91.11.11,: LiBRAF‘i‘r r}“illtâ€ll‘l""‘|‘â€lll ll"""‘ll'1'1‘1li'll‘l‘ti'11‘hi- i‘i'iiiiiiilriii‘i‘W‘Hl‘ 111Ԡ1'lilii‘il"“1'l““1111'I‘lli'lliltllilli“1l“1111"â€â€˜111‘11' l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111iii-11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111‘1111111111111111111111111111111111143 9 ’ o . Its 011/411an 4' I Ih'G SECOND . or» "W 8 a gal" n , 1.5 (11118 M ill:th 171‘ SECTION '3 li.‘ “31 lll\l\(1 .oitl 111111111 ::1.11 '?t.1'111~if;1:'1’. net-d '11 111111111111 11101 the If -. .U‘ L. mm 01‘ 11...\\ inn} to 111‘" .\ltil111|;11 1.1:1: {HQ 11: 1:111 ticld. 1111.11.11; 11111. -1ii.111; 1.111. 2‘11.» woiidc. doesn‘t 1110;111 \lie rcucuetl people mote 1111111 tiih-e her '7 r__ V ‘ 7 ,m g ,_ H 7 . _._,,,,, ,~ . _. , ..__.W. 7 ..... 1 11 \1-i 113 ‘.~ 17(1‘1111‘1 111" lJl’k'M‘lll 111711 1101111 Ltll .\t‘:1t,\ [or the t'hingacuugy VOL. 90, NU. 5. RlCthOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST ". 1957 our 11.: and Palner heat: DCi‘lllhl‘ (if :1 11111111411 swiii; ladies' crown. y . ' _ . .. . H‘L.-." h-.- _.i... .L \.§\l~tis 1hr 11e.\i and >1) ‘ \5 “01’ lLllllCi‘ 5:03. "111 .\1)t (ill the players were G r! L I 1;:1. .111 1111111.iu:11. tlit‘n con- :Qeilli‘tlr‘ci'ctlit. she's work~ as liapm‘ as she was about I.- 1: n it no moxc. 0 it ~ that one. 1 aâ€, Vat I“ “H mummmml “(w ( Andrea usually manages Besides her daily pract- . aid [Ml L“ Wmmun [0 31].. to get 111 a round of golf 1sing. tournament play and 3011.0:5‘ 01. mayâ€: Um ; each-(lay. plus what other family sessions. Andrea and . ‘ ’ \\would he. it’s the law of. practising she can get put- her father credit Summit 'lai'I'Mllg loo 1011:: oicrluncli Norm“ mu. common-[3 an . ting. chipping and driving. pro Ken Girard, with help- ‘could result 111 a reprimand wumfx “5 “at not] denion- She also watches the pros in: her with her game. soon for-some gutters 111 “101- qmlod {U}. a mmlmmd m†occasionally on television, "He's one of the best moiid llill Golf and Country gm 11M week but still finds she gets the teaching pros there is." said C1111). I m] ‘ I l ‘ Plflmu m HID UMMW best“ ]~(‘.\llll\' by gotitllfl out ,\11.. Stoddard hand he . "11119 s t.\ 1.1.\ 1'1'1":1l,'i “ ‘ . . . . 1m 1 ' ‘ ‘ ' 3 n \ 1 ‘ 1 been imlmnod “I Hâ€. mm; [m .lunio (lirts .(11111 c1111111- mug: £01111]: :1!1mtttitim(lili):)1(111.‘ [figllilrdgan lot. of time 1.1111 the weekends 111 sec 111111 1011†“MINIâ€, "1 “mm him-L 0111‘ 30tl-v'11'd lriie: 11 ' ill ' -* . . . ‘ 13-year-old \ndrca 5111th .r. \ 01st . .\ndiia n.1s a ttlttplt‘ of it Likes loursonics 111 connileic [will m. w Shmium (.H‘v “1111101 t11;1ii ".att-ii somebody more tournaments lined up their 111. I “thy Mm mm' ‘dUM’I m 1‘Lsed1i it 111 between 1'01117 lhis summer. including 1118 Conducllll‘f 1111' ~111dy is Hm'mml‘ helm? bum“: iiiercials on the screen at t‘tinzidiun Open (‘nanipion- sistant pro ha} Story. who gets “m 5 mm 3 m Smmml Huh 1101110. ship at Saskatoon 1n ;\ll‘,‘,ll\l the names of lulli‘joiiic mt‘lii' mm“ L†Dam“. 17' rm. \. s -'\ 34111110 1‘.‘ student .11 .1nd the LS. western .Iunior Dims] {Amulet-r1091?†and 1111911 mo 11â€â€œ ‘VDRF\ STODDHH. lid-11111101111 111111 High School 'I’ournaincnt in Chit-11211. tor c outs 11cm or 11(‘11' rouni. V ‘ ‘ _ “ ‘ x .‘ iiti'ca ius ound her :1011'- which she and Janet '1‘01111‘. Including a short Iii-cat; lot Illioiwmt‘l’. .0111}. .1 1001‘? RUNS “1 I'am'l-V mg pretty well restricted to 111‘ Benierton. are ‘ol‘lng lunch after the 11111111 hole. the Sil‘l‘lu (“ll d’lfl‘lmm [1.618; . V club playing and any outside sponsored by the Canadian gtotal time shouldn't exceed luv-lull; l’i‘ll (Viv- l‘f‘ ~ Wild" btoddarts. who besides .\lr. tournaments. The collegiate Ladies~ Golfing Association. .four and a half hours. Ali'. he“. Cale? “9 Mme ‘ 55 and 311‘s.“ \1. ID. btoddai‘t. docs haie a tourney. but it's “ith the way shes been Story said Daniel 10! llle Club Cllam‘ number the girls and one strictly for the boys. at- playing lately, Andrea “ho 1 However. the record is still Plollsml’tat ‘bumnlm boil 811d all Of lllem tll'elly tliough'slie did manage to right now feels she would iseven hours for 15 holes. he 'lhe five-loot 51x veteran good at swinging a club,a1â€" get in it one year. like to try the pro trail added. 1 of all this hcayy competi- though Mrs. Stoddart says She also managed to get when she‘s through school, tion has been playing since she was 11 years old when she is strictly the chauffeur for them. The time study practice was‘ tinitiated after the pro shop re“ in a few others during tier few years as a golfer. and may even pick up something more than the golf umbrella ceived numerous complaints her father first took her to On the other hand, older no doubt. in one of them in she won at Credit Valley. from members about players Uplands Golf and Country sister Nancy. won the our particular. the other contest- Although her father was ldallying on the course. to match shots with the rest ior championship three ants “.1511 it had been I.e_ qune hap‘py “uh that prim- Piaycrs who are pcrsismmiy of the family. years ago. ‘ stricth too. "Now she can give mine S10“. and “(m-l 3110“ others to For golfing has hccome Andrea. herself. says she Andrea was all of 14 at back," was his philosophical play through. will be notified almost a tradition with the look to the game right away the time. but she still nian- approach. by letter. 1\'ll'. Story said. r;-111111I11111lllllllllllltlllll111111111l1llllillltttllltlllllllll1111111llllllltlllllllllll'l1111lllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111111lll11111lilllllllllllllllllllllllll11111111111111111"llllltl111|1111111111111"l1l!1111111l111111111111111lltltllt"11111111111111111111111111111ttltttllllllllltllll1111111111110111"llltllllllilltllllllllllllllll'l‘ New Toronto This Time For Boys 8 to 16 Years Domik Strikes out I5 In 7-3 Civitan Football league Moves 1 . ......UP Registrallm' Date August 15 play by New T01‘0nt0 â€" Love; Enthusiasm for Richmond league. with home games 'shortstopl t0 Swayne l2nd baselil-lill Civitan Football LeaguelRichinond Hill High School. to Kempfer 1lst basel. ‘has reached such proportionsl Mr. Burton said that event- Bob Domik was the dominant player as Dynes matter of the game. Jewelers handed New Toronto 3 7-3 defeat at Aurora Thursday evening. ‘ Pitching his usual super brand of ball Domik struck out 15 men in six and a third innings. had 1 1Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Good Beginning In learning To Swim at A fairly large crowd was In the three years Richmond Hill's Centennial project. the swimniingpool 011 ‘Crosby Avenue, has been open, hundreds of children have learned the rudimentary skills of swimming scored two runs. three hits in four appearances at the plate and out at the Aurora diamond to encourage the Dynesmcn. since two of the players [that the registration date hasl been moved up a few weeks.1 lJohn Burton. 21 member of the‘ lexecutive. said this week. ually it was hoped to have an inter-provincial league set up in much the same way as hockey. He said the teams. all fully _ sponsored by the Civitan Club, ‘ Bennett are residents of >ally been planned to register will bear the same names as Doniik tripled and Red Wilson nings. allowing New Toronto to. that town. players in September. but it‘teams in the Canadian Football brought him home on a fielder's score only three runs. Bernie It is reported that work 011 had been changed to August 15.1Lcague. so if you hear of the choice. They scored the reâ€"lKanary got on base on a walk the new diamond in the towniwith Tuesday and Thursday Argonauts and the Aloucttes maining six on five hits in thetand advanced by infield outs park is progressing well. but the‘nights at 7.30 being set asidc.taking each other apart here fifth inning when 10 men facechto be batted in by Harry Heyâ€"Istands will not be available forit'or the task. this fall. don‘t be surprised. New Toronto pitcher. Do n.don in the seventh. In the ninthlsome time yet. This week‘s} The league, which is expectedl Mr. Burton said that St. Walker. Danny Boyne being uleempl’er walked and Grant Forâ€"game will likely be again playedlto have from six to eight teamleohn‘s Ambulance workers twice. lrest tripled and scored when in Aurora. fbefore the season's over. is forlwould be on hand at all games. Danny singled in his first ap- Kanary singled. ‘Line Score ‘boys from eight to 16. They willil Anyone interested in coach- Robbie Steel. Lorna Culliam and and water safety. Above (left to right) Russell Graham. Patti-Jane McDonald are instructed by Barbara-Jo Beresford. Pool Manager Paul Wilson warns parents that completion of the beginners classes at the pool is only the first step towards becoming an accomplished swimmer. Chidren should be encouraged to go on to the junior. intermediate, senior and bronze classes, until they are as at home in the water as on the land. During the summer months water safety training is of paramount importance for those who participate in any activity around lakes or rivers. There is room for your youngster in the August swim classes, with a reasonable charge for a two-week period of instruction. The Hillers scored their first turned 111 a creditable performv“ ‘ Charles Lcemlflg 311d Glen 1 Mr. Burton said it had originâ€" run iii the second period when once for two and two'thirds iiiâ€"1 ' ~_1pearauce at the plate and was Domik 1who had been playing; R H E 'be broken up into two groups. ing the teams is asked to call followed by "Skip" DeGeei‘ wholat first base) was recalled to the Dynes . . . . . . . . . . 7 10 1 .bantams and peewees. and willpVIr. Burton at 884-5168, 01‘ Bob ' also got a safety. Gayman ad-lbox and struck out the last New Toronto 3 4 5 1play in at Richmond Hill-MetroThompson at 884-4100. V canced them both. Lceming‘ - s s - w WW 7 â€" c. . - ,_ - scored Boyne on a fielder's ‘ choice and Les Downing got on on a fielder‘s choice. Bucky Buchanan doubled. allowing two runs to score. Domik singled ibatting in another run, followed ‘by Bennett who repeated 11' feat and by Wilson who was ‘safe on an error while another irunner scored. Coach Thornington pulled ' .Domik at the end of the sixth; jinning. since Dynes had a comâ€"l ‘manding lead. and placed Les ‘ lDowning on the mound for his‘i lfirst appearance in league :pitching. Downing. who had. ‘pitched during his junior daysd ’64 $1395.00 Econoline Van. One owner. fully re- conditioned. heavy duty springs. Lic. B46363. ’ 62 Econoliiie Van. duty springs. ’65 $1445.00 Econoline Pickup. Heavy duty pack- age. company owned vehicle. Lic. B66037. ’62 ’62 $1095.00 Mercury. 4 door. equipped with automatic transmission. radio. com- plete new paint and 4 new tires. This car is priced to move off the lot in a hurry so don't wait. Lic. 545866. ’67 Discount of $750.00 Cougar. Finished in our outstanding Cardinal Red exterior with deluxe black vinyl interior. This car is fully equipped with power steering, power brakes. radio, windshield washers, wheel covers. and an addedfeatureâ€" a black vinyl root to make this car a real outstanding automobile. You would be proud to have this car at ’64 $1795.00 Pontiac Parisienne. 4 door hardtop. V8. fully equipped. Bronze with matching interior. Lic. 573262. ’65 $1595.00 Comet. 6 cylinder. automatic, 2 door, turquoise. Lic. 468688. ’64 $1695.00 Dodge convertible. Automatic, radio. fully equipped. Black with matching interior. Lic. 303064. ’63 $1095.00 A-l condition. heaiy Lic. B56552. August $695.00 $1095.00 SpeCIal the ready in your driveway. Lie. , ., l . . . - .. 1 . Rambler Classic. Finished in Tahitian 1180645 C91‘.‘“1 Con‘gtlble‘ 4. Speed “395' Coral Wm] numbing interiou This misswn. 6 cylinder engine, Grey with .- , ~ matching interior. Lic. 560215. THURS. FRI. SAT. ONLY beauty comes with a 6 cylinder , .. ingmf f“? agonisalt‘ig "transmission. Summer time is temonade time the rea S H" 10' 1" T-Bird. Finished in a gleaming white ’66 Right time to use this sparkling, hand ’ with contrasting red interior. Equip- International Loadslal. 1700 cab and blown pitcher . . . holds up to 90 015.1001 59 Pad “'1ԠPowell “Benn/3’1, 130‘“er chassis. 345 CID engine, 5 speed i . brakesi power. “deows' th'te “'311 transmission. 7.000 front and 18.500 Triumph 4 door sedan. A real econ- tires. wheel discs and radio. A real 2 speed rear axle. A-l condition. BOB DOMIK Strike Out King omizer for your budget. Sandy Brown exterior with British handmade inter- ior. 4 speed transmission. Lic. 315620. buy for our backyard mechanic. Lic. L‘-_ " ' 7. 536723. in 50152“ ’66 ’61 Comet 4 door sedan. $795.00 This sparkling black beauty comes equipped with a 6 cylinder engine. automatic transâ€" mission and custom radio. Lic. 497805. Convertible time â€"â€" ’65 $2095.00 Pontiac coniertible. White in color with black top contrasted by a sharp red interior. Fully equipped and ready to go. Lic. 2016415. $1885.00 GMC 1: ton Pickup. 8’ Fleetside, 6 cylinder engine. 4 speed transmis- sion, 700x15 tube type tires. Balance of new truck warranty. Lic. 210358. ’65 $1495.00 Econoline window van. heavy duty 6 Rangers Win Another Defeat Markham 5-2 Richmond Hill Rangers chalked up a 5-2 \\111 at Mark- WOMEN'S "1 COTTON ’62 ham but this was one of those cylinder engine. low mileage. Comp- ’63 , ., , ‘ , . / . _ , - . . v - - Games that plaVE‘l‘S \\lll “iml ' r ‘ . ~ ' . ,. , x I Galaxie 500'4. door sedan. Finished V 1.. l \. . » 1 ~ 'd l.d . _ an) mmed \ehldc' Llc' 866030†To forget. For this was a Rang- ’/ W " U / in Polar \\ hite with Red interior 6“?“ L0“ Elm) 8' bu?“ a “3115 . . . - 1. .1. d ,de. lADlES' & MEN'S Equipped with an 8 cylinder engine. ""551011- 200 CID 6 cylinder Engme- ’64 ~ - 3°†tilde “1m†‘“ ‘9. .“K. ‘.' automatic transmission power $691.: This one owner car is completely standing and should have sc01- mg, power brakes‘ rad'io' “.mte‘ wan roadworthy. Color is beige with a Mercu1~yj\1-350 with 9 ft, bread utility v- .ed more goals. ‘ - . - . . .- _ White top and all ready to be owned body. V8. 4 speed transmission. heavy Brian Ritchie opened the Reg' $399 Reg. $1.00 Reg'sl’oo tires, wheel diSCs and tinted wind Shield. Lie. 585453. again. MO. 325994. duty springs and tires. Lic. ‘1'31883. scorino when he lobbed the ball a F. Kresge ¢ - into tTie goalmouth from Just Kresge AUQUSt SPF-Mal Augqstl , ,7 q: .. , .. past the hallway line. Markham Special SpeCIa 60 .1990110 equalized about 10 mmutes T P: FR‘ CAT 0ԠTHURS-FRLSAT'ONLY B “dd†., _ _ Mercury Montclair. 4 door sedan. 8 GMC 1: tun pickup. 8 1t. Stepside. 6 late], MW.- 1119 Linger; dc- a. r "mjfw‘lwmwr inn-1111312115110: noktoholdEDI-ISDlShOOL “‘E“ l h“ ‘ dom llaldtol" Auto" cylinder engine. fully equipped. \Vhite cylinder engine. tieaiy duty tires. one fence micmptcd to clear the as..oa.e .A. .1 W . s . inatic. powm equipped. Lie, .157526. with red interioi; Lita-157792. owner. Low mileage. Lic. 17926B. m“ Hm Hem. wow“ {milk ei's' second and Outside tlieht Brian Gcaliuni scored the tiiird. 111 the second 111111 511111 \1;1c- THURS. FR|.SAT.ONLY L'SEI) CARS TO CHOOSE FRO.“ â€"â€" EVERY MAKE 8; 310111131. I64 " ; 1‘) znd 'I'oni \‘1111‘Je made it 7 ' 1111' the Hangers. 'l‘oni Coal as a bweze‘ miton‘ Reg, ,7: ‘ - ~ , » . . . .. w1~ ~> " '1‘ 1 ' :11 y s 1 . or. 31192115! Choosefrom ' fl - I2] NE“ cARs T1) cnoosr: 19110.11â€" EXCELLENT 1110111: or MODELS AM) LQth’)th.\f ~ ~‘f‘.'_‘37,“°‘1‘, “f ".31 {.1112 2.3.? 5311...... 14955? i 1 ~ Maikn...11 .101 d it. 1w i Pr Ae SW†#60 “n and August l _ foal in the dying minutes of Lgrg‘e" ' " ' Spec,“ 1 u' . ‘ ‘ 7) [he gumc' . j Ti-liJRS.FR1.SAT. 0111.? T l l ’ [he house servlce ’ l 7 teens ‘x’u' tair stoning and smoothly in place? . V \ F rm and Soft Control available in 10 oz. cans. . i I TODDLERS. cunts- CHILDREN'S GIRLS‘ & LADIES’ . T A A E AND I'Nl'l' » . 2 PANT SLEEPERS L C ‘ T SHIRTS SHORTS - Reg. $1.99 Summer Shells z-GX \ ,l 1 mg 9 l 1"9509 Value: to 53.99 Reg, $117 “ “C5 ’0‘ - ‘ ii 91¢ THiJPS. F9181†01'th Fred Simpson Is On Vacation $3.97 14.05 mi. 5117. 02.1 77¢ Tl‘.n§ FF‘ Sf". O’vL‘i' MERt‘L'iti‘ - I .. . BRITISH Hint) & FORD & iniiti't'itv 'riti't'ivs 1 i T Yonge St, Richmond Hill â€" 881-1441 -889-77113 METEOR - (Ollli'l' â€" FALCON and L‘OL‘GAR W: Edi In ‘1 4a ‘ U