14 Joscelyn, Laughlin, ' Franklin, Tucker & McBride CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT LEONARD H. ROSENBERG 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-44744 112 Geneva Street St. Catharines, Ont. - 634-1177 Bank of Non Scam Building Anton Telephone 884-7110 We personally handle :1! sales bills and advent-Ingâ€" VOLKSWAGEN SALES 8. SERVICE W. 8. P. MOTORS LTD. 178 YONGE ST. N. ‘ Richmond Hill PHONE L. E. Clark & Associates PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS 54531/2 YONGE STREET 225-4701 H. D. Melsness, D.C. X-RAY cor. Wlndhurst Gate 5; Bayvlew (1 block south Bayvlew Plaza) Phone 884-1075 Licensed Auctioneer York & Ontario Counties 36 Yea'rs’ Experience SPECIALIZING IN PUREBRED CATTLE, FARM STOCK. FURNITURE AND IMPLEMENTS 'A Complete Transmission Service Automatic Specialists Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 889-6662 Chartered Accountants rpRB-EESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ‘ The Flip Side IRaminngéAround unun mun cvnvrr‘w va NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS ‘“(qf’f‘fi’ï¬â€˜ï¬‚{1"‘Efllfgï¬E) (Continued from Page 2) L†r‘nunJ Alvin S. Farmer Arthur G. Broad. 80 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill 889-7701-2 Automobiles Auto Transmission Thomas . Summers. D.C. DOCTOR 0F CHIROPRACTIC Accountants Dr. J. M. Dryer NE 886-5311 GORMLEY, ONT. Auctioneer Chiropractic 21 Bedford Park Ave. Richmond Hill 884-421“ By Appointment DENTIST Open Evenings 78 YONGE ST. 5.. RICHMOND HILL 884-1468 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Oct. 5. 1967 By Appointment 884-6011 Mister Dental FIND THE E Iâ€"Câ€"hï¬mse Food Delicious piping hot. Chinese food to take out. Home delivery or pick-up. Heat retaining containers. Ask for our special take-out menu. Fastâ€"Efficientâ€"Tasty PHONE: INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL THORNHILL 884-1812 Helen Simpson Flowers METRO WIDE DELIVERY PREPARE FOR WINTER| Barristers. Solicitors 3; NOW Notary Public J. &W. Glazing Service 884-4852 Barrow. Insurance Semces Ltd. 884-1551 Member - Florists’ Telegraph Delivery Association HELEN SIMPSON LYNETT Ernie Brock & Soni Toronto 363-: 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 RICE’S FLOWERS RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Town Inn TAKE-OUT SERVICE 32 Yonge Street South 884-1136 AT ALL HOURS We Deliver Toronto & Surrounding Districts SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 Res. 832-1224 2518 YONGE ST. (at St. Clements) TORONTO 12, ONT. Ph. 485-1145 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 STEAMFITTING WELDING Leno's Machine Shop Fire. Auto and Liability Suite 2. Lowfle Building 15 Yonge Street N. Engineering HOMES OUR SPECIALTY Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Electrical Contractors Complete Insurance Service 17 Queen St. E. "Flowers For All Occasions†Phones Kirby Brock 1A. W. Kirchen, O.D. Maple. Ont. : 17 Yonge St. N. MPLETE INSURANCE Richmond Hill Electrical Insurance Flowers Glazing SERVICE YOU NEED FOR HOME OR BUSINESS LTD 884-1137 889-1812 363-3959 889-4710 884-1219 lnsurnnce - Mortgages Fire. Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Servlca TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 Rear 47 Yonge so. s. Aurora. Ontario BARRISTER a; SOLICITOR Suite 2 Lowrie Building 15 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill Every Thundny Afternoon 884-1581 Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"- 7 Queen St. E. Suite 151 BA. LLB. Barrister, Solicitor and Notary Public. 15 Yonge St. North Richmond Hill, Ontario. 1884-7891 ‘220 Bay Street, Suite 101 .Toronto 1. Ontario. lass-9411. ‘1 Lawlor, LeClaire I & Barman h BARRISTER-SOLICITORS 59 Yonge Street N., Richmond Hill, Ontario NORM MUNRO Insurance Agency 884-4413 889-7052 80 Richmond St. W. Suite 402 Toronto 1. Ontario 386-3156 LOWEST RATES . AND TERMS FAST SERVICE For Particulars Call 889-8849 - 244-6573 James H. Timmins Parker & Pearson BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Barrister. Solicitor a; Notary Pubiio 15 YONGE ST. NORTH Richmond Hill, Ontario Office 884-1180 Residence 884-1863 By Appointment Life. Auto. Fire, Liability Complete Insurance Service RESIDENCE 884-4874 OFFICE 741-1740 116 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL 884-5701 884-1115 884-1116 NATION-WIDE INSURANCE AGENCY LTD. Norman A. Todd STUART P. PARKER, QC. JAMES H. PEARSON ROBERT G. PARKER Richmond Hill so Yonge st. N. 884-4494 Plaxton & Mann Corner Agency Limited Edward D. Hill J. Rabinowitch Optometrists Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Puma THORNHILL 889-3165 . Newman, Q.C. 65 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill 884-5829 Richmond Inn Block Insurance Phone 363-5877 By Appointment (Continued) 635-6158 Res. 884-2117 Legal 884-3962 (formerly York Office Supplies) 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 389-5729 Furniture. Office Supplies, Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales and Rentals. BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. Office Supplies RUMBLE TRANSPORT Local and Long Distance -Movlng and storage TUNED C? REPAIRED GUESSWORK ELIMINATED Pyle Piano Sales 43 Yonge St. N. (Legion Court) “Checked†Electronically MOVING 4901A Yonge St. Willowdue 221-3485 George T. Yates. OLS Res. 2! Denver 0135., Willowdale C.C.M & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 WINTER GARDEN Sporting Goods 9114 Yonge St. Richvale DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling aint-Wallpapel Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop 'ry THOMSON Yates & Yates Ontario Land Surveyors P.C.V. Class A. C. and H‘ 0 order too large or too small. rder your var: advance. ovlng ls INTERIORS LTD. FREE DELIVERY V IHUMDUI‘ your neighbourhood mover. e will save you time and money. 889-1059 let‘s get together. Surveyors Moving 889-6948 889-6271 your next mave Trucking 884-3614 Pianos 884-1013 364-2625 our specialty I Transportation Telephone 884-1432 Dr. W. Allan Ripley Office hours by appointment Telephone: 889-4851 m\luullm1uumummmmuunuuummunmum“\muumumu THORNHILL Veterinary Clinic Langdon's Coach Lines Ltd Local Bus Service Daily Richmond Hill Toronto Service Chartered Coaches Information: 889-' mummmmm“‘i\mml\uunmmmunmmuumummunuuuu VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL Coaches for all Occasions VETERINARY SURGEON Office alephona 147 Yonge St. N. 4-1432 V Richmond Hill Richmond Hill Municipal Hall SERVING YORK COUNTY RichmOnd Hill & District Unit 15 Yonge St. N. Local Services Rendered to Cancer Patients FOR INFORMATION Trailways Of Canada Ltd. Hall’s Domestic Fuel Oil and Burner Service 884-4361 Richmond Hill 8119 Yonge Street, V. O. N. Just Call! NURSE-IN-CHARGE MISS JEAN LOGGIE Rumble Transport We’re on the Job, to keep you supplied with convenient heating oil. Prompt, metered de- livery. Drugs Dressings Home Visiting ’ Nursing Services Housekeeping Service Home Nursing Services Diversional Programme Patient Transportation Lodge ACcommodation For Further Information 884-4070 MODERN HEATED . . . Veterinary CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY THORNHILL 94 NEWKIRK ROAD 884-1013 - Richmond Hill 889-6192 - Toronto - 364-2625 WAREHOUSE STORAGE 884-4101 Telephone 833-5351 BRANCH COMB MMERCIAL 889-7585 SIAL - INDUSTRIAL HOUSEHOLD The new ’10 x 70 lentlcular screen presented by the Rich- mond Hlll Naturalists to the local library was put to good use September 15 when Michael Sharland of Tasmania. an island off the south coast of Australia.‘ showed superb slides on the1 wildlife ln Australia. These in-‘ cluded many colorful and rare birds. 59 species of parrot. 64 species of honeyâ€"eaters ranging from warhler size to 13 inches, that feed on the flowering euca- lyptus or gum trees. Many species of finch, fairy wrens and ground wrens are found in the ground blooming heath and patches of paren- ‘pine grass or splnu’ex. This grass has sharp quill-like blades that can penetrate a shoe when stepped on. However, the small lground wrens dart in and out of lthis grass without‘harm. Another interesting bird des- cribed by Mr. Sharland was the bower bird that builds a bower- like nest of grass and decorates it with colored articles match- ing its own color in Order to attract a mate. One such bird (Continued from Page 2) responsive to last week‘s suggestion b,\' Canada‘s Paul Martin that the United States halt THEIR half of the Vietnam War. But. on the other hand. the Ontario Hydro had a. good suggestion in admitting that its generating plants were responsible for one-third of the smog over Toronto. It suggested that this smog was more than offset'by the no-smog from all the chim- neys of hydro-heated homes. (Yes, but put them all together. they spell smother.) That April ban on the miniâ€"skirt in Greece has been lifted (no pun). After all, it WAS kind of silly for the women not being allowed to wear them in a country where the men DID. The Smith Report On Taxation suggests that churches be taxed at one-half their market value. So what's their market value? Who wants to buy a church? . . . Except in California. where every- body's ambition is to buy a church and go into bus- iness for themselves. Questions Of The Week â€" The big question of the past week was. of course. “Do‘our United Appeal contributions sup- port the Children's Aid Society?" But On a more local level we could ask ourselves, agreeably for a change, “Need we really feel ashamed aver Rich- mond Hill having such a small criminal courtroom?" The Christian Science Monitor One Norway Street Boston, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 02115 Please start my Monitor subscription for the period checked below. I enclose $_____(u.s. funds). IYEAR 24 Smooth: 12 Snorting“ D $ THE MONITOR COMPLEMEHTS YOUR LOCAL PAPER We specialize in analyzing and inter- .preting the important national and mtemetional news. Our intention is to bring the news into sharper focus. The Monitor has a worid~wide staff of correspondentsâ€"some of them rank among the world's ï¬nest. And the Monitor's incisive, provocative edi- torials are followed just as closely by the men on Capitol Hill as they are by_ the intelligent, concerned adult on Main Street. WHY YOU SHOULD TRY THE MONITOR You probably know the Monitor's pro- fessional reputation as one of the world’s ï¬nest newspapers. Try the Maniton see how it will take you above the average newspaper render. Just ï¬ll out the coupon below. Why The Christian Science Monitor recommends you read your local newspaper Your local newspaper is a wide-range neWSpaper with many features. Its emphasis is on local news. It also reports the major natlonal and inter- nalional news. ZIP Code Pï¬fei was found to have even gone so far as to use blue toothbrushes. There is also a bird called the mound or millie bird that con- structs a nest of twigs. leaves and debris. packed tightly in a pile and covered with sand. A decomposing occurs and gener- ates heat. This the bird tests with its tongue or fleshy part of its head and when satisfied with the temperature digs a hole 14.» inches deep and lays its egg point down. The egg never needs turning. as with other bird’s eggs and hatch in about six weeks. Mr. Sharland told of other unusual birds including Aus- tralia's national bird the Kooka- buna of “Waltzing Matilda" fame, mutton birds, the frog mouth and the great albatross. Australia's national flower is the kangaroo paw, a very beau- tiful and unusual flower. Mr. Sharland emphasized once again. that the wonders and beauty of nature are to be found everywhere in this world. The Federation of Ontario Naturalists‘ Christmas Card for 1967 is a painting of snow bunt- lngs by artist. Robert Bateman. Orders can be given to Mrs‘ Marcette Houghton at 884-2553 before November 1. or at the next regular meeting. on Oc- tober 20. (Cont'mued from Page 21 and women to children. Cree to Cree. Huron to Huron. Black- foot to Blackfoot, but not Black- feet to Huron. After all they were human. too. When your ancestors came here. did they remember their terrible lives and try to do bet. ter? History states not. They immediately put a bounty on every Indian‘s head. They rap- ed. robbed and murdered their Indian neighbors. The Ameri- cans slaughtered them by the thOusands and. when ammuni- tion ran out. used poisoned Your anaestors in Canada would have done the same thing. except for three things. The Newfoundlanders murdered every Beathuck Indian and now boast of one imported from On- tario. The mainlanders did not do this because of the French religion and dedicated Jesuits, because of the inborn love of justice among British people â€" the belief in playing the game by the English. in "a man's a man for a’ that“ by the Scots and in "give every man his due“ by the Irish; and because of the British love of authority as ex- emplified in the North West Maunted Police. food There ls only one difference between y0u and the guy get- ting off the boat today -â€" you are both DP‘s â€"â€" but you are a DP with seniority. Letters To The Editor Nature Notes GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS SAM McLAREN Mount McKay Indian Reserve. Pennsylvania. M. N. FOYLE, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 6V2°lo Fon keeps one thing from the past and that is his ambition to honor his father’s memory by carry- ing on the good works of Bing Lew. THE BUSINESS MAN Fon hopes to get a cocktail licence because of the modern trend to enjoy a drink at dinner tlme. However. he emphasizes, “It’s the food that’s 1m- portant. Food is my their} selling p_oint.â€_" I Even the menus will be new. Fon will engage the services of those who specialize in Cantonese food. So much of what we have come to know es Chinese food does not have Chinese origin. Thls will be changed and you will have the opportunity l0 become acquainted with authentic Chinese cook- mg. to Chinese food. _ Fon believes one reason is that people are diet conscious and Chinese food is low in calories. “Also something: different,†says Fon. “Lot to do with flavor. “The tendency for western cooks is overcook- ing. especially vegetables. This results in a taste- less mess. For instance. carrots will be too soft . . . if overcooked. Celery. carrots. bean sprouts cooked the Chinese way are done in three minute's and served instantly. The result is that the crisp. fresh taste is preserved." Although oil painting is Fou's main concern with the arts, originally he was slated for com- mercial advertising and illustration. He attended ‘rhe Ontario College of Art under J. E. H. MacDonald. He did not take oil painting there but devised his own method of creating beautiful scenic pictures. If he copies at all. it is from Mother Nature. In 1965, he exhibited 15 paintings in a show that was sponsored by the Civitan Club of Rich mond Hill, and has shown his paintings at a store in downtown Toronto. Fon has an immense feeling for color and it is a characteristic of all his paintings. For the last two years he has been experimenting with blue tones. The whole effect is restfulness, yet in a way it grips the imagination. In 1955. he took a trip to the Rockies and brought home a sketch which he turned into a beautiful nil in a matter of days. His usual haunts. however. are in the Georgian Bay and Muskoke areas. He just takes off when the urge strikes him -â€" packs his easel, canvasses and sketch book into the car and off he goes to Honey Harbour and beyond. He hopes that the people who look at his paint- ings will absorb feeling for color and the simple appreciation for the beauty of the natural world he endeavors to portray. To enjoy is the watchword of the three-dimensional artist. Fon admires the Group of Seven and he follows their example in being strictly a Canadian painter. Speaking of the talented illustrator and artist, Thoreau MacDOnald of Thornhill, he says with some- thing akin to awe, “He’_s fabulpus_l‘_’ _ Fon indulges his love of painting on weekends. He doesn‘t close the Town Inn until two o’clock in the morning. He goes home. takes a bath, and inevitably feels the urge for creative expression. He may play around with this until 8 or 9 the next morning. For] does sell a fair amount of his work to people who order them as gifts~to celebrate a special event or an anniversary. Fon believes every home should have a painting -- “A good painting is like a. diamond. something rare, to be cherished in e same manner as a. woman cherishes the diam d on her finger,†he Said. “It should be enjOyed every day. In order for this enjoyment to occur it shOuld be hung on the appronriete wall and allowed to remain there." When Fon speaks â€" his words roll out â€"â€"- slightly hesitant â€" but like diamonds â€"â€" soft â€" something rare. To me. they reveal the authentic artist. a man in touch with the core of life in its earthy realistic sense. concerned with food and selfâ€" expression whether in ‘the oriental atmosphere of his eating-place or in his blue dominated Canadian “It's entirely an inspirational thing with me," he declares in his soft voice. “Sometimes a painting will take a few hours, a few days or sometimes weeks. It depends", he said. Fon would like to do more of this. He event- ually wants to make a living from it but feels he needs more experience and besides his wife, two daughters and the Town Inn Occupy most of his time. scenes 3, 4 or 5 YEAR TERM 've often wondered why people turn so eagerly ï¬Ã©st of luck to your new enterprise. Fon! THE ARTIST 884-1107