9 Benson Street, Thornhlll _ SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 9.50 am. â€"- Bible School 11'.00 a.m. & 7.00 pm. Rev. T M. Watson Midweek Hour Wednesday. 7.30 pm. Supervised Nursery at all Lord’s Day Activities LANGSTAFF BAPTIST CHURCH (Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada) 26 Church Street. Thornhlll Pastor: Rev. Thomas M. Watson RICHMOND HILL BAPTIST CHURCH (A Fellowship Church) 50 Wright Street (Opposite the High School) Pastor: Rev. A. B. Arnot. D.D. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 9.45 am. -â€" Bible School for all Ages 11 am. â€"â€" Subject: “ A Nation Awakes" 7 pm. â€" Special Prayer for Billy Graham Converts. Billy Graham Service at CNE 3 pm. A Warm Welcome To All HOLY TRINITY CHURCH THORNHILL Brooke and Jane Streets Rector Rev. E. Reginald Howden, B.A., L. Th. Estelle Markham, ARCT., RMT. Organist. and Choir Director SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 TRINITY XV 8 am. â€" Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Morning Prayer The Rev. H. R. Howden ST. STEPHEN'S CHURCH Maple The Anglican Church of Canada Rector: Rev. Ramsay Armitage, 8 am. -- Holy Communion 11 am â€" Morning Prayer Holy Communion on 2nd Sunday of month at 11 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 TRINITY x1v 11 am. ~â€" Morning Prayer THE CHURCH OF ST. GABRIEL THE ARCHANGEL Bayview at Crosby Richmond Hill Rev. William E. Moore 884-4236 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 TRINITY XV 8 am. â€"- Holy Communion 10 am. â€" Parish Communion (Sunday School Begins Next Sunday All Welcome ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH Richmond Hill Rector: Rev. J. F. O’Neil Honorary Assistant: The Rev. F. C. Jackson SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 TRINITY XV 8.00 am. â€" Holy Communion 10.30 am. â€" Parish Communion Family Worship and Nursery Care Wednesday 10 am. â€"â€" Holy Communion MAPLE ALLIANCE CHURCH l Stop 17. range Street Maple Community Centre Rev. Minton Johnston, DD, Min. Keele Street North, Maple Organist: MlSS Carol Ward Pastor: D. S. Davidson SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 Sunday Services 10 am. â€"â€" Senior Sunday School 9.45 am. Sunday School '11 am. â€" Service of Worship 11 am. â€"â€" Worship Service Nursery and Junior School 7 p.m. â€"â€" Evening Service Visitors Welcome Wednesday, 8 pm. ‘ Home Bible Study and Prayer ST- JOHN’S BAPTIST CHURCH Meeting 75 Oxford Street ' Richmond Hill ( Convention of Ont. 8: Que.) A N G L I N Rev. J. R. W. Lawrence B.A.. B.D.. Pastor Church 884-6323 â€".â€"â€".â€"__â€"_.‘ ST. MARY'S 10 am. - Morning Worship ANGhICAN CHURCH Sunday School meets again onl R Richmond Hill September 10. ‘ egg; Rev. O’Neil Union SerVices with Thornhlll orary SSIStaM: Baptist, 8000 Yonge Stu Theillev. F. C. Jackson Thornhill Date: Wednesday, Sept. 6th Speakers: Rev. A. B. Arnot Rabbi Dr. M. J. Burak Rev. F. C. Jackson Rev. J. J. Opmeer Time: 8.00 P.M. Place: Richmond Hill Public Library Non-partisan religious leaders from differing faiths discuss their ideas on the above question. Religion and Politics How far should a seriously relig- ious person be involved in political action EMMANUEL ANGLICAN CHURCH Mackay Drive - Richvale Rev. K. A. Thatcher 88945789 Mrs. E. V. Collier ATCL Organist BAPTIST Practise What You Preach (In Social Action, War) SPONSORED BY THE YORK CENTRE N.D.P. CARRVILLE UNITED CHURCH 9:45 am. â€" Worship Service and Sunday School SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 10 am. â€" Morning Worship Rev. D. T. Evans Guest Organist: Mr. Terry Samuel, Mus. Bac.. Willowdale. No Evening Service During August You Are Always Welcome SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 10 am. â€"- St. Andrew’c Church 11.15 am. â€"â€" St. Paul’s Church September 10 11.15 am. -â€"â€" St. Paul‘s Anniver- sary. St. Andrew’s Service With- drawn.' THORNHILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Hwy. '13, 1/2 Mile West of Yonge Rev. Dilwyn T. Evans, Minister SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 10 (2 Miles South of Maple) Rev. John Arbuckle, Pastor Organist Mrs. J. Keffer For Information call the Pastor at 832-2528 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 11 am. -â€" Worship Service (The Friendly Church) CHRIST THE KING LUTHERAN CHURCH Thornhill - Langstaff - Richvale Arnold D. Weigel, B.A., B.D.. Pastor 24 Orlon Crescent. Thornhlll Phone: 889-7216 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 9.30 am. ~â€" The Service Nursery Provided The Service at Thornhill Masonic Hall, Elgin Sbreet Thornhill XV Sunday After Trinity 11 am. â€" The Service Sunday Church School will reâ€" open next Sunday, September 10, at 9.30 am. Nursery Care is provlded during the Service Visitors Are Welcome ST. PAUL‘S LUTHERAN CHURCH Bayview Avenue 5., Near Centre St. Richmond Hill The Rev. James S. Dauphinee Pastor 884-5264 SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 7th Concession, Vaughan Rev. B. F. Andrew, Minister PRESBYTERIAN 0 am. â€" Morning Worship Guest Speaker: J. Moorhead RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. J. N. Hepburn, Minister Mrs. Vera Diamond Organist and Choir Leader Organist: Miss Carol Ward SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 10 a.m. â€" Senior Sunday School 11 am. â€" Service of Worship Nursery and Junior School Visitors Welcome (Convention of Ont. 8: Que.) Stop 17, Yonge Street Rev. Minton Johnston, DD, Min. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ST. ANDREWS PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Maple, Ontario and ST. PAUL’S CHURCH LUTHERAN UNITED "Him That Comet/1 to Me i $93th i Conservation Authority Approves Dump ,, BRAZIER. Benjamin. Georgeâ€"‘ . ° . t At York Central Hospital. on [Continued from Page 1) 'Operations K. C. Higgs inter- This meeiing was largely a sewer to drain a dump but C0ll]( I o u l Monday‘AquSE 28. 1967. Ben- [and {my Mr? Finnerty agreed. ijected. "There has been no sug-mepetition. with the exception‘not do it to serve much-neede( Col. John F. Ellis, the man in charge of Carling‘s $200,000 World Golf Tournament now underway at the Woodbridge Board of Trade Country Club. was seriously injured last week llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllmllllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Church Survey Monday, Sept. 18 Drivers were Bernard Epner, of Toronto, and Sortirious Naum Rucas, of Willowdale. Injured were Patsy Rucas, of Willowdale; Louis Florinis of Hamilton; Jean Florinis, of Hamilton. and Tony Rucas, 14. and Steven Rucas, 11, both of Willowdale. Five persons received sore and bruised necks as the result of a two-vehicle crash Sunday at 5.03 pm on the Don Mills Road near Victoria Square. The accident was investigated by Constable William Sheridan of the Markham Township Pol- ice. Also injured were Mr. Harlow, 48; two passengers in his car, Mr. and Mrs. Roderick Mc- Arthur of Flintridge Road, Scar- boro; Mr. Kammer's wife, Esther, and their children Eva, 4, and Alfred, 5. I Dead is Jacob Kammer. 30, of Montreal who was killed Sunday when his car was involved in a twovcar collision on the Don Mills Road just south of Gorm- ley. mmmumluuu\m1umuumu\luuuuluumumuumummmuuI Seven other persons were in- jured in the accident. Most seriously injured with a broken back was Mrs. Jack Har- low, 46, of Ranstone Gardens. Scarboro, wife of the driver of the other car involved. 9.45 a.m.â€"-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.â€"Family Service DONCASTERTST§LE CHAPEL Mr. Tom Phinnemore 6.30 pm. â€"â€" Communion Service Wednesday -â€" 8 pm. Prayer Service and Bible Study One man was killed and sev- eral persons were taken to hos- pital with serious and minor in- juries as a result of traffic ac- cidents in the Richmond Hill area over the weekend. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 24 Oak Avenue 9:30 am. Remembrance Ser- vice 11 am. â€"- Bible Hour 8: Sun- day School 7 p.m. â€"- Gospel Service. Tuesday 8 pm. â€" Prayer meet- in and Bible Study Women’s and Young People’s Meetings as Announced. RICHVKLEEESPEL‘CHAPEL 889-7221 Meeting every Saturday 80 Elgin Mills Rd. West 1/4 mile west of Yonge Street 9.15 a.m.â€"â€"Sabbath School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Worship Service. Police Accident Report Markham Crash Kills Montreal Man MAPLE UNITED CHURCH Keele Street South, Maple Minister Rev. Norman R. Boogers Directors of Music Mr. Hugh Armstrong A.R.T.C SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1967 11 am. â€"- The Minister THORNHILL UNITED 3 "RICHMOND HILL Rev. A. I. Higgins. B.A.. 3.1). [FREE METHODIST CHI RCH SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 3, 1967,Corner of Elmwood and mules 9.45 am. -â€" Intermediate andr Pastor Senior Sunday School Re“ DEV†A. Dyer. BA. BD 11 am. -- Nursery and up to 11 884-6629 11 am, _ Morning Worship £SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 2. 1967 Prayer‘ Praise, Bible Study 19.45 8-m- â€" Sunday Schdol For further Information can Classes fox: all age». 839.2131 11 am. â€"â€" Mormng Worsmp The purpose of the sur- vey is to determine the church association of each householder, to pass on this information to the church concerned. These churches may then conduct their own visitation to become acquainted with new fami- lies and renew associations with others. Other Denominations This survey will be the largest ever undertaken by the combined churches of Richmond Hill East and shows a positive response to the growing needs of the community. All systems are G0 â€" with the planned house to house church survey of the east side of Richmond Hill. on September 18. Some 40 volunteers from Our Lady Queen of the World Roman Catholic Church organized by Mrs. Mary Follows, South Pallser Crescent. to- gether with those from St. Paul's Lutheran, St. Gab- riel Anglican and St. Mat- thew’s United will put about 100 visitors in the district to call on an esti- mated 2.800 householders and tenants. Evening Service Withdrawn September 10. Sunday School re-opens. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH (Yonge and Centre Streets) Minister Rev. C. G. Higginson Organist and Choir Leader Gordon M. Fleming SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 11 am, -â€" Morning Service Preacher: Rev. C. G. Higginson (Clarke & Willowdale Sts.) SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS CHURCH W. M. Mercer. Minister DIXONâ€"Isobel and John are happy to announce the ar- rival of their son. Scott Ray- mond, at York Central Hos- pital, August 23. 1967. c1w9 HISEYâ€"Bob and Brenda (nee Kirby) are proud to announce the arrival of their first baby. a son. 8 lbs. 8314' 025. on Aug- ust 24. 1967 at York Central Haspital. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kirby and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hisey. Thanks to Dr. Mc- Gregor. c1w9 CARSONâ€"Keith and Bev. (nee Burr) are happy to announce the birth of a daughter. Cheryl Lynn, 7 lbs. 812 02. August 27. 1967 at York Cen- tral Hospital. c1va Drivers of the cars were George Burakowski, 41. of 69 In Cartier Crescent, Richmond Hill, , . and David Millett. 22, of Aurora; Police said there was also BORDENâ€"Ian is delighted to! announce -the birth of his sis-' ter, Catherine Anne, who ab, rived August 28, 1967 weigh-’ ing 9 lbs. 2 025. Proud par-J ants are Paul and Sandy. Our‘i sincere thanks to Dr. Seoul: and the staff at York Central] Hospital. c1w9 ; Damage totalled $2,200 in a two-car sideswipe accident Aug- ust 26 at 7.24 pm on Bathurst Street, 500 feet north of the Villa Hospital. Damage was estimated at $800 when a car driven by Denise Ballantyne, 15. of Pinegrove, ran off Riverside Road and into a bushy area. Time of the acci- dent was 11.28 pm August 25. Damage to the Baines car was estimated at $400 and $40 to the tractor driven by Coulson. Drivers were Robert Baines. 38, of 395 Bluegrass Blvd., Rich- mond Hill and David Coulson, 18. of Windlay Farms, Maple. Other accidents saw Vaughan Police investigating a two-v9- hicle accident at 11.05 am on August 25 on the Maple Side- road east of Highway 400. The accident occurred a short distance south of Elder Mills Road, just north of the golf course. The driver of the second car, Arthur Holden, 24, of Weston, and Samuel Crestwell, 8th Ave- nue, Woodbridge, his passenger were taken to York Central Hos- pital with undetermined injur- ies. The men had just left the course after making prepara~ tions for the tournament run by a committee of which Col. Ellis is the general chairman. He is president of Henry Birks and Sons (Ontario) Limited. Vaughan Township Police re- ported that the 59-year-old Ellis suffered Internal injuries, two broken legs and broken ribs when his car collided with another at the crest of a hill on Concession 8 near Woodbridge. ST. MATTHEW’S UNITED CHURCH 325 Crosby Avenue Rev. F. James Burn. BA. BB. Minister 884-5526 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 11 am. â€" Worship Service Also injured in the crash were Mrs. Ellis, George Clark, super- intendent of the course, and C. Ray Gwillam, the club manager. "Sunday Services†July and August 11 am. â€"- Bible School and Morning Service 7 pm. â€"â€"- Worship and Communion Wednesday 8 pm. -â€" Bible Study Infant Care Church School will begin Sep- tember 10. in a head-on collision near the course. Wednesday, August 16 8 pm. â€"â€"â€" Prayer Meeting GORMLEY UNITED MISSIONARY CHURCH SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3. 1967 9.50 am. â€"â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Worship 7.30 pm. ~â€" Evening Service Classes for all age; 11 am. -â€" Morning Worsnip Service “The Person You Are" 7 pm. â€"â€"‘ Evening Gospe, H1 Wednesday 8 pm. â€" Midweek Prayer H‘ SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1567 10 am. â€" Sunday School 11 am. â€"â€" Morning Worship 7 pm. â€"â€"- Evening Service Tuesday Family Night CALVARY CHURCH RICHMOND HILL 94 Hunt Ave., Richmond Hill Affiliated with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada 884-4387 Pastor: Rev. P. A. Sorensen A CHURCH OF CHRIST Concord Ave. and King High Drive Eirtbg CONCORD .- Hour Hour JULIANâ€"In loving memory of my dear husband David, who was taken to rest August 3lst. 1961. I will always remember in my heart The happiness we both knew We travelled life’s pathway to- gether, it was beautiful be- cause of you I cannot forget the one I loved or the voice I heard each day, or the many things you did‘ for me In your kind and gentle Way I miss your love and cherished smile With you my life was worth- while .IIn memory I see you just the CARD 0!“ THANKS 1965. He left us quietly. His thoughts unknown; But left us a memory We are proud to own; So treasure him Lord. In your garden of rest: For when on earth, He was one of the best Forever remembered and sadly missed by wife Ethel, son “Ix-keyâ€, daughter Olive and grandchildren, Marilyn, Glen and Glenna. c1w9 I would like to thank every- one for the cards. flowers and telephone enquiries while I was in York Central Hospital. Also. sincere thanks to the doc- tors, nurses and hospital staff; Michael Zubek ROSSâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband‘ dad and grand- dad. George W. Ross. who passed away September 6, same As long as I live Dave I’ll cherish your name â€"â€" Lovingly remembered and sadly missed, by your wife. The report should have read that the other car. driven by Velma Steckley, of RR 2 Gorm- ley, had been proceeding out of the driveway and was in col- lision with the Cruickshank ve- hicle proceeding along Don Mills Road In mtmuriam In an accident report last week it was incorrectly reported that a car driven by Donald G. Cruickshank, 39, of RR 1 Gorm- ley, had pulled out of a drive- way when he was in collision with a northbound car on Don Mills Road. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nakazan- ick of Willowdale announce the engagement of their daughter June Ellen. to Mr. Patrick Douglas Hollingworth. son of Mr. and Mrs. William Holling- worth of Langstaff. the mar- riage to take place at St. Pat- rick’s Anglican Church, Willow- dale, Saturday, September 23, 1967 at 5.30 pm. c1w9 A truck-car crash August 29 at 4.43 am resulted in $2,000 to a 1964 mack truck driven by Norman Graham of Toronto, and $50 to a 1952 model car driven by James Francis King, 21, of Maple. The accident occurred on the Maple Sideroad, three quarters of a mile‘west of Duf- ferin Street. Mr. and Mrs. James Buchan ‘of Thornhill. announce the forthcoming marriage of their ‘daughter. Carol Anne to Mr. Ronald Thomas Agnew, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Agnew, Hamilton, Ontario. The mar- riage will take place in Central Gospel Hall, Toronto, Septem- ber 16, 1967 at 4 pm. c1w9 Drivers were Mary Kocluba, 53, of 10 Cartier Crescent, Rich- mond Hill, and Hugh Langille, 65, of Don Mills. $85 worth of damage to guard rails and a fence. Police estimated total damage at $300 In a rear-end collision August 26 at 11.12 pm on the Maple Sideroad east of Bathurst Street. ï¬ngagementï¬ BRAZIER‘ Benjamin. Georgeâ€" At York Central Hospital. on Monday August 28, 1967. Ben- jamin, beloved husband of the late Florence, 177 Ruggles Ave., Richmond Hill, in his 85th year. dear father of Wil- liam, Toronto and Lorraine (Mrs. H. F. Ollive) Richmond Hill, dear grandfather of Jack and Ray. greatgrandfather of Andrea. Resting at the Pipher Funeral Home, 126 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service Thursday 3 pm. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery. GREGORASH. Melanieâ€"At the Branson Hospital on Friday,‘ August 25. 1967. Melanie Golik. beloved wife of the late George Gregorash, Wil- lowdale. dear mother of Nick- olas, Richvale; Frosia (Mrs. R. Shuttleworth), Toronto; and Blythe (Mrs. R. Hertler). Willowdale; Barbara. Robert, Jacqueline, James and Christine. Funeral service was held from the Pipher Funeral Home, Rich- mond Hill. on Saturday. In- terment Richmond Hill Cem- etery. c1w9 grandmother of I Eflnrthmming marriages Laura PitaL! Somewhat taken aback. Dr. doc-ELord advised. “We have never stafï¬idone that, we never give up fland." c1w9l The Authority‘s Director of c1w9 Mr. McCallum stated it was his understanding that Metro was to get full and complete title to the lands but Dr. Lord denied this. Mr. McCallum then referred to the final page of the bulky report prepared for the executive's approval, where. in a lengthy report from James F. MacLaren to Ross Clark, under the heading “Procedureâ€, Item 3 was “Receive formal and legal title from MTRCA and CNR to the Thackeray Site, pre- sumably at no cost.“ Mr. McCallum then attempted to point out that the Authority couldn’t, under the act. lease or otherwise dispose of its land without approval from the At- tourney-General and the cabinet. Dr. Lord interrupted again to state, “We do. when we lease land we get approval." Mr. McCallum then began, “About your allowing others to use your land" . . . but Dr. Lord interrupted him, stating, “We have approved five or six muni- cipalities using our land and we will treat any municipality the same way. Don't suggest we are favoring Metro, don't involve us: in the OMB hearing." ] “We have crass-examined Ross Clark for one and a half days and haven’t seen them until this afternoon. This is a scheme they have asked us to approve. ‘You get the plans at the end of ‘the first week of August but they are dated over a year ago, August 26. 1966. “What is the mystery?†Mr. McCallum continued. “We can’t approve some- thing we have never seen. You are being asked to ap- prove a plan that we have never seen. you have never seen and that has never been approved by the Metro corporation." Mr. McCallum went on to say that even the plans submitted could be changed many times before they were adopted, but Chairman Lord ruled him out of order, insisting that if any plans were changed Metro‘ would have to come back to the? authority for approval. ‘ Mr. McCallum then noted that with respect to the South Thackâ€" eray site, the area south of the CN bypass and north of Steeles, Metro had 'in effect said to the Authority, “These are our final plans and we would like you to approve and accept them. ,’ Reminding Authority members ‘that it was not up to them to decide on the means of operat- ‘ iing the dump, Mr. McCallum asked that they consider wheth- er it was compatible with the prime purposes of a conservation authority to have their land used in this way. “That does not apply to the North Thackeray site?" Mr. Red- elmeier persisted. Metro Solicitor George Mace then spoke. outlining Metro‘s position and stressing that the recommendation of the Authori- ty's staff. that final considera- tion of the North Thackeray land fill site should be defer- red until detailed engineering plans had been submitted, left Metro in a vulnerable position as the OMB would still not pro- ceed with the hearing. “At this stage,†he said. "the Authority need not be concerned with the engin. eering nuts and bolts of the scheme . . . What we need and ask for is that the Au- thority approve in principle the use of the Thackeray Site as a land fill scheme." Metro Works Commissioner Ross Clark also spoke briefly and showed slides of various land fill projects which Metro has operated as well as some of the Sexton site in Chicago. It was not until after 5 pm (the meeting had started at 2) that Vaughan‘s Solicitor James F. McCallum was given the dumps. “I am anxious also to see the waterfront filled with inert material. The economics would be quickly reversed then." floor Mr. Purcell agreed that “you can’t beat the economics of a dump and putting some clay over it“ but insisted that con- tinuing investigation should be carried on to determine the ef- fects on soil and water of Although Mr. Fennerty had advised. in answer to a question from Chairman Dr. G. Ross Lord who was presiding at the meeting. that the trend in North America was to sanitary land fill. C. R. Purcell, a Metro ap- pointee to the board, noted that Montreal has recently ordered a new $12 million dollar inciner- ator and will use it also to pro- duce saleable heat; that the City of Mexico was going to incinera- tion; that Holland has long com- posted its waste and that the huge cities of St. Petersburg and Moscow find composting satisfactory. “No. the main reason is capi- tal costs and flexibility," Mr Fennerty replied. He stressed too that in operat- ing a sanitary land fill at the Maple gravel pits (the second stage of the overall plan) “we would definitely be doing a land reclamation scheme. Although there is still a lot of gravel there." he said. “when that is out and we fill it in. it would be a good reclamation." land fill." Mr. Finnerty agreed. He did point out however, that sanitary land fill was more flex- ible, that if significant develop- ments come outvof current re- search on the problem. you are not committed to a large finan- cial outlay. Agreeing that the south site was already a wasteland and no-one could object to its use as a dump, Mr. Redelmeier pointed out the north site on the map. noting it was a lovely valley with beautiful woodlands, first class homes, good farm lands in productive use, with good market garden land in the centre and valley lands that could be put to any conserva- tion use. “The table land can be put to the highest use," he said, "I honestly don‘t see how the authority can justify approv- al for an inferior use. Even it if is restored in the very best manner, it could never be better than it is now.†Mr. Redelmeier moved that the staff’s original recommenda- tion. that approval be deferred pending receipt of final plans, be passed and was seconded in this by Charles Sauriol, a Metro appointee. However, the motion went down to defeathwith only these two supporting it and an amended recommendation, that the north site be approved in principle, was passed for hand- ing down to the complete Au- thority meeting August 25. It wasn't until 6.15 that Mr. Redelmeier was able to get the floor. Noting that the question had evolved into a legal battle between two municipalities, he expressed sorrow that the Au- thority should be caught in the middle. However, before Mr. McCal- Ium had completed this point, Dr. Lord interrupted to say he could have two more minutes. at which Mr. McCallum thanked him and abruptly left the front and resumed his seat. ’Operations K. C. Higgs inter-, This meeting was largely a ijected. "There has been no sug-irepetition. with the exception ‘gestion that we release title to that Vaughan refused to appear. the land." At this point Mr. Purcell pointed out. "We have been sub- jected to a first class pitch but we haven't had a chance to dis-.tor- cuss this ourselves." Dr. Lord told Mr. McCal- lum, “I don’t want to listen to any legal arguments.†Secretary-Treasurer Lunn interjected. “We always get a lease". McCallum attempt- ed to speak but was inter- rupted by James Haggart of Richmond Hill who said, “I ask that the ruling be in- voked." Mr. McCallum then went on to point out that the Authority's approval of the project “carries the clear implication that you want a zoning change", when the lands had originally been zoned by Vaughan at the Authority's request. “It will start a rare change if this authority starts changing zoning by indirection,†he said. Instead, the township sent a let- .ter addressed to the chairman in which it protested the treatment afforded to the townshi-p’s solici- “Your committees appar- ently have no idea of the signifi- cance of this proposal. It would destroy a beautiful valley for all time and sterilize high-potential development lands. It would be the second largest dump in North America. It would re- quire a major alteration in an important flood channel (Rain- bow Creekl. It Would sharply interfere with the Humber Val- ley flood plain. It would over- ride Vaughan's Flood Plain and Open Space zoning bylaws which were passed at the re- quest of the authority.“ the let- ter stated. Vaughan found an unex- pected ally at the meeting however. A group of inter- ested Vaughan residents were allowed to have a rep- resentative speak and chose John McLean. denutv-rnmn At this polnt Mr. Purcell pointed out. “We have been sub- jected to a first class pitch but Operations K. C. Higgs inter- jected. “There has been no sug- gestion that we release title to the land." N. 0F STEELES OFF WOODBINE 293.2444 67 Yonge St. S. - 884-6221 Smoking Section Available Free Patron Parking STARTS THURSDAY AUGUST 3lst STARTS THURSDAY AUGUST 3lst Daily â€" 6.30 and 9.15 Matinee Sat†Sun. and Mon.. 2 pm. Air conditioned N. 0F STEELES OFF WOODBINE Box Office Opens 7.30 Box Office Opens 7.30 Cont. from 8.30 S. 0F HWY. 7 - 839-2 Cont. from 8.30 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 3RD IN ADDITION TO OUR REGULAR ATTRACTIONS COME AS LATE AS 8.30 FOR A COMPLETE SHOW! DEAN MARTIN in DOUBLE THRILL SHOW “Sergeants 3†“Horror Hotel†THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 31, 1967 plus THE BEATLES in DUSK TO DAWN HOLIDAY SHOW “Help†ALL COLOR HWY. :7 0N DUFFERIN STREET THE DDEON DUFFERIN DRIVE-IN 'IS LOCATED JUST SOUTH OF HIGHWAY C. D‘ Milani, Vaughan Town- ship developer was also per- mitted to speak and in spite of the fact that the constant inter- jections and jeers of members made it almost impossible to hear him. made sevaral import- ant points. These were that the Authority‘s actions should at all times be immaculate and free from any taint of political ex- pediency, that Metro was find- ing it very easy to supply a Vaughan found an unex- pected ally at the meetan however. A group of inter- ested Vaughan residents were allowed to have a rep- resentative speak and chose John McLean, deputy-reeve of Woodbridge. He contradicted the statement by R. G. Henderson. Wood- bridge‘s representative on the Authority. made at the August 23 meeting that Woodbridge Council was unanimously in fav- or of the proposal. “I refer to our motion of March 14. I can almost quote it by'heart.†he said. “The motion was, that IF the OMB approves the applica- tion to acquire and operate a sanitary land fill. then they re- quest that the OMB ensure a number of restrictions on the operation. If that sounds like support . . . . †2444 the deadly affair >Qf‘blumlbla ’Ictures presenm john Ie carré's JULIE AN DREWS-MAX VON SYDOW'RjQHARD HARRIS "MAGNIFICENT!" “SPECTACULAR!†Double Award Wilmer Cannes Film Festival Samantha Eggar Terrance Stamp Both Features Recommended as Adult Entertainment in THE GEORGE ROY HILLWALT'ER WRISCH PRODUCTION a“ Panavision Color “SKATER DATER†IN COLOR ALL COLOR THRILL PROGRAM PLUS FOR ADDED EXCITEMENT Added at the Drive-In Only SPECIAL FEATURETTE “Die, Die My Darling†COLOR F-TFA’T‘] THE MIRISCH CORPORATION PRESEN‘IS [Oil/HIM PEN/5!! mum W/ll/AM W YZEBZS‘ TECHNICOLO‘?’ I }beCDIIEDtUr 5. OF HW The NDP candidate for Eto- bicoke. Morton Worling advised that he spoke for 937 household- ers in his municipality who fear- (ed the effects of heavy truck traffic, air and water pollution !from the dump. â€"N. Y. WORLD JOURNAL TRIBUNE sewer to drain a dump but could 'not do it to serve much-needed ‘housing and that as a compro- Imise. Metro should be permitted [to fill the barren South Thack- Eemy Site and the area between the CN bypass and the proposâ€" ed Highway 407 which will go somewhere to the north of the bypass. STOUFFVILLE: Seventeen- year-old Bruce Mehaffey of Ringwood was the top grade 13 student at Stouffvilie District High School this year. Cather- ine Bacon of Stouffville was the second highest. However. it appeared that the majority of members had made up their minds how to vote be- fore the meeting began â€" James Haggart left the meeting for an hour when the Thackeray Dump Site came up on the agenda. Metro representatives. Mrs. G. Klinck and Mr. Sauriol abstained from voting, although they were told that they would be counted as “yea†votes, and the motion to approve the scheme was car- ried 29 to 15. NEWMARKET: Annette Kohler of Monkswood Crescent is be- lieved to be the. top grade 13 graduate in Northern York County. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kohler, she had first class honors on nine cred- its. and her average was 91 per- cent. She will attend the Uni- versity of Toronto and study for her bachelor of science degree, with the hope of be- coming a research scientist. Presumably, Metro will now carry the argument back to the OMB. armed with this rather questionable approval. Maurice Windatt spoke for residents living north of Wood- bridge and reminded Authority members that their actions would also have social conse- quences. that home values in the area would be depreciated from two to three thousand dollars. r“HAWAlI" plus All" wnnUNlTEDAR‘flSIS Adult Entertainment 89-2505 ‘ larï¬es’ mason maxlmman schell harrlet andersson harry andrews and slmone slgnoret as "alts" technicolor ° «mm».