Exmbmnn Ims summe-r, Willy.at the home of Mn and Mm 310k “Epsom we“ know" Mealsmn Parr. The well planned dancfir' '5 presemmg “Healthepartv was a complete surprise Fir“ on Monday nex“ Decem’do Mae and Bill who were pre- ber 18.. at, the ColonnadelSented “,"h a goingmway gm Theatre mlTnum' . 40f a lovely tri-light floor lamp. Cn-starrmg w1ll he Miss Gilda The comparative lunch served LoRusso and Miss Christilotlat the end of the evening com_ "3"?“ WM .alomz mm otherlpleted a delightful get-together. plums WI†Ewe a demonm‘afl The star of the evening was ‘ ‘ fi , . “on Of phys‘cal mess andl‘the Maitland's new addltlon to dancing techniques, » , Miss LoRusso is the dauththe fam'l-V â€"’ a lo'week‘om (er of Mrs. L. LoRusso. HanlSamoyed PUP» Kelp“ TW- Mrs_ Laura Jones' 103 Rackgneu of election expenses. is port Crescent. has an extra $301making donationsto two chap to spend on Christmas this ,ve.amr.;“"‘b1e oranganlzatlons‘ as winner of the November‘ * “' * Triple-Your-Baby-Bonus Draw; Titus Turning. a new Cana» sponsored by Richmond Heights dian play written by Roncmila. Merchants. Mrs. Jones cashed “3" of Toronto- 15 5’ fascmatlng her November children’s allow drama based _on a true story of ance cheque in a member store '3 beque“ bemg left to anyone at the centre. When her name who can prove the existence of the soul which attracts many was drawn from the drum, she ‘ received the merchants associa- cranks wh° endeavor to prove ‘ v . their eligibility. tlon s cheque for $30. triple the $10 of her Chequï¬ The play opens for four n:r““\la nn Yunnan" 0A a!- H"; Dnnv Miss [er of Street. llvu a Lucun LUI. wau, uxync u“: $10 of her cheque. . . . nights on January 24 at the P001 All you have to do to qualify Alex in Toronto and has a small for the December draw is to‘but talented cast including cash your rhildren's allowancemavid Lewis‘ Trevor Stanley. Chequ" in 4‘ Richmnnd Heighlleel-ek Miller. Sandra Bloom- Merchants' member store and blum, Audrey Rowlands, Ron P‘M‘e .VOlH‘ entry MIT“ in the Solloway and Gerry Crack. The box provided. You may well be‘set is being designed by last the winner. Iyear's visual award winner. Kit Robinson. and the play directed ‘by Ken Schultz. The Play opens for four râ€"_.. Members of the local Rotary Club and their wives held their annual Christmas party on Sat- urday at the home of Rita and Don Beaumont, Richmond Street. Don Beaumont, Richmond; Richmond Hill 65, Markham Street. Township 17. Vaughan Town- On arrival, each guest had ship 72, new area 195. the name of a well known per-( VON have now made calls in sonality pinned on their hack.ievery township in the area. and having previously spotted‘ 4- t * their Partners by a matching} Mr. and Mrs. mu Mnitland of flower. set off in pairs to EUESSiOshawa, former Richmond Hill Wh" the Other couples repl'e‘ residents, were dinner guests §enled. By then they were a“ on Saturday last at the home of m a festive mood which conâ€"‘Mn and Mrs_ 1;.“ Cameron, tinued throughout the evening.‘Tal-eyton Road_ concluding with a buffet dinneri The ad-numed m M“, renew and danculg‘ Jinn rr'Ynmjfnr' bridge and in the Following a very successful show at, the Canadian National Exhibition this summe-r, Willy Blok Hanson. well known area dancer. is preseming “Health First" on Monday nexl. Decemâ€" ber 18. at. the Colonnade Theatre in Toronto. Triple Winner MRS. LAURA JONES { Among th many guests whrH attended were Warden Floyd Perkins and Mrs. Perkins, ML: and Mrs. Russell Lynefl. Mr.‘ and Mrs. Mac Clement. Mr. and‘ Mrs. Don Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Al While. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hol‘ lowell, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ncwhall. Mr. and Mrs. H. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Daly. Mr. and Mrs. H. White. Doctor H. Socol and Mrs. Socol. Mr. and Mrs. Elgln Barrow. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Ryan, Mrs. E. Nerlich, Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. A. MacDonald, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mercer, Mr. and Mrs. R. Peppin. Blevin Jackson. Tom Graham. John Waldon. Mr. and Mrs. Stnn= lDunbar and John Allen and hlsj A. MacDonald, Mr. at Mercer. Mr. and Mrs. J Blevin Jackson. Tom John Waldon. Mr. and Dunbar and John Alla fiancee. On January 26 it will he‘VChurch, screened for entry in the Cen-l #1 t t ' tral Ontario Drama Festival.l A Christmas gues' at the which will be held in March at‘home of Mr, ma Mrs. Len Hart House Theatre. Jones. Knollside Drive. will be Tickets may be obtained at 3 her mother, Mrs. P. Miles, who special rate of $1.75 if purchasâ€"al‘rives on Sunday next from ed before December 31, after Coventry. England, t9 Spend which they will be at the reguâ€" the festive season In Richmond Mr. Lazenby. a member of town cnuncil for the past. four years, received an acclamation as Ward 2 representative and in lieu of election expenses. is making donations to two chap itable oranganizations. Entertaining on Saturday ev- ening were Councillor William Lazenby and Mrs. Lazenby who held an “Open House" at their home on North Taylor Mills DgivaIollowing the municipal elections. They adjourned in the recrea-x tion mom for bridge and in the, middle of the fifth hand in‘ walked 30 neighbors, friends and relatives, who had gathered‘ Mr. and Mrs. Bill Maitland of‘ Oshawa. former Richmond Hill residents, were dinner guests‘ on Saturday last at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Cameron..‘ Tareyton Road. VON calls increase for compared to 1966. were again on the November. 349 as 244 for November T- I God‘ of V Following a humorous poem [read by Marion Postlethwaite [and Cicely Thomson. 3 presen- tation on behalf of the cast and crew was made to Direc- tor Ron Solloway, in appreci- ation of his time and ability. A a '°Ve'-"\pe}’§}lboi3$ gazetgmaz‘ worshlp centre In the chapel“h d . n ‘ and intensified the reading of am a" mom†'3 em the Christmas story and the gathered a,†the hm solo. In the Bleak Midwinter. the†pavems an.†the ' sung by Miss H. Balmer. The‘complete a “mu-V day- message on "Giving" by Mrs. ' ’ J._ Robeyts .had jhfee . main[Donna Gail Wintrup points: give in to God; give up the world and its ways and give time to God and give out the word of God. "Just give until the Father stops giving to you". During the business meet- ing a discussion was held on the Valentine luncheon to be held February 28. Unwrapped gifts were requested by the Mental Health Associaticm for their Christmas gift campaign. These may be deposited in a container at the church. Also joining the family for the holidays will be the Jones' daughter and sonâ€"in‘law. Carol and John Asher. from Galt. .. The guest speaker. Miss Beatrice. Avakian. director of Christian education. spoke on the gift of life and its mean- ing and especially how Chris~ tian education helps the young to face the ongoing revelation of God. Members then enjoyed a re- corder playing and singing sesâ€" sion of baroque and Christ- mas carols, which they will present as their grand finale to the Centennial year at, a concert being given December 20 at, St. Paul's Lutheran The Music Guild met on Sunday afternoon, December 3, and a discussion was held on the composer Prokieff fol- lowed by the recording of his 3rd piano concerto played by the famous pianist Byron Janis. She then showed an excel- lent tum produced by the mis- sionary and maintenance de- partment of the United Church of Canada called, The Gift. The film depicted in a stylized way. the life of Christ and showed Ihat Christ's gift was total â€" His life was a gift to us from Refreshments were conven- ed by Roz Anderson and memâ€" bers were then entertained by the fine piano playing of John Harold. who soon had every- one lustin singing the chorusâ€" es of many old time favorites. auI1n\u“mmmuummmummmmunmt1\\u\\u\u\m\\\\\mmm“ mmmmn\nunumunu\u\uuum“mum\mmuuuuuuuumuum There was an excellent turnâ€" our. of Curtain Club members and guests at the Green Room party held Saturday evening at, the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson. Centre Street West, following the final cur- tain of The Heiress. Mrs. Egerton Young. diret-t- Kathy Cameron transferred her or of the United Church Ob- membership from a Toronto server “Round the Worlds‘church. Tour" will be the guest speakvi It It a: er and Mrs. Desmond Sweeny, The annual carol service at guest soloist. {St. Mary's Anglican Church at All members of the congre-‘7 pm next Sunday. will feature gation are cordially invited to the singing of the traditional attend, lcarols of the season by choir ‘* * * ‘and congregation. The Christmas meeting of the 2nd Thursday Unit or the UCW of Richmond Hill United Church will he held December 14. There was a very appre- ciative gathering at the Surcouf Happening held last Sunday, and the gal- lery, decorated with the many objets d'art and fashions by Lorraine Sur- couf. was a blaze of color momentarily transporting patrons away from the cur- rent dismal weather. to the tropical climate of the West Indies. The gallery. which celeâ€" brated its third annivers- ary in November. has al- ready become an integral part of the cultural aspect of the Hill. introducing the many facets of traditional and contemporary art with an imaginative and drama- tic flair. wind‘ Surcouf Exhibit Opens At Local Gallery gallery. wh its third November‘ become an of: Susie Bowles. Maureen (‘ow- ne‘den and Patti Logan were ad- ed mitted as members of the jun- eriior auxiliary at. St. Gabriel’s iChurnh on Wednesday last and rt-iKathy Cameron transferred her b- membership from a Toronto ldmhurch. The auxiliary grandchildren’s Christmas party was celebrated at the Legion Court Sunday last complete with Santa Claus, Ru- dolph the red nose reindeer and clowns. It was attended by 87 children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren who all received a gift from Santa. candy and refreshments. This project is entirely supported by voluntary donations from the auxiliary extended over a 12- month period and is enjoyed by all the adults participating ‘as well as the children. ‘ Out of town Visitors from yPeterboro. Streetsville. Mark- ham and Toronto attended and gathered at the homes of their parents after the party to tcomplete a family day. l ‘ During refreshments, served by the popular hostess. Pauline Price. carols were played and scores were unimportant, as members discussed their Christ~ [mas plans. i The public is invited in join in this one-hour traditional Cairol Service in preparation for the Christmas Season. The police were un; termine the cause of dent. but report. lvehicle was involved Winners of turkeys were Bah bara Grimshaw. Flavia Redel- meier and Dagmar Matyas and the spare's prize. a chicken, was won by Janet Gage. A round of applause greer son adds bowling. The ladies' auxiliary in Branch 375. Royal Canadian Legion. was invited by the auxiliary to the Bolton Legion to help celebrate their birthday by presenting the current show “The 375 Clowns and Dolls". The entertainment was receivâ€" ed enthusiastically and a stand- ing ovation was given to the cast by 150 Bolton branch and auxiliary members. A round of applause greeted the presentation of a gift tnj Pauline. whose congenialin and generosity throughout the. seaâ€" son adds greatly to the sport of bowling. an: t is Cathy Wilson, daughter of Mr.‘ and Mrs. John Wilson of Bed- ford Park. is currently a pa-‘i tient at The Hospital For Sicki Children. Toronto, where on; December 5 she underwent m spinal fusion. She is still on a‘ striker frame‘ but, making good: progress and will shortly be put in a plaster cast prior to‘ her transfer to St. .lnhn's Conâ€" valescent Hospital for a period of three months. A grade 13 student at Bay " . View Secondary School. Cathy will continue her studies in 1105- ,_ -' 9 pital and hopes to complete her ' ' A A Grand Gl ft for Everyone taken sufficient material along mam/54,9 Fm fl/[F/l “new†Cathy Wilson and Mrs. John ford Park. is tient at The H All her friends extend their best wishes for continued im- provement and good luck with her studies and journalism! Mrs. Donna Gail Wintrup of 387 Alper Street was killed November 26 when her car left Highway 400 six miles south of Bradford, and rolled over. The 24 year old wife of Greg Wintrup was thrown from the car. The ABC Bowling Alley look~ ed Very festive for the Christ~ mas bowl of the Monday After~ noon League. with a silver tree on the counter and decorations throughout the alley. will continue her studies in hosâ€" pital and hopes to complete her academic year. She has also taken sufficient material along with her to be able to continue the popular weekly column “Kaleidoscope†in “The Liber- a1". R. Hill Mother Killed Son Hurt In Accident Her only child, twnvyear-old Daymon, was found by officers from the OPP Bradford De- tachment still in the car. He was taken to York County Hosâ€" pital in Newmarket for treat- ment of his injuries and it was expected he would be released last weekend. Various members of tht> par- ish fvrom choir boy to, clergy will read the several lessons and before the service the choir will sing a roundelay of lively carols from the loft. The nr~ ganist is Mrs. Evan Cover and the choir leader. Jack Large. The junior choir will sing an excerpt from a modern nativity cantata composed by their lead- er Vaughan ToWer. Mrs. Wintrup was well known and liked by the many custom- ers of Adamo Hair Stylists. where she was employed. sfer to 51 t Hospital months. de 13 stu were unable to deâ€" cause of the acci- report no other greeted gift to Less familiar sung by both 3“ choirs with arr for congregatio Following ‘lh will be a cor! parish hall fox relations and f‘ The .' Service next. D St. Gab Melanie Joy Anderson and: Ralph Mason .returned on John Greg Dawson received the‘Sunday from the University of Sacrament of Baptism last Sun- Denver tn spend the Christmas day at St. Mary‘s Anglican hnlidays with his parents. Dac- Church. tor W. Mason and Mrs. Mason. Rev. James O'Neil officiated. Church Street North. . ,Mr. and Mrs. Wilmot Pearson.‘ we 1< 1‘1 formerly of Richmond Hill, now1 over 40 members 0f_ the 0f Wasaga, left on Sunday to Couples Club of the Presbyter- Spend the Winter months in‘ian Church attended their Daytona Beach. Florida. gChristmas Party held on Satur- During their stay in the Hiâ€. day evening. A tradition which started many years ago by the late Ring Lew of the Town Inn on Yonge Street, is still continued by his son, Fon Lew, who this week entertained two groups of child- ren at Christmas parties. During their stay in the Hill. Mr. Pearson was a member of the local Senior Citizens’ Club where he enjoyed the congenialâ€" ity of the group and participated in many of their activities. He and his wife would like to thank all those who were so kind to them during this period and to extend good wishes for a happy Christmas and prosper- ous New Year. We extend congratulaâ€" tions to Walter Scudds, former Ward 1 represent- ative on town council, who has received an acclama- tion to Council in the Vil- lage of Hastings. An em- ployee of General Foods Mr. Scudds was trans- fer-rod to Pets-rho“) in July 1966 and has lived ln Hastâ€" ings. about 25 miles east nf Peterboro for a little more than a year. 'he annual C vice will he t. December Gabriel‘s Ch ess familiar in junior ample {ational 1 1 "the se coffee h for fan Church and congratulaâ€" Walter Scudds, 1rd 1 represent- ‘wn council, who frie andlelizht held on S l7 at 7 l hour families ands. arnls r and senior opportunity singing. rx‘vice there will he I senior Sunday pm at in Lhere the their arol The Richmond Hill Symphony Orchestra held a most, success- ful concert on December 7 at Northview Collegiate in Willow- dale. The last rehearsal before Christmas will be held this Sun- day. On the program were works by Schubert, Handel, Bach and Fleming. Home for Christmas! Miss M. Louise Robertson returned to her Centre Street home on Wed- nesday last, from St. John‘s Con- valescent Hospital. where she spent the past six Weeks follow- ing a spinal fusion on Septem- ber 25 at Private Patients Pa~ vilion, Toronto General Hos» pital. To celebrate her return she is holding “Open Hausa“ on Fri- day for friends and cn-workers at Ronalds Federated. where she is hoping to resume working by the end of January. Following dinner at the Town Inn on Yonge Street. they re- turned tn the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Monrley on Harding Blvd. where they spent a relax- ing evening. listening' to records and singing several of the old favorites. This year. instead of the (‘us- (nmary exchange of gifts. mem- bers donated food to the church for poor families in the area. The Couples Club of St. Gab- riel's Anglican Church will meet December 16 at the home 01' Dan and Betty anden on Mary- hay Crescent for their Christ- mas party. Presented With Town Cufflinks Ruztie who was in charge of all sports activities in which the committee was involved: Peter Dawson. who showed what a good organizer can do in pre- paring for the caravan visit; Mary Dawson. who organized the homecoming weekend; Joe Dwyer. who was the guiding light for the July 1 birthday party; and John Graham, who looked after publicity. v-wu mm. 1 He concluded by noting that[ the Sign installed at the southl end of Yonge Street for Cenâ€" tennial Year has been convert- ed to a Christmas theme and) suggested that it be turned over ‘ to Richmond Hill Hydro. ' Keene-35mm m u; lulu-Illnullu an“ ALJULU. 3; He agreed to take back to]; his committee a suggestion from‘; Councillor Lois Hancey that a[ Christmas Tree burning be held‘l early on New Year‘s Eve. Mrs.l Hancey stated York Sanitation; was prepared to co-operate in‘ collecting the trees and deposit-I; ing them in a suitable place for a large bonfire. to bring the‘i year to a close. 1, He also paid tribule lo the m-operation of council and of the many organizations and in- dividuals who willingly gave as- sistance wherever and whenever they could. 'Tis the season to be jolly and parties for the festive season are in full swing. If you have been enter- taining at cocktail. wine and cheese or the tradi- tional Christmas Parties, whv not Mil the Social Editor Margot Crack to record the event in these columns? The service is free â€" just call 884.1105-6 or drop a ï¬n» m 63 Yonge Street South â€"â€" we‘ll be. pleased to hear from you. (Continued from Page 1) THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 14. 1967 SEE OUR SMART NEW SLIPPERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY ALSO . . . OUR WIDE SELECTION OF APRES SKI AND WINTER BOOTS. HIGH, LOW AND MEDIUM HEIGHT IN LEATHER, VINYL AND SEALSKIN. OUR GIFT CERTIFICATES PROVIDE THE PERFECT ANSWER. AVAILABLE IN ANY AMOUNT AND WITH A FREE MINIATURE SHOE AND BOX TO PUT UNDER THE TREE. wuw é éLOBE TRAVEL SERVICE“? IN A RUSH? BOOKINGS FOR ALL STEAMSHIPS AND AIRLINES. TOURS AND CRUISES 85 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL For yaur convenience 2 lines to serve you My sincere thanks (0 (he Wisdom: of Rich- mom! Hill fnr re-electing me Hydro Commissioner in Saturday's v0th. YHANK YOU shall do my best to justify your confidence. No service charge. nn hooking fee 884-8191 Sam Cook