Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Sep 1967, p. 12

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lose 40-13 Suburba Knights Downed Again... This Time Via Burlington Braves The brutes this time were members of the Burl- ington Juniors who romped to a 40-13 win. ‘ But â€" despite the lopsided and passing game which cul-i score -â€" officials of the team'minated in a 30 yard passing: figure the locals came up withlplay to flanker Dennis Lav- their most offensive-minded erty for a touchdown. Laverty.‘ game of the season before sag- incidentally, also plays the ging under the superior skill of quarterback position for Rich- their opponents. Smond Hill. ' porous on this occasion out but been only able to salvage a 7-7 there were still some standouts. tie and that was against Scar- They inCIUded Rich Dick. an- bom Rams. gother ex-Ram. who played a Despite the score. Saturday‘svrough game at end. John Gal~ game proved to be the Knights‘iaSki played extremfly well at best to date. middle guard: ditto Dave John- Their first touchdown stone at corner linebacker. Despite the score. Saturday‘s game proved to be the Knights‘ best to date. Their first touchdown came in the opening quar- ter on a fine end run by Harry Abofs. a veteran of the junior conference. In their first six games this year the Knights-men have The visitors added to their total in the third quarter but the Knights fought back in the fourth. Burlington led 21-7 at half- time but the game Richmond Hill squad doggedly attempted a comeback. Newcomer quarterback Ernie Kapitza was the main offens- ive inspiration for Richmond Hill as he moved the team into scoring position twice. L2 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 28, 1967 He capitalized on one occas- last home contest of the 1 ion as he comfined a running,ular unedule for the locals But as for the rest of you: Don’t start running until you see your doctor. Think I’ll go myself today. Might even run there. HIGH COST OF LIVING Not to mention the purchasing of those 1967 minor ball softball jackets for Bobby. (running around $12) which is coming at a time when hockey prices are also confronting the beleaguered parents. You got to have them but it's all money‘ eh? Loop Prexy Harold Barnett staves tiff the criti- icism from parents with three or four children by stating that it’s understandable but something that can't be helped. He poihts out the increased registration fees â€"â€" up from $6 to $9 in the ages 5-12 bracket, and $6 to $11 in the 13-18 bracket â€" are a direct result of increased operational costs. Season tickets are available at $7 each. The costs increased to the point where the as- sociation ended last year’s operation with a deficit. The added costs of the new arena and the potential increased refereeing fees have further complicated this situation. It’s something. I suppose, that can‘t be helped and it’s the price one has to pay in this day and age. THE “JOGGERS” Examples are the “jogging clubs” now spring- Ing up in Toronto featuring people of all types, sizes, and ages. We should be in therersomewhere. He adds that “jogging clubs” also help you to get to meet people on a social basis, etc. Maybe even your doctor. But back to John and his new club. Any high- schoolers or other young men (old men?) interested in becoming members can find out all the inform- ation by calling John at 889-1619. That’s if you’re in the Thornhill, UnionvilI-e, or Richmond Hill areas. See where the cost-ofâ€"living is now taking a whack at the Richmond Hill Minor Hockey Assoc- iation and. naturally, the moms and dads who foot the bill for junior. As one parent put it: “I’ve got one child. he’s a goalie and it cost me about $52 for goalie skates this year. Add this to the registration, season tickets, gas to out of town games, etc., it takes money. “But,” he added. “I personally get $500 worth of pleasure out of the $60 or more I may pay a year by watching him have fun. I think it's worth it. But it can be pretty rough if you have three children participating.” DYNES TIME By this time the Richmond Hill Dynes Jew- ellers may or may not have wrapped up the 1967 Fairbanks Major Fastball League championship for the second year in a row. Will go limb walking and predict: they will have. So congratulations. 7 It’s beén a good yeariWiihnfinniikwgnaunompany providing some topflight entertainment. And John is hoping his club â€"â€" now admittedly operating on a shoe-string â€"- will expand and do its share to spread the track and field gospel around the area. He points out that the sport of running is, be- lieve it or not, becoming more popular all the time. “Of course.” warns John, “If you’re not used to running you should start it in easy stages. Jog a mile or so the first while and gradually pick up. You’ll find yourself capable of going a little bit farther as each day goes by.” And, oh, one more thing. Someone has sug- gested perhaps the Dynes Jewellers and the Beaches Fastball League‘s winning entry should hook up in a “city” championship battle this season. (Continued from Page 11) Newmarket, Aurora, Richmond Hill, Thornhill, Markham and Stouffville.” Honorary President is Senator Wallace Mc- Cutcheon of Gormley with the balance of the exec- utive drawn from Oak Ridges, Thornhill, Stouffâ€" ville and Richmond Hill. Now thafi would be a délldy prol'iding the weather stays warm for a while. The inimitable Mr. “Casey” Cripps says he would be ready, willing, and able. It was lumps and bruises time again last week for the Richmond Hill Suburba Knights Junior football team. Sport 5290“. .. ter on a fine end run by Harry Abofs. a veteran of the junior conference. It was Abof‘s best game of the season. At one point he made a perfect pass to end Bob Booth on a halfback option that cov- ered 30 yards. Burlington led 21-7 at half- ne but the game Richmond One of the. dramatic plays of the game belonged to the losers as quarterback Kapitza tossed a 25-yarder to end Rod Huggins who broke loose after appear- ing to be stopped â€" he had his helmet ripped off by a lung- ing opponent â€"- and then scampered 50 yards before be- ing brought down short of pay- dirt. ~ Richmond The Knights journey to Hamilton tonight (Thurs- day) for another go at the first place team in the On- tario Junior Football Con- ference. Hamilton cake- walked to a win in the first match against the Suburbs Knights. Last Saturday's game was the st home contest of the reg- Hill's defence was Again it was a combination of lusty hitting and air-tight pitching from pitching ace Bob Domik who allowed only three hits, walked two, and struck out 14. Opponent AI Griffin wasn't so fortunate in getting tagged for the seven runs, 12 hits. But he wasn't helped at all by his teammates who booted the ball on seven different. occasions. Dynes was off and running in the first inning as Neb Gayman led off with a walk. ditto George Dickie. and Les Downing followed with a Gay- man-scoring double. The annual general meeting of the club will take place, Oc- tober 13. in the basement of the library starting at 7.45 pm. A good turnout is most import- ant for it is at this meeting we elect the new executive for the 1968 season. The win was the second straight for the Jew- ellers who moved to within one game of capturing the best-ofâ€"three Fairbanks Major Fastball League championship for the second straight year. And it may be all over now as the Dynes team was slated to play the third game Tuesday night of this week. (See the front page for the results of this game). ‘ Anyone wishing to nominate a candidate will find the ap- propriate sheets on the notice board in the clubhouse. Fol- lowing this meeting we will adjourn to the Harpers’ at 427 Lynett Crescent for refresh- ments. The more the merrier. It was a cold blustery day with showers but this did not deter the stalwarts who had signed up to play in the New- market Men's and Ladies’ Singles last Sunday. The Rich- mond Hill contingent was unsuccessful and the honors went to Don Paul, Newmarket, (men's singles). Because of in- clement weather the ladies’ singles event was not finished and so the co-holders are Joyce Jones, Aurora and Elizabeth Shearer, Barrie. i REGlSJRAILQNMDAY Po-n-o-(‘u-cmmm -(v.._¢_x>.¢ -n-l 7-1-1)--l.0-u-0- IIIUIOIIJ I Ivvv E M0T6"55I(I Even a miracle would have trouble sparing Male Shop after last week’s 7-0 ramble for Richmond Hill Dynes Jewellers. Dynes Jewellers Near Title; Lead Male Shop By 2 Games Richmond Hill Tennis Club By Les Harper FIGURE SKATING DANCégflfififi 25121-55519 TING x_<>.n-;.<. I MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM! mm mm The fabulous BUY NOWâ€"PLAY LATER FROM $799.95 PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTION Sailing lo a five-hit victory was Bob Domik who shut out the enemy until the top of the ninth. Individual hitting star of the night was Bill "Skip" DeGeer who whacked out two home runs. Dynes Jewellers did what everyone expected them to do Thursday night of last weekr They breezed to an 8-1 win over Male Shop in ¢he opening game of the best-ofâ€"three Fair- banks Major Fastball league finals at the town park. He started it off early. First man up in the first inning. Zot. A long home run over the right field fence. Dynes made it 3-0 in the fourth as Bren Selvage walked and two outs later came home on Charlie Leeming's inside the field Dynes Win First Game Of Finals Zipping Male Shop By 8-] Score Pitcher Domik then brought him around with a wallop over the left field fence. The Jewellers added to their scoring in the seventh as Bucky Buchanan struck out. Leeming singled. Billy Hunter struck out, and DeGeer whacked his sec- ond homerun of the night. Then came the eighth inning as Les Downing got into the act belting another home run. Danny Boyne batted for Sel- vage and came through with a single. Male Shop made a belated rally in the top of the ninth. Domik started them off by park homerun to centre “SKIP” DeGEER Hits Two Homers 1968 MUTU-SKI The score remained 1-0 until the fourth when Domik led off with a single, Glen Bennett was hit by the pitcher, and Danny Boyne doubled to score Domik with Bennett moving to third. Buck Buchanan struck out but Bennett came home on Skip DeGeer's sacrifice fly to right field. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE 295 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL ..,7,, The Jewellers moved the game away out of the reach in the seventh as they reported in with four more runs to make it 7-0. Dickie singled and ended up on third on a two-base wild throw by Catcher Jack Mc- Kenzie. Downing then doubled scoring Dickie. Leeming struck out but Domik walked. Ben- nett whiffed only to have Boyne come up with a single to send home Domik and Down- ing with Boyne ending up on second. Charlie Leeming went 0m pitcher to first and during the temporary confusion Dickie at- tempted to scramble to third but was nipped. Red Wilson batted for Buch- anan and proceeded to single home Boyne. If Jewellers lost Tuesday a fourth game will be likely slated for tonight (Thursday) at the town park at 8.30 pm. walking Bill Hamiltnn. Jack} McClenaghan sent him to sec-i end with a single. Hamilton! came home on another single} by Bob Kennedy. ; Domik then settled clown tol get Nick Lucyk on a fly out” ditto Flynn. and then struck out the final batsman to end the game. ‘ McClenaghan came up with two hits off of Domik. The third and {10551ny final game will be played tonight (Thursday) at the town park. Game time, 8:30 pm. He struck out 13 of the op- position. - On Display Now at COMMERCIAL & INDUSTRIAL INSTALLATION AND SERVICE Phone 222-1427 Now Servicing Richmond Hill A rea DOWNIE ELECTRIC .uuluc vu e fly to ved the reach in reported to make inded up ase wild ack Mc- doubled lg struck d. Ben- to have a single The pinfall is much higher due to the lanes being in good condition. Bob Julien showed his ap- preciation by bowling the high single (383) and triple ’862) of the night. ‘ Team standings after the‘ second week of action looks like this: Team No. 10 14: Tony's Esso 12; Michaels’ Gift 12; Powell' Fencing 10; Bowden Lumber 7; ABC No. 1 7; Hall's Fuel 7; Sterlinz 6: Allencourt Lanes 6: 784, John Cruse 777. Fred Hic- key 767 and Earl Freeland 766. In team action Turnbull Groceries took all points from Cardinal Insulation. Richmond Inn did the same to Allencourt Electronics and ABC Bowl whitewashed Watt‘s Real Estate. In 5-2 splits. Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers defeated Allen- court Fish & chips. In 4-3 matches Bob‘s Delivery Service edged Manufacturers Life In- surance and Allencourt Lanes nipped Regency Cleaners. Team standings after the second week of action looks like this: The 1967-68 bowling season has started in fine fashion. High average after six games is unstable but never-the- less, this is the way it stands. Team No. 10 14: Tony's Esso 12; Michaels’ Gift 12; Powell Fencing 10; Bowden Lumber 7; ABC No. 1 7; Hall's Fuel 7; Sterling 6; Allencourt Lanes 6; ABC No. 2 3; Wilson Niblett 0; Team No. 9 0. N. Roberts 279; N. Thomas 278; J. Moore 264; T. Saul 263; G. Keroff 261. ALLENCOURT MEN’S MAJOR Bob Weeks was high man in this week's action. Bob had a IMPRESSION Send your Clothes To HOW TO MAKE Far Dry Cleaning Shirt Laundry Storage Pick-Up and Delivery ABC MEN'S MAJOR If you missed our New Car Showing â€"- come in now and immediate delivery WITH THE MOST SUCCESSFUL NEW CAR ANNOUNCEMENT THIS AREA HAS EVER HAD, WE N O W OFFER THE FOLLOWING NEW CAR TRADE-INS: 7 _ 1965 Models from $1695. 884-87 41 You Can BUY With Cash! You Can BUY With Monthly Payments! You Can BUY With No Money Down! 10 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill Open 7 am. every morning 9612 YONGE ST.. RICHMOND HILL Come in and make us prove it! total of 816. John Moore was next in line with 814, Stan Shadoff had 791. Bob Julian 784, John Cruse 777. Fred Hic- key 767 and Earl Freeland 766. High averages sees Bob Jul- ian on top with 274, followed by Dave Alexander with 271, Bob Weeks 270, Fred Hickey 251. John Moore 251, John Cruse 249, Tim Saul 249 and Doug Clubine 248. Team standings to date are: Allencourt Lanes 18. Richmond Inn 18, Manufacturer’s Life 17, Bob's Delivery Service 16. Turnbull Groceries 15, Cardinal Insulation 12, ABC Bowl 12. Richmond Hill Auto Wreckers 7, Regency Cleaners 7, Allen- court Electronics 2. Allencourt Fish 8.: Chips Snack Bar 2. Watt's Real Estate 0. LET'S GO . . . LANES Bayview &'Markham Rds. Richmond Hill -â€" 884-5511 0 LADIES’ AFTERNOON LEAGUE 5 PIN BOWLING . MIXED LEAGUE . OPEN BOWLING . SNACK BAR 1964 Models from $1395. 1963 Models from $995. 1962 Medals from $795. Choose from ALLENCOURT - AIR CONDITIONED - MORE SPORTS 0N PAGE 17 SUPERVISED NURSERY Tues., Wed. and Thurs., 1.30 to 3.30 pm. Under $1,000 Specials Mon. thru Fri., 7 and 9.30 pm. Saturday afternoons and evenings Sunday afternoons and evenings Choose from Pontiacs, Choose from Pontiacs,â€"Che\â€"1rolets, Oldsmobiles, Fords. Some with automatic and radio Choose from Pontiacs, Buicks, Acadians Choose from 2 Pontiacs, 1 Ford Pontiacs, Buicks, Fords, Chevrolets $2.00 â€" Play all day 8 to 4 pm . Saturdays 8-10 [Lm Sundays 2-4.30 p.m DOUBLE RINK ARENAS CAN SAVE YOU MONEY! Chevrolets, Hillmans, Volkswagens Pay as you play Hockey see the 1968’s . . . SHINNY BEGINS AGAIN 889-5445 some licensed for Jane St. at Hwy. 7

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