RELIABLE MOWER & MARINE 450-the low priced time tested farm saw \‘1 HOLIDAYâ€"light weight and low priced Pioneer efficiency 11-20/11-50â€"the deluxe farm saws for farmers who ï¬fmk professional PIONEER 1%) CHAIN SAWS New I968 25" @ RCA VICTOR M. N. FOYLE, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL 8 28 Levendale Rd.. South Block The investor in the Victoria and Grey Investment Fund gains all the benefits of diversification. The portfolio of the Fund is composed mainly of common stocks of companies chosen for their growth potential, ’A’dministration of investments in the Victoria and Grey Investment Fund is carried out by experienced management who keep the .portfolio under constant Iupervision. ‘ ' Equity funds have proven to be excellent protection against inflation. 624 YONGE ST. N.. RICHMOND HILL Now you can enjoy Color TV that fine~tunes itself! AFT electronically pulls VHF and UHF channels mm focus . . . takes the guessâ€"work out of ï¬ne tuning. VICTORIA AND GREY RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 See your nearest Pioneer Dealer VICTORIA 1 YEAR WARRANTY: ON ALL PARTS AND TUBï¬s INVESTMENT Automatic Fine Tuning (AFT) SIMPLIFIED COLOR-QUICK TUNING (RCA Victor First in Color Television) RIA AND GREY TRUST FUND 884-1107 Richmond Heiglus Shopping Centre Only LOW BOY CONSOLE TELEVISION Super-Sensitive Transformer Power Picture Sharpness Control Mrs. Rose Fox and infant daughter drove to Chester, Nova Scotia. November 11, to visit her mother, Mrs. Paul Runne. who suffered a stroke. Mrs. Fox returned by air November 15. We are pleased to hear her mother is improving. Sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodyear, Henderson Avenue, on the passing of his mother. Mrs. V. Goodyear at St. John’s, Newfoundland, November 15. Mr. Gobdyear flew to St. John's to attend the funeral November 16. Our sympathy also lies with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Janes, Delair Crescent, on the death of her father last week. Birthday congratulations to Ann Casey. Clark Avenue, who was eight November 17. Chris- tian Carter, Morgan Avenue, will be ï¬ve years old December 3 and David Wallace. Clark Avenue. shares the date to cele- brate his 13th. Joanne Mc- Arthur, Clark Avenue. will be eight years old December 5. The art teachers of TSA 1 Markham are holding an in- service course at Woodland Senior School, Henderson Ave- nue, during the next few weeks. Neighborhood Notes Dicken’s Christmas Carol. pre- sented by the Teens and Twenâ€" ties and the Footlights Club will be held December 7, 8 and 9 at Holy Trinity Parish Hall. Dir- ector is Mrs. Roger Prieshman. Grandview Avenue. Scrooge will be played by Bert Funnell. Woodward Avenue. Less with Trade-in Lions It was agriculture night at the regular meeting of Victoria Square District Lions Club Tuesday evening of last week. Guest speaker was Murray Stewart. acting Canadian sales manager for the Shur-Gain Division of Canada Packers, who gave a very informative talk on the farming trends of the past. and the future of a griculture decades. The draw for the 1968 Polaris Snowmobile took place with Frank Lopez, 36 Logan Ave., Toronto, being the lucky win- ner. Denton Brumwell sold the winning ticket. The Lions wish to thank everyone who sold tickets, or helped in any way to make the draw and dance such a success, The gala dance sponsored by the Lions in the community hall Friday evening of last week was a huge success. The music was supplied by Art Celsie and his Singing Plainsmen. $970.00 137 YONGE STREET, TORONTO TEL: 364-2264 Guaranteed repairs to all makes of Hearing Aids. Ex- pert workmanship by qual- ified technician. For court- eous home service call your Local Representative: HEARING AIDS Mr. David V. Murray 889-5349 VICTORIA SQUARE NEWS Acousticon Since 1902 CORRESPONDENT: MES. W. SANDLE ER. 2, Gormley -â€" Telephone 887-5421 for the next three CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BABBOUR â€" PHONE South Thornhill News Members have been busy for the past six weeks working on the sets and costumes. Ronald James DeVries. son of Mr. and Mrs. Danny DeVries (nee Diane Barbour) was christ- ened at. St. Edward‘s Church, Willowdale. by Rev. Father Francis Turk. November 26. Godparents Were Mr. and Mrs. J. DeVries. Out of town guests included Mrs. F. Smith. Hamil- ton. great-grandmother and Mrs. J. Clow, Hamilton. A recep- tion followed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Barbour. Ronald's grandparents. Community Association Grandview-Highiand Cemmun- ity Association met at Hender- son Avenue Public School No- vember 20. Guest speaker was Markham R e e v e Stewart Rumble, who warned that be- cause of county asessment a 1968 tax increase seems inevit- able. He said that county as- sessors are re-assessing the whole township, which at pres- ent pays a rate of 16 mills to the county. Tickets can be obtained from any member or from Mrs. Priestman at 889-1429. WDeputy-Vreeve Sid Gadsby an- nounced that township finances are well within the budget. 'V'Three township Centennial projects haye beenAbrought to a successful conclusion. accord- ing to C0unclllor Anthony Roâ€" man. One was adequate fire protection: another the acquis- ition of the Heintzman house, now serving as temporary muni- cipal offices, but soon to become particularly Mrs. John McCague for her beautiful hall decora- tions. It is hoped another dance will be held in the New Year. Further details later. Folklore Society The 13th annual dinner of the York Chapter of the Penn- sylvania German Folklore Soc- iety of Ontario was held in the community hall Saturday even- mg. The local history of Maple and vicinity was given by An- drew Snider and a vocal selec- tion by Lola Reesor. Guest speaker was Dr. J. Winfield Fretz, BA MA, BD, Pth. Euchre Another euchre will be held in the community hall Decem- ber 1, at 8:15 pm. Everyone welcome. Ladies please provide. Old English Tea Party December 2, the Gormley- Headford - Victoria Square Branch of the YCHA is holding its annual Old English Tea Party in the community hall from 2-5 pm. At 2 pm Don Deacon. newly‘ elected MLA, York Centre. will officially open the tea-party. There will be a bake and baz- aar table and any donations of baking etc will be greatly ap- preciated. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Barber will celebrate their 4lst wed- }ding anniversary December 1; ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Jarvis will celebrate their 315'; wedding an- ,niversary December 5. Lawrence and Olga Nickle of Gormley will have their wood carvings and paintings on dis- play. Come and givo this worth- while organization your full support. Church News The annual white gift service will be held December 10 at 11:30 am. Let us help those who are less fortunate than we are. The annual candlelight ser- vice of the Explorers and the CGIT of the charge will be held in the Victoria Square church December 17 at 7:30 pm. Good, clean, used clothing is urgently needed at the Down- town Clothing Depot on Queen Street, Toronto. A box in which such donations may be left is located in the Sunday school room. Neighborhood Notes An election of trustees for the community centre board of trustees will be held December‘ 11 at 8 pm. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steclv ley attended the wedding of their grand-daughter Miss Linda Anne Watt and Thomas Boyd Hayward in St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Scarboro, Saturday afternoon. A recep- tion followul at the home of the groom‘s parents in Scar- boro. Mrs. F. Powell and friends of Richmond Hill were visitors at the church service Sunday morning. Birthday greetings to Peter Vanderkooy, 13 years, Decem~ her 2; Mrs. Rol‘ph Boynton. December 3; Harvey Collard, December 5. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Besley spent the weekâ€"end at Windsor, where they were attending a wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Holder, In- dianapolis. had Friday evening dinner with Mr. and Mrs. A1- bert Tatton. We welcome to our commun- ity Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Fisher of Toronto who have moved into the former Jim Knight house. Robyn. Terry. Wally and Laurie MacDonald of Toronto spent Sunday here with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steckley. a community centre; and the master. Call Locksley Job at building of a library in Union- 889-2957. ville at the cost of $100,000. A new Cub Pack formed at Water rates have not been re- Thornhill United Church. meets duced, despite a large yearâ€"end Wednesday evenings at 7 to 8.30 surplus, because the surplus pm. There is room for a few was used to pay for the develop-more boys, ment of a new well. it was stat- Chm-ch News Ed. Saturdnv “premium 2 2f fhn The group committee for the 2nd ThOrnhill Scouts would like to hear from anyone interested in takfag over the job as Scout- The Grandview-Highland Asâ€" sociation will meet on the first Tuesday of each month during the winter. At the annual election of ofï¬cers. Jack Stone continued as president. Bob McClellen as vice president. Peter Chambers as treasurer, Mrs. Ina Dicken- son as secretary and David Rog- ers as membership chairman. Al Sumner said that arrange- ments have been completed for connecting a township sewer to the Metro system to open up 800 acres for industrial develop- ment. Membership tickets are on sale for 1968 at $2 per family. Scouts and Cubs ' 'The Christ 'Cruéaders will meet at 7 pm Friday evening. Heise Hill Christmas proâ€" gram will be presented Decem- ber 17. Cars will leave Gormley Un- ited Missionary Church at 7:15 pm December 1 for the area youth rally at the O‘Connor Hills UM Church. The Gospel Folk Singers, Merv and Merla, will be present. December 3 a special musâ€" icale will be held at the Stouffv ville Youth Time. Lloyd Knight of Toronto and other outstandâ€" ing talent will be present for this service. The junior women's sewing circle from Heise Hill met Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Jim Empringham. Church News The young people are hold- ing a slave day on Saturday. They will do any kind of work â€" farm chores. storm windows, baby sitting, scrubbing. etc. All proceeds will go to the youth fellowship projects. Contact President Marie Quinn. Miss Velma Brillinger, Mrs. W. B. Heise and Misses Luella and Marjorie Heise spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heise of Kitchener. Velma Brilhnger spoke on Sun- day at the Brethren in Christ Church at Rosebank. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hawkins who cele- brated their 47th wedding an’- niversary Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steckley of Barrie had supper Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brill- inger‘ Fred Harris is confined to his home due to a fall at work. He has broken both heels. Albert Leek has not been enjoying good health recently. Sightseeing programme. These tours are both interesting and unusual. Canductor: Wm. Sutherland, P. Ag. Mgr, M-F Farms. Total cost is $1,598.00 Canadian, plus $3l7.00 Canadian for an optional extension to Hong Kong and Japan. Membership is limited on this fully conducted tour and party will leave To- ronto by Jet on Jan. 19 with return on Feb. 13th, 1968. For further information comact A. H. Creighton Travel Agency TAKE THIS COUPON TO YOUR GHOCER TODAY‘ CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 887-5445 FRESH! GOOD TASTING! DARKAND LIGHT GORMLEY NEWS Box 149, Thomhm, Ontario. Telephone 389-56ï¬3 and 889-7096 BAKED BY m; 889-5205 Woodland Junior Home and ;School Association is sponsoring a bake sale and Christmas bouâ€" tique December 2 at 10 am to noon. There are many.hand- made articles and Christmas decorations for sale. master. 889-2957. A new Cub Pack formed at Thornhill United Church. meets Wednesday evenings at 7 to 8.30 pm. There is room for a few more boys. Church News Saturday December 2 at the United Church a Christmas Party will be held for kinder- garten. nursery and pre-nursery children. The primary depart- ment will also hold its Christ- mas party December 2 in the auditorium. H and S ASsoclatlon Woodland Junior Home and School Association is sponsoring a bake sale and Christmn: hnu- Call Locksley Job at Richvale Ready Mix 6 Woodbridge 0 Goalie Doug Barton achieved his second shutout in two weeks with the victory against Woodbridge. Jimmy Cole was top scoring man with three goals with others going to Paul Ralph, Danny Clark and Billy Sim. Assists went to Kevin Smith, three. Billy Sim. two. and Gary Ridout. Jim Rennicks Danny Clark. two. Richvale Ready-Mix 5 Alliston 4 DannyClark scored two goals along with Billy Sim with Calâ€" vin McCathie scoring the other one. Assists went to Sim. Kevin Smith and Jimmy Cole. Henderson Avenue Home and School Association is sponsor- ing a matinee at the school, De- cember 2. at 1.15 pm. featuring “The Ugly Dachschund" with Danny Kay. We know the child- ren will enjoy the movie while the parents enjoy the Grey Cup game. May we remind the public that an unsealed Christmas cards for overseas including Great Britain are 4c each (his year? Edwin Jewitt and daughters. Shirley Jewitt and Mrs. Harold Sider of Kitchener were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Reesor recently. A number from our com- munity attended the funeral of Mrs. Ora Ramer at Markham Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. John Sider and Philip of Milwaukee. Indiana, spent a few days last week with his parents. Rev. and Mrs. L. K. Sider. Mrs. J. T. Evans is holidaying with friends in Bermuda. Bonnie Amie, five-year-old Exmoor-Thorobred cross, won the large pony class for under hacks and was third in the working hunter class at the Royal Winter Fair. This horse is owned by Merne Fowler and was ridden by Judy Siegrist of Wits‘ End, Gormley. Judy is a pupil in grade 9 at the G. W. Williams Secondary School in Aurora. Mrs. Edna Brubacker ofJ Stratford spent Friday nith with Mrs. C. Milsted and Dr. and Mrs. Ross Bell and Timmy of Stayner spent Saturday night with Mrs. Milsted and Charles. These people have been mis- sionaries for years in Nigeria, Africa. is pleased to announce he will again have a select group of Canadians interested in rural country-side and its activities visiting Hawaii, New Zealand and Australia. Visits to large landowners Race Horse Stud Experimental terms and agri- cultural industries coupled with tours are both interesting and David Miller, who, with his wife, was holidaying in Hono- lulu, underwent surgery for an ulcer while there. Here is some news about former Gormley residents: Gordon Bolender is in St Mary’s Hospital, Kitchener with an ulcer. Mrs. Mabel Hoover had surg- ery last week in St. Mary’s Hos- pital in Kitchener. ARTHUR H. CREIGHTON P. Ag. ; The T hornhill Sports Scene ATOMS PEEWEES November 24 North End Cleaners 0. Woodbrldge 5 November 25 North End Cleaners 1 Alliston 0 Chris Sutton drove in the single assisted by Jim McIn- tosh. W. A. Stephenson 2 Woodbridge 5 Singles were scored by Mark Woolnough and Bob McIntosh. Assists went to Michael Coyne and Bill Law. November 25 W. A. Stephenson 7 Alliston 2 Billy Law showed the. way with three goals and two as- sists followed by Randy Bazg with two goals and an assist; Bob McIntosh. a goal and two aSSists; Paul Davies. one goal. Michael Coyne had two assists. Ricky Hanwick two; with single assists to Mark Wonlnough, Don Barton. Bruce Pertins and Ricky Large. ‘ BANTAMS MIDGETS November 24 Woodbridge 2. Wilson's Essa 2 “Stinky†Atkinson and Rick Montgomery scored the goals for the losers with assists going to Keith Bagg and Brett David- son. November 25 Wilson’s Essa 1. Alliston 1 Ken Moore scored the loner assisted by Ross Johnson. SHOW OFF YOUR BEST LOOK. . . TRY OUR DRY CLEANING! IN BY 10 A.M. - OUT BY 5 RM. u You’ll Like Our Quick Service AND You take pride in your appearance . . . we take pride in the perfection of our dry cleaning. To keep your Clothes looking their best, we use modern equipment, latest methods . . . plus eipért knowledge of fabrics and their care. See us! FABRIC CARE BEYOND COMPARE Top Quality Workmanship The POWER LINE SNOWMOBILE with Comfort 0 Quality in Action 4 ENGINE OPTIONS TO CHOOSE FROM 23 Markham Rd. Come In For a Demonstration at Your Local Dealer THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. Nov. 30. 1967 GRAHAM'S 889-2777 Single goals were scored by John Blackborough, Joe De- Marco. and Brett Davidson. All were unassisted. November 26 Wilson's £550 3. Newmarket 4%Palmer'72755L'MIx7/faï¬ï¬Ã©l Tï¬ft_231 JUVENILES November 24 Tikes Thornhill Pvesbyterian 5, Holy Trinity 1; St. Luke's 4. St. Edward's Eagles 0; Thorn- hill United 8, St. Edward's Cubs Nobleton 4. Thornhill 0 November 25 Thornhill 1, Richmond Hill 1 John Stevens scored the sin gle assisted by Chris Sills. Atoms St. Luke‘s 2. Thornhill United 1; St. Edward‘s 5. Holy Trinity Peewees Holy Trinity Terrors 5, Presbyterian Hornets 2; St. Ed- ward’s Tigers 2. Holy Trinity Rockets 1; Presbyterian Cou- gars 6. United Warriors 2: St. Luke‘s 4, St. Edward’s Lions 1. Bantams Thornhill Presbyterian 7, St. Edward‘s 1; St. Luke's 8. Thorn- hill United Bears 1: Holy Trin- ity Rams 5. Holy Trinity Rifles Thornhill Mixed Bowling League Standings: Bonnie Manzie. two points; Ken Poole 0. Doug Bolton 5; Keith Jones 2; Har- old Hingley 7; Mary Redman 5. Midgets St. Edward's Flyers 6. St. Ed- ward's Hawks 2; Holy Trinity 3 St. Luke's 2. High triple (Ha-t) Bill 706. (hdcp) 784: high (flat) Ken Poole 280 305. Over 200. Ken Poole 230, 280; Bill Manzie 253: 213: Jack Webber 207, 260. 206; Harold Hingley 260; Bill Burns 270, 237. High triple (flat) Mabel Tutt 741 (hdcp) 780; high single (flat) Bonnie Manzie 263, (hdcp) Joyce Robertson 302. Over 200, Bonnie Manzie 263, Brebeuf and will be presel 212: Pat Burns 216, 246, 239; at Emmanuel Church on Carol Jones 245; Lynn Radford Thursday before Christmas Thornhill Church League 9724 YONGE ST. DISTRIBUTORS 884-2162 â€"- if Busy call 884-2163 BOWLING MARINE & AUTO UPHOLSTERY LTD. Burns single (hdcp) 230. 257: Lil Poole 212; Mary Burns 214; Mary Redman 214. 21]: Joyce Robertson 254; Erma Mary Redman's team is the winner of the ï¬rst series. Standings: BC 27; Ontario 37; PEI 35: Manitoba 33; Goofy Newfies 30'. Alberta 15. '~ Ladies Afternoon Bowling Club High triple tflatl Mary Red- man 624; Jane Simpson 558 Mike Tutt 561: Nell Wright 532 Beth Lewis 521. ‘ * 'j High triple (hdcp‘l Gladys Smith 738: Ruth Brain 716: Beth Lewis 707; Lorie Schimkus 695; high single (flat) Mary Redman 258; Gladys Smith 232: Nell Wright 226; Mike Tutt 213: Beth Lewis 204; high single lhdcp) Ruth Brain 303; Gladys Smith 296: Lorie Schimkus 270; Nell Wright 277. ~ High average: Mike Tutt 218. Mary Redman 195, Shirley Hop- per 180. Church News The polnsettia tea and bazaar was very successful. The door prize was won by Mrs. J. Jel- licoe. president of the parish guild of Emmanuel Church who sponsored the affair. ‘ Square dancers. Friday is the night of the dance at Emmanuel Church Parish Hall. Charlie Murray will dn the calling and give instructions for the danc- ing which begins at 8 pm. Tic- kets are $1 at the door and re« freshments will served. ' The cast of "Children of‘the Forest" had another rehearsal Sunday afternoon and the play is shaping up very nicely. It is a Christmas play based on the “Huron Carol†by Father Jean Brebeuf and will be presented at Emmanuel Church on the 884-5777 17 HP. Sachs recoil starter. Speed: 43 to 48 MPH. 288 lbs. 17 HP. Sachs Electra with generator and battery. Electric recoil starter. Speed: 43 to 48 M.P.H.' 313 lbs. 20 HP. Wankle recoil‘ starter. Speed: 48 to 52 M.P.H. 293 lbs. 30 HP. Hirth Twin cylinders Speed: 55 to 60 MPH. 321 lbs. "lbw M H NEW STANDARD EQUIPMENT FOR YOUR COMFORT Hear and front chromed bumpers. Chromed dash control. Chromed air intakes. Padded dash. Large rear compart- ment with spring loaded opening. Chromed plated name-plate. New styling seat and back rest. CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: Sim-4553 LANGSTAFF NEWS Richmond Hill