The D. Bourke Construction} The maintenance staff has al- Limited, Ma le, has been award- most completed the renovation ed the contigct for construction of the basement of the adminis- of additions .0 Ross Doan.Lang-1trative building to provide ac- staff and Crbncord Schools oflcommodation for the new re- general purï¬nse rooms. Theirlsources centre. This centre will tender of $198,661 was the low-*be available for the use of‘ the est of six received. it was anâ€" instructional staff at school nounced at the August. 10 meet- opening. ing of Vaughan“ Township Pub- The Mackenzie Senior School lic School Board; at Kleinburz will be ready for ing of Vaughan“ Township Pub-‘‘ The Mackenzie Senior School lic School Board. lat Kleinburg will be ready for The Vyal Cons ructlon Limit-:OCCUPMCY at 5011001 Opemngv it ed. Concord. has been awarded‘was announced. Furniture and the contract for the construction Venetian blinds have been 91" of the addition up the George dered and.a contract for grading Bailey School. Their tender of and seeding the grounds has 595.920 was the lowest of 11 been awarded to the K. J. Beam- received. * r ish Construction Company Ltd., l . Sketch nlans fnr‘lthe nrnnosprl Thornhlllv at a C0“ 0f $5v025- Sketch plans for 'athe proposed addition to the Rosielawn School of a library. a scien 8 room and STOUFFVILLE: A special air one classroom hav been subâ€" mail message was received by mitted. to the De artment of special “flight†by John Foulds, Education for appr val and the Second Street, recently. The architect _is presep ly engaged message was despatched by Wilf in Preparing WOX‘kln drawmgs- McWhinnie, who sent it from Materials' for th construc- Seagram Lake, 50 miles north- tion of portable c1 ssrooms at east of Temagami, by carrier Kleinburg and Jose A. Gibson pigeon. “Dixieâ€. Dixie went Materials for th construc- tion of portable cl ssrooms at Kleinburg and Jose h A. Gibson tMaple) Schools are being deliv- ered and constructi m will start soon. Construction Program Progresses For Vaughan Twp. Public Schools [GA Dealers 01‘ The Year Aaron and Nathan Yel'mus. managers of Allencnurt IGA. Allencourt Plaza. Richmond Hill, have been chosen 1966 ICiA Dealers of the Year. They were selected from 163 IGA dealers in South Central Ontario. At a; recent convention in Acapulco. Mexico, attended by more Ithan 400 IGA dealers and their wives. President R. D Wolf of IGA of Canada. presented each of the Yermus brothers with a Bulova Accutron Watch and a plaque to mark the )happy occasion. Recently’ literature has been distributed to business houlses etc., in the Richmond Hill area. This literatiï¬re advertises Sales â€" Repairs & Service to (Office Machines, under the name of “‘SIMMS INDEPENDENT". This business is not the same nor in any way connec ed with: 88 Baker ‘Ave., Richmond Hill - 884-1745 “Your Office; Machines Specialist Since 1950" AARON TABLERITE: Canada's Finest Quality Red or Blue Brand Beef ggANDEEREMOVEDor SHORT RIB ROAST LB. L. HHSIMS, OFFICE MACHINES YERMUS 3 NOTICE aloft at 10 am August 3 and ar- rived in Stouffville seven hours and 300 miles later. NATHAN YERMUS v“ Upwards of 250 aspiring young hockey players will be in town for the occasion and many of these will no- doubt be ac- companied by parents, manag- ers. coaches, talent scouts, pro- fessional players, and perhaps with a bit of luck, either Jack Kent Cook, Clarence Campbell or the President of the United States. The project is the brain-child of Comrade Frank Murphy and other members of the branch midget hockey team committee. which had appeared in the Augâ€" ust 3 edition of “The Liberal’b Members commented on the way Mrs. Kelson had portrayed The committee began WOI‘k 0“ the facts concerning the Legion the idea two months ago and as and it was felt that through word got around they found articles like this our organiza- more and more people becom- tion is recognized for what it in: interested in the proposal. really is. Of course. there will The committee has been expand- always be people who will re- ed since then and now has 12 ligiously maintain that our ex. dedicated members Who will ercise consists solely of bending have their work cut out for the the proverbial elbow. next eight months. Ways and Means Chairman Plans for the most important the lack of a professional size project that this branch has hockey rink. This has now ever undertaken were announc- changed he said. Financing of ed this week. the project would come from In co-operation with the funds to be raised by his com- Richmond Hill Minor Hockey mittee, An appeal to Legion Association, the Ontario Minor members had already begun to HOCkey ASSOCiatiOfl and the bear fruit and donations were American Legion, this brand) still coming in from the mem- will sponsor and conduct an In- bership. ternational Midget Hockey A midget hockey “Honor In co-operation with the Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Association, the Ontario Minor Hockey Association and the American Legion, this branch The branch executive con- sidered the committee‘s pro- posal at its last meeting and it was subsequently given the green light to go ahead by a unanimous vote. Comrade Frank Murphy, a live-wire who seems to know exactly where he is going. and knows how to get there, was appointed deputy sports officer at the meeting. Frank told the executive that the reason hockey tournaments had not been held in Richmond Hill previously was because of Now Servicing Richmond Hill Area COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE Phone 222-1427 DOWNIE ELECTRIC Your legion Report: Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion FREE! ICE CREAM (ONES! By Eric Chapman - 884-0086 FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE AUG. 23, 24, 25. 26 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES PEACH MELBA "SPECIAL AT ALLENCOURT IGA ONLY" Correspondence included a letter from the ladies auxiliary requesting that the banquet hall be reserved on September 22 for the auxiliary‘s dance and show. This event will include a return visit of the Wayne and Shusters of the Aurora Branch. Comrade Mac Butler and his partner. Willy. the poet Laur- eate and ‘matlo' from East Cheam whose humorous antics are well known from the high Legion society of Branch 23, North Bay, to the southern ex- tremities of Branch 66, Hogg's Hollow. Other items discussed at the executive meeting included some words of praise for Eliza- beth Kelson who had written a column dedicated to the Royal Canadian Legion, and which had appeared in the Aug- ust 3 edition of “The Liberal". Members commented on the way Mrs. Kelson had portrayed the facts concerning the Legion and it was felt that through articles like this our organiza- tion is recognized for what it really is. Of course, there will ‘always be people who will re- Ways and Means Chairman Bob Dickson, announced plans for the start of a winter dance program. Dances will be resum- ed on September 15. Bob also came under fire from executive members when he proposed that a “Go-Go†dance be held in the near future. His proposal met with a great deal of dis- sent, mainly because (it was said) Legion patrons do not think and act in terms of York- ‘ville “love-ins", “roost-insâ€, “step-ins,†or whatever-ins. One executive member con- soled Bob, however, and sug- gested that if he could produce a couple of topless Etobicoke garbage collectors we might, indeed, have something going for us. Further details of this will ap- pear in future columns. °2.1;'3‘;"NEW POTATOES '2: 37° WITH PURCHASE OF "Potatoes Make The Meal" Mkm Twp Council Blames Builders In Varley Village Complaint “What is this standard answer we always get when we call that nothing can be done until the subdivision has been taken over by the township?†asked Mr. Keers. 1 Councillor Allan Sumner ex- plained that it was the usual subdivision agreement found in any municipality in Ontario. which meant a certain period of time would elapse before isei‘vices were assumed by the municipality, and were under control of the developer until “cu-lulu uu-ung I Telephone 884-3000 Church News' Rev. E. C. Gerber. having re- turned refreshed from his holi- days, preached and was cele- brant at the Holy Communion Sunday morning at St. John's Anglican Church. Next Sunday at 10 am there will be a family service when it is hoped all children of the parish will attend with their parents. that time. Neighborhood Notes “When can we expect to be taken over?†asked Mr. Keers. Engineer Dusan Miklas said that phase one of the develop- ment, which included Mr. Keers’ area would be taken over shortly, while phase two would not be completed until next year. no: a: :k :0: Have Among Mr. Keers’ com- visitors plaints: no speed limits were you be posted and cars were hitting ling? S “When can we expect to be taken over?†asked Mr. Keers. Engineer Dusan Miklas said that phase one of the develop- ment, which included Mr. Keers’ area would be taken over shortly, while phase two would not be completed until next year. no: a ak * Among Mr. Keers’ com- plaints: no speed limits were posted and cars were hitting 50 mph in some built-up areas. Mr. Miklas said a bylaw for 35 mph was being prepared, but Birthday greetings are ex- tended this week to Rudi Wenzl on August 24 and to Elizabeth Burns on August 26, to Alex Kleon on August 27, Douglas Evison on August 28 and to Deborah Ingles and Albert Wenzl who both celebrate on August 30. Have you been entertaining visitors this summer. or have you been doing some travel- ling? Your friends and neigh- bors would like to read about it in this column. Just phone 884-3000. SEALTEST 3 PINT ICE CREAM LAMB THE MOVER LTD. 127 BIRCH AVE. - THORNHILL PHONE 889-4911-2-3 LOCAL OR LONG DISTANCE MOVING ' Contact ALLE That wasn't true. Mr. Miklas replied. The streets had defin- itely been cleaned times. What about snow removal in‘ the winter? The municipality will have taken over by then, Mr. Miklas said. When could the subdivision expect street lights? “Four months ago." said Mr. Miklas. He said the Ontario Hydro had been pressed con- stantly for them and had prom- ised them just as often. several l l “T Mr. Keers also complained of a water shortage. He said that last July 1, a power failure had knocked out the system for Next Sunday at 10 am there will be a family service when it is hoped all children of the parish will attend with their parents. Neighborhood Notes BAYVIEW 8: MARKHAM RD. RICHMOND HILL GA FUUDL Correspondent: Leonard Lomas Telephone 884-3000 Heinz (In Tomato Sauce)‘ I4 oz. Tins SPAGHETTI Luncheon Meat, 12 oz. Tins P&R Fancy Red Sockeye, 1/2 Size Tins Soft Rite White, Pink, Yellow, 4 Roll Paks Soft Rite White, Pink, Yellow, 4 Roll Paks \ICUURT Mr. Miklas said the power failure had put out the com- plete well. He said an 800.000- gallon reservoir was slated for this summer and emergency power would be available by “Quite right", said Reeve Stewart Rumble. “Why ask those people in there then?" asked Mr. Keers‘ “That‘s a good question," said Mr. Rumble. The reeve then asked Mr. Keers if he had investigated any of the matters he was con- cerned with before moving in. Mr. Keers said he had got all his answers from the real estate agent. who sold him the house. He had assured him even/thing would be all right. “I will say, though. that when it’s finished. it will be a very nice community," said Mr. Keers. “We want to live there.†The other two members of the deputation, Messrs. Janes and Mr. Gilbart were also given assurance that their complaints regarding the eventual speed limit and a backyard drainage problem, would be looked into. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Aug. 24, 1967 TENDERS FOR REPAIRS TO EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT, HOT MIX SAND- ASPHALT RESURFACING, DITCH REGRAD- ING, ETC. Sealed tenders. clearly marked as to contents. addressed to Mr. R. Lynett. Clerk, Municipal Offices. Richmond Hill, Ontario will be received by the undersigned until 5:00 p.m. for the supply of all plant. labour. materials, tools and appliances necessary for repair to exist- ing asphalt pavement as designated. Specifications and tender forms and additional information may be obtained at the office of the Works Commissioner, 56 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill, Ontario. A marked cheque equal to five percent (5%) of the tender price shall accompany the tender. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. R. LYNETT, Clerk-Treasurer WORKS DEPARTMENT TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1967 Town Of Richmond Hill flrc u’tt - FOR FOR FOR c O. S. WHALEN, Works Commissioner