16 'I'HI‘L LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. ()ntario. 'I’hui‘sday. Aug. 24. 1967 Maple, Concord and Edgeley District News “The Liberal†is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord and Edgcley districts. 111 Maple, please phone Mrs. Lynn Jellison, 832-1335; in Edgeley and Con cord, Mrs. Margaret McLean, 884-1105. People And Events I In Maple Village ' Congratulations from the comâ€" munity to Jean and Pat Salmon formerly of Maple and now liv- ing in King. Jean had her fourth boy on August 13 at York Central Hospital. His name is David Patrick and he weighed in at 7 lbs. 4 oz. I! 0‘ W ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Jack Matthews of 50 Goodman Crescent, flew to New Orleans last week for" the convention of the Order of the Alhambra. ganization that looks after re- LObStel‘ Plant- tarded children, They stayed only five days and during that time the temperature was 95 to 97 degrees. so they were happy to be home again. While they were away their son Robert stay- ed with friends in Woodstock. Mr. Matthews is the business administrator of the Richmond Hill Separate School Board. The day after their return. Marg’s brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Rose arrived from Leatherhcad. Surrey. Eng- land. 'l‘he Roses expect to be here three weeks and plan to spend some of their time at Expo with the Matthews. Mrs. Nellie Craig. mother of: Eleanor James, 59 Lancer Drive." and her granddaughter Dawn left on Saturday for a 10-day; trip to Bermuda. The James; family have been spending the summer at their cottage at Lake,‘ Simcoe. n n a u- . Betty Fraser and children, Nancy, Cathy and Chuck of 65 Lancer Drive spent in" ' at their cottage on the Trent River. They llltcrl‘iipccd . holiday the first week of August1 to motor to Expo with Chuck 81:1 Their accommodation was an apartment where Expo could be‘ seen from their window. On their way home they stopy ped at the Spruce Kennels in. Prescott and now have a new? addition to the family in the‘ form of “Twiggy†a black. white and tan English setter. “ At the moment. Nancy. the Fraser’s eldest daghter, is work-i ing in the Pure Food Building at: the. CNE. I Laura Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Young, Naylon Street left last week for Kitchi-i kewana Camp at Honey Harbour and expects to be there until. the Labor Day Weekend. l in ii *4: l Sympathy from the commun-l ity is extended to the McIntyre‘ family. Lancer Drive, in thei loss of Bob’s uncle. George Mc- Intyre who passed away very; suddenly while vacationing in’ Nova Scotia. in a t : Marilyn and Ted Jackman and daughters Kathy and Kelly of 30 Goodman Crescent just re- turned from a wonderful week of travelling. They motored to: Montreal where they overnight with Jinny and Don l’olice Accident Report 5 Persons Are Injured In Four‘Are _Five persons were injured iu‘ Richmond Hill area accidents. over the Weekend. l The most serious accident oc- when a two-car collision on the. Don Mills Road a half mile south of Gormley sent pelrsons to York Central Hospi- a . ‘ lnjured was the driver of a‘ 1967 Volkswagen \'an. Donald. G. Cruickshank 39. of RR 1 Gormley, and his wife and‘ daughter. Mr. Cruickshank received lacerations to his right arm; his daughter, Carol, 8. a bruised left hip: and his wife. Claire,l fractured ribs and collar-bone. i Markham Township police lights facmg “’051 0" RiChmOHd‘ Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Atkinson. iConcord Road. spent a week reâ€" Zcently at a cottage on Chemong ~$5000? reported Mr. Cruickshank had pulled out of a driveway whenl he was in collision with a northbound car on Don Mills Road driven by Velma Stecklcy of RR 2 Gormley. Damage to the Steckley car “as estimated at $200 and $1.- 700 to the Cruickshank vehicle. » C An accident on Bajview Ave- nue at 16th Avenue August 19 injured two persons. Edward McFarlane. of Don- albain Crescent, 'l'hornhill, driver of one of the vehicles involved. received a bump on his forehead and a whiplash iii- .iury. Ruth Johnson. a passenw ger in the other car dri\ en by William Johnson, 44. of Willow- dale. received an injured knee. Markham Township Police estimated damage to the car driven by Mr. McFarlane at $250 and to Mr. Johnson‘s 8200. t s it v Richmond Hill Police investi- gated an 8860 accident on Cen- tre Street East near Pugsle) Avenue. Damage to a car driven by James P. Smyth. 17. of 84 Yonge Street North. was estimated at $800. Damage to a parked cal: owned by Fred Bm aim of 2‘33 Richmond lBoys’ Softball ‘fliggins. formerly of Maple Then on down to Newcastle. ‘New Brunswick 10 visit Fran and Larry Ashton of Gormle). who are vacationing down there. The girls enjoyed swimming in the salt water. but found it very cold. They drove up the magnetic hill in Moucton and saw the re-. ;\'ersing falls in St. John. ’l‘hel next phase of their trip took: them to St. Andrews-By~Tlie- This is an 01-..Sea where they visited Connelys During their tour of New Brunswick they en- joyed sea food at its best â€"- fresh from the ocean. Their trip home took them through the States of Maine. New Hampshire. Vermont and. New York. Mr. Jackman is clerk for Vaughan Township. Cathy ’l‘hacker. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Thacker. Neth» ert‘ord Road. spent last week at Albion Hills Conservation. School. While there they hiked‘ through nature trails. practised archery and shooting and thor- oughly enjoyed everything. yf< >6 >‘< xix Hilda Valentin and daughter' Jeanne of 3 Weller Crescent. accompanied Sven on a businessl trip to Port Arthur last week.l They motored iip by way of? Sudbui'y and Sault Ste. Mariel and returned the following week} by the northern route. Prior to that Jeanne had visited for two weeks with her uncle and aunt and cousin at Clearwater Beach. Florida. “ark Renovation i The park in the Normaple Subdivision has had a remark- able face lifting this summeizl thanks to the efforts of Villagel Trustees Fred Young, Frank‘ Robson and Peter Angus. Frank Winkler was hired to. help maintain the grounds and‘ he is certainly to be commended for the fine job he is doing. The benches were donated by" Vaughan Township and the flag; pole plus flags were donated by. Dick Taylor of Jackson Street. ' Unfortunateiy the Centennial Flag was stolen last month. Thei remaining flag is raised and‘ lowered each day by Garthl Moore. i ‘ There is an interesting side~l light to the flagpole. The balll on top of the pole is from the propane tank car that explodedlAbout People in 1962. The village trustees have also purchased and seen to the plant-l mg of 100 maple trees through- I ‘0‘“ the Village. to replace those.Cape Cod. They enjoyed manyjcaught a 23 inch bass. side trips in the immediate area} " idiscovered Old Silver , , one of the finest the Buds de-‘beaches in the district. exploredjOf Concord and still a inenibened Tuesday night at the Church. lost during recent building pro-l grams. On August 14 ‘and their three children. South- .the fishing was especially good. view Drive. returned last w‘eeker. Atkinson caught a 24 inch from a two week holiday alipickerel and another relativelhas now been closed and Lois will be happy to be teaching. 'Photo by Stuart‘s Studiol Celebrate Diamond Wedding Parents of 12 children. 10 of whom are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Luigi Del Brocco. above. celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary August 5 at the home of their son and daughter-iiiâ€"Iaw. Mr. and Mrs. Vincent. Del Brocco. Married in Italy. August 3. 1907, Mr. and Mrs. Del Brocco came to Canada around 1912 and moved to Carrville Road in 1919. They lived here for 30 years but have lived in Toronto since 1949. Some 250 people attended the open house in the afternoon and a further 85. mostly family. were at the evening reception. All the 10 children were present with their families, all of whom live in Metro and the fringe areas. The Del Broccos have 29 grandchildren and sev- eral great-grandchildren. At 83 and 80 years of age. both Mr. and Mrs. Del BrOcco enjoy good health and are quite active. In fact. Mr. Del Bi'occo still maintains his garden himself and enjoys working in it. Congratulatory telegrams were received from the Queen. Prime Minister Lester Pearson. Premier John Robarts and the Mayor of Toron- to William Dennison. †The Voice OfCo‘iicorud ,Lake, near Petei‘boro. ’l‘heijhornhill Public School. For Mr. and Mrs. Garth Rlidgelhad a nice holiday and i‘eportjtlie past four years she taught “a combined class of Grades 1 land 2 at Nashville but this school * ‘6‘ * closer to home. Beat-11.3 Mrs. Bert Witty. Arnold Ave- Vacation school swimming nue. Thornhill. former resident A Vacation Bible school open- feated the Wildcats 7-4 and thejfor marine life and shells. ancilol‘ the Church of Christ here. lS‘Of Christ and although at press Tiger 8-6. \ictorious over the Lions 6â€"5l Cubs 10â€"9. a Accidents Street. was set at $60. headed west on Centre when are still investigating. Vaughan Township Police i11~v on Richmond Street at Keclc Street August 18 at 3:50 pm. _Dauiage to a 1965 Interna~ tional truck driven by James McDonald. 46 of 179 North C Taylor Mills Drive. was esti- I mated at $2 and 8200 to a car driven by Walter Hawcs. 64 of Toronto. The l~lawes car was in a rear end collision with the truck which had stopped at the stopâ€"i Street. There were no injuries. Cubs topped the Lionsljusi Tom and Bertha Roach. Rock- Wright. LaWI‘ie Road to llelm view Gardens spent an interest- with the baby Sitting. ‘ing holiday recently touring the‘MI‘S- Camp's home town andling Bible stories and song and a IMaritimes lti‘ailer. lthrough New York and Maine. ily weather and had an enjoyable. lthen to Cape Breton, Nova .‘time in spite of very heavy trafâ€"ieach evening and will comhme‘the jury how he had come home Scotia. ‘ The Sniyih (-31- was reported and home through Quebec. Accompanying them on illC‘ it sidesvvâ€"iped the parked cayand trip was son Gary and Mr.‘Rockview Gardens. have spent (‘UI‘I‘Ed August 18 at 8:20 am then struck a hydro pom policeiRoach's sister and husband. Mr. a lot of the summer \isiting I‘and Mrs. A. Noakes of Scarboro. their Mr. and Mrs. Roach have own- Lake in the Kavvartlia's. three \vestigated a 1“.0_\.ehide crash Ied their trailer for 1.1 “years aiid‘an’d daughter Elaine also spent . iaie had many interesting lllpS two with it. at the same time enjoyâ€" visiting relatives. ing all the comforts of home. The Frank Wards. Rockviewlsummer at Fleslierton. building ardens also went to the Mari-‘ski chalets. _ _7 v Lois is now busy at home. Shakespeare. earlier this month. ex“?! 9191193 day. stopping on the way to visitygettiug ready for the new school She was a sister of Mrs. Oman Staff \\ l'lter Margaret MC- forward to Bowes. Rockview Gardens and Lean at 88.1-1103. class at sympathy is extended to her too. -.-.- -. --. times for their two week holi- Expo. ed of course." said Mrs. Wai‘d.lteacliing a grade "It's a lot to take †weeks.†generally enjoyed them-'presently on holiday Texas. . .it would approach the 80 to 100 Attending last Sunday‘s servâ€" :\\‘I10 attended last year. Boys’ classes will be directed iprices generally more than a‘the Bert Wittys’ daughter and by men of the congregation and. lliitle Steel) h 450 for a 103‘" 0f;hel' husmnd 1109- from Wheal’ some of them are working with bread, 89c a dozen for corn, ley, Ontario. ,lamb $1.38 per pound and very linferior mark. Best food value was theLawrie Road. spent a weekendithe little ones are making bMch: orange juice at 49c for tvi'ou‘ecently at Gore _Bay on'Mani-jhmgs as picture frames decor. quarts. so they had lots of this..toulin Island taking their two‘ated with macaroni shapes and wire this year. instead of the “ usual woodwork. Girls are enâ€" 311'- and MI'S- Bl’B'OH (ï¬lllp~.joyiug a variety of crafts while $ik$|l| beef all over the $1- * * it * iyoung children and Debbiejspray paim’ As well as the crafts. the This lSlyoungsters are of course enjoy- with They their w e n t travellthey went to attend the wedding Special treat are me refresh- down;0f a COUSIH. They enjoyed love-linens provided each evening. Classes are held from 7 to 8.30 Prince Edward Island fie both “'aYS- to next Tuesday night, August '29 when a parents‘ night will be held. *I‘r’ii‘ Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Nordin. >3 it * >.< Sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Cliff Gland- l'icld whose mother Mrs. Frank Youngs passed away at York Central Hospital August 14. Mrs. Youngs. who was 71 years old. made her home with the Glandficlds at the Bone Dui‘ferin Street until Mr. Mrs. Glandficld moved cottage at Catcliacoma Lois weeks in Saskatchewan Son Ronnie. is spending this week at Expo. ‘but has been working for the‘ :‘(k*):< “We came back exliaust-lyear and looking 9 in in two “ xukkr's job. we will: rcliuc 4 \‘.Il(‘(‘l<. I ‘ check cylinders. gauge drums. †service emergency brake re- 5. ' pack wheel bearings Noozxelikes'tuenaitmg ' game ‘â€" - and at Beneficial vac gI ' I‘UR ONLY clout play it! It delays t.s»~ _ é ' arid it delays you. So .‘.Il.‘ nait’ J.‘ o . . [\IWI MWICI“ Pï¬one for vacation cash nor. .3“: e g and get that Big 0.x. fast. Plus a o % your own Beneficial Credit Card \‘.l[ll exclusive new 30-day ’ % Free Loan Privilege. Cali Beneimal . . . no...‘ 9 Beneficia ‘Ytic .,.s . .. f ‘3 FINAINCLL CO. OF CANADA 79- “ Loans Ilpio SEOSOâ€"Yosr loan can be life-insured Expobf 42 month contracts on loans over 511-3 250 YONGE ST. NORTH RICHI‘JOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre 0 Pb: 884-4417 Toromo a'ea reside its Pr 0"E1\ EvEN .‘VGS Si ADPOINT‘.'E‘.T â€"7 PHONE FO‘? HOURS rm"-...q I GET THAT 5 ‘1 With brake an .-\-1 the modern equipment to perform 111051 / 889765} . 485 Yonge St. at Elgin -liiis _ "ismllg time we did not have details of‘ iselves, with only three rainy son Percy and his family iniemohnehh indications were that On August 17 the Buds were.da.\.'s. They also enjoyed lots of the stayed'and the Wildcats Over the Tiger‘local lobster but found l'oodlice at the Church of Christ werel farm ‘ . .‘ . ' SCI \ 111 l and g 10 “The house that service built†884-4441 - 889-7703 In Kleinburg Tragedy Jury Expresses Sympathy To Family A coroner's jury expressed its sympathy to the husband and family of the late Phoebe Marwood. 36. RR 1. Kleinburg‘. after delivering its verdict at a hearing into the death of Mrs. Marwood and her two children. Dianne. two years. and Susan. four ‘lcan'ied it out.“ he said. months. at the Vaughan Township Council Chambers “eduosdav evening of last week. Edward Marwood. Lloyd. who identified the body 'lllllllilllllllllillllllllllllillllilll‘dlllllllulullllllllilllllllllllllllllllllilll V. 0. N. VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES ,the Vaughan Township Police. . Department for the "thoroughl RILHMOND HILL .work on their part" in the in-j BRANCH vestigation. ‘ NL’RSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE 884-4101 “I'm proud of the way theyl Also testifying briefly father \\ 35 01 The jury ruled that Mrs. lie said he then got into the of Mrs. Marwood to police, ‘. - - _. ‘ \larvioocl died July 8 from the house through the basement and Members of the jury were. Ruhmond HI" Mumupdl severing oi her left jugular vein went up to the kitchen. where Fred Taylor. ‘2 Jackson Street. Hall by herself. Using. a i‘a/or blade. he saw some blood on the floor. Maple. foreman: Mrs. Berton. g“, . . ‘ The jury (lid not touch on the lie followed the trail to the bed- David S. Thomas. .\lrs. huh} I ‘ :‘\]5(" deaths of the No children. the room and then the l);itlii'ooui.‘l’10.“~'§£ 311d IDOI'OIII) Woods. all ‘ORI‘ COUNTY youngcr of which was found where he found his wife and of RR l. K cinburu. m . , (mm m a laumm ml) in Hm 0mm! (1“;th VA 7. V 7 ~ limhuhithulllinilillmiilmthIimumightily}!llllillllilluni Ilil\t‘lll(‘lll of the house. and the cider lying face down in some valor in the bathtub. Death was believed to haw occurred by drowning in both cziscs. Dr. D. S. (illllll‘le. who per- ‘l‘ormccl an autopsy on the elder girl. said that the evidence was Lloyd. who lives in the adjoin. consistent with drowning. He mg house, about 50 feet away. said it was impossible to tell:said his wife had noticed the. 101‘ sure. “"1955 the CiI‘C‘Jm'llaundi‘y hanging on the line atl stances were known, but the'his brother's house at 8.30. 31. condition of the feet and hands‘though it hadn‘t been there lof the child suggested a pro-learner, ‘ longed immersion. About 9.30 am. he said hel l N0 ï¬lllOPSy “'83 Performed onlheard one of the children yell- lhi‘ younger Child. ing. but hadn't attached any im- Dr. Guthrie said Mrs. Mar- portance to it, wood's wound was consistent in addressing the jury. Dr. ‘uitli one done by a razor blade. .1011†said be full “rub it Mrs. .\lr. Marwood said he had left the house for work al 7.30 that morning after kissing his wife goodbye. llc said his two child- ren had also been up at that time. Lyman Marwood. brother of imd added that "this type of Marwood had been primarily suicide is rare." concerned with committing sui- Evidence giicn b) \aughzui (-irlc. She would ha\e ignored 'l‘owiisliip Police Sergeants the children. Thomas Shields and James \‘ua- “Maybe she completely lost cut. indicated that Mrs. Mar- control.“ Dr. Johns said. He wood and her children had been said that possibly the younger alone in the house at the time. child had triggered her actions. The doors were locked and the because it had been “plunged windows secure. the witnesses into the tub clothes and all." said. Also. none of the blood while the other child had been stains led from the house outâ€" undressed first as if for a bath. side. nor was there anything tolIt was possible the infant had lshow the. house had been been the first one killed. be broken into. ‘said. There was only one bit of “It seems here's a woman. miclcnce of on) degree to incli- married. probably late in life. . catc that Mrs. Marwood had She's been a good wife and ibceu at all unusual in her beâ€" mother . . lthe day in question 'haviour before. ‘showedl a complete change from It \\ as introduced after Mrs. that woman's personality. Janet Beiton. a member of the “We don‘t know what touches "jury. asked if there had been these things off . . . we can't anything to suggest Mrs. Mar-‘judge what’s going to upset wood had been upset at any'somebody else by what upsets time. “[5 there anything we can us.†Dr. Johns said. do to prevent a similar occur-‘ "The ones you can‘t foi'see are rcnce‘.‘" Mrs. Berton said. people like this. who don‘t show J Sgt. Nugent said he had in- themselves above the average terviewed the Marwood family level." doctor after the tragedy, who He said he felt that. if some- told him that he had never thing had been wrong with Mrs. lti'eated Mrs. Marwood for any.Mai-wood. it would have shown nervous disorder. lul) b8f01‘8. ‘ “Everything seemed to be‘ “The evidence shows certain tops with her.“ Sgt. Nugeiit basic facts we have toface." D_r..‘ quoted the doctor. "She neveriJOImS said- "T119 Chlldl‘en dld. lhad any complaints . . . which llOt die aCCident'dlly. Secondly.‘ ‘were not normal." “she rMrs. Marwoodi was respon- Coroner D1; Ralph p_ ,jolmsjsible for her own death.†wmowdale. then asked yir‘l She took the lives of two who lMarwood if he had ever noticed “'el‘e "dearest to her in the anvtliing worrying his wife. normal sen-‘59.†DY. J011115 said Mr. Marwood said he hadn‘t - - - It “'35 done as a l’eSlllt 0f although a week ago she had a "1055 01' control contrary to sent the oldest girl down to hei‘llle“ usual “mural, _ V sister’s house for a week. Dr. Johns also paid tDibute t0 Our fast teaching methods and qualified instructors develop the natural muss ical talent any youngster has. Now is a good time to find out with music lessons. We supply the in- strument for 8 weeks free. with tuition at cost. GUILD M-20 ACOUSTIC â€"â€" mahogany construction â€" rosewood fingerboard Reg. $175.00 . . . . . . . . Sale Price $125.00 HOFNER “BEATLE†BASS â€"â€" Electric Reg. $246.00 . . . . . . . . Sale Price $199.50 HOFNER ACOUSTIC â€" used. just like new â€" fitted with microphone pick-up $89.50 We carry Fender. Gibson, Ampeg and Traynor Amplifiers, e.g'.. Gibson Invader. reverb. tremolo, 3 Channels- Sale Price $299.50 Guaranteed dependable musical instruments of all types A reminder that the new semester is beginning with private tuition in accordion, guitar, piano 0 MUSIC C0. 1 Yonge Street 5., corner Centre Street. RICHMOND HILL STORE HOURS Monday to Friday 1 p.m. to 9 p.111. Saturday 9 am. to 6 pm. “Did you notice any change her asked Dr. Johns. "No. not too much." Mr. Mar- wood replied. He said. how-l ever. that when they went shop-l ping two days before the trag-l ecly. his wife hadn't wanted to: take the baby inside the storei .,u in with her and asked him to‘ stay in the car with it. “Didn‘t any of her friends, notice she was different?†asked Dr. Johns. Mr. Marwood replied they hadn‘t and that his wife had even phoned one of her. .girl friends the day before. I . Prior to the latter question,l ll‘lr. Marwood had recounted to? that‘ the evening of July 8 about 6.15 pm and found the front door locked and no answer to his. knock. -.i.o-..-o-..-o-..-.»-.-. . Concord Correspondent “The Liberal" requires a correspondent for the Con-j cord area. If you enjoy" your community. wont to earn some then phone and PE'I‘E‘S SERVICE SPECIALS Annie '3 d hives- conhnqe educahon! ’v-W' Hairy . n your you ca Ir WM .. . _ l 4 This booklet shows you how ONTARIO i you can get financial help. STIVDF‘NT Do you plan to attend a :_.::we:suv AWARDS «r other nosesewudang liJSllTLIltOli? 1967-1968 ‘ Do xou need mauc'al assstauce" To learn whether you can quality under the Outauo Student Awaias mogram, obtain this brochtue liom your secondary school, or from the institution of your choice or write to: Student Avmi'os Department of University Affairs. 481 Umversuy Aven'm Toaomo 2