Mr. Morrison received his BA from York University at its June convocation. He has been on the staff of TSA 1 Markham for six years and has taught at Henderson and Sixteenth Ave- nue Public Schools. Pictured above is Colin Mor- rison BA, who in September will take up the post as assist- and principal of Bayview Glen Public School. Mr. Morrison is now under- taking post-graduate work with 1he Ontario Institute for Studies in Education leading to a Mas- ter of Education degree with specialization in guidance. Ken Hamilton of Richmond Hill established a new Canad- ian juvenile record during the August 19th weekend while winning the two mile at the Eastern Canadian Junior Track Championship held in Scai'boro. He achieved the record â€"â€" previously held by Dave Knox of Hamilton â€" for the 3,000 metre distance while pai‘kicipab ing in the twoâ€"mile event. He was limed for the 3.000 metres. which is a slightly shorter dis- tance than the two mile. and came up with the time oi 9:13 minutes. Ken had finished sec- ond in the twoâ€"mile last year. K. Hamilton Sets New Record Wins Two Mile Events He wasn‘t so succesï¬ul in the one mile event as he fin- ishcd second behind Jean Dex- tras of Ottawa â€"â€" who he de- feated in the twoâ€"mile. admits Hamilton. “I made my move too soon and then he made his and took off on me before I knew what was going on," What hurt the most was that Ken has been running against Dcxtras for three years and this was only me third time he had lost to him. But the “Yo-mile w different story as K we way finished in f or 40 seconds. STOUFFVILLE: The ever- mounting accident toll involv- ing motorcycles prompted Mag- istrate Russell Pearse to com- ment "they take too many chances and first thing you know, they're out of control“ at a recent traffic court. He ad- vised cyclists to obtain proper instruction on how to ride be- fore going out on the road and to obtain a bike with sufficieni power to keep pace with the regular traffic “on. or 40 seconds. Seventeen-year-old Ken also participated in the Invitational Three-Mile CNE Open Meet on Sunday and finished a disap- pointing fifth. "I just didn't feel like run- ning." he said and agreed that perhaps he was tired from the previous day‘s rpnning. The event was-won by Dave Ellis, Toronto. UNIONVILLE: The local firm of A1111 Excavations Limited has been awarded a contract by the Ontario Water Resources Com- mission in Sault Ste. Marie. valued at $619. 264.26. The firm will supply and install sewers. sewer services, manholes and other appurtenances. MARKHAM VILLAGE: Mark- ham District High School had four Ontario Scholars this year. and 47 students are honor grad- uates. The four who obtained Asst. Principal \‘el W»â€" (‘OLIN MORRISON BA ‘I blew it in the one-mile“ 80% Prth Mrs. KEN HAMILTON Local Track Star e two-mile was a va: story as Ken led finished in from by m rcdi ane M are MI EASY TERMS + No Down Payment + Free 30 Day Charge CHOOSE & CHARGE WITH C'I'C “Can Charge" Scholars' SWISS-MADE WATCHES WRIST WATCH ~â€" no iate- slips for him this year! His choice of designs and leath- er or expansion bracelet. PENDANT WATCH â€"- a ‘swinger' for the high-school Miss! Your choice of Dia~ mond Blinker or liGoidust design. Top Value! 'BacIr-ta-Scbaol' Special .’ .77 .66 Young Men's Young Ladies Tl'RN A BO ['1' REG. $26.95 WATER SKIS 2 ONLY â€" REG. $69.95 T0 89.95 '2" â€"â€" EASY TO ADJUST HARNESS TO CLEAR $56 & $72 TENTS TO CLEAR $21.60 BAR-B-Qs â€"- 24" FOLD TYPE 8; WAGON STYLES. SOME MOTORIZED â€" REG. $9.88 to $18.58 SPRUCE, VARNISHED â€" REG. $9.29 TO CLEAR $7.40 TO CLEAR $7.90 to $15.10 OARS Compare at 39¢ each Perk-up your portable to tune- in on up-coming football games this Fall! Special! 9-Volt For 0 THE HOLIDAY MONDAY OPEN Great for students, great for teachers too! Fine-point nyl- on tip. Red. Green, Purple and 3 Black. Compfete with plas- tic carry-case. 'Back-to~$¢hool Special' 4.30 pm. .59 PACKAGE 0F 6