'6 l l CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES Ll-I'CASI-l RATES, lst insertion .74: each word, minimum 1' charge $1.00. ‘ wording unchanged, .7c Second and subsequent insertions It per word, min. charge .90c. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Oct. 26, 1967 Advertise Where You’ll Get FASTER Action FOR SALE 884-1105-6 HELP WANTED 54“.bookcase bed. springs and CLEANING woman wanted one day a week. 884-1076. c1wl7 dresser. 832-1505. clwl 7 LLOYD carriage, playpen. bas- sinetcrib, car bed. 884-6898. c1w17 WOMAN to work inrdl‘yCleaan store. Maple. 832-1061. tfc16. HELP WANTED (Continued) WAITRESS, experienced, day shift. 270 Bayview, Richmond Hill. 884-6161. clwl? TO RENT MISCELLANEOUS] FURNISHED and unfurnished. rooms. 884-1721. tfc19 ROOM to rent arson g‘e’h’tle- , W man. 884-1629. SOMEONE to help with house-1 ’ tic-17 PLUMBING - HEATING l A. MILLS 8r SON LTD. l James D. Stewart ‘- 884-2201 l‘ tfc43l l The Friendliest Voices In Town Will Help You Place Your Liberal Want Ad Today â€"â€" Phone The Results Number MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) Rimâ€"illnâ€"Piinm vice. Repairs and Alterations. 773-5667 - 773-5863. *1w17 PAINTING USED CARS R929 Oldsmobile. tieâ€"ed? {6'1}. restored. 889-6058. clwl? i955 Dodge?â€"$35f’8841'3938f†clwl7 COMING EVENT NOTICE 100 per word; min. charge $1.50 ‘ RANDDYPMAN, carpentry experi- i'BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 ence helpful. 889-6161. FURNISHED roomWor gonna: 1956 Ford to ion pickupâ€"8175 RABBITS. Fresh dresseâ€"d, every work one day a week. 10-5 pm. PAINTING & PAPER llnterior and exterior. 884-1311. c1w17 _ man. garage. 884-1864. c1w17 or best . . .,L__L_.L.__L_.L ,,,,, _ . l ' . , offe'. A 1 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, Week. free delivery on Fridays. FEMALE help wanted for ki_ Laislllgzill-llzf’lmiteeles alea. Pleas: Tw0-;66E5Lfoifrgï¬tL-884-5482:‘ HANGING can 24 hl.s_ “C15 Springs. Dufférin lélirléetmï¬ï¬ls: ; ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- 387~5391- 64W†chen at Curling Club. 889-4554. Sm-L-L.-_LL.51. ' tfc17 &.FLEE1P‘ 83‘?'2_79§-LL CRESTERFIELDS south of Maple Sideroad.‘ " gel-non $1.50 Apples and Bartlett Pears. by c1w17 lcglgleNG makn for gentel‘altlanctl- RO-OMLiHeLal_f6igâ€"1-6r-2-â€"\;6ipk- PLUMBING & HEATING l SHAMPOOED cits-17 z > I _ ~â€"â€"~~--â€"--â€"iu~g~vâ€" W s “or . op or unl y 0.. _' ' _. L. . ~‘~â€"V*Vâ€"- '7 WT ---r-- l‘ Classified advertisements should he in as early in the the baSket or bUShel' 884 (556172- CLEANING woman half day learn the trade $943691 mg girls. 884-6885. clw17 gg’fï¬g-gmmx Telephonff 241 PHONE 884 2433 1953 Ford Zephyr. automatic. ' week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- --_â€"â€",~L_L-_ CL each Week. preferably Tuesday. ‘ L1,,†Fuï¬ï¬fgggnjgém tb",.erif884_ ‘ LL . L. C _, A _ ,. ,._.)_,__,‘,,,_°}XV1_6 good condition, $150 or best of- . days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone 1966 Fibreglass runabout, 14‘, central. 884-1450. c1w17 TIE-a-lâ€"a-g- _._ H. LlLf L {8473 c‘lwfl MICHAEL PETERS ACOUSTIC TILE DRYWALL fer. 889-6577. c1w17 ‘-. _ - - - I 45 h_ _ Ch 1 -, -- 1 -â€",â€"7â€" â€"â€"----;.~-â€"7 c rlcu ura lrm rcâ€"l, ‘, _,,,i_" v, if; g. , g - ‘- -- revâ€"7 “â€" - +- . .5115 at 884-1105 or 884 1983 and you Will receive an invoice t fay 7225-5186 conveltlb e BABY Smelv Mgnday to mild?» quires truck driver/warehouse NEWLY decorated self cont Upholster and Icalpctmg, _47l LATH‘ AND_1’LASTER 1953 Chevrolet 4 door‘ good l~ _________â€"____ Op‘ s 3‘ . 3.. ‘ dwn 9 am 7 5 Pm- RIClll’ale Vlcmlty- man over 25 years old Call talned apartment 12 Richmond Industr’al Rd: RlChmOnd Hlll. New 01 1893‘" 884'8391' running condition. rebuilt au- FOR SALE FOR SALE lift lhlpShOIfmli/siter d ontbotard 889-1354 or 889-2922 cm†834'1147- ‘ clwl7 Street, Maple. 832-2396. c1w17..P.hL0-n€ 39131.89†L “913 EK’pER-ILNCED. 7’ “fig “gage. gs cyunder' no plates' ‘ o 0., . S a ‘ emons ra_ ' v v . ._ #,__‘A~â€,vifli_~ig Ar MW 1... _ . . L,_._.LLVL M GENERAL . e tâ€. - .- _ a ‘ man W1 $ - 84- 88- *1W17 . V. IMOFFAT t tor, less than 20 hours. with deygï¬gkeltwingegteZ/Ssy ;;2I_1WOODWORI\ERS and “'OOd‘RQOM 10 rentv Close 10 Yonge- “on moms CEtpchrLS; 3111:“: chain saw â€" tree cutting and ’1’g5‘9_c’h""l' ,_" _- ~~â€". LLOYD baby carriage. my gas S 0V9. very rea- controls. $850. 7736386 MW†"F5 a ‘ v 7 machlnlsts wanted. Good wages. Richmond Hill. 884-5237 from -,. 884 2-05 2 .16‘ pruning and painting. E. Doak. ‘ rys 81' 4 doo' sadan m mp, $35, 832-1324. €1W17 sonablev 773'5594~ C1W17 ~â€"â€"â€"~â€"DR-UM-Sâ€"-â€"»â€"â€"-ï¬- 46 1:777“ 7% rJC-ll‘l King Wood Products, 833-5102. 1 to 10 pm. clw17 pm 8' - 2;“;le C “I 884457375. “W17 gOOd Shape“ $350‘ 884'51ï¬s'l7 VACUUM cleaner, good condi- LIONEL electric train and ac- Ludm 5k blue earl Zild EXPERIENCED cook. nights clwl? figgjm‘gmAaga}t'rhgm modem ,~~â€"BKKER,Sâ€" ~---â€"-- ,_.,,~., 7 7 _ C W , V y ‘ _ ‘ _ v L_. L..,, ,L- L L - i _ . . - BACK 0 . lion. 884-2433. clwl7 cessorles, 884-2712. CIR-17 jan cfmbalg’i with Peases‘ one and weekends. Apply Half Wa} MAN “nth experience in Slaugh_ bmldmg' parking 8846808. 5%}: typesfvloil tlle‘.hsheettg0(;ds.g EXCAVATINE E 1959 R amblel automatic. GAS stove. like new or trade YOUTH bed. 5 drawer ClleSt- year old. $495. 773-5386, EOBLSREZ'LSEE‘LL.LLLC3VE lel‘ing alld llUlCllEFlng for kl“ C1W17 flier F-‘or ma-nb 1p. 3010:] Trenching sewer & water lines mad worthy and mechanically Lor electric stove or will buy 832-1424. clwl7 aw†YOUNG fellow. full time em- floor foreman. good working FURNI‘SHED bedroom su'iiable if?“ F118? 258223;? 11,181; footings. {3893604 “62’ sound. $180 or near offer_ pm- qectric range 8344;322- 91,017 TWO , 2*» v -- - - ployment, Maple IGA. Apply Conditions and benefits. 887-f . . ' Ln}: £015."- .1 L- C. ~-*~-- r-‘â€"-v-'â€"~# -~â€"~~ Vate' 884‘3356' “1w†. good snow tires 650-13, CANOE. 14‘ fibreglass ply- - . , 01 gentleman. bleakfast op- A1 CLEANING SERVICES ' " * w r :7- W ex- Goodyear 884-8707 *1w17 wood boat '15- G‘ps‘ ‘Majén. at pre'mses' 02Ҡ5420' C' 5' Boymon 8‘ sons Ltd- tional. 884-7519 c1wl7 EALPH ELMS hDECORATING Complete cleaning and main 1959 OXford' gOOd runmng' _ I _ i _ ' ' - ~ -’ .f . ’ ""‘â€"*â€"â€"AM#< elm? LL . LL. L'_L_.. LL“? ainting, paper- anging. interâ€" ' ' , _ - cellent condition. $75. Phone 12' ski boat and accessories, propeller. new, made In 1942; C'alFéLti to geriate 8:21:361umt’ ï¬-E-I-IKBL-Eif - - ~5 #, LARGE farmlmuse for rent on ior and exterior. Free estimates. tenance- indusn'ialv commerCiaI- igggwiï¬s sgtiedzfggiueéy 8H $150 or trade. 884-3751. c1w17 min-3mg: 502tfools; Neptune].p r "‘9‘ 3p 9' ' {ms 019;,“ and aszgfnnggr‘] geele Street. North of Maple. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. residential. 884-7225- “‘08 4172, ‘ '01,,†- â€"â€"~â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" mo or. - . clwl . ~ 71565. "77*! "~' 1“ ---â€"---- fwd-- _ -_ . SNOW tlresv 825X14’ StUdded’ ACCORDION for sale. 884-7319. L_L_L and evenmg work North End LLLLLLLLLLL CIWIT _tf:c_3} PAINTING and decoratlng' 1960 International 1/2 ton pick- on Dodge wheels. less than 15% wear. 832-1403. c1w17 c1w17 CHRISTMAS trees, wholesale. cut and delivered. No. 1 Scotch MECHANIC, class A. 40 hour week, full benefits. Phone 889- Cleaners, Thornhill. 889-3621 ROOMS to rent. femjles only, kitchen privileges. 884-3678. Offices Cleaned have your home improved be- fore Christmas, low rate. Call up. $225 or best offer. 297-2068. TENT trailer. some 9 ui ment' - , Mrs. L. White. Also Richmond {UdUStrial- Commemial . clw17 I‘WO drum end tables. SpaniSh 334-3249 q pawn 311d Spruce- Please Ol‘del‘ NOW! 1145' Maple omar'?‘ . CHIS Hill 33443741. Mrs_ Soderburg clwl? Day 0,- Nigm, Aurora 727-8471 anytlme, L-_._.._L. L ._‘ . . style, nearly new. 889-2691. ‘ , C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. WIDOW. 35-55. reqmred as Cmy; 57mm bungalow at†884-2433 c1wl7 1.960 “1â€â€- Cheap tl'anslmm‘ c1w17 FQRD tracml‘ “ml blade, 3 czwlï¬ housekeeper for motherless L. L. . .L . . 'g rage' Coun‘ H 15 â€"â€"~--A-- tlon. $150. or best offer. 773- ______.__,_____L. pon‘t hitch_ 889-1614 c1w17 h L“, ‘ B 21 “Th L'b STENOGRAPHER my settlng‘ can HUdson 8â€"4386- L.._ L _ L_._C. PLUMBING 5452. C1W17 WEDDING dress and headpiece GIRLS 1 . 3' d 1, MOFFAT Yapgev two ovensv 9’" 1 e m- ox Elwllé Experienced with shorthand iiiiiiiiiiii C1W17 E- W- PAYNE zjccardi Bros' 884'2947 160 V 1k w _“d d-t- ‘ $2912. COSt $150. aSklflS $40- der $25. $222172; Speed‘s: .cfuiptt hconglglon: ï¬fe,†:rb-(ir: EXPERIENCED {in _ preferred for local bank marl- CORNERVstore'wimâ€"bedrogn Dl'ainsv septic tanks All types Eepalrs and 11181:, Young“! hours Phoneo 81:43:23: goo con #11::1117' 889-2586. (:1W17 le _ 1 C 91.1 a e an “Of-13115: h. ‘ f ‘59“ g m? ager. Pleasant working condi- apartment, reasonable, 432 Of COUCI'Ete W0l‘k~ mergency ca ‘ Wm guaran' -â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€" - -â€"-- â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"". - TOP 5011, Large load 510' de. cabinet With green arborlte top, C me Opelator 01 Shoe factOIY- ti “5 and Md 1. n e of em_ Yon , 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tat‘dl- tfc38 1961 Comet, two door. clean, 2 uh 17 d5 ne With mat o e a g go North. 489 9427. tfc16 LLLLL L.. . yo t s e , o . . , . 2 h ‘- 839 5472 llVEI‘Ed. Call 389-6260. c1w17 1W0 drawers and ShElVeS. 884- A150 Shoe Lumen 884‘7861 daysr 13103-66 benefitg Phone Concord M_L tfcgl LEONARDI BROS radioI two extra Wheels and mm $ 0 t e pan' - c1w17 EE’E‘WO‘OD‘aTyTIze 67% 4008' 91W†8844716 evenings' “W17 889 7528 to arrange interview ROOM for rent or free rent in WORRYâ€"CONTRACTORâ€" CONSTRUCTION. “"85‘ $250 8844554“ “W17 . - . r - L- L .LL_L__ ..L “8% , -:. â€"~~ ~â€"â€"-" ‘ ' ' exchange for li ht housekee - ' . ‘ ."~ - . ' ‘. ' BUDGI’md‘smâ€"E‘Flga places, 773-5488. c1wl7 BUY Y-C-A-M-R. CHRISTMAS m§:;t_file:e' Â¥__'_ W V N_._ # dg ing duties, 884-5110. C4wf5 Stonework Fireplace- etc- V- concrete‘,_ sewer connectlons' 196] Van?!“ Statmnwagon m Dolisher. evenings. 16 Yonge- DOUBLE bed. good condition. CARDS motel work 0 Siblv “V in WAITRESSES- fun 01' pal‘l‘ 4â€"6;;1mon'1 a ‘éthï¬ft 43210.5tergaard' “‘3 Ehzabeth St‘ 5' pailos' fueplaces' general re' good cond‘tlon‘ $300 "" best “f‘ hurst Road. Richvale. c1w17 $25. 884-7218. c1w17 When your local high school Call Mr Op'ie p859 5411 e ' time. shift work. experience not Yonge Street Ngrt‘h wilder El lglcgmond H111, phone 88;â€" Dall's- 889 5228 fer. Call after 7 pm. 834-3tli45j-7 . . . students call at your door Nov. ' ’ ' ' necessary. uniforms supplied, . . ' 'l 68 . tfc 3i -- c w GIRL’S Winter coat teen Size HEAVY dutv small 5126 range * . clwlï¬ , gin Mills. Has to be seen, No L__L.L LL .LL. .17. .h d G . . k- L . L L .. _..L.-L ‘ .o _ - lst 01- 2nd‘ Sam les n d1 1 7 _ _ . , A , . must supply own transporta- . = 19'“ all Elma“ bpea lng- - 10-12.blue;1adys 2 piece dress. Suitable for Cottage. $10. 884- at your local supperrsarkeip WOMAN for motel work. 5 tion. Esso Service Centre. 400 9.9nY?quLePE?SL‘}§§£§2L71LEG? thvlfxglidvsflicliegiglce ‘ m5 sthiittiljfd-fadigel blue. 1612. 884-7538. clwl7 5410. V r h clwl"? can YORK CENTRAL A550 hours daily. few days \Veele~ Highway. north of Maple Side- RICHMOND Masonic Hall 112 w n W 11- Royal Master Tires. 884-8707. BED, as“. spring and mattress, WESTINGHOUSE fridge. suit- CIATION tor MENTALLY RE- ADM-V "J Person Emerald 1519 road- For further information Crosby Ava. Bowling banquets “3 C,“ '3" . *lwlT ll year old). excellent condition, able for cottage. 884-7508. TARDED. 884-5861. c1w17 MOM “ng and Garden 1M1: Phone 832'1555- “C13 Xmas partiesv dances' Contact Dggror 91:23:: LOST 1963*Chev â€convertible“vs $25. 884-5694. c1w17 c1wl7 -- - one C w E330 400 Jack Williams. 884-3200. crown; - , L L. LL L. L ._ - ; - - ,_H_ n 7 _ REMNANTS of Drapery Mat- -â€"- #*" . f if‘ ‘ . . . ---â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"_~ L .L-3 884-2433 .CAT' b1 k l‘th ' - - power steerm and brakes. good CUSTOM 303 deer rifle $45 or STOVE electric. high speed. eriaIS, suitable for slip covers, MACHINE OPeIatm Clell‘ for Impel‘ml 011 Serwce Centre 0“ 1‘000 feet Ofï¬ce Spacev 6A LeV‘l “615 ings or§rigev“lbciggeliiltcriialti‘n condition- call; aft-91‘ 6-30 01‘ all offer, Hockey 8 uj ment for oven needs ï¬xing $10 384- h- - h - bank Ofï¬ce 1“ Maple- Apply- Highway 400 between King endale. Richmond Hill. 633-‘~â€"â€"â€"--â€"-~â€"7-â€"~-k-I- ‘ ‘ - . _ q P . cus Ions. curtains, c air covers C d. I . 1 B k f _ , CALL us for your sand gravel head south Taylor M1115 alea_ day weekends. 8841516. age 16, 810. 884-1941. c1wl7 7666 after 5. c1w17 _ fantastic values: “a 13" ml’em 3," 0 Slderoad and Maple Slderoad. 5661, or 889-5651 or 884-2377. . . ~ .- ' _ i 17 . c M 1 o 832. - - - . fill top 5011 and limestone 884 5451- C1W17 “ W RABBITS b d' N 11 t k- 1,1 WYN ommerce» 31’ 9v marw- has Immediate openings £01 2 Emerald 1519 Real Estate_ tmg ’ _ A“ g_ ,,_ iv ig_h ,. L A .. ~ , _ .’ ree ing. ew zea- siac Ing ta es, . plywood -DOT 2216. C2w15 island gasoline attendants Day L L L . . Prompt delivery. Reasonable BLACK and tan 5 month 01d, 1963 Karman Ghla. red and land Whites and Flemish tops In good condition. Phone LADIES SHOP --â€"- «f--, -!- V, . - KING CITY TRAILERS rates. J. B. DeFerrari. Maple, male hound, Answers to the black. new motor. excellent con- Giants. 884-2205. c1wl7 887-5461. *1wl7 BAYVIEW PLAZA CAR “’aShe‘S' Firm“ and “’3' ilâ€"lriï¬lrlyafiiltgooiilus Travel and tent trailers. sales 832-8876. tfc12 name of “HOBy“ children-s dition $975 889-6391 after 6 -- _ , _ ers. no experience necessary. ' - 7 ' ' ' D h dFIRé-ZWSOD d 2 1 itrol-S-Chalr gagrlage’ 1 cub RICHMOI‘RIIJD‘igzth, ONT. Apply North Yonge Car wash, Will consider men up to 50;:313123531111: Renttfaclg CHIMNEYS lpet. Reward. 884-8898. c1w17 antionï¬weikendg" “$111!? ry ar woo . eivere . 83 - an ma ress- an assinet. $75. ' ’ 5940 Yonge Street, Willowdale. years of age. Must be courteous - - ' ' _ Chimneys built and repaired.“CiiTTlSltTgroun'té‘mEEâ€"whité 1964 Ford custom. standard. 6 1390. c4w16 832-2478. clwl? u. -mï¬__~ _ . ._g_ 225-0931, c4w14 and neat in appearance. Phone FPRNISHED mom- @0ng f3' Free estimates. Expert work- with grey-black markings on cyl.. good condition. 404 Blue , - ~ - cllItIes 16 L 'n 1 t h t DRy_ mixed hardwood $16 a FUR jackets. almost new. CONTENTS LARGE WIllow- ~~-â€"~ _ -- for Inteerew 832-1166. clw16 ’ , 01 e' S ouse 935 manship. Phone Walker and head. back and tail, Richmond. Grass Blvd, after 6. c1w17 I . , . . . dale home. 9_p1ece contempop SENIOR “elk typlslu femalev â€" - ----~---- - â€" -~~ - - ~ of Clarks Drug store at Yonge. - . - -- r-fl â€"~â€"v tic-- â€" -â€"' oad delivered. Blown China Mink. Size 10-12. ' fully experienced in general of- TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN MltChell- 889'2525- “011 TrenCh Street 3193- 834'3379- 1964 Volkswagen station wagon C. “L. Knappett. 884-3089. Grey Lamb, grey Mink colla‘r, ary dining room, 5 oil paintâ€" ings, turquoise and gold chest- fice routine. Small, modern RECEPTIONIST 2 bedroom. sitting l‘oom'kitchen tfc24 GENERAL contracting. altera-. blwl7 15008, rebuilt engine. radio, g _ ‘ c1w17 size 10-12 86311482. clwl] erï¬eld and chair tables 1am 5 office, transportation required. The township of Vaughan has d b _ tions and additions, homes, of? STOLEN large gas heater. Bargain. 884â€" 26.. boys bicycle. very good UNDER-WOOD typewriter. like 9’ X 12‘ 12‘ X 18; rugs .dmetltler Apply 888-1987. clwl7 an opening in the clerkԤ depart. glrlivatélszzlriillg. elaeggtrigéleated. flees. factories_ Gus-tom carpem From the lobby of Richmond 2402;7‘7» Li_ 47cv1wl6 condition. Banana seat and high new. 16 h.p. outboard motor, bedroon‘I suite with tri'ple mes: MALE or female for snack bar mem for a 1‘9?9pt10n15t with g’ 'cth try Of 3" descrlptlons- L95 Towers large gold banded San- 1964 Beaumont sedan. 6-cylin- handlebars. $20. 884-4593. IBM electric typewriter. 884- ser TV Spanish black leather from 12 noon to 9 pm. Monday grade 10 Education Plus t-Ypmg‘ _- - - L-___ - Lâ€" . .. 10::th {37%}:A?§:6- in _7wif:°_3 severla. any luru-Inalhm Ur um. nun-motio- rmvov brakes. *1w17 8912. c1wl7 che'sterf'ield and Chair with 0t_ to Saturday. Phone 223-4700. fmd at 189151 .2 years experience LARGE furnished basement CAREENTRY WORK. additions, same would be gratefully I‘e- Excellent condition. 884-3638. l MODERN liedroOm Sliife plug STORM windows. wooden used. toman matching black oak tab- Rea Fox snad‘ Bar’ Yonge and m -receptlon15t p0§luons PBX fled‘smer‘ W‘th kltChen fag-11' renovations-v gal'ages- Fecreatlon‘cewed- 834‘4209‘ CW1? an†5 pm' L _Clw.lL6 ' GE. 19" portable TV. Phone Screens to match. One 36"x50",1es, stereo with built-in bar, @3292.-. A W, 33"}? ig‘tcsl‘akl’gifdr :XZEIS'sgnï¬â€˜beo $25:,$‘f§‘\f:‘:£§, bathroom“ 8334;213:387‘ rooms. tile floors. Noriob {00 ONE‘oopy’ot King James Bible 1964 CHEV and Ford tie-ton 1 Paul, 773-5250 after 6 pm. two 36"x54". two 24"x42â€. 884- drapes, most .items recently WOMAN for FBStauranl- day 500' I t ta dg e.‘ I I'd ‘ â€"-‘-'-’ -- - - ,Small- Free eStlmaleS- F- Pl‘lcel and 1 copy of the Book of Mor- Vans. Also panels and pickups. . clwl7 4649. c1w17 purchased, peRect condition work. 5 days weekly. from 9 t0 app'ly $2551:ng ï¬ofsgnscsï¬gk BOAT STORAGE 33943653- ,_ W323: mon. both in black zipper cases, all in Al shape. Clearanceksalg. Wm sun" “*" ‘ "WW:â€" â€"' 222-3010 4 15 4. 7 Drive-In Restaurant, Don ‘ V '. ' ' ' - In new warehouse. reasonablel“WINDOWSQCLEANED 1lost in Beverley Acres subdivi- Can be seen over wee en . Spitfiiagiigfy‘ii"§£§";3§al33:2 ï¬gzkscmdligglgaclï¬igfd 22221 CONTENTS Immaculat: w 9Mills and Highway 7' 889'5790‘ litanm T833333," Of “‘“y insurm- Ca“ 38441464 ; RESIDENTIAL slon- mm“ 3 "" Madge†395' $500 and up' Term; arranggi' dition, $115 or best offer, 773- structions. Best offer. 773â€"5386. room 110mg, Richmond Hill, 02W†' ' ' _V_A_V_r__flu__r*crlfl7r‘ WALL WASHING 5313- C3110011e9l~ after 9-30 Pm7~ gégjsmwn Momr ales’ dcâ€: 5836- mm _.~m * c1w17 consisting of French Provincial HOSTESS â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- RICHMOND HILL South. 1. 8844311 _ Ca" 24 Hm “1W1 i-gs-s'LI-ï¬T-ERNKTIONKLwTa-v; WINCHESTER 94. lever action COUPLES iï¬terested‘ï¬h learn. imported fruitwood 9 piece Young lady to attend vending bedroom house, suit busmess “C15 1 1‘1 t “O wa on $1750 good carbine, Excellent condition ing to square dance, come to dining room suite, cane-back machines. Weekend work only. couple. After 6. 889-4197. _._.-------~---- 7; ‘ ea .5 a .“ 5d “v'erie; 14,7 Case. 2 boxes of shells. 884-3158, MacKillop Memorial School. Chaim TV Stereo. colonial den MUSt haVe 0W“ tl‘ansportatm? “W†T can: Egggjtnlgonuete; ggrégflxcsmfé Tgomhill' 889_ . . .‘ . . A _ LLLLLLLLLLLLLL. LL ~â€"~â€"~â€"‘ .â€"~â€"â€"-. -7 ren I , 0 . " ------~- --- â€"â€"~â€"‘â€"V-"."’ - ‘ _ 7w clwl-7 Mondays, 330 to 10.30. clwn in! .multllred chteiterfleld land ï¬lleaszi4cfiltitiict Mrs Jeandllv/éi7 CLEANING lady wants day SINGLE room in _quiet adult and drains. Bacï¬hoe loaderlNURSERY school teacher Wm 5163. “cu OIL s ace heater wi I MUST sell immediate! ver c 541% a 5.0 “1.30. mg roe e1†’ ‘ , work, experienced and reliable. llOnle- Ample pal‘klng. SUllable -5 6 34-5550 lcare for pre-school child in râ€"râ€" ’7 ’ ~ â€"7# .1" ‘ p th bower 5†y orl inal 011 t t b1 . rentals. 884 2 4, 8 1965 Impala new condltlon. nd tank. 51000 RT 5 ood Kelvinator fri middle . g .93†lngs: 1"†a '3 RESPONSIBLE woman ‘0 Ewe Call after 6. 884-8924. c1w17 for busmess gentleman Phone trcg‘own home. 884-7065. *1w17 ' 3 , U . Good g g. l 3 72 c1w17 ondit- . i2 $45 . . t H 834 Zlg-zag sewmg machine. loose loving care to two preâ€"school ---â€"~~----â€"â€"â€"-.-~~ 834-1423, c1w17 __L-.LLL.L .. .L --- - ,- - ---- - 884- 8 - 7 if H,_,_ E . Ion. Ieasonable. 889-5958. S 9- 01 “63185 0 er- - cuShion Chesterfield, Italian children and do some house_ EXPERIENCED woman Will do L .. I. pERRLSTYLE CUSTOM lWILL mind children for work- alrngE-S-EEIEéVm7-ImEâ€"Mark IL LL._‘ __ Clwm 6659' L. L... clw†brocade, gold and brown; 0011- work To come in daily Mondayhousework 2’3 days “’88le- 252 FURNISHED bfdé‘oom-l PIEâ€? UPHOLSTERING ing mother. Bl‘owndale Crescent Chrysler warranty SPD’ 35 GOOD used clothing, winter REFRIGERATOR, automatic temporary bedroom with night to Friday‘ Can 8894929‘ after Markham Rd.. Richmond Hill. Emei‘igï¬séngsss824%;6103318‘196':Antique and modem furniturm‘area.H984-7262 7 v ciwl'l MPG“ A_1 condition Reasom coats. suits. dresses, formals defrost. Very lal‘ge. freezer top. tables; black vinyl recreation 6.30 pm, c1wl7 ,, ,, Châ€? g p g ' c1“.1-,"All work guaranteed. Up to DAY care given - Cartier able. 334-5070 clwl? 110 oak Avenue' $150 caSh' 7 Helen Avenue- room furniture With bal’ and w " ‘H†’ STONE walks, patio and fil‘e- ‘7, .# _L_.A.,L.* LL date selection of material andFCI-escpnt and Bayvjew area, "~â€" r-ms " ‘7." " , ’â€" - ' ACCOUNTANT - 1966 Comet Cyclone Gl‘ hl » --â€"- L L. . _ flwu ShornfluLaflLelLi. “3’13 StOOIS' Appomtments 88966441701. Municipal Hydro svstem places. Reasonable price. AllHOUSE. 3 bedl‘OOlll: .Semljdï¬'lstyles' 384-5335, tfcl7l884_8543. 01“,†per bought new March '6‘] 9’ AUTOMATIC washer, suds re- HIGH chair $5. Carriage $15 041715 RI‘A. 01. CTIA_ pl.efe,.l.ed_ SaL‘WOI‘k guaranteed. 884-7652. tached. $170 plus utilities. Ric r-rSEPTIC-TANKS' DAY carer-for pre:sch001 Child‘ ooo'mnes' private Moving. 727 turn, will deliver and guarantee and Junior bed complete, $20. c3w17‘ mond Hill. Phone after 5 pm. gPumped and repaired. Tile Beds.L Monday to Friday. 'l‘hornhill 4392. clwl One gear Ken c1 k 889 5226 All like new and white in col my range $1650 to $9950 an-i ' ~’ ' A *1 k 884-6245 (‘le'l' , ' - 31‘ ' - ' I ' nually, For application fOl‘mYOUNG MEN. 16-19, 00 ing . .L LLL L Lâ€" --.-_- THORNHH‘L SANITARY ‘Gl'een area. 889-5213. c1\\'17 . ' ’ - 'down; Wig“? ttci4 our. 85 Edgar. Avenue. Richvale. PETS FOR SALE can 3894325 “Wm,†work, Anything considered. BE A U 1‘1 FULLY _ furnished CONTRACTORS lDAY care available Hears and‘351370 (113's. nozli/Ibngprwate' . AL v clwl? .L. _.L..L L... L.L ~â€"â€"---- -â€" r - ham-Can you help us, Call Salvation l'OOm. fm‘ 2 men- [Wln bedsv “0 RRI Th - h'u 339-1555 3 . i y - '1'11‘ 0 -. ' I I I ‘1 17 X I UMINUM LARGE d k 7 7' 1 ih " 275 FOUR fIUffy gray klttens‘ free PAPER ROU-TE “Army 889-7655 tfc29'meals also single room. Maple " 0m 1 ' ' -‘unde" 13"“), I“ S Dllve.221‘5915 even‘ngs'_ r ’( YVL . Doors. Windows, awnings, and chuck juglspi'n;“111‘;ersec $1 2r“; to good homes. 889-4007. clw17 “The Liberal†l'equl'es a “HAL 'L LdL, C] -- k -,n- 332_2064 01,017 A _,7 “a, g a 5‘4†S‘mm- 834'7333- CI‘V†19257"y§maha"350: good shape, " - , . -~â€"-â€"Â¥-- -.---. .L ..LLL . ‘ . ‘. - v - _ e1 _7 WV :ffl/iv 7 W, lâ€" ‘ , . i ' . ’. ’ i , . , railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. FLUFFY kittens. 2 orange and SPODSlbIe boy 01 gill [m an \loman 951165 louse e p g APARTMENT for rentself con_- FRANK AND BILLS DAY CARE given in my home 2000 miles. $800 ol best offel- H~_i_ _ 7 tfc36 NEW and used applianCeâ€"paiitg, wrmger rolls. wood blocks, bear- and mattress $7. Vanity dresser anl mirror 65. 384-5079. c1w17 2~snOw‘ti-res, 730x14 slightly white, 1 tortoiseshell, free to good home, 832â€"1507. c1w17 established paper route in the Oak Ridges area (West side Yonge Streetl. Phone Mr. Pratt,l in King-Richmond Hill ‘Fol‘ particulars phone 832-8857.‘ clw17l area. tained 3 rooms, suit elderly or business couple. Close to Oak Ridges_ write Box 23 «The Lib_ cleaned. Liquid sludge removal. SANITARY CONTRACTORS JSepï¬c tan 75 days a week. and Bayview area. Markham andl 884-8588. l ks, . tfcll‘l pumped clwl7 889-6708. NEED’SPRING WORK DONE? - l , used. mounted. reasonable. LFPREEvâ€"ZPHUff-V Pal‘lripel‘slanil‘lll: Circulation. 884-1105. nc3w173p N NER 7 :‘d ‘7" ax~t:tim'e , - » ,- . , - .~ 7 r $551.??? fist-“1e skin-"enlm‘ em PM†834-3381 after 6 Pm- ‘8"5' house "me" Mu“ g0 ‘0 ‘p’APER’R’OUTE ltiiiniqvccortlsmet:‘orpasslstinglel‘alu‘ “w†[aStRi’tlfilugiiii ï¬lling-846321 DAY cam gm)†'" my “me lr‘QCall Newmarket Sprint Servlc'» ' n “5 “a Road' . good home. 889-3139. (-1w17 . ., . I ‘- ' _ â€" ‘ U Vle E1377 7‘ ATh r - c m ' Beverley Acres- 3 yâ€- and up‘ Owned and operated by MUOI'e 984-7903. “C36 __ M _ if V,_,A“C:‘1? L L ..L LL.L.. _ L "The Liberal requires a 1'6 “'llh Older Pelbons- 884 4349' F. R .H . “mm m 0 n “('16 Also hot lunches for school chil- . q 1 Ltd mâ€"Su-ifeâ€"CIEIâ€" {SEVERAL suits‘ coats, dréssesl AQUARIUMS,‘ tropical fish, sponsible boy or girl for an‘ old-17 hilll-eSIdentlala1~ea. Large bed- fREE-C-ï¬th-Goâ€" are“. 884%647. clw†Ti-uck Pails land .Snels 895... .d , . ‘ . 0 Excellent condition very Yea- budgles. canarles. monkies. etc..estabushed 3 er mule for the? ‘ 31‘ ' - D 9'. room Pl'lvale bathroom Lad-V. ‘ L - - . -.Hâ€â€œa“d Lan‘mg' " ' raileis. modern Chesterfield. so am Pr, ‘ 8391591) Norm's Pet Shop Gatewaw . p p k w‘l MAN. Ml do palmmg‘ Pap I preferred. Phone in morning.‘ Dead elmsl "0913's e‘C' DAY care in pleasant home pro- 5901. 895-4666. tfcll barbecue' healing Pad- 5110‘“ n 6' ma 9' ' ' ' ‘ N011“ Road area or La-e 1"1‘a"g1â€g‘ years 0‘ expel‘lence" 89-7224 1w17 Cut and l‘emoved- Reasonablelvided for child Neal Drive â€"â€" ‘ " ’s# -, , _ v , , , clwn Plaza. Aurora, 727-6762. c2w17, . pl M. P. tt gin-cum, . , h, 1- .8 - f . . . - _ ATTENTION TRUCKER the “heel 600,13‘ anldam, V__ ï¬g W“ V__ “ï¬g g._, in,†rm, , Lox. lone I- 13 - Dent “0111 about COSL ml - --â€" -â€"---â€"-- ----â€"â€" y lates. Alvm Bake! 889-2435- North Tavlor Mills. 884-8549. d t; can the mdge‘ chrome kitchen set. 88431)“ hardwood. w, 16-. ling,“ MALE dog. 2 years old, experi- tlon. 884-1105. nc3u17.,.e.y reasonable. 884-2902. SUB-LETr1 3 ] ‘pfdlgom toluln tfcl3 ‘ clw17.tv"he;vg°â€knï¬gmgfrused mm 2412‘ . - ‘ ', . - enced runnin deer. Redb ne "" 'ii’lri‘j. clwl? house, ' 101‘“ ll 1‘89“. 2 --â€" -* 5 -‘ '7 â€" ‘â€" 1 “1‘5 rec e ' , ' 'â€"~â€"â€",-â€"-;- __.L. felglgzlzgl'gsmgle and Blue Tick? $45. 8894306) REAL ESTATE cal'eel'_ for m_en‘ ‘baths, rec, room, available Dec- HARRISONS CUSTOM til‘es, bOdies. EtC- Remnu rear BOYS size 16. navy herring- ‘ 0 e ' ' ' or women, free extenswe tramâ€"‘ ember lst. $195. 8896472 CARPENTRY *“lendg' transmissions. bone suit. all weather coat. zip mung. suede jacket. corduroy tfclS CUSTOM made slip covers, cut c1w17 JILL GODDARD for prote’s- ing program, special assistancel to new starters, top commlsâ€"l WANTED l l c1wl7 Custom built ltions. additions, and repairs! renova-l BOARDING homes. MOORE TRUCK PARTS AND SALES LTD. jacket. Girl's, size 10, came] in your home, separate cush- 510"“ P°°dle Clippin?‘ 7783 510115 and dl‘aws- C311 TUIalSTEERING wheel and controlsl :Kitchens 3 specialty, Morris! Holland Landing, Ont hair coat. grey jacket, navy ions, arm caps, etc. Call 773- Yonge Street. Thornhill. 889- Realty Limited. 222-2525. lfor boat, 834-7605, c1w171 ‘Harrison. 8844833 tfc45lï¬-6R-S-E-S~b d d ““1' 895-4666 â€" 895-5901 ~ ' , - , . - r . .3606, tfc35 tfc25-â€"~â€")â€" _â€"â€".râ€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"r- - 031' e v box Stal 5- sult 889 2235. c1“ 17 4202 OVEHIDgS. *2w16. . 1 o . I - - - - tfcll _ ,._L_____. _L__Ll ‘ ‘BABYS bassmette 0“ eosn W q Plastering Thornhilll889-Za31. c1w17 Mg g» UNPAINTED furniture, chest APPLES. McIntosh. delicious. POODLESv beautlful “We llt‘ AVON CALLING ‘phone after 5 pm. 884-6698- R. CLARK ‘ AUTO INSURANCE of drawers, dressers, ward- robes, desks. bookcases, night tables, assorted sizes $7.95 up. Talman. Blenheim and Snow. $2 per bushel and up. Bing Yip. RR 5 Stouffville. 888-1195. ter of six. Rothara, quality bred.l mother is 12“; also Gallant,l Duke of Rothara at stud. 8843 Join us now in this Christmas selling season. Represent Avon in territory close to your home. clwI7 AUTOHARP wantEi, used. in TO RENT 223-9339‘1THREE young men need a two Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates BUSINESS , Special risks written. Financing for autos and insurance. 921- . _ ' i i 2167, 889-7800. Mr. Tucker. Svezlalringls.1 6309 Yonge Street, C2w16:l'116. c2w16nvacancies now in Richvale. Egggigggdmon‘ Phone C1,,†bedroom apartment in Rich- 48831521 889_3185 1, “C46 , 1 0W 3 6- 223-2270. tfc3) 1:631“ ST. RRï¬Xï¬Dï¬gï¬lfï¬[Thornhill. Yonge-Steeles and L LL... _ -.--~ - mond Hill-Thornhill area. 889- tfc20 . - Gmkup double cut:lT ~1 . . . lmonths old. sire Moonlight -IBayvlewai-easl. Make yOur own WANTED small Console piano, 1891. mm CUST6WBUIEN-G ESTABLISHED vending ma-‘ CREDIT NOT": away semi accdustic StlldlolcggaISOLOSigaZ‘illOe’ I??? Llaeneciy Haven‘s REd Bums V0 571435 ‘hours # part time or fun time. gOOd condmon. 890-6244. 1 17 F-‘ï¬ï¬iYIOfA‘lâ€"I‘edJil‘ewzflm-PZS Add‘t' . O S " lt IChme busmess' gOOd r61an on NEED A CAR“ .’ ', , ~ K . H - y . A. '. f - .- . . L .m a. c \r t I _ . 1 ions lll- pec1a y investment Applv BOX 25‘ . , . guual- 1 Wear old excellent sca ‘ - ‘Dam Moonllzht Haians Thel- For lmeTUe“ (311 “16 Pega.‘ 5 Â¥A7# ‘ H w i r 7 _ b d h u e F du 19x. Rmh‘ .A ' I H y i ' pmg can C. L. hnappett' ' '7 ' ' ' ‘ d . .~ - ' 9 mom, 0 S 0 p _ Frame or Bllck The Liberal. tfc16 . lead 0" rhythm guitar. custom 884-3089. tch‘esa 30' 632‘799- Phone 433'lgil‘ee: “13:52:; agglgggiï¬gh; DEAD ol cllppled {at m animals mond Hm area Can 384H339‘ Foundations _ rep. moms â€" NM sure of Your cred“? lined, hard shell case. cord and strap plus 35 watt practice amp. Cost $615, will sell for 8325. 689-3653. clwl?1 Duralflst_LinePwhiteAextel‘iOI" nil paint. Undercoat $6.40 per1 DRIVEWAY’GRAVEL Sand, crushed stone and lime- stone. Delivered in small quan- tities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884- 3089. 2704 Stayner. c2w17 HAVE your dogvcaredwflforiby professional experts. Trimming. boarding and training. Don Mills Country Club for Pets. ticï¬lzrick up and delivery. 297-2597. hour answering service‘. (‘5\113 STENOGRAPHER â€"â€" picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance arid-ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Pet-(ml & Son. Woodville. Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. tfc44 After 6. clwlT 3-bedroom house, all inside con- veniences. Two well-behaved children. Will decorate and do small repairs. Good references. Call collect 249â€"5022. clw17 Custom cabinet work. WALKER & MITCHELL SEPTIC TA NKS ‘ NURSERY 889-2526 ‘ tfr-Sl 7‘ The iFou l" WiniclsiNuiESPery ‘Sichool, CALL or see us today. Credit applications taken over the phone. Low or no down pay- ment. Terms arranged. Don‘t leave your home. use the phone! gallon; Finish coat $7 50 perl EALUMINUMPPRPODU'C’TS tfc9 PART TIME PUMPED $95 00 17951 Yonge Street. Thornhilgi Call us today, i 1 35101" . . _ I l- â€"i.â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€".,â€"- _ . ' ‘ mornin s and afte‘noons an 65 Meteor Convert b e. fatty]lilthXquliannIiggit D001 Siliiagfid Sgt-:1" lilAMESE kllttens, cllï¬mpion- posr OFFICE DEPARTMENT GARDENING I all 6an school Tr;mportaï¬oni65 XL Convertible 5053 ‘5- ' 1 51 106- all‘n- ue point. Clampion c oco ate . V ‘ ' . - - ‘ - 4 LTD. ‘ings. York Aluminum. 884-4558..point and seal point, n]aleS at RICHDIOND HILL‘ ONTARIO LAKDSCAPING ' ‘ mailable. 889~4664. “(317 65 Chev, 4 dr. Htp., 124189 884-1125 889-3506 tfc40‘stud. Also domestic and part Experienced gardener- free 95“; MRS LUCIC AR CTT AR :65 Mustang m “Wu 31126:“. tfclTlHOMEMADE Barbie clothes"?ersian lemma“) gm“. “mes- Apl’roximalel“ 24 hours a “'“k- mil-“35' 3389'3309' L - .3?“ Crr. Piano, and Theory Les- TUITION :64 Ford M m TYPEWRITERS Order dresses and niglmes‘Cat boarding With outside run. $1.09 an hour. Able to take HANSENS LANDSCAPING sons 88443884‘ tfcll it folks ComeA Long Way To Deal,“ ADDING MACHINES nowg'price 25¢ each. set of lleeryl Stewart. 889-2081. thB shorthand at {80 “PAL.i ang Clean-Ups and complete land: DRUM LESSONS fs‘IA‘g-O teâ€"ac‘hâ€"er with BA†Sales Service Rentals m gift box- Made by remedl type {it 35 “'P'M' G†e 1 scapine. Sandyloam-Ol'd~103dvl . . h . t AMus. desires pupils. 889- I A th - seamstress. Satisfaction guaran- education or Where 824. 3 yd. load 815. Phone after Qualified teac eTv mStmme“, â€" â€" 2 -17 411 u owed Den!" teed 922 7113 9x151R 0M d BOARD1 6 11 d k nds 8891286 and muuc supplied Free aptl- 2‘4" c “ I . n- ‘ . C V ' ' , ‘ - N , _ ' . ' popmar makes for Sale in“ W 0 an ‘ Apply on application form ’ a ay “ea 6 “C42 tude test given in home. Call. ‘ lLocatlon Only - Richmond Hill PHONE 889-1105 eluding new and rebuilt stand- SPECIAL TALL PAINT SALE ROOM to rent. board optional.- PSCIOO. obtainable at Post Of- â€" 884-3434. c5w15 "d Portable and electric mod- Dural Exterior and Interior . - - THORNHILL -â€"â€"k --- x - . ' , =15. Special rental rates avail- white latex paint. $4.39 per galâ€" 8.84.414} .. r . . , “‘96 ggiimfnï¬o ï¬fg‘agiblfaggflfé Any landscape gardening. hedge FORMING new team group. re- Size“! 2.82m.“ W ,_ , ,7 d _ L . 01“] able to students, lon ROOM alld board {01' Semlmnan Commlioion p0 Box L8 Tn- clipping. Stoneilork. I'Dt‘l-iEl‘lCS. quire Organist and bass guitar w" 0“] 'ggm}: TOURS. cruises, rail and bus TURN L. H. SIMS BUTLER & BAIRD LUMBER 0" girl 884'1016' NH†10010 Dominion Cenil'e.‘ To- llatlosfelc Rocker}; wall. flag- player With own equipment 0" learmg up PIP? tickets reservations and individ- SPARE ROOM . 38 Baker Ave. LTD. ROOM andwlioardiarailahle m mnm 1_ Ontario thnl‘F _\‘m- stone and topsoil by the load. Must be :enulnely interested _ . ' 1121 travel. call A. H. Creighton INTO SPARE CASH R‘Chmond Hill 884-1743 884-1125 889-3506 adult homo. close to Yolise. cmher 10. 1967. Quote File Free estimates 889-6338 Call 773-5386. speak to Doll 0" r' STkNDEN Tral‘Pl AFDC". 339-7093 BY USING “649 tfcl7 parking. 884-8740. ~lu 17 GT-T-l-tï¬fi, clu IT c-lwli leave message. clwl7 384-1245 Richmond Hill tfc47. LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS