Enema SCHOOL! IN THE MALL-RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE PHONE 884-6881 Educational standards today are higher than ever and the handicap of poor vision can be an important factor in the student’s lack of progress. OUR EXPERTS ARE SPE(|AllY TRAINED IN (HIlDREN'S FITTINGS Wm 837 /. 0 POOR VISION ' of all the knowledge your child will acquire in a lifetime will 0 be through the eyes. OPTICAL BE sun: YOUR CHILD 5 IS NOT if HANDICAPPED 2.: BY. .. CAN'T COME IN? . . . PHONE FOR FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION Complete Portable . . . . 139.00 RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE, Richmond Hill NEWMARKET PLAZA, NEWMARKET BENNETT'S HOME TEXTILE LTD. to a WHITE ZIGZAG ' utomatic Sewing Machine at a STRAIGHT STITCH PRICE! Automatic Reg. $229.00 BIG SAVINGS 7 90-00 \l_.-'A§Y TERMS STEP UP QUANTITY LIMITED Deluxe Heavy Duty Auto- matic In two tone turquolse Built-In motor. 20 cams give 60 beautiful embroidery patterns auto- matically with no eiiort. Overcasts raw edges Makes any size of buttonhoie Dams, mends, appilnues Sews on buttons, mono- grams easily and simply. Cabinet or carrying case extra