Investigating Constable Rob- ert Burbidge said no further de- tails on how the accident hap- pened are immediately availâ€" able. An autopsy report has been ordered. The victim is survived by his mother and father and two brothers and a sister. By JIM IRVING y The big blight on trees, at Dutch Elm disease is the leastleast in the Beverley Acres of the worries of Richmond HilliSchool grounds, has been vanâ€" Public School Board where its‘dalism, much more devastating tree-planting scheme is con-land far quicker than any botani- cerned. cal scourge. . Last week it took only a SIX-Year-Old Youth icouple of days to put four 15-18 ls Drowning Victim Hoot Norwa)r maples out of con- ‘dition at Beverley Acres. where Six-year-old K e v i n Reesor drowned Monday night in a stream near his home at Dix- on‘s Hill. The stream runs under Old Highway 48 in Mark-l ham Township. The youngster. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Reesor of RR 1 Markham, was apparently play? they had been planted along the front end of the school. The trees were stripped of their bark and. the protective stakes around them were pul- led down and broken, the re- sult of vandalism. Somehow or other. though. the vandals left another 10 maples on the south side and three Australian pines in the south-west corner. un- ing by himself near the Stream;touched. (Cost of the trees is when he toppled in. Markham Township Police] |$150 each.) Vandalism in such matters at said the body was discoveredlBeverley Acres is old stuff. how- around 10.30 by Mr. Reesor‘exrer. Kenneth Turton, business upon returning from work. administrator for the school The victim is survived by his'board. said that four years ago mother and father and twofliOO trees were planted around brothers and a Sister. ithe school by the students after Investigating Constable Rob-tthey had first been given an. ert Burbidge said no further de-; inspirational talk on their beau- tails on how the accident hap-ity and value by a member of pened are immediately avail- the Department of Lands and able. Forests. Six-year-old K e \‘ i n Reesor drowned Monday night in a stream near his home at Dix- on‘s Hill. The stream runs under 01d Highway 48 in Mark- ham Township. The youngster. son of Mr. and Mrs. David Reesor of RR 1 Markham, was apparently play- ing by himself near the stream when he toppled in. By JIM IRVING Dutch Elm disease is the least of the worries of Richmond Hill Public School Board where its tree-planting scheme is con- cerned. BRUCE WILSON CLARK (Bayview) 8 Firsts Bruce is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Clark and is now living .at 1A Pinewood Avenue. Toronto. Lanzstafl 8 Firsts Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Morehouse. 108 Garden Avenue, Langslal‘L Wendy atâ€" tended Rawlinson Public School in Toronto and Richmond Hill High School for two years. She has been a student at Langstafl' for three years, where she has taken a great interest in the school’s library. Wendy does not yet know of her achieve- ment since she returns this week from a visit in England. She will study modern l-angur ages at Victoria College. Uni-i versity of Toronto. I YORK CENTRAL HAS 23 ONTARIO SCHOLARS VOL. 90, NO. 8 Bayview Has 5, Langstaff 3 Over 80% “'ENDY MOREHOUSE Only two days after the four trees in the above picture \vere firmly planted in front of Bev- erley Acres Public School, they were stripped of bark and the protective stakes pulled down and broken. However, it is believed the trees will survive the vandalism and the above picture Shmvs the Norway maples after corrective treatment had been done and the stakes replaced. In future years (if allowed to grow by the young people) these trees should be a beautiful reminder of the Centennial year. Hardy Norway Map/es Survive Vanda/ism A few days later they had all been pulled out. Bayview 10 Firsts i Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. lDavid Bruce, 403 Allencourt ’Crescent, Geraldine began her lschooling in Sault Ste. Marie. She has been an honor student for five years at Bayvien‘ Sec- ondary School and also has achieved her grade 8 standing in music. She has been a school prefect, has played field hockey and was a member of the art club. She will attend Victoria College, University of Toronto, majoring in Latin and French. JO-ANNE NUGENT Bayview 9 Firsts Only child of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Nugent, formerly of 401 Fernleigh Circle South, now of 505 Cummer A'venue, Willow- dale, J0~Anne attended Walter Scott Public School. She has been an honor student for all five years at Bayview Second- ary School. as well as head pre- fect and editor of the year book in grade 12. Her interests also included intramural and extra mural sports, being captain of the girls’ basketball team. She will be attending York Univer- sity, where she will major in English and History. Richinhd Hi‘ 5 June 5~5~4~3~2~l~Oâ€"9~8 @Mw Iihmmfl GERALDINE BRUCE This week. two juveniles, 11 and 13, will appear in juvenile court in Newmarket on charges of creating malicious damage by throwing some concrete blocks through windows at the north end of the school. The two juveniles are both girls. Despite the heavy tree dam- age. however. Mr. Turton said there had been relatively little damage at the other schools throughout the summer. He said the most severe bit of vandal- Three years ago 53 poplars were planted in front of hydro poles separating Beverley Acres from the separate school next door. They, too. disappeared within a month. EVELYN ENNOR Langstafl' 8 Firsts Evelyn is the daughter of 311'. and Mrs. William Ennor, 41 Boyle Drive, Langstaff. Because she is away on holidays, her plans for the future could not be ascertained. NORMAN COOPER PIRJO MANINEN Bayview (Langstaff) 9 Firsts 7 Firsts Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Toimi Maninen of 31 Vaughan Cooper of 230 Altamira Road,vBoulevard. Concord. came to Norman came to Richmond Hill Canada 15 years ago from Finâ€" from Sault Ste. Marie four land. She attended Concord years ago. In that northern city Public School and Thornhill he had attended Sir James Secondary School for tho years. Dunn High School and has bear-She has been an honor student an honor student at Bawiewat Langstaff for the past three for the past four years. In the years. Next month she will be [all he will journey to Victoria‘entering the pre-med course at where he will begin an engin-l‘the University of Toronto. eering course at. Royal Roads Military College. NORMAN RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, AUGUST 24, 1967 “We're keeping our fingers crossed." said Mr. Turton. Labor Day. it seems, is a busy day for vandals. summer‘s not over yet." He said that several years ago when the schools went through a relatively calm sum- mer and were all cleaned up awaiting re-opening. vandals vis- ited Crosby Heights on Labor Day and destroyed $279 worth of windows. ism occurred at the new Crosby Heights Senior School addition, where panes in the west end doorways were smashed in and had to be boarded up. In fact. Mr. Turton said, they may just be left that way to dis~ courage a repetition. as “the GUY SNAITH (Bayview) 9 Firsts Only child of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Snaith of 68 Rockpol‘t Crescent, Guy was born in Eng- land. He attended Walter Scott Public School and has been an honor student at Bayview for five years. His future plans were not determined since Guy is out of town at present. (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio! “In Essentials Unity; in Non-Essentials Liberty; in all things Charity†The meeting was presided over by Acting Mayor Donald Piaxton in the absence of Mayor Thomas Broadhurst who is on vacation. In addition to discus- sing the 14 recommendations contained in D1". B. W. Granton’s report the meeting also met Pool Manager Paul Wilson and Assistant Manager Jim Glover, ‘and made a tour of the 0001. 3 Mrs. Mary Hodsoll has been "placed under contract by York JCentral District High School lBoard for the York South Re- ?gion, but since the regulations fat the Department of Educaâ€" ltion omits a secondary school ‘board from those bodies eliâ€" gible for grant for such a staff member, the local public school board has been asked to take over the contract. The trustees‘ agreed unanimously at the Aug- ust 10 meeting. Her annual sal-l ary will be $11,700 and the‘ local board will be reimbursed by the other participating boards in York South. The duties of a teacher-diag- nostician were described as taking the child and the psy- chologists" findings and putting them together in a workable situation. . At a joint special meeting of Richmond Hill Town Council and the recreation committee held Monday evening those present made a detailed point {by point study of the coroner’s .jury's recommendations on the :accidental drowning of Daniel Carrutherrs. An eight year old resident of Beverley Acres the Carruthers boy drowned at the Centennial Pool on July 8. “The council and recreation‘serve the people committee of Richmond Hilll‘Hill in both recre have discussed all aspects oflas an excellent pl the Centennial Pool. including‘swim.†the recommendations of the The two rec coroner's jury in connection that will be con: with the tragic death of Daniel nextseason-perta Carruthers on July 8. Discus-{changing the col sions were held with the pooliterior of the pool contained in Dr. B. W. Granton’s report the meeting also met cern and objective of the town Pool Manager Paul Wilson and council and recreation commit- Assistant Manager Jim Glover, tee to maintain a maximum safe- and made a tour of the pool. ty standard for our pool and we At the close of the meetingldo appreciate the efforts of the Mr. Plaxton released the follow-[jury in their deliberation. ing‘ public statement: I “The pool will continue to “Nevertheless it is the con- The committee is adding a teacher - diagnostician to its staff in the psychological ser- vices department, which is un~ der the direction of Dr. Jason McCallum; Richmond Hill Public School Board will have one more staff member than had been antici- pated. come September as a serâ€" vice to York South Region Ed- ucation Committee. Public School Teaching Staff Complete For Sept. Opening Authorities Implement9 Winners At Thornhill 3.5, MajOTitYJury's Findings 1 v . Carruthers Drowning Tops in the York Central system was 17-yearâ€"old Thornhill Secondary School student Scott Tremaine. son of Mr. and Mrs. V. J. This represents 7% of York Centl‘al‘s enrolment as compared with the pro- vincial average of 5% who Won the scholarships. It also compares very favor- ably with the 8.1% of Met- ro students who achieved this level. Grade 13 results receiv- ed last week indicated that York Central District High Schools had 23 Ontario Scholars (with an average of 80% or We: on seven papers) who will all receive a $400 scholarship from the Province of Ontario. SCOTT TREMAINE Best In York Central Scott Tremaine Top Wins 7 Firsts, 94.2% July appointments also includ- ed Mrs. Joan Barnett as half time special education teacher and Mme. Anne Tory as half- time French teacher. )Irs. Mary Lindsay of 132 Mill Street has been employed to replace Miss Beverley Bellis on the office staff. Her duties commenced August 21. Although two resignations from the teaching staff have been received since July 1, the staff is now up to strength with the appointment of Mrs. Joyce Frazer in July and the appoint- ment of Mrs. Sandra Neuge- bauer last week. Mrs. Neuge- bauer holds an elementary school teachers‘ certificate. standard two. and has been em: ployed as an instructor in St.‘ Michael’s Hospital, Toronto. The two recommendations that will be considered before nextseason pertain to staff and changing the color of the in- Mrs. Hodsoll is also describ- ed as a psycho-educational con- sultant. She holds Bachelor of Arts and Master of Education degrees from the University of Toronto and has a background of training in special education. This summer she has been on the staff of the Department of Education's special education summer course in Toronto as testing instructor. “The pool will continue to serve the people of Richmond Hill in both recreation and also as an excellent place to learn to swim.†“It should be pointed out that the Centennial Pool has all the safety equipment required by the York County Health Unit and many of the jury’s recom- mendations have always been in force at the pool. “All the material and facts were carefully evaluated by the committee of council. As a result the council and recreation committee have insisted on im~ mediate implementation of all but two of the recommendations and these will be considered be‘ fore the 1968 season commences. manager and an inspection made of the pool. An honor student throu- ghout his five years at Thornhill Secondary, Scott brought distinction to his school earlier this year when, topping the 1,220 students in the province who competed in a contest May 1. he won the 3250 Canadian Association of Physicists’ prize. Previous to that, he plac- ed in the top 35 of the 5,000 Ontario students who competed in the 18th An- nual International Mathe- matics Contest. Scott‘s results were phon- ed-to him at Cobourg where he is putting in a five week stint as a counsellor at Il- lahee Lodge, a camp for handicapped youngsters. He plans to accept the handsome offer from Mc- Master and will enter the general science course there, probably specializ- ing in physics in his sec- ond year. In the same mail in which he received his re- sults, Scott received a no- tice of acceptance from McMaster University in Hamilton and the offer of a scholarship of four years‘ free tuition, at present rates worth over $2,000. With seven firsts, Scott achieved 94.2%. His low- est mark was in Englishâ€" 88. which counted for two papers. In Math B he re- ceived 98, in Math A, 97, and these two counted for three papers. He also ob- tained 97 in physics and 94 in chemistry. Tremaine, of Thornridge Drive, Thornhill. HOME PAPER OF THE DISTRICT SINCE 1878 (our years. She will b¢ ing to her home city for a Bachelor of Sci gree at Carleton Unive HEATHER HAWKE 7 Firsts ‘ Daugh Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R.;Edmund V. Hawke, 83 Babcombe DriveJAvenue, Thornhill, Heather entered received Thornhill Secondary School on (ion and October 1, 1966. She attended educatim public school in Ottawa and was attended an honor student at Ridgemoum School f High School in that city for and wa four years. She will be retumâ€" queen 1] ing to her home city to study will be 3 Firsts ROBERT 'rltuw Daughter of Mr. and MN. 7 Firsts Ralph Robinson of 30 Johnson Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Avenue, Thornhill, Julia attendâ€" Trow of 21 Thornebank Road, ed Woodland Public School and Thornhill, Robert attended has been an honor student for Roding Street Public School in five years at Thornhill Second~ Downsview and has been a five ary School. She also was a year honor student at Thorn~ member of the Nulset groupjhill Secondary. He also played with which she sang and played‘in the school’s orchestra. He guitar. She will study Honor will be studying Honor English English at McMaster University, at the University of Toronto. Hamilton. I Daughter of Mr. and Mrs.l Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barrett of 159 Crestâ€"‘William Heron, 11 Oakbank wood Road, Heather attended Road, Thornhill. Pamela receiv- Powell Road Public School and ed her elementary education at Thornhill Secondary School, Thornhill Public School and her where she has beeh an honorlsecondary at Thornhill Second- student in all five years. She ary School, where she has been was also a member of the NHL an honor student. She also parâ€" sets, a school folksinging group.!ticipated in basketball and was This fall Heather will enter'a member of the school orches- Trent University Where sheftra. In the autumn she will en- will major in languages. lter the University of Waterloo “to study applied chemistry. HEATHER M. BARRETT f PAMELA HERON 8 Firsts ‘ 7 Firsts Daughter of Mr. and Mrs." Daughter of Mr. and Robert Barrett of 159 Crest~;William Heron, 11 Oz 7 Firsts Son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Gordon, 216 Church Street South, Loren was not available for further details. Other first class honor stu- dents at Richmond Hill High School were Dennis Paxton, Louise Monks, Lynda Hayes, Linda Diceman. Hille Schnier. 7 Firsts i Son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lucas of 108 Levendale Road, Car] has lived in Richmond Hill for 10 years and attended Mac- Killop Public School. He has been a Richmond Hill High School honor student for five years. Fortunately he has com- pletely recovered from serious injuries which required surg-i ery, suffered in a car crash: during a visit to Expo early this summer. He will be attend- ing the University of Toronto where he will study chemical engineering. 1 0% Get Top Awards At RHHS JULIA ROBINSON LOREN GORDON CARL LUCAS de Edmund Gannage, 7 Courtham Avenue, Willowdale, Charlene received her elementary educa~ (ion and one year of secondary education in Detroit. She has attended Thornhill Secondary School for the past four years and was the school‘s prom queen in 1966 and 1967. She will be majoring in philosophy and sociology at St. Michael's College, University of Toronto. ROBERT TROW 7 Firsts Son of Mr. and Mrs. William Trow of 21 Thornebank Road, Thornhill, Robert attended Roding Street Public School in Downsview and has been a five year honor student at Thorn- JOHN CAMPBELL 7 Firsts Son of William Campbell. ‘science teacner at Richmond ‘Hill High School, and Mrs. Campbell, of 70 Powell Street, John attended MacKillop Pub~ , lic School. He has been an . . honor student at Richmond BRENDA-FIRMANV Hill High for five years and 7 F‘l'S'rS participated in the Outdoors Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. Club as well as in intramural R. Firman. 399 Bron'ndale Cres-‘sports. particularly football and cent, Brenda could not be reach-basketball. He will be studying ed for details about her scholas-‘engineering science at the Uni- ~tic career and future plans. lversity of Toronto. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Haruood. 83 Richmond Street. Eve attended McCon- aghy and MacKillop Public Schools and has been an honor smdenl at Richmond Hill High for five years. She was presiâ€" dent of the student council and active in the library. drama and film clubs. Besides this she has‘ been working toward her ARCTi and this year passed her piano' examinations, requiring only one theory subject to complete the requirements. She has not yet decided which university she will attend but plans to specialize in audio-visual teaeh~ "mg. I 7 Firsts Daughter of Mr. and Mrs C HARLENE Bflfmlgfl/IW 28 Models in Color TV 1 8116 Yonge St.. Thornhill North EVE HARWOOD 8 Firsts 23" RCA VICTOR CONSOLE TV ANNAGE Richmond Hill Dynes Jewel- lers exploded for a 10-5 victory over Toronto Plating Tuesday night in the CNE Centennial Bulova Watch Fastball Tourna- ment. The Jewellers next game in the one‘game knockout tourn- ament will be this Saturday at 7.15 pm. Opponents will be J & M Sports comprising play- ers from the former Richmond Hill Tom Hughes Shell fastball squad. 7 Firsts Son of Mr. and Mrs. Hem-y R. Coleman, of 408 Highway 7 East, Langstaff, Jeffrey attendâ€" ed the former Thornlea Public School mow the Montessori School) and Thornhill Second- ary School. Besides being a top student and winning several awards, he was president of the Board of Student Senators and took an active part in sports, particularly basketball. He also was a member of the Nulsets, and is a keen scuba diver. Jef- frey has not yet decided which university he will be entering next month. ‘ JOANNE GREEN l 7 Firsts l Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. iGreen, 87 Woodward Ave. High- land Park, Joanne has attended school in five Canadian pro- vinces â€" Manitoba, Nova Scotia, Quebec, Alberta and On- tario. Coming east from Edmon- ton she attended Northmount Junior High School in grade 9 and for the last four years has been an honor student at I‘hornhill Secondary School. She worked on the year book and was secretary of BOSS as well as being a member of the senior cheer leaders. She will study for the degree of Bache~ lor of Science of Nursing at McMaster University, from which she has received a four year scholarship. 7 Firsts Born in Germany. Ursula is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Victor Solich of 283 McConvey Drive. She came to Canada at the age of five and attended Beverley Acres Public School, Bayview Secondary and Rich- mond Hill High School. where she has always been a hard working honor student. She will attend the University of Water- loo, specializing in modern languages. DYNES WIN AT CNE JEFFREY COLEMAN URSULA SOLICH $219.95 With Trade Easy Terms PER COPY 10¢ 889-2624