Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 29 Jun 1967, p. 10

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A three-var collision June 2‘2 owfiob '33 Owoomoou “011‘ Richmond Hill Police said the car, driven by Terrence Shan- non. Don Mills. left a skid mark of 280 feet before hitting the A motorist. who claimed he was cut off by another motor- ist. had his new car damaged in the amount of $1.000 when he ran into a light standard on Elgin Mills Sideroad East at Bluegrass Boulevard June 23. post PINDER BROS. LTD 1n the second one. Wayne Taylor. Lot 20, Concession 6. Vaughan Township, told police he lost control of his car in the rain while driving on Langstaff Road. east of Keele SLreeL and ran into the ditch, Damage to his car mated at $225. 1n the first one. $250 damage was done to cars driven by Sonja Hornstein, RR 3. King City. and Robert Tindal. 132 Pemberton Road, Richvale. when they were in collision on Bathurst Street. south of Maple Road. ‘ Saturday night‘s heavy rain- fall was blamed for two acci- dents in Vaughan Township, while unknown cars were blam- ed for two in Richmond Hill. '1:mumummummumumuuumuuuumlx«lmiuummuunuumt\uuuummmumutmuuummuuumuuuuuuuulumumuum '3 Rain, Unknown Cars Cause Of Four Pileups STEEL LINTELS | BEAMS Police Accident Report 10 Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service Effective July lst, 1967 the Library closing day will be on Monday instead of Wednesday NEW HOURS OF OPENING MONDAY CLOSED Tuesday 9.00 21.111. Wednesday 9.00 am. ’I‘hursda}~ 9.00 11.11]. Friday 9.00 a.m. Saturday 10.00 3.111. 24 Wright Street. Richmond Hill. Ontario to 9.00 pm. to 9.00 pm. to 9.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.111. to 3.00 p.111. 881-356 0 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 29, 1967 nuuuuuuuuuuuulmntu\\1umuuuuuuumumuuum1nunmuummummmmmunmunm\1nummlmmumun\mumumnm An , g _ STEEL i‘ABRICATlNG To Custom Specifications 2 Otonobee BA. 1-33-14 River,” written when I best-seller list. and in f: a publishing house; and ly about Christmas and no means indelibly, in 1 book. Since these stories, I have confined myself to English assignments and my own scribblings which I hope no one will ever be unfortunate enough to read. But in the next few weeks I hope to prove to you that at least some of my word concoctions are digestible. (Cathy Wilson is a secondary school student residing in Richmond Hill! Hi! For the next ten weeks or so. while Ian McAlister is vacationing from newspaper land. I’ve joined "The Liberal” staff to keep all you of the high school and college crowd posted on what’s happening this summer in the Hill . . . in other words the “Summer Scene”. Each week in this space you will find the profile of an individual or group of individuals living, attending school and working in Richmond Hill. The object of this profile is to help everyone in the Hill to become acquainted with the responâ€" sible. energetic young people who are a big con- tributing factor in this community. However, the format of this column will not be strict. Occasionally. if I feel very strongly about a subject, I may slip into the editorial style used often by Ian in “Perspective”: or take a poll of teenage views on a question pertinent to the society in which we live, or current events. If you, yourself, have any suggestions about people whose “profile” vou would like to see. or a ques- tion which you consider of interest to youth. I would. appreciate it very much if vou would scribble them down and address them to me, care .of “The Liberal”. 63 Yonge St. South. Now, so that I shall not remain completely Richmond Hill Public Library Change of Hours Summer Scene nadian, 1n Engla pproximate. I s York and later I‘ 0 Richmond Hill fife here has been fully at times) which you to. '1 appreciate )le them down .‘he Liberal”. 4 Now. so that at tir school my \my c hool 1n then 13* writing 0 1y conquest major work .en when I ;t. and in f2 house; and By ('A'I‘H Y WILSON was esti- consider of interest to y 2 it very much if you w and address them to m ’. 63 Yonge St. South. it I shall not remain corr 'ou. the very important :etch in a quick profile of 1 ie with most people, I was England, seventeen years I spent my younger y1 iter Niagara Falls. Ontari< Hill when I was eight ye: been spent peacefully (or wes) living with my fami in Richmond Hill. riting career its beginnin; )nquest of the alphabet ir st of the alp] 'k, “The Win T was nine. n ‘act never saw :1 subsequent l cats were 13 my own litt] O Albion Hills Conservation Area to visit the conservation school and farm, and viewed stream improvements. recrea- tion facilities, Plumber Forest and reforestation measures. 0 Claireville area to look at reservoir, dam and road altera- 0 York Mills channel to in- spect progress of channel conâ€" struction. En route, they viewed the site of the Ontario Govern-I ment‘s Museum of Science andl Technology‘on Don Mills Road. O Milne Dam site to see the reservoir area and initial stages of dam construction. 0 Bruce's Mill Conservation Area to inspect recreational facilities and have lunch. OLower Don area ITaylor Creek Park) to View the flood plain land and channel im- provements. Conservation Projects In The Area Visited Mr. McMullen told police an unknown car cut him off at Sussex Avenue and Markham Road. clipping his car in the process. Drivers of the other cars were Patricia McCarville, 217 Alsace Road. Beverley Acres, and Ern- est Weeks. Summit Golf and Country Club. In a hit-and-run accident June 24 at Sussex Avenue and Markham Road, $200 damage was done to a car driven by Norman McMullcn, 157 Essex Avenue. opposite 96 Yonge Street North. resulted in about $150 damage and a charge against Matthew J. Stoddard, King Township. Mr. Stoddard was charged with failing to execute a proper mm from a parked position. little 0 p.m 0 p.m 0 p.m 0 p.m 0 p.m ouscocou: OOOOO 884-3563 To Childrens & Youths lop Quality CLEAR Running Shoes SAVE! BEACH SANDALS EASY TERMS V to suit your budget ’roe pinch. (99-6256X) Barefoot comfort -â€" minus the “sand - scorch” sole rubber, ImDroxed X-toe strap design elimi Children's 8: Youths' Top Quality ADULT SIZES 10%; Mens’ and Soft $1.44 pair cushion- rritoting mm: Practical and cute . . . Self-stick base, Poodle or badger Deodorizer. Regular 69c ‘Fresheners‘ ’egular Value 9: ea. 0 Save ! Ornamental Choose And Charge With Our EASY CREDIT CARD SYSTEM N0 DOWN PAYMENT EASY TERMS FREE 30 DAY CHARGE Plastic 6" x 4 PENNANT CENTENNIAL EASY TERMS to suit your budget Great beach-time frolic! Heavy laminated vinyl. Summer fun colors, Cen- tennial Tour moti‘f. CENTENNIAL HOURS OPEN FRIDAY TILI. 6 PM. Closed Sch. July ‘I OPEN MONDAY Special Centennial Offer! 8 U M P E R STICKERS -enf12’2" ('rmfademtiun (p0. easy to applj: stickers;

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