6 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion .7c each word, minimum charge $1.00. wording unchanged, .7c COMING EVENT NOTICE 10 Second and subsequent insertions if per word. min. charge .90c. e per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- , aertion Classified advertisements sh $1.50 ould be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 9.30 am on Wednes- days. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE POOL table, 8“x4. Reasonable. 884-5271. c1w'22‘ TWO u§0.;110\\' tir‘e‘s, 650- 13 asking $10. 884-4881. c1w22‘ FREEZER, 15 cubic feet, new $169. 884-7331. (11122 LADIES and men s suits, coats dresses. shoes. 110 Oak Avenue: . 889-4284. c1w22 DOUBLE bed $25. single bed $20. Both complete, good con- dition. 884-4206. c1w22 .22 single shot $15; 12 gauge‘ single shot, $25. Must sell. 889- 2436. c1w22 POLAROID 104, plus colour film, $65 value for $45. 773- 5671. *1w'22, PINE chest 520, bed 525. crib $10, Chesterfield $145, dinette; $135. 884-5759. c1w22 2 Snow tires, 735x15, mounted on ’66 Ford rims. good condi- tion, $15. 887-5435. c1w22 GIRL‘S winter coat 10, $6, fig-1 ’ ure skates, 442 and 2‘. z. Ladv 51 Mouton coat, like new, 16. 889â€" ‘1940. c1w22 TWO boys’ nylon pile jackets. size 12 and 14, light beige color, condition like new. $8 and $10 884-3089. c11122 ELDON RACE SETSâ€" 1 brand new, other used will‘ sell or trade for table tennis set. 833- 5574. c1w22, FIREWOOD Truckload lots, $10. Phone Cad- illac Lumber, Maple, Ontario. 889-4973. c1w22 RABBITS Fresh dressed, every week, free delivery on Fridays. 887- 5391. c4\1119 AUTOMATIC washer. suds re- turn, will deliver and guarantee one year. Ken Clark 889-5226. tfcl4‘ ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings, and' railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. t1c36; NEW and used appliance parts,,l wringer rolls, wood blocks, bear- ings, belts, stove elements, etc. Math's TV, 45 Industrial Road, 884-7903. tfc36 884-1426. ' $60. 889-2486. FOR SALE 1Continued) PROPANE gas stOve, 4- bu11.1c1 889â€" 1808. c1w'12 WILLIAMS upright piano very good condition, $250 01' best of- fer. 889- 4129, c1w22 GUN, 22 calibre Ma11i11.lever action repeater, like new, $50. 884-7532. c1w22 PERSIAN paw combination jacket-cape, large. excellent condition. $40. 773-5671. *1w22 34 hp. heavy duty ball-bearing motor. 110-220 volts, 60 cycle. c1w22 GIRLS’ white size 3, 6 and 7. 884-5019. c1w22 TAPE recorder, 2 speed, good condition plus 4 reels of tape, MUSKRAT jacket 14â€"16. condition. Phone 889-5583. c2w'22 New " BALES of straw. 50 cents a bale. deliver 50 01' over. C. Mashinter. 884-2549. *3w22 FRENCH doors, inside, 15 light each, glazed, pine finish, pair $35. 884-4821. c1w22 40†range. very good condition, automatic oven, 884-1741. c1w22 BABY clothes, high chair, play- pen. infant seat, gates and sterilizer. Reasonable. 884-4995. c1w22 STEEL IMPLEMENT SHED Approximately 24' x 60' with 4 sliding doors. For informa- tion call 889-1125. clw'21 CUSTOM made slip covers, cut in your home. separate cush- ions, arm caps, etc. Call 773- 4202. evenings. *211'21 LADY’S winter clothes, size 12, excellent condition, reasonable. Also man's size 38 overcoat hardly worn. 884-4076. c1w22 ELECTRIC Guitar and Ampli- fier, case. strap and books in- cluded, good condition. 884- 4659. c1w22 ‘MAN’S car coat; new, dark brown, Also other items. 884-3658. clw22 CHRISTMAS HOSIERY First quality guaranteed, excel- lent gift, 1 dozen $5.85 one, pair free. six pair $2.99. 884- 5537, til 9 pm. c3w22 CHRISTMAS TREES Large Scotch pine and spruce delivered now for showrooms, banquet halls etc. Call C. L, Knappett 884-3089. c2w22 WOMAN’S Elysian winter coat, like new, rust. size 16, $25.1 Man‘s heavy all wool plaid shirt,l new, size 40, $10. 884-3658. c1w22 TOBOGGAN $3, child Skis and: poles $3. Camera, case, flash coloured film, $10, cowboy boots, size 6, new $5. 884-1928. c1w22 UNPAINTED furniture, of drawers, dressers, ward- ,NORMENDE «3089. chesbings. York Aluminum. 884-4558. LADY’S winter coat, black Blin and Blin, large fox collar, size 16-18, like new, $75. 889-7280. c1w22 stereo, AM-FM, short wave, table radio, excel- lent condition. After 5 pm, 889- 2610. c1w22 DRY hardwood, cut 16†lengths for fireplace. Delivered, single cord lots. ’Phone 884-4519. tfc16 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Sand, crushed stone and lime- stone. Delivered in small quan- tities. Call C. L. Knappett 884- tfc9 ALUMINUM PRODUCTS Sales and Service windows. siding. Doors. awnâ€" robes. desks, bookcases, night‘HOMEV‘IXDE-‘B b’ 12:40. â€"â€"â€"â€"‘â€"â€"â€"_ tables, assorted sizes $7.95 11 . * 3" “3 c 0 es 'Gearings. 6309 Yonge Safe}: Oider dresses and nighties‘ PETS FOR SALE Willow'dale. 223- 2270 th3 ii?\‘g‘1iili§:x25i1:§:‘l bSet 631:3 BITOTN miniature poodles, I ""'~" ""‘I - "1 d 9 22 122 WHOLESALE CHIHSTM ‘5 seamsucss. Satisfaction guaran- pure brc 88 7 0 c “ POULTR1 iced 922_7113 09“.†BLACK qual'ter- -horse, 7 y'ea15.' Turkeys. Ducks. Geese. Capons. _ Fryers - Fowl Phone EM.-4 4847 or King 833- 528" c4w 22‘ ELECTRIC Range. Tappan, al- most new. cost $520, sell for $230. Best offer or trade. Rollie 16 mm camera fully au- ‘ tomatic, 1 year old. Cost $220,. sell for $110, offer or trade.1 223- 4446. clw 22 Dural lst Line white exterior oil paint. Underooat $6. 40 per gallon, Finish coat $7.50 per gallon. This is top quality paint BUTLER & BAIRD LUMBER LTD. ‘1 884-1125 889- 3506 lfc17 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes f01 sale in- cluding new' and 1ebuilt stami- ard portable and electric mod- els. Special rental rates avail- .- able to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 ' tfc49 AUTHENTIC COLONIAL Beautiful hand hooked woollen rugs, like new, from an estate: 1 oval 9‘x12': 1 square 9'x12‘ and several smaller sins. Fine" secretary desk. walnut: dropleaf tables: set of 4 Victorian chairs. ' For other beautiful furnishings Village House Antiques Thornhill. 7729 Yonge Street, 889-4734 clw 22 .0111' ,Sale is now Northumbï¬a Patterns Av ailable Morning Hist Lake Louise Ce,llo Normandy Rose, Laurier etc Call collect. Mrs. OHaI',a King City 833-5253 or write ‘Fine Arts â€" Northumbria, BoxiWE buy ‘433 King City, OntaIio. c4w121 SPECIAL FALL PAINT SALE Dural Exterior and Interior white latex paint, $4.39 per gal- lon BUTLER & BAIRD LUMBER' LTD. 884-1125 889-3506 11017 *BEFORE YOU BUY See the Snow ShaIk. snow bloweI and the Sno-Pr‘ince, snow c1uiser, convenient terms. Thompson Repair Service 103 No. 7 Highway East 889-2973 ('81119 PONTINGS MLSIC CENTRE 97 Davis Drive. Opposite Newmarket Plaza, Phone 895-6311 2151 Annual Christmas in effect. again prices are greatly duced. Organs: Conn - I‘ey - Electrohome; all makes: Chord Organs 1‘8“ Drums, Guitars and Amps, etc.‘ Easy Terms. Just to prove how easy they are to play we are giving 16) f1ee lessons with the purchase of an} electronic oIgan. Drop in f01 a Visit. take admntige of this genuine sale. See our large music (lisplzu _ and ii vou ale interested in or ininal oil paintings. vc lime them at \c1'.\' reasonable price-1 c7\\ 19 figure skates, - c1w22 size 42, $20 was $30.1 Low: Pianos -â€".‘- THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 30, 1967 FOR SALE Continued) ISLâ€"AYPEN mesh $10. Jollv‘ lJumper. 35. 889-5746. c1w22} 'VVPOWIEN pluckers, The classified ad takers The Libeiflal are friendlv Placing a WANT AD IS a PLEASANT EXPERIENCE . helpful people tiained in their jobs. with a. full lealization of the iIIIpOIIance of being helpful to everyone who calls to place a Want Ad. We hope you will call to place a Want Ad soon. When you do. it w ill be a pleasant experience. HELP WANTED farm experi-l ence. Harvest Moon Turkeys} 889-2626. c2w'21} ‘STRAW for sale. Delivered or picked up. 884â€"2538. tfc20 '112 Geese and 7 pullets, live. 884- 3154 c1w22 3 piece Chesterfield. 296- 1178. c1\\22 PHILLIPS Hi-Fi Stereo, excel- ‘lcnt condition. 884-4744. c1w22 ZGENDRON carriage. white. rea- lsonable. 889-3877. c1w22 MOTHER'S helper. permanent“ live in. Excellent conditions and wages. Willow'dale. 222-2351. c1w22 CLERK-typist required by local chartered bank. experienced preferred. Call Mr. McCready. 884â€"1109. c11122 WOMAN to baby sit. 2 pre- school children, my home daily, 4 Monday to Friday. Bay Thorn Village. Call after 5. 889-1587.‘ c1w22, IBROWNIE uniform, size 12; ‘1‘01 sale. 884- 2454. clw"22 iGUITAR and amplifieI, $75. 1884â€"2628 clVV‘ZZ‘ GENDRON baby carriage, 1‘ year old, blue. 832- 2660. c1w22: ELECTRIC train.exccllen11 condition, reasonable. 8841292 c1w221 ,GARTH'S Antiques. stripping and refinishing. 832-2602. c4w20 FIREWOOD for fireplace, any size; also fur jacket. 773-5488. c4w21 LLOYD baby carriage. excel- ‘lent condition, make an offer. ‘ 889-5731. tfc20 1960 IBM. standard electric typewriter, model 11c. Com- pletely rebuilt and fully opera- tive. 884-1118. c1w'21 SEWING SUPPLIES CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS 12 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill. *lw'20 SALE of oil paintings at The Garret Gallery. Bathurst Street. north of Mill Street. December 2 to 9, 2 pm to 9 pm. c2w221 SELECTED giftware for all oc- casions, handicrafts, candle- craft, greeting cards, etc. The Little Gift Shoppe, Carl and Grace Walker, Don Mills Rd., N. Victoria Square. tfc22 SIDEBOARD with 3 small and 1 large drawer. 2 cupboards. 1 couch, 1 chair, 1 double bed with springs. 884-4636. c1w22 DINING room suite, black wrought Iron with glass top, matching serving table, 6 leather chairs, $175. 12 Bass .accordion $40. 773-5743 after 6.30. c1w22 SEWING MACHINE Like new fully automatic Zig Zag. This machine does fancy embroidery work, blind hems, buttonholes, sews on buttons and does ewrything a sewing machine can do. Sacrifice $50. cash or take over payments of $6.00 per month. Write Box 47 “The Liberalâ€. c2w21 CHRISTMAS gifts for the horseman at Kettlecroft Harn- ess. Kettleby. Open Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7 to 9 for your convenience until Christ- mas. Large selection of Engish ‘and Wester tack, used Western saddle, fine assortment of gifts, also antiques. Located 1 mile east of Highway 400 on the Aurora - Schomberg road, just south of Texas Station. 727â€" '4481. c1w22I CONTENTS from an eight-room? luxury home. Custom-built 4- seater Chesterfield and chair with a matching set of fruit- w'ood tables and crystal lamps. Sixâ€"foot walnut stereo. only two months old. Nine- piece din- ing room suite, French provin- cial bedioom set, pan of marble: tables oil paintings. odd lamps ‘and chairs, chandelier. TV, etc. All the furniture is less than leight months old, must be sold in less than two weeks‘ time. 481â€"0420. l l c2w‘22‘ c1w22 15-. 2 hands. 889- 7831. SEALPOINT Siamese kittens, 10 weeks old house trained. purebred, papers available. 889- 4734. c11122 pups, small, mixed breeds preferred. For resale ‘only. Mrs. Finley, 222â€"3361. 7 c1w22 MINIATURE black poodle pup- pies, registered, ready for Christmas Males and females.»‘ 1889- 2180. c3w22 JILL GODDARD I POODLE GROOMING [New Address, 80 Steeles Avenue. lWest. 889 3606 tfc19‘ SIAVIESE kittens, champion, jblue point, champion chocolate ‘point and seal point, males at stud. Also domestic and part Persian kittens. to good homes. Cat boarding with outside run. Beryl Stew'aIt. 889- 2581. tfc8 H.-‘\.VE 10111 dog cared for by professional experts Trimming. boarding and training. Don \Iills Countiy Club foI Pets, our Christmas Special. 297â€" 2597. tfc18 Transportation RIDE wanted from Concessioni 6.2 miles north of Maple Side- road to Richmond Hill Monday to Frida\,aiii\1ng 7.15 am 884- 3345. c‘21w RIDE wanted from Kei'swell Drhc. Richmond Hill to Cum- mei' and Yonge. leaving at 8.30 am. Returning 5 pin. 884-8267 after 6 pm. c1w22 â€" SALESWOMAN Ihand RELIABLE man to carry out caretaking duties. Good working conditions, company benefitsl Apply D. Reid c/o R. D. Little‘, Ford Sales. 889-1105. c1w22 HAIRDRESSER wanted for Jos- eph 5 Hair Stylist, New maiket ‘FIee transpmtation from Rich- mond 11111 895- 6462 or 884 8057 ‘ 02w21 MAN, able to work with attrac- tive women and who wishes to earn $1,500 a month. For inter- view call 884-5079, 7-10 pm. c1w22 SERVICE station attendant, full time, experienced, refer- ences required. Apply Berta's Sunoco Service Station, Victoria Square. e1w22 PART-time man or woman with car for light delivery. each evening between 6 and 7.30. Must be reliable. Phone To- ronto Star, Mr. Burton, 884- 4408. c1w22. TYPIST - Part time â€" 2 days per week; in King City area. starting January. Apply in writing stating experience to Box 520. King City, Ont. c1w22 FURNITURE packer and driver combined. Good working condi- tions. steady employment, bene- fits. Apply Lamb the Mover. 889-4911. Also part-time help. c4w20 WEEKEND workers urgently required at True Blue and Orange Home. Experience car- ing for groups of children es- sential. Shifts 7 to 3 and/or 3 to bedtime. Call Mr. Moore, 889-5421. c1w21 wanted for full time work in clothing store. Experience an asset, but not necessary. Apply in person to Sportswear Shop, N0. 7 High- way and Don Mills Road (Next to Knob Hill Farms). c1w22 CARRIER “The Liberal†requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an established paper route in the Centre Street - Arnold Avenue area on the west side of Rich- mond Hill. Phone Glen Pratt, Carrier Circulation. 884-1105. nc2w21 LOOKING for part-time em- ployment?? Interviews by ap- pointment 884â€"6944. MONA ROBERTSON Temporary Placements 78A Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill c1w22 HOUSEKEEPER WANTED START JANUARY lst Capable woman of neat appearâ€" ance to assist in pleasant Thornhill family home, private room with TV. Private bath- room, references required, Mrs. Wilson 889- 1176 before 5 pm c1w22 ‘preferred for HELP WANTED Continued) TO RENT Continued) 1 $20 weekly. vicing Fuller 1210. 751- c4w20 customers. BOIS Opportunity to earn your Christ- mas money now. Call 884- 3102.. c3w20‘ FEVIALE hairchessel for King City Beauty Salon must have ‘2 years 01' more experience. Good wages for right peison. steady position starting Decem- ber 12. 833-5421. e3w20 8‘10710 hours. ser- ,Thornhill Green. 4 appliances.‘ ONE 3-bed1'001n town house at 2 ‘drapcs. recreation 1 washrooms. J‘sion. Page Ltd. Realtor THORNHILL. Modem Ioom bungalow. age. fireplace lovely location. $180 per month. Suitable ,couple, 2 chidren. References. Lease Immediate possession. ‘889-2928 - 651â€" 5371. FOOD]. 3 bedâ€" attached gar- ’s’rnxoo’narnrn with shorthand local bank man- ager. Pleasant working condi- tions and wide range of emâ€" ployee benefits. Phone Concord 889-7528 to arrange interview. Experienced The Country Fair Drive In reâ€" quire thrce students (female) for part time. weekend employ- ment as car hostesses. Apply in person, at the Country Fair Drive In. 300 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. c1w22 light deliveries in the Wood- bridge-Concord-Maple area each afternoon at $4 per hour. Ideal for housewife or semi-retired person. Small car preferred. Telephone collect, Richmond Hill, 884â€"4408. c1w22 CLERK - Stenographer. experi- enced. Permanent half â€" time position, four hours per day. Monday to Friday, Central typing speed and accuracy, shorthand preferred, good com- mand of English, some stencils, vacation credits. Immediate opening. Married woman pre- ferred, without small children problems. Good pay rate for right girl. references. Apply Box 54, “The Liberal". c1w22 TO RENT tfcl7‘ MEN or women, with car. for, Yonge St. Richmond Hill. Good‘ lCLEAN modern apartment on bus route. Large kitchen and living room, 8110 including gas and hydro. 60 Rockport Cres- cent, Richmond Hill. 466-1385. c1w22 ‘OAK RIDGES. 2-bed1'oom brick bungalow, attached garage. full basement, oil furnace. available December 1. Yonge Street. $135 per month. References required. 773-5662. c1w22 HUGE 4 room ground floor unfurnished apartment, private front, rear entrances, private bathroom, kitchen, front and fenced in back yard, $180 monthly, lst and last month required. 57 Crosby, Richmond Hill. 927-9436. C1W22 WANTED MO. 5638. CUB‘S uniform 4881. 6‘ Skis wanted. 884-1050. clw22 SMALL wood-burning stove. with oven. 889-5209. clw22 WINCHESTER 30/30 gun want- ed. 445-5237 after 6 pm. c1w22 NEWSPAPER boy wants used wagon in running condition. 884-3134. nc2w31 HOCKEY equipment in usable condition to be donated to In- dian Youth Centre at Lakehead. racetrack. 884- 011122 wanted. 884- c1w22 ROOM for rent. 884-5482. tfc20 FURNISHED room on Yonge Street, Thornhill. (Langstaff). 889-3685. c2w'21 SANTA CLAUS suit, Langstaff Women‘s Institute. 889-1645, 01‘ 889-3270. cSwZO EQUIPPED barber shop. Oak Ridges Plaza. $50 monthly. Call 727-5588 after 6 pm. c1w22 CARPORT to rent, Richmond Hill area, electrical outlet. 884- 4398. c1w22 2 bedroom apartment over store. $125 per month. Call 833- 5057. King City. c1w22 2â€"bedroom apartment, modern building. Parking. 884-8808. c1w22 1 bedroom apartment, equipped, no children, wall to wall broad- loom, 50 Elmdale Court. 884- 6435. *1w22 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. tfc22 OAK Ridges. 2 bedroom house. ,Available December 1. $105 per‘ month. Phone 773-4327, 12 ‘noon to 2 pm only. O R G A N I S T and choir director, required for Kleinburg United Church. Ap- ply in writing to: J. L. Ireland, Kleinburg. Applicants must have the time and initiative to‘ 2 bedroom. 71 Pemberton Cres- develop a junior choir, as well as train the senior CllOll. tfc20' REAL ESIATE careeI for men‘ 01 women free extensive train-‘ ing. piogram. special assistance to new starters, top commis- sions and draws. Call Tula lRealty L1mited. 222-2525. lfc25 STENOGRAPHER cent, North, $30 weekly, also Dow'nsview, $40 weekly, with' hydro. 635-5080. c1w22 ONE-bedroom apartment in ‘Maple. adults onlv. Available December 15th 833 5283 - 832-1 8883. c1w122 3 looms,pa1tly furnished. stove, l'rig. Separate entr,ance pIivatc home, single, Icasonablc. 889- 4232. MODERN 3 bedroom bungalow with attached garage refer- ences required. 832-2650. RICHMOND Masonic Hall 112 c 1 \1‘22' c1w22 ROOM to rent, suit, gentle- Please phone 884-3526 or 884- man. 884-1629. tfcl7 5090. c1w22 TWO lâ€"bedroom apartments. BARNBOARDS or barns â€" 884-8337. c1w22 highest prices paid for good barnboards â€" Write Box 28 t. 884-7757. _ . . 2 bedroom apartmen cleZ Un10nv111e or call 297â€"2887. c31v20 DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask Ed Peconi 8; Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. tfc44 EMPLOYMENT WANTED CAPABLE cleaning woman available. $10 a day and trans- portation. 884-6650. c1w22 COPY typing, stencils, envel- opes etc. 14†carriage. Done at home. 884-4656. c2w22 HOME typing wanted, tabulat- ing. letters etc. Speedy and efficient, 15 years experience. 884-8625. c1w22 KITCHENS and bathrooms washed. Paint work touched up. Skilled workman. 884-2902. MAN will do painting and paper 1 )for work. Anything considered. ,Can you help us. Call Salvation lAI‘my 889- 7655. tfc29, RESPONSIBLE maI ried w oman, ‘eIal office work in Richmond Hill area. Experienced, reliable. Phone 884â€"8206. W ANTED TO RENT ‘MOTHER with three cliildr.en ClWZ2 urgently needs accommodation. ‘1 769- 7205. c2w 21 required by local flilll Offel-lcrosby Ave Bowling banquets URGENT Two bedioom un- ing a permanent and interest-1 ing position in the Sales De- partment Typing and short- essential. Filing and switchboard expeIience an as- set. Starting salary $300 per month. Apply in wIitlng to Box 30, “The Liberalâ€. c1w'18 SALES CAREER Opportunity with a progressive sales organization in the Thorn- hill-Richmond Hill area. niar- 1'ied men ages 22-40. experience unnecessary. excellent training program. must own car. Salarv plus commission with 5 figure income potential within 2 years Give complete details in reply which is confidential) to Box 52 “The Liberal". c1w22 TR ier ORGANIZ mox oncegPick up and deliv ery 35k about Richmond Hill travel offices re- quires clerk- t-ypist capable of handling telephone reserva- tions. Must be good typist and 1have pleasant telephone voice ‘and previous telephone experi- ence, familar with office pro- cedure. Travel agency experi- ence helpful but not essential. 3 years commercial course 01' *equivalent. Reply in writing stating age. qualificatimis. ex- perience and salary expected of Canada Ltd. Road, Richmond 1:11:22 to Trailw a'_\’s 346 Enforcl Hill. Xmas parties, dances. contact, [Jack Williams. 884- 3200. c10w16‘ .‘1. 000 feet office space, 6A Lev'â€" ‘endale, Richmond Hill. 633- 5661. or 889- 5651 or 884- 2377 iEmerald Isle Real Estate. tfc13, ROOMS. two single furnished. ,one double unfurnished in, widow's home, women preferâ€"1 1'.ed 832- 1078. c1w22 furnished house 01 apartment in or near Richmond Hill near public school by 3 adults and {one 8 y‘eaI old child. Reasonable rent. 884 2737 Mrs. Clow. 01' write 16 Yongehurst Road. Richmond Hill. PERSONAL ,NEVV executhe home, backsplit, 4 bedr.ooms ’baths in 1110111- hill a1'.ea Occupant-x lst - 15111 .lamian. 766- 6397 between 6 and 7 pm c1w22 FREE room in widows com- fortable home. working couple 01' lady, some cooking privilâ€" eges. for very light duties. Nobleton. 859- 0413 11cw'22 HOUSE FOR RENT 5175. room biick bungalow, 9 6 months lease, monthly after â€"â€"1‘ evacant. G. Smith. 889-7624, N. c1w22, Smith, Realtor. LOCAL golf course to rent. available for anyone interested Do you have a drinking prob- lem If so AA can help. VVIite ‘Box 84 Richmond Hill, 01' call E116â€"8684 11c17 BO“ LERS VI A\ TED lined league, Allenc'omt Lanes. Monday evenings. 9 pm. C011- tact: A. R. Kyle 884-4862. (6.122 BOWLERS needed for mother's "b0wling league VV ednesday afternoons 1.30 pm Allencourt Lanes. Babysitting Pat Jones 884â€"1900. c6w22 BOVV'LERS WANTED Mixed leagues. Tuesday 9:30 pm. Thursday ,- i in forming a snowmobile club. pm and 9:30 pm Friday 7 pm Write Box 53, "The Liberal“ for Call after 1 pm 884â€"5511. information. c1w22 c6w'.) ' STORE FOR RENT LAD) BOV‘VLERS VV ANTED Yonge Street Richmond Hill 101' a iriendly Tuesda} (‘lIICl- store across from Richmond noon league. Free l):Ib\--111ng Inn. $200 monthly Including Join now. and s '111 be el igiblc heat. Call 889â€"1176. Da' id \lc- for turkey roll and trophie- Lean le., Realtors. c211- ’2 884-5821. 884-1988, c6132 immediate possesâ€"l Call 889â€" 7913 A. E. Le-ï¬ C1w22, clw'21‘ for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. c1w221 .hanging. Years of experience. Reasonable prices. 884-2902 ment. now! 884-1311. tfc21 91ҠwPERRI-STYLE CUSTOM EXPERIENCED woman wishes UPI-IOLSTERING typing to do at home, manu‘1Antique and modern furniture. scripts. letters, envelopes, etc~,All w'ork guaranteed. Up to (13118846480 ““22 date selection of material and YOUNG MEN, 16-19, looking styles. 884-6885. tfcl7 grade 13 education Seeks gen-l nc2w21 Clw22, p1"0\ ided. ‘ Monday 7 pm.‘ lMISCELLANEOUS PLUMBING- HE\TING A. MILLS & SON LTD. James D. Stewart 884-2201 tic-43‘ PAINTING 8.- PAPER HANGING R. E. Dunn. 884- 2798. tfc PLASTERING â€" DRYWALL Remodelling â€"- Renovations New â€" Repair. 884-8391 tfclB MICHAEL PETERS Upholstery and carpeting, 47‘ Industrial Rd. Richmond Hill.‘ Phone 884-2189. tfcl-l A1 CLEANING SERVICES Complete cleaning and main- tenance. industrial, commercial. ‘I'esidential. 884-7225. tfc8 PLUMBING Ziccardi Bros. 884-2947 Repairs and new work 24 hou emergency calls, (work guaran- teed). tfc38 1 l i CHESTERFIELDS SHAMPOOED FAMILY MAINTENANCE CO. PHONE 884-2433 tfle TILING All types floor tile. sheet goods. Expert workmanship at low cost. Free estimates. Gillett Fine Floors. 884-8831. tfcll RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paper-hanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 884-7902. tfc31 E. W. PAYNE ,Drains. septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc3l MASONRY CONTRACTOR Stonework. Fireplace, etc. V. Ostergaard, 16 Elizabeth St. S. Richmond Hill, phone 884- 5688. tf023 CALL us for your sand, gravel, fill, top soil and limestone. Prompt delivery. Reasonable rates. J. B. DeFerrari, Maple. 832-8876. tfc12 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions anl additions. homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb 889-2546. tfc3 CARPENTRY WORK, additions, renovations, garages. recreation rooms, tile floors. No job too small. Free estimates. T. Price 889-3653. tfc28 R-W EXCAVATING Treriching, footings, concrete and drains. Backhoe loader rentals. 884-6264, 884-5559. tfc9 CONTRACTORS IN ALL TYPES OF HOME IMPROVEMENTS Ree. rooms, alterations. chimâ€" neys and fireplaces. 225-4551. ARE you having a party for Christmas? Need your rec room done, wallboard, ceilings, floors and carpentry work. Estimates any time. Phone 884-5318. EXPECTING COMPANY Why not have your cleaning done professionally? Call and make your appoint- Windows Cleaned c1w22. c4w19‘ FOR THE FESTIVE SEASON?‘ .2777 - 884-5777. c1w22. DEMO SALE 114' Peterboro Fury Deluxe Fibre glass, 55 hp. Chrysler electric. 1000 lb. Explorer itrailer complete with conver- MIS SCELLANEOUS) (Continuedl PLUMBING at HEATING Roget Proulx â€" Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 BILL MITCHELL CONSTRUCTION I'ooms. additions, fire- custom buildings and Thor nhill 889- 7646 tfc21 SNOW plowing â€" job or con- tract Vaughan, Yonge Bath-‘ Inst, Keele and Highway 7 a1 ea l For estimate 884- 8907. c1w22‘-â€" TREE cutting, pruning by ex-‘ perienced man with chain saw. Also light trucking. 884-6735. c1w22 l Rec. places. repairs. l BAKER'S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer 8.: water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2‘ 15‘“ LATHING, plastering, acoustic ceilings, dry wall partitions. re- pairs, alterations, new work. North York Acoustics. 222-7179. c4w22 SEPTIC TANKS Call (Speedy) for Waste Re- moval and Free Spray Flush- ing. Also Snow Plowing Serâ€" vice. 889-5413 or 889-5061. c4w22 Offices Cleaned Industrial, Commercial Day or Night. Family Maintenance Co. 884-2433 tfc19 STIRLING MAINTENANCE Complete Cleaning and Maintenance, Industrial, Commercial, Residential. Phone - 884-1311 tfc21 ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and WindoWS 20 years guarantee For free Estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT. 889-4106 tfc22 TOOLS & EQUIPMENT RENTALS RENTALL. 41 YONGE N. Rug shampooers, floor mach- ines. tools. chairs. 884-6761. tfc31 PORTABLE TV RENTALS WEEK OR MONTH RICHMOND HILL TV 884-7456 tfc43 TELEVISIONS, air condition- ers, refrigerators, stoves, wash- ers, dryers. furniture. 223- 2270, 6309 Yonge Street, Wil- lowdale. tfc3 BOATS FOR SALE 13' Peterboro Cadet aluminum runabout 20 h. p Johnson motor, 500 lb. Wiscot trailer complete with controls, lights and steer- ing, list price $1,149. sale price $849. Graham‘s Marine and Auto Upholstery Ltd., 23 Mark- tible top, controls, lights, steer- .ing. battery and box List price $2 529 Sale price $1799. Gia- .ham s Marine and Auto, Uphol- istei‘y Ltd. 23 Markham Road, ‘Richmond Hill. 889-2777 â€" 884-! Family Maintenance Co. “'all Washing Floor Cleaning Day or Night 884-2433 ‘57'77. c1w22 â€H TRAVEL TOURS, cruises, Iail and bus 11‘le tickets. reseiv ations and individ- 1~TFRANK ‘AND’BILL s -"T1ave1 Agencv. 889- 7096. SANITARY CONTRACTORS 1‘ “047: Septic tanks. pumped andl ï¬-r- - Let cleaned. Liquid sludge removal, . . , fast efficient service. “ORLD “lDE SHlPPIFG , Richmond 11111. 884-3321 1 look 3“" tfc16 all your luggage â€"-â€"~ l and TREE CUTTING ‘ shipping problems Dead elms, poplars etc. to any point Cut and removed. Reasonable in the world rates. Alvin Baker 889-2436. and â€C13 arrange HARRISONS CUSTOM passage & accommodation CARPENTRY tfc22 Custom built homes. renova- 339-5259 “022‘ tions. additions, and repaiis rKitchens a specialty. Morris ,Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45‘ TUIEIOIIV If 1 . ___.___._ ' EXPERIENCE teac1er o ers‘ Plasterng CLARK Thornhill t'ut011ng at your home gIadcs Plain and Decorative Plastering. Repairs 3 Specialty Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 il'cZO hali- horn. SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED $25.00 1 l l .‘ l 109811-1195 and complete land'iand up. Lynett Crescent, near [131 travel call A. H. Creighton l to 4 Reading any giade. 389- 5404 PIANO pupils. grade one to four. Concord district $1. 50 per Phone 889- 1925 c1w22 GARDENING STRAVV', horse manure, pick- up truck load, $12 deliv'.e1ed 884â€" 6975. c1w22 HANSEN’S LANDSCAPING ‘scaping. Sandy loam, 5 yd. load, Sewers cleaned without digging or tearing up pipe C. STL'NDEN Richmond Hill 7 pzn. 884-1245 1 $24. 3 yd. load 515. Phone after 6, all day weekends, 889-1286.l tfc42‘ FOUND CLOV EN hom ed animal found is now at Canine Control Per- mn missing such an animal call 889-l08l 01' 887- 3363. 9 am 10 £11.12: 11am Road, Richmond Hill. 889-1 c2w'22' "THE LIBERAL" WANT ADS PHONE 884-005-6 _..._______. USED CARS 1948 Mercury convertible not Iunning, $75 cash. 884â€" 4729. clw22 1956 Dodge. good body and motor. 889- 4659. c1w22 ,1956 Chev, 6 automatic, running order $60. 884- 7952 c1w22 1957 Olds convertible, bucket seats. $145 full price, runs ex- cellently 884-8766. c1w22 1958 Dodge. 6 cylinder. stand- ard, cheap. 832- 8809 after 6 c1w22 1958 Austin 6- cylinder. automa- tic. Good running order. $125. 01‘ best offer. 888- 1148. clw22 ’59 Chev. 6 cylinder. 2-door standard for sale. $125. 832- 2070 or 832-1212. tfc21 1960 Plymouth station wagon: good condition, $400 or best offer. Call after 4.30 pm. 832- 1437. c1w22 1960 Hillman, good condition, must sell, 4 tires, like new. 884- 1344. *1w22 1961 Ford, 4 door 6 cylinder, $300: 1961 Meteor convertible, V8. All power big motor. $595: 1953 Chev. Bel Air, good shape. $225. 884-4110. clwzz 1962 Ford Galaxie 500 2 door hardtop, automatic, V8, power steering and brakes, radio. Black with green interior. Very clean. Lic. J52650. Only $750. Terms available. Ask for Ja. or Bill. 889-1189. Baker’ Sales. clw E62 Ford Galaxie. new batte generator and snow tires. b- offer. 884-8518. c2w 1963 Mercury Comet Delu automatic with a custom rad and many extras. Original 3 000 miles. Lie. H43531. W sell at $850. 889-1189. Ask f Jack or Bill. Baker’s Sales. clw 1964 CHEV and Ford 42-h Vans. Also panels and pickup all in A1 shape. Clearance :81 Can be seen over weeken $500 and up. Terms arrange Crosstown Motor Sales, 53 8804. tfc 1964 Rambler. Deluxe seda one owner. $850. Call toda 889-1189. Baker Sales. c1w- LUXURY AUTOMOBILE 1964 Olds 98. 4 door h/to Showroom condition, 44,000 or ginal miles, fully powere. Reason for selling, company c now supplied. Have your mec anic inspect. Sacrifice, $1.60 Phone 833â€"5050. clw2 1964 Ford custom 2-door. 6 c ‘, linder, standard transmissio‘ 41,000 miles. Excellent cond' tion, $795 or best offer. 22 I 4031. c1w2 1967 Pontiac Parisienne 2 doo .hardtop. automatic transmi sion, V8, power steering, powe brakes, radio, vinyl roof, white walls discs, 10.000 origina miles. A real buy at $2750 Easy finance terms can be ar ranged. Call Russ. 884-3331. c1w2 FIVE 13" BMC wheels wit good tires, 2 snows. $45. S ‘carb and manifold. brand we for 1100. $25. Call Ted 773 5335. *1w2 DOUBLE TROUBLE with you Kcar. Call M1. Ritcey. new an! used cars. At Puddicombe‘s 884-4441 clw2 NEED SPRING WORK DONE? ,Call Newmarket Spring Service <0wned and operated by Moore Truck Parts and Sales Ltd., Holland Landing, 0111., 895- 5901, 895-4666. tfcll ATTENTION TRUCKERS When you need parts call the truck Wreckers first. Used parts, tires, bodies, etc. Rebuilt rear :ends. transmissions. MOORE TRUCK PARTS AND SALES LTD. Holland Landing, Ont 895-4666 â€"- 895-5901 , ticll ‘___â€"â€"â€"_-_=â€"â€"_;gâ€"â€"l LOST _____________~ SMALL female German Shepa herd dog, 6 months old, white face and underside. black from cars to tip of tail with tan markings on legs and through- ,out the coat. Resembles the Littlest Hobo. Answers to “‘Ladyâ€. Last seen at Richmond ‘Heights Centre. Friday, Please phone 2 sad children at 884- 2197. c1w22 fl DAY CARE DAY care available, South Tay- lor. 884- 8558. (111122 DAY ca1e available in my ‘home for children up to 5 yeaIS. Fenced y.ard 889- 5828. c1w22 DAYITaYeâ€"aï¬ï¬ï¬lï¬fmy home. ROSeview and Lawrence area. 884-7573. c2w22 ‘DAY care available, 3 years 1 884- CIWZZ ' Beverley Acres School. 6051. lROOM and BO ARD ï¬o‘fwflï¬aï¬i optional. â€"884- 4148. c'l\\22 ROOM and board f01 quiet gen- tleman. ab-iainer E1: in \lills and Newkh'k area 884-6650. clw22 /"