Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Dec 1967, p. 4

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'4 Centennial Medallion Some five weeks ago. I had the pleasure of writing about the “fall gymkhana“ of several local pony clubs. and had re- marked on the hard work and dedication these young eques- trians had for their sport. At this time I am pleased to report that the aforementioned hard work and dedication earn- ed Les Zaizer. of the Toronto and North York Pony Club the Medallion of Excellence for his horsemanship. Les was among the 1,000 amateur athletes who attended the Ontario Centennial Sports Award dinner at the Royal York December 4. and were honored for excellence in“ their respective sports. .Winning the Ontario cham- pionship in July. Les then went on to Brome. Quebec. where he distinguished himself by captur- ing the dominion title at this national rally. _The medallion. measuring two inches in diameter and cast In heavy bronze. was designed by the Sports Advisory Com- mittee of the Centennial plan- ning Branch of the Department of Tourism and Information. and following a symbolic pre- sentation by Ontario Premier John Robarts to one athlete. was distributed to the other winners. ' .‘Sincerest congratulations to Les Zaizer are in order. and. of course, for continued success. filngs' Kastle ' Larry Smith reports that. the coffee house “Happening" held at the United Church December .and anything connected with it.; December 2 windows at the senâ€" ;ior public. two junior public schools and the secondary school ‘as well as in a school bus parked lover in Kinghorn were found 'smashed. Damage has been es-i itimated around the $2.000 mark..‘ ,‘Police have reason to believe jthat a vehicle was used to trans- port the guilty parties from. ‘school to school in a smash and .run operation. {Square Dance THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. Dec. 14. 196? . KING cnv, OAK RIDGES ? LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" Atcheson. Wildwood Mrs. Theo Dawson. Avenue 773-5448. is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Lillian in King City 773-5479. - in Socialbr Speaking Kin City herd. George Bennett; 5th Shep-1 herd. Robert Tetley; :6th Shep-.licious torte prepared by their committee had herd. Mervyn Long; Angels“ ‘Wendy Bennett. Cheryl Collard; sion. Jasper. Geoffrey Bill Weis; Page. Paul Arm- strong; Melchoir. John Whalley:. Page. Ian Bamford: Herod. Noel1 Winston; Herald, Gillian Bali: Knight. Arnold Bamford. and Knight. Bob Silcox. Behind the scenes. credit .must go to the following for ‘Hall hostess before the work needed to carry on, ance Sylvina Claydon, Muirhead. Laskay Wl Another successful of euchre was held at Laskayipm‘ted. Winners‘very real December 1. This was done. I suspect,‘months. were: 'Merilyn Whitten,‘ mittee of Adjustment pressed to council ings throughout the es on small holdings. sons. The concern was expressed by ‘Reeve Ross Farquharson at. a They were treated to a de- recent council meeting, after the 151 tures of her work there. Miss Ruth Henderson enter-l Many of these “vereltained her Sunday school class Brownies Will go 10 Holland pierpoint;,m give the girls the extra ca].‘seeking severence of the secondiln he!“ home last Saturday and Landing to sing Christmas car- reviewed seyapplications 1n the past ‘Page. Sean Winston: Balthasarflories to give them the strength‘homes and surrounding lands ever-V009 In attend. for transfer to new owners. “It is feared by the commit-r Betty Ross, ice that a developer could build Mary Lois Rennie and Verna any number of houses, barely meeting building requirements] ‘as “second buildings' on his land evening‘and then renting them," he re- “This could become a in the fu- problem Whitchurch Township Com- has ex- grave con- cern over the number of second houses being built on landâ€"hold- township. The committee has asked coun- cil to study the matter and bring in a bylaw to control extra hom- li is recâ€" 'ognized that such buildings are necessary on large holdings to house hired help or farmers‘ 30. A Christmas Party was held recently by Sunday School Supâ€" erintendent Ray Wideman and Mrs. Wideman for the staff of ,lhe school. Miss Fred Hender- son showed pictures of her reâ€" cent trip to Europe. A Christmas Program will be presented by boys and girls of the church prior to the morn- ing worship service December 24 at 10.30 am. Ladies of the sewing circle met at the parsonage for their ,annual Christmas meeting and ‘exchanged gifts. Miss Velma Brillinger. a missionary return- ed from Africa. showed pic- spent an enjoyable evening. Elmwood Park Bill Good will take over dut- ies as president of the Elmwood Park Cottagers' Association for 'the remainder of the term. Len Beatens resigned from the pres- idency as he had moved from The “Kings and Queens" held! their Christmas Party in All ‘Saints Anglican Church Decem- ber 1 with 36 couples in attend- lance. The hall was decked with traditional holly and soon the couples were caught up in the. ‘holiday mood with old-time. round and modern dancing fil- ling an enjoyable evening. Among the prize winners were Mary Cousins and Mrs. Muriel Roots who won cups and sauc- ers in the lucky draw. and Mrs.‘ Bernie Loughran who walked‘ .off with. the door prize. an elec-‘ tric clock. Refreshments were served cabaret style at the con-‘ iclusion of the dancing and plat- ters of sandwiches. Christmas cake and cookies were rapidly ‘consumed. This will he the ‘final square dance for 1967. the‘ ;next one planned for January 5. ‘Cancer Society The King Branch of the can- .cer society met at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Findlay Decem- ber 4. This was the Christmas meeting of the group and was well attended with 27 members Ipresent. The finishing touches , Anniversary ‘of men. 2 was not quite as successful aswere given to the hospital dec- the previous two. but that ihelorations. count-down calendars 100 young people who attended and tray ornaments, as well as. enjoyed the exciting sound of several pink. blue and yellow “The Churlg", shawls hand-knitted by several A special pre-Christmas even-30f the members were handed in. ing at. the Kastie will take place;5mall cosmetig gifts for the December 16. and this is one"‘g1ft cupboard were brought1 .ters of ham. turkey. roast beef. you won‘t want. to miss}! -The Kastle has engaged the ultimate in “the" sound "The Five Shy”. a terrific group that, won the “Battle of the Bands“. at the CNE this summer. Make. Ldate with that special party far this Saturday night . . . the; run starts at 8 pm and promises to be the best Kastle yeti! ‘ High Seas Adventure With a Happy Ending Ith-ristmas came early to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beaupre of King City. when they learned that, their son Bernard was among‘ the survivors when the schooner "Ramona" struck a reef off the coast of Bermuda on December as Mr. Beaupre. was one of five; who managed to survive. whileI Elle others weren't so fortunate.‘ ~Ivjoin the many neighbors and, Manda of the Beaupres in ex- pr§ssing relief at this wonder- fillinews. Schools Target for Vandalism -.”~ he party or parties respon- sib e for the latest episode of vandalism in King City. must tibial a grudge against education « ‘by each member and eight new girls during two re- ‘l-latton. Julie Arnold. Heather‘ ‘won second and low prizes re- will be kept in reserve for any patients entering hospital. As well as: being a most rewarding evening, it is reported that it was a, thoroughly enjoyable social‘ evening as several long-time members were present. Guiding in King lst King Guides welcomed cent enrolments November 21: Rosemary Verhoog, Jill Scott. Lorraine Samuel. Penny Jay and Sharon Fox. November 28 Christine Jenns, Cathy Tatum and Diane Good. ‘ December 4 a similar enrol-‘ ment took place when Debra? Henshaw. Anita Vanderbert... Ruth Gilson and Jane Gilson; joined the 2nd King Guides. WA Christmas Euchre The Christmas euchre of the WA of the Presbyterian Church was held on December 6 at the Masonic Hall and nine tables of players were on hand. Mrs. Harold Dooks won first prize for the ladies. and Miss Lily Anderson and Mrs. J. Loughran T emperanceville News Correspondent: Mrs. W. G. Jennings rh‘one 173-5892 Neighborhood Notes spectively. Russel Ireland. .Thomas Walker, and Paul Beau-‘ pre were the male winners. Door prizes were won by Mrs. George Robson and Mel White. As a result of these euchresl the WA will be entertaining 50 senior citizens from Toronto's east end at a five o'clock dinner on December 19. From King the EUGSIS Will he treated and assisted on the goal scoi‘ed.5°n' ,Gordon Orr and Mrs. Orr were Roots and Mrs. Roots. Lion Bob their work and know-how; Rene Bamford who produced. prompt- ed. helped with the costumes‘‘ and looked after the publicity: Gillian Ball. who directed. act- ed. and assisted with the cos- tumes and make-up: John Tet- ley, in charge of lighting; Mer- vyn Long. musical effects and to Nicky Baggaley and Dorothy Hinton for their work on the costumes. Lions Celebrate Golden For 50 years Lions the world over have been going about, their wonderful. warm-heartedi business of donating time and.‘ energies and it would probably take the next year's copies of‘ “The Liberal" in their entirety: to list. the various projects ac-‘ complished by this great group Lions District “A“ Golden‘ Anniversary Dinner was approp- riately held at the Golden Door Restaurant, Yorkdale Plaza. De- cember 6. Following the cock- tail hour from 6.30 to 7.30 pm. guests were treated to the most elaborate buffet imagin- able. the cuisine including sea- food of every description. plat- a score of delicious salads. and to round off the menu, large. trays of "absolute masterâ€" pieces" in the dessert depart- ment. 1 Deputy District. Governor‘ seated at the head table, and also in attendance from King were Lion Jack Garbutt and Mrs. Garbutt. Lion Don Murray and Mrs. Murray. President Stan Burwick and Mrs. Burwick. and Lion George Adams and Mrs. Adams. Guest speaker of the even- ing was the.2nd Vice Presi- dent. of Lions International W. R. (Dick) Bryan. The main project of District “A" 7 for the past year was the gift of sight to a young Venezuelan girl who was brought. to Can- ada this year. underwent. suc-' cessful surgery and thus re- gained sight. in one of her eyes. This beautiful and most grate-Y ful young lady was present. which must have been a most heart. warming experience. Another operation is schedul- ed for the near future and if it is successful her full vision will be restored. A colorful film. concerning Lions work in Tokyo. was shown to publicize the convention in Tokyo in two! years. Hockey Results OMHA King City Midgets 4. Maple 1 The midgets handed Maple‘ were: Mrs. Jim Finch. Mrs..ture.“ the reeve warned. ‘ Jim Wells. Debora Walsh. Nor-j The. township has been mainâ€" man McMurchy. Marshall Mc- taining a tight policy opposing Murchy. and Archie McDonaldAland severence for residential, the district. Gerry Post was. iaiso nominated to fill the vac-1 ancy but declined for health reasons. Door prizes were won by Jim development. but. the commit- Wells and a lucky lady. whose tee of adjustment feels that pre- name got lost somewhere in‘ve The next euchrei the shuffle. December 15. King ‘dealing with such problems. City Man One Of Five Persons To Survive Sinking T w e n t y ~ three-year-old Bernard Beaupre of Mel- rose Avenue in King~City. loves the sea. was one of five per- sons. three of whom were survived the sinking of the schooner an engineer who Canadians. who a rest. Bernard had assist- ed in the refitting. When the schooner struck the reef Bernard was in the engine room and rushing on deck helped launch the dory. When Dr. Ken McIntyre of Lunen- ntive legislation is necessary. Council agreed it would ex- will be held at the hall on plore bylaws in other townships Ramona last week off Ber- muda. He is the son of Mr. and*Mrs. Paul Beaupre. who expect him home in a few days. They have talked to him and reported he was feeling quite well in spite of his ordeal. burg. with whom he had spent last summer on a sailing holiday. jumped into the sea to swim to land. he joined him. McIn- tyre lost consciousness and Beaupre tried to sustain him but eventually was 1 Santa Claus and a bevy of ‘carollers will tour the lake dis .trict, December 16. starting at 16 o'clock. with candies for the lchildren and hot chocolate .served at the end of the even- wing. lLake Wilcox Recreation Santa is surely on his way .and will visit the Lake Wilcox Recreation Hall December 12 from 12.30 to 4 pm with a rest ‘period for a half hour at two ‘o’clock. Santa will be distribut- ing gifts and candy to children .who have not yet reached their 'teens. A'teen dance will be. Imusic supplied by a rock and roll band. Chocolate bars are still on sale by members of the Lake Wilcox Recreation Committee. How many would you like? ,held in the hall at 8 pm withi 'Whitchurch Townshipi Oak Ridges - Lake CODLIOI 20d HOUSES Brethren in Christ Church IBrownies 1st Lake Wilcox Brownies held open house December 4 in the recreation hall. with a good turnout of mothers. Di- vision Commissioner Mrs. A. Knight also attended and in- vested Mrs. Mary Ensor as disâ€" trict commissioner for Guides and Brownies for Lake Wilcox and Jefferson. During the evening there was a sale of baked goods and other items land a collection of gifts was re- ceived by Tawny Owl Rita Szeler and Assistant Carol Daines from the Brownies. for ‘the Mental Health Association's Christmas gift. program. 1 Refreshments were served. ‘ Tonight (Thursday1 the ‘ ols to mental patients there. i Scouts and Cuba I A new group council has been‘ formed for leaders with thej initial meeting held recently at‘ the home of Fred Lynn. 1 ‘ Assisant Cubmasters Kathy .“Kim” O'Flaherty and Lonnie‘ "Raksha" Harrison were invest- ed at the regular meeting of the 1st Oak Ridges Pack recently. with Kay "Ricki" Atwell and' Doug “Chilli” Atwell attending from district headquarters. 1 An evening of special events‘ will be held tonight tThursdayI with a Christmas Party for the‘ Cub pack. A lovely Set of. luggage was ipresented to Miss Jennifer En- ‘sor. prior to her wedding De- cember 2. by the Jefferson Cub. Pack and Cub mothers. Jen-l nifer has been Kim tassistanti Cubmastcri to the boys for the} ‘past couple of years, Refresh-. 1ments were served. Jennifer is now Mrs. David Naugler. .‘ iAbout People . We are glad to say that some, of those on the sick list are; ‘now home from hospital. Nick‘ Ensor is back to work after his‘ stay in hospital. M. Adams is‘ Ealso home after a short stay in' ‘hospital after a car accident. Mrs. Muriel Steane is new con- Wilcox News valescing at home We hope. lim Lacey is feeling better now. Mrs. Jackie Guppy is still in Branson Hospital. Mrs. Edna‘ man Members are reminded to bring the puzzles for the pediatrics ward of the hospital. Congratulations to Rick Col- Hertell is feeling better now lins and Gary Larkman on their after a recent fall. recent wins with the Bodski Anniversary wishes are ex- Judo Club. They took part in tended to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sweeney. Wildwood Avenue for December 12. Birthday the monthly tournaments and both have already won trophies. . . Team Standings for the Thursâ€" are ex- flreeiings day Afternoon Ladies‘ Bowling. tended to Mrs. Marg Fullerton. League are: Bobcats 48 points; Carol Allwood 13. Jane All- Hippies 40. Stinkers 33 and Jets wood_11. 'l‘ed Day 16. and Terry 17. High bowler was Frances Pantling 5. all on December 10:.Warner 603 1233, 203'. Doris Eddie King. Heather Giles 13.‘Smith 570 1217). Marie Therie’n Peggy McColl 7, and Robin,538 \224, 181‘. Vena Porter 528. ' Phipps 5. all on December 14;,1178. 1'74. 1761. Alice Luckins Lynne Simmerson 15. December 526 11941. Lil Atcheson 213. 187. 15; Michael Munro. December Isobel Plews 201. Marie Com- 13; Garnet Cragg and Jackielfort199. Gloria Tupper 184. Newton. both on December 16. ‘Vâ€"vrr “â€"w . Members of the Oak Ridges-,’ NEED GOOD WORKERS? Lake Wilcox Branch of YCHAI GET ‘EM FAST will meet tonight. about 8. at BY USING the home of Mrs. Marion Chap- LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS TEEN DANCE DEC. 16, 1967 8 - 12 PM. at the GRAYSTONES TAVERN Yonge St. 8., Aurora FEATURING: THE TOUR (with Their Psychedelic Sound) SINGLE -‘ $1.75 COUPLE - $2.25 Dress Optional For Advance Tickets at Reduced Prices 727-6208 Call 727-9950 t* a lid)I defeat at. Doublerinks December 2. John Heaslip netted a single. with assists by Allan Grist and John Cook. Then Heaslip turned around l.~We were sorry to hear of the 10 a tour of th? City 10 view the by Ernie Doig. Not wanting to‘ missing of our friend. Isaac Boys of Oak Ridges. Mr. Boys passed away Hospital Newmarket on Decemâ€" b‘er 6. after a long illness. We extend sympathy to his sister and brother. ' L 'Our sympathy to the family of. the late Elmer Orr. of Rich- mond Hill. who passed away suddenly. December 5. Mr. and munity for several years during the 1930‘s. "Mrs. Lorne Cunningham is visiting with her family in Nova Scotia. where her brother is ill. Robert Macklin has returned from a vacation. when he and two friends motored to Texas. Bob has made a good recovery from his accident. and getting ‘around very well. Congratulations to Mrs. Mich- ael Van Nostrand. (Betty Jen- iningl of Vandorf who was elect- ed to Whitchurcli Township Council in the December 4 vot- ing and to Mrs. Aubrey Lloyd of Delhi. who was elected to serve her third term as coun- cillor of that town. . Members of the York-Simcoe Guernsey Club attended the meeting in Newmarket on Thursday of last week and tour- ed farms in the vicinity, in- specting new barns in the area, The appearance of the Christâ€" mas lights are adding their festive touch to our community. .and reminding us that great day is fast approaching. We would ask everyone to keep in mind. our White Gift Sunday. December 17. and be generous with those who are not so fortunate as we are. As usual the gifts will go to the Fred Victor Mission in Toronto. Food. toys. clothing or cash donations \\lll be most accept able, Toys and clothing need not be new but should be clean and in good condition. in York Countyl Christmas Lights. lNatlvity Play , If you enjoy theatrical pro-1 ductions. you would have thor-l, oughly enjoyed the presentation‘ of the “Coventry Nativity Play"j by All Saints' Anglican Playersl at the church December 10. A ‘most difficult undertaking but a'Jets were blanked 11 to o bylsleeves. her train falling grace- lsheer delight to watch as it was! ‘presented in 14th century di- _ _ ‘alogue. authentic costumes and seven goals icouid you call itiw End Mrs. 0” lived 1“ our com- Christmas Carols of the periodna 10 gallon “hat tric The story is age-old and per- haps the most beautiful of all . . . the birth of Christ. The cast in order of appear- ance: Gabriel. Angela Yaeger; Mary. Pat Winston: Angel. Mary Eldergin; Joseph. Bill Elderkin: lst Shepherd. Bill Long; 2nd Shepherd. Biii Baggaley: 3rd Shepherd. Alf Hinton: 4th Shep- Farm Tax Exemption 1 I I TAwaits Vaughan Case 1 King Township farmers who are seeking tax exemptions on the major part of their hold- ings. from levies for police. fire, snow removal and dust control. will have to wait to find out how their counterparts in Vaughan Township fare. Such exemptions are permissible un- der Section 37 of the Municipal Act. A judge ruled. in the Vaughan, case. that owners of farm lands benefited equally with other. property owners and no farm lands were to be exempted or partly exempted. The farm group appealed this decision to the OMB. The judge to whom applica- tion was made by King Town- ship Council for a hearing on the townships farmers‘ request. m‘igtnallv slated for December ‘20 has informed council the} must wait for the (7)135 deâ€" 'cision on this appeal. We left out. of things. Chesteer- Couse found the mark with an assist by Bob Clubine and Andy Sanderson did likewise, with help from Ernie Doig. Tykes Flyers ll. Jets 0 That is not a misprint, the‘ d 1 the high altitude Flyers andl young Gord McKeekie score k“'.‘l. Mike: Unterlanter and Gord Cook» got two goals each. Sputniks 4. Rockets 3 1 A little closer contest be- tween these two teams made things interesting. Gord Lith- gow again was the high scorer for the team with three goals 1last game he netted fivei and Don Munroc's goal gave the .team the edge for the Sput- lniks. Rockets‘ John Cook. Jim Keats and Brad Cook each scored singletons. Intermediates Hershey 2. Rochester 1 . Bruce Heenan and Reid Lawson were the marksmen for Hershey and Rochester‘s Bruce Manson saved his team from being blanked. Quebec 2. Buffalo 1 Jamie Dobson scored both Quebec goals during this con- test and Hank VanGurven scored the lone goal for Buf- falo. GGTMOMFFAD Meet Again The very first column I sub- mitted early last June contain- ed the above mouthful of initi- als and if you were interested to read on. you discovered that it stood for “A Group of Girls That Meet Once a Month For Fun and Antique Discussions". December 6 they met at the home of Marjory Dubiel, Lucas Street. Richmond Hill. armed with individual Christmas pro- tects. rangin: from materials for candle-making Christmas wreaths and colorful animal» shaped felt decorations. 'tion meeting. Bernard's love of the sea began at 16 when he at- tended a seminary in Nova Scotia for a year and on graduation from King City Secondary School he be- came a member of the crew of a Great Lakes freighter. He planned to return home in April. The Ramona was making her first voyage after a five-month refit in Lunen- burg. NS. and was bound for St. Lucia in the Wind- ward Islands. After being battered by a storm for three clays Captain Ross McKay of Picton. N.S.. de- cided to put in to Hamilton. Bermuda. to give the crew forced to admit that his i companion was dead. The King City resident was picked up by a rescue boat after 14 hours in the water. His companion‘s body was recovered later. Two Canadians. an Am- erican and a West Indian remained in the half- swamped dory. firing dis- tress rockets which went unseen. Four West Indian crew members were also drowned when they left the dory and tried to swim to land. The Ramona was a three- masted 70-foot sailing ves- sel. Catherine Kerr, David Cambden Wed Amid Poinsettias 8. Candles Poinsettias and gleaming can. Carol Sayewell as bridesmaids delabra graced the altar and and Angela and Debra Kerr as large red velvet bows securing flower girls. The 'maid of white Chrysanthemums marked honor and flower girls were the pews in a lovely Christmas gowned in red velvet and pink setting in Teston United Church crepe empire gowns with red for the December 2 wedding of velvet trains falling from the: Catherine Louise Kerr and shoulders. and matching velvet DaVid Robin Cambden. The.daisy headpieces, The brides“ candlelight ceremony was per- maids wore similar‘gowns of‘ formed by Rev. John Dicken- green velvet and lime green .crepe. and all attendants car-. he bride is the daughter of‘ried white fur muffs trimmed‘ and Mrs. Stanley Kerr.‘,with Christmas holly. RR 1. King and the groom is,1 Richard Herring was best the son of Mr. and Mrs. Keithlman. and David Jones. Clar-| Cambden, King City. ‘ence Palmer and Brian Jones Given in marriage by her ushered. ‘ father. the bride wore an emâ€" 80)! Robson played the tra- pire gown of white chantillydiuonal wedding march. DUT- lace with crepe lily-pointing the service Janis Robson sang the beautiful “0 Perfect fully from the shoulders. Her Love" and “The 23rd Psalm".‘ bouffant veil of nylon illusion. FOUOWIDE the ceremony. a as held by a lace. crystal andgreception was held for the 125‘ T STORE HOURS 10 am. to 10 pm. Da lheadpiece and she carriedgueSlS at the ChUI‘Ch where ‘Christmas holly from British, ,‘Columbia decorated the tables.‘ Attending the bride were Guests travelled from Sarnia. Carol Kerr. as maid of honor; SUdbUl‘b'. Niagara Falls and Kendra Brown. Judy Wells and Cayuga 1“ attend. . . The bride‘s mother received in a gown of blue French spun silk with Italian embroidered lace overlay and silver accessories. and wore a corsage of pink ‘sweetheart roses and white car- pear a large bouquet of three dozen red roses. 3 Village Trustees Receive Acclamation nations. The groom's mother . was gowned in antique white The three incumbent trustees “.001 accented with silver 0f the Police Village Of King threads, a blue feathered hat City were returned to office byland silver accessories and acclamatiorl for a second t“'O-Hvore a corsage of blue tinted year term at the recent nominaâ€" carnations and pink sweetheart roses. The three are: Chairman For her going-away outfit. Peter Williams. who led the‘the bride chose a pale yellow successful fight against incor-,\vool suit. black patent acces- poration as a village in 1965 sories and an ostrich hat. On and who lives on Elizabeth return from their honeymoon. Grove: James Wilkins. foreman. ML and Mrs» David Cambden of King Boulevard: and David have taken UP residence In Aur- Clark. draftsman. of Charles ora. Street. .. A” “'9” 91“ ‘Ed '" ‘950 ”1 a nniuiiinimmnnmnmmmnmuuunnmiuiiumiuuiiiiu clear-cut victory from a field ‘ PRINTING! 1 of six candidates. This is the first time an ac- clamation has been accorded the trustees since 1955. It I x t No election will be needed in another King police village. Schomberg. Trustees \‘incent MORGAN DAVIS Duagan and George Crane w ere returned to office and Walter Weeping replacmg Carl Aitch- eson for a two-year term All I were acclaimed at the villages annual nomination meeting. Ell“lllllllllllllltlIlllllllllllIlllulllllIllilllllllllllllllljlllllllllllllllluw Now 5 47 Saturday 9 am. to 6 p. 3 PC. COFFEE AN END TABLES . $29.00 up ‘ . THINK HILLTOP FURNITURE LTD. Phone 881-2463 HII.I.'I'OP Fu ily m. RUGS 9' x12' REVERSIBLE RUG Reg. $65.95 NOW $35.00 3-Pc. Bedroom Suite 2-Pc. Chesterfield Suite Reg. $199.95 119.95 SANTA ’S SHOPPER STOPPERS D MATTRESSES ALI. SIZES Now 1/2 Price $47.95 up YONGE ST. N. 1N THE LEG FREE COME BROWSE AROUND AND MEET RAY LEGION COURT rniture Ltd. «k Coffee Will Be Served From_ Thursday, Dec. 14th to Xmas LARGE 7-Pc. DINETTE sri IDEAL GIFT FOR MOM REG. $179.00 NOW 5' I 9000 Name Brand Stereos With Bar REG. $505.00 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL $419.00 BONUS GIFT . . . FREE CENTREPIECE 4 SEATER â€"â€" CHOICE of COLORS Reg. $229.00 Now $128.00 Swivel ROCKER CHAIRS RICHMOND HILL ION (‘OI'RT FREE COFFEE!!!

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