Hynor Candystripcrs ’ 'Fiie Thornltill girls. Susan wri'iclge. Pat Snayhe. Barbara Jeffrey. Donna Hayes and Alar- celle Temple. were recipients of awards for Camlystripers of Branson Hospital. North York. at the October Candystripers meeting. Twelve girls from ’I‘hornhill. Willondale and ownsvien' \\ ere presented i‘ds by Mrs. P‘ Mntiko. as- t director of nursing. on f of the “omens auxiliary, san Burridge received a for completing 100 hours one year of seriice. Pat 'be received a mp mid ribâ€" l'or 75 hours and six months "ervice. Barbara Jeffrey celle Temple and Donna yes each “ere mun-(led a cap or 50 hours and three months of service at the hospital. Assisting at the ceremony were Doreen Bolton. ta candyâ€" striper who has completed over 200 hours of servicel Peggy Bur- ridge and Elizabeth Foster. both new to the group this fall. At Highways I ! WEEK STARTING OCTOBER 25th I E flï¬ï¬‚iflflfflfmflMfll‘l‘iflflMflfl ““““‘-“‘-“" There are 20 girls in the vol- Lions’ Pavilion Sparks Recreation Needs Study Jack Eilbeck of the Com- munity Programs Branch of the Department of Educa- tion attended one meeting of the committee and it November 4 has been suggested as a possible date for a meeting to discuss .various aspects of recrea- tion in Thornhill to which "representatives of various organizations. such as schools. churches. the Lions Club and others will be in- vited. Suggestion for the meet- ing arose out of meetings of the three man committee set up early last summer by Thornliill Lions Club and the village trustees to de- cide on the placement of a "pavilion which the Lions \vanted to erect in Thornhill Park. A committee of three was set up to discuss the mat- ter. Bob Adams of the Lions Club. George Acke- burst of the area recreation committee and Frank Tuc- ker, chairman of the village trustees. H. CreightonxTravel Agency aboard the luxury liner Michelangelo LV. Toronto 9 p.111. Fri.. Mar. 15 $ Arr. Toronto 4 pm. Fri†Mar. 23 r Yonge and Johnâ€" Sts.. 'l‘hornhill 0 Children Under 12 Free 0 Box Office Open 7.00 mm BY IMBHEH'S MUS! famous SWIHUEI‘S MID - TERM HOLIDAY THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Oct. 26, 1967 Bermuda Nassau Cruise Thornhill and District News Socially Speaking S 1,! ‘ ‘ in .- Enjoy your 8 day . . All Groups To Participate Big Features In Color MATTHAU ' BDBEBT MORSE - INGEB STEVENS 1‘} Em; El .3 \Eflm Tum mum nku PHONE 889-3190 on a 5§:.Â¥'.?-.‘- “rm - †THEATRE! unteer program who unselfish- ly give of their time to help. where possible, the staff of the hospital. It is most gratifying to see these young people doing their jobs so efficiently and without complaint. There is much talk and publicity today of teenagers fighting against so- ciety. Yet here is a group of girls. 15 to 18 years of age. who are always willing to give three hours per week to the hospital and to fill in. on short notice. for one of the other girls who might be ill or is studying for a school test. Candystripers with their par- ents and friends met at the hos- pital October 18 where the pre- sentations were made. A tour of the physiotherapy depart- ment, conducted by Miss D. Chamberlain, followed the cere~ mony. Miss Chamberlain thor- oughly explained the reason for each piece of equipment in the department and how it helps the patient. The girls were over- whelmed by the amount of equipment used in this depart- was his suggestion that a broader meeting be called and that it go into all as- pects of recreation in the village. When this had been done, it would be possible to see where the pavilion suggested by the Lions Club would fit in, if it were found needed at all. Several years ago. the Lions Club began plans for an indoor skating rink and community centre in the park but these were aban- doned because of rising costs. Instead, the club adopted as its Centennial project an open-sided pavilâ€" ion which could be used in the summer for concerts, games and other activities and in the winter flooded for a rink. However. no agreement could be reached with the village trustees as to the location of the pavilion and the three man committee was subsequently set up. Attendance at the Nov- ember meeting will be by invitation only. Electric in car heaters Show starts at dusk. $299. Complete 889-5643 7‘--. "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in ’l‘hornhill is Mrs. Jo (‘ruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190 \ Friends were saddened to ‘learn of the death of Rev. Nor- iman S. Dowd of Ottawa who died October 15. Mr. Dowd was the father of Mrs. Edward Fugler, former village resident. Mrs. Orel Fritz will be in charge of “Beauty Boutique†which will sell powder room and bedroom accessories and Mrs. Jean McDonald will have ‘an outstanding display of Christmas decorations, especiâ€" lally candles, in the “Christmas ‘ Boutiqueâ€. “The Green Thumb". ‘with gardener, Mrs. Kris Eberâ€" ?hard, will have dried arrange- ments, Chinese gardens, paper flowers and green plants as specialties. Mrs. Dolly Rossini and Mrs. Rita Scott \\’ill have charge 01‘ "‘The Sweet Tooth," featuring candy gifts. The bake table stretching right across the istage will have Mrs. Nancy En- |right as shopkeeper of "Nancy‘s 1Patisserie†and Mrs. Patsy .1Bean with jams, jellies and lipickles. “A Fall Festival Bazaar", St. sponsored by St. Luke’s Roman’plate Catholic Church will be held[booth November 11 in St. Luke‘s Sep-lAndel arate School, Dudley Street 1be- will I hind the Farmers‘ Marketl. Reber Theme will be autumn with YoL artistic decorations in leaves of Mauri gold green and red by Mrs. Leon June Mallon, bazaar chairman. dren’s For this first bazaar in the parish in 10 years enthusiastic parishioners have been prepar- ing for two years. A new church is planned for the future and all proceeds “1'11 go to the build- ing fund. Candystripers and their guests went home with a much better understanding of the work ac- complished in at least one de- partment of the hospital. Sympathy is extended to Mrs. K. Duncan. Arnold Avenue. on the tragic death of her brother, Harry B. Ross. his wife. Mary. and her two sisters, Mrs. Mary Mainprize and Mrs. Madeline Rennie. all of Mount Albert Mrs. Duncan's relatives were all killed as the result of a car ac- cident near Brockville last week. A word of thanks is extended to the Markham Township P01- ice fort the efforts and assistâ€" ance they put forth in locating ment and by the excellent re sults obtained through physio therapy. As it is the aim of the WA teen program to help girls choose a hospital career, it is hoped that at future meetings other departments can be cov- ered as thoroughly as this was. There will be something forlGeraldine Vlassoff. everyone. Interesting and un-l Commencing at 8 pm there usual articles. fine china and win he adult games of chance silver and a few antiques willand an auction of 1efmvel- baz. be found in the “Seven Seas" aar items. William Baker has boom, captaiHEd by MI‘S- A1111 organized the men to look after Lynch. “The Sewing Basket"ithis phase. Beautiful house with Mrs. Tina Brunott andIfurnishings, prizes in the grand “The Needlework†with l\’lrs.:d1~aw, will be on display, Mrs, Florence Martyniuk, will feat-‘Helen Loughran is draw con- ure attractive handmade venor. Evening refreshments articles. Kay Reeve’s “D0 will be served by Mrs. Florence Fashions†will specialize in teen Gannage and MrS. Jackie An- doll clothes. derson. Joe Loughran will be Mrs. Orel Fritz Will be in treasurer and Mrs. Beverley Charge of “Beauty Boutique" McMann is in charge of pub- which will sell powder room licity. St. Luke's Fall Festival Bazaar Was Two Years In Preparation "The Sweet candy gifts stretching stage will h: [n The Mall Quality Cleaning AT Discount Prices REPAIRS & ALTERATIONS} FRASER DUNN State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Company 145 ARNOLD AVENUE THORNHILL. ONTARIO TELEPHONE Bus. 889-3288 “Find out how much you may save on car insurance!†RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Canadian Head Office Toronto DISCOUNT CLEANERS 57"! FAIM & INSUIANCE 884-617 a youthful driver involved in a recent minor traffic collision. When a friend of the driver and her parents refused to divulge the name of the boy the law en- forcement officers were most helpful. The big (lay for Centennial country corral is November 8 at 2. pm in the United Church hall. The bazaar is being spon- sored by the UCW with Mrs. Hugh Martin. president. at the helm. Society is quick to criticize the police force but are too often unco-operative. It is a minor problem such as this that take police officers away from far more important issues. The‘ decor will feature an early Canadian street scene with many interesting shops to visit. Tea will be served at 75 cents and baby sitting at 25 cents will supply cookies and milk to the youngsters. ‘ plate “111 be available at a booth convened by Mrs. Gwen Anderson and a religious booth will be headed by Mrs. Mary Reber and Mrs. Pat Palmer. Young people â€"- Cindy Fritz, Maurice Soligo and Charlene Leon will be looking after chil- dren’s games, the check room, and the snack bar. Mrs. Gertrude Beliveau is in charge of the “Flea Market†where many good used articles| will be found. The tea room will be handled efficiently by Mrs. Laverne Cameron and Mrs. Geraldine Vlassoff. Commencing at 8 pm there will he adult camp: of (4121109 Mrs. Kathleen Elliott, chairâ€" man of art at R. J. Laing Junior High School in North York, was guest speaker at the Thornhill Nursery School parent-educaâ€" tion meeting held October 19 in the Presbyterian Church Hall. President Mrs. Betty Cameron introduced Mrs. Elliott to the parents. Subject of Mrs. E1- 1iott’s talk dealt with the bene- fits of art instruction to child- ren. Her talk was accompan- ied by colored slides of child- ‘ren working on crafts in kinder- .garten to grade 9. Mrs. Elliott lhas had many years of experi- jence in teaching arts and crafts ito children. Her appreciative Mrs. Gertrude Beliveau is in charge of the “Flea Market†where many good used articles will be found. The tea room will be handled efficiently by Mrs. Laverne Cameron and Mrs. Geraldine Vlassoff. Attention teenagers. young people and modern minded. A mod fashion show is being held November 4 in Holy Trinity Anglican Church Hall. The show is being sponsored by lst Thornhill Rangers and proceeds will be used for charitable purâ€" poses. St. Luke's own Centennial plate will be available at a booth convened by Mrs. Gwen Anderson and a religious booth will be headed by Mrs. Mary Reber and Mrs. Pat Palmer. Young people â€" Cindy Fritz, There will be free shopping bags, free check room facilities and plenty of chairs for resting. Children’s activities will be held in the halls to minimize noise in the auditorium. There is plenty of parking available. Parishioners extend a hearty invitation to all residents of the village to enjoy themselves and find many bargains and treas- ures at this monster bazaar. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Francis and son Troy from Manitoba are here visiting relatives and friends. Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Lagrou in the pass- ing of a beloved daughter, Ruby Hawley, formerly of Crestwood Road. The late Mrs. Hawley passed away at Sunnybrook Hospital October 19. She is sur- vived by her children. Colin. Carol QIrs. M. Beach}. Maureen and Sheila. The funeral ser- vice was held in the chapel of the Ward Funeral Home. Weston, October 23, with inter- ment in Sanctuary Park Cem- etery. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. F. Coombes, formerly of Sussex Avenue, Langstaff, now residing in the Newtonbrook Court Apartments. Willowdale, who celebrated their 50th \\'ed- ding anniversary October 9. Their daughter. Mrs. Olive St. John entertained them on this special occasion. A speedy recovery is wished for “Lynn Webster, who is a patient in Toronto General Hos- pital. . . _-__ __- .._-~. .-. “mums ‘11] the chair. Two new mem- bers, Mrs. W. Middleton and Mrs. B. McCutcheon \vere warmly welcomed by the presi- dent to the branch. Themeeting opened with the repeating of the creed and in- stitute ode. Motto for the day was “Cultivate Safety And Har- vest Happiness“. The ladies answered roll call by naming a floral emblem of one of the ‘provmees. ‘ M-rs. Holmes gave the ladies a ‘a few safety tips to remember: Congratulations are extended to Gordon Salt, who is now at- tending University of Toronto and to Heath Barrett, who is attending Trent University. Both students received their graduation diplomas at Thorn- hill Secondary School Friday evening. Put a Liberal Classified Action Ad to work for you. Save time and money by calling 884-1105 and placing a Liberal Classified Action Ad. Crestwood Rd. News Correspondent: Mrs. Fred St. John 75 Crestwood Road Willowdale Telephone 889-3443 Preparation Nursery Parents Enjoy General Hos- lartin Francis 3m Manitoba relatives and ended to Mr. u in the pass- lughter, Ruby of Cl‘estwood Mrs. Hau'ley Sunnybrook 9. She is sur- ldren. Colin, 1011!. Maureen 1 Mrs. Holmes gave the ladies al One hundred members and 1a few safety tips to rememberrfriends enjoyed a turkey supper paint white strips on stairs: put‘sponsored by the WA last Fri- a railing down staircases: havetday evening in the church hall. baking soda handy to put out! A variety program followed Jsmall fires: read and abide allithe supper and began with a .traffic signs. frousing sing-song led by Robâ€" l At the business meeting it‘ert Law, master of ceremonies was announced that the WIt‘or the evening. Centennial park bench has been! Entertainment for the evening placed in the park orerlooking‘was supplied by adults and the swimming pool. The branch>children of the congregation. will donate $10 to the public Jennifer Xeo delighted the audiâ€" library to purchase a book for ence with a piano solo and the adults and one for children.‘junior choir, under the direc- .\1rs, John Maclx'ay of the cancer tion of Mrs. Ross Cowie. sang Nursery School ence in teaching arts and crafts, Farming 50 years ago was to children. Her appreciativeisimple in comparison with toâ€" audience enjoyed every minutg’day's mechanized methods. A of her interesting pictures and‘team of horses and a hired man comments. '5 ‘j “ tpok care of a farm with the Mrs. Mr McCartie thanked [\armer’s wife sharing in the Mrs. Elliott and presented herlwork. Mrs. M. McCartie thanked Mrs. Elliott and presented her with a gift of appreciation. Following the talk, parents took part in an art participation program under Mrs. Elliott's direction. They were shown how to make fancy wrapping paper from plain tissue paper, a craft enjoyed by the child- ren at the school. Art work of the nursery school youngsters was on display and Art work of the nur: youngsters was on d admired by everyone An executive meeting is being held this week at the home of Mrs. Cameron, 7456 Bayview Avenue, Executive members for 1967-68 are as follows: President Mrs. B. Cameron, Vice-President Mrs. June Rob- erts. Secretary Mrs. Alice Brad- beei‘. Treasurer Mrs. Diane Dis- Mrs. M. Shedden, 12 West~ wood Lane, was hostess at the October meeting of the WI. Thirteen members were present with President Mrs. A. Holmes in the chair. Two new mem- era. Social Convenoxï¬ Mrs. An- gela Hincks, Equipment Mrs. Donna Stephenson, Field Trips Mrs. Joy Davidson and Tele- Rev. Garth Nelson, BA, BD, STM, new minister at Thornhill United Church, will assist Rev. A. I. Higgins. He arrived early in September. Rev. Nelson graduated from the University of Manitoba with a BA degree and worked for seven years in Flin Flon, Manitoba. He then attended Boston University where he received his Master of Sacred Theology degree. He next worked for five years in Red Lake. Ontario. He resides with his wife, Lillian, and sons Robbie, 41.3, and Gregory, New Assistant At T ham/71W United in the Thornhill Green development society had requested assistance in making pyjamas and dress- ings. Members volunteered to help with this project. society had requested assistance‘three selections that included} in making pyjamas and di'ess-lBobby Gimby's “CA-NA-DAâ€.l ings. Members volunteered toiDavid Fear recited a poem on help with this project. Canada’s Centennial by Lila The district institute is hold-‘Ross and his father sang “Bells ing a euchre party November 16lOf The Sea†that was well re- at 8.15 pm in Victoria Square ceived. Mrs. Minton Johnston Hall. Members were asked to‘land Mrs. Ray Coadsby concludâ€" support this money raising venâ€" ed the program with several ture. Each branch has been lively duets on the piano. requested to send two dozen The singing of “Blessed As- cookies. surance" and prayer led by Dr. Mrs. H. Mizen was in charge of the afternoon program “Ag- riculture and Canadian Indus- try". Mrs. Mizen read an 'in- teresting paper on early farm- When potatoes were first in- troduced to this country they were not readily accepted as human food. Today they have more food value per acre than any other food plant and are served by the wealthiest and the lowliest. ing. the world‘s oldest industry Mrs. M. McGhee and Mrs. G. Sayers were welcomed back by all the members who enjoyed chatting with them about their recent trips abroad. Mrs. Mc- Ghee returned from a world tour in August and Mrs. Say- ers from a six week holiday in England. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Mizen and Mrs. McGhee during the social period that followed the meeting. ' Baptist Church One hundred members and friends enjoyed a turkey supper sponsored by the WA last Fri- day evening in the church hall. A variety program followed Entertainment for the evening was supplied by adults and children of the congregation. Jennifer Xeo delighted the audi- ence with a piano solo and the junior choir, under the direc- tion of Mrs. Ross Cowie. sang The singing of “Blessed As- surance†and prayer led by Dr. Minton Johnston closed the de- lightful evening. Presbyterian Church Presbyteens and young people are reminded of the Presbytery rally October 29. Theme of the rally is “An Old Faith For New Times". The WMS fall conference will be held October 30 at 2.30 pm and 7.30 pm in Rogers Memorâ€" ial Presbyterian Church, 1038 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto. Supper will be served at 6.30 pm. The conference will fea-{ ture “The Work and You", “News and Views from 1967 Presbyterian Congress" and “Presentations on the Glad Tid- ings". All ladies are urged to attend. New members will be receiv- ed into the congregation at the evening service December 10. The Sacrament of Baptism will be held November 5 at the morning service. The Couples’ Club is pre- senting a fast moving stage re~ vue in the old-fashioned style entitled “Centennial Capers". The players are all members of the couple‘s club. All couples are invited to attend this evenâ€" ing of entertainment. Richâ€" mond Hill Presbyterian Church Couples’ Club will be special guests. Refreshments will be served. Remember the date, November ll at 8 pm in the assemny hall of the church. There is no admission charge. There's only one way for you to be well-informed about import- ant local events and your special interests. That‘s by reading “The Liberal" every ThursdaY. School Art DRY CLEA NING [N BY 10 AA]. â€" OUT BY 5 PAL NO PARKING PROBLEMS" You’ll Like Our (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) FABRIC CARE BEYOND COMPARE Quick Service 2 AND M; Top Quality 9 Workmanship What about next week? I“'a Snowmobiles -- Snowblowersu Chain Saws : p7 I‘IA'iIi’I’I I I I I I’I’I’i’Iï¬ ' JGCUUDCII ' I\CU ' I Canndien Homelite '* Remington Wright *- U : KETOLA POWER EQUIPMENT: PRECAST CONCRETE STEPS I SAVE MESS, FUSS & TIME Daylight Saving Time Christ The King Lutheran Church Thornhill, Ontario SEALED TENDERS PROPERLY MARKED AS TO CONTENTS will be received by the Trustees of Christ The King Lutheran Church, c/o Arnold D. Weigel, until 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 1, 1967 at 24 Orth Crescent, Thornhill for the removal of the pile of rubble on the church site at the NE corner of Royal Orchard Blvd. and Bay Thorn Drive, ThornhiIl-. PROCLAMATION Centennial New Life Campaign NOV. 5 TO NOV. 12 Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted Add to the beauty, safety and value of your home Reinforced concrete Unit Stepscan be installed quicklyâ€"without piles of sand and cement on paths and lawns. The one-piece construction avoids "frost heave" damage. Bum-in safety tteads protect your family. 108 sizes In stock. LANGSTAFF SECONDARY SCHOOL Will terminate in the Township of Markham at 2:00 o’clock am. on Sunday, October 29, 1967, and at that time the clocks will be set back an hour to Eastern Standard Time. This means that Sunday, October 29 will be on Standard Time. Harry Crisp, Stewart Rumble, Clerk Reeve Visit your local “Winter Activity†Centre for Quality Products * Polaris * Ski-Daddler * Ariens ‘* Bolens Graveley Hahn-Eclipse * Jacobsen * Reo * Canadien Homelite * Remington Wright Notice Is Hereby Given That Notice Re Tender Ken Campbell & Jim Reese 9724 YONGE ST. YONGE STREET. THORNHILL 889-1538 216 UNIT PRECAST (TORONTO) LIMITED Bathurst and N0. 7 Highway Thornhill, Ontario Phone 889-5691 if Busy call 884-2163 RAILINGS TOO! Um! Skepomamen‘ desmns availableu at your home, com with the Hal 5 ‘ater