. 1967 Thursday. Oct. 12 10 ‘THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Only Minor Accidents Thanksgiving Holiday Richmond Hill and area po~ vlice reported only a few minor traffic acctdents 0\er the Thanksgiving Holiday Weekend with no serious injuries resultâ€" ing. Vaughan Township Police re~‘ ported a two-car accident Ocâ€" tober 6 on Keele Street at Langstal‘f Road. Others were Florence Nat- ress. 30, of \ongehurst Road. South Richmond Hill, and Ralph \cri'a. 29. of Stouffville Damage to the cars totalled $300. Damage totalled $625 ()câ€" tober 10 when two trucks were in a collision on Maple Side- road at Bathurst Street. Drivers were Bruce Russell.‘ 46,. of Stroud. and Zakhar‘ Gyula, 40. of Willowdale. l Festival Choir Record Now In 2nd Pressing The recording made by the. 250 children who compose the Festival Choir of Vaughan has been in great demand. So much so that a second pressing is now being prepared. i lions Prove To Be Expert Workmen A large number of people ‘ . t I . have inclic‘atcd‘that they are Richmond Hill Lions took advantage of the 'l‘haiiksgiving' Weekend to put the finishing interested iii this recording for touches on a roofed patio which has been added on the south side of their hall on Centre Street Christmas giving. So that no_ East. one will be disappointed ar- The addition will be used officially for the first time to serve refreshments at the annual contest night October ‘30 and will obviate the. necessity of renting a marquee. It will also provide extra space for many events to be held in the hall in coming years. ‘ The idea originated with Lion Past President Dr. Cameron Cowan and was carried out ‘i under the direction of third Vice-President George Chassie and Chairman of the Building Com- rangemcnts to purchase the reâ€", cording may be made by phon-' ing 889-1964, 889-4257 or 832â€" 2649. X33300};I},ï¬ffï¬'ï¬lgf’ifoï¬lggjï¬;- mittee Stu Clement. All labor was supplied by the Lions, working Saturday mornings. The has announced that he will not. beams and supporting posts are of cedar Wlth cedar Siding and a corrugated fibreglas roof. In cool weather it will be insulated with polyethylene. retire from municipal politics In the picture above. taken during the early stages of construction. Lions I’red Waters. at the end of 1967. Norm McDermott. Craig Bowden and Stu Clement are hard at work. I ‘l-lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-? Kaleidoscope By CATHY WILSON Once again. it's election time in Ontario, seek re-clection. lie intends to lThe Campaign In York Mild Speeches Match Mild Weather /- ‘†“ “ii/l “ Protects Safely to 62° Below Zero! 2 YEAR Polar Brand Anti-Freeze .75 QUART w and once again the candidates have been turning It was best faces forward shore line has been far greater tion immediately. He said his M up in various places in York Centre Riding to ‘Wednesday night of last weeklthan predicted. Good commuter party would accept the burden . . I ' discuss the “issues†with the voters_ Time was las tie three candidates for York serv1ce will save residents con- of education costs in easy 5 7 P I I I h b t [when vou and I would attend a political meeting. lCentre riding in the Octoberlsiderable time. money and ag- stages â€" 5% a year â€"â€" in order‘ 0 o P n I I ' gravation and greatly reduce to keep taxes from spirallingl . ‘17 provincial election polishedl up their wares before a smalllair pollution and the congestion iaudience in Richmond Hill Highlon our present road system.†‘ lSChOOI Al‘ditorium- l He was in full accord with' The evening was sponsored Mr. Wells on the Vaughan gar- by members of Richmond Hilllbage problem, pointing out that just for the free fried chicken dinner, or other Similar, temptation, but today we have become more concerned with leadership in Canada: and now we voters of the future are regarded as im- portant enoiigh that candidates for office come out of all proportion. i “If the Liberals assume 80%li†of the cost of education it will. require $400,000,000. It will mean doubling the present sales to speak to us_ On October 3 those of us who Junior Chamber of Commerceitlie provincial government had‘tax 33d 3 Similar increase ill attend Bayview, Secondary School were pleased "Mild" was the only word {Oi-lbeconfle ‘50 obsessed With Metro 3‘01â€: “fome tax- ‘ t to .welcome Don Deacon (Liberal) Jim Norton The occasion both 3‘ to “mm†'t has forgone“ the “ghts‘ Ml' xorlon also “worm we ‘weathei‘ outside thelof other people. “We should de-‘immediate creation of a “GO†‘speeches inside, .velop a strong co-ordinated trans“ Sb‘Siem in Vaughan. No mud-slinging. no startlinglbOdy t0 l‘eni'esent VHS and one Mfljlfham and RIChmond H111: ssues or revelations justlthat can stand on its own feetlaIEdé. . , land not be overshadowed by plant talk about what each paity In his speem‘ My. Wens‘ . Metro.†has in store for the voter. l . . , . Conservative C a nd i da tel “Amalgamation with Metro‘ï¬fmelt lalgeb on the pdSt and Lame wens played the “You he said. “is not the answer, for“gï¬fenlsfgompém‘“gents 0f thte, never had it so good†theme, in 3 mlativeh’ few years Metro «i\‘.h?:;1‘1.nes ..odVO rt“ .l-ne [.1 Iii welling at length on the recâ€" COUld form 50 10 60% 0f theisinc 19):: ene n am) “e : rd of the Conservatives, past, Population and assessment 0f 6 " . . “Since that time our popula~i . - . r r : ithe rovmce. a most undeSirâ€"‘ . i 5 piesent and futuie. 'lhe Foilesi P tion has grown from Just under and (NDP) and Lorne. Wells (PC). This “Meet the Candidates" rally was held after regular school hours. and approximately 100 students were interested enough to put aside other activities in order to hear the candidates explain their election platforms and afterwards .answ-er questions from a student panel and the audience .The meeting was chaired by a senior student. Martin Connolly. Ina number of ways. the candidates' views were similar. For example. each one seemed to lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll . .3 Mata-Master Thermostats â€" Control tempera- Carburetor Conditioner Works while you’re rum... Spray Moisture-proofs the Cooling System Conditioner Works 5 ways to Guard â€"â€" Protects chrome . . . . we held wer in Ontai-io'able and dangerous PI’OSDecl3’ . from road salts. driving . . removes complete ignition revent the common ture and heater ra thml‘v 1t expedlent to appeal (llre‘Jtly to “S StUd' ontinuouslvpgince 1943. l Mr Deacon promised that 4'000’000 to- mme than [00.0" Protects all winter water, varnish and SyStem- Handy gauses of cooling iormance. Pellieite ents in terms of what government ShOUld d0 ‘ Liberal iCandidate DonaldlaLiberal Government would as-l2305:::33]?lflgiiézjrgfehgï¬: long. 16 oz. Si“: in gas 5 OZ‘ system failure. type. for Pducallon- (‘el'tamlll “"9 agree that no dE- Deacon emphasized that thelsume 80% of the cost of educa- labor force has expanded in a1_‘SPl‘aY lines. etCi Spray “'Ol‘ks With AS low 35: serving student should find it impossible to get najor issue is “the high cost 0f,tion to eliminate a major partlmost 3‘000 000. ,bomb. . 20 oz. can . bomb. «a»... . Anti-freeze. . each. . government" as represented by‘of the present unfair distribuâ€" .the Conservatives. ltion of the local tax burden. “A a university education. After all. that’s just “This growth is not due to. another way of saying that any province should 1 ,natural increase alone. People “om Master WM“ pump WW and Rust In- A . ment establishing a Ministry of Youth Affairs. Mr. Norton said that his party was already on record in support of this. but Mr. Deacon saw it as an unnecessary expense, while Mr. Wells considered that such a function was being ade- quately looked after by the existing‘ Department of Education. I do not think that many stud- ents listening were convinced. In the first place we students are aware that young people are forming an increasing pro- portion of the nation’s population. Also. many so‘called youth problems are developing simply because the older generation does not really know what it is like to be young in our day and age. In fact. Mr. Wells made nostalgic reference to the happy days he spent at Richmond Hill High School. This may have sounded good to him. but students do not seem to be much impreSsed by this “Hi Neighbour" approach today. In short. we think that there is a lot of merit in the idea of a Ministry of Youth Affairs â€"â€"if it has a lot of bright, young people in it! Other probing questions were asked. many of them dealing with the practical aspects of the. candidates' proposals: How would Mr. Norton's party raise the funds necessary to subsidize higher education for deserving. but needy students? Where would Mr. Deacon find the land necessary for the low- cost housing the Liberals promise to offer? How would the Conservatives plan to encourage the development of industry in the north. and keep gifted people there? And. why. some students wanted to know. were all the parties offering: the ‘plum' of northern development only now at election time when they have left the problem unsolved until this time‘.’ . In summary. most of us found the session enlightening â€" as much for what we were not told as for what we were! Some of the students I talked to after the meeting felt that the candi- dates did not give straight answers on some of the questions. but “beat around the bush." Others felt that the politicians went to too great pains to be nice to each other. in other words. no sharp debate. and none of the fireworks we expected from the collision of ideas. In short. we'd like to <99 the standard of political thinking and oratory iii t‘anada improve. Perhaps that‘s a challenge that some of the young people who attended the meeting will one day pick up. llllltlllilltlltlllllhltl’lllIllllllllllllltllllllllllllmllllttllllltllltlllllllllllllllllltlllltltllllltllll“lll(litlllllIttillRIilllIlillllllllllllllllltIllllllllllttRimllllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllmJ1llllllllllIlllllllllmlllNUMNMHMWWWIMWimmluflmtmmmmflllmtflllmmtllllllllltlllllllllllmï¬llll “‘ ““ m 'Calll.\ “limit is a secondary SL'llDDl student residing in Richmond lllll' 6‘lllllllll‘lllllllllllllllllllllllllllIll\llllllIllllllllllllltlllllllllllllIlllllllllll'Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllll"lll|||lllllltlllllllilllitllllliillll'l lda‘tlll'g :iiutei iii LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS-Get Results-884410 which is often too late. He said that municipalities All were of one mind aboutsuch as Vaughan and Richmond the problems peculiar to Yorleill are “loathe to approve' Centre iSouthern York Couiityl‘residential development be-, and all promised that. if elect-cause of the effect on the school~ ed. they would support the folâ€"lproblem. llowing measures. l “This further aggravates they 0 The G0 transit System lscarcity of serviced lots. A more: 0 The fight against turning‘equitable situation will resulti Vaughan into a gai‘bage‘from a higher proportion of the1 dump education revenues being de-l 0 Relief from the high costlrived from other than property of education. itaxes.†; l\ll‘. Wells said the “GO rapid ii- is :3 it raiisit system introduced last3 Mr. Norton told the audience? \Iay along the lakeshore has that there was no argument, proven a resounding success, Inlover the Bill 81 garbage legis-l ny view it would be of tremen-llation being a bad thing, but dous benefit to the people ofi“you should ask yourself why, Richmond Hill. Markham.lâ€" if it‘s bad m it was ever Woodbridge and Thornhill. Onelpassed by the Conservativel of my first acts. when you electlLegislature of this provinceâ€, he as your representative toi “And while Vaughan was Queen's Park. will be to strive trying to keep the dump out of ‘or an extension of this service its borders.“ he said, "the Rob-l to our riding at the earliest op-‘arts Government was attempt- portunity." ‘ing to pass further legislation On the controversial ’l‘liack-m'liich would have eliminated eray garbage site in Vaughanï¬he need for any negotiationl l‘ownship, he assured his audi-lbetween Metro and Vaughan." ence that “Bill 81 has catised.1l\1r. Norton noted that the leg- not only myself, but my op-tislation was voted down. but poncnts much concern over the‘cited this as another example past several months. of how inconsiderate the Con- ";\ll of us are unhappy with servative Government could be the pertinent clauses in in regard to other peoples the legislation. Tl]? same probâ€" rights. lem could arise elsewhere in He also called for the setting: the riding. l disaflree with the up of a “cabinet made up of principle and will exert every the reeves and mayors of your effort to lia\e the Premier municipalities to meet with the amend the legislation." Federal and Provincial Governâ€" 'l‘he Vaulhan dispute involies ments to explain the position Metro‘s effort to locate a garâ€" of the municipalities on the bage dump near \V’oodbridge. fringe of Metro. an effort which now being “If we intend to protect out-l vigorously opposed before the selves we must have this kind, Municipal Board. of cO-operation. This is my plan‘ 011 education cOsts lie ponith and we can begin to tackle the to the last session of the Le:~ basic problems in this area only lattire which saw grants to by following this course." scliOols for elcnicutaiy purposes On municipal taxes. .\lr. \tii- increase by 30‘. “and in excess ton said an .\‘DP government is of this for secondary schools." would institute a system which "Schools board have received would tlnd homeowners paying liii'tliev assistance through in» taxes only for services related creased :rants on daily attendâ€" to the home. “such as sewers. aiice. library books. television garbage and police protection “ ~ets. for visual education â€" to He maintained that costs of name some areas." magistrates court, v elfure ser- ' ‘- ‘ * \ice and education :llOLllCl be m Deacon pi'iiiiiisetl 'o ac~ paid by the Prov.nci;il treasâ€" iecitiic “no "till" ll‘iilhl'. Ltllll- nrei‘. because all these benefit army to ll‘i'llldt‘ the general publii " â€" \‘itiudiiriirm, llic :miimi il:ii and '\Ir. Norton .iined l"'t ll‘if‘ Marshal. rm ctlmtt‘. XDP l‘a H is no: oife an)» 5 " \i menial i of 'liF‘ .ll‘lll 'pie ‘ll the sk‘ " hi. prop, .‘ 'u [amt pit»,i.i it on ilr‘ lane.me till 1 m‘ We cost ol ecliliw VP our workers receive steady pay checks. a higher percentage than the national one. Wages are 18% higher than the na- tional average and since 1963 personal incomes have risen 290}. Mr. Deacon charged the Con- servatives with spending moneyl ,carelessly â€" money. which he claimed could have been saved and spent more profitably else-l l where. Exemplifying this claim, he cited. “The Conservatives creat-l ed a beautiful conservation area: at Bruce's Mill, but paid $25,: 000 an acre for it. Just three‘ miles north lies an area with equally as much potential which, would have cost just $1,000 an, acre. “That's why 1 say the waste of money is the main issue toâ€" day. There are many instances of this terrible waste â€"â€" and I contend that we have to get more value from our tax dollar today to ease the burden on the average taxpayer." Mr. Norton referred briefly. to the “Preston Incident" ill-l, volving removal of two children from their foster mother’s home‘ by the Children's Aid Society. "The street ruckus that reâ€" sulted was nothing short of a disgrace. Reaction of the gm- eriiinent in this case is typical of its reaction to many other problems. The government had six to eight weeks to prevent‘ this situation from developing but just sat back and allowed 'the entire matter to disinte- grate. It was only after the disgraceful street scene that Mr. Robai‘ts decided to set up an inquiry into the case, but even then he said there wouldn‘t be a change in the taxi "'l'lie (‘oiiseiwalne (iil\6i'n» :ncnI strictly a ginei'liineiit by inquiry" .\lr. Norton charged. He claimed one solution to the housing crisis would be to is make available to the public contributions to the Canada Pension Plan. "This money is available to the province to spend on provincial jobs. hous :iig. schools roads. etc - but 3~peCially housing. that's ihei'e iiie inalor crisis 15 lode} H FUR BIG BARGAINS ('ONSI’LT THE LIBERAL ('L\'4F1HF.D5 l iniiiifir CLUTCH JOBS .37... Complete With Parts 8. Labour MODELS) Chev., Pontiac, Ford, Dodge, Plymouth (MOST 6-Cyl. 0 Install distributor points, condensor, rotor and cap 0 Maintain or install new spark plugs (PARTS EXTRA) mnniiiiiii , 70 Yonge Street North, 8844196 TERMS AVAILABLE ON OUR ADVANCED OSCILLDSCOPE 8-Cyl. 3.70 12.30 HERE’S WHAT WE DO- . Remove resistance from primary and secondary circuits uss [IflTE" STOP-E r ~' - v ' . - -_ E New Democrat Party stal-lmunicipality blessed with a, . . . - . . Moto~Master Engine Heatersâ€"Plug in type, avail- Egalieéhe ï¬â€˜tlllglatl? iIgfglï¬lggncéLkeï¬fragiég1fl: 3:8 Ewart. James Norton, cit-ed thelliigh proportion of industrialEzï¬gtlï¬zelhibgwféfsgï¬gidmgai able for most popular makes and models. From hibitor â€"â€"Lubrico.tes and stops leaks. 20 oz. can H .64 of those resources and {should not be wasted for 5111.810]. FUSE as the. scam-“y and and commemlal assessment {my benefits and _Scmed here [0 \Vindshield Sealer « use on glass, rubber, metal. Mata-Master "Purge" ‘â€" 2 stage, cleaner, condiâ€" 4 _ . =lexhotbitant cost of housing. He not be housmg its employees share them With us" 1 k d_ fls u 3 oz “(met for lugged mdmmn 1.8 oz. can wmuw‘ L lack Of financial support. ‘ harged the Conservatives delay who are faced with the heavy MI. wens concluded b cum StoPS ea 5' la '6 C' ' """"""""""""""""""""" ° F ' Jim Albrig‘ht, a grade 1‘2 student raised the ction on any crisis until cir- taxes of a dormitory municipal- mg mat today almost 9%]; of Mote-Master Radiator Flushâ€"~Removes rust, scale, Reinforced Heater Hose -â€" 5J8†diameter, fits interesting possibility of the provincial governâ€" .cumstances force it to act â€" ity lacking such assessment." "0 etc. Improves circulation and efficiency. 10 oz. can. .49 most makes of car heaters. Pei- Foot u.................... VALVE JOBS Most S 3 9 .50 6Cyl, 0.H.V. Complete With Chev., Pontiac, Ford pangs. Labour CHOOSE and CHARGE with C'I'C “CAN CHARGE" EASY TERMS + No Down Payment + Free 30 Day Charge _ EXTRA! Cash and Carry : a; .,' BONUS Richmond Hill