Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 Sep 1967, p. 7

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DON'T just lIST SELL with SMITH EXPERIENCE It’s A Great Time To Buy Your ‘New’ Home! i SELLING ;YOUR HOME? For dependable service listlfmm'yonge St with us! All cash if required. room with _fi}‘e For details call: panelled (gm-{n ROYAL TRUST 4683 Yonge Street 1/2 ACRE â€" TREES $27,500. Custom built 3 bed- room split level on lovely landscaped lot. large kit- chen. open fireplace. attach- ;ed garage, paved drive. fin- ished recreation room. many extras. 6% mortgage. Mr. Crowther, 884-7751. KING TOWNSHIP 54 acres. ideal horse farm, 10 room 2 storey home in excellent condition. Bank barn 60’x40', 10 acres of bush and ever running stream. Large frontage close to Highway 9. Asking $65.- 000. Mr. Cameron, 884-7751. $9,000 on terms -â€" $8,000 cash. Modern 5 rooms plus ‘screened front porch. 25 ‘miles from Metro. 3 bedâ€" ‘rooms. large kitchen and {living room. Treed lot 60 x 255. Fishing from your own idock. Mr. Sunter. 884-7751. \Members of the Toronto; York County and District Real Estate Boards CARLISLE REAL ESTATE DIVISION RIVERFRON'I‘ COTTAGE Approximately 10 acres of flat land for rugby football grounds (with or without buildings). Please contact: REAL ESTATE LTD. 28 Yonge St. S. PHOTO M.L.S. 222-2548 Dorlta Carter Jean Plaxton Barbara Wright Toronto Wanderers Rugger Club 65 Gilgorm Rd., Toronto 12, or call 481-6041 or 362-5484 anytime WANTED GEOFF CHURCH 889-738ll NEW WAY OF LIFE IN A 889-3481 889-1210 884-7915 $23.900.00 full price. Immac- ulate detached 6 room bungaâ€" low, large combined living and dining rooms. family sized kit- chen. professionally finished recreation room and built-in book cases and shelves. This home has just come on the market and has excellent value. Call Mrs. Wright for further details. 884-7915. 222-2548. $4500.00 DOWN PAYMENT $25,900.00 full price. A bun- galow of unusual design for the family with many inter- ests. Separate living and din- ing area and an open fireplace. Large kitchen with ample cup- boards, 3 bedrooms completely separated from the living area. Secluded on a quiet crescent. Financing arranged to suit pur- chaser. Call Mrs. Wright. 884- 7915, 222-2548. DUPLEX 0R. ROOMING HOUSE $39.900.00 full price. Large family home situated one block from Yonge St‘ 19'x18’ living room with fireplace, oversized panelled dining room. large entrance hall, kitchen, sun room, pantry and front and back staircase make up the main floor. 2nd 8: 3rd floor consists of 6 bedrooms. This home would make an excellent rooming house or duplex. There are many possibilities and all offers will be consid- ered. So phone for an appoint- ment. Mrs. Wright, 884-8567, 222-2548. MARKHAM - BAYVIEW Bungalow-basement apartment, $6,000 down. Solid brick con- struction. paved side drive. 2- car garage. New roof. excellent condition. upstairs and down- stairs. Call Mr. Card. 925-2131, Mann & Martel, Realtors. THORNHILL Furnished bungalow. 3 bed- rooms and panelled rec room, large landscaped lot. 2 minutes to Yonge. Box 14, “The Lib- eral". c1w13 4683 Yonge St. 222-2548 ROYAL TRUST MEMBER TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD RICHMOND HILL PROPERTIES FIRST TIME OFFERED 5% NBA MORTGAGE clwl3 DAIRY INVESTMENT 200 acres near Guelph, push button dairy operation, the latest innovations. prize Hol- stein herd. two modern homes, excellent barns, all la n d workable, all tile drained. Call Norm Ashton, 889-7771. SUPPORT THE SUBURBA- KNIGHTS JUNIOR FOOT- BALL TEAM in the area call Alex Allder. 727-9449. $21,500 detached brick split level, 3 bedrooms. finished recreation room with bar, oversized carport. large landscaped lot. plus many extras. located in Aurora. Call Alex Allder, 727-9449. RICHMOND HILL - BAYVIEW 3 bedroom brick bungalow. This is no handyman’s home, everything has been profes- sionally done. landscaping, lawn. rec. room and den, almost new broadloom in livingroom and hall. Full divided basement. additional 2 pc. powder room. paved drive, separate garage. ex- tras. Come to the' "Hill" where the action is. Shown by appointment only with Mrs. Dunlop, 889-7771. THORNHILL â€" TO LEASE Terrific location! Approxim- ately 700 sq. ft. of office space on 2 floors, available for lease immediately. Ideal for doctor, lawyer or dentist. Completely renovated and attractive, this space covers 2 floors, could be rented separately or as 1 unit. Parking facilities for 8 cars and just steps to Yonge Street. Call Mrs. McChes- ney 889-7771 or 889-1287.. TERRIFIC OPPORTUNITY FOR BUTCHER Store and slaughter house. both completely equipped in rural town 40 miles north of Metro. only butcher within miles. Business expanding, presently over $60,000.00 3 year. In addition 2 other stores and 2 apts. with in- come over and above the business. Priced to sell at $37,000. For further infor- mation call Nancy Dunlop, 889~7771. ARE YOU THINKING 0F KEEP YOU COOL In an elegant four bedroom 2 storey home, a stone's throw to Metro yet all the activities of country living, with none of the inconven- iences. main floor walk out family room, open fireplace, extra large kitchen over- looking fields and golf course. 3 bathrooms, double garage. Call Pat Moss. 222- 1490 or 889-7771. FANTASTIC FUTURE 100 acres. 1,2 hour to Metro. could be diVided. stream, Land this close to city at 100 acres is truly rare. Call John Unsworth, 889-7771 or 889-1585. INCOME PROPERTY Let the apartment pay the mortgage. I have a three bedroom bungalow with a private walk out apartment on ground level, with its own bathroom facilities. Here is a good investment project and also a good home. Close to everything} Asking $23,900.00. Call Billl Murray, 889-7771. l SELLING? Then think of H. Keith Lim- ited, the broker with home trade in plan, mortgages arranged and sold and many more plans. If you must sell for some reason and yet want top money for your property. call us now. under no obli- gation. and for the most knowledgeable opinion of value ask for Frank Zazzara. 889-7771. Beautiful building site, sit- ting on top of the hill, with the most beautiful scenery for miles and beautiful pond site. Located just east of Don Mills and north of Gormley Road and asking $12,900. Trade ins accepted. Ask for Frank Zazzara, 889- 7771. NEWMARKET HOMES $15,900 3 bedroom brick bungalow, carries for less than rent, immediate pos- session. $16,500 extra large six room brick bungalow, located on quiet court. home in excel- lent condition. many extras. For these and other homes 3 bedroom brick ranch style bungalow. 11/2 acre lot. 2 car garage and fireplace. Nicely situated for easy commuting and reasonably priced at $27,500.00. Call Ken Villeneuve. 889-7771. AURORA ROAD - 400 Hwy 889-7771 servicinx Willowdnle. Thornhlll & Richmond Em 8242 YON GE ST. 10 ACRE LOT Bring The Family And Choose Yours From These Fine Homes This Weekend Richmond Hill. 5%. mortgage -â€" new financing can be ar- ranged. Rec. room, paved drive. fenced yard. 884-6067. *2wl3 We have a home to end all your problems. 5 bedrooms. 3 bathrooms. living room. dining room and man sized kitchen. This gracious home is located in the older part of Aurora and is priced to sell at only $26,000. IT'S A TWIN We have just listed a lovely 3 bedroom home with finished rec. room and den. located on PRIVATE Bungalow, 3 bedrooms. finished basement, laundry. beautiful condition, redecorated recently, in quiet area close to Allen- court Plaza. Nearest good offer to $24,000 including carpets, drapes. stove. frig. if desired. 884-2412. c1w13 a quiet residential street m Aurora. Priced for quick sale at only $17,900. $15.700. 1 acre lot. Cachet Country Club. $15,000 down. 30 acres, 30% feet river frontage. $10,000 down. 5 room frame bungalow, 2 car garage, 1 acre. $5.750 â€"- Cottage. furnished, 40 miles from Richmond Hill. Not- tawasaga River. 5 Houses â€" Older part of city CAMPBEH, EARL V. STEWART REAL ESTATE BROKER. 21 Yonge St. N., Aurora 727-9413 EMERALD ISLE REAL ESTATE LTD. NORM GILSON MORLEY HALL MARGARET HARCOURT BETH JONES GRETHE JACOBSEN HUGH KERR JUNE LOCKING I HARVEY MASHINTER $17,900 RICHMOND HILL Immaculate 3 bedroom brick bungalow. land- scaped lot, just listed. Call Harvey Mashinter, 884-2377. bedroom detached house Here is a list of the staff in our Richmond Hill office who will help you THINKING OF SELLING? WE ARE AS CLOSE TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE, SO . . . FOR A DEAL WORTHWHILE CALL 18A YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL 884-2377 PHONES 889-5651 “Look For The Sign Of The Shamrock” Members of York County. Ontario and Canadian Real Estate Boards CRAMPED'.’ 1RLAHOR 889-6698 HOME OF YOUR OWN 'ecenuy.‘ FARM WANTED ‘ Allen-flown“, doctor wants 100 10 3d Off" 150 acres with buildings. Sub- cal‘PeL“ stantial cash. Call Mr. Wilcox. des‘red- 889-1176. residence 832-2057: 01W” David McLean Ltd. Realtors, 74 Steeles Avenue West. Willow- end allldale. 04W” OOWS‘ 3i .THINKING 0F SELLING? c1w13 c1w11 Thousands of satisfied owners‘Musician net say “call Norm Black for topl50-50 basis. dollar". We will give you fast confidential. results, often obtaining all cashlBox 355. Rici for your property. For a free‘ estimate of value without obll~‘, gation call the Manager at 884-! 8106. Norm Black Realty Ltd.’ M] Member Toronto & York 1 __¢ County Real Estate Boards IMRS. LUCIC tfc7‘C.T.P. Piano -__â€"E___â€".-â€"â€"-â€" sons 884-8884 TOURS, cruises. rail and bus tickets, reservations and individ- um travel. call A. H. Creighton Travel Agency. 889â€"7096. TUTORING available evenings in shorthand. typing and office procedures. Call 884-1803 after 6. c1w13 SALE REGISTERSI .:.. cu HOMES WANTED by investor 84 R for renting, all cash, will repair EM 6_8é84 if needed. Free appraisal. Callâ€"4H , Tula Realty Limited, 222â€"2525.; BOW BY appointment, all elementary s u bj e c ts secondary math, French and English for new Canadians. Teacher BA. 884- 5079. / c4w13 SEPTEMBER 30. SATURDAY Auction Sale of household items including dining table with 6 matching chairs and buffet, television. lawn furni- ture. and other miscellaneous items. For Mr. and Mrs. John Kerr, 115 Patricia Drive. King City at 1 pm. House sold. Gordon Orr, Auctioneer. c1w13 REAL ESTATE I PERSONAL WANTED Wanâ€"drinking Richmond Hill FACTORIES FOR RENT lawrence Construction 5,900 sq. ft. Immediate Possession TUITION TRAVEL 889-5651 884-2377 444-6633 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, Sept. 28, 1967 an H1 1 tfc4‘7 2525.‘ BOWLERS WANTED tfc25 Mixed league, Allencourt Lanes ‘Mnnday evenings. 9 pm. Con‘ ) m tact: A. R. Kyte, 884-4862. Do ynu have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call BOWLERS needed for mothers‘ bowling league. Wednesday afternoons 1:30 pm. Allencourt Lanes. Babysitting provided. Pat Jones. 884-1900. 03w13 Musician needs collaborator 50-50 basis. good connections confidential. Music Services Box 355, Richmond Hill. A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Counter of "The Liberal”. 63 Yonge St. 5.. Richmond Hill. or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884- 1105. "I a“ up until after midnight for you silly poker game to mmmdthenllmvetospendmmhonrlorungm LAP-F OF THE WEEK In Memoriam Verses LYRICIST'WKNTED DEfi‘éfin leeral MUSIC and Theory Les A.R.C.T.T.. A.R c5w10 c4w12‘ CANINE PROCTECTIVE ASSOCIATES (Don Mills Country Club f( Pets) tfcl'? tfcll TELEVISIONS. air condith ers. refrigerators, stoves, wa: ers. dryers. furniture. 2: 2270. 6309 Yonge Street. W lowdale. t' RENTA’ITL, 41 YoN’GE N. Rug shampooers. floor mat ines, tools, chairs. 884-6761r Expert alterations and rest‘ ing. 884-6869. c3“ DESIGNING DRESSMAKIF Will You Help Elect Don Phone 884-8134 NOW EWALS WEEK on MONTH RICHMOND mLL TV 884-7456 DRESSMAKING 297-2597 TRAINED GUARD DOGS FOR. LEASE TOOLS & EQUIPMENT RENTALS DESIGNING DRESSMAKING ALTERATIONS 884-4670 c1“ tf( tft

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