14 Thornhill and PHONE 889-3190 T hornhill Trustees Negotiating Agreement With Vaughan The three trustees of the Police Village of Thornhill Were returned to office by acclamation .November 21 when no other resident of the vil- * ‘Iage appeared at the nomination meeting at Thornhill Public Library to contest the seats. Even the three trustees themselves were not at the meeting. Trustee Eric Cole was out of town on business but had indicated his willing- ness to run for office again. L. S. li’arnica of 10 Paul Street nominated him for the post. An electronics engineer with Phillips Indus- tries in Leaside, Mr. Cole has completed two prev- ious terms as a trustee. First to be re-nominated was Reginald J. Robinson, an account executive who lives at 23 Thornridge Drive. He was proposed by former Trustee Wm. E. Judges. Mr. Robinson has served as a trustee since 1963 and will now enter on his fifth term. This year’s chairman of the board, Frank E. Tucker was nominated by Mr. Robinson. Mr. Tucker is retired and lives at 8 Eliza Street. He has served eight terms as a trustee at various times. In October of this year Vaughan Township submitted to the trustees a new draft agreement for their consideration. Under the new agree- ment, there would be no deduction from the township gene 'al purpose rate. which includes rates for schools and roads, allowed to ratepayers of the police village. The change as proposed would mean that the residents of the village would be charged the same rates as other residents of the township with the township assuming responsibility for the maintenance and construction of all roads within the village. The township would make additional levies. over and above those charged throughout the township. for such things as the repair and maintenance of sidewalks, collection of garbage, etc. A similar proposed agreement was sent at Congratulations to Jim and‘held its monthly meeting No-1 glllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll lllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-P lllllllllllllllllllll'llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllullflnlmmumlllllumlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllummlIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll'F Socially Speaking in Thornhill THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Nov. 30. 1967 District News "The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Our representative in Thornhill is Mrs. Jo Cruise who may be reached by phoning 889-3190 Get Acclamation the same time to the trustees of the Police Village of Maple. At the Thornhill nomination meeting. how- ever. trustees indicated that no decision had been lnacle on the matter and the agreement was pres- ently in the hands of their solicitor. . As the village trustees concern themselves with very little other than roads and streets ~â€"- and for the most part rent township equipment for that â€" the new agreement would leave little reason for their continued existence. For the past several years the Department of Municipal Affairs. ill its encouragement of larger units of municipal administration. had refused to accede to the incorporation of police villages. At the nomination meeting Trustee R. J. Robinson complained of lack of co-operation on the part of Vaughan in carrying out projects the trustees proposed. One such was the drainage scheme for the watercourse back of Keith Seeds’ property. Mr. Robinson stated that the trustees had had money in the budget for two years to do this but had been unable to get any action from the township on it. The Thornhill Trustees called a meeting November 4 of various bodies and organizations interested ill recreation needs and facilities to discuss the area's future in this regard. The meeting was held at the Metro Conser- vation Authority premises on Highway 7 and several recreational needs were suggested. Among these were all indoor arena, an outdoor skating area with artificial ice. enclosing of the swimming pool to make it useful all year round. improve- ment of skating facilities at the Oakbank Pond and provision of a small park area surrounding it. walkways, and a meeting place for senior citizens. Cost estimates are being obtained by var- ious individuals for some of the suggested pro- jects and it is expected the trustees will call a second meeting in the new year to discuss them. 'Avenue. pole lamp. Heather Doel on the birth ofwember 20 at the home of Mrs..ï¬%f§ 3:121? all? 1333’“ 86160- their son. Jason Earl, at Wo-lG. R. Brownlee, 107 Thornâ€" when†S ‘3‘“ APbUSS." apd men’s College Hospital recentlywridge Drive. The club" " . Oman" “11 HarllS. * * * * inamed after the founder of theiacc‘mipimed‘ by Mary MCTaSfl The annual Christmas DinneriRoyal Conservatory of lilusicngé‘lt‘ ezgev bang {3 varied group for our senior citizens will be‘Toronto. has been in existence!0 ??n°§i‘that melllded folk held on December 13. at 12.30ifor many years. guac- M‘ IVS [Eegge‘ 1_5 Organist; Pm in the Pl‘eSbyterian Church There are 20 members in the“ d RT 3;} t.e.V“g1’l Chum“ Hall- TiCREIS are $1.00 each.:club who are professional, semi- 3)“ . 115' 31715 15 50101512 at the‘ available to members only.lprofe'ssional and amateur musiâ€" Cllucll' . Members are requested to phoneicians. The November meeting, ‘ 53.1 y Smdlmlt gaVe several and reserve before December was “Visiting Artist Night" andileadlngs fI‘Om the works _of 6. Please call Mrs. Dan Bakeriseveral invited guests attended Faun“ JOhnsoni RUdyal‘d KID- at 222-3604- the musicale. [mg and Henry L0ngf6110'W. Music Night Anne Marie Legge’ a member At_ the close of the delightful The Welsman Music Club of the conservatory staff, was e"enmg1"3f1"“~‘5hl‘n'3nt5\ll'e'l‘eserV- .ed to the members and guests. FOOTLIGHTS CLUB OF THORNHILL The Christmas Cake was won' by Mrs. J. Regan, Seincliffe Road, the men‘s Mary Maxim. sweater was won by Fatherl Crere of St. Patrick‘s Church and the lady's cardigan by Mrs. Rudy Toth, Valloneliffe Road. In the children’s draw. Mrs. A. Miklas. Cherry Blossom Lane, was winner of the doll and Michael Hill, Apricot Street, won the truck. Ted McGhee, Centre Street, was a member of the graduating class at convocation ceremonies held November 24 at the Uni- versity of Toronto. A party was given by Cathy WA Hears Progress OI Adopted Son Baptist Church The Christmas Party tor 311“. R058 Cowie was elected primary department children president of the women's auxâ€" will be held December 2 from iliary at the annual meeting 2.30 - 4.30 pm in the auditorâ€" Ileld November 21 at the home ium. kindergarten. nursery of Mrs. R. Jardine, and pre‘nursery children will Gladys have a Christmas Party Dcc- ember 2 from 2.30 - 4.30 in the Parents of imited to Past President Miss Stevens opened the meeting by reading a poem. “Through The kindergarten roonl. Fog". followed by prayer. these children are Secretary Mrs. Joan \Vilsonzittend. read the minutes of the previous The Couples†Club is holding. year's meeting and g'dYO 119“ its Christmas celebration Dec- annual report. This was fol- ember 9 at 6.30 pm_ A poi lowed by the tl'casurer‘s ac- count. The social convenor ex- pressed the sentiments of her committee when she reported on the pleasant working condi- tions in the modernized kitchen. MIR Hawke at 889.4353 I MISS 519V?“ expressed CGIT girls will meet Decem-j thanks to the ladies for their her 4 instead of December 5‘ I support and assistance during . the past two years she served in Presbyterian Church office. She asked the members The Evangel Hall is in nech to please give Mrs. Cowie the of warm clothing. Men‘s good same co-opci'ation. The execu- Clean \‘lntel‘ underwear. socks. tive members will remain the caps. pants. sweaters. coats. same my me now season, shoes and rubbers are urgently A loner from the foster required. Please call the; child sponsored by the WA. to-‘church office at 889-5391 if .voul gethor with information about wish them to be Dicde up. . his progress was read by Mrs. New members \i-m be we]- 14318 R095. The ladies l'elt Very comed to the congregation Dec? [TI‘OUCI Of IIIeIl‘ adopted SOIT and‘en'lbcl‘ at the evening Sen; were glad to hear that he \vas‘ice’ 1 interested ill school activities A very successful Choral 59F and also in the church. vice was held November 26 at. A worship period was led by ~ Family groups and in_l, V 1 pm. M‘s" Ruth JOhnSton “he†She strumentalists formed the back-l expressed the need for mem- . . ground for the worship service. bers to think things througlirrh‘3 Vandermev family, M.._ for themselves and not to rely and Mrs E Clgnk Roy Sham. 0" “'“a‘ “the†SW- ‘liiâ€"s r wood Eilert Sand Mrs‘i “Hiâ€... NOt To “"9"†.ATM. Boyd and members of the Meeung ‘ a Very amusmg 5klt‘lchoir, under the direction of brought forth much laughteriwalter Stothers. participated in o . I fiom the audience. Mls. .‘the choral service. Lennie. Mrs. W. Smook, Mrs. J.i , . Refreshments were served in " v'.i.H.l , WEST “fo““lyei]s§nrsand1the assembly hall following the Miss G Stevens were the en_.chui‘ch service when the choir r f h astl guilgxtsmembels 0 te C lsongs from "The Sound of l - n . . Refreshments were served by Mus†and othe‘ selecuons' Mrs. J. Calvert. Mrs. C. Andrew‘Holy and Mrs. M. Johnston at the; A family service was held‘ Close 0f “‘9 "leetmg {November 26 when members of Members are looking forwardm1e Anglican Church Women to the Christmas meeting Dec-ltook part in the service. An. ellll’er 12 “he†a bun“ Supper installation ceremony was held will be served. lfor Sister Lyn Heffernan who United Church :also gave the sermon at the The Sacrament of Baptismlmormng Selvwe' will be administered December' The 1968 ChurCh calendar is 3 at 11 am. )now on sale and by be pur- A Sunday school teacher for Chased for 650- six year olds is needed owing “A Christmas Carol" is being to increased enrolment. Please presented in the auditorium call Mrs. N. Payne at 889-5302 December 7, 8 and 9 and may if you can assist in this importâ€" be purchased from the Young ant work. People or through the church RICHVALE NEWS Cornespondent: Mrs. Anne White, 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 extended to new couples. Call, entertained by singing favorite. Trinity Anglican Neighborhood Notes Richvale Public Library has announced that the last story hour before Christmas will be; December 21. The story-telling program will begin again on January 9 at 10:30 am, Welcome home to Shirley and Bill White, Roosevelt Drive, who have been vacationing in Miami Beach. Florida. Happy birthday to June An- Eier who celebrated her 10th birthday last Saturday by enter- taining some friends at a party. The fourth accident at the corner of Roosevelt Drive and Don Valley Chapel to a basket- ball game at the George Vanier School. winning 14-4. A film “Hidden Treasures" from the Sermons on Science series was shown. vale boys were challenged by ' ol’llce. Tickets are 81.00 for adults. children 50c. Herbert Mowat will be guest speaker at the men‘s corporate breakfast December 10 at 8 am. Special Advent music will be played at the 11 am service December 10 with music by the organist and choir assisted by the Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra. Guides and Brownies Guides from Second Thornhill‘ luck supper and variety proâ€"[wore recently awarded the fol. other ill the vicinity of the GEM fâ€"Il‘am “'Ill be 1* INNâ€? 0f the lowing badges: hostess. Anne- Store: on the “‘5‘ Slde 0f Yonge evening. A special invitation is‘Lore Kenisies_ Judy h’leLean..Street‘ Susan Dauncey. Sherry Hub- Mrs. Thompson 31 889-6123 01‘ bard: swimmer. Joan Gordon. ed in pumping me “later to sup" First Langstal'f Guides were awarded the following badgesr swimmer. Susan Ralph. Lisa‘ Samford. Second Thornhill Brownie Alison Boyd won her (lancer badge. l l GEORGE COLBOURNE Announcement David Baker. vice-president of Baker's Sales and Service Ltd., Yonge Street. Richvale announc- es the appointment of George Colbourne as sales manager of am Sunday morning by the time jthe fire was declared complete- .\ $55,000 Fire Damage?fo \ i '- 65 The At Loblaw's Superm't. ’l‘wanV-seven Vaughan 'l‘own- ‘i ship firemen with five trucks. assisted by two pumpers from North York, laid a mile of hose Folk singer: One who to fight a raging fire November plays by ear. sees through 25 at Loblaw‘s Supermarket on his hair. and sings through Yonge Street. north of Steeles his nose. Avenue. There is no township hydrant II) the immediate vicinity and lines had to be laid from a hydrant in the vicinity of Sey- mour's Texaco Station. north of i the Supermarket and from an- xx V’va. -\,\. s. x ‘ N. y‘»\. x.» t s Friend of ours retired. recently He arises early every morning. reads the obituary column. and if his name is not there. he goes back to bed . . . it :- “It's not the work 1 en- ) 2 2 ) 3 joy." said the taxi driver. S \r\ «4“: rvvvwxrvxfwx \ ,x, WWWWWMWAMKA WW The North York pulnpers aid- “IVS the people I run Ply eight lines of hose used in mm' fighting the fire. The call was received at 11.38 pm and when the first Vaughan truck arrived the back end of the building was in flames. This is the storage area of the superâ€" market. The fire was under‘ control by 1 am. but it was 7.15 i it You get out of a mirror what you put into it and out of a scale what you put on it. ii is A philosopher is someone who knows what to do â€"â€" until it happens to him. is iii .Iy out and the last truck left‘ Matte & Jim know what the scene. The supermarket; to do to serve great .was open until 6 pm Saturday. fOOd [0 you and your fain- and when the staff left the illâ€. store. everything seemed to be; in order. ' Vaughan Township Fire Chief James Davidson estimates dam- age to building and contents asl between 550.000 and $55,000.‘ Other sources up this estimatei to $100,000. Investigation of the fire so' far has not revealed any cause‘ but it is continuing, with severall more people still to be inter-l viewed. I The alarln was called in by Barry McDonough of 175 John Street. Thornhill. Let them show you at our two Copper Kettle restaurants. JIM FLEMING, llth 2319 Yonge. Thelnhnl Tel. 389-7le (2 lights N. of Stcclci) MATTE SIMONE. My. 1883 Lavi‘ience E. Scarboro, Tel. 759-6931 (l N. E. at Pharmacy) the Jeep (family of vehiclest division of Baker's American Motors Dealer. George (or Mr. Jeep to his friends) brings to Baker‘s many years of experience with the Jeep organization. first as a fleet representative for Kaiser Jeep of Canada and later sales rep- resentative for two of the larger Jeep dealers. George will be at home to his many friends and an added as- set to the ever expanding Baker organization. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll If you are NEW-TO-TOWN or have just moved into a new home Thornhill’s Own . . . .President Mrs. John Potter and Mrs. A. E. Kearney poured tea. AND THE TEENS & TWENTIES - - present - - A CHRISTMAS CAROL By Charles Dickens DEC. 7th - 8th - 9th 8:15 p.nl. A'I‘ HOLY TRINITY HALL Brooke Street, Thornhill ADULTS $1.00 - CHILDREN 50c Information 889-1429 l a At Highways 0 Children THEATRE I Under in-car 12 Free â€" Electric 0 Box Office Open 7.00 pm. â€" Show starts at 7.30 pm. heaters. {I Week Starting Wednesday, Nov. 29 PASSION . “ AND TERROR! ‘ . SIIIIIIIIE _ SllillllllET CA) STAERING IIIIIIIES nnnn : oi IIIITIIIIIIIIIE nnss I Li \râ€"\ as. u \\ Eb --_. I ll A UNWERSAL PICTURE 2 Big Features in Technicolor DEAN GEORGE JEAN TECH N ICOLOR. A Universal Picture I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I « doll. MIS- .\I. Tillers, Woodward Hospital. I _l ‘Avenue resident. was crowned . Ayers. Percival, Elgin Street in his honor November 25. Among the guests who atended was Alani Reoch. former Thornhill )k * a * reSI ent. Alan has returned . ' ' ‘ Signe Snary, former Amoldfrom the United States and is',SLE32:1“?IEéglaljugl/h‘itfalgifl presently attending the Univers-ichurch The gifts will b: d‘e_ it'of To . y ronto posited at the altar by the Mrs. Brownlee is an accomp- IIShed violinist and she also :teaches violin and piano les- .sons. Yonge Street in less than two months, resulted in injury to an elderly gentleman. Church News After Four Sweetheart of Rich- mond Hill High School at a‘Honor Former Guide I . dance held recently at the Commissioner 0111mm.†of “1.9 Sunday SChOOl‘ schooy . Mrs. Dennis Moore was hon-l.and “V111 b.e.dlstr1buted among. >2< it it * ored November 25 at an after!needy fam‘hes- Don't forget the square dance| December 1 at the church. sponsored by the altar guild.‘ An invitation is issued to all square dancers and those will- Get well greetings are extend- ed to Mrs. A. Mallon. Limcombe .Drive. who is recovering from a noon reception held in Holy Trinity Anglican Church. Mrs. iMoore retired in September li'ecent operation and Ross Hus- aerT. Six years as G11ide Com- lband. Arnold Avenue. who is on mlssloner 101' the Thornhill ;the sick list. area. ing to learn. l a it it is Leaders and Guiders of thel A special meeting of the ‘ Jennifer Leak spent a few‘lo district units. former leaderstParisli Guild will be held De- days visiting Jan Cruise~ J0hn;\\’I10 served during Mrs. Moore‘s cember 5. The ladies will have WELCOME S E RV I CE Results for November 21 forlwould like to can on you. the Richvale East Bowling Lea-l\‘,ith lhousewarming gifts, gue were: League standings. Aztecs 43, F. Troop 43‘ Jims and information about your Chimps 37, Dirty Half Dozen 35,719“, locatlon- The HOStess Beatles 34. Six Chanteaux 31, will be glad to arrange your Hippies 30, Red Caps 27. Silver‘subscr‘iption to the dollar winners were Jan Reevesl , 747 and Bill Dormer 734. Highl RICHMOND HILL average: Russ Jones 226, Annl LIBERAL Hewitt 199. High single; Gordl Reeves 344, Donna Jones 314.l Call Mrs. Ralph Harley High triple: Lyle Breedon 822.l 889.3313 Ann Hewitt 756. l llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Street. last week on hel- mmm term of office and representa-ldinner together after working. from Rome. Italy. where she had “"95 from GUIde and BI'OWDIBlhard all year. been tested for a new movie. groups “'81‘6 0" hand to llODOl'i December 17 at 7 pin a festi-. V>.< as :her. Ranger Doreen BOIICOH‘yal carol service will be held The speclal (3110†of St, Jog. presented Mrs. Moore With a at Emnuinuel Church . Yeph Morrow Park School has gift 0f SIIVEI‘ {885900115 engraV-l The Christian Sen-ice Byjoul .cut its first record. The choh-.ed with the guide crest on be-,ade of Richyale Bible Cha le is under the direction of Sr.‘llalf 01' the district- ‘ h 11 ,o d N 1 nb-ook G pel ‘Laurian. Bronze and yellow chrysanth-fma ,elheb .e“ 0 l b, kotslpn‘ Cindy Fritz Elepeth Placememums decorated the tea table.1 mm 035 to a ds 6 331' has been named year book edi.lRefreshments were catered andfgame November 13 at is“ tor of St. Joseph Morrow Park‘SerVed by the lst ThornhilllA‘.venue SChOOl' Results “ere‘ .School last week. Rangers as one of its yearly pro- Rlcllvale 28 â€" Newtonbrook .27. l i. a it s: jects. Guest speaker of the evening l A Christmas decoration dem-l Special guests at the recepâ€" “'35 M“ M- Skelly from wept“ ionsti‘ation by Mrs. J. Heslop willztion were Dr. and Mrs. Minton ta‘va valley- N0“ 23- the Rmh" be featured at the monthlyJohnston. Rev. H. R. Howden meeting of the horticultural and the new Commissioner Mrs. "society. December 5 at 8 pm Terry Goodwin. in the United Church Hall. Re-l ’1‘ * * *‘ lfreshments will be served and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connolly .visitors are most welcome. and their children. Carol, Patty, >z< >t< * * |Debbie and David of \V’ellesley to LindaHills. Mass. visited Mrs. Con- Brain. John Street. who was nelly's mother. Mrs. J. Elvidge. runner-up ill the recent Miss Arnold Avenue. last weekend. Argo competition in Toronto. The Connolly's were entertain- * ’3‘ * " ed by several neighbors during The men's invitation bonspicl their visit. took place at Thornhill Golf and r * * * Country Club November 28. 29 Mr. and Mrs, Wally Crouter and 30. The club will be host were recent guests in Freeport. to the Imperial Life Mixed Bon- The Bahamas. spiel December 5. ‘1' * Bazaar Winners Nalnes of the winners in the grand draw of St. Luke‘s Roman Catholic Church Bazaar held last month have first been reâ€" leased. The following prizes ‘were won by lucky residents in‘ the area. I First prize. a pair of matching lamps. was won by Leslie Ann l l Congratulations “Find out how much you may save on car insurance!†Friends in the area \leI be glad to hear that J. H. )IcGllee. FRASER DUNN from his recent illness and has 145 ARNOLD AVENUE returned to his teaching post. I THORxHILL, ONTARIO * it 3 * Woodland Public School is TELEPHO-‘E Bus. 889-3288 holding a bake sale and Christ- mas boutique of small hand- made articles at the school De- iGillespie. Proctor Avenue. cember 2 from 10 - 11.30 am. "mm" 'Other prize winners were as fol- Come early and stock up on & lows: D. Palmer. Richmond Hill.‘some baked goodies to serve a hand hooked rug: Mrs. R. P. while viewing the Grey Cup '"suuuci Stekeiee. Steele Valley Road. game. State Farm Mutual picture of mother and child: D. * "‘ ‘ "' . . Automoolle Insurance Company Willowdale. two copper Get well greetings are extend- pictures: Mrs. R. Munro. Palemâ€" ed to R. C. Napier who is mak- into CreSc-ent cilstom dressed in: progress in Sunnybrook Canadian Head Office - Toronto Annual Meeting ‘ of the Thornhill Area Recreation Committee will be held on Thursday evening, December 7th, 8 pm. in the Woodland Senior School Thornhill ‘ Teen Teaching Room of I Henderson Ave. - TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM PLANNING BOARD ! PUBLIC MEETING A meeting will be held at 8 p.nl., Thursday, December 7th. 1967, at the North Thornhill Comâ€" munity Centre, corner Royal Orchard Blvd. and Baythorn Drive, to present proposed Amendment No. 13 to the Township Official Plan. Amendment No. 13 is a Secondary Plan for an area north of John Street, between Yonge Street and Bayview Avenue and south of the ‘1 Toronto Ladies Golf Club. 74 erty). Copies of the plan may be viewed prev- i ious to the meeting at the Planning Board Office. 5 l l Mâ€"il i (Ex Shoulclice Prop- ; F. )I. DAVIES H. A. MAYNARD Acting Secretary chairman Olde Tyme Canadian £ i SQUARE DANCING - EVERY WEDNESDAY IN THE MALL TOWNE AND COUNTRYE SQUARE Yonge at Steeles 9.15 PM. EVERYONE IS INVITED l i 2 ““‘I“““““‘ ‘ 24 Hour Towing & Night Servicel :Ieff's swvoco Service! DAY 889-1251 NIGHT Expert Repairs to All Makes I of Cars and Trucks by I Licenced “A†Mechanic Peugeot Service ‘I 8830 Yonge St. - Thornhill ‘fl“_‘-““““‘I‘.‘ ‘ I l ; Country Fresh MEATS, VEGETABLES. EGGS, DAIRY PRODUCTS, DELICATESSEN, ETC. at real l I Join the throngs of Wise shoppers every Saturday who pick up their week’s supply of fruits, veg- etables. meats, eggs. flowers. etc. at real savings â€" Fresh from the farm to you. Open Every Saturday at 7.30 am. FRS‘ YONGE AND ELGIN S'I‘Sa THORNHILI. A nlple Free Parking Snack Bar \i