Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 24 Aug 1967, p. 6

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tables. assorted sizes $7.95 Hp. Gearings, 6309 Yonge Street, Willowdzle. 223-2270. tfc3 T.V. Slightly used. Sparton 131" console. A bargain at $75. FIRESTONE STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE iiEW and used appliance parts,iELECTRIC Stbverfl' Frigidgfi wringer rolls. wood blocks. bearâ€"ICOOkmESter‘ $0 01' Of‘fe‘r’ also ings, belts. stove elemems. etcflreel type 90“” “10“91- 834' Math's TV, 45 Industrial Road,i1344- ‘ *1“'8 884-7903. th36;SEVERAL items used furni- UKPAINFED furniture, chestlturevi 4 Single he'dsa Spring and, of drawers, dressers, ward-‘mattress. Returnmg to Europe.y robes, desks, bookcases, night 8844722 after 6 P1“. CI‘VB! CROSSLEY frig. $40. Moffat 4â€" burner electric range, $35. Both excellent condition. Upholster~ ed chair, slip covered. $30. 2- burner hotplate $3. 884-8913. eluding new and rebuilt stand ard portable and electric mod els. Specia] rental rates avail able to students. Richmond Hill AUTOMAle washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. DINETTE ’tablé withâ€"4 chairs,]‘â€"ALUM[NUM PRODUCTS 2 step tables, one matchingi Sales and Service coffee table, 3 seater bed chesâ€"iDom-s. windows. siding. awn- terfield with Simmons maltress.'ings_ York Aluminum 884-4558. 2 arm chairs, bedroom suitov t1’c40 “353 “d baby’s dresser- ‘13:;S‘ommmc‘mv‘m‘memo .1, 7 '_ _ _.7 -H. «WWAC “ Homemade corn fritters with MOVING to apartment, must maple syrup. The Copper sell Westinghouse refrigeratornxeme. 7529 yonge 5L Thom- FI‘OSt Free; 4 bum” EleC‘l‘iC hill or 1882 Lanrence Ave. East. range. "Chef Master": Beattyl mam,” "wk-.. -.-:...-,, . . c1\\8 ALUMINUM "IKENMORE space heater with Doors, windows, awnings, 311613.200 33110" tallk, one Propane railings. Ron Woods. 8344514195 stovey24" Moffattv like new tfcaslall equipped. 727-5659. c1w8 884-1125 2 arm chairs, bedroom suite.‘ desk and baby’s dresser. 884- 1070. c1\\'8 MOVING to apartment, must sell Westinghouse refrigerator. Frost Free; 4 burner electric range. "Chef Master": Beatty wringer washer, stainless steel lined; kitchen table and 4 chairs; double bed and mat- trees; gasoline blow torch. 225- 6262. *1\\'7 SPECIAL SUMMER PAINT SALE WHITE ONLY Exterior gloss white oil pamt. $5.65 gallon. Exterior and in- terior latex paint. $4.39 gallon. BUTLER AND BAIRD LL‘Mâ€" BER LTD.. 191 Yonge St. North. Richmond Hill. Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale inâ€" FURNITURET’bed; ta b 1 e 5, chairs, lamps, travelling trunks. 884-7866 after 6 pm. c1w8 SMALL frigidaire. suitable for recreation room, A-l condition, $50. 884-4780. *lw8 FRIGIDAIRE, chiffonier. dressâ€" ing table, and double bed. 884- 4636. clw8 BROWN Chesterfield and chair, good condition, $45. 889-2301. c1w8 BLACK marbleized arbbfife coffee table, $35. 889-5760. ONE lO-pieceflvwalnut dinfi room suite. one year old. Owner moving. Call 773-5067. c1w7 TV, 2’37'7'Phi111ps, like new. Blond finish. 884-7298. clw8 SINGLE shot 20 gauge shotgun nearly new, $20. 889-2436. lent condition 2,300 miles. 884-2989. clw8 BOX trailer. Call after 5. 884- 8535. clw8 CCM Mustang bike, two-speed. $40. 889-2436. c1w8 and end of season sale. Travel- Rite with Ride-Lite. King of the Road, Iroquois. Caratrail, Sil- verline or a car-top tent. See them all at McKENZIE CAMPING TRAILERS 235 No. 7 Highway E. (300' west of Bayview) 225-6915 1966 Honda 50 Sport, excel: CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions it wording unchanged, .7c per word, min. charge .90c. COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. EXHIBITION/SPECIALS TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL‘, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. ‘24, 1967 L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave Call the Classified Numbers 884-1105 or 884â€"1983 8 am. to 9 p.111. Monday and Tuesday, 889-3506 884-1745 “049 c1w8 c1\\‘8 {£544 , CONTENTS s re- FIREWOOD antee Truckload lots, $10. Phone Cad- 5226. illac Lumber, Maple, Ontario. tfc14!889-4973. clw8 c1w8 c1\\'8 * 1 \v H l SPORT coats for back to school, broken sizes, less than half price. Just a few left. Bond Clothes, in the Mall, Richmond Heights Centre. c1w8 KITCHEN set, â€" table, four chairs, $25. Westinghouse vac- uum cleaner. $15. Basement apartment, 60 Rockport Cres- cent. *1w8 FREEZER be’eté, 35 cents a basket. Freezer carrots, 45 cents a basket. Supply own basket. Phone after 6 pm. 884-2345. CONTENTS FROM BEAUTI- FUL HOME 9 piece French Provincial, cane back chairs. dining room suite, only 3 months old, custom built French Provincial Chesterfield and chair with matching fruit- wood tables and crystal lamps. pair of marble tables. 8 original oil paintings. rug 9‘ x 12". odd lamps. television. 6’ long stereo and other household articles. Articles less than 6 months old. Must sell immediater 481â€" LOVELY new bedroom suite, 5 piece. Queen size Simpson medical mattress, $195. 884- 8737. c1w8 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Sand, crushed stone and lime- stone. Delivered in small quanti- ties. Also lawn and garden fer- tilizer. Delivered and/or applied Top dressing and loam. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. tfc40 12' boat with trailer, winrdsrliireii and steering. Swap for what have you. 884-1344. *1w8 FIREPLACES Special August sale cast iron Franklyn units, colored porceâ€" lain units. ideal for cottages and family rooms, Fire-G10 Cen- tre showroom. 46 Steeles Ave., West 889-3133. c5w5 WOODS freezer 15’, like new, $125. Moffat electric dryer, 3 years old, $75. 884-4006. clw8 ELECTRIC typewriter, recon- ditioning needed. 884-1855 after 6 pm. c1w8 BABY carriage and ‘h‘igh‘chair, excellent condition. 884-5482. c1w8 BOX trailer for sale, $35. 884â€" 5612 after 7 pm. *1w8 STUDIO couch, lamp, table, chairs, bedding, numerous other items. 884-3305. c1w8 good condition, 3.000 miles, $150. 884-4675. c1w8 3 piece bedroom suite, white, $350, in excellent condition. 445-7329 evenings. c1w8 PAYMASTER, Chem? ’Wri-te’r and protector, used. 884-1418. c3w8 Must 5453 1963 Maytag natural gas dryer,’ $95. 889-4645. c1w8 USED bunk beds, $20. Electric range, $15. 884-6177. c1w8 1966 Honda 50, Supersport FOR SALE c1w8 {fc’4aywanted Good wages, good -~w.\vorkin°‘ conditions. 884-6151. “0’ a tfc52 ,pper MALE or female. cooks, 1mm waitresses. dishwashers, port- East. ers. Full or part time. Experi- clwsience not necessary, will train. r832-1555 or call Esso Service . 'gCentre on Highway 400 for :?§‘_fu1'tlie1' information. tfc7 ‘ ferJREAL ESTATE career for men plied‘or women. free extensive train- 111 C‘jing program. special assistance tfc‘w‘to new starters. top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula Realty leited. 222-2525. I “wul‘MIDDLE - aged firiiousekeeper f1) _8“‘wanted, six day week. $200 i monthly plus room and board lOOlwor live out. 884-1322. cle :fiWAITRESSEs wanted, full or dgpart time, daytime 5 days a rims week. Top “ages. Maple Centre ' “ Restaurant, Highway 7, between four I Keele and Jane. c1w8 DAY care and light housekeep- ing for 2 pre-schoolers, Thorn- hill. Apply giving qualifications and reference to Box 77, “The Liberal". c2w7 WOMEN wanted for punch press, day and night shifts. Call 889-7549. Speedex Manufactur- ing Ltd.. 385 Ohio Road, Richâ€" mond Hi1]. tfc6 MALE, young man aged 18 to 21 to work in suburban circula- tion office of large metropoli- tan newspaper. All employee benefits. Good chance of ad- vancement. Phone Toronto Daily Star 884-4408 Richmond Hill. c1w8 ‘DRIVER wanted for tandem dump, over 25, experienced preferred, good wages. 640- 3992. c1w8 PART-TIME executive secret- ary. Shorthand and bookkeep- ing experience desirable. Apâ€" ply to: Colin Robertson, Secret- ary-Treasurer, Central Ontario Regional Library, 24 Wright Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. c1w7 LIBRARY clerical assistant: Typing essential, 35 hour week, with some evening and Satur- day duties. Apply in “Titing to: Colin Robertson. Chief Librar- ian.;Richmond Hill Public Lib- rary. 24 Wright Street. Rich- mond Hill. Ontario cl\\'7 RELIABLE man to look after cleaning and general mainten- ance of automobile dealership. Good opportunity for the right man. Steady employment. Ap- Young men required to work in wood-working plant as painter‘s helper. Company ALMOST-NEW ITEMS MOVIE projector 8 mm. $40; G.E. Electric Chord pianorgan, $35; boy's sidewalk bike $25; Lloyd baby carriage, $20. 884- 5104. c1w8 5173 SOLID oak buffet, 7 h.p. Briggs and Stratton engine, 8 mm movie camera and light meter. All in good condition. 833-5198. c1w8 STORE EQUIPMENT Frozen food display case 8‘ Coldstream. Meat case 8’ Hussâ€" man. Both units operating now. 833-5173. 921-7466. c1\\'8 DAY care required for tva girls near Oak Avenue, Rich- vale. 889-7885. c1w8 BIRD cage and stand and aquariam. 889-2254. clw8 McCLARY electric range $20. 884-3873. FRIGIDAIRE refrigerator, 12 cu. it, used. Good working order. $45. FIRESTONE STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE DRIVER for small firtrractor trailer. 889-1138. c1w8 GI] CLEAN Bushel Baskets. 833â€" INVENTORY SALE Golf Clubs. Complete sets from $37.50. Golf carts, regular $29.95, now $22.95. Lawn Furniture, reduced to cost: Chairs $6.75. Chaise lounge $13.95. Umbrellas $19.95. Tables $9.95. FIRESTONE STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE CLEANING lady for Bayviewl Centre area, Richmond Hill. 884-5767. c1w8 benefits. Apply; Accurate Kitchens and Wood working Ltd.. 378 Newkirk Road‘ Richmond Hill. WANTED, baby sitter to come in, children 5 and 2. $25 weekly, North Richmond Hill, after 6. 884-2459. c1\\'8 l HELP WANTED FACTORY WORKERS FOR SALE [ HELP WANTED , HELP WANTED ,MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIENCED HAIRDRESSER Richâ€" c1w8 cle tfc25 c1w8 ‘35”. c1w8 clws‘CLEANING woman, experienc- 5 ed, one day weekly. Bayview- $40_Laure1eaf, own transportation. MM’ 889-6501. c1w8 c1w8 QUALIFIED mechanic for farm equipment dealer. Must know gas and diesel engines thor- oughly and be capable of re- pairing all phases of hydraulics land transmissions. Good wages for the right man. H. P. Rawluk ;Sales and Service. Newmarket. 895-412]. c2w8 IBUTCHER (BEEF CUTTING). [DRIVER (FOOD DELIVERY) MEAT WRAPPER (FEMALE). Phone for appointment 921- 7466. After 7 pm. 889-3814. SOMETHING NEW IN METRO Homemade corn fritters with maple syrup. The Copper Kettle, 7529 Yonge St. Thorn- hill or 1882 Lawrence Ave. East. c1w8 Male 01' female for modern dry- cleaning plant to start work at beginning of September. 8:00 to 4.30 Monday to Friday and 8:00 to 12.00 every other Satur- day. Good working conditions, year round employment. Apply to Mr. Jack Barth, 198 Yonge St. N. Phone 884-4411 or 773- 5291 for appointment tfc8 STEADY employment offered by old established firm for reâ€" liable, honest persons. 5-day week. “we 00"1°‘°_-_____f‘°° GIRL Friday for office in {Fe FEMALE cook, Dart tlmE, Maple area. Own transporta- small institution. 221â€"2800. mm Can 339-4255. c1w8 TRUCK mechanic foreman, diesel experience preferred. Good working conditions and benefits. G. M. Smith Ltd.. Unionville. c1w8 WAITRESS wanted. Full or part time night duties. Apply Northview Restaurant, North- town Shopping Plaza, Willow- dale. c1w8 pan. Lime nlgm. uuues. Apply Northview Restaurant, North- town Shopping Plaza, Willow- dale. clws WANTED office girl, musti have experience, good pay. Ap- ply in person, Central Van and Storage, 28 Industrial Road. Richmond Hill. c1w8‘ MARRIED woman to assist lab technician 3 days a week. Pre- ferably mechanically minded but not necessarily. Box 78 “The Liberal”. c1w8 VVAITRESSES WANTED D A D'I" 'T‘Y‘IUID “(4“- T uh,»- “an: COUNTRY Fair Drive In Res- taurant requires 2 cooks, one day shift and one night shift available, no experience re- quired. Apply to the Manager at 300 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill 01' Phone 884â€" 8911. c2w8 CLEANING woman required for small private hospital, 'Thornhill area. 40 hour week, 5 rotating schedule, including weekends. Extra benefits. Phone for appointment, 8 am to 6 pm, 889-1127, Mrs. Lodge. c1w8 PART-TIME after Labor Day till end of October. Call Rich- mond Hill Golf and Country Club. 884-8171. c1w8 LADIES -â€" EVENfNG WORK Fine arts â€" Northumbria Can- ada‘s largest distributor of fine table appointments and kitchen accessories, has openings for 2 women in Richmond Hill. Thornhill district. Phone col- lect â€" Mrs. O’Hara 833-5253 or \n‘ite Fine Arts Box 433, King City. Ontario. c4w7 PUNCH PRESS. BRAKE PRESS AND SHEAR OPERATORS Required for afternoon shift. 3.30 pm to 12 midnight. Must be capable of own set-up. Good starting rates plus a generous share of the profits. Apply to the Employment Manager, Can- adian Steelcase Co. Ltd., 7200 Don Mills Road (just north of Steelesi. c1w8 COST ACCOUNTING AND PERSONNEL CLERK Senior matriculant. 20 to 25 years of age for production re- ports, labor statistics. special order costing and other related duties. Also screening applic- ants for plant jobs and mainâ€" tenance of plant personnel records. Splendid opportunity for lst year accounting student. Apply to Mr. Robert Saunders. Employment Manager. Canadian Steelcase Co. Ltd. 7200 Don Mills Road Just north of full time. H( Phone 832-1326 BABYSITTER â€"â€" housekeeper weekly, begin wanted, 12 to 4:30, five days venienvt trans weekly. one schoolage child. hm 339-1268 889-7600. c1w8 â€"*â€"â€" ~--â€"â€"â€"â€"-1 r"-' OFFICE seeigtal‘y, Skilled arid timeIeven’irhflgs and weekends. experienced, pay to match. 0.811 Bayview Variety. Experience 833-5451 during or after office not necessary. 384-3417. clwg hOUI‘S. c2W8 GIRL or woman for housekeep- ing position, live in, private room. Thornhill. Phone 889- 5220. c1w8 TWO waitresses wanted to start September 5, one 7 to 2 and one 7 to 4. Top wages. Peter’s Res- taurant, 7584 Yonge Street, Thornhill. 889-0027 for inter- view. c2w8 FEMALE help wanted, age 25 and up. Fulltime from 9 to 5.30 and from 1.30 to 10, 5 days a week. Apply in person to Mrs. Purvis or phone 889-4615. LEGAL secretary, must have good shorthand and typing. Sal- ary $70-$75 depending on exâ€" perience. 884-1115. tfc8 Hill Required by an electronics sales company. Write full particulars to R. C. Kalmert Sales Ltd.. 359 Enford Road, Richmond PART TIME SECRETARY (Continued) PRESSER Hours 8 to 4.30.|sible. Call 334-2554 an shift, ;ht. Must up. Good generous Apply to clws c1w8 th quIAMESE kittens, champion, c1w8 blue point, champion chocolate lpoint and seal point, males at BK 'stud. Also domestic and part [Persian kittens. to good homes. 0 25 1Cat boarding with outside run. 1‘ Fe:;Bery1 Stewart. 889-2581. tfc8 c1\\8 c1w8 c1w8 tfc6 MATURE married woman, part WANTED permanent par-t time man or girl with knowledge of horses, vicinity Richmond Hill. Apply in writing Box 79 “The Liberal". c1w8 PEKINGESE PUPS 6 months. registered, 9 cham- pions in three generations, rea- sonable. 888-1729 after 6. CLEANING woman, one day weekly, begin immediately, con- venient transportation, Thorn- COOKS wanted, mostly short orders. Must be experienced. Good wages. Full, or partâ€"time. 887-5411. tfc8 WAITRESS wanted, uniforms supplied. Good wages. Full, or part-time. Experienced pre- ferred. 887-5411. tfc8 GARAGE, available SeptenibTeE 20. Plugâ€"in heat. 884-7985. BACHELOR apartment, un- furnished, for rent. Available Sept. 1, Superintendent. 884- 7243 after 6 pm. *2w8 broken, pure bred, papers. 325. 884â€"5506. *lw8 JILL GODDARD for profes. sional Poodle clipping. 7783 Yonge StreeL Thornhill. 889- 3606. tfc35 WANTED Responsible young businessmen age 11-14 to service Globe and Mail routes in Oak Ridges, Richmond Hill and Thornhill. Call 884-3102. c2w8 ROOM for rent or free rent in exchange for light housekeep- ing duties. 884-4110. c2w8 Homemade corn fritters with maple syrup. The Copper Kettle, 7529 Yonge St. Thorn- hill or 1882 Lawrence Ave. East. clw8 BE YOUR OWN BOSS Let me show you how $10 can stant you in business for your- self. Part-time or full-time. Un- limited income potential with early retirement possibilities. Free training. Excellent hus- band and wife team project. In- formation by appointment only. For interview 889-6555 LARGE bright room, suitabié for 2. Phone 889-2254. c1w8 TWO furnished befiom; Parking. 884-7281. clw8 BASEMENT apar‘tment. Kit- chen and bed-sitting room. 884- 3072. c1w8 BAYVIEW Crosby side split 3 KING CITY TRAILERS Travel and tent trailers, sales rentals and service. Rentals from $35 up. 773-4260. tfc2 TENT Trailers. sleeps 4 to 8 people, 2 sizes to choose from. Sets up in 2 minutes. Northern Rentals. 884-5455. tfcfil SOMETHING NEW IN METRO BEAGLE pup. 6 months. house 280 cu. in. inboard hydroplane complete with trailer. 884-5163. c1\\‘8 McCULLOUGH. fibreglass boat, 15'. 1966 model. with conver- tible top and side curtains. Matching tilt trailer. Phone 88-1-3404. c1\\8 bedrooms, screened patio, garâ€"‘1‘“n Wilding, residential and age, Sept” 1. 3135. 222-6134_ indllstl‘ial. Registered 1949 No. C1w3‘122739 Metro Lic. E. 76 Free “" â€" estimates â€" advice. Phone evenâ€" K‘NG CITY TRAILERS .ings. 832-1036 tfc32 FURNISHED room, cooking fa- cilities, 16 Lorne. lst house east of Clark’s Drug store at Yonge. ' tfc24 TWO furnished rooms thr Near bus stop. 884-7985. ROOM for rent, suitigen‘tlemfi 889-5786. CIWB BOATS - MOTORS FURNISHED and unfurnished rooms. 884-1721. tfc19 PETS FOR SALE :0 TO RENT (Continued) WITH? c1w8 c2w8 c2w8 c1 \v9 c2w8 rent. c1w8 Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8; water lines. footings. 889-3604. 1ch Lawn mowers and garden equipment repaired and sharpâ€" ened. New 4-cycle mowers $56.50 and up. GENERAL CONTRACTING AND LANDSCAPING J. Veltheer and Sons. Phone King City, 833-6378 or Bolton 857â€"1811. c20w42 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting. paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. Plastering Thompson Repair Service 105 Hwy. 7 East 889-2973 tfc39 PAINTING Interior and exterior. 884-1311. Call 24 hrs. tfc52 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 PAINTING Exterior and interior. Bunga- lows as low as $100 and up. For good guaranteed work call Lou’s Painting, 223-2679. Stonework, Ostergaard, Richmond 5688. R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Speciality Free Estimates PAINTING & PAPER. HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884-2798. SOMETHING NEW IN METRO Homemade corn fritters with maple syrup. The Copper Kettle, 7529 Yonge St, Thorn- hill or 1882 Lawrence Ave. East. c1w8 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. x‘en‘ tions. additions. and rep Kitchens a specialty. M: Harrison. 884-2833. t Foundations â€"â€" rec. rooms Custom cabinet work. WALKER & MITCHELL 889-2526 884-1245 CALL us for your sand. gravel, fill, top soil and limestone Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple, 832-8876. tfclz Chimneys built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert work- manship. Phone Walker and Mitchell, 889-2526. tfcll TV towers, roof antennas, re- pairs. parts and installations. Math’s TV & Radio Service, 45 Industrial Road, Richmond Hill. 884-7903. tfc37 SEPTIC TANKS Pumped and repaired. Tile Beds THORNHILL SANITARY .â€"â€"::I§El5AIR manual covering 1958 ALTERATÂ¥ONS 1.6mm? cus'iFord Consul. 884â€"6760. clw8 tom building, l'esldentlal and-,7; V_.,_.r_,_,i# WA‘ industrial. Registered 1949 NOJUSED laundry tub mm. m 122739 Metro Lic_ E. 75 Freegood condition. 889-2703. c1\\'8 estimates â€" advice. Phone even-ibfi'fiibiARD motor in good ings. 332-1035 th32icondition, anything from 10 11.1) TREE’C‘UTrnâ€"fii; lto 15 h.p. Best cash offer. 889â€" ‘ I6909. clw8 Dead elms. poplars etc. Cut and removed. ReasonablelDEAD or crippled farm animals rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. lpicked up promptly. For direct tfc13line call Long Distance and ask â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€""'*‘"“‘_ for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. HARRISONS CUSTOM ’Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, .CAPPEATRY ‘Ont. Licence No. 324C â€" 66, GENERAL contracting. altera-l tions and additions, homes. of- fices..factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 CARPENTRY WORK. additions renovations. garages, recreation rooms. tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tf028 STIRLING MAINTENANCE RICHMOND HILL SERVICE 488-7521 PLUMBING & HEATING MASONRY CONTRACTOR PLUMBING - HEATING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 CONTRACTORS RRI, Thornhill. 889-1555 Additions Our Specialty Frame 01' Brick CUSTOM BUILDING ANTENNA SERVICE 9 am. to 5 pm Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe C. STL’NDEN SEPTIC TANKS PCMPED $25.00 E. W. PAYNE CHIMNEYS REPAIRS Fireplace, etc. V. 16 Elizabeth St. S. Hill, phone 884- tfc23 Richmond Hill 889-3185 tfc20 Thornhill renova- repairs Morris tfc45 tfc43 tfc51 tfc31 tfc45 tfc3 A1 CLEANING SERVICES Complete cleaning and main- tenance, industrial. commercial. residential. 884â€"7225. thB DAY care or weekly board â€" children any age. West of Yonge. 773-5964. tfc5 MISCELLANEOUSE USED CARS WILL care for pre-school child, Markham Road and Bayview area. 884-7153. c1w7 DAY care available in my home for children 2 years old and up. 884-1287. clw7 YOUNG grandmother will give loving care to child. 884-8822. c3w7 5 day 3 Lee, 264 DAY care available, Cartier Crescent and Bayview area. 884-8543. c1w8 DAY care available, school child, Baythorn Public School area. 53 daily. 889-2328. c1w8 DAY care available home, )Iaple. 832-113 HORSES BOARDED lBoy‘: Excellent condition, beautiful 7860‘ riding country. Box stalls, $45 M monthly. 888-1715. clw8imm1 CONCRETE REPAIRS Brick and masonry repairs, home improvements. Phone day or night. 884-1311. tfc8 DAY care available in my home. Highway 7 and Bayview area. 889-1672. c1w8 DAY care available in my.home in Beverley Acres. 884-8708. WILL care for children in my home. Markham and Bayview district. 884â€"5286. c1\\'8 SEPTIC tanks removed, chim- neys rebuilt, patios, curbs, flower boxes, verandahs built, cement repairs. 889-3517. c4w7 WILI 4009 Complete janitor service 884-6208. PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work. 24 hours emergency calls, (work guaran- teed). tfc38 CARPENTRY, decorating and painting. Alterations, repairs and recreation rooms. 884-5009. BEAUTY HELP \VANTED? Learn Ern Westmore’s method of skin care and beauty appli- cation using a new fruit made line of cosmetics. Compliment- ary h o m e demonstrations provided. Holiday Magic Cos- metics representative 884-3021. c1w8 KEITH McLAREN TRENCHING Backhoe with operator. Rich- mond Hill. schoolers in my and Markham Ro LEONARD] BROS. CONSTRUCTION Concrete. sewer connections, patios, fireplaces, general re- pairs. 889-5228 French and German speaking. tfc5 PETERS UPHOLSTERY 47 INDUSTRIAL ROAD TELEPHONE 884-2189 Large collection of fabrics and vinyls. European craftsmanship. Get your furniture recovered while you are on holiday. Also available, all kinds of rocking and reclining chairs. Reasonable prices c14w51 . Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, 9to 12 Saturday STIRLING MAINTENANCE RICHMOND HILL SERVICE WINDOWS CLEANED RESIDENTIAL WALL WASHING 884-1311 - Call 24 Hrs. D.AND B. JANITORIAL SERVICES ALUMINUM SIDING Free Home Estimates 884-7768 BARN PAINTING All types. 884-1311 DAY CARE WANTED Free estimates 884-7331 Phone 884-877 1 week day care. Mrs Neal Drive. 884-8376 (Continued) PATIOS for infan area in my . Need lead guitarist and lei‘fl“? drummer for established grow 0 pre- Already have club booking fo‘ Baker mid September. muat be \‘el'Sa‘ c13wl c1 “'8 tfc44 clw89CIâ€"IEST., Geld. Placed in west- u.,de[.;e1-n competition, good jumping area.‘ prospects, well mannered, easy “Waite work. Excellent pleasure ._[horse. 225-5310. c1w8 c1w8 c1 “‘8 cle tfc41 c4w6 tfc52 L- tile and wi’lling to j0' 7 Call 884-3519 after 5 1958 Chev. '6 cyl. automatic, 4 door. with radio. Also 1959 [Ford Custom radio with speaker and aerial. 884-2745 jetter 6 pm. c2w8 1960 Karmann Ghia conVer-tible. ‘Boy's bicycle, 28” wheels. 884- GIRL 16, would like baby sit- ting job around Victoria Square larea. 887-5552. c1w8 ‘OTFICE' assistant available ’Phone evenings, 884-2763. MAN looking for part time work, evenings, from 6 to 12. 889-7472. c1w8 YOUNG MEN. 16-19, looking for work. Anything considered. Can you help us. Call Salvation Army. 839-7655. tfc29 RETIRING from RCAF avail- able 1 November. Extensive administrative experience par- ticularly in statistics and data collection. Require part or full time position. Resume on re- quest. Phone Schomberg 939- EXPERIENCED c l e a n i n g woman, own transportation, one or two days weekly, $12.50 1161' day. 884-8737. clw8 §E_S§6N§IELE 'y‘o'Li'ng man wants permanent position. any- thing considered. 884-8324. TWO babysitters, 13 and 16, available for 7 to 9 bowling Monday to Friday, Crosby~ Markham-Bayview area. 884- 3733. c1w8 SOMETHING NEW IN METRO' Homemade corn fritters with! maple syrup. The Copper Kettle, 7529 Yonge St. Thorn- hill or 1882 Lawrence Ave. East. c1w8| 4-. u‘vllv ; v has... _____._____ GERMAN RIDING SCHOOL Do you have a’ drmkmg PrOb' MAGISCROFT 19m- If 50_ AA can 11.8111 writdBoarding, instruction. training. §9§M8§;_Blchmond Hill, 01“ fell‘transportation. 884-6975. c3w8 1959 Mercury, new automatic transmission and battery. Motor in good condition, $150. 884- 1016. c1w8 59 Pontiac Laurentian, éfiioma- tic. radio. 884â€"6630. c1w8 1959 Ford 6, standard: Mech- anically good, needs some body work. Best offer. 884-3759. EM.6-3684 1962 Volkswagen window van with 2 rear seats and heater. Ideal for family travelling. $850 or best offer. 884-6337. 1965 International ’I‘ravelall station wagon $1,800, good for camping or deliveries. 147 Gar- den Avenue, Thornhill 889-5163. tfc50 CAPABLE woman available for housework. Tuesdays, Wednes- days and Thursdays. 884-5007. clw8 truck, $200 or best offer. Call 884-6087. c1w8 1960 Rambler Amei‘ican, good condition, $70. Basement apart- ment, 60 Rockport Crescent, Richmond Hill. *1w8 1964 Corvette Stingray coupe, 327 c.u., 300 h.p. 4 speed. Pri- vate. Days 884â€"4494, evenings and weekends. 884-5279. c1w8 1962 vw 1500 station'fi'gon, new motor, A-l condition, $750. 112-476-4361 Keswick. c2w7 Special risks written. Financing for autos and insurance. 921- 2167, 889-7800. Mr. Tucker. 1960 Chevrolet half tonipanel 66 Austin 1100, excellent condi- tion, 1,300 miles, $1,000. 884- 7225. clw8 PRIVATE 66 Honda 305, low mileage, many extras, must sell, $550 or best offer. 773-5398. clw8 YOUNG man, with’truck, will cut lawns. Reasonable. 884- 2390. ’“lw8 1967 Jeep, 6,000 miles, V6 motor, many options. snowplow. Private. Days. 884-4494, even- ings and weekends. 884-5279. MOTORBIKE. Yamaha 1966, 80 c.c. in excellent condition. Best offer. 636-2217. c1w8 DUTCH lady wants housework. 884-8535. c1w8 EMPLOYMENT WANTED LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERSONAL AUTO INSURANCE tfc17 Eitarist and be cl “'8 g for DESIGNING DRESSMAKING clw8 c1w8 834- ROOM ar}d board for girl or sxlwglgentlemang. 884-1016. c1w8 [51; Ac¢ommodation Wanted ‘ Room {and board and house- clwg keeping rooms are required â€"â€"fâ€" Searly eptember for students of S or‘Seneca‘ College. Accessibility to -33:';Sheppérd and Yonge or public 9 ' transpc'prtation to that point is cgvsfiesirabyle. Please write: in 51‘ Rooms Registry, . one: Pp. Box 40, Dpér Willmulale. Ontario. or cl\\'8 Tél: 223-4130 or 223-9661 tfc46 c1w3 c1w8 c1w8 nn \v7 lTELEVISIONS, air, condition- ‘ers, refrigerators, stoves, wash. vers, dryers, fur ’iture. 223- 2270, 6309 Yonge55treet, Wil- lowdale. - tfc3 iRIDING SCHOOLS WA TED. working at CNE, fron 8.30 â€" 5, desires ride fro, Richmond Hill. 884-5523. , *lw8 TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from stop 21 Yonge Street, Riflwale to Douglas Aircraft. Malton. Arrive 7.45, leave 4.15. 889-3726. c1w8 ROOM and board for woman teacher [or nurse in quiet home near Ybnge St. 889-7047. *1w8 PIANO LESSONS - $2.50 individual 1/2 hour, $1.00 group 1”; hour begniners to A.R.C.T. MUSICIANS’ SCHOOLS 884-2310 The Four Winds Nursery School 7951 Yonge Street, Thornhill. mornings and afternoons and all day school. Transportation available. 889-4664. tfc12 CLEAN (room. good food for men only/', 7 days a week. 389- 6288. ) c1w8 TOURS, cruises, rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- ua; travel, call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889-7096. RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach~ ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761. T ORNHILL Any landscal e gardening, hedge clipping, sto'ne work, rockerics, patios, etc.\ Rockeries, walls, flagstones an)d top soil by load. Free estimaJLes. 889-6338. c5w5 WOMAN withiiu‘ee children desperater needs ccommoda- tion. Phone 884-80 5. c2w7 4 room flat eqTxined, reason- able rent, Richvaie Thornhill area. 851-2554. . cle MR. MACPHERSON, self-con- tained accommodation, profes« sional man. i‘\deal tenant, quiet. Box 261, Maple. *lws C TIVATION Rotovating Seeding and sodding or soil pre ared for you, try our flail mowe ' for a neat job of grass and weed cutting on clean lots. 834-2afi37. tfc47 ROOM and BOARD WANTED immedflatély, 3 room unfurnished flat; 884-2554. COUPLE requires 'baSEmem; apartment with fridge and stove. 225-8712: cle 3 bedroom )' house, preferably with fireplaice, but not essen- tial. Daytime 884-8011, even- ings 651-3880. tch RICHMONID HILL or surround- ing area, 3} bedroom house re- quired be are October 11, by family wit% 3 young children. Call 766-3 23. c1w8 HANSEN S LANDSCAPING Clean-ups and complete land- scaping. S mdy loam, 5 yd. load, $24, 3 yd. load $15. Phone after 6, all day' weekends, 889-1286. tfc42 PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK 0R MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 DRESSMAKING Transnortation TOOLS & EQUIPMENT RENTALS GAimENING NURSERY SCHOOL WANTED TO RENT TRAVEL MUSIC 884-6869 and I'estyling tfc31 c1\\8 tfc43 c2w7- tfc47 clwa

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