarded to Mr. Thompson! p _ Maple Brownies laniied their - as an amateur, for his out-l p mOdem d. c _ .year-end picnic for last Satur- stan ing contiibutions to ast-iday, when they were to go to rohomy over the ha“ 12 years- Frank Robson’s farmf Unfor- This special occaston called fortunately the rain called for a in celebration. Thus all the fain- change of plans and the picnic 115’ travelled to Montreal F“‘ was held in Brown Owl Sadie. day morning by car to be pre- complexes of oil rc- fining. coal mining and new. city sites. The top two floors. contain data and information of space travel with models ofl different snace ships on the bottom floor. Allen's rec, mom- “Britain has the different ages mtg?“ “ï¬fe 23:31:02; dftlasï¬; * * * * in Britain from the distant past‘ of the Chant medan ' Toby Shore. escOited by son to the future. It also has a‘ Son David is a member 0fStephen. was among the 300‘turbo jet. in actual size. on dis- bhe Festival Choir. so he wasigqes'cs at a receptlon gwen bhplay' . taken to the msidence in MontMLitaii‘tenant Governor Earl Rowe. “Bell Telephone has a circuâ€" real, Saturday aflenwon toat his suite at Queen’s Park for.lar screen with a film :‘Canada join the rest of the chil’drenitlie volunteer workers of Prin- 67" showing. You think you "who had travelled to Montreal‘cess Margaret Hospital. on tlielactually are in a plane. for ex~ by train. A trip to Expo was‘afternoon of May 25. This re-lample. which seems to turn to planned for Sunday. but umlceptmn was held to comcide avoid a mountain. but it is just! fortunately Ra), had‘ acquired a with the 10th anniversary of the the cameras. . . severe cold and had to stay in Princess Margaret Hospital Aux- “Labyrinth IS a male with bed 5° W Judi" “Se and “h'S-élii‘lié $931.32? “by is a iélféi Emllé‘ieiii‘llit?» "med b" . .. 7 - . . . s . . . . _ 'lhompson Si. went to Expo,l * is * In “In we Western Canada‘ 22%,1283,5313tgngzglï¬gbngégfli Mr. and Mrs. Sam Stanley. Building you go down into a coal‘. pavilion and two smaller pavil-‘RR. 2 “‘OQd'bl‘lhge Celebrated imine where drilling is gomg 011.; ions, but felt this was a good.their 50th wedding anniv'ersarinou then g9 near a wheat held.“ introduction of things to comeiuay 21 with a family party. where you smell wheat and heat-i as they plan n trip again in Son John and his \Vlfe had had a bird. Outstde there are Doug- July. $11313“ 2m: Eghll'eï¬ï¬yy MaBy.17 las firs1 as 1tall astthely lreizcillléi - . -. . , iey an eir cu ren rian. are, witi a ogging ruc oa e “321111150 15181;?133153, (3132:1812 Linda and Debbie live with Mr lw‘ibh logs.†Donald I sums up} Place des Nations, which was and Mrs‘ Stanley 51* as does‘llis impression by saying “EXPO. giving one of three performanc»another 5°11.L°u' lis nOt worth .passmg up", and. 95 that dav‘ and was loudly ap_‘ Present from out of towniwe are sure his double negative ‘ were Mr. and Mrs. Stanley’s‘means you should positively go plauded by the audiences. . . . . . . . Again. later in the day. llse al- “whim-s and ‘lfieir families. and see ll. I ‘ most walked into David who hum ‘3‘" 51“ Bl‘oadbentt Janet Scott provided a handy was touring with choir mem- "om Mount Alhel‘l- Esther rating scale of the different bers. and from this chance en- 'MFS‘ R034 mm?" or Barne‘ipm'llicm “lllth she saw: Get- [Dorothy IMrs. Charles Shoril of ting an Excellent are Labyrinth. Weston and Mary ers. Bill Britain and Bell Telephone; Wood! of Willowdale. “Very ,Good goes to Man and His ' * * ‘iieaith; Good to Ontario. Nethâ€" Mr. and Mrs. L. Graliliiiaii. erlands: Israel. Habitat 67. and Jackson Street entertained at Jamaica: Fair goes to Iran. a buffet reception May 20 1'01- Switzerland. Yugoslavia. Trini-‘ lowing the wedding of Betty‘s dad. Tobago and Grenada; Poor sister Lois Edgell, counter she learned that the choir was getting along famous- Lv. although David was too busy looking to have many words for. his mother. ‘ By Monday. Ray was feeling much better and was able to take his turn in driving back to >.< >.< “a le_ All the Than 0 -. ' Richmondito Belgium. Greece. United Naâ€" 1, p _ . ,l p5 "E Hill to Robert Htu‘ley at Our tions. OCDE, Mauritius and w ere accommodated in the stud L d , . ents' residence at Montreal Uni- a 5 Queen Of The “ Orld Nonaco' Roman Catholic Church. Rich-; mond Hill. The reception was at Yangtze Pagoda Restaurant and the Gralilman's then had everyone back to their place Janet also reports that at La Ronde. the amusement section. she enjoyed the log roll ride the best and found the much advertised “Gyraton†disap- versity where the RASC's (jen- Centennial Ctee. for a buffet. .pointing. * “' ‘l‘ “ Helen sums up. what is prob- St. Andrew's Presbyterian ably a unanimous decision. by Church Explorer group closed saying “Expo was Just Great". An informal report on Vaugh- an Township‘s Centennial Coni- mittee was given to council last Wednesday by Chairman Cliff Bennett. “We‘ve been hanging on to the township's money and hav- ing self-supporting events." Mr. Bennett advised and reported that from the proceeds of the. Centennial Ball held in April. the committee had been able to turn over more than $2,000 to the Festival Choir. The committee has planned no events for July 1. Mr. Ben- nett reported as there have been so many arranged by other groups. Howevr. tentative plans have been made for a country hoedown later in the summer. One project the committee has started seems to have caught the imagination of school children in the area â€" mara- thon running. The children are doing the running uder the sup- ervision of their teachers. mak- ing circuits of the school grounds. The committee has of- fered Centennial crests for the marathon runners and a limited umber of medals for those run- ning the longest distance. “This is most unusual â€"â€" a committee has made money iii- stead of spending it." comment- ed Reeve Brian Bailey. “These people are typical Canadians." he said. "they do all these things and say very little about it. People should know," Other members of the comâ€" mittee are the Secretary-Treaâ€" surer Mrs. Milton Sauige Jr. and Hugh Marlin. MOWERS by Lawn Boy AS LOW AS $85.00 CHECK THESE FEATURES riucmlnr BAG . Amciingm FINGER-TIP HANDLING FINGER-TIP STARTING Many Other Features 0 Finger tip wheel height adjustment 0 Spring steel blade 0 Two speed throttle 2 Year Warranty SURF MARINE 9002 YONGE STREET THORNHILL PHONE 889 4391 while his sister Susan. ap. and Africa. the . ,.. on \. 091.. ers. ‘Saturday beautiful job making and icing. e, Concord and Edgeley District News “The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord and Edgeley district; In ac, 889-4017. The Voice Of Concord Neighborhood Notes Home from a trip to Southern Ireland are Bill and Pliyllisl Lacey with children Michael.‘ Timmy and Debbie of Lawrie Road. Although it rained most ol cup cakes for the mother and daughter banquet on May 31. . On May 18 Sherry Barrett received her second class and was invested as a patrol leader while on May ‘25 Diane Reesor and Corinne .iarrisoii were en- tlie time during their visit. they rolled as Guides. County Cavin their stay in and County enjoyed Westmeath A tree planting ceremony. part of the Guides‘ and Brow n- and their tour of the Killarncy ies' Centennial project. was Lakes. held at the Church of Christ. Their holiday was dimmed by May 24. the passing of Mr. Lacey's moth- er the week before their trip. whom they had planned to visit Two trees were planted with each girl shovelling iii a little earth. after which l’astor A. E. while there. ‘Atkinson gave an apprOpriate * "‘ "‘ ‘l' ‘speecli. Home from Expo are the} The Brownies lea\e for Camp Harry nue an well Highway 7. . ii >C< Working in British Columbia *3 The second game of the so... this summer is Norman Taylor. three Brownie Leaders. Mrs. Ethel Thompson. mother son for the Maple girls' team son of Dr. and Mrs. B. G. Scouts and Cubs Taylor of King High Drive1 holiday at Expo and V iiJune 6) against Newmarket and “'Ol‘killg at Holley Harbour. 1 Dr. Taylor has just returned} from a working tour of Europe He was away 1 poohâ€. ~il'v i‘hm he gave talks to ministers of 4)..»in aliairs on medical to balance of the expense for them. 503W“- .1. ‘2 Judith l'lallawell entertained ‘at her home in Thornhill at a miscellaneous shower for bride- The Court of Honor met at MacDonald‘s last and did Joan morning a Amateur Astronomer Honored By Society Maple resident and amateur astronomer Raymond R. Thompâ€" son BA. B.Ed.. ARCT. was 110“- ored May 19 when he was. awarded the Chant medal of the‘ Royal Astronomical Society Ofl Canada at its general assembly ‘ in Montreal. The Chant Medal was estabâ€" lished in 1950 in appreciation1 of the great work of the late iProfessor C. A. Chant in furthâ€" ering the interests of astronomyi in Canada. It is awarded notl oftener than once a year to ani amateur astronomer resident in Canada on the basis of the value of the work which he has car- ried out in astronomy and closely allied fields of original investigation. This is the first. Chant Medal to be awarded since 1959 and Mr. Thompson is the 14th re- cipient of it since 1940. In presenting the medal to Mr. Thompson. RASC President Malcolm Thomson read a list of, the recipient’s achievements over the past 12 years which in- cluded instrumentation of his Maple observatory, the quality and quantity of his observations and his work with young people of all ages in helping them to an appreciation of the science; of astronomy. Mr. Thompson a public school teacher in Weston. Another well known area resi- dent. DI". Helen Hogg of Rich- mond Hill received the RASC service award at the same asâ€" sembly in recognition of her outstanding contribution to the society as a professional astrono- mer. ‘ is Garden mad for received week. Bradley Price and Jim Webbs ol' Hillside Ave-Samac in Oshawa .Jiiiie 9 at 4.15 (1 their four children as pm from the Church of Christ as the Dave Erasers of’and arrive back at 3 pm June 11. They will be accompanied by. ‘a qualified person holding her Pack Holiday Certificate and Dr. Peter Granger reports after altliat Scouts were pleased with irginia is.the results of the bottle drive last Saturday which brought in $105. There were their who last iw o Scouts first class Best. while it was reported that the Monkee patrol was in the lead on points for the year. The Scouts" summer camp will be held at l‘iilllblll‘lml Scoutj Reserve July 26 to 29. School News Honor Safety Patrol 1 Approximately 200 young- sters are expected to attend the annual barbecue at Sliur-Gain Farms. Maple. June 8. guests of the Safety Council of Vaughan Town- ship. The children are all l‘l"““"‘lҤ of the safetv patrols which are served at various laughan Township schools during the past year. As well as enjoying the ch‘cken dinner, a represen- tative of each school which has been accident free dur- ing the year will receive a plaque to be attached to the trophies which were given to the schools last year. It is expected that every school will qualify for the award. In case of rain. the din- ; ner and ceremony will be. held at Maple Community Hall. I inminimiiiuiiiiuiuioiuuiqnliiiiiiiiuuuiiuuuuiinmniiiiiimi . OOWW‘ CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY Richmond Hill & District ‘ Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patieiits Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping SCH ice llome Nursing Services Diversion-.11 Programme Patient ’l‘ransportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information ELIZABETH EVANS IS BRIDE OF GLENN ALAN COOPER Oakville Wedding 0f local Interest Standards of flow crs in coral peach-colored sweetheart roseslbrocade and white decorated Knox Pres- ' t r with matching shoes, For the wedding trip to Win- l‘hc maid of honor. harenland floral hat. I-lercorsage \vaslnipeg. the bride wore a tur- byterian Church. Oakville. April Sims of Oakville. wore a floor- of coral roses. The bride- quoise wool suit with black 8. for the wedding of Elizabeth‘length gown of coral chiffon groom‘s mother was in flowered patent accessories and a white Evans and Glenn Alan Coopernover tafetta. The dress was silk chiffon with matching ac-lstraw hat. of styled in empire line with el- lbow-length sleeves and bodice of lace, A floor-length panel‘ fell from a fat bow at the back. cessories. Her corsagc was ofl ‘ g . deep pink carnatioiis and liya-l M" and “1" G' A‘ Loopel cinths. .will live at Shanty Bay. The bride is the daughter Mrs. Charles Kenny Evans ant the late Mr. Evans. ()akvillc. ‘ ~ ‘ . . . (\x\«wn Wxax 7 ~ r The. giooni s. paicnis alt: Rev. She (“flied a bouquet of (“Vim {gmxmxxxmmmm " ‘ J. C Coopei and His. Coopei m, dam.“ ( of Maple. ‘ i “ ('3 Town . . The bridesmaids were Marg- Othmatmg delta“ “CV9 Re‘i- cry Morrison of Oakville. Mary ,/ ship School Area of Vaughan l/ T- â€; ;\1l'1\'0“â€tԠand} “‘9 Paris of Newmariiet and Rachel ( I grooms father. The choir of Cooper‘ sister of the groom; ( Hopedale Presbyterian Clllll‘Cll Maple. They were clad in nile (_ sang Praise. My Soul. The green similar to the maid of 3 > _. Sealed tenders will b r ' ive ' ‘ ii '- hing of Heaven" and during the honor. e eLe d b} the u del 0 They carried bouquets M««« the school area office at 889-7255. length gown of white peau de‘gi‘Oom and best man “'0â€? high- ECN'EEWWEVWCVC \AA.’ \ \y soje with 111y_point sleeves andiland dress. Ushers were Ron- 2) lace embroidered neckline. Theald Penilel‘ 0f OakVille. P9191“ (é N. C. JACKMAN Hooplength train which fell Evans. brother of the bride. and Business ‘Adn'linistl'ator & from a flat how was edged in Paul Read 01' Port Credit. (2 gen.retarvjrreasurer matching lace. IIer headdress At the reception in llopedale ‘106 I' St .l t S h 0f 3 “lth Ol‘ganz‘d floral cluster Presbyterian Church. the bride's r/ " ‘99 e lee 0'“ held a shoulder-length tulle mother received wearing a coal maple, ontal'lo- veil. She carried a bouquet of ) and dress ensemble of ice green ckrona..me\mmxmxmwmmwxwwanw OMSIP needs to know... What's new in your family ? 884-4070 Tractors e by MASSEY-FERGUSON Big L POPULAR MF 10 Variable Speed DRIVE Step up to the MF 10 and see how it can make play of your lawn work. See how its dependable 10 hp engine gives you the pow- er to do it. Check the sporty stick-shift that takes you through four on the floor . . . plus reverse. Then see the Massey- Fcrguson Variable Speed Drive that lets you select five speeds in each gear without clutching or throttling. lou‘ll like the MP 101 SELLI LOW AS $2 9002 YONGE STREET At your Massey- Phone . awns LOOK LITTLE TO THESE NEW LAWN TRACTORS NEW MF 12 Hydra Speed DRIVE Take hold of the handiest handle yet for non-stop. clutchless speed control. Try the Massey-Ferguson Hydra Speed Drive on the new MF 12. Discover how you can stop start . . . back up . . . go forward . all without shifting without clutching. 0n the go. you can speed up slow down . . . speed up at any speed from 0 to 9 mph. That's the .\[l-" 12 Hydra Speed plus a powerful 12 hp engine. ('ome in and see a demonstration of the Massey-Ferguson Riding Tractors Today NG AS 60. Ferguson Dealer SURF MARINE 'l'HORNHILL Q89-4391 These. some“. e.e:\:s .r. «('ol'iC‘ i.‘ we 5. 0ch c: we Or ‘3 oi ec :ol Seivzc ii.:}biCIiLe Plomeedsyocrneiow i.eec,..g',‘or; EsC-lO-Jflie soma' lo: insiazuce 3.0.1 get rmani co.eicge oi you new :r‘o, cwocr own che- oqe when you isri. nuewyore police: 8.8l '6: .e0 is 9. ll 3.0. :,.".O. o 0.9 vooiincorhe! ‘Le ;.r'«:e3' \Qu :ec. 2.5 'r ' ,r‘e v.7 '0": we we: 0,7771 Cl C13 ,e' armor! oocs'ibese chazvgesiii yes; 70%.... AChange oiAddress.:‘/o.:rg : o o... : ' e i: 'i: so 6 'are o be '0 drop us Clue. Marital Siaios.'.‘.new ,oo 99‘ open. ,0. i. will :0 pt: ‘/0.. .we or. yes.“ own CZESVP co No-1 ' s0 03,201: the has; i; DO.’ 0' zoomed :v..:e, there 5 Ci 5 month wonâ€" Birlh. Piecge on. .e 03le w': so you n gel e:ie;ii.e '..O4E“Cge m' .ng period Oilel nohhcmion. eo ozega vine Turning twenty-one. ‘v'v’nei. o depenaam to e; 0i age, he 2; no image: comes by his parents comma and :. usi tote 0;: his om: COweroge. Again. lei us know Within 30 days lor continuous COVGICQE, or you thus: expeci a 3 month VlOlllr.g period alter noliiicoiion. loss in lncome.li your lllCOIfle .: redtced or hopped beCOer oi unemplomenr, niness. disability or retirement, you may be eligible lor premium osmionce. Please make special cppllcoiion to OS’JSIP. Old Age Pension. ii you are z'e;e .mg Fedeicl Old A‘e iecomn yes 00 no; iev ce .eC'XSFccxe :35 as a c no So we. wish ic ici' «'w'ibiP, c ease appzy. Death. be: " c ; C;l babe I’ve iew need" oi omehcid zinc. d '32:. 0‘35? 'c; F' aw o: wen ii 0 accede" ole.- 7'15 :5. 3: >5; L: :. .si‘,.3 _‘. nere‘hec'c: B is 5 Moe .2347. a, V -. ‘ . - p ru~o score 0‘". or.â€" .9oC.s, p l;; S? CIC'Ae ' is: mg . n -., A i .; C‘.':Fhe: c3,,;. ems .: O..sr;: .41) row A -neotieoiee