Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Aug 1967, p. 11

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Rehearsals are well underway for the Curtain Club's opening production. Pool‘s Paradise, 3 rollicking English comedy, which starts September 29. The play is being directed by Ron Solloway and includes many well known local actors and act- resses including Mary Monks, Dennis Stainer. Trevor Stanley, Joan Harold. Kay Turner. Beth Jones. John Tidswell and Gerry Crack. During their holiday, on a stopover in Hartland, New Brunswick, to get pictures of the famed covered bridge, Mr. Lotin visited the offices of the weekly newspaper The Observer, to ex- change greetings m‘th fellow newsmen. Tickets are already available and may be obtained by calling 884-7660. Vacationing Mayor Thomas Broadhurst. Mrs. Broadhurst and family, accompanied by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Ar- thur Smith, visiting from Birm- ingham. England. have returned to their Starlight Crescent home. Jim Lotin, a member of the advertising staff of “The Liber- al" and his daughter. Linda, have recently returned from a vacation trip through the Mari- time Provinces, Prince Edward Island and Nova Scotia. where they travelled the scenic Cabot Trail. ‘ Enjoying perfect weather they spent their first week visiting Niagara Falls. Meaford and other places of local interest in the area and their second, at a cottage on Lake St. George in Muskoka. From here they took daily trips to Honey Harbour, Gravenhurst and Orillia. They had visited Expo previ- ously, spending three days there in July. v- -VAvuyu. . . . The sale will feature handi- swimming’ dancing and Sigmgcrafl displays, home baking. a seeing made a week's stay in white elephant booth. used Nassau, Bahamas, 3 perfectldoming- Children's toys and summer holiday for Miss Mary hoOkS elc- The (11‘le 1:01“ the Linton, daughter of Mr, and Centenmal Rose qullt mll also Mrs. Norman Linton. so Weld- take plage. A rick Road,'and two girlfriends. Donatlons of saleable articles All three are employed in the would be very much appreciated offices of the Robert Simpson andpickups can be arranged by Company, calllng 884-1529. Their guests were Maemle Bilby of Roseland. New Jersey: Helen Bilby. Douglas McFarlane and children. Valerie. Marylee and David: Avril Ridley, Keith. Joan and Sandra Connelly: Wayne and Maya Bettridge and Ted and Florence Bettridge, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Philip and their son Paul, Sussex Ave- nue, returned on Monday from three weeks holiday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Crosman, at their home in Prince Edward Island. Mr. Philip is the chalrman of the town recreation committee. A happy family re-union took place last Sunday. when Mrs. Alma Bettridge and son Garry. 189 Church Street South, were hosts at; a dinner party for many of their relatives. g Derek and Gordon Adnams, 3 sons of Mr. and Mrs. Charles hllAclnams, Alper Street. nave“ spent the summer months cam-3 y paigning in the northwest New §’9Y01‘k State as an evangelical‘ :‘.team for the Salvation Army,’ ” [playing and singing gospel songs‘ "with\v beat. Some theyl h.have composed themselves and? y[others are from the repertoire: of the well known English Sa1â€"‘ elvation Army group, The Joy glstrings. 1 They started at the Salvation Army Camp in Pennyan, Genâ€" eva, counselling and as directors of the musical program, and also took part in a live broadcast at {the local radio station â€"â€" one of ‘the first musical teams to do so, ‘as most radio programs are re- icorded. They then continued to Coming and Niagara Falls. ‘where they performed nightly 111 ‘Prospect Park Derek, 19. who plays the drums, is in his second year in the general arts course at York University and Gordon 17, who plays the electric guitar, will be entering grade 13 at Bayview Secondary School. Miss Candee will return to the Hill on September 2 to prepare for her fall dancing season. The girls get a change in pace with jazz instruction from Brian Foley, well known 'l‘o-ron- to dance instructor and televi- sion choreographer. The sale Will feature handifi Guest of the Deutsche Schre- Craft displays, home baking. a:berjugend_ Penny spent several white elephant booth. usedldays touring the Ruhr District.‘ clothing. children's toys and 1 10 days in Essen, with side trips books etc. The draw for thelto Bergkamen. Dortmund and Centennial Rose quilt will alsoiBochum. She spent another 10 take place. days enjoying the sights in,‘ Donations of saleable articles Hamburg, and the final part of would be very much appreciated her trip in the city of Berlin. and pickups can be arranged by taking several trips into East calling 884-1529. Berlin via Check Point Charlie. CIH‘I'Y. Miss Penny Grieve of Sugar 0 O 0 Maple Lane. returned On August The East Central Brallch 0915 from a five-week tour of YCHA are holding their annual Germany. during which she vis- furniture and rummage sale 0“ ited many places of interest and October 14 at the Lions Hal]. [beauty~ Peter Tompkins 0f Tompkins Markham, Laverock Avenue. Chrysler-DOdge Liniited, recentâ€"I Christine Burnett. an 11 year 15’ attended a Six‘week amogold pupil of Mrs. Markham, also mel‘ChandiZing conference in‘entered the competitions, in the Den'Oit- He “'35 one Of seven 1 16 years and under group. in the Dodge dealer’s sons who touredlBeethoven‘s sonata class and, the DOdge Hamtl‘aka assembthlthough not placed, gave an Plant 311d were giVen a Dre\'i9\\’iexcellent performance, receiv- of the 1968 Dodge model line byiing 309;. General Manager Robert B. Mc- . . . Curry. Miss Penny Grieve of Sugar Two local residents “ere suc- cessful in the June examinations of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries â€"- H. F. Weber of 424 Osiris Drive passed part one of the exams and Edward Kenny of 441 South Fernleigh Circle, part two. 1‘ Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a pale pink A-line gown. trimmed with white daisy lace at the bodice. It_was fashioned with elbow- length sleeves and a flowing daisy lace trimmed train which was held at the neckline mm a pink silk bow. Her headpiece was of white satin leaves trim- Pink gladioli and‘ white chu‘ysanthemums decorated St. Matthew's United Church, Rich- mond Hill East, for the June 16 evening wedding of Judith Helena Ann Frank to Ronald Kostuik. Rev. F. J. Burn offic- iated at the double ring cere- mony. Traditional wedding music was played on the organ by Mrs. Percy Rensham and Bud Renshaw sang "I Believe" and “Walk Hand in Hand With Me". The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Frank of 247 Ashlax‘ Road. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Kostuik of 43 Goldwin Avenue. Toronto. med fell The Jacksons had just return- ed at the end of July from an Ashram Retreat at Keuka Col- lege, Lake Keuka, New York State. There were 180 persons at the Ashram, an equal number of negro and white people. dur- ing the time that the riots were at their worst in American cit- iesr But this will be reported in these columns at a later date. The previous week three girls who had been conducting vaca- tion schools for Indian children at the reservation at Parry ls- land. Curve Lake, Cape Croker and Saugeen Chippewa Hill, had travelled quite a distance in their voluntary summer work as Y-Teens. Miss Maggie Bearskin came from Fort George, James Bay. Pearl Windjack from Ogoki, Northern Ontario, and Rosanne Perrault from the Gar- den River Reservation, near Sault Ste. Marie. Last Wednesday Mrs. Jackson drove the latest group of four young ladies to Malton Airport to catch the plane for Edmonton and on to Yellowknife, capital of the Northwest Territories. One of the girls, Evie Ikidluak is a Canadian Eskimo from Povongnituk in the Quebec Arcâ€" tic. Two girls are from St. Catharines. Judi Turonski and Sandy Allen and one from Bar- rie, Dana Metcalfe. They are on their way to a leadership train- ing camp north of Yellowknife on Great Slave Lake. After see- ing the girls off, Mrs. Jackson caught the plane to North Bay where she is the speaker at a conference of Indian homemak- ers at Garden Village Indian Reservation, Sturgeon Falls. Members of YWCA Y-Teens groups who have been working with Indian children on reser- vations have been guests of Rev. Fred Jackson and Mrs. Jackson, Hillsview Drive, during this month. On several occasions. Penny lived with German families for two or three days at a time, and found them to be gracious and charming hosts. Last week, two Indian girls from the Cape Crocker Reserâ€" vation, Emilie and Sheila Aki- wenzie, were guests while atâ€" tending Sunnybrook Hospital Outpatient Clinic. after assist- ing in the vacation school at Cape Croker, Bruce Peninsula. Color Scheme In Pink And White As Judith Frank Weds R. Kostuik Christine Burnett. an 11 year old pupil of Mrs. Markham, also entered the competitions, in the 16 years and under group. in the Six-year-old Sandra Markham won a bronze medal in the 6 year and under class at the CNE Piano Competitions held last Monday. Sandra, 3 grade 2 pupil at MacKillop Public School, is the daughter of two local piano teachers. Estelle and Ralph Markham, Laverock Avenue. Returning from holidays â€" at the cottage. on the boat. from parts of Canada, the States or overseas? The Social Editor Margot Crack would appreciate hearing of these and other news items for inclusion in “Life in the llill“ columns. The service is free â€" phone 884-1105-6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we’ll be pleased to hear from you. vith crystal from which pink bouffant veil. She A farewell party was held on Wednesday last for Miss Janet Thomson. daughter of Professor W. S. Thomson and Mrs. Thom- son, Vaughan Road, who. having ‘completed a month’s training course with CUSO in Montreal. left on Saturday for two years ,in Kenya. Convener Mrs. Carol McDon-l wald, has announced this year's lcommittee members â€" Mrs. Madeleine McLeod, Mrs. Shirley White. Mrs. Ruth MacLean, Mrs. Lee Milligan. Mrs. Reva Acton, Mrs. Kay Hall and Mrs. Jean‘ Bowers. , Tickets are now on sale and may be obtained by calling Mrs. W. Ellis at 884-4381. The reception for 125 guests was held at the Golden Doors of Yorkdale. where a five course dinner was served to orchestral music. The table linen was in pink and the flowers were pink gladioii \n‘th white Chrysanthe- mums. The dinner featured French service and was follow- ed by the setting up of a beauti- ful sweet table. The Dennis Moore School of Modelling has the solution. Among their many activities startling mid-September will be a Housewives Self-Improvement Course conducted by Rusty Knight, .3 high fashion model, who will also be running the school. carried a bouquet of miniature chrysanthemums and pale pink roses. Her attendants were Mrs. Sandra Himelstein, her cousin and Roslyn Wilson. Both wore gowns of white beaded silk with pink bodices and flowing pink chiffon skirts. They carried bouquets of pink roses and white carnations. Clark Kostuik was his broth- er‘s best man and Raymond Frank. the bride's ‘brother, Dave Saunders and Tom Le- Sarge were the ushers. The presentation, in the form of a fashion show, consists of 39 women’s costumes dating from the visits of early explorers to the early 1900’s. Replicas of the dresses worn by such fam- ous women as Madame Cham- plain, Mrs. John Graves Simcoe and Laura Secord are included in the show. Members of the model- the costumes Aiter a week’s honeymoon spent at Expo ‘67. Mr. and Mrs. Kostuik have taken up residence at 16 Almore Avenue, Downs- Her brothers. John. from Vicâ€" toria, BC, and Bob, currently appearing at The Academy Theatre in Lindsay, returned home the prevzous weekend for a family re-union and fond fare- wells. This year's summer fashions have been adaptable to all fig- ures, but what of the talored look for the fall? Extra inches will make a lot of difference to the fit of your winter wardrobe and now is the time to correct the problem be- fore the fall social season he- gins. The Sugar and Spice Club en- joyed a garden party August 23 at the home of Mrs. B. Shep- pard, Arnold Street. Ontario's famous historical fashion pageant. Portraits from the Past, will be presented in Richmond Hill United Church on September 14, under the sponsorship of the UCW. \‘le Following a wonderful out- door dinner, pictures were taken of Mrs. A. Young and Mrs. J. Thompson in their evening gowns. Members then adjourned to the house to play cards follow- ed by a business meeting. The new executive for the coming year is President Mrs. Shep- pard, Secretary Mrs. Thompson, Treasurer Mrs. B. Houle, Press Secretary Mrs. M. Clement. The next meeting will be held September 20 at the home of Mrs. Sheppard. marking the 17th season of the club. Mrs. T. F. Gleason of Church Street South. returned on Sun- day from five weeks’ stay in Renfrew. visiting her sister. Mrs. E. McAndrew, who is a patient in Victoria Hospital. The many friends of Mrs. Sil Steffan are pleased to hear she is now convalescing at her Elm- wood Avenue home following several weeks in York Central Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Al Keith. Bed- ford Park. returned on Saturday evening from holidays at Expo and Cape Cod‘ Mr. Keith is the proprietor of Keith’s Supertest Service Sta- tion on Yonge Street South. Best wishes an a quick return to The Women of St. Mary’s are busily preparing for their an- nual rummage sale which will be held this year on September 30. are extended for to health. the UCW will Ian Adnams attended ’the Salvation Army Camp at Jack- son’s Point last week where he won the senior instrumental !award on the comet. A miscellaneous shower was held on August 15 at the home of Mrs. D. Fettes, Trayborn Drive, for Miss Bethia Mayhew, prior to her marriage to Bill Turner, last Saturday in Rose- dale United Church. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Fettes, Mrs. B. Houle, Mrs. A. Blackburn, Mrs. T. Day and Mrs. D.’ Davison. Mrs. Houle poured tea assisted by Mrs. Blackburn. Guests attended Simcoe. Port Credit. and Weston. Forty friends attended the shower and Miss Joan Fettes as- sisted the bride in opening her many beautiful and varied gifts. Bethia is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Edson Mayhew of Rosedale and Bill, the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, Rumble Avenue. Ian is the 13-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Adnams, Alper Street, and will be enter- ing grade 9 at Bayview Second- ary School in September. Sympathy is extended to Wil-l Mr. and Mrs. Victor Grisold liam K. Ellis. head of the guid-‘and family of Wenlock Street ance department at Bayview‘have moved from Richmond Hill Secondary School. who wasto Ottawa. Mr. Grisold has bereaved ~of his mother. 1V1rs.!been postmaster at Aurora for Kenneth G. Q. ElliS. in Torontofiseveral years and has now been August 20. itransferred to the Post Office 0 O O iDepartment in Ottawa‘ STORE HOURS Monday to Friday ] pm. to 9 pm. Saturday 9 am. to 6 pm. A reminder that the neu‘ semester is beginning with private tuition m accordion, guitar, piano Weyerhaeuser Canada Limited, Richmond Hill, requires a skilled Secretary to complement the present staff. We offer pleasant working conditions in a modern local office building. The benefits offered include Company paid Hospit- alization, Medical Insurance and Pension Plan. Remuneration is commensurate with experience. The new locatibn is the realization of an eight-year dream of the proprietor and his wife. With a dextrous snip of the scissors Councillor Lois Hancey cut the ribbon and declared the new Bork’s Jewellers’ store at the corner of Yonge Street and Lorne Avenue officially open, August 24. Mrs. Hancey is seen on the left, with Sam Knights, the firm’s watch repairman. Mrs. Bork and Julius Bork, who has conducted a similar business at 88 Yonge Street South for the past 10 years. Guaranteed dependable musical instruments of all types Please apply Ely/1t Year Dream Comes True 1 Yonge Street 5., corner Centre Street SECRETARY from Lake Newmarket RICHMOND HILL to L. 'l‘l'l‘H E COT’l' 884-1 122 Our fast teaching; methods and qualified instructors develop the natural mus- ical talent any youngster has. Now is a good time to find out with music lessons. We supply the in- strument for 8 weeks free, with tuition at cost. His wife, Helen. and children, Kathryn, Peter and Margaret, accompanied him to Kingston and the family rented a cottage at Collins Bay, for the duration of the course. They then drove to Montreal. where they spent four days at Expo, and completed their hou- day with a short sightseelng tour of Quebec Clty. Donald K. Frise of Lucas Street, technical director at Bay- view Secondary School, has just completed a summer course at Queen‘s Universlty. All corps of Richmond Hill tions this month Majorettes will be participating Diana Bebelofi in the Labor Day parade at the ed 10 entered CNE. The marshalling point is and under ag Spadina at St. Andrew’s, the placed 4th with time is 8.30 to 9 pm and the est being 37%_ parade will enter the exhibition 3rd season of s grounds by the Dufferin Street judieator's rema] gates and proceed to the ball nically neat and diamond. Judith Dndsn‘ Mr. and Mrs. Al Horwood and daughters Lynn and Judy of Mill Street, have returned home from a three week camp- ing vacation spent at various points in Northern Ontario. Diana Bebeloff who just turn- ed 10 entered the 10 years and under age group and placed 4th with 83%, the high- est being 87%. She is in her 3rd season of study. The ad- judicator's remarks were “tech- nically neat and clear in detail”. Judith Dodson entered the sonata group playing Beetho- ven‘s Sonata which the adjudi- cator felt was played accurately and received 77%, the highest being 86%. T\\o piano pupils of Miss Ruth Garson ADCM were chosen to e_nter the ONE Music Competi- Congratulations are extended to both these students who only had eight lessons to prepare for the competitions. Special cash prizes will be awarded for a model of a pion- eer boy or girl, 31,-: feet or more tall. This competition is open to all children up to and includâ€" ing 15 years of age. “Canadiana‘ will be the theme of the Centennial flower show and fall fair being held September 16 by the local Hor- ticultural Society at the Lions Hall. Teen-Agers 3 Years and up Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Tap Ballet Baton Modern Jazz Toe Acrobatic Ballroom Keep Fit 49 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL DANCING Children Adults THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug FALL REGISTRATION Dennis Moore' ONE HOL'R LESSONS SEPTEMBER 5. 6. 8 â€" FROM 2)‘ TO 9 P.M. STUDIO OPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12TH REGISTRATION AT THE STUDIO \ \ \ «Axwxx \wx' \ WT “\Nxxxmxxwmm ‘ ” ‘W‘ ““m "EX ‘ ” ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' " GLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE Dnnvnuno fin!) A I I urnn A \Inwrlnn A \YI" d) 70 Yonge St. South (Opp. Odeon Theatre) g; r 5; FOR OPENING SPECIALS CALL: 881-8271 K g) V( ‘VE ARE SPECIALISTS IN: } g . Styling Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church. Bayview Avenue. was the scene of the August 5 wedding of Mar- garet Ann Kelly to Anthony Dempsey. Rev. Father C. J. Schwalm officiated at the nup- tial mass with Papal Blessing. The wedding music was played by J. W. Ingram. Both bride and groom came to Canada a year ago from Ire- land. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kelly of Westport. County Mayo, Ireland and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Dempsey of Castlebar, County Mayo. Ireland. Given in marriage by Mr. George Doherly. the bride was gowned in a white chiffon gown over silk. fashioned wit-h Em- pire waist accented with ap- pliqued daisies and lily-point sleeves. A train trimmed with appliqued daisies fell from the waist and a ring of lily-of-the- valley held her shoulder-length veil. Her bouquet was of white orchids. Maid of honor Donna Dick was gowned in floor-length aqua blue chiffon over silk with Empire waist and short sleeves. Flowers made of the same mat- erial held a small veil on her head. Her bouquet was of pink carnations. Honeymoon In Northern Ontario Irish Couple Will Live In Hill EXPERT COSMETIC ADVICE Free Parking at Rear 3 Flower Girl Laura Jean BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES. TOURS AND CRUISES 85 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL For your convenience 2 lines to serve you AGE GROUP 4 to 6 â€" 7 to and 1] to 1-“ Teenage Class SCHOOLS OF We carry a large selection of hair pieces, falls & wigs in human hair ara Rose GROUPS â€" 7 to 10 l] to 13 884-8191 0 Coloring and Permanents 0 Cutting 10% REDUCTION TO ALL OUR DANCE STUDENTS Outâ€"ofâ€"town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Gary Brown, the bride's brother-in-lmv and sister from Hanover, New Hampshire and Patrick Hughes. the groom's cousin. Philadelphia, Pennysyl- vania A reception follower! at, the Yangtze Pagoda Restaurant. For the wedding trip to Northern Ontario. the bride chose a two-piece emerald green suit with beige accessor- ies. On their return Mr. and Mrs. Dempsey took up rosi- dence at 525 Lynett Crescent. Out-ofâ€"town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. Longman “as gowned in rose satin. with matching floral headdress and small veil. She carried a basket of blue carna- tions. James Doran was the grooms man. MONSTER BINGO Follow the FRIDAY, SEPT. 15 884-8192 Makeup Posture Skin Care Walking Runway Photography Wardrobe Grooming Housewives Self-improvement (‘ourse MODELLING SPECIAL 10 LESSON Only $57.50 884- 2875 1967 196 Arrows

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