Joscelyn, Laughlin, Franklin, Tucker & McBride Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont, 884-4474-5 112 Geneva Street St. Catharines. Ont. - 684-1177 12 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD R. ROSENBERG Bank of Nova Scntia nundmi Aurora Telephone 884-7110 We personally handle all sales bills and advertisingâ€"â€" PHONE 545 VOLKSWAGEN SALES a. SERVICE } w. 8. P. MOTORS LTD.‘ 178 YONGE ST. N. Richmond Hill i Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Years’ Experience SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS I Chiropractic X-RAY cor. Windhurst Gate & Bayview (1 block south Bayview Plaza) H. D. M elsness, D.C. A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists L. E. Clark v & Associates PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 4531/2 YONGE STREET 225â€"4701 Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 PROFESSIONALjANDBlTSINESS DIRECTORY FIND THE SERVICE YOU NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS Alvin S. Farmer DOWNSVIEW BOOKKEEPING SERVICE Thomas S. Summers. D.C. DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC 80 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill 889-7701-2 Automobiles Arthur (1'. Broad I Accountants Dohald E. Barnett 145 Sheppard Ave. E. 223-9838 Auto Transmussnon *NE 886-5311 GORMLEY. ONT. Auctioneer Bookeeping Service 21 Bedford Park Ave Richmond Hill 884-4251 T'HE' LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, Sept. 7. 1967 By Appointment By Appointment Phone 884-1075 884-6011 M ister 5 F. A. A. D. Compietp Janitorial Service H Industrial & Commercial I Chinese Food Delicious piping hot. Chinese food to take out. Home1 delivery or pick-up. Heatl retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Efficientâ€"Tasty I 1 . . \| Engineering THORNHILL Electrical Contractors INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL 884-1812 HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Helen Simpson, Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY 32 Yonge Street South Town. Inn TAKE-om SERVICE :‘Barrow Insurance 884-1136 Member - Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association Cleaning And Maintenance Toronto 884-8473 Cleaning 8; Maintenance RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE “Fresh As A Daisy†We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts Dr. J. M. Dryer DENTIST SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS 2518 YONGE ST. (at. St. Clements) TORONTO 12. ONT. Ph. 485-1145 Leno’s Machine Shop '13 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. 78 YONGE ST. S" RICHMOND HILL 884-1462 Window Cleaning 812 889-1812 AT ALL HOURS Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. RICE’S FLOWERS Open Evenings STEAMFITTING WELDING Electrical “Flowers For All Ornasions" Phones Insurance Dental Grandview Ave. Thornhill Flowers PHONE 889-1379 884-1137 638-5728 363-3959 889-4710 884-1551 Ernie Brock & Son Insurance - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service ‘1 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR ‘ Suite 2 Lowrle Building {15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 1 Every Thursday Afternoon " 884-7561 Norman .4. Todd v Toronto Officeâ€" 7 Queen St. E. Suite 151 B.A. LLB. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public. 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. 884-7891 220 Bay Street. Suite 701 Toronto 1, Ontario. 366-9411. TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 NORM MUNRO Insurance Agency COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 LOWEST RATES AND TERMS FAST SERVICE For Particulars Call 889-6849 - 244-6573 884-4413 889-7052 80 Richmond St. W. Suite 402 Toronto 1. Ontario 366-3156 James H. Timmins Parker & Pearson Barrister, Solicitor 8: Notary Public 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill, Ontario Ofï¬ce 884-1780 Residence 884-1863 By Appointment Life, Auto. Fire, Liability Complete Insurance Service Fire, Auto and Liability Suite 2, Lowrie Building 15 Yonge Street N. NATION-WIDE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. Burristers. Solicitors & Notary Public 116 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-5701 884-1115 884-1116 Corner Agency Limited STUART P. PARKER, Q.C JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER Plaxton & Mann Services Ltd. Lawlor, LeClaire & Bannon BARRISTER-SOLICITORS 59 Yonge Street N.. Richmond Hill, Ontario Edward D. Hill Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. RESIDENCE 884-4874 OFFICE 741-1740 Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora. Ontario Insurance Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public . Newman, Q.C. THORNHILL 889-3165 Phone 363-5877 Richmond Hill 50 Yonge St. N. 884-4494 (Continued) 635-6158 Legal LTD. 884-1219 BARRISTER. SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC IIOffice Supplies Ruth Garson A-D-C-M (Preparatory for Examinations) Piano - Voice - Theory Studio: 428 S. Fernleigh Circle Markham-Bayview Area Richmond Hill (formerly York Office Supplies) 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Soeia] Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales and Rentals. I Optometrists IPaint-Wallpaper ilSporting Goods Concert Artist - Teacher Estelle M arkham A.R.C.T. _. R.M.T. PIANO and THEORY FALL TERM BEGINS SEPTEMBER 11th 525 for each term of nine lessons H. B. FISHER Office Supplies ltd. BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT TUNED 0 REPAIRED “Checked†Electronically GUESSWORK ELIMINATED Pyle Piano Sales 43 Yonge St. N. (Legion Court) J. Rabinowitch . W. Kirchen, 0.D. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill WINTER GARDEN COM 8: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 125 LAVEROCK AVE 884-3787 9114 Yonge St. Richvale 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 884-5829 Richmond Irm Block Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop FREE DELIVERY INTERIORS LTD. 889 4059 By Appointment Res. 884-2117 (Continued) Music 884-3962 legal Pianos 884-3614 RUMBLE TRANSPORT l Transportation 4901A Yonge SL. Willowdale 221-3485 George T. Yates. OLS Res. 24 Denver 0125.. Willowdale Dr. W. Allan Ripley Telephone 884-1432 Langdon’s Coach lines ltd. Ofï¬ce hours by appointment Daily Richmond Hill Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 8894 Local and Long Distance Hauling THORNHILL Veterinary Clinic Coaches for all Occasions FOR INFORMATION Yates & Yates P.C.V. Class A. C. and H Ontario Land Surveyors VETERINARY SURGEON ofï¬ce Trailways Of Canada Ltd. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Telephone: 889-4851 8119 Yonge Street, THORNHILL Surveyors 4% Veterinary Local Bus Service 41/2% 61/2% Trucking M. N. FOYLE, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL ‘ 884-1013 364-2625 Telephone 833-5351 Chequing Privileges Without Service Charges Interest is calculated and added to the account half- yearly. Withdrawals or Transfers Without Service Charges VICTORIA AND GREY TRUST Interest calculated monthly and added to the account half-yearly. A Five Year Savings Plan Interest is calculated monthly and compounded half-yearly. FOR THE BEST INTEREST ON YOUR SAVINGS 3-WAY PLAN 147 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill REGULAR SAVINGS ACCOUNT 889-7585 SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT MONTHLY INSTALMENT CERTIFICATES Discount stores handle many of the same lines as the drug store. The chain stores also cause seri- ous competition. This has cut the independent’s profit margin in spite of the fact that his expenses are increasing. The independent has a greater over- head. He must keep a full time pharmacist. He faces the necessity of slashing prices of such items as toothpaste which cuts his net profit in half or more. (Continued from Page 2) which just do dispensing and dealing in associated lines like first aid and surgical supplies and certain diabetic preparations. Here's some good news for customers. After September 1, the federal sales tax is being removed at the manufacturer’s level from headache remedies, laxatives, cold remedies, vitamins, antacids etc. Rambling Around Mr. Harley recalls that when he was a graduate pharmacist, 80 to 90% of medicines were prepared in the dispensary. Now, 90% are prepared in pharmaceutical houses but the druggist still must possess knowledge of ingredients, know what they’re for, and be able to dispense them properly. Most drugs are broken down into three groups: Drugs sold over the counter without a prescrip- tion, for example, aspirin, Frosst 222 and some cough medicines and vitamins are the first group. «\iï¬iiiiiï¬uunIumnumunumummnlmmnmummuuumumm Controlled drugs like phenobarbital must have a prescription but it can be renewed on a call to the doctor. The third group has to do with drugs like cocaine and its derivatives which must have a pre- scription every time. Mr. Harley said that there is an increasing Use of generic drugs like penicillin; It becomes a brand name drug when an ethical pharmaceutical house gives it a name of its own. Ayerst makes Hylenta and Homer sends out P52. It is still penicillin. Mr. Harley employs three other members of his family besides himself. His sister Edith Harrison has been with him for some years. When his son Greg graduated as a pharmacist in 1965 from U of T. he came to work in his father’s drug stOre. Up until recently, Alberta Whyard was a familiar face at the drug counter. She was a drug clerk at Harley’s for 16 years. Hal’s wife Rose Harley has filled the va- cancy. You would think that shoplifting would be a major problem in a store that carries such. variety as Harley’s but according“ to Hal the biggest problem is the cost of delivery. Once it was done by a boy on a bicycle, now a man and a car must be available during store hours. As far as shoplifting is concerned, a certain percentage of it occurs just before and during holi- day seasons like Christmas or summer holidays. Chocolate bars and comic books are the main items lifted from the counter and rack. Mumuumuuuummuuuumuumumunnuquummuuuuumu $31 one. One help in detecting the lightfingered is the convex mirror at the front of the store. Mr. Harley has one complaint, but it’s a univer- VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL “Customers are too impatient" he said. “Im- medlate serv1ce cannot always be given at the exact moment.†Even with Greg’s help, the hours at the store are long, and there is little time for recreation. A wood working hobby fills this need. A membership in the Thornhill Country Club allows him to'curl in the winter and play a little golf in the summer. Richmond Hill Municipal Hall SERVING YORK COUNTY V. O. N. BRANCH NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE 884-4101 IT’S A FAMILY BUSINESS 884-1107 KNOW YOUR DRUGS (Continued From Page 2) from below/the dam where it was running quite clear. the filters had been cleaned and the dead ends on water mains had been flushed. September 15, it was reported ‘ the contract for the corrective work was ready to be let. Dr. Wilson in a lengthy report said that the filter beds were so constructed that storing of 10,- 000,000 gallons in the reserve basin was necessary for the water to flow by gravitation into the intake. Since a very small proportion of this was used daily the water was held in storage for a considerable time. Being shallow. it warmed up rapidly in the summer and this. ‘tavored vegetable growth which gave the unpleasant odor, taste and yellowish color. The cor-i rective measures being under- taken would be to extend the intake to the stream above the reserve basin (pond). This would provide clear. much colder water which would have no disagreeable odor. In Years Gone Drugs Dressings Home Visiting Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge Accommodation For Further Information 884-4010 By GLADYS McLATCHY Garden visitation was the ‘program enjoyed by the mem- bers of the Richmond Hill Hor- ticultural Society at its August meeting. Starting at Willow- dale‘ the Wains‘ Florist green- houses were a source of educa- tion and interest, to see. hear and learn about the secrets of greenhouse growing of plants. These included the misting pro- cess used in the propagation of poinsettias, and the total blackout used to induce bloom at the right time on Chrysan- Ithemums. as well as feeling the effects of the most modern ventilation system, used throughout the greenhouses, constructed of special glass. R. Hill Horticulturists Enjoyed Visits To Gardens 8. Greenhouse (Continued from Page 2) From Washington comes news of the forma- tion of a National Society for Parents of Flower Children to help parents to a better understanding of the problems and ideals of their children. . . . Well, we don’t know about their ideals, but we'd say their biggest problem is having NO problems. WASHINGTON â€" (UPI) â€" A Connecticut congressman believes that, every U.S. high school student should speak Chinese. . . . And Metro‘s school board thinks IT has a problem in having to go as far away as Australia for its teachers! The gardens at the Shouldice Surgery. Thornhill, next in line. were a sight to behold, with flower beds massed with giant zinnias. of every hue. hedged in front with well trimmed bar-‘ berry. Others were banked with fuchsias and tuberous begonias. edged with dwarf size lemon‘ colored marigolds. An old-fash- ioned flower bed of numerous plants was greatly admired. as well as the delightful arbors with trailing vines, and the walk where the catalpa trees dipped gracefully over the heads of the visitors. It was (truly a vision of loveliness and a great deal of pride and satis- faction for Ernst Kohler. former gardener, to know that his garden paradise, now the responsibility of M. Marchori and his staff. is still heaven to flower lovers. 1“..â€" Al‘t Haida Inn]: an:an tural and decorative sections of the summer flower show and to also view and paSS individual judgment on the beautiful and bountiful show. Point winners were: Specimen flowers: Mrs. Frank Titshall. Mrs. William Riseâ€" brough. Wesley Ankenman. Arrangements: Mrs. Jack Rumney. Mrs. A. Hillaby. Mrs. Titshall. Juniors: Jenny Kanis. Mar- garet Urquhart Andrews. Court of Honor: Best in Show Arrangements: Mrs. J. Rum- ney. “Our Culture“. Specimens: W. Ankenman. Dahlia. “Bertha Shone". GENEâ€"{Aim CONTRACTING UNITED NATIONS â€" (UPI) â€"â€" The United States pledged yesterday to share the first material it gets from the Moon with six other countries. in- cluding Canada. And how do our cheese producers feel about this? Canada's fastest planes. the CF 104 and 101, were suspended from the CNE Air Show because their manoeuvres took them “too long over Torontoâ€. . . . Or maybe there was just too much Toronto under them. Metro druggis’rs report that the city’s young glue-sniffers are now sniffing asthma medicine. . . . Or maybe, by new. they HAVE asthma. Questions For The Weekâ€" (1) If modern education methods are so much better than the old education methods. how come our students now need so many psychiatrists? (2) How do the Quebec’delegates to the PC leadership convention feel about it being held in the “Royal†York Hotel? Far off fields look green, sometimes, and yet, gardens right in town are every bit as well kept and lovely. as mem- bers discovered in the garden of Mr. and Mrs. Gil Cragg. on Gentry Crescent. Richmond Hill, where Mr. Cragg spends every pessible moment and all day Saturday. to keep it the way it is. in almost perfect con- v(3) Will the PC convention end with what the 3amp followers could call a Dief and dumb decision? 4 TIPPET ROAD The Flip Side Locai and Iong distance moving to all points in Canada and the U.S.A. World-wide shipping. "The Friendly Movers TIPPET-RICHARDSON LTD. MOVING 0 STORAGE 0 PACKING 0 SHIPPING dition. both in the flower and vegetable beds alike. Mr. Cragg is a specialist in the growing of dahlias and Chrysanthemums. his garden therefore should be a thing of beauty and worthy of another visit this fall. Last but not least. was the visit to the enchanted garden of Mr. and Mrs. Longworth, on Baker Avenue. Richmond Hill where interestingly shaped col- ored lights. enhanced the beauty of the flowers and turned the entire garden into a fairyland of flowers. Following garden visits. members congregated at the Lions Hall to hear the com- ments of the judges. regardinz the floral exhibits, in the cul- tural and decorative sections of the summer flower show and to also view and pass individual judgment on the beautiful and ALLIED; ASPHALT PAVING FREE ESTIMATES 889-4096 Agents: Allied Van Lines BY 638-3530 3-67A