Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1967, p. 11

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On Tuesday evening they at- tended the wedding of Mrs. Igâ€" natieff’s sister, Robin, to John Mason, son of Mr. and Mrs. V. Victor Mason of Oakville, at Trinity College Chapel in Tor- onto. Hobbs Guenther. a member of the staff of R. D. Little Ford Sales Lt/clu has graduated from a sales management course at the Detroit Ford Marketing Institute at the University of Michigan’s Dearbom campus. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Igna- tieff and their son from Ottawa are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Beresford Anderson, Centre Street West. Recently returned from holi-l Mrs. John Toth. Julie and Mrs. Mona Robertson. Centre daying at Deerhurst Inn, neariKimmie, 121 Yonge Street Street West, was among the Huntsville. are Mr. and Mrs. South, have returned from a guests of Premier John Robarts F. M. Redeimeier and family, week‘s vacation in Colchester at the preview of the Ontario Virginia, Teddy and Tom, Don and Windsor. Government Building on Thurs- I-Iead Farms. 0 0 O » day evening at the CNE. The course emphasized after- purchase service and customer relatlons. The above picture was taken at Summit View Gardens during the June graduation exercises of Miss Ruth Garson’s pupils, who were awarded dip- lomas and prizes for their accomplishments during the 1966-67 season. Shown (left to right) are Arthur Burgin of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra and conductor of the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra, guest speaker: Miss Ruth Garson. musician, piano, theory and voice teacher and David Porter, attendance coun- sellor York Central District High School Board. Miss Garson will be accepting limited registra- tions for this season during the week of August 28 between 3-9 pm, at 428 South Fernleigh Circle (Markham & Beaverton Road area), Richmond Hill. Music Pupils Rewarded 6M After opening her gifts Fiona and her guests adjourned to the dining room where the table was laden with party fare. The sing- ing of “Happy Birthday" accom- panied the arrival of the large gaily decorated birthday cake and cheers when Fiona succeSS- fully blew out her candles. Her guests included Vicky. Romney and Dougie Grant. who are holidaying in Richmond Hill with their uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. J. Beresford Anderson, Centre Street West. Fiona Douglas-Crampton cele- bl‘ated her 3rd birthday on Sun- day with a party at her home in Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Trunk and children of Gretel Drive have returned from an enjoy- able vacation spent near Clear- water, Florida. Miss Gilda LoRusso. daughter of Mrs. L. LoRusso. Hall Street, a pupil of Willy Blok Hanson, spent the month of July at the Windsor Equestrian Training Centre where she conducted classes in physical fitness exer- cises for better co-ordination in riding. Gilda, a grade 10 student at Bayview Secondary School, has been a pupil at the Willy Blok Hanson Studio for the past nine years, and her ambition is to 1eventually open hen- own studio, iteaching dancing and this meth- iod of exercises, based on a thorâ€" ough knowledge of anatomy and physiology. George, who will be entering ‘Bayview Secondary School in September, has been working as a caddy at the Richmond Hill Golf and Country Club since the beginning of the season, deter- mined to earn sufficient money to completely finance the trip himself. By taking advantage of every opportunity to go out on the golf course. he was able to fulfill his ambition. He plans to return to the Hill at the beginning of September. She is now working with Willy Blok Hanson and her daughter. Christalot. at the ONE, in a daily program. Health First, a scien- tific method of preserving youth, sponsored by the Comâ€" munity Programme Division, Ontario Department of Educa- tion and Fitness and Amateur Sport Directorate. This is be- ing presented from 4.30 to 5 pm at the theatre in the Queen Elizabeth Building. Also taking part are Kathy, Jane and Jen- nifer Curran of King City. They set off on July 8. stag- ing the first night at Joliet. Il- linois. the second at Omaha. Nebraska. After spending the third night out at Cheyenne. Wyoming. they slowed down to‘ touring speed and enjoyed the} beauty of the Medicine Bow Na-2 tional Forest before moving on: to Rock Springs. Wyoming. for the night. The fifth day’s drive took them through mountainous country to Idaho Falls. Idaho. They spent two nights there then turned east again across‘ the Grand Teton Mountains into; Jackson Hole, Wyoming. This: was a most spectacular route’ into the Hole, descending as it does from a pass at 8.690 feet to the very western town of Jackson. North from Jackson, they soon arrived in Grand Te- ton National Park. It was the general consensus that the am- enities and the beauty of this 3 park surpass by a large margin those of Yellowstone, 40 miles: to the north, and should not be} ‘missed. l Mr. and Mrs. Joseph G. Thom- son, their 16-year-old daughter. Mary and their two youngest boys, Owen, 10 and Joey 7. of Talmage Avenue, have recently returned from a 5.890 mile car trip out west. Travelling by train he enjoy- ed a three day stopover in Banff. where he visited his grand- mother, Mrs. George Trickey. During his short stay he took the Gondola lift tour of the area, visited the Columbia Icefields and, being an enthusiastic fish- erman, tried his luck fishing in the Bow River, catching several trout. He then continued to Edmon- ton where he is spending the remainder of his holidays with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Darling. Fouteen-year-old George Hand During her recent visit to cey. son of Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Banff. Miss Ruth Garson ADCM Hancey, Sussex Avenue. left lastzattended some sessions at the week for holidays in EdmontonJSchool of Fine Arts. After they had seen “Old Faithful” and “Mammoth” hot springs they veered northeast to Billings, Montana. From Bilâ€" lings to Glacier National Park via Great Falls is an interesting drive through rolling grasslands where Montana lives up to its billing of the "Big Sky Counâ€" try". They were then into the Roekies one sees in the picture postcards. They stayed on the Montana side of the line until they reached Eureka then turn- ed north into BC. They arrived at their destina- tion. Kimberley, on the eighth day of their trip having complet- ed 2.600 miles. In Kimberley, they n‘sited Mrs. Thomson’s sis- ter and her husband whom they had not seen since they left Ayr, Scotland in 1952. three years be- fore their own move to Canada. ‘Kimberley. a city of 6.500. ‘proudly calls itself the highest city in Canada as it is some 3,500 feet up in the Selkirk Range. Following nine days exploring the ficinity. they retm'ned home via the Transâ€"Canada Highway with overnight stops in Calgary. Regina. Winnipeg. Fort William and Saul! Ste. Marie. Mrs. Bell won first prize for her crocheted dinner cloth and second prize for a Fair Isle pullover. Congratulations are ex- tended to Mrs. Lloyd Bell of Goldwater, formerly of Centre Street East, who was a double prize winner at the Canadian National Exhibi- tion this year. Local Architect Douglas Allen, Mrs. Allen and children Sean and Kelli, Laverock Avenue. have recently returned from a week‘s holiday at Drag Lake lLodge. Haliburton. A visitor to Richmond Hill early in August was Rev. Gor- don Cunningham, Presbyterian minister at Rocky Mountain House, Alberta. Mr. Cunning- ham is the son of the late Rev. J. D. Cunningham, who served the local Presbyterian congrega- tion as minister from 1935 to 1940. Mr. Cunningham was accom- panied by his wife, two sons and a daughter, and was returning from Expo. They planned to visit the Pan-Am Games on their way home. After touring the town, Mr. Cunningham. who attended pub- lic school here. reported that it still felt like home. They then went north to Yorkâ€" shire. where they visited Mayor Thomas Broadhurst’s mother, Mrs. Alice Broadhurst, at her home in Leeds. [\lllllllllllllllllllll\llllllllIlllull111“lfllll“lll\llll“lll\lll\ll\\l\llll\lllll Reg Williams and son Mark, formerly of the Gamble Side- road, are now residing on Don Mills Road in Willowdale. Mr. Williams is the first vice-presi- dent of Richmond Hill Lions and will be continuing to serve the community actively with this service club. During their holiday they visited Edinburgh then contin‘ ued north to Inverness to stay with Mr. MacDiai‘mid‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim MacDiarmid at their home in Inverness. From there they travelled down to London where their son rea- lized one of his ambitions â€" to walk along the famous Carnaby Street. M". MacDiarmind represents Ward 4 on town council. fll\llll\l\\l\\“l\\\llllllllllllllllllmllllllllllllllllllmlllllll\ll\llllllll\l\\l Glen Pratt. circulation manag- er of “The Liberal” returned on Friday from visiting his children, Tana and Murray, in New Brunswick. Tana and Murray are living with theii2 grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Pratt on their farm in Coldstream, where they are be- coming very adept at helping with the many chores associated with farm life. Teddy Redelmeier. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Redelmeier. Don Head Farms, is attending a five day course this week at the Metro Conservation Authority School in the Albion Hills. Mr. and Mrs. John MacDiarmid and their son Neil, Trayborn Drive, recently returned from a trip to Scotland and England. She was greatly impressed with the excellent program of- fered by the school and hopes to return for a full season at a later date. One of the most interesting social events planned for the fall season is the Carriage Col- lation being held by the York Central Enspital Auxiliary on September 21 at Tintern Farm, the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. )1. Graham. Luncheon will be served from 11.45 am to 2.30 pm and items of interest include a display of old fashioned carriages. a sale of handicraft items, made by auxiliary members, bulbs, on sale in the greenhouse just in time for fall planting and the Centennial coin dress which will be modelled during luncheon. This dress weighs 15 lbs. and can only be worn for about an hour. Co-n-om’enors are )lrs. Stuart Coxford and Mrs. Robert Silk-ox and Jennifer, a grade 9 stu- dent at Richmond "ill ll’wh School, is an enthusiastic member of the drama club and on the gymnastics team. She started tap dancing when she was 10 years old and began ballet dancing three years ago. .Her am- bition is to attend the Royal Academy of Ballet in Lon- don, England. or the Jul- liard School of Music in New York. role the 1 year the Egg. It wasn‘t the usual birth- day celebration for pretty Jennifer Morton â€"â€" instead of partying with friends on August 17. her 15th birth- day â€" she was working hard at the Canadian Na- tional Exhibition, where, as the youngest Canadette, she was in rehearsal for the Grandstand Show. Jennifer of Mr. ar Morton of Stage At CNE Last Celebrates Birthday 0n of Elsie Crest Tl‘ made I Curtain kels at from at year Elsie and of C 1r she 11 sic in S Theatre 3 her (11 s the hlrs ‘rosby 5r debut Club in auxmal played ‘ Scrooge daughter Michael Avenue. and this with The be ob the mem 1 The young couple, who left for a honeymoon tour of Europe. plan to return to Canada in the new year. ' Gill is the daughter of Mr. ;and Mrs. Arthur Dixon, Lucas ]Street, and Brian, the son of \Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tinker. former residents of Richmond Hill, now residing in the An napolis Valley, Nova Scotia. Mrs. D. H. Lang and son. Nel- son. Lynett Crescent. have re- turned from Portage la Prairie‘ Manitoba, Where she visited her daughter and son-in-Iaw. Sharon and Guy Campbell and their infant son. Mr. and Mrs. John Schouten and children Monica. Helen, Michael and Nicole. have re- cently returned to their Palmer Avenue home from a two Week car trip. A wedding of local interest took place on Saturday when Miss Gill Dixon became the bride of Brian Tinker at Our Lady Queen of the World Cath- olic Church. Mr. Schouten is the manager of Kresge’s in the Richmond Heights Centre. Following the ceremony. over 40 guests attended the recep- tion held at the Honeypot Ski Lodge in Maple. The Daily Vacation Bible School in Richmond Hill Bap- tist Church got off to a good start this Monday. There was a splendid response among the children of the neighborhood These Sessions continue until These 5 Septembe 9 am. Mrs. Campbell returned with them to Richmond Hill where she Will'speud some time at her parents’ home. also \n'th her husband‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Campbell. On Sunday the bride and groom were the guests of honor at a luncheon held at the Oak- ville home of the groom's uncle; and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick} R. Willan. 5 Entertaining on Saturday for Miss Robin Anderson prior to her marriage last Tuesday to John Mason at Trinity College Chapel. Were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. Victor Mason, who held a dinner party for her relaâ€" tives and friends at their home in Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dynes. and children Verner, Robert. Martha and Laura. Harrygan Crescent. returned last week from a trip to Moosonee. Travelling by train from Cochrane, they spent several days at a lodge, and enjoyed a canoe trip, visits to Sand Island‘ James Bay and the Moose Fac- tory, where they saw the hospit- al, school and the old Smithy â€"â€" the oldest building in Canada. Mr. Dynes is the proprietor of Dynes Jewellers in the Rich- mond Heights Centre. GLASSES ram "*1" ccunn: PRESCRIPTION seinwcc CONVENIENT lOCATIONS ‘ ~ I, am“ RICHMOND. MEL" mcnuoun mums um. 25: Yorgcgislxutm m1 “EV/fiat? rescent ’ortage re she ‘ SAVAGE 13377 BRO‘VN OXFORD LEATHER SOLE 8112 â€" 4 EE â€" EEE ‘ $10.99 g» _ 5 continue each morn PTICAI. tinue until morning at SAVAGE 13543 SAVAGE 1314'? BLACK STRAP BROWN STRAP 11 â€"â€" 4 812 â€"â€" 12 NNNW.W\GW..,..W. . . WMWVWN. NW \\\\\\\ §\\\\\\\\\\\‘x§\\‘ FOR OPENING SPECIALS CALL: 884-8271 WE ARE SPECIALISTS IN: 0 Styling We carry a large selection of hair pieces. falls & wigs in human hair Members of Richmond Hill Branch 375 of the Royal Canadian Legion are shown embarking for the annual CNE Warriors’ Day Parade last Saturday.~ Shown about to climb into the Trailways of Canada Bus from front to back are: Provincial V ice-President Robert Jeffries, Local Legion President and Deputy Zone Commander Frank Bar- rott, Morley Arnott, Padre Rev. Fred Jackson, Zone Commander Orrie Trueman, Alex Kernohan, Past Zone Commander George Wood, Gord Baylor. Robert Dickson and Frank Wood. W 70 YONGE ST. SOUTH (opposite Odeon Theatre) local legion At C NE Warriors ' Day Parade EXPERT COSMETIC ADVICE Free Parking at Rear and Permanents 0 Cutting SAVAGE 13943 BLACK OXFORD 812 â€" 3 C â€" EEE $9.99 3 Coloring THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, KW 9) Beverley Acres Junior School Mr. D. Rose Walter Scott Junior School School Crosby Heights Senior School Mr. E. Gooding MacKillop School McConaghy School Pleasantville School CNE SPECIAL! 4-DOOR SEDANS â€" READY TO DRIVE AWAY 67 FORD Custom Save $531 of! List â€" Driven Only 500 Miles Stock of 250 New Cars to Choose From GORDON McINTYRE. Superintendent of Public Schools Mr. D. Middleton Mr. G. Nighswandel Mr. N. DaVison Mr. J. Hincks Principal Telephone No. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) 4, 1967 884-2693 884-5281 884-5059 884-5711 884-1461 884-7431

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