Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Nov 1967, p. 11

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That is all you willr have to do to qualify for the November draw. Mrs. Needham cashed her $8 cheque in a member store at the centre, deposited her name in the box provided and received $24 when her name was the one drawn. That was all she had to do to triple her money. lkmmmmmmmmmmmmummaummmn a A A A Richmond Heights Centre's monthly Triple Your Baby Bon- us draw for October was won by Mrs. M. Needham. 55 Trayborn Drive, Richmond Hill. The Local Association West the “Laying on of Hands". Division held a very successful[ * * * fund-raising evening over the Visiting at the home of Mr. Weekend when members, has tend Mrs. John Beresford Ander- bands and friends attended the‘son, Centre Street West, is her Curtain Club production of Thelmother. Mrs. V. Wallace. who Heiress, then enjoyed a wine'arrived on Saturday from Ot- and cheese party at the home Ofwtawa where she has spent the Professor W. S. Thomson and past few weeks with her grand- Mrs. Thomson on Vaughan Road. daughter and husband. Cecelia All monies raised will be used‘andVNlcholas Ig’natieff and great for the work of Richmond Hill grandson, Kolya. Guides and Brownies. "‘ * "‘ Last week, the pupils of the Top 0’ The Hill Nursery School were delighted to see color photographs of themselves tak- en at their recent Halloween party by the school’s treasurer, Mrs. Ed Rose. “Mun”: PRESCRIPTION SERVICE P'I'ICAI. RICHMOND, "Ill. RICHMOND HEIGHIS PU“. BI YONGE SI. H. mm: Triple Winner Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Beverley Acres Scouts and Cubs Ladies Auxiliary with Mrs. John Riswick doing a very efficient job as auctioneer. and mem- bers picking up outstanding bar- gains from tlie many items of- fered for sale. The December meeting \x'illiaUXilial‘y' is now underway and be held on the 12th, one week interested residents are asked early and will be the Christmas‘to call President Mrs. Ann Sel- party_ Each member is asked len or write Box 355, Richmond to bring a 50 cent gift and box Hill. lunch. No definite date has * "' * been set for the boys’ parties. _Why go downtown when one Congratulations were extend- ed to Ken and Moyra Boardman on the birth of their son and good wishes extended to them both. The auxiliary was pleased to have A. Plumber of the group committee present at the meet- ing. equipment of any sizesâ€" skates. pants. pads and gloves â€" would be very much appreciated by the Richmond Hill Chapter of TOPS for assisting in the work of the Port Arthur Indian Youth Centre. Pick-ups will be arranged by calling Mrs. R. W. Shel- ton at 884-3526 or Mrs. J. A. Whaley, 884-5090. fill * i The annual penny auction sale was the highlight of the November meeting of the lst The program features two local residents as soloists in the Bach double violin concerto, George Mosely, a resident of the Hill. the orchestra's concert master and Eileen Bordessa, a most ac- complished violinist, who lives in King City. Schubert‘s Rosa- munde Overture, the William Boyce Symphony No. 1, Hand- el‘s Amaryllis Suite and a mod- ern piece, Shadow on the Prairie, by Robert Fleming, will also be heard. On the afternoon of December 21 the orchestra will give a con- i Following dinner, with the traditional piping in of the hag- gis, in the Canadian Room, the convention hall was a blaze of color as guests, in full evening dress, kilts and uniforms, made their way to one of the three rooms to enjoy highland, Scot- tish country or ballroom danc- ing. E Making up parties for the 148th Highlanders Ball held Fri- iday at the Royal York Hotel \were Lieutenant Colonel D. J. Vance of the Toronto Scottish and Mrs. Vance. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. G. Currie and Mr. and Mrs. Ran D. Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. D. Douglas-Crampton and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Lewis of Thornhill. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Beresford Ander- son, Centre Street West, is her mother. Mrs. V. Wallace. who arrived on Saturday from Ot- tawa where she has spent the A group of some 50 juniors and adults will be presented for the “Laying on of Hands”. The Bishop of Toronto. The Right Reverend G. B. Snell. will be present for the Apos- tolic Rite of Confirmation being held at 7 pm next Sunday at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Pick-ups will be arranged by calling Mrs. R. W. Shel- ton at 884-3526 or Mrs. J. A. Whaley, 884-5090. Donations of hockey equipment of any sizesâ€" skates, pants. pads and gloves â€" would be very much appreciated by the Richmond Hill Chapter of TOPS for assisting in the work of the Port Arthur Indian Youth Centre. _- Mrs. Senya Lukkarinen of the n Millinery Sewing Supply, Centre :1 Street East, has an excellent n stock of styrofoam shapes, se- quins, brilliants, colored velvet 1; ribbons, gold braid, artificial fruit and other attractive items I: for making those unusual and eyecatching decorations for the festive season. Not only has she the materials but several books to show just 110w easy it is! y 9 B 9 > D D ) Mrs. Lund then introduced: the special speaker, Mrs. Math- ews. who has spent many years1 in CWL work at each level and; is now on the constitution com-i mittee. She spoke on member-1 ship generally, the various as-3 pects of CWL work nationally! and internationally. She urged‘ each one to do her part in build- ing up the CWL effort and comâ€" mended St. Mary Immaculate Council for their work. At the conclusion of her talk, Mrs. Matheus was thanked by Mrs. Joanne Whelen. Mrs Churcher then re-oc- L-upied the chair and closed the meeting with the league prayer and Apostles Creed. 1 After t Novembe1 gram beg ticipating through t' of the con Howard ] man of t and Robt eral chair nership p The on most em creased at day schm youth org er interes both past anticipate they work Reports were given by the various convenors and the meetâ€" ing was then turned over to Membership Convenor Mrs. Ad- die Lund. who asked each group leader to report on the activity of her group re raising funds for the parish council. cert at the Richmond Hill High School, solely for the students, and in keeping with the season will include the very beautiful arrangement of Christmas carols by Sir Ernest MacMillen. piece decorating the main table. Rev. C. Schwalm, rector of St. Mary's Parish: Mrs. Mary Math- ews of St. Edward’s Parish, past president of the CWL Archdio- cesan Council; Mrs. Margaret Lawlor. current chairman of the York County Regional Council, were guests for the evening. Following dinner the Novem- ber meeting was called to order with President Mrs. Pat Church- er presiding. Father Schwalm addressed the members giving a brief talk on the new Liturgy in use when a group visits de- ceased at a funeral home. Due to the illness of Secretary Mrs. Lucille O‘Dacre, the minutes of the last meeting were read by Miss Grace O'Brien, secretary of York County Regional Coun- cil. The pastor and congregation of St.‘ John’s Baptist Church .have recently been engaged in ‘a Partnership in the Gospel :program. This has been intro- duced to arouse interest, en- thusiasm and a real sense of stewardship. The program began on Octob- er 15 with Laymen’s Sunday when the morning service was ‘conducted by the laymen of the congregation. This was follow- }ed by a Mission Sunday, when Rev. John Dozois of Toronto lpresented the needs of the Grande Ligne Mission which is gthe Convention Baptist Witness jto French Canadians in the Province of Quebec. On November 17 a congrega- tional dinner was held with Mrs. Ron Winnacott as general con- The convenor for the dinnex" was Mrs. Ramone Stung, who‘ with her committee carried out, a lovely color scheme of white‘ and yellow with a floral centreâ€"; piece decorating the main table.‘ Approximately 50 members attended the smorgasbord din- ner held November 15 by the CWL Of St. Mary Immaculate Roman Catholic Church at St. Mary's School on Trayborn Drive. The organization of a women's auxiliary is now underway and interested residents are asked to call President Mrs. Ann Sel- Why go downtown when one of the finest selections of maâ€" terials for making Christmas decorations is available in Rich- mond Hill? The Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra is currently rehears- ing for two concerts â€"â€" the first to be held December 7 at North- view Collegiate in Willowdale, which will be a repeat of the concerts already given in Rich- mond Hill and Stouffville. President Bert Pattenden of the Senior Citizens’ Club, thank- ed the two groups for the en- joyable evening. W. Mitchell, a patient at Sunnybrook Hospital. was trans~ ported to the show by Mr. and Mrs. W. Apperley. The auxiliary presented their current show. The 375 Clowns and Dolls, and IODE members provided refreshments. The ladies' auxiliary to Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion, as- sisted by the members of the local chapter of the IODE, en- tertained 100 senior citizens last Friday in Legion Hall. Fall scenes of Haliburton,l Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tinker local landscapes and still life‘return on Saturday next from an are among the collection of‘extended honeymoon in Eng- paintings at the pre-Christmasland and Europe and will spend sale being held December 2 to‘Christmas with her parents, Mr. the 9th by Harold and Made~‘and Mrs. Arthur Dixon on leine Howarth at their home, Lucas Street. The Garrett Gallery, Bathurst They plan to take up resi- Street. north of Mill Street. dence in Toronto in the New The gallery will be open from 2 to 9 pm. nership program. I The December meeting will The outlook of the work is be held December 5 at the home most encouraging With in- of Mrs. Charles. 54 Bedford creased attendance at both Sun-[Park Avenue. This is being dabr school and Church, activeiheld one week early. not to con- youth organizations and a keen- flict with Christmas festivities. er interest evidenced all around. The hostess with the assist- both pastor and congregation ance of Mrs. D. Hitchens and anticipate great blessings as Mrs. S. Kalin served coffee and they work together. .cookies. The outlook of the work is most encouraging. With in- creased attendance at both Sun- day School and church. active youth organizations and a keen- ticipating. This continued through the week and all homes of the congregation Were visited. Howard Burkholder was chair- man of the visiting committee and Robert Vandervelde, gen- eral chairman of the whole part- nership program. On November 17 a congrega- tional dinner was held with Mrs. Ron Winnacott as general conâ€" venor and 70 in attendance. Following dinner. Rev. Archie Goldie. assistant secretary of the department of Canadian Missions, spoke to the group and presented a real challenge to the congregation. both in a spiritual and financial sense. (“Mlm\\l\\“\\\\\\\\\l\l\\\\\|l“l“\lllml“lll\l\l\\ll\l\\\l\\l\“\|l\\\|\\\\l After the morning service on November 19, the visitation pro- gram began, with partners par- muummumun\uummuunulIulll\uuuumumumuuummuuu Gifts Urgently Needed By CMHA It‘s a very exciting and en- tertaining program â€" don't miss it. Be at the high school at 2 pm on Saturday. Also on the program is Sec- rets of the Castle, part 2 of the serial, Ambush at Devil's Gap. to the hospital. They leave their home, 30 miles from Lon- don, very early on Christmas Eve morning, planning to put the tree on the train to London. The cost is beyond their means so they try hitch-hiking. After many exciting adventures they reach the hospital on time. This film tells the story of a boy, Gary, who when leaving hospital the day before Christ- mas Eve, boasts to his friends that he can get them a large tree for their party. When he arrives home he realizes he hasn't enough money to buy a tree, so he and his sister. Jane. decide to take their own tree The Library Club of Rich- mond Hill High School presents their third offering of the sea- son on Saturday when the film. Christmas Tree, will be the main feature. Fortune, My Foe will run until December 10, Mondays excepted. ‘ The play, written by Robert-‘ son Davies, focusses a revealing‘ spotlight on the problem of thel talented individual caught in" the vexing toils of a culturally self-conscious country and exwi amines the perennial problem of Canada's national inferiority complex. Tony Miller and Ron Scott. members of the Curtain Club, are currently apearing in a New Canadian Theatre production. Fortune. My Foe, which opened Wednesday at the Central Lib- rary Theatre. College and St. George Streets. They plan to take up dence in Toronto in the Year. Won't you help? All gifts should be unwrapped and donations made no later than December 6. Boxes have been placed at Dynes Jewellers at Richmond Heights Centre, Kenzie Drugs, Yonge Street North and Allencourt Pharmacy, or pick-ups can be arrang- ed by calling 884-7686. ) The response for gifts for the mental health associa- tion Christmas Gift Cam- paign has been far from encouraging and members of the White Cross Volun- teers are asking all resi- dents of the area to remem- ber the less fortunate while making their Christ- mas lists and include a gift for Mr. and Mrs. John Doe, who would be forgotten were it not for the work of the White Cross Volun- teers and the generosity of the public. One gift per person is enough to bright- en their Christmas â€" few of us are so easily satisfied. with Mrs! Program Convenor Mrs. J- item of mm] mm Dewsbury then introduced the sale, Al: ttendance. guest speaker, Mrs. L. Warnica. auxiliary. V- Archie‘of Thornhill. For the past few Randi retary of years Mrs. Warnica has been in mittee se Canadian ‘charge of Christmas decorations he group‘for her church bazaar in Thorn- YWCA Challenge hill. She showed how to make Just both in several beautiful and unusual â€" a a1 sense; decorations for a mantel. cofâ€"‘ Christn service on fee table, hall or doorway hang- ideas 1 ation PI‘O- ing. Everyone was delighted A. G. triers Par- with the results. Mrs. Warnica‘ wards continued generously gave one of her dec-l tre. Mrs. Hardwick then presented the speaker with a small gift in appreciation of her very inter- esting‘talk and demonstration. Mrs. L. Sims presided over the meeting and asked the vari- ous officers for their reports. In the absence of Treasurer Mrs. J. Heard, who is recuperat- ing from a bad fall, her report was read by Mrs. C. Hall. Mem- bers were informed that the furniture sale and quilt project was most successful. Mrs. W. Charles reported that she had sent cards to members who had been ill and Mrs. R0y Russell stated that 31 members had paid their dues and she was mailing letters to previous members to see if they would join as as- sociate members. Mrs. Sims, Mrs. Herb Sander- son and Mrs. C. Hardwick were appointed as a nominating com- mittee for the‘ 1968 executive. Mrs. Uren, Mrs. Sanderson. Mrs. J. Bowden and Mrs. J. Grainger volunteered to help with the hospital staff Christmas party on December 12. Brations, which will be raffled off at the December meeting. The November meeting of the! East Central Branch of the YCHA was held at the home of Mrs. A. Uren, 36 Hall Street. Twenty-three members were present. Since no meeting will be held until January the executive would like to Wish all members a very happy festive season. ‘Roman Catholic Church, was decorated with white gladioli for the noon Wedding August 19 of Gill Dixon to Brian Tin- ker. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dixon, 263 Lucas Street and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Tinker of the Amiapolis Valley, Nova Scotia. formerly of Richmond Hill. The wedding ceremony was performed by Rev. Father C. J. Schwalm. Traditional wedding music was Our Lady Queen of the World. played on the organ by Mrs. K. E. Young. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an im- ported French lace dress with a veil of the same lace falling from a high Spanish style head- dress to form a train. Her bou- quet was of white roses and white Chrysanthemums on a white Bible. Her matron of honor was Mrs. John Spencer and her bridesmaid was Mrs. Malcolm Burgess. They were gowned in Already enqulrles have been made regarding the next film show and it is hoped to hold another one early in the New Year. Convenor Mrs. Gwen Bell would like to thank her com- mittee and all mothers who helped by donating candy and looking after the children. The projector was operated by Reg. Bell. whose services were very much appreciated. The 5th Richmond Hill Scout and Cub Mothers Auxiliary preâ€" sented a very succeSSful film show on November 18 which was attended by 246 children and proved a most worthwhile project. Receiving the Sacrament of Baptism at St. Matthew’s United Church on Sunday were Robert Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. Duwalda, Elmwood Avenue: Craig Brent, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Jay, Axminster Drive; Michael David, son of Mr. and Mrs. K. Jones, Axminster Drive; Leslie Arleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K. Patterson, Gells Road; Nancy Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. Walter. A1- verna Road and Charles Brian, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Wookey, Alper Street. Welcome to new residents Mr. and Mrs. G. Sikorski and daugh- 1t61‘s Jane and Anne, from Lang- ‘staff. who are taking up resi- dence at 389 Kerrybrook Drive on Saturday. * it 4: St. Matthew's Men's Club will hold their regular meeting De- cember 7 in the church. Mortgages and real estate will be the subject of discussion. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Ruttle. Laverock Avenue, were his MARRIED AT OUR LADY QUEEN OF THE WORLD CHURCH Mr. & Mrs. Brian Tinker Fifteen members were pres- ent to enjoy a short business meeting. During the evening a gold past president’s pin was presented to Doreen Williams in appreciation of all she had done for the auxiliary. Each member brought a small item of their own talent for sale. All proceeds went to the auxiliary. The Christmas meeting of the 9th Richmond Hill Scout and Cub Ladies’ Auxiliary was held November 23 at St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church. Randi Hveding and her com mittee served lunch. “The Liberal” joins his many friends in Wishing him continued good health and happiness. Immmum“\mumuuuuuummmmumummmunmmumunn Attending the party were the boys’ mother, Mrs. H. Bailie and her husband from Stayner and relatives from Peterboro, Bob- eaygeon, Pickering, Toronto and Maple. l\\\1\l11\ll\llll\llllllllllllllllllllllllullllllllllllllllllllll\l\llll\l\\l\\\\\|\l\| Celebrates 94th Birthday On Saturday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Ruttle entertained at a family re-union when all the guests had the opportunity of meeting Mrs. Gary Ruttle (Thea), a Hawaiian, whose mar- riage to Gary Ruttle took place last August. MRUAIUI a v:lu1\all “L on DCLVIUED. 2 be the subject of discussion. There W1“ ‘be the monthly 4 * * >a< serv1ce of children's Eucharist 3 Recent guests at the home of at 9.30 am and all 'children are a Mr. and Mrs. William Ruttle.iaSked to, bring .3 glft- Parents ‘ Lavemek Avenue, were his'alte cordially Invited. There : brothers and their wives, ML Will be the usual 11 am Sunday‘u and Mrs. Don Ruttle and Mr. SChOOI- , , . ‘i and Mrs. Gary Ruttle, all of: 30th the Jumor and senior Reed City~ Michigan Ichoirs are 'busy preparing forrg Her matron of honor was Mrs. John Spencer and her bridesmaid was Mrs. Malcolm Burgess. They were gowned in This “gaily wrapped pack- age" is offered by the Christmas special class of the Richmond Hill and Dis- trict YWCA at its final meeting December 12 at 9.30 am in Richmond Hill United Church. Everyone is welcome and rickets may be purchased at the door or at the Y. 25 Yonge Street North. Learn how you may share a mow personalized and beautifully decorated Christmas with Just in time for Yuletide â€" a demonstration of Christmas decorations and ideas to be given by Mrs. A. G. Brooks of the Ed- wards Gardens Civic Cen- tre. His only daughter. Mrs. A. Cardwell, and family live with him at 44 Centre Street East. your Mr. Savage was born and raised in Richmond Hill and has lived here all his life, operating a grocery business for over 30 years at the corner of Arnold and Yonge Streets. on the pres- ent site of the Guaranty Trust Building. Congratulations to a well known and respected local resident. W. C. Savage, who celebrated his 94th birthday on November 26. family and friends. ..... I of, Both the junior and senior lchoirs are busy preparing for and‘the candlelight carol service to t albe held December 17 at 7 pm. In accepting the award, Mr. Chassie stated he received much pleasure out of working at what he was interested in, “It is a satisfaction in itsexf. I am proud to do anything I can for Rich- mond Hill, my second home,” he said. The presentation was made by Mayor Thomas Broadhurst assisted by Chairman Elgin Barrow of the arena board. He‘ was cited for his invaluable aid to recreation in the town and v to the arena board, where his experience has been especially} advantageous this year during; the building of the new arena,1 KK‘EWKKKKKKEK‘ The name of George Chassie was inadvertently omitted last week from the list of seven citizens honored by the Town of Richmond Hill by presenta- tion of cufflinks or a pin bear- ing the town crest. These awards are given only for dis- tinguished service to the town â€" and Mr. Chassie's name headed the list this year. George Chassie Headed; Honored Citizens List§ fififiié’fl to the donuts Next Sunday. December 3, will be White Gift Sunday at St. i é ( Gabriel's Church at all services the 40 guests was held at Honey) 4 Pot Ski Lodge. Maple, aftemfi which Mr. and Mrs. Brian Tin-gt A reception and luncheon for? ker left on a honeymoon tripé‘ e to Europe. 1 e The Couples’ Club of St. Gab- riel‘s Church held a bowling night on Saturday at Allen- court Lanes. The members later returnedlt to the church for coffee and“ Best man was John Spencer and ushers were John McIntyre and Jack Turney. lime green silk shantung lash- ioned on princess lines with a guipure lace yoke and carried bouquets of white Shasta dais- ies with big yellow centres. Newspaper Publisher and a resident of Richmond Hill since 1951. A member of the Commission since its inception in 1957 and Chairman since 1958. During the past decade your administration has reduced rates on three separate occasions. We are steadily reducing our debenture debt at the rate of $60,000 a year. No new debentures have been issued since 1960. We have our new Duncan Chamney Substation in operatiOn and have purchased the old post office building for our new head office ()N DEFEJIBER .9 RE-ELECT SAM COOK THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 30 TWO COMMISSIONERS TO BE ELECTED Runaway: mmmmwmmmmwzawmmwmafi 295 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill - Phone 884-4423 DON’T BE DISAPPOINTEDâ€"GET YOURS TOD‘YI This great new album contains 20 selections by 12 famous artlsts. You’ll thrill to the music of christ- mas by Barbra Strelsand, Tony Bennett, New Christy Mlnstrols and many more! An exciting blend of traditional and new songs . .. . to add to your Christmas pleasureâ€" now and for years to come. FOR CONTINUED . . . RE-ELECT . . . SAM COOK HYDRO COMMISSIONER Experienced, Businesslike Administration Town of Richmond Hill 9000375411 Seriice b Store STEREOâ€" HmMI Ml mammal IqulmenL 1967

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