. A-..-~ -A- NVVMAAA “WW iraka cxmmmmmmmmmm' SALE g g ANNIVERSARY . lb l era CH ' a i; H minutes Reduced W {\Lv- s.va 62 Z: ‘43 (/ to I r ' 14 years \‘Shbp 20 to 50 c “In 1:)“ t' is L' 'z '11 V0 -E‘sentials 1.‘ -* ~; ‘ ' r“ ' "t "†t l) ssen 13 any i L n s ibeity in all things Chail y RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE OL. 89, NO. 52. I Vx. \_.\,\..V\ V \.«\«\V\. \A. \, VVVVVÂ¥ xix/xv“ M vyxxx. nyym Eur: Wï¬â€˜ SINCE 1878 PER COPY 10c Williams Condemns Plan Dump Operation Contract Benefits Firm, Not Twp. Dunn.s Barber ShopI Cam I' “lnIall my life 1 never heard of such a jangle edian The Rendezvous 1 over trying to operate a dump. I am sure any branch Barber Shop. of the women’s institute in the township could set Closed Monday, Rich- a far better policy than this council." $Zgghagllliongi?sn “if: I These were two of the open- Considering the letting of tliei icipal offices Puddicombe ling statements maIdery Depiity-lcontract tor the dump operation MotOI,SI Ahehcoum Barber 1reeve Garnet “illiams at alto Ibe controverSial and not ShOpI Rendezvous Barber :speCial I meeting 01 Vaughan liavag conieIIpIrepared to dis: ShopI Dmm.s Barber Shop .lownsliip Counctl .\londay. Ilield euss it. 311‘. Williams moved that and Sum Ransomk Barb†for the expresstiii'pose 01 al- it he referred back to commit- ShOpI Honda) hang. “I? lowing .\il‘.I \tilliams to present tee hulIi‘oiind no set-under for regular Elm-mg m“ for lat-is aim ligui'es he had gaih- the motion erIat which point he lm’m harbem ' ' ered to holstei'Iliis contention lcli the meeting. that the township should oper- The be“ “8“ ‘0 mom is ll )\ i ii iii 1 tilt ‘li'in .- . . ~ :1 r 3 t \l ( It i "a ‘I‘ t . contusion. il()\\(‘\P|. is to . . s~ iCillllE its operation out to a DU“A go away Im the weekend. whim, (,Oh“.m_l01.I “hon .\il'. \\il|iains opened I“ an earlier mum.“ mheh the discussion at the June 216 mgI June lgI the depm\._l.ee\.e meeting. immediate objection C I B l w had stalked from the council ““5 raised 13-“ COl‘hClhm‘ Demon . a s I .ehambers “.hh the Statement McArthur that Mr. Williams . . . . “I refuse to tolerate deceit“ “’35 supposgd to be appearing S t 'l' during discussion of a proposed at the meeting as a deputationi . a I leontraet with Paul Street COh_ and theretore should not bei l istruction Limited of Richmond “’93ng from we deputy‘l , Hill. the only firm which sub- reeves “haâ€- â€19_h9 here 35 3‘ DEPUTY'REE‘E WILLIAMS mitted a tender for the oper- membel'f†09mm] 01’ 85 3 Wk Wants Vaughan “111 0W“ dump 3mm Of the dumpI vate Citizen?’ he asked. “If‘ I I I Mn Williams objemed to the so. he should be over there,†513.000. DeductIing this irom Naming of the contract at iindicating the area in front of the 1966 operating cIosts pro- said that a man walked into the At the Roy Foss compound. that time because COUHCll mem- the dals "0m Where members duced a net Cost Of $22'848'54' furnishings and material and labor from residents of the area. Its present value is estimated Office Of the 51am" about 2-301L01)13“â€5 Parking lot Highland be†“ad “0t. receive" .mim‘tes 0f flighpumic normally addresshe Domed (M ain, while the attendant waslPai'k, a set oi rear wheels antiof the PYEVIOUS meeting andrmlmu ‘ TOWNSHIP COULD SAVE to be between $30,000 and $40,000. - . . . . ‘ t- . 'lt . ~t. ‘ ‘1 don't care where he . . - I .' I v . , _ ‘- , I V ‘ . a, - I ' , _ 1servicmg a car. and lifted a,tires. valued at $348. was taken “013195 0 “’mhh ‘39 191301 5 Oh‘ .. Mr. Williams iurther DUIhled In t e pictuie abate happy smiles by (left to light) Lloyd Beatty, Archie Lios1ei. managci package of money which hadIfmm a 1967 model eah I I I V I I II I I the Friday before the meeting italic“: Iftated CIOUhCIlhOl' DIaVid out “here another $1325 per of the Ce“; than Imperial Bank of Commerce, Richmond Hill who was the final recipient of the been left there hem the Drew David Ledslmh Weston [.e_ as the procedural bylaws call mm- A“ I “am ‘5 l0 hm“ year could he saved by having cheque an .ion Prestdent Fraser Gee, who made the presentation, retlect the feeling of accomp- ,ous shift, and walked out of the ported the the“ 0; his “31th II I I I but hadIseen themIIfor the :3 and heal. What he has vermin extermination done by hshmem y asâ€. member of the commumty. station with it. ,‘from his locker at Pine Valley “ISt “me “he†they 5‘“ do“) ' township employees ($1,040’: l The robbery wasn‘t discover-"Golf Club June 24. in the council chambers. As a Fhe (momma 0‘ replacement of the Jerry-on- RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. JUNE 29, 1967 l Some Stay Open Canada’s 100th Creates Split Among Merchants July 1 may he Canada's most important holiday commercial enterprises. but there seems to be some if that‘s confining. the confusion on that score. so box score at the moment for as area business places looks like this: are concerned. Closed Saturday, mond H e i g h t 5 Centre done the same tor the local ticli- A quick survey shows that, while many places will be closed Saturday â€"â€" the legitimate holiday â€" those same places will be open Monday ~â€" 3 federal holiday for banks and other government places. The provincial government it as given the power to de- clare an extra holiday Monâ€" day for business places. hilt left it to the municipalities to decide. l .\s a result. the municiâ€" palities haw all declared Monday a holiday tor tiieii own stalls. but have not DI‘II’UI‘Y-REEVE STANDS thoto by Stuart‘s Stud 0) last Payment On Community Centre loan Tuesday, June 20 was a happy‘evening for Victoria Square when the Lions Club presented Lloyd Beatty, chairman of the building committee of the board of trustees of the community centre with a cheque for $3,000. This was the final payment on a bank loan of $5,000 to help the community complete the centre. The Lions paid off the entire loan. The building itself was a gift from Stephen Roman, and the community has turned it into one of the most attractive. well-planned centres in a wide area. More than $10,000 in cash has been expended plus thousands of dollars in gifts of A casual burglar relievedidoor at the residence of John Ken's Gas Bar. Spruce AvenueiW. Powlesland, 8th Avenue and Yonge Street, Riclivale. of North, to steal a quantity of $319 in cash June 26. ‘liquor and an electric carving Vaughan Township Police knife valued at 880, June 24. where Mr. i "a i . i . . . Williams should stand or sit to .. . ~ d ‘1 1 . a l . _ . . iesult. he did not know that I I I II I the_Joh “hm.e emheht ls DiSChaig'e 0} Raw Sewage Into Creek liiieu‘ï¬laiié‘iiatfdi‘ill “3:22:22: i to be r: m discussed and had not brought 9 y'c 9‘" e “C'lhan SUg- . s . -. ,1 .u later. About 5100 damage was . . . . -. - d I - ..slnp fm disposa by an em 1 ‘ ‘ . any of his notes on it with him. gate “at It “Ohm be 13951 . â€"«. . . - - air e a: a done to a bulldozer. belonging MFI Williams reminded comh ii†the minutes of the meeting closet [3363" and awldmg 3 ~ - - t . . u - 3520 annual cost for bottled air Another sernce Sumo“ “,asito M and P Rentals. “ eston. ell members before he left the tecorded that Mr. Williams had to blow refuse out of the rad_ o 9 . . 'hen it was rolled over a bank l i ‘ l.Ohhed of $000 m tools June 2m“ II I chamth that at the Weemes_i )een pieseiit at the meeting asiator of the bulldozer by pup A. l Police said that entry to thetand the" abandoned “1th “Shay Dl‘el'lOUS COmmillee 0f the deputyâ€"Reva hm had Stood chase of a $148 compressor op- . . ' t; _ _ . . .I I Icrestwood Fina Station Yonge'nlOtOI iunning June -3. whole “leetlng, they had allIdoun from his chaii to addiessierated by a small gasoline . I e _ I The machine had been parked‘a re. .- . . - council as a delegation then got’ . Councillor Ivan Mansbridgej turio Water Resources Com- palities.“ He said also that the O\V’RCl\S\ial:ï¬;adaengv glrisigigogddoï¬ogï¬ï¬on a contruction site on 8th \t-goulecii' riguiizii“: stgï¬lceiilup from his seat 3‘ ihe heeVe'S englnei - .. . l ‘ ~ t d that expressed concern Monday night‘ mission who operate the “I’m not interested in 1had installed the relief valve.the west Siae of the building Avenue. ‘the minutes and reports reiav Fight band and moved with his In tlns “ifut'ihle eof the over a possible health liazardi sewage plant to take away municipalities," retorted lwhich resulted in the discharge.‘ II I I g ' "‘ * * * by Friday. that if anything ofvl’OIUmlHOUS papers to the ex- 31mg? 02:13:28 ï¬neered to $20_ resulting from the discharge ofl excess water in the case of Mr. Mansbridge. "If such a 10f some excess sewage when; ' " Italo Saccucci. Downsview a controversial nature arose at“:eme end 0f the coundl's semi-hggzâ€"Iii as the compared to 337.355 cost in using a private contractor. raw sewage. limo H atom: .creekl running south under lillarkhamI Road. i discharged into the creek. 1 His remarks came during al Mr. Perkins said the valve discussion at the town councillhad been built over the protesti meeting of a manually control-30f Richmond Hill which hadl led relief valve on the bank‘desii‘ed a better arrangement. | of the creek which was describ-* He also stated that the works a prettv “expensive proposition following the Julie 10 flooding.I . ed as a “poor setup" by Deputy-ldepartment had temporarily re~ to buihi a plant large enough Mr. Ospreay told “The Lib- reeve Floyd Perkins. Mr. Per-tlieved the situation by con-‘10 handle flash floodsI It eral†that the "raw sewage! y n a ( kins is chairman of the works structing a “bypass†wliichjwould ecst the town ah addhlcoated the floors of a numberI I committee. The creek runs into would assure that in future aiiyltional half million dollars tolof basements and damaged I I I I the Don River. excess sewage would be direct-.ellminate an the problemsliloors, walls, and furniture." I HeIlhlZman House Inï¬lll'ly got‘lOY a quotation bld- The valve touched off a barâ€"led into the creek during aIlh-hleh occur in maybe two or He cited one resident whollls fll‘St \l'OI‘kourtItlIlls \\'eekIas rage of complaints from Pugsley'lieavy rainstorm. lthree homes 3 yeah†lhad recently moved into his Markham Townships recreation Avenue residents over raw-sew- * * ‘4‘ * ‘ Jcentre. . .Ihonie and had piled furniture age-flooded cellars after a rain- Councillor Mansbridge noted: his: 21:“5:318tlfineihilr'wg:'lin the basement. The furniture storm June 10. the bypass could mean an art-1 1 5‘ ‘committee was concerned aboutlI~_',(;‘)1'1tlhued 0‘1 Page 10) ,, an, unusung downfall. I. . situation exists heterthatls I II .it tram-opened to relieve pres-ii Vaughan ‘HOIlCeihlSO‘l'ePOI‘tEdibaS been Charged Under 2! toll'h-itlie meeting. council members “NUT†6195“ ahdiCOhtmhed to of raln.‘1’he sewage is then lthrIIee other thefts. Iship bylaw with dumping gar/would agree to have it referredspeak from there. hieves used an u l -'edlb H r" - " v - ' - - n ock age on CHIl\ilie Road June 2:). back to committee. CONTRACTOR WILL PROFâ€. ».< a n K His argument against letting, The only fault council map- the contract to Street Construc- bE‘l'S COUld find With MY. W11- tion for $28,800 per year has liains’ figures Were that he had that it was obvious that any not shown any amortization fig- teiiderer expected to make a “1‘8 f01' depl'GCiathH 01" the "Ila- profit on the operation and the Cllill€. “In any accounting dump should be operated i'or‘Dl'lIlClPlGS 0f “'hiCh I am aware. the benefit of township residents you must app1y_against the op- . rather than for the profit of any cration the capital cost of the altering the present system individual 01. ï¬rmI machinery involved". pointed “We were getting along just where the clerk and the treas- Councillor Charles Bil-ken out Councillor Birkett. fine Until you brought this up,"lUl’el‘ are 0n a flat rate. a de-Istated however that he didn’t (Continued on Page 3) Mr. Rumble sald. .cision recently approved by‘think that any level of govern â€"-(~â€".â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" The famous old house in Mr. Gadsby said that that‘council, the matter was put ment, municipal. provincial or; North ThomhlllI which was wasn‘t what he wanted. lover. federal could operate anythingiQuota what interests me. There’s isure on the system. I little point in relieving raw ‘, * ‘3' * * l sewage from basements and ‘ Residents of Pugsley Avenue creating a health hazard spearheaded by J- G- ospreayiAt Markham TownShip somewhere else.†of 88 Pugsley Avenue petitioned Mn Perkins Said it would be individual members of council Damage claims to walls, floorsicessive amount of raw sewagelLhe matter ven if .t I d, ‘ fl‘ purchased for that purpose last “I don‘t care what you wantâ€: Somewhat the same situatiotlIas cheaply as a private carpal; and furniture of over $1,800ig01ng into the creek ahd “Creat-iih Ohh. on: home1 “11:15:63: iJUIY 6 year, has instead been convert- said the reeve. “The majority‘applied in the second motion. ation working towards a profit . have been presented to theiing a possible bad health hazard‘thine ‘can.t b d h 15 .ed recently for the use of the of council rules." which called for all piiblicmotive. I C municipality by the residents for town residents." ‘, j°.. e Cure a at.Pau| er To Be At;t0“.hshipss administrative of- “I want this stopped." shout- vehicles to be returned to the} “I don't think we should work n concerned. ! l\1r. Perkins said the case olome' ' y tfices and as a meeting placeled MF- Gadsbll township Sal'age eaCb nigbthO 2* profit motive but we Deputy - reeve Perkins ‘a certain amount of sewage Rafen'lhg to the "raw 59“" ,, . . _ - ,for council. . “id the "he-f val" bad lgolug into waterways Occu1‘red,“ge bemg dISCharged “"0 IllerMarkham llberal Meetl Monday afternoon, however.‘ been installed by the On- iin “90 percent of other niu11ici-.creek- Ml“ Perkins said hel ‘it took on some of the overtones; ’ ‘T0â€" of a recreation centre. with; â€"- didn't think “more than one or. Canada‘s MllliS- emphasis on the gymnasium. as with the exception of one used should not go out to scuttle the The Richmond Hill Unit of the b.\‘ the waterworks superinten- township eitherâ€. Mr. Williams Canadian Cancer Society. which dent for emergency purposes. replied. includes Markham Village. Vic- Tliis was also put over when Deputy-mere Williams also toria Square and Tliornhill, has .it was pointed out that it would contended that council was mis- fallen $2,106 short of the quota His subsequent motion to discontinue renting the machines from township employees failed to receive a seconder, but the deputy- Stanley R. Greenwood Hon. Paul Hellyer MP two percent of the water going mnto Trinity, into the creek consists of raw I I ter of National Defence will beIReeve Stewart Rumble and: more stilt persisted in his mean changing the policy again, “fading theI PUbliCIif it tried toot 825.920 set for it by Ontario isewage; 1‘30“ of I“ 15 water and‘the featured speaker at the an- Deputy-reeve s_ J. Gadsby alll argument. {which had been set to let the gh'e the thI‘CSSIOh that lhe Division, it was announced June 'what isnt wont affect any- nual lueeting of the Markham but went to the mat for a best a: >.= a H" engineer have his townshlpldump Operatlon would amount 21 by Campaign Chairman Mun- to only the $28.800 cost of the roe Ashkanase, contract. He pointed out that, Treasurer Archie Crosier ,i1\\\\l\\lll\l\l\\\i\ll\iiiillllit\llllll\\ll\t\lltl\\ti\\\tl\\ltlllllltlllllllliillllli to this amount would have tohoted that Richmond Hill, be added the salary of a gatelusually a pillar of financial sup- German Shepherd .keeper, $4.600 per annum; pay-3pc†for the annual drive, fell Shot By Smper lment to an exterminator, 51552382 Short of its 1967 quota i040: cost of a Jeri'y-on-theâ€"Jobiof 39420 but felt the quota A 13-month-old German Shepherd dog was the vic- I5365: telephone $180; heating I .1 ed b the end of 6120," salaries payable for hol-lCOUId be ma“ y tim of an unknown sniper in Vaughan Township June Township Liberal Association of three fansI Reeve Rumble then outlinedIVehicle at all times. i He added that he wasn‘t sat- to be held July 6 at Buttonville It all started when the dep-ltlle procedure of obtaining , gisfied with the size of the sani- Hall. A dinner meeting, DI‘O- utyfl-eew, accused the l-eeve of‘the machines as advocated by A I 'tary Pipes but emphasized thaticeedings are timed to COImmehCe-"favoritism", because it was theiMr. Gadsby, and was once more . Y i y I the works committee could only‘at 7 13m The meal IS bemg latteris deciding vote that accused of favoritism by him ‘ do so much catered by the Liberal women. l . ,awarded a contract to Lloyd "That really makesi me mad: “We can‘t replace all of them} MT- Henyer has Speal headed‘cahnlhg of Victoria square lolwhen you accuse me of favorit-l all at once.“ he said. - - - v . ,, . . l n. . ~ Ailiiedmtflii‘fï¬d if 3222235.? Provide. two graders “1‘ wells“ “1“ “l9 “‘5. I 1 i. Perkins painted out that I k I d d b te H was township at $8 an hour. 1almost touching that of his dd'i it was Ialso a problem for that??? e] atnd te athr‘ H e, f Canning, who is also an em-‘versary's. “and I don't like to Pl‘o‘imc‘ah-V aPPOhltEd OWRC‘ "S e e0 e 0 e ouse 0 ployee of the township. was $4 be accused again." Vaughan Names First Hydro Supt.:b°dy-" Vaughan Township residents“ moved a big step closer to hav-i iiig their own hydro system June 5. At the meeting of council on . ‘the year. "days and Off days $900; and a‘ For those industries and in- nominal sum of $100 for mis-.Idividuals who hawe not yet sent l t ~ ~ . ‘.~_ .~ . 1Commons in 1949. He was. , .. ,~ . , -- . . .- -. . Genaneous Costs‘ ' 'i ‘ Mr. Crosiei' legattgaieybglgl‘:Fzï¬gigiggg EilIiei I iEKIIfghgegldI‘chI {fIhdIdb ISIOlhIe‘mamed to the defence pomfolioian hour lower than the next. I ball†IsayIIIlts fay OIlltIlSlIllI; 2;). I I To this would also have to {Ilékéhihlatdgï¬zyogé sent h1 his issuing of 82750000 worth 01' ii 'i ii-i -ou "atn "no in: ie “m in 1957 as an associate biddiï¬i â€" ~ " 1i"Ed iiumtble l 3‘ ii“ impame'th According to Ponce ihe be added‘ Mr' Williams lnSl-Smd‘ :"re to the Canadian Imperial debentures to. beyused for the i “\or mini-Timbee' - . minister and then as minister ‘I flunk .ihlsï¬ favormsm 3‘“ hie . epmb-ieme' seumc’ dog had Its night ting.“ SL250 for 1055 Of scrap rights if k of Commerce 57 Yonge “Purchase construction and in! l 8 ha] , t at liismilaim" in 1963. has 30‘ t“ 510‘" M" Gads' me, hm“ “ord' - . ï¬ll-attend When .n was “It “mm “T’u'd go to the tommc‘ ~a.n t s itli Richmond Hill sIaIIatIonI: of a IOIIIIIsIIIpImmed of the bypass “as Just a He will be accompanied to by protested. "dust because 'luo subsequent motions by With a bullet. believed to be [01" Thls brought he 51nd. lolalIbllIe? I OIL IiIIIcome tax DUIII' The debenturesl i temporary measure and the meeting by John Addison be Is a township employee Mr. Gadsby were deferred by a .22 long, when it wan- costs of operating the duan 10 Recap s 0' hydro system. to be issued in units of $1,000,l will bear 7% interest. At the township elections lasti December voters gave over- whelming support to the project “has helped the situation. , _ MP. - “e are “mt as concfmed l Donald Deacon. Liberal can- (the works committee) ldidate for the new provincial. “hm†1‘93",“ hazards as .riding of York Centre will also 3n3'0ne else-' address the gathering. A res-l works CommiSSloner Otto ident of Unionville Mr. Deacon dered onto Steeles Avenue about 12.30 pm. Police said it had escaped from a garage, where it had been kept. The dog, which belonged 5337.355 per year. poses will be mailed.I Cost of operating the dump Mr. Ashkanase wishes to during 1966 had been 335‘- thank all captains and canvasâ€" 84854, he pointed out and in.sers who worked so hard dur- jadditiou. the township. by a mining the campaign. “If it were lchille rental agreement whereby‘ nOt fOI‘ SUCh dadlcated men and . ." icouncil for more study. "It was an honest ten- l The first one called for all der,†replied the reeve. “I icar allowances for use of perâ€" object to you saying other- isonally~owned cars in township wise.†ibusiness, to be 10 cents a mile.‘ The reeve said the townshipilï¬icept for those Used by tbe‘ whim is expected to lead i0 Whalen said there had onlylis busy campaigning in prepar-ihad been renting the graders‘building department, which: to Ramond Holland, 133 a portion of the rental of aiwomen there would belittle 0! Slightly reduced hydro rates In been two incidents of flooding‘lation for the provincial electionIfrom Canning for $7 an hour, would get a flat rate of $75 to‘I Moore Park. Willowdale, machine was applied to the posâ€"‘no money for Vital research :on Pugsley Ave., resulting fromfexpected for sometime in theluntil Mr. Gadsby had de-i$90 a month. 1 l l iflash storms. ‘fall. cided it would be better to callI However, as that would mean- 1 ’ il-ltil“llll“\\l\\\ltll\\lllttl\t\lllllli\\\lllilllhhlllllllhllllll\\\\\i\iilllliltil‘i\\\ltlttit\llllllll\\\\til\\\l\lllt\ll\lltll\\\ill'tlllllllllllllhiittiltillllllttllllhllllllltill\llllll\\\\\\\lllllt\ll\l\l\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\l“llhltiiiiililliilllliillillltttllil\i\\\\\llli\t\l\\ili\\\\\l\t\llltlllllll\lllht\lt\l\i\\tll\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\l\\l\l\\\\\\lilll\\\l\ll\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\i\\\llll\lll\\\\\ll\\\\\\\\l\\\\\\ ll\l\i\\\t\\\\l\l\\\l\\\t\\\l\lllli\\tll\l\tlll\\\llll\\\il\lllllltliltill\\\\till\ltillill“llllllllllttllllllltllllittiillilllllllllltilllllllllllllllitlllllltltllllltllltllltllltllltlttlllllllllllll'1 Join The Fun July 1 To Help Celebrate Caimda’s 100th Birthday the township. At the same meeting, council passed a second bylaw appoint-i ing Stanley R. Greenwood PM Eng, as hydro superintendent} as of July 3 at a salary of Sl3.-. 000. Mr. Greenwood was one‘ of 30 applicants for the posit- ion. all of whom were screened isible purchase of it, had builtieducation and medical assist; !up an equity in the machine of ance," he said. had to be destroyed follow- ing the shooting. S. R. GREENWOOD P. Eng. New Hydro Superintendent . . . , , . . . . July l \\|†be 3 Di“ day in it] ‘ilCillllolld llill Lniicd entries in the Pan-Am (James reed soutn on \oiige Stieei ientiiie tolo. paitie~. innith and enjoy it on .he glds~ oi in any of tnc-e cicn . ii". the gianagomeni follrusnaili “Pilifigei iii, the “95w†.Pubhc Richmond Hill as allacitizcns Church. Yonze and Centre to he held in Winnipeg in to Markham load. east on In; groups and floats galore. ine park or buy it at the can honor your country and :31 innabon'iflRldi“? Ibiédii i‘iimles {mien} “men “Sham are invith 10 Join in ('elf’r Streets. \‘»il(‘l‘(‘ the Richmond August. There will be 3 Markham to .\‘eukirk. then .\i least 40 business places refreshment stands which have a lot of tun right here. (a. .ddtllneud .1: :iiii iniil-Bloibw-ai [he (ind 0f 1996.1.m0 bl'ation of Canada‘s 100m Hi†S."IllPhOll.\' Orchestra nominal admission charge north on .\cukirk to the and groups lime indicated will be operated by Richâ€" \\llllOtll having toIcontend “it: “iese. Shh. "I ‘11:.‘1110 “a: 0t .[I‘le Bmuugh 0f \OH“. bll~tllda\. Chamber .\liisic G"oup \illl for this. but all proceeds :0 Crosby Park. There \‘.lll he that tziey will he participai- mond Hill Civitans. with the heavy traffic of a wwnshiilsisi illilfclhtée“igmlhmef \hi {Eigeengoguixzsi‘(93:22:21 The ifestivlllc‘s gel Ulldel" present the final concert of to Shrine charity activities. lots of curb space for every- iiig. .\ trophy is being of- The Civitans lime also three-day holiday weekend. which consists of all menibem' at Durham Publl 5:1 01 Hie way Friday evening at 8:15 Canada's first century. Ad- The show is organized and one to enjoy it. fered tor the best float in made all arrangements .\0 of council family mot-ed to chioiftoih-heh mission is free and everyone conducted by El Shamaly Included will be all the the parade. that Richmond Hillites may i i i " ~‘ ' ‘ ' " ' ' . “ f i i l ereiiion' dance on the streets in '0 Councillor Dave Fraser eh- he was a boy and he attendedi 18 11“ lted. Shiine Club, composed of Shrine units which will have A bi ie off c a c 3 J y will be held in Crosby Park when the arrives Pressed himself very pleased Riverdale Collegiate. W rldi There Will be many activi- Shriners living in this area. participated in a Toronto for the remainder of the day. that Mr. Greenwood was able to come to the township both Reeve Brian Bailey and Councillor Charles Birkettt not- ed that the decision had been while ‘ War II interrupted his studiesl and he enlisted in the RCAF,‘ setting as a pilot. After thei war he attended the University of Toronto. graduating with ad ties in which everyone can participate on the day itself from 9 am to midnight. Getting underway at 9 am. the Shrine Horse Show will Games, sports and fun for every member of the family, with prizes and favors begin in Crosby Park at 12 noon. Everyone is invited to par- parade earlier in the day â€" at least 30. These include the rickshaw unit of El Shamaly Shrine Club, the streetcar, the caboose, the Thompson parade there, when Richmond Hill will be dedicated to a new and more promising century which will have just started. Go-go dancing starts at 6 pm and round dancing for those who prefer it starts at 7 pm. Both will continue until mid- night. There will be no a difficult One as the three fin- BA Se. in electrical engineer-i have two rings for hunters ticipate in this family fun Stagecoach. the motorcycle A bang-up salute by ekplod- charge for either. So enjoy al applicants had all been more ing in 1950. and jumpers and the proâ€" time and test your skill. unit. drum corps. oriental iIiIig fireworks will close the yourseh es. I than adequate. .\Ii'. Greenwood is married to gram will be continuous un- Everything is free. hand. the transport unit for ili‘st century and welcome IAt 10 pm there “iii be a Mr. Greenwood 42.15 an el« the former Betty Campbell of til 6 pm. The Canadian The largest parade eyei’ crippled children. the Divan the second. A fly Ipasi fireworks salute to Canada su-lrical engineer. He lives in .\luskoka and the\ have two Equestrian Team will he seen in Richmond Hill gets heads of the Shrzne. anti plant-s lrom Buttomille .\ir- iorIeveryoiiIe to emot. Rexdale. From 1950 to 1966 he children. Peter 9‘ and .\lelissa. featured and the eliiiiiiiations nuclei-hay from industrial marching unit: the lotsl poi“. .ll al~o beIa leaiui'v i‘.’:(‘l') It'lil/f‘n Hi Lie toc n “35 SUPEl‘llllendelll Hlld L’C‘llm'al 439311“ Old held i'ui (":iiindh's siimi lliii'\9 llond ..t It p'ii :iwl " > w-“w of "ie iii-ride ' 1‘ Run: low l'i('i!l‘ 'Ii ‘ M iii iii-(i ‘u phlllt'llfll't’ in all A . ‘ Q A .